>fucks up way worse than Origin, Uplay or Bethesda ever did in less than a year
>fucks up the goddamn sales event, the one event where they could truly lure in new customers
>pissed off devs and publishers by not telling them shit about the sales
>badmouths one of the devs
>actually flagging accounts for buying fucking games on the fucking storefront
>still missing features that have been available since 90's internet
they better have some good damage control ready for E3, because the way things are looking this shit will go the way of GFWL by the end of the year
Fucks up way worse than Origin, Uplay or Bethesda ever did in less than a year
Other urls found in this thread:
>badmouths one of the devs
link ?
sounds like a fun read
you cant fuck up more than bethesda. Even if their store would create a black hole and eat the universe, bethesda do it before them
as shit as Bethesda's games are, the Bethesda store didnt fuck up as hard as EGS is currently doing
based epic and /v say epic are against the consumers
so honestly what is going to happen to the EGS exclusive games if the store goes down? will they simply become unplayable like GFWL versions?
Back to r*ddit nu/v/ trash
Did Klei comment on why they pulled Oxygen Not Included yet? Or are they staying silent in the hope it won't draw attention to the cheap price.
>When your backend is so fucking shit the only way for a game to opt-out of your major store sale (that you said you'd never do anyways) is to temporarily take the entire game off of the storefront
So now we have Oxygen Not Included, Bloodlines 2 and now Borderlands 3 completely taken off the store. Plus the fact that they pulled this sale out of goddamn nowhere shows that there was no actual planning for this and they're desperate to try and get more users on their platform
I still wonder why nobody sued them yet for lack of refund feature.
They did. The lawsuit is still ongoing
Bethesda had an inconsistent refund policy with Fallout 76 which is actually part of an ongoing class-action lawsuit
Putting an unreleased game on sale against the publisher's wishes is really fucked up.
What planet is that nigger living on?
>actually flagging accounts for buying fucking games on the fucking storefront
I don't know what the fuck epic is doing.
If you're throwing money in the millions to get exclusives you should be even more invested in having a solid platform for developers to publish on.
Unlike Steam they had the benefit of starting out in a clear slate where they could make their ecosystem in a way that would not have structural deficiencies as it scales up, where it would be easy to include new features and grow the service.
Instead it looks like they have a bunch of interns coding the core of their service.
I don't care about exclusives and the other shit, I don't care if this is the 10 or 1000th store on the market, but you need to have your technical side rock solid if you're going to try to take out steam, this looks like a project that is entirely ran by business people and all the programmers don't know and don't care about the bigger picture.
>fucks up
I got $160 worth of games for $118, so I can't complain
No cart means you have to buy every game seperately. Buying multiple games? Your account could get flagged due to the multiple seperate purchases in a short time frame. Pat of TBF fame already got slammed by this.
Epic will still get away with it all, because something something Steam is evil and must be purged from this world by holy saint Sweeney.
Also all journo's and game sites will side with Epic, because of money and mankind is inherently bored out of their minds, so a rebel in the class like Epic spicing things up is massively entertaining.
No but Bethesda has been a historically shitty company ever since Fallout 4. Other companies have faults, but Bethesda is the champion of fucking up everything(and being inexplicably forgiven by their cult of a fanbase)
Any reputable site that doesn't quote a .ru website as its source
see this is why you shouldn't trust a chink scam store
At least Bethesda finally gave up on their storefront and decided to release Rage 2 and DOOM Eternal on Steam instead
>Tim has the actual audacity to call anyone greedy
dont forget all the Ubisoft games are unavailable too
only Ubisoft still has Uplay where people can buy them from
>im a literal shiteater that pays money for DIGITAL games that havnt released yet
good for you user
Why wouldn't a Russian site be the one to report on the guy who runs the Epic Games Store who commonly talks to other customers in Russian (like the direct source of these comments)?
>Epic will still get away with it all, because something something Steam is evil and must be purged from this world by holy saint Sweeney.
People are just people. They see a good deal and go for it.
>I paid $120 for games I would have otherwise not purchased
>I'm saving money!
It wasn't him, it was allegedly some guy named Sergey Galyonkin
Yeah because 120% of v talks cyrillics
>some guy named Sergey Galyonkin
He's in charge of the entire store at Epic Games, and also is the person who runs Steamspy
Yea Forums is such a fucking wankfest of spastics and crybabies. If you don't like the store, don't use the store, it's really that simple you fucking absolute retards.
Who honestly gives zero fucks about the experience or convenience of other gamers? I'm so happy I've outgrown this place. Swim in your own shit more you absolute mongs. I'll be lapping up the delicious 'NO NO BUT YOU' (you)s.
Ubisoft totally played everyone, though.
>pull their new games from Steam and put them on Epic
>you still need uPlay to actually play them
>Epic shitstorm keeps going on with no clear weather any time soon
>more and more people just cut out the middleman and buy Ubisoft games directly on uPlay
>Ubisoft keeps 100% of profits
Because it's easy to make up bullshit on the internet. I'm not saying it is or isn't true
>as the chaos ensues, the epic shill can only writhe around in tantrum while everything falls apart
>Because it's easy to make up bullshit on the internet. I'm not saying it is or isn't true
The 'source' is literally in the comments section of that Russian site, no shit they would link it
i dont speak mexican, what does this say?
>I'm so happy I've outgrown this place.
Clearly you have not.
>all those bad games
Jesus user, Metro is like the only decent thing there. I hope you at least got Vampire the Masquerade.
Dumb fffuck steam retard, he contact custom support and was fix in half hour. You don't get help like that from steam. Dumb fffuck
>guarantee 500,000 sales and timed exclusivity
>put brand new/unreleased game on sale
>burn through that 500,000 as fast as possible
>can finally start profiting from that exclusivity deal
Find a flaw.
