Why does everybody HATE this game?
Why does everybody HATE this game?
I don't, though. It's a fun game.
>Why does everybody HATE this game?
Since fucking when?
Who's this everybody you're talking about?
For me its the writing. Its fucking awful.
There's a lot of criticism everywhere. This game has no good qualities and is pathetic. Everyone here thinks so.
You're bullshitting to the highest order. No game is without faults, but DivOS 2 is pretty decent at what it does, especially within its genre. Also not a hivemind, but you know that already.
This game is hailed as a masterpiece on any and all major gaming outlets.
>Everyone here thinks so.
Not really, no, there's only a handful of people in here who dislike this game, me included.
This game was exposed by all reputable critics as the shame it is. No one seriously finds that this is a good game. A failed attempt to copy Pillars of Eternity.
Not really. This game only appeals to a completely psychotic minority.
>all reputable critics
>A failed attempt to copy Pillars of Eternity.
OS 2 builds on the exact same things 1 did, just generally better. OS 1 was out a year before PoE. What the fuck are you talking about?
haha, you seem like a spastic
i didn't hate it though. It's a good game, it's just not a great game and it's certainly not OMG LE BEST RPG EVER MADE. The writing gets really shitty at parts and the new armour system was really hit and miss. I still put a fuck ton of time into it which is more than I can say for most modern games. I hope they make a DOS3.
Simply any . Pick a random one and you'll see that everyone hates this game.
It is important to note that they have maliciously tried to copy PoE. This is quite obvious in the game and is not denied in general. They even confirmed that.
Who do you consider a reputable critic?
And I'm going to need a source on the latter as well.
Nigga I'm searching for a bad review and I ain't finding shit. You must be loony
it's laughably easy
OP is trying to force the "hate now" meme and youre all biting.
Don't you have drawings of your MMO character to beg for?
If anything we're just sitting here baffled at how he's such an idiot.
I mean, look at the game. The fighting system, everything is a bad copy of PoE. Like a very bad copy you have to say. That's just ridiculous. How can you defend something like that? Seriously?
>He has no idea these reviews are all bought.
I'm only pissed because I played it and the first one co-op and my buddy bailed on me right before the end both times.
>Friend tells me to get it
>we play with his mods
>His class takes like 7 years per turn, is next to unkillable because I regens 100 armor per turn, and has a talking sword that says the most reddit-tier shit possible that doesn't fit in universe.
I am annoyed.
How the fuck do you copy something that didn't come out for another year?
I know you're trying to start a thread with bait so I have to ask why the fuck is NECROFIRE such a bs element its fucking everywhere
Why would you want to play with some dingus' mod list? They're almost invariably terrible and overpowered.
Yea Forums is more of a Pillars of Eternity community, boyo
Shit, Larian studios has been paying off steam reviews too. There's like over 40,000 reviews for this game. Maybe I should leave a comment that I liked it too, so I can get that AA developer money.
Go to bed, Josh. You could use some sleep.
Who's this?
dont play with his mods then the fuck lmao
Is that really the case? I have certain doubts
Which it the case. That was even on the news. Bought user reviews. All have reported.
The creator of the aggressively homosexual utopia known as Deadfire.
>That was even on the news
[citation needed]
>Is that really the case? I have certain doubts
DivOS 2 uses the same system OS1 had. OS1 came out June 2014, while PoE came out March 2015.
This thread is such piss poor bait, why are you people falling for it?
didn't play it, but I can't understand how its graphics/art style is supposed to be the 3D inheritor of Baldur's Gates 2D world, seems too cartooney compared to the latters more serious outlook.
What the fuck are you talking about, most people except zoomers and ADHD faggots praise it. I wasn't a fan of the armor system but it's still a great game
What else should we do on 4chins?
go to a thread that actually put in the tiniest bit of effort in their shit bait?
Only a vocal minority hate the game. it's praised as one of the best CRPG of all time by almost everyone.
The worst part about all this was that OP was serious. Jesus christ.
Haven't you ever heard of industrial espionage? I wouldn't be surprised. It's all so obviously stolen and copied.
