classic servers /when/
Classic servers /when/
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but guild wars 1's servers are still up
that would be terrible
I got the itch to play gw1 the other day but then I realized I'd have to give anet money.
But we need GW2 vanilla home experience!!1
How you get the itch then if you never had a copy of the game?
I had one but it's gone now. I gave it away to a little cousin a long time ago and I'm not about to ask for a decades old game back.
I would prefer GW1 classic, over this garbage.
Is gw2 even worth trying now? Isn't the company going under?
It's free to try, so.. One of latest update just came out this week also. Requires PoF to enjoy though.
Why would you want anything prior HoT fix?
>dragons dindu nuffin guise, they be good boiz, oh look Aurene lives coz she ate Joko xxoxoxoxoxoxo ^^
Just fucking nuke this game out of existence. It's a caricature of the Original.
>It's free to try
time aint free.
Neither is freedom. :^)
>give a hint of depth to the dragons rather than them having zero character beyond just eating everything once in a while
I bet you thought Alduin was a masterpiece of character writing in Skyrim.
>establish them as a primal force of nature that only serves its purpose
>nah wait fuck that, they are acutally REAL DRAGON BEEEEEEEEEEEINGSS..... with a rich personality and internal conflict of their purpose
Whatever lets you sleep at night, furfag.
Well it will took you like hour to register and run the game (depends on internet speed and computer). There is already like 45 combinations of possible character (besides all the lore thingies) and 2 slots for them as F2P so it might took you some time to decide. Most frustrating thing at first might be action non tab based combat and freedom you have at very start (there is no requirable quest to do, you can travel through world quite easily, etc). Also, depends how much of MMORPG veteran you are, it wasn't my first such game, but it felt kinda different.
Tbh, the villain dialogue Zhaitan and Mordremoth threw around wasn't exactly some sublime eldritch god shit, either.
You can rp as Samus Aran.
>Tbh, the villain dialogue Zhaitan and Mordremoth threw around wasn't exactly some sublime eldritch god shit, either.
It's not exactly a surprise when pic related was the one in charge of the story. I bet a hundred bucks that this fat cunt started schlicking whenever Salad Jesus appeared on-screen.
is GW2 really as bad as people make it out to be? ive always wanted to try it. i mainly play xiv but theres nothing to do till the expac drops.
Nothing in this game's writing ever was good.
Which aspect(s) is bad? Because for some the lore is bad, for others - gameplay, another pissed about timegate of new mount. Others will not like the graphics, etc etc /we/ really cant tell anything. I mean, if you take a look on official reviews this game has good numbers...
Gwen is back?? What? How? What happened?
Just a ghost.
I'll tell you some my personal gripes with it.
>Skills exclusively tied to weapons
>Expansions are mandatory because elite specializations shit on base classes and superior stat combinations for gear
>Little to no resource management for most classes
>Anyone who tells you there's no grind is a liar
>Game engine is dated and is a complete CPU hog
>No items with unique abilities or stats, all the same homogenized bullshit
>Crafting just exists as an annoying barrier to getting certain gear, rather than being something you get for economic gain
>No trading between players, all stuff must be sold through their auction house
>No mount skins which can be acquired without coughing up gems
There's a lot more than that for me, but this is just the stuff that immediately comes to mind. The only things which they did 100% right were the Super Adventure Box and mounts.
Nope doing just fine, finances better than same time last year too. Lots of people playing and the most recent living world season just got it's finale episode (you can get yourself a dragon mount)
it looks like shit
What am I looking at?
>Skills exclusively tied to weapons
I don't understand this complaint. Do you want to skewer someone with your mace or something? Also there's utility skills which aren't tied to your weapon.
a deus ex machina
she isn't, just a ghost
GW2 was awful on launch.
tamagochi dragon, will grow into a mount
Because it's a shallow and inflexible system. It decides half your skills for you and doesn't even let you move them around. Its predecessor did have skills dependent on your weapon, but you had like 40 of them and could pick and choose which ones you wanted, along with generic melee skills which worked with any weapon. Utility skills also don't matter nearly as much as your weapon skills.
It looks great (at least the vanilla environments). Gameplay not so good
So you'd prefer all utility skills then?
God fucking no.
Vanilla GW2 was actual trash compared to what we have now. Some games get worse as they get older, GW2 isn't one of them.
t. 11k hours played
>Mfw forever a Chrono main
What kind of dumb strawman is this? I'd prefer a system more like its predecessor where you could individually pick whatever skill you wanted in whatever slot you wanted. You can have skills specific to weapons without locking said weapon to only a handful of skills for the rest of its existence.
Sky Scale
Actually.. those points are right, but my personally don't see much of the problem, so I wouldn't argue. However, delete this post.
>Shallow and inflexible
If anything that's GW1 where you only had your 8 skills in combat. The absolute minimum amount of skills you can have at once in combat in GW2 is 15. Most builds are around 20-30 with some builds having 50 in combat.
A more legit complaint about the skill system is that its spammy as shit. You have a fuckton of skills to use but most don't do a lot compared to GW1. So some skills feel pretty much impactless compared to GW1 where every skill you had was important and had weight.
The bullshit about GW2 having less skills and builds than GW1 is an absolute meme though. I don't get why people keep spouting it, because having played both it's absolutely not true.
>Mfw Mirage main
>got baited into playing gw2 because people kept saying gw2 is f2p
>base classes are power crept out of competition
>base zones are devoid of life, see max maybe one or two guys per map that'll fly right past you on mounts
>wvw is completely unplayable since everyone will outrun you
>can't keep up with open world groups since everyone will outrun you
>can't trade in any meaningful fashion
remember everyone, anyone who says gw2 is f2p is an idiot
>game is shit until endgame! I have to BUY EXPANSIONS???
this is you
That's what other classes are for
>reading comprehension this bad
try again kiddo
The entire base game is f2p, that's a pretty generous trial there buddy.
Also there's a couple of non-elite spec builds that are alright, that being said why the fuck wouldn't you play an elite spec? Are you literally too poor to buy a 25$ game?
Your attention please!
Ahem! May I please have your attention!
>it's f2p!
>you're just too poor!
try again other kiddo
Wherever you see it says "base game f2p"
You sure it's my reading comprehension?
I just started playing but it doesn't seem as bad as what you're making it out to be. Eventually I'll get PoF off of cdkeys but for right now I'm just enjoying the comfy.