>I'm so happy I've outgrown this place
>still here
>shilling a PC storefront made by the man who hates PC gaming
Unironic galaxy brain right there, and Tim fell for the bait hook, line, and sinker.
>Dumb fffuck steam retard, he contact custom support and was fix in half hour. You don't get help like that from steam. Dumb fffuck
are you having a stroke ?
>Metro is like the only decent thing there.
Exodus was mediocre compared to the previous games
Prove that anyone at all uses uPlay and does not just pirate
>Find a flaw.
The flaw is that the exclusivity deal guarantee isn't for total sales, it's for total revenue
can't pirate For Honor
>chinkbots are so overwhelmed from damage controlling they're overheating
Hate to say it, but this article is just dumb. They mistranslated what Galyonkin said.
Other guy said "well, they always get greedy", while G just said "well, if they were greedy, it was still a perfect solution".
Shills on full meltdown. Hysterical. What a great week for consumers.
Keep exposing these feckless fags , Yea Forums. People should hold higher virtues than money. The shills must hang.
Which is pretty ironic in it's own way. All that fuss and controversy over a game that might be the weakest in the series.
It'd still work. They want people to buy the games ASAP so they can start making their money back without competing against Steam. Their thinking is someone might buy Borderlands 3 for 20% off now rather than wait six months (or was it a year?) to pay full price for it on Steam.
It was really fucking shit. I don't know how people can find that game good. I guess the "muh waifu" really did it.
Can't wait until their literal children's game falls out of favor. I wonder if they're still gonna be as smug when they're lacking abortnite money.
Chink labor is so cheap they shitpost manually rather than use some 21st century technology.
Minecraft is still extremely popular, Fortnite might maintain some level of popularity, especially because it's F2P
What was the "craze" before PUBG again? Was it DayZ or something?
>I wonder if they're still gonna be as smug when they're lacking abortnite money.
I mean the Epic Games Store is their actual answer for Fortnite potentially losing popularity. If both of those die off they're going to have to exclusively rely on Unreal Engine to keep them afloat, and that probably can't support how much the company has grown
Yeah, Ubisoft is being very clever in how they took advantage of this situation in order to make themselves more money while not coming off as being as sleazy as epic is.
griefing sims in general, rather than one game. DayZ started it but Rust and Ark were growing rapidly until PUBG launched.
>otherwise not purchased
I was always going to buy those games regardless.
The historical crazes were
Mascot Platformers -> First-person shooters ->Third-person cover shooters -> MOBAs -> Battle Royales
I don't know anything about afterpart and control
Thanks for absolutely proving my point you spastics. I made absolutely no defense of the Epic Store. I only said you crybabies are hilarious to laugh at. And look, you ate it up again. You're predictable as can be.
>first person shooters are making somewhat of a revival
>it's all either military shooters or back to making shitty Quake ripoffs with the color spectrum of a turd convention
Is there just nothing new that can be done in the field of FPS?
why are you still here?
you and your friend die and go to hell and to escape hell you need to defeat satan in a drinking contest
you're an agent for a paranormal government agency stuck in a building whose layout constantly shifts and you use paranormal powers to defeat a rogue human group trying to take down your agency and monsters that get unleashed during their attack
Bye, nigger
True, true. But i don't think they're gonna be able to chuck out millions for exclusivity deals left and right anymore. They might actually have to develop a healthy exclusivity system that's not "we'll give you so much money that even if all your backers refund the game you're going to have tons of money and some."
I wonder if 5-10 years from now we'll start seeing nostalgia posts from 2010 kids getting nostalgia for this game.
Do survival sandboxes count? I mean minecraft and then terraria were a thing.
Pressing your buttons is causing you discomfort and it makes your (yous) delicious. Go on, keep going.
>Epic promises 2mil granteed sales on a game
>dev pumps out the cheapest game they could possibly make
>use all the money to make a proper game on a non shit store
How long until this happens?
Didn't Prey do poorly? Companies are probably scared of doing something completely new and are just sticking to the markets they know will pay off
What the fuck.
Didn't even read (you)r post, but I know already that it's low quality bait.
Prey would have done great if Bethesda didn't murder its PR by calling it Prey.
>it took going on social media to get shit fixed
Why are you praising epic for that?
Almost ALL Russian sites are pro Epic Gayms Store because they are friends with Sergey or with friends of Sergey.
Sergey himself appeared on shill's podcast and they didn't figure anything better buy muh-h another icon, muh healthy competition and Steam's design is outdated. EGS had limited refund system and they said something like 'yeah 3 times (quick refunds) are ok and then EGS will check why are you so braindead to buy and refund games (more than 3 times)'.
One of very popular Russian podcast about vidya is literally working in Epic Games now and his buddies are maintaining this podcast and co-labing with Epic right now.
Sergey does have many projects in Russia and CIS so almost everyone directly or indirectly in his pocket, especially when he has Epic's $
Where did I say Prey was new? It deviated from what the average consumer excepts from the average fps now a days so its failure will discourage new concepts
you're fucking funny, chang
>Companies are probably scared of doing something completely new and are just sticking to the markets they know will pay off
Apparently this is the case everywhere. I wish we could roll back to the PS2 era when the big guys could indulge in new ideas.
Thanks for the free Phoenix Point, Epic.
Sometimes I really do wonder if being a shill pays ok money. I could use some extra cash and I already dedicate a bunch of my time to baiting (you)s anyways
muh chinese bogeyman
Drumf should team up with the Japanese, maybe Cygames or something.