>industrial espionage committed by a bunch of half-crazed Belgians upon a likewise tiny dev team a continent away, with no indication they've ever even met
If you're going to throw around shit like that, you better have something substantial to prove it with.
It wouldn't be the first time Belgians have done something like this. They are known for it. The facts speak for themselves.
What are the chances some vigilante hero in NA brands himself as "Thumbnail Murderer" and goes around killing these obnoxious cunts and leaving print outs of their thumbnails on the crime scene?
Be the hero we need user.
Okay man, just post proof that Larian copied PoE somehow. If they're known for it and it's all over the news, surely you have some proof.
>Obsidiots trying to falseflag AGAIN
ITT: bait of the poorest quality and people actually falling for it
Are you guys taking OP for real? lmao
I mean, it's obvious. That's why I'm so surprised that most media try to cover it up. Compare the two games with each other. Doesn't it strike you a resemblance?only that one game is just a cheap pitiful copy.
I kinda want to see how far the rabbit hole goes.
The one time this tripfag contributes to anything good
have a (you)
Again, how do you copy something that wasn't even out yet? And if it's espionage or anything like there, where is the proof? Any of it?
>A lot of criticism everywhere
I don't think I've seen anyone seriously complain about the game outside of Yea Forums. It's generally beloved.
And most of the complaints I've seen were about the phys and magic armor system.
>Yea Forums is one single person
When will newfags learn
So what happens if you are romancing Red Prince and Red Princess dies because you don't have an swornbreaker?
It seems very well liked, almost universal praise... but I have noticed a small group of hardcore rpg neckbeards hate it. I think rpg codex hates it.
Not sure why, didn't play lol.
>I-i sw-wear what i say is right even if there is no source i can find
Are you that pissed Pillars of eternity 2 sold like shit compared to this?
>rpg codex
So nobody, huh?
20 eastern european hikkis is not 'nobody', my friend.
I'm part of everyone and I think it has tons of good points
I know the games industry very well. Believe me. I know when something's weird. This is clearly the case here. It's not reported yet, but when it is, you'll remember me.
Do you live under a rock? Threads are created here every day to talk hatefully about this game. It is despised. This is not only the case here, but everywhere on the Internet. Take a look at it
>eastern european
I mean I think here we only play hardcore rpgs bc they are old and cheap.
>Believe me.
I've no reason to.
>Threads are created here every day to talk hatefully about this game. It is despised.
Threads are created for everything and their opposite, trying to assume a unified opinion of Yea Forums is fucking dumb.
I need to believe you're baiting
I need to believe there's no one on this board as stupid as you
Ok everyone, it's time to stop feeding the troll.
Just let it die
Seem like just a bunch of pathetic nobodies
Nobody knows this industry as well as I do. I have a perspective that you don't have. Seriously, that could be a big deal.
I have 3 coop playthroughs at the moment and the only mod we've installed was infinite Spirit Vision.
Seriously without it everyone forgets this ability even exists
>He doesn't have the same opinion as me so he has to be a troll hurr-durr
There's a difference between saying "I think this game sucks" and saying "EVERYONE says this game sucks", especially when it's far from true
I'm playing it right now for the first time co-op and it's tons of fun. A bit buggy, but overall pretty great if you like morr classic RPGs/DnD.
it retconned some of the best parts of the lore
Kill yourself dumb reddit nigger
I've started this game numerous times but never finished. Wat do?
>The absolute state of larian Shills
The only complain I have is the armor system.
What makes you stop playing it and want to start again, user?
I like the game but the story and humor just isn't me. Pretty boring.
the only thing wrong with DOSII is the degeneracy you find in arx, and the lackluster as fuck ending that seems the same no matter how you play through it
otherwise its a fucking good game
Well, you could select a different language option. That way, you won't have to deal with the story much.
You're making claims with no evidence, you faggot
I can provide proof of people loving DivOS2, you cannot provide any hard proof of people widely disliking it
Just had to bring up pillars dude, and summon the supertismo
My god why do you people keep replying.
I've already given several proofs. I have many more. But they are probably just too complex for you.
Look at this thread. Maybe 3 people defend the game. The rest? They criticize and hate it.
You are delusional
But I love that game.