Better than picking FFXIV back up and feeling stressed that I'm paying a monthly fee yet playing casually.
oh? are firebrands out of the meta now? because fuck firebrands.
>Wherever you see it says exactly what my original post was talking about?
reread my post kiddo.
Alliance warriors that played vanilla, human or dorf? Both pvp and pve.
I just bought both of the expansions for €25, 50% off
the first couple zones are alright. once you get past around level 20 every zone is fuckin empty and you're just trundling along in your own desolation.
>No more /gw2g/ ever
The main thing I don't like about this game is that all the classes seem blended as fuck. None of the classes feel unique. The greatsword should be a warrior and guardian weapon only but fucking mesmers or whatever can use it.
>If anything that's GW1 where you only had your 8 skills in combat. The absolute minimum amount of skills you can have at once in combat in GW2 is 15. Most builds are around 20-30 with some builds having 50 in combat.
How much of this boils down to actually being the players' choice, though? You pick a mainhand weapon, an offhand weapon (or a two hand weapon), three utility skills and an elite. That's a maximum of six choices with your skills. Guild Wars 1's system, even though it has less skills you can use at one time, provided a lot more build diversity and variety, to the point where there were different builds for clearly specific areas in the game. And like you said, a side consequence of having so many abilities at once is that every skill you use has less impact, so the game revolves around spamming many low impact skills.
>The bullshit about GW2 having less skills and builds than GW1 is an absolute meme though. I don't get why people keep spouting it, because having played both it's absolutely not true.
I have to strongly disagree with you here. While classes do have roughly the same amounts of skills, where Guild Wars 2 fails is the lack of flexibility it has with its skill system. It also doesn't have multiclassing, which also further supports the sheer variety of builds Guild Wars 1 had. In fact, that means that every character has a skill pool easily exceeding 1,000 choices in total. There obviously isn't any numbers I can pull out to prove this, but I would say the flexibility of Guild Wars 1's system as opposed to Guild Wars 2's system would result in more variety by default.
Is it really essential to be around other players in this though?
I'm desperate enough for a comfy MMO that I don't even care if I have to be alone while I'm getting my feet on the ground.
>Is it really essential to be around other players in this though?
>is it really essential to be around other players in AN MMO?
Are you even hearing yourself right now?
>Is it really essential to be around other players in this though?
It will be later on. A lot of content can't even be done without a group of people. I tried to get a group to do bounties for achievos and nobody even tried to join. Good luck hunting achievements by yourself if you're into that kind of thing. Only chance is play in prime time hours on a weekend or join a helpful guild
There *are* MMOs that don't *need* player interaction to still be enjoyable.
vanilla gw2 was even worse than it is today what the fuck are you talking about
It is opossite for me, what gives. Real shit starts around Mount Maelstrom, even chat is alive on non peak non event hours.
those are called single player games user.
>basically solo FFXIV up to 70 aside from dungeons
>still had fun
You can do a lot of mmos without interacting with others. swtor is an example.
I've already played all the best single-player MMOs.
You can play gw2 fine on your own. I do it and it's still fun. Sometimes you have to find a group to do a dungeon or whatever but that's easy to do
>You pick a mainhand weapon, an offhand weapon (or a two hand weapon), three utility skills and an elite. That's a maximum of six choices with your skills.
Have to correct myself, seven choices when you factor in healing skills.
>Oh you want the new mount?
>Okay, collect these 10 items.
>Okay, now collect these 20 items.
>Okay, now collect these 40 items.
Wow, brilliant questing.
>all these mmo players boasting they didn't play with anyone else in a genre focusing on playing with other people
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
More like rationalizing the possibility, instead of pretending its an impossible task.
GW2's most fundamental flaw is that it tried to copy WoW far too much.
I'd say if we factor in traits GW2 has a larger build variety. Of course that's factoring in shitty % boosting ones. Which I will admit are cancerous to the game since big % boosts are almost always meta compared to active effect or skill changing traits.
Elite specs change your class mechanic so that would make it 8 choices actually.
>pretending its an impossible task
try again. reread the reply chain
I'm part of the reply chain. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make anyone but yourself look ignorant.
>I'd say if we factor in traits GW2 has a larger build variety. Of course that's factoring in shitty % boosting ones
I could argue the same thing for the talent point system, as it also has an impact on builds and how they function in the game.
>Elite specs change your class mechanic so that would make it 8 choices actually.
So it ends up being pretty much the exact amount of choices you had before. That's kind of ironic when you think about it.
the one who doesn't understand things atm is you. seriously, go reread the chain.
Have you ever heard the story of assblasted furfag of /gw2g/?
A hyper autist went to war with /gw2g/ and won.
Ignorance is bliss, user. Feel free to continue your failure understand something.
Lmao, served them right for a cesspool of furfaggottry they became.
gw2g was complete garbage so nothing of value was ever lost
mists fuckery, also part of the underworld is now in the game
yet gwen is the same age as in EotN and not an older woman as when she died
It's not a story the Yea Forumsirgins would tell you
Oh man :(
I actually started playing GW2 about 2 weeks ago and could definitely use a general.
>Autistic furfag keeps posting fluffy cunny in /gw2g/
>Autistic furfag gets kicked out for being too autistic for /vg/ autists
>Autistic furfag tries to start drama and they ignore him
>Autistic furfag weaponizes his autism and creates a bot that not even the jannies can stop
>Autistic furfag nukes /gw2g/ (and /mmog/ as well with his bot
>To this day, the autistic furfag keeps that bot running and no one can post in /gw2g/
The general was dogshit but the fact that we can't ever try to make another one just blows. Instead we get very intermittent and sparse threads like this.
furries killing furries is the best possible thing they can do. good for him.
> (You)
>Log into guild wars 2 after a billion years
>open inventory
>15 gift box things
>open a few
>get a bunch of tokens and weird crafting components for god knows what
>close game again
just uninstall and sell the account user. the 5$ you'll get are worth more than any amusement it'd ever give you.
Even though the threads were absolute cancer it kinda killed any recruitment for the /vg/ guilds too
In the end we learned the lesson that furfags ruin everything.
It must've been almost five years by now. Talk about dedication.
It's a chan legend. The furfag of /gw2g/ was so autistic about his RP so mad that noone is paying enough attention to him that he used the bot to influence the thread....
t. spends his time in GW2 threads
just looked up the gw1 pve meta and its sup runes everywhere
No shit...