>hes still here
>prevent people from buying it through steam
>everybody just buys it from uplay instead
>epic is left to rot
i don't like your games, ubishift
but your cleverness is admirable
ching chong i no bugman
no bug people here haha troll you
You know, what gets me is that a couple months ago, when it was pointed out that EGS didn't have a shopping cart, people were laughing it off and going
And now that EGS is having a sale, people are realizing why it's fucking retarded that EGS doesn't have a shopping cart.
are you enjoying the MEGA SALE my fellow anons?
can you imagine how smug Microsoft must feel right now that this PR nightmare of a company isnt tied to them anymore
If you made that image, could you fit in Randy Pitchford in too?
something that bothered me about the original image
why are there blacks and mexicans on the chinese side
>epic store boss
Gay and misleading, he's holding CEO positions and fuck up in micro, but the real boss is Tencent. He should be referred to as "epic store main faggot"
good idea, I'll work on it, might take a little bit though
Additional idea: why not put the Tencent logo over Mao's face?
hmm, I dunno I think it fits better on the book, what do other anons think?
If they saw this fuck fest and doubled down on hosting new games and remakes on Steam that'd be pretty great. I just want to play Viva Pinata TiP and Kingdom Under Fire on PC
Those would be cool, but I'd also kinda like seeing Ninja Gaiden on PC.
They said the price was ridiculously low and they can't match it on Steam without making a deep cut into their own pockets.
They didn't want to set a precedent for their game going on sale that cheap. Remember, many Steam customers use Enchanced Steam, which tells you the lowest price a game has every been on any store and warns you if the game is on sale elsewhere before you buy it.
>fucks up the goddamn sales event, the one event where they could truly lure in new customers
Yea, and they fucked it up in a way where it only benefited the customers. So i guess their sales event was a success at luring in new people?
Also isn't ONI going to have a full release a week or two from now?
It represents communism spreading all over the world
having your account flagged for buying too many games and having random games refunded automaticly refunded doesnt seem very beneficial
Even if it is available on Steam, I buy ubisoft games on uplay so I don't need to have two launchers open.
It isn't a death blow, but they just shot their leg an it will hurt.
They already have devs publicly grandstanding that they told Epic Game no when they game with an exclusivity deal.
Now any dev that was thinking about releasing on Steam and the Epic games store has to think twice. Epic might put their game on sale before it is even released and then blame the dev.
>Yea, and they fucked it up in a way where it only benefited the customers
Except that because of their fuck up there are now games that people can't order?
>where it only benefited the customers
Tell me again how much I've benefited from the games I want to buy being literally removed from the store.
Delayed to July.
I think Ubisoft also makes it work because they actually HAVE varied games people care about to put on their client. If you want to see how not to do the same thing just look at Origin.
Well fuck. Maybe that's why they opted out of the sale too.
How can Epic ever kill Steam when Steam has Halo but Epic doesn't have the Halo Killer?
This, Uplay has Far Cry, Anno and more. I don't even remember the last time I touched Origin since everything I have there is buyer's remorse like Inquisition and Andromeda.
This is the Hindenburg of the year gentlemen, such a meteoric rise before exploding into a fireball into the city below. I haven't been paying attention to Epic news so this entire thing was a surprise to me. Fucking how? To top it off, Tencent Tim's damage control is basically blaming everyone but himself.
Origin is for normiecore games like Apex Legends, Fifa and Battlefield.
>So i guess their sales event was a success at luring in new people?
Not really, how do you have a sale when the publishers remove the games from the store?
>Halo killer that flopped and nearly killed it's development studio
Has Respawn even realised that a Games as a Service format requires constant development and updates? They treated Apex like a single-player game with a cash shop.
>mfw Metro Exodus shitstorm and Steam accidentally immediately fired back by getting MCC
Epic gone, Cliffy B gone. Dodged a bullet there.
Ù‘Why do you Steamkeks like to ruin it for everybody?
Your store has 85% of the market. Epic is not taking your games away. They're coming to Steam at a later date. so why bitch and moan about everything you entitled manchildren?
Probably didn't anticipate the popularity also
>Epic is not taking your games away
They're just taking them away from their customers.
Epic has made it clear they don't care about customers and believers developers will make them a success. Because, you know, they'll sell their games to the ether or something.
>Metro Exodus ended up being the weakest game in the franchise anyway and everyone forgot about it
Can't wait for MCC, pirating Exodus was a waste of bandwidth.
>huurrrr wait a year for games
Or I could just not buy them, how about that?
Stage 4: Bargaining
>steam keeps winning by doing nothing
How do we stop Gaben Yea Forums?
Dumb burger
You can't. Because even then he'll win by doing nothing.
>I was pretending to make you mad
Gabe amazes me. The dude has become a lazy unkempt fuck, but he nonetheless remains a smart man.
>Ù‘Why do you Steamkeks like to ruin it for everybody?
Funny thing is, nobody had to do anything. Epic fucked up so bad, it's almost cartoonish - and the way they handle the blowback rides them even deeper into shit. We're just sitting here and laugh at the misfortune they designed for themselves.
A toast to simply being a good person.
>buying games
nice damage control chink manlets lmao.
But Epic isn't getting Halo
>Because, you know, they'll sell their games to the ether or something.
Fortnite profits and Tencent investments. The EGS probably isn't making a profit and actually losing money, but Timmy Tamtam probably hopes that in a year or two, he can force enough people to use it for it to start profiting.
I'm not sure it'll happen, but imagine if publishers just take the exclusivity money and then put up the games on Steam before the deal expires.
At this point it's going to sit on my steam wishlist until there's a sale anyway. They already had it discounted on epic ahead of it coming out of early access; the fact I missed it being even cheaper makes the full price completely unattractive.
