DMC thread

DMC thread

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I love Dante

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Same, I started dressing like him, and I am fucking swimming in pussy every since I did.

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I know i shouldnt feel bad for her but imagine being married to a degenerate tranny supporter when he has a wife.

Sorry wot?

Langdon's wife is pretty

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Id love to see her with no hairdye or contact lenses. Just her actual Japanese features.

I think you've had too much /pol/

Go check his twitter

But your sentence implies he was already married or something?

>I started dressing like him
user, I...

>contacts and hair color hides someones race

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There were literal threads when she appeared alongside Langdon at an event dressed as Lady where people were unironically claiming she must be white

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thats because people are retarded

It's from last month you fucking moron go suck tranny dick alongside him.

The fuck is this boi on about?

What's wrong with being a tranny? People can do what they want with their lives you dumb zoom zoom.

you're insane lmao

OP's pic isn't a tranny

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