He had such a knowledge of the botting and shitposting, he could even keep threads he hated from being posted in
Furry side of the Internet is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful...
>t. in this thread
not sure what the point you were hoping to make was.
>tells someone they're wasting time playing the game
>spends their free time in this thread
not too bright eh sonny?
Can't you guys just try to create a new gw2g under a new name so the bot won't detect it? That fag can't be really autistic enough to manually check the board everyday
mfw gw2g probably still be alive enough to be up, unlike some others that died naturally
The whole point of the bot is that it automatically checks for the thread and nukes it. But I made a thread anyway.
pic related
>tells someone who says they turn off the game immediately to sell their account
Why shouldn't he sell it? He says right there that he doesn't wanna play.
It wouldn't, it was already almost dead before the spam.
he fast
Bot already there. Dont use gw2g tag or even Guild Wars title for that matter. Gild Wors ii or some shit.
This game has the most unlikeable characters and worst dialogues I've ever seen in vidya of this magnitude.
Newest episode plot was garbage
>Last episode ends with big climactic battle where Aurene fucking dies
>New episode begins with Aurene reviving herself like five minutes into the first mission
>The only reason she didn't revive earlier was because nobody bothered to pull out the crystals impaling her
>Also she can talk now for some reason
>You proceed to hop on Aurene for a shitty rails section
>You're flying through the god domains of the mists, but it's completely meaningless since the gods already fucked off to let everyone die
>Trahearne-- I mean Aurene does all the real work of killing Kralkatorrik, you're just along for the ride
>End of the episode is Kralk saying he was a good boy who was just hurtin real bad as you mercy kill him
>Aurene is now God
>he doesn't like Zojja
is it there? I don't see much other than some guys posting wojaks.
...Yup, the wojaks might have been shitposters but that last one is the bot for sure. Damn.
they literally pulled a matrix revolutions and i'm still mad
Have they ever implemented customizable hotbars?
I can't be the only one who'd kill for fully customizable hotbars.
It seems too slow to be the bot imo. It used to post fast as fuck with a bunch of different IPs.
Military cat beast Steve Blum is better
You're not alone user, I hated how the hotbars were static. My autism forces me to group skills thematically and if, for example, a movement ability is on different slots on different bars, shit's fucked.
You mean the character who hasn't shown up since release besides a brief appearance near the end of HoT 4 years ago?
I heard they ruined him in some recent book where he was basically crying over not being able to see his cubs because he had to give them up to the fahrar.
did people ever try to just change the general into /anet/ or /anetg/ and see how that goes?
All right, that's it. Just when I thought they couldn't ruin the charr any more
Sooo.. next content delivery in 6 months, huh?
Yes, it works by copying random posts from the site into any GW2 thread that shows up. At least on /vg/; I don't think it attacks Yea Forums threads.
>content delivery
The chinks will make sure this game never receives anything other than gem-only skins from now on. It lasted 7 years user, you have to let it go now
Aight.. still waiting for GW1 sequel tho.
Might want to grab a chair then faggot
Don't think it will go away anytime soon. I mean together with 1st installment its almost as old as that other mmo, which actually get classic servers.
>h-heavy update soon guise!!!!
A-anyone wanna talk about experimental builds
>not playing an asura yourself
having every single living being be buttmad about being an asura's lackey is priceless
Voice acting was such a mistake in this game. All of it sounds so awful.
The gear or the class?
no problem, you have power and condi
should have just let Abaddon I mean Balthazar do his thing gather the humans to kill the Dragons and Charr
Am I the only one who couldn't give less of the shit about the story by the end of LW4 because of the godawful writing?
That's what you deserve for not playing male sylvari.
I stopped giving shit at the end of LW3, I didn't even buy PoF because I believed it would be more of the same.
The original male charr was also good but they replaced him with a way too thick voice modulator
Can I use autohotkey without trouble? I want to change a few things around but the keybind settings aren't enough.
Reviving this thread.
If they rwmoved the stupid ass ascended tier I would come back
fuck wasting months of my life doing shit I hate to grind that stupid shit
You get ascended gear from literally everything.Every single type of content hell just by doing dailies alone.
Balthazar was unironically right and I don't know why we stopped him. Literally the only god who didn't say "Good luck, fags" and bail. And we killed him because why? Because he didn't deign to tell us how he planned to deal with the dragon energy? Because he was a meanie? Because he LARPed as a Mursaat for a bit so he could exploit the White Mantle?
I sometimes get amused by how absolutely bitter and seething the human female PC sounds sometimes.
The whole arc is literally ANGRY TOXIC MASCULINITY. Remember that you only started to fight him because he hurt a lesbian.
The PC VA, and most other, are passive aggressive as fuck.
I remember back when Taimi told us to stop him from using the dragon energy machine in the volcano and the only justification we got was a really vague vision of magic being thrown out if whack. All I could think was "Taimi, is it a good idea to assume we know better than a god without actually knowing what his plan is?"
Post Asuras, faggots.
Fuck off.
I want YOU to join Inquest!
the idea was : if balthazar starts to siphon magic from everything, the dragons will be too strong to be stopped, which was true since we were getting primordius and jormag awake, and they would just fuck Tyria back to the stone age
>Autistic furfag keeps posting fluffy cunny in /gw2g/
I am the fluffy cunny poster, the spambot autist was a different person
Alright faggots, lets say I decide to buy this game. Do I get to play on the same new map that everyone else is or is that shit paygated behind this living world shit?
Living Story maps are paygated, because you are late, but hey muhh based trannies
well fuck this shit then.
Except he was killing Primordus and Jormag while skimming some of the magic magic off for himself. Taimi just assumed he was going to go too far and destroy the universe in the process. Then later on Taimi again just assumed he was gonna kill Kralkatorrik with no plan to do anything with the energy. Nobody even tried explaining the problem to Balthazar and seeing if he had considered it.
I haven't played GW2 since it launched. Was the GW1 hero ever referenced or swept under the rug?
The latter.
Only a short scene in Path of Fire in Kormir's interaction, and they all wear Primeval armor. Otherwise, no, everyone else like that mesmer actor took the credit.
So can anyone hit me with the lore dump of wtf happened with the dragons? I stopped playing after HoT finished up but that last cutscene got me wondering.