How many audible boos are we gonna get during this presser? Place your bets
user, that image is Haze, a game that was touted as the "Halo Killer" that bombed and almost killed it's developers
Pretty sure there are legal aspects preventing that.
How about you fix your store rather than talk about evil valve every other sentence, Tim?
Don't think there will be any boos so long as Tim keeps his rat ass out of the building. But I admit I was thinking about this.
Not sure about boos, but I'm going to lose my shit if another "out of season April Fools joke" happens. You can bet your ass they'll screen everyone to not say anything bad about Tim.
The joke was the real thing that killed Halo was Halo itself my dude
>PCGAMER presents
It's amazing how much game journalists love China. You would think people that whine about conservatives all year round would dislike the human rights, semi-slavery and racism problems of China.
If they can spend gazillions of vbuck shekels on exclusives and some on shills, then they can spend some shekels on plants for their "show".
Oh shit, I just got it. That hurt, user, it hurt almost as much as actually playing the shitheap that was Halo 4.
im gonna fucking laugh if a dev straight up cancells their contract after this shitshow
>both sides will just yell at each other over breach of contract
I mean, it's unlikely, but we're talking about a store that flags accounts for actually games. At this point, anything goes.
None. At best you'll get something extremely pathetic like this youtube.com
lol please shut the fuck up you retarded mutts. No one cares about your pants shitting over Russia
and there you go
The more I'm watching this clusterfuck happen the more I'm starting to realize that the 30% cut Steam is taking might actually be reasonable.
Am I wrong? Because it seems like handling a digital storefront is much harder than it looks.
Fuck you you chink dick sucking traitor
It's fucking beautiful user, thank you so much.
This. Meanwhile, their client remains a piece of shit. Which is the goofiest aspect about this whole fiasco. You'd think with all the money they are throwing around, they would use some on their shop - you know, the very thing they're trying to pitch.
Which is fucking ironic to cry about a game then not buy it.
Fucken saved.
You're not.
The MUH 12% is just a smear campaign concocted by Epic.
Holy shit that's perfect, based user.
>muh waifu
what waifu? You're talking about Anna or that chink?
forgot the cap thing's shadow, small detail but I'm kinda autistic about these things
Here are some of the things Steam provides for a 30% cut
>cloud saves
>servers and a networking API that made the Hat In Time multiplayer possible
>built-in controller support
>workshop support
>free update deploying
>hosting forums for your users to report errors or give general feedback
So, yeah. If anything, another user described it perfectly as Epic becoming Steam's biggest advertiser, because it just shows how much better the latter is and that running a decent digital storefront actually takes some fucking work.
You're not. If it was possible to reduce the cut Valve would have done so when EA and Ubisoft set up their own stores.
>disgusting men
>popular Russian podcast
Don't worry. It's still looking good even without that shadow, but still thanks for your effort.
>Has spent the last few fucking months touting the platform of "Developers deserve more for their games"
>Immediately calls them out for being greedy when they want more for their game
You fucking can't make this shit up.
Or I could do both. You get to scream about Steam and shill for Epic, why can't I bitch about Epic?
Fuck developers.
Especially indies
God bless you, user.
>giving a shit about a "movie critic"
>"movie critic"
Did you post in the wrong thread user?
You need to take that second bit back. Indies are the last bastion of hope for real video games.
That they're apparently honouring the low price means the precedent is already set in my head. The feeling of having missed out is going to take a long time to pass.
it is paradox he's talking about
But we're not getting those hardened kino indies from Epic. They're literally funding mediocrity and enabling incompetence.
>actually flagging accounts for buying fucking games on the fucking storefront
lol whut
hopefully the devs will give people Steam codes with EGS proof of purchase
It's a mixed bag. On one hand, you do have the ones churning out the same "retro pixel RPG roguelite" stuff that uses Steam like a parasitic wasp, but on the other hand you have stuff like Lucas Pope's games, A Hat In Time, and Katana Zero.
ayo, hol up
Isn't Remedy owned by M$? where do they get off releasing on the epin games store?
Don't worry anons just switch movie critic with game journalists.
>BL3 off the store
seriously? That was supposed to be their killer app. The absolute state.
>Epic will still get away with it all, because something something Steam is evil and must be purged from this world by holy saint Sweeney.
Nobody says that, you stupid shit.
If they get away with it it's because of Fortnite. That's about it. That audience is captive and doesn't play any other games.
They have a better hit rate than AAA, which is 99.9% garbage.
I don't think it's going anywhere as long as they can keep buying exclusives.
But I also don't think they're going to convert people from steam. They'll download the EGS for the exclusive games and then buy everything else on steam because that's where the majority of their game library is. The only way Epic stays relevant in this scenario is offering more discounts than Steam. Origin has offered a pretty solid service for years but nobody touches it except to play the newest EA shit. It'll be the same situation.
Oh don't be like that. The nips have still got that magic touch.
Unfortunately for Epic they're all on steam.
Nah, Epic isn't stupid enough to assume Fortnite will have the pull it does forever. That's what this is all about, using the Fortnite money to carve a more stable position for themselves
you gotta go back
there's literally no reason to buy anything by EA or Ubishit on steam
They just redirect you to their own respective launchers regardless
I don't think EA even sells games on other platforms anymore
at least have the decency to archive that shit
Tencent has stake in both Ubisoft and Epic. It's probably happy with either scenario.
Only good AAA game to come out of Japan recently is RE2. They're mostly AA lower budget games anyways
They still have older games still up on steam from before they focused on their own platform. I think they also have some games up on GOG too but I didn't check.
>since Fallout 4
t. zoomer
oh right. I'm pretty sure those games don't redirect to Origin though
based krauts
>Tim calling devs greedy after offering more money for exclusives
You can’t make this shit up.
