I haven't played a single Assassin's Creed game. Is it worth playing...

I haven't played a single Assassin's Creed game. Is it worth playing, and do I need to play the previous games to understand it (i.e. how much hurr durr templars vs assassins modern conspiracy bs is in it)

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Youre better off playing not knowing the previous stories, they dont mean shit now anyways. But its still a fun open world game, jam packed with activities if youre into that kind of thing.

It's a AAA game, of course it doesn't have a continuing story.
lol imagine thinking these fucks plan anything across multiple games, that would take too much forethought.

jampacked with repetitive soulless ubishit

I would describe this game as extremely ok

Wait for the nxt AC where it's maga vs antifa.

>I haven't played a single Assassin's Creed game.
Stay that way.

I just like the setting, I don't give a shit about the whole Assassin's Creed plot or whatever.

Play Origins, its way better. And no, at this point you don't need any background knowledge of the franchise.

Agreed. I started playing it again recently, after giving up near the start of it. It's not terrible, but it's not exactly gripping me.

The combat's pretty shit too. Either you roll over the enemy with fucking ease, or they decimate you in a couple of hits, no middle ground.

And they always use bullshit "Okay, my turn to attack!" moves which let them tank your shit and knock you out of a combo, making higher difficulties even more of a chore.


Ubi is specious and revisionist if you actually give a fuck about historical settings AC will just piss you off.

I never had any interest in the Assassin's Creed games. I bought AC4 because muh pirates and I found it very boring. I wish it would have just stayed in the past instead of alternating between past and present, I don't care at all about the guy in the corporation who goes back in time. There's an incredible amount of downtime between plot missions and I didn't find the side missions all that interesting. Got about 3 hours in and it didn't hold my interest enough to keep playing.

You gotta admit, Ubisoft, for all its failings, is pretty based and woke

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oh please, it's a video game, not a history lesson.
>but I'm easily swayed by prolefeed
That's your problem lole

Depends on which setting you prefer Origin and Odyssey are both perfectly fine games to start with.

>Ubi is specious and revisionist if you actually give a fuck about historical settings AC will just piss you off.
Sheep shift, no such thing as historical accuracy.

It’s good and no you don’t. The story mattered from 1-3 after that it was mostly unconnecte

Exactly! I should be able to play as a black female Nazi and use weapons from the 1960s in my WWII game.

>multiplayer customization is bad

lol seethe harder brainlet.

Not being able to kill enemies 2 levels higher than you is beyond retarded

Also its just too fucking big and repetitive, ended up dropping it before I finished

If you really want to get into AC:
>play 2
>If you liked 2, play Brotherhood
>play 4
>if you liked 4, play Rogue
>play Origins
>if you liked Origins, play Odyssey
The rest isn't worth it.

No I absolutely agree with you. I just love seeing all these people who paid hundreds of dollars for lootboxes dabbing in the post-game lobby and shooting me with hot-pink cheeseburger machine guns. It really makes me feel like I'm storming the beaches of Normandy. I can tell a lot of love and attention went into the game to make it like this.

This. The game is trash.


Play Origins and Odyssey if you're The Witcher 3 RPG shit kinda guy, play Unity and Syndicate if you're stealth kinda guy. Previous games are also good, but they lean more towards action.

>Playing a video game makes me feel like I'm putting my life on the line for my country!

lol look at this soi

>if you liked Origins, play Odyssey
This is wrong. Don't do that.

How so? I never actually played them, but I thought they were very similar.

Odyssey is a more distilled Origins. Much larger map, but with the same amount of content spread thinly.

Also, one of my main complaints, you play as a Spartan, but can't use a shield because they felt people turtled too much in Origins.

Apparently we're not allowed to use them because "IT'S BORING!", yet every other fucking enemy has them. Doesn't even add to the challenge, because one of the first skills has you grab their shield, whack them with it and lob it away.

lol yeah how dare I want a game to actually immerse me in a story and not just be a hastily-made consumerist scam for teenagers. what a cuck I am.

Origins and Odyssey have better gameplay than any Witcher desu

It takes a long time to beat and it makes you grind. I had XP boost (got it for free) and still had to some grinding.

Absolutely false post.