"Don't you say a damn thing CJ."

>"Don't you say a damn thing CJ."
>"HAHAHAHA. Was you lonely, Loc? Hey, I like a nice mustache myself."
>"I keep it real, unlike you fake ass motherfuckers."


What was this conversation all about? I am Polish so not a native English speaker although I understand it fairly well but I never got this scene.
Why did CJ ask Loc if he was lonely? Is it because that Mexican gangster was implying that himself and Loc were fucking in jail?
What is it about the mustache? I don't get that "joke"...

Attached: gtasa.png (1276x716, 1.31M)

In america it's a common joke (and actual reality, though I can't tell you how common) that people go gay in prison, either willingly or not, the whole scene is basically just CJ laughing at Loc for being prison gay.

What about the "mustache" part?

And what did Loc mean by "I keep it real unlike you fake ass motherfuckers". Is he saying that being gay is "real" and not wanting to be gay is "fake"?
Always hated the guy so if this is true I'll hate him even more lol.

most men in america are very sexually repressed
black men especially. blacks have the highest % of homosexuality of any ethnic group.

Carl also likes men

So CJ is gay too? What the fuck?

CJ pretending to have a preference for the type of men he’d fuck. Just to make fun of Loc a but more.

Loc is claiming to be a real gangster since he went to prison and CJ and the others are just pretending. “You’re only making fun of me because you know I’m better than you”

>I like a nice mustache myself
American here, I also can't comprehend what he meant by that. Maybe it's a nigger joke or something about how homos usually have and like mustaches?

It's either just another joke about him liking men, or CJ is implying that he got a dirty sanchez (google it if you want), which works both as a joke about him being gay, and getting fucked by a mexican dude.
>And what did Loc mean by "I keep it real unlike you fake ass motherfuckers"
That one's basically just a weak deflection. It's like saying "well fuck you" when you can't think of any kind of good response.

It's like saying he's better than them in a way

I think that's referencing the gay kinda mustace some homos like(d) to wear, like Freddie Mercury style.
I'm pretty sure he meant that at least he's honest about it. Being gay among gangsters is obviously something you'd be shunned as so many try to hide their gayness (and other things they would be fucked over for) while Loc doesn't hide anything.

I'm no graphics whore, but fuck me, you forget how bad San Andreas looks in order to fit everything on the one disc.

Holy shit, my most hated GTA protag became even more hated holy fuck.

>CJ pretending to have a preference for the type of men he’d fuck. Just to make fun of Loc a but more.
Okay that makes some sense too. So I'm kinda torn between him being serious there or not. Eitehr way it's still fake to joke about being gay.

>I think that's referencing the gay kinda mustace some homos like(d) to wear, like Freddie Mercury style.
>American here, I also can't comprehend what he meant by that.

Or what I thought, maybe when a guy has pubes and another guy gives him a BJ, his pubes connect with his upper lip and become his "mustache". Truly disgusting.

>dirty sanchez (google it if you want)
Gonna do that.


Also this is "remaster" version which IMO looks worse than the original.

Friendly reminder that Ryder was not meant to be killed off and/or turn out to be a traitor along with Big Smoke and there are many proofs for that.
It's most likely that his voice actor did not want to be a part of the game anymore at some point or writers didn't knew what to do with him, so he killed him off later.

Who else killed this bitch ass at the end of the game?


man you are so bitch made.

It's impossible to kill OG Loc in SA.