STEAM >>>>>>>>>> ALL!!!!
If it is not on Steam I don't buy.
That's gaylonkin, aka the steamspy guy.
>since fallout 4
Nigger what
You forgot some of it was to cover the loss for key activations which they make nothing from. It's estimated they only really see about 20% in their cut when you include those, and that goes towards everything you just mentioned.
>t.Xi Lu
I have a uPlay, Origin, BattleNet, GOG, Discord and Amazon account though, plus I have itch.io for indies, plus a Microsoft, PSN and Nintendo Account. Right now Epic hasn't given me a reason to ever use their store.
This, but unironically.
At this rate I think the Epic Game Store will stick around either for as long as Fortnite remains the insane money making machine that it is or once some timed exclusives come to Steam and sales improve on that platform. The fact Epic has only have cited two sale performances and only once did they actually give an actual number (Since with Metro they just gave out a comparison) I can't imagine they're selling too well. But as stated Fortnite is giving them such absurd amounts of money they can throw it around for now.
Oh, yeah, I also forgot the increased Linux support. And support for VR.
I think that sad state of affairs is that Epic is slowly becoming "yet another launcher" except their main gimmick this time is some games come out faster on their store and there are more UE4 games in it.
Yeah, it's not looking great but then again Tim lied to gamers before to suck publisher and dev dikk
Further more cute chest
Post yfw you're not an Epicshill
Odds are it will be before Fornite stops being a money maker, they're trying to establish another source of income for themselves before Fortnite dries up so if they don't see real growth in 2 or 3 years they'll probably shift their focus somewhere else. Unreal Tournament Battle Royale
Pretty great stuff coming from everywhere else though. And reminder that guys like this have been telling Epic to go fuck themselves.
The only reason anyone is afraid of Steam is because they know their game is too shit to stand up to even mild scrutiny.
multiple single purchases in a small period of time is flagged as potential fraud, common practice. Epic lacks a shopping cart feature to purchase multiple things at a time.
Somehow they didn't expect these to overlap.
>They're mostly AA lower budget games anyways
we really don't know that as development costs never get revealed, especially by japs
we just assume they're lower because western ones (the ones we know of) are inflated
FFVII for example had a budget of 45 million which is insane and probably higher than many WRPGs during that period, combined
>That was supposed to be their killer app.
pretty sure that would be Fortnite
user that has never played Risk of Rain before, should i play 1 before 2 or can I go straight to 2?
Fortnite is what keeps Epic running. But it doesn't bring people to the Epic store, Fortnite players only have it for Fortnite and lots of them are on console anyway.
Beyond some references to the first game in the item logs just pick one of them. If you don't feel like playing a 3D game go with the first, otherwise grab the second.
Unreal Engine has been their main product since the company was founded so I hope they shift their focus back towards that. The first 3-4 years of UE4 had updates every 2 months and now we're looking at only 3 releases in 2019.
Lots of features I want and things that need to be fixed.
He meant a bought exclusive in general. So far all of the games Epic bought never lifted and 2 are confirmed flops (Hades and Satisfactory). Their biggest one, Metro Exodus, didn't even last long and only outsold Last Light on UK.
What's even worse is that the ones who did take the Epic money won't get a heartwarming welcome when they come to Steam so its basically ruined reputation. BL3 is Epic's biggest purchase (excluding Rocket League since its already released) and they already fucked that up
Oh wow, I didn't realise one was 2D and one was 3D. Neat, I'll check both out sometime.
Name 100 more popular video gaming podcasts in Russian language.
two different games. Maybe try 1 first, as 2 is far from finished.
Same, got $200 worth of games from EGS for the last year
for $0 ;)
That's definitely why the sale is happening.
They need something to actually brag about during E3. God knows people are going to laugh if they only say WWZ sold well on their store.
The main difference between Indie and the AAA scene right now is that games in the Indie scene have to stand much more on their merit to see success. Their are obvious exceptions of course but none of them have the $100 million+ marketing budgets to tout up the truly shitty ones like the AAA scene has.
Honestly what i want most right now is to see how the "Epic exclusive devs" react if the Epic store goes back to being the Fortnite store and Epic stops giving them free money.
That's funny, because reddit is even more mad than you cunts
You don't buy risk of rain 2 at all, it's steam exclusive and as we all know exclusives are bad. Buy risk of rain(it's not exclusive) and pirate risk of rain 2, you're welcome
>boss of a business calling people their business clients greedy because they don't want their unreleased game to be part of a sale
Is the epic store even being run by people who've run a business before, I'm only on year two of my own business and I know not to do this shit, it would make a lot of sense if the people running this shit were just thrust into the role with no management/PR skills
No joke, Tim still thinks Steam is comprised of just valve games like in 2006. Dude's fucking crazy
Goodbye :)
Tiananmen Square
Not just Steam, the entire staff.
Someone in these threads had posted a conversation where a guy compared it to the first sales Steam had.
Dude, you're competing against 2019 Steam, which is basically an industry standard for digital storefronts, and you're trying desperately to justify how fucking barebones your store is. It's mind numbing.
>bribe people into dealing with you
>and them call them greedy
>they better have some good damage control ready for E3
What do they need damage control for? Game journalists, like thee retards they are, are consistently championing Epic and shitting on Steam.
That steamspy guy sure likes to be assblasted
So this is how Epic talks about people who don't take their bribes
Between this, Hades being jacked up in price during a sale which may be illegal in some places, and finding out that Randy assaulted a voice actor, it's pretty safe to say that the only developers willing to submit to Epic are complete scumbag
Of course the devs are greedy what did Sweeney expected lmao
I still find this whole event baffling because isn't the steamspy guy all about studying and analyzing steam's storefront especially when sales happened back in the day?