Basically, they are now presented as poor little thigns that simply soak magic within themselves and it hurts them badly. ;(
Fire and Ice went to sleep because Taimi is a mary sue. Bubble is still active but no one give a shit about it. Krarkadfjkasdfhasjfaskljfaskaskjdf died and your dragon daughter is god now.
fuck you for punishing me for not having a massive supply of charged quartz handy you timegated shit
So the dragons arent evil and were just doing this because reasons and now they dont want to or have to anymore and we all just choose to move on? does this mean GW2 is over now?
Cute timegated baby. :3
I hope so.
No mention, but some heroes appear. Koss shows up as a zombie, Gwen and Dunkoro as ghosts, and Ogden as a stone dwarf. Pyre Fierceshot has a statue, but he's not as important in-game as his granddaughter who was the one who actually defeated the Flame Legion (The fuck did Pyre do then?) and also made it so females could serve in the legions (so brave).
Oh yeah, Tahlkora ends up as a dried up mummy, cursed by Joko to eternal undeath and "blessed" by Kormir to be self aware and also totally immobile. You find her trapped alone in a canyon, having been laying there for like 200 years. Kormir's mercy, folks.
timegated piece of garbage
why even get this if you have both a fully upgraded springer and gryphon?
you have no idea...
just post sluts already
Unless the writers remember the sea dragon (they won't because they're scared of having to make underwater content), there's not much left to do.
You're forced to wait on certain steps of acquiring it, so you can't just get it right away.
I mean there is still Jormag and Primordus but hey, whatever happens to them.
>(The fuck did Pyre do then?)
Started the rebellion to kick start the whole charr playable race.
>hunt down 20 something scales
>hunt down 20 something sick dragons
>hunt down 20 something eggs, most of which in the exact same area as the dragons
>wait for the reset because fuck you
>do a random bunch of chores all over the world, from dying in quicksand in several locations, to simply reviving allies, to doing metas nobody ever bothered to do before
>wait until the next reset because fuck you
>kill random types of animals all over the world
>make food for your baby dragon
>btw that food requires charged crystal quartz
>12 of them
>also you can only feed your dragon 3 times a day, because fuck you
>also get a fucking grow lamp because fuck you doubly. you had better spent the last month the 22 quartz you need
>and even after all this shit, there's two more steps to go
That sound like Celestial gear all over again, but more cancer.
I have celestial gear. This is the reason I refuse to replace it.
Anyone who thinks the original/Prophecies campaign was any better is a rose-tinted nostalgiafag. The Guild Wars IP never had good writing.
You unlock them if you log on the weeks it was released, so if you start now, you get the newest map.
I would give away everything I have, but that would mean I would have to reinstall it.
Not like I have a lot, it say 950 in liquid gold.
>GW2 developers always say they try to balance the economy
>every time they add a new feature they know everyone will want they always make it require the same overused shit like flax, charged quartz and deldrimor steel
Anyone in this thread could probably throw darts at the wall and come up with a better MMO economy than these retards.
>It's a caricature of the Original.
you mean the original like
>lao tseu said: study well, student
>oh wow plague! study student
>well student, fuck tyria, jump in the hole, JUMP
>we, nord, big, strong, bearmen
gw always had trash tier writing, at least in 2 there are THINGS happening, and if you don't care about the cancer characters (that get killed halfway because anet had the good idea to fire the rainbow members) just do the meta, which are a non-cringy way to see the side of the story
say that to my face not online faggot
So if Balthazar is dead how the fuck do the PVP and wubwubwub realms continue to exist?
The male charr voice always sucked. I wish they had Steve Blum voice the player instead of some dipshit NPC.
>cancer characters
all the cast of diversity's edge continues to be alive and relevant. rytlock, the only saving grace in that shitfest, is the only one who's becoming less relevant
The god realms just sort of keep running on their own even though all the gods have completely bailed.
The last eco shitter was John Smith, and he spend all this time shitposting teh forum
>at least in 2 there are THINGS happening
>mfw we will never see Hall of Heroes again
Canach is based. Quite possibly the only based member of his entire species.
Are the rift and the hall of heroes even mentioned in GW2? It's all mists mists mists mists.
Game is fun, it just runs like ass
I heard latest patch was adding a feature that people moded 6 years ago
He been Flanderzied as fuck at this point.
I remember how the GW1 lorebook said that the mists were nigh completely inaccessible, and the only way Tyrians can get there is through portals that one super wizard created and left behind after he died. Now in GW2 the rats can just make doors to take tourists into the mists just because.
Nah. We do pass through Underworld and Fissure of Woe for a second tho.
Yes, Lord Odran.
> Game engine is dated and is a complete CPU Hog
If it weren’t for this, I might have played gw for longer
Yeah, but all we get is a lighting change and some different colored rocks. Like someone made a monkey paw wish to finally get to see them in GW2.
>people are still deforesting that one shrine in Orr at all times because the price of elder wood simply will not go down
shitposting aside, at least the grow lamp being included in this shitty achievement chain made people realize it's not actually fucking worth 80 gold
Why the fuck would you want this? Vanilla GW2 was the worst part of the game.
Early beta was the best.
>living story 1 still completely inaccessible
when will anet realize this is hurting their game more than anything?
>implying that's a bad thing
/gw2g/ was an absolute cesspit of rat and cat shitposting and literal whos trying to start drama for guilds they weren't in.
green jesus was beheaded by the main character, the lesbos got killed, in s4 taimi is just the main quest trigger and is overshadowed by the doctor who actually acts like a real asura.
it's not much, but they're managing to salvage this trash heap without retconing everything
>wanting fucking Scarlet back
No you fucking dipshit. And all the boss mechanic are already use in other bosses.
>the lesbos got killed
source. Also, you for get to mention the shit anime cat that doesn't really do shit
>mission: talk to your friends
>shit anime cat isn't even there or talk to you
who gives a shit about this shitheap story
i just want the achivements and the rewards i missed out on
i don't want to pay 15 fucking gold and a bunch of laurels each for a quartz node, a home hero point, and the only fucking reliable source of clockwatch sprockets (or whatever they're called) in the fucking game
Zojja is too busy living out the rest of her days as a permanent hospital resident when her mind was shattered which is a better fate than she deserves
Oh you're one of those retarded MUH ACHIEVEMENT fags. Fuck off and die for suggesting a cancerous patch that singlehandly kill the lore, story, character, and everything for your achievement shit.
