The only games worth playing on snes are:

The only games worth playing on snes are:
Super Metroid

The rest are either weeb RPG trash or repetitive as fuck uninspired rehashes.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: snessys01gr_p_0xp4xq.jpg (1390x1067, 57K)

Biker mice from Mars

DKC2 you giant faggot

Hi, Metaljesus

Yoshi's Island
Contra 3

And I have no idea why you include Earthbound but then say RPGs are banned from your list.

Oh look, this post again.

>Biker mice from mars

Attached: 1558133059101.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI

Pic rel
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts

Attached: DeC.gif (500x394, 535K)

If you wanted a rwecommendation thread, you could have just asked, retard.

>The only games worth playing on snes are:

>Prove me wrong.

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)

I feel bad for all the people who never had a Super Scope.

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I started emulating SNES recently and to be honest there really isn't that many good games on the system. I feel like it's greatly overhyped.

>there really isn't that many good games on the system. I feel like it's greatly overhyped.

>got bored of super metroid
>got bored of super mario world
>got bored of LTTP
>got bored of literally every game except for a few select RPGs

Maybe I'm more of a playstation guy.

Castlevania is great, also Earthworm Jim.

Not enjoying Yoshi's Island

No, I'm serious. Almost all the games are the same sidescroller and RPG rehashes. NES has better games, SNES has better graphics. That's it.

I don't see how you can include Super Mario World but complain about rehashes in the same post.
I mean I love that game,but it's literally just more Mario.
The SNES is full of platformers anyways.

Front mission

Metal Warrior