Walk into room

>walk into room
>see this

wat do?

Attached: 1459035239711.jpg (1599x1194, 279K)

Call him a casual

Beat the shit out of him and force him to get a job

watch him

help him out then call him a gay

ask him why he's jerking it to 3DPD

Join in as long on the condition that he switches to hentai.

>Fapping with baby oil

turn 360 degrees and walk away


*sniff* then vomit afterwards

literally me only I watch interracial porn

say nice socks

>having to use lube

who uncut masterrace here?

Hahaha stupid circumcised americans.
Never able to feel a real orgasm.

Attached: 1551125924108.png (281x326, 171K)

living the dream


Why do you need lube to fap with a cut dick?

why would you take a picture of someone in such an intimate and personal moment?

>who uncut masterrace here?
Anyone that isn't Amerimutt or Jew.

American ritual genital mutilation removes shaft skin then immobilizes the remaining skin onto the shaft
some mutilations don't remove as much skin but still remove the most erogenous zone of the genitals
its all fucked up

fixed him to be based and redpilled

Attached: 1558188232857.jpg (1599x1194, 383K)

No wonder there are so many school shooters in america. Circumcision make them insane.

>replacing a slayer poster with generic anime

Attached: 1360907704630.jpg (354x316, 140K)

Attached: 1558189307188.jpg (1599x1194, 621K)

Lemme suck that dick, no homo bro-mo

protip: never sit on your computer chair completely naked. i used to do this until i owned a light colored chair, and i noticed i would leave little bits of dried fecal matter/butt crust behind. now i always masturbate naked but at least wearing my boxer shorts. you filthy animals should as well, don't leave buttcrust on your chair.

Ask him why his nipples are on backwards.

>replacing a generic band with generic anime
nothing wrong with that

>dried fecal matter/butt crust
For the love of god, please wipe properly.

>not bailey jay
Gay fags

Reminder that if you only dry wipe your ass you are a disgusting faggo

>wtf this isnt my house

How am I already in the chair as I walk into the room?

I recently became aware that people are supposed to be able to feel the top of their dick.

What's it feel like bros...

post the thread fag

Reminder it's women who shame masturbation.
Keep on Jerking it lads.