>the price of elder wood simply will not go down
That's by design. The new method of crafting series 2 legendaries was made specifically to get rid of all the excess mithril and elder wood in the game. You need like 35,000 of each to make a legendary weapon.
>giving a single shit about achievements
I miss gw2g
Is there any cute armor this patch
>imagine caring about random video game points this much
seriously dude, reddit is for you. they've got make believe internet points and everything.
PoF story showed that after the gods bounced, all their shit just continues to exist. The Underworld still functions through Grenth's servants even though Grenth fucking booked it out of Tyria.
>fuck the main source of free shit
what the fuck do you even do in this game?
you can get your account back easily with just a character name. i did it last year and their customer support was bretti gud
complain about how there's nothing to do
I want to make the new gs, what class should I use it on?
uninstall wizard
and yet silk continues to be utterly worthless
I sold like 10 stacks right before it went up after ascended crafting release...
Getting BOGGED everywhere.
Infinite farming tools are worth the price?
a friend (female) convinced me to get this game a few weeks ago. currently running through the HoT story.
the story is pretty fucking cringey, the incessant one-liners and quirky jokes are offensive to my ears.
please tell me it gets better. seeing my friend log in just to do his "home runs", then spending 30 minutes in siren's landing and logging off for the day doesn't fill me with hope.
no, never
as long as the free port from anywhere into the pvp lobby and the merchant inside exists, orichalcum tools may as well be infinite
>please tell me it gets better.
It fucking doesn't. Welcome to an mmo that got controlled by SJW and inject their fanfic.
>playing GW2 for the story
just ignore it as much as you can if you don't want to risk permanent brain damage
In relation to how much they're trying and how much they're promoting their epic storytelling it's quite possibly the worst written game ever.
>a friend (female)
>seeing my friend log in just to do his
It doesn't get better. Worse, if you can believe that.
>classic gw2 thread
>old login UI
Am I dreaming? Can I be friends with you guys?
Did they kill off the lesbian bitches yet? The one that this fucker promote?
i'm not really playing it for the story, it just looks like it's something i have to grit my teeth through unless i want to get locked out of locations and shit. that's what i was told, anyway
shit, my bad. mid-post i thought about omitting her gender to avoid shitposting but it seems i'm too retarded to do it properly
HoT's story is terribly done. The maps and map metas for HoT are what make it worth it. Conversely, PoF's story is better (not by much) than HoT's but the maps suck.
My recommendation: play another mmo or get a hobby. Seriously, GW 2 is NOT worth your time.
>killing the lesbians
No, they're not even the worst characters anymore
>the one that this fucker promotes
>implying teddy even remotely cares about GW2 beyond getting his paycheck
welcome to die
You're not locked out of locations from doing the story. You can do the first chapters of Living Story, HoT, or PoF and then forget about them to get access to the map.
yes, one of them died and the other just fucked away in a way that even when she's on screen no one gives a fuck about her
honestly the story gets better halfway through PoF, which is a travesty since it took years to take off
then again, it's better, not good, if you want to play it, just ignore the dialogues and do meta events like everyone else
Have you guys seen this video
Your friend isn't even keeping you company while you bear the god-awful story? Forget the story, the gameplay, everything else connected to this game, I'm not even going to use these as arguments. What you need to do is stop. Fucking stop playing right now. I don't know what mindgames your friend is playing, you're going to be fucking left on your own once you're done with the story. because your friend is clearly not interested in either playing the game, nor your company. Fucking jump ship while you haven't wasted too much of your time.
fuck off, keggin
Remember when some people thought that this character would ever get used for something good?
I do because I was one of them in 2012.
remove yourself from this earth you worthless tripfag
Everyone that isn't Rytlock is worst character. The Lesbian went full shit during Living Story 1 and was forced during the second one.
>implying teddy even remotely cares about GW2 beyond getting his paycheck
And look where that takes us. He and Angel royally fucked everything about what make GW a GW. The fact that he shove his transgender shit in the most active part of LA was a giant fuck you. I hope he becomes one of the 40 percent when he get his dick cut off.
You forgot to mention that one blue sylvari that triggered all this shit
>is a coalburner in a one night stand in some random party
>birth out one of the shittest character in RPG history
No, not even from a convenience perspective really. It's more of a "might as well" thing once you have all the legendaries you care for and you're just looking for minor conveniences to blow exhorbitant amounts of money on. Like shared inventory slots and permanent utility contracts.
I know, thanks for reminding me
also you forgot
>dies like a complete retard
What exactly would classic servers even accomplish for it? Other than better PvP
>still caring about a useless npc that most people either don't see or care about anymore
Canach is still one of the best characters in the game. Marjory and Kas aren't the best by a long shot but they still beat out the overgrown bug eyed sparklecat, the 2edgy4u mixed dumpster baby with mommy issues, and the smartass cripple who's on her death bed.
Still would.
I never played a MMO with a good story, is the same generic "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE, but hey, chase 5 chikens and collect 10 flowers for that hobo over there".
The game is not worth playing as a new player. See . too, minus the "play another mmo" part. Every current mmo is fucking trash.
Best case scenario your friend is a retard who thinks this game has good writing and needs to be experienced with 100% concentration or some shit (likely, being female).
Worst case scenario you're being conned into playing a game they don't actually play, which means you'll be playing alone anyway, in which case you may as well play a better game.
>Canach is still one of the best characters in the game
He been flanderized as fuck because the writers doesn't even know what to do with him anymore.
Braham was almost cool when he fulfilled that one prophecy and started a Norn crusade against Jormag. Then you end up cucking him out of his destiny by putting Jormag back to sleep and he just goes back to being worthless.
HoT doesn't make any sense without LW2 which you have to pay anyways.
>minus the "play another mmo"
In fairness, OSRS, P99, and CoH are worth the time.
>lol explosions sarcasm and cynicism!!!
fuck off retard
>Braham was almost cool when he fulfilled that one prophecy and started a Norn crusade against Jormag.
No that just a fuck you that you or Eir wasn't the one that did it. Its one of the tumbrite that randomly did. Being an Norn main would have been mad about this, too.
Even flanderized he's still better than the vast majority of the cast. Meanwhile Rytlock and Logan are just sort of hanging around doing nothing. Their VAs showing up on time is probably the only reason they haven't gotten Zojja'd.
Who are the chracters standing with the PC in the final cutscene?
I'm going to quote this user . They made so that even your character is tired of that shit during Joko and afterward because either the writers hate him or don't know what to do with him. He is shit.
Post nude pic of your charr
you've been scammed, sorry user.
take the L and leave before sunk cost convinces you to waste money on living story or store shit. with any luck you haven't wasted money on PoF yet.
if i were you i'd re-evaluate that friendship as well. but i'm not you so it's hard to say for sure.
>i just want the achivements
You're giving me flashbacks of every new Episode releasing and 90% of the population speedrunning achievements with a guide.
Things like my guild calling me a shitter with bad AP/time effeciency for not taking a fucking portal and actually doing the "Not So Secret" jumping puzzle gave me an aneurysm.
fucking christ okay i get it you're triggered to fuck by collectathon autists, you can stop fucking squawking now. it's almost like there's more to that fucking living story than CHEEVOS. like the fucking home nodes everyone who did that shit when it was current content got for free (or almost free), or seeing what lion's arch was like before it was rebuilt into a seafood restaurant.
you cannot argue that cutting content from the game permanently is a bad thing.
>tfw keep accidentally dying to kralk's fart when flying around the new map
>create liked character by community on accident
>lol, let's put him everywhere what could go wrong
i don't get why people are so upset about that shitty dragon being timegated. you can rent it in the new map and you can see with your own eyes how pretty fucking useless it is as long as all of the following apply to you:
>have springer
>have gryphon
>do not have Parkinsons, preventing you from making precise jumps/glides on the aforementioned mounts
it was literally made to sell shop skins for dragonfags, and no other reason.
that isn't very old and bold of you
>release day
>exploring the new map
>make my way to the top of the severed wing using gryphon before the story even asks me to
>could have also made my way up there easily with oakheart's
>advance the story
i'm convinced the dragon is just a welfare flying mount for the extra-extra-poorfags who can't afford the gryphon.
>you cannot argue that cutting content from the game permanently is a bad thing
>tfw you'll never get your mind blown by a Searing-like event in any other vidya
I legitly thought pre-Searing was the entire game till it happened and opened up the map.
So what do people actually do in this game? They just do daily chores and log out?
Precisely. Many would even go to Reddit and spend more time there than the actual game and talk about how great GW 2 is.
the timegating shit with the skyscale ironically accentuates this problem, since people want to rush through as much of it ASAP to avoid getting cockblocked by mandatory waiting later
Leave user alone, he clearly has some form of aspergers which prevents him from expressing himself properly.
I spend an assload of time in wvw
I'm one of the rat posters from gw2g. I still only log in to take screenshots and then afk.
pre-Searing is still one of the greatest intros to a game
>yes, one of them died
>Taimi's plot line where she think she is going to die
This, screenshots and dress up is the only reason to play
So, the new LW chapter is out. I don't really want to play, but I love Guild Wars to death and I am being compelled by some strange force.
>one of them died
what the fuck are you talking about? marjory "got better" by the very end of PoF's storyline
they both stopped existing during LS4 so there's that at least
Dragon energy is what keeps the world alive. You basically need something that can balance it all to run the planet. The gods are outsiders, and Balth was going to damn the planet, then fuck off.
t. Anet Writer.
Aurene can talk now, so this is a thing.
I do a little of everything, i've been playing for six months and still some content i never did before, but i'm a very casual player.
How heavy is the new chapter on asspulls?
She's way bigger now too, i wish we could see her final form better.
yeah but then pic related so it's all good
I don't know. I want to fuck her.
>Hear Aurene speak
>Immediately wonder if porn of her exists
Any fellow asuraphiles in the thread?
the lewdfags have arrived
thread over, was good while it lasted
Fuck off rat
You're basically a parent to Aurene at that point. It would have been better if she took you away from Tyria forever.
>big humans
>tree humans
>legit cat people
the races fucking suck tho they are still better than FFXIVIISIVISI whatever the fuck its called, also there is no open world PvP, the movement feels floaty as f compared to WoW, game runs like fucking butthole, and the combat is spammy as shit. next pls
I gonna be honest with you, i never paid attention to asuras, until i saw Zojja in one of the dungeons cutscenes.
Fuck that, let's post about how shit the dragon is to acquire. I have no idea where to begin farming this mount. I already have the rabbit and the gryphon, is it even worth my time?
Zojja is one of the uglier one, though.
>big humans
It's lazy but hey, people like them tall chicks
finish the the story and gorrik should mail you asking you to meet him where you first found the skyscales
then look up the locations on reddit and get them asap so you don't get cockblocked by the timegating
Asura are the only reason I started playing and stayed interested in GW2
everything else wasn't that interesting and now it's straight up cringe with these female writers
>is it even worth my time?
I'm not entirely sure, I'll get it but they had to gimp it heavily so in the end the question remains: What's the point. It's like them giving you a hooker but you're only allowed to push the tip in for a second and then have to wait for 5 mins before you can push the tip in again for a second.
>humans and humans with gimmicks/accessories bad
so just like literally every MMO then?
I don't have the latest expansion
is double gun thief non-awful in dungeons?
also I tried hammer guardian for pvp, is it really as good as people say?
me in the middle
Man. i was playing with deadeye today, rifle thief is realy fun, pistols are cool i guess, since you have headshot to help with breakbars
hammer guard is strong for hit n run builds but greatsword is better for sustained dps
for example, you can load up the focus #5 skill on your alt weaponset, then switch to hammer. just before the shield explodes for damage, teleport to an enemy while hitting the hammer #2 skill simultaneously, with the right builds that combo can hit for 17k+ damage
Dunno about dungeons, but pistol thief is great in PvE, partly due to passive healing on hit and crit. Deadeye makes it amazing though, due to extra quickness, extra damage on quickness, and skill recharge on kill. Maybe get some quickness sigils to make up for it.
So what does that make Glint? Since you know... she was in Guild Wars the first?
What's the best way to troll people on gw2? Preferably a method I can use on a free account.
thanks user, will try deadeye if I ever get POF
Yeah I was doing just that
popping the shield then jumping and teleporting with one of those purge condition skills and also popping f1
could barely see the effect since there was too many players and couldn't see shit
I really enjoyed season 4 until the very last episode. They even redeemed themselves after killing Joko early on. That last episode was so short and terrible. The final fight was a complete mess.
He's growing fast.
not fast enough
Fucking around in WvW. If you aren't in the zerg or doing meaningful small scale stuff then you're just wasting a slot by existing.
Also pretty easy to screw over your own team's zerg if you know what to do.
>Also pretty easy to screw over your own team's zerg if you know what to do.
please enlighten me
Pull the tactivators inside structures.
spamming emotes in front of rpers gets you banned, but wasting supplies on paper trebs in wvw or afk in spvp doesnt
as a F2P account he's wasting a slot just by existing purely on account of not (and never) having access to the wvw mount. he literally cannot mess that up
Asuras are the reason why I still play the game. My dick is diamonds every time.
I feel the same way
WvW trolling
>get golem or flame ram blueprints and mass build them right next to the supply depot
>pull all the tactivators
>have a low level guild and claim everything with it so you get no bonuses
off the top of my head.
>literally just change the name of the OP
>thread isn't destroyed
I know guild wars 2 players are retarded faggots, but seriously?
That's honestly pretty hilarious. I guess this is what should be expected of a community who can't even do breakbars.
i honestly can't wait for tomorrow when the people crying about skyscale timegating roar even louder when they realize a teenage dragon requires more food, and in larger daily quantities too
let this be a lesson to you lazyfags who don't charge your quartz every day
the retard will spam that thread too after a day or two
oh no, they'd need to make a new thread after a day! the horror! so sad!
>let this be a lesson to you lazyfags who don't charge your quartz every day
To stop playing shit games that rely on massively timegated content and rewards that force you to play everyday for a checklist and not fun?
Some abilities drop elemental fields, and using other abilities in them causes other effects. They're usually used to stack an attack buff or fully heal everyone really quickly. But if someone drops the wrong field, it can mess the whole thing up and get everyone killed.
If that's too much effort, you could follow the zerg and die. The game has a downed mechanic, and if you get killed for good, any downed enemies near you will revive. It's really stupid and I wouldn't be surprised if they finally removed that shit by now.
yes, stop playing MMOs.
>most gw2 raid groups will wipe if you just give boss retaliation for a few seconds even though raids are their elite content
It's only one revive per kill, but it's definitely a cascading effect.
>wvw weekend without downed state
i don't fucking know why they don't just keep this on at all times, downed state in pvp is so fucking retarded
>Isn't the company going under?
lol no. They let go of people not working on GW2 and a few on GW2 because they were wasting money trying to make other useless shit so NCsoft told them to get their shit together
there was a time when mmos didnt rely on that and i miss them
I'm not wasting my time getting the Skycale because Anet will inevitably change its acquisition method due to fan outcry.
I dunno, Sylvari are cool
>instead of wasting my time doing things i'm wasting my time on the slim chance i don't have to do things
what did he mean by this
>Snaff came back but Zojja is still offscren because they can't be arsed to simply hire another voice actor
I don't even play in english so I literally couldn't give less of a fuck that some voiceactor now "has something better to do" or whatever
Ok let see if the bot nukes this General
Who is her voice actor?
They already responded that they're aware everyone is butthurt
there's like 3 threads up you retard, of course the bot won't be able to spam them all
one of the worst things about gw2g going down is that I have nowhere to go to hoard people's screenshots of their ironically slutty characters
you need to make it possible to find in the catalog
They got nuked and archived.
downed state is retarded everywhere, it's the reason why defense has no value in pve
Felicia Day. It just so happen the VA strike was a thing at the time. This was also the reason why we had tumbrite: the shit group as our gorup.
NC is the one who made them work on other shit, then NC ran out of money and told them to cancel it
Can someone tell me why Caith is such a bitch for Aurine? It's like she and everyone else forgot that she is also a firstborn of the sylvari
>downed state is retarded everywhere,
pic related: the face of a necro with the LS3 entering downed state
I strongly doubt NC is the one who made em do other shit. Modern anet's devs have a history of spending altogether too much time on frivolous shit.
and? even if they drop the timegates you'll still have waited the same number of days by doing nothing, and they won't be removing the inner timegates on material crafting
She literally stole the dragon egg from you thinking she is the chosen one, thus causing the players to NOT be with the Pact when the PC could of help them
>DS was thrown out for the younger more hipper team
>Slowly seep back in because it turns out "How do you do felow kids" is even worse
No, not really. Some bits can be fun. The story is a bit too cringey but slowly fans have been beating them in the face to steer them into less shit writing.
The game itself is good if not as grindy as a regular MMO or as fun as a dedicated single player game.
What does ironically slutty mean?
Unironically my favorite race.
Trahearne is fine if you played Sylvari since he showed up much earlier and not so sudden like with everyone else.
Too bad HoT only finished up their stuff half assed and now we will never see anything of them ever again.
palawa joko is the only good character in this entire game
prove me wrong
i'm not sure what you're referring to, maybe you could make an actual argument
When people from the chan have the self awareness that it's a video game and that they're pathetic trash people but they're so depraved that they take the opportunity to pretend to be one of those creepy nolifers who actually only play female characters and dress them up in the most skimpy way possible, only instead of being cool, funny, and "above it all" like they want you to think they're actually not pretending at all and secretly want anons to fap to them but they're so shameless that you can't possibly call them out on it.
Zhaitan fled to the mists and began eating all the ghosts which made the ghosts fight back under Glint who guides them all out of the mists to join The Pact.
One thing I hate about GW2 and PoF is how they completely remove the urgency of being dead since ghosts apparently retain their full minds and aren't suffering or anything. I think its just a cope out to occasionally roll out a gw1 character or someone they killed off then regret doing so.
The other thing is it sucking more dragon cock than a furry banner ad.
just look at underwater combat.
No, its actually worst as a Sylvari
>do quest where you kill a PTSD human because he was kid when he joy an autist plant in his crusade against the dragon
>you got the sword from him
>he take it and deliver to the Pale Tree
>that shit quest where TRAHENE IS THE CHOSEN ONE
>the pale tree didn't even acknowledge that you, the salad that got the sword, got the sword
Why are you fuckers still using this thread? Go to /vg/. You retards literally have 4 threads up in /vg/ right now.
Yes, but why? Iirc her dream and wyld hunt was specifically about Zhaitan while the sylvari pc saw a dragon, which later turned out to be Mordi instead.
it's a copy paste feature from wow, though it sucks it doesn't indicate any frivolity as it's something they thought they needed to draw an mmo audience
>it's a copy paste feature from wow, though it sucks it doesn't indicate any frivolity as it's something they thought they needed to draw an mmo audience
>being this delusional
has the bot found this thread?
so... no argument? or maybe you don't understand the words you're trying to use
I see
there's no arguing against that much delusion. go ahead and pretend you won the argument buddy. you can have this one.
Oh quit crying. Only because you don't become head of the pact by name you keep bitching and bitching.
Trahearne is THE firstborn sylvari I was completly fine with it to aid him in his quest, while he aided me. And given the experience he had concerning Orr he was the right person to take charge as burocratic head of an organisation you lead as field operative.
Everyone and their mother still praises you, all you have to do is read the dialog the NPCs have.
I don't understand to this day how people can sperg so hard about characters having arcs and stories of their own if they aren't the PC. Granted it wasn't very good written, but I can understand it non the less.
just do your research next time
>he wants the last word this badly
A flying mount called a sky scale. It can fly upwards some and cling to walls. It does not have the speed of the griffon but is has a six way manueverablity. The acquaistion however requires materials that you can only gather once a day.
The roller beetle is the best anyway.
yeah, "he" does. haha
desu senpai i had no fucking clue wtf was doing on in gw 1 after act1
>And given the experience he had concerning Orr he was the right person to take charge as burocratic head of an organisation you lead as field operative.
No he not and they purposely made everyone retarded just to "justified" it. And the whole First Born favoritism shit is the fucking reason why Nightmare Court is a thing. Simply put it, Transhit doesn't deserve anything that was handed to him because he didn't do jack shit, and the only reason shithead like you would care is because MUH FIRST BORN.
I wish i never got to be the commander, i like being a nobody, leave the chosen one shit to other people.
>can't get the beetle unless i pay for some living story chapter
Fuck them.
That's actually pretty appropriate considering Prophecies' story line had you and everyone else except the secondary villains as the main villain's cat's paw right up until the very last mission.
At least you're not a revenant main. Anet never even developed a proper core class for rev since it had to ship with herald right out of the bat.
Roller beetle can be done in a day or two. Dragon takes like maybe a week tops.
Griffon is a real pain. Its deliberately endgame content for no lifer players.
Too bad they toned it down all those years ago. It was actually pretty being able to 100-0 a thief with a single life steal while in the downed shit.
>have to manage both energy and cooldown mechanics unlike other classes
>skill bars even more rigidly locked down than other classes
>spend the entire first year after HoT gutting every remotely decent thing about the class
>PoF comes out, give elite spec whose gimmick is just CCable and killable wells
Thanks Anet.
this also fuck gw2
That's bullshit. Clearly the threads were dying so moot made a deal with Anet that he'd keep the threads going as a social advertising campaign. The bot never posted unless it went to page 10.
>reddit character vs the entire fucking roster of tumblr characters
that bar isn't very high user
One more reason to hate this wanna-be-little-girl-faggot.
Balthazar was a decent character. Got betrayed by the other gods for wanting to go fight the world ending dragon menace, works from the shadows using tricked zealots and mercenaries, keeps sparing PC and gives him every opportunity to join him, and then finally gets pissed off at everyone else being retarded and decides to do shit on his own.
>Played the game religiously for 2 years clocking at 2k hours
>Less than 100 hours played in the last 7 or so hours
Still decked in all pink shit and actually got legendary accessory, though.
What is that F2 skill revs have now? When did that happen?
I just want GW1 ultimate edition/all expansions to go on sale for $10 so I can solo play all of them.
>We'll never get release mallyx ever again
They really went over the top with the shitty collecthon. Aurora was already bad as it was.
last patch they gave some HoT and core specs more identity by changing elite spec utility skills or buffing core
core revenant got a new f2 skill that does some extra shit based on what legend you have active
I am madder for Druids
>Unique role in pve in a game without hard trinity
>Gut it to uselessness because of pvp and they don't want to separate pve from pvp balance
It's a new skill they added in the May patch for Core Revs. It basically gives you an extra 25 energy and you get a bonus effect for whatever legend you're currently using. It's alright but I can't say it's really worth using core rev over herald right now.
guild wars 3 when?
>buy all the seasons, goy
>hand rubbing intensifies
>posting me
hopefully never. modern anet would wind up making it a fucking battle royale or something.
they've been literally handing out every episode of LS4 for free over the last two months
So what? The folks playing then would've had it already. They're going after new players with this.
Fuck off HOPE shitter
Stop posting your shitty looking twink
Where's the /vg/ guild? I want to see if some people still play
What flavor you want?
Salads are for hippies you beta male, get away from me.
>tfw fluusi and vorp are gone forever
The blue one
Early GW2 was fucking awful.
NA or EU?
Whisper Oothier, Peachy Panic, or Bambii Wildheart for an invite
It’s a furfag doing the bot spam.
>people saving my posts
Only if you're a faggot that didn't play WvW. Early GW2 was the only time WvW was good.
>Guildwars Utopia never ever
Bruh this is some bottom tier salad wifu. Where the fuck is that mordremoth outfit yellow one. Nigga, desu tho they all use one face bruh. I miss when we had good sylvari.
This actually looks pretty good. Was this before gw2's art department sold out and started painting over photos and pretending it was art? Or is this a painted photo too and it's just disguised better than nowadays?
It's obviously concept art.
Utopia was meant to be set in pre Columbian Mesoamerica.
The new professions were Chronomancer and Summoner.
Time was supposed to be the big theme there.
All this was dropped for the trash we got now.
I miss WildStar
Terrible taste.
Someone post the webm, you know which one....
>GW2 chronomancer is just a buff bot
It's all so boring.
All this shit for a shitty mount that's worse than the other six in every way.
Cantha never
And that's a good thing!
Good, that means they can't ruin it.
It really is, these hack frauds would ruin it.
still haven't finished aurora, fuck those electrum ingots.
Damn right.
which mount is build for sex
Gw2 runs like shit and the leveling system sucks absolute cocks. What a fucking joke of a game.
>You will never experience a WvW before Scourge
I quit right as the first Expac dropped, has it gone to shit or can I come back?
I really loved the environments and have a special connection the game because it was my first MMO
I don't know whether to main Guardian or Revenant. What do
Firebrand and the reworked Scrapper are far more cancerous.
>my salad is in there
Wait what
its shit
Wait how many charged crystal do I need?
22 if you want to craft everything by hand.
Ah, okay. I have plenty to use then to get my dragon. Thanks.
I wish I hadn't just made a full celestial set.
fuck this timeline