Shouldn't he have had a grasp about how mad the publishers would have been because of this move?
Yeah I remember digging through his twitter and saw some of that apeman nonsense. Jesus christ Tim is really fucked in the head.
One time he tells everyone that steam only holds valve games and that everyone else has a hard time getting through and if managed to get through is forced to not only go through 30% cut, but to take some 300-500% maintenance shit.
Other time he tells everyone that all these games but valve's have a hard time existing here making zero to none profit.
It's like he's got split personality really.
What good is all the data in the world whe it's being handled by a moron incapable of analyzing it?
expecting read dead 2 on pc exclusively through epic for a year
Who cares about budget as long as the game is good? You don't need to sink millions into a game for it to be GOTY.
Only platform to choose: steam
In that case i assume metro is not exclusive as well
Eh, it'll also be on Rockstar's Social Club so it would be more of a uplay deal
>implying red dead 2 is going to be on PC this year
GTAV has been on top sellers on Steam for literal fucking years can Epic pay for however much Rockstar wants?
There's nothing retarded about accepting fat checks to sing the praises of Epic. God knows game journalists can't make money legitimately anymore. You really think Epic would be paying publishers for exclusivity and not bribing journalists for good press?
I honestly can't wait for Fortnite to drop in popularity and the fad to fade like a rock unexpectedly as some hot new game and genre hooks zoomer attention and EGS cheap and scummy tactic of paying huge sums to devs for EGS exclusivity blows up in their faces as its not a sustainable business model and the money dries up and they don't have enough customers buying games to support that scummy tactic anymore.
Then they get bought out by Tencent fully to add insult to injury.
Thats the least of what they and Sweeny deserve for pulling this shitty scummy tactic.
The microtransactions are the real money and Epic doesn't take a cut of them supposedly, Steam does.
I'm saying lower budgets are actually better for games in general.
I also don't like Epic Games and their shitty launcher one laughingly calls "store", fuckwad.
What miffs me the most since I'm Asian is "Epic charges a small transaction fee for payments outside America" and then jacks up prices from $60 US to $85 US. You no not need fucking $25 US in transaction fees, Tim.
>reddit spacing
>retard speach
oh summer
It wouldn't surprise me if epic payed them out the fucking ass for a deal, and offered to pay the difference in expected sales.
>Steam is simultaneously too exclusive and high barrier for entry and also too cluttered with hundreds of thousands of titles and difficult for indie games to stand out cause of how much crap is flooding the storefront
Gee which one is it Sweeny?
It's amazing how Epic's 100 hour work weeks were swept under the rug by game journalists. What happened to "crunch bad overwork bad"?
It wasn't for a while, keys were available until they went exclusive
Ehm, but it's the opposite. Game journalists either shit on epic or just post news with game releases which is literaly their job. Do you think anyone who's not screaming angrily at epic to shill for them?
Epic bribes good
So when do we get to the point that publishers get so sick of Epic that they only accept one to two month exclusivity deals?
Randy sucks Epic's cock on twitter but 2K only accepted a six month deal.
Well that's his glorified and "totally sustainable" 12% cut for you.
Yeah, that retardation activated my almonds too hence why I said he's having a split personality problem.
At first I was upset that Epic would force me onto their platform to buy certain games, but now I just can't stop laughing at how much of a fuckup their down syndrome looking CEO is.
but it's not Steam so it's good
unless you're a cuck importing somali cum to use as milk you'd agree
>So when do we get to the point that publishers get so sick of Epic that they only accept one to two month exclusivity deals?
If epic keep making an ass of themselves, their store, and their relationships with publishers and developers, then hopefully in the near-future.
I bet 2K did it after Deep Silver got flak for Metro, this E3 will be the worst but after this it'll be fine
Also before the game went exclusive there were keys being bundled with video cards and those have to be honored.
Someone made a good point that Microsoft tried something similar before with GTAIV and all they could really manage was having one of the dlcs be a timed exclusive. That's all fucking -Microsoft- could afford. This is a much smaller company and RDR2 we're talking about.
Even before the Epic store there was a big disconnect between consumers/ developers, I hope Epic keeps adding duel to the fire and increasing the animosity. I want to see how bad it gets and what effect it has.
>That's funny, because reddit is even more mad than you cunts
Why should I care or know this ? Go back and stay there
I think if you buy one controller you get the game
Why are you trying to tell lies?
>this E3 will be the worst
How worse could it possibly be?
SEGA going to Epic?
Bloodborne on Epic?
RDR2 on Epic?
Yeah, that would explain it but there is a little problem. These keys are from epic, not from steam
I don't remember was it the last year or year before that, but they had a "Who will buy the most game steam" "competition" on PC gayming show.
I want to see that but with EGS. And participants getting banned.
Not going now lel
Randy recently deleted his EGS shilling tweets and pulled his game from the store. Even he's not immune to epic's bullshit
I don't fucking know bitch all I'm saying is that most of the deals they have negotiated will be announced then, but after that I doubt anyone would want to deal with them anymore
I really don't know why you all think he gets to choose, it's all on 2K
I had no idea nathan gayson represnt the whole gaming journalist world, you definitly did not nitpick a single example. Forgive me for spreading lies
That's just 2K slapping his shit.
>When you're so sleazy even Randy doesn't want to be associated with you
Tim Sweeney is going to be outed for some really heinous sexual assault charges in the future. Calling it now.
>flop sweats in mandarin
>Randy sucks Epic's cock on twitter but 2K only accepted a six month deal.
Randy sucks Epic's cock because his massive ego doesn't let him shut the fuck up and being content with saying that this was on 2K and leaving it at that. Nothing of what he does is motivated by business decisions
He'll be found dead in his bed after another year of failure.
Didn't Randy get like 12 million from epic? Or did he take that from his employee's royalty pool? I don't quite remember.
Either way, fuck randy pitchford.
>but the real boss is Tencent
No it isn't.
He didn't, these twitts are still there
That was a straight bonus from 2K
>Or did he take that from his employee's royalty pool?
That one
Oh no, Randy totally was still sucking off Epic. This was his deleted tweet by the way.
Those were royalty fees for the staff yes. Odds are that the money Epic hands out goes to the publishers since those usually are the ones handling distribution. Exceptions are indies like Phoenix Point of course, who asked for the exclusivity money themselves btw
Nothing's gonna happen. They will just pay media prostitutes (journalists) and they will spread word about what a great store it is, we learned woth our mistakes, gamers are entitled, devs are entitled too, based EGS, etc etc.
Money always wins in the end.
You forgot "Souls-like"
Smug fuck not so smug anymore.
That was never as big as any of those genres you dumb person
No, there have been rumors about an acquisition for a while but they're still independent
>nearly as big as fornite playerbase
fucking no.
Eh, that's a lot smaller like the Arc/ Rust survival games.
>Exceptions are indies like Phoenix Point of course, who asked for the exclusivity money themselves btw
I'm still fucking mad about this
fake and gay
>Crowdfunded games goin g for that shit
>MMORPGs -> MOBAs -> Card games -> Battle Royales -> Pc store wars
Imagine all the poor legit kickstarters that will have to deal with the negativity towards crowdfunding now.
>Mighty Blunder 9 ruins the reputation
>Tim Sweeney makes it even harder
hahah i remember that, that would be hilarious to see
Gee user, why would you be mad that a developer would take a giant dump on the people that helped make their game a reality to begin with? That seems like a really silly thing to get angry about.
I don't even care about the game or genre, and I still got pissed
I know Epic is strong-arming this shit but are they seriously solely relying on Fortnite money to keep this storefront sustainable?
Because everything they're doing so far is just throwing money everywhere. What happens to all the devs and customers going to EGS excitedly waiting for their next "throw bags of money into the street" tactic but Epic suddenly says they actually want the store to be self-sufficient now? Won't it just go back to the way people bitched about Steam?
I was gonna buy it on steam once it hit the store but finding out about that pretty much confirmed that I just won't bother with the game at all until it's at a massive discount price, hopefully in a sale by the devs to get some quick cash before having to shut down
Well, they're not wrong. Paradox are the most Talmudic of publishers.
>muh 12%
that's how
I don't see how they can make it sustainable without conditioning a whole generation of PC gamers to use their store, and that could take years.
Even without Fortnite cash, Tencent still has the money to bail these fucks out.
If only they knew mankind invented this they would avoid many problems
I imagine the master plan is to have the Fortnite kids start buying games before they know what Steam is and get used to going to them.. But F2Pfags almost never buy games, even Valve learned that with DOTA 2
Buying too many games in rapid succession on Epic Store triggers a fraud alert and locks your account out of buying games. Which might be the sort of thing a person does when there's a massive all-store sale going on when they don't have a goddamn shopping cart, and probably wont for almost a year at this rate.
seethe more micro dick bugman
>put games on sale without reaching an agreement with the content providers in the first place
No, seriously, what the fuck
>muh devalued gaemz
Yeah remember when people fucking laughed at Fallout 76 and Battlefront when they went one sale after a week?
please delete this post.
Whichever one he thinks make Valve look bad at the time of writing it.
2K wasn't okay with the sale and gave the order to exclude the game from it, Randy is just as fucking clueless as ever
Grayson needs a foot up his ass, but there's probably no room with all the dragon dildos are up there.
>giant dump
>ROI 191%
>Thinks Epic is the only platform with multiple publishers, even denouncing Steam, the main digital platform for ages, as "only for Valve games"
Gee, inflated ego much, Sweeney?
>When a game is so bad they are giving it out for free with other stuff in order to get rid of it.
Todd. You really shot yourself in the foot.
Does he actually believe the shit he types or is his brain working overtime on cognitive dissonance?
Down syndrome + fetal alcohol syndrome is a hell of a drug.
They're all selfish pricks, so it's pretty predictable: They will react in selfish prick ways.
Kill yourself steamshill
The shills are out in full force. Already 4 epic threads to cover up the fuckup
Only Tencent Games Platform will be able to bring balance to western gaming market. Prove me wrong epic and valve shills
prease derete post, gweilo
Yeah you don't get help like that from Steam because just purchasing games doesn't mark your account as fraudulent on Steam.
OP didn't even mention Steam you inbred mongoloid.
Are you okay, user?
>convince people to pay $10 less for a week 1 purchase of your new game
>if you sell a million copies
>you lose $10 million in sales for literally nothing
>I am Forgotten
Tencent is worse than jews. At least the jews know dogs are friends and not food.
You should care because we always do the opposite of reddit. you better start praising epic or you're a fucking redditor.
At least put epic in the OP so I can filter out these pussy bleeding threads about them
>4 Epic threads up
>one is deleted
>second one is derailed into a LOL threead
>third one is bullying Epicshills
>fourth one archived
The absolute state
I'm sorry Yea Forums but I need to pull the leddit gun on this shit.
Tim's comments are too hilarious to pass up:
Don't read it.
By dogs you mean americans right?
serves them right for accepting in to epic's exclusivity deal
noone forces them to take it in the first place
or did you already forgot that you hated these publishers just a week ago for this?
EG is a shitty company and I wouldn't buy anything from them, but this is a mistranslation. Dkoof from the picture is the one calling them greedy.
What Galyonkin means is that Paradox were getting free sales and money, so they had no reason to remove the game IF they were greedy. He is surprised if anything.
t. slav
game's not even released yet for a while, it's basically early bird/preorder bonus
plus sales are guaranteed to happen at the end of the year anyway
>"We're working on many store features. See the store roadmap here: trello.com
>Tim is actually using a fucking Trello as a PR measure to avoid criticism
>Shopping cart still 6+ months away
But user, neither Paradox or Oxygen had exclusivity deals. And it's not about hating the publishers, it's about making fun of the sheer incompetence that inhabits Epic. Why would a consumer trust a platform that doesn't care for a game's worth asides from its usefulness as a way to fight Steam?
Literally broken engrish
It's constantly delayed because, since the games all have to be added manually, every game they add means they have less people working on store features, which means it takes longer to egt those features out.
That said, one or two codemonkeys should be able to make some sort of shopping cart in a week at most, so I don't know what the actual fuck is going on at Epic.
Non of the mainstream gaming sites mentioned Epic sale and its state after non stop shill before it. How much money they give really. Feels like they bribed the whole industry.
user, I don't like the publishers and whine about them, sure, but why the fuck would I wish for them to lose money? That's just petty.
not everyone rides on a high horse
thats german you imbecile landwhale
>so I don't know what the actual fuck is going on at Epic.
All Epic devs are being worked to the bone to keep Fortnite's unhealthy update speeds up. Hell, Unreal Engine 4 doesn't get updated as often as it used to anymore
>Epic has games exclusive to Steam because they literally don't have the manpower to add them to their own store because they're too incompetent
The levels of utterly retarded Epic is hitting is hilarious.
I guess you can say their retardation levels are Epic
>Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 is available on Steam, GOG and the Paradox store right now but NOT Epic
Fucking hilarious.
Buy one used controller, get Fallout 76 for free.
used controllers? do krauts buy that?
>Germans dare test Godd's patience, compassion and love for all Bethesda fans
I hated Todd posting typically but that shop is amazing.
They are cheaper than new ones, so yes
>Sawyer on the wanted poster
Every time
>pre-purchasing games
you are scum
>purchasing games
>so honestly what is going to happen to the EGS exclusive games if the store goes down?
they crawl back to gaben like the whores that they are
Fuck off carlos.
>all games have to be added manually
What the fuck am I reading
Does this mean all those games had to be pulled manually as well?
>imagine buying Borderlands 3
At the very least wait a year for the Ultimate GoTY Edition Deluxe Remaster that has all $200 worth of DLC built into it
But serious question Yea Forums, do you still think this is the fabled "steam killer"?
lol no
It never was in the first place. Especially after this massive fuckup.
Not after all these debacles
Only google can kill steam at this point desu.
How will Steam ever recover???
They're not wrong, but representing a company means you can't badmouth your customers in public unless you want a PR disaster.
That's the Randy Pitchford way.
Please. You real gamers are bunch of little bitches, if EGS has any exclusive you want to buy than you little bitches would gladly empty your wallet for them. You millennial aren't even capable of not preordering shit, you think yall can have the self control to boycott them or something? LOL.
Of course, Epic killing Steam will be a glorious follow up to Haze killing Halo, Brink killing other FPS, Lawbreakers killing Overwatch, Battleborn killing Overwatch, and Dauntless killing Monster Hunter.
What were the sales of Metro Exodus on PC?
Only thing EGS will be killing is itself
Oh, is that why Metro Exodus sold 1.5 million copies and Tim boasted about it? Oh wait no, that was Metro Last Light Redux on Steam.
You're too obvious, mr. Chinaman
Tiananmen square protests 1989
No one care about some shit slavshit crap. Just wait till BL3/Outer World you cunts.
God don't remind me of that pitiful game.
>MHW announced
>game immediately dies
>so dead that they resort to chink money
>suddenly MHW announces Iceborne
>game will die all over again
Christ Almighty that's actually sad.
I don't know if I ever see them killing steam, but they're sure as shit not going away and we all know they want basically the same level of control over pc gaming that the console manufacturers have over their platforms. Holding games hostage is also a depressingly effective tactic, for every 1 person "voting with their wallet" there's 100 apathetic consumers that will just go where the content is.
We'll be looking back on the time period before epic as the golden age of pc gaming
>ah yes I remember you could get a big budget triple A title for $10 on release day and they'd be half that in a week. I sure miss when games didn't cost $70 and never go on discount ever
>calling activ-blizz just "activision"
>steam is only for valve games
oh so he's not only a retard but an unrepentant one at that
This. I would have bought it way sooner for a higher price instead of the 12 dollars I got it for.
I think PC vidya has been flooded with console refugees that only understand console wars and being locked down to one way to get their games.
I genuinely feel sorry for the New Vegasfags that plan on getting The Outer Worlds, Obsidian's last game was one of the worst written Western games I have played in years.
>Outer World you cunts.
Yes. It has been a bumpy ride but it'll eventually catch on and kill steam
>people still think Outer Worlds will be good after that awful fucking trailer
Come on lads.
>Just wait till BL3
>BL3 got removed from the store
Forget the trailer, just look at Pillars of Eternity 2. It took a whole year for part of the ending to be added back in because it got cut out during development.
Are you retarded? Do you seriously think this shit is not temporary? Just wait till Epic start swinging their big dick around and force these shitty dev to put their fucking game back in.
Wasn't it supposedly going to be short as fuck too?
>Just wait till Epic start swinging their big dick around and force these shitty dev to put their fucking game back in
So much for #4thedevs #protectdevsfromgamers #devlivesmatter
>monopoly is competitive!
Does this retard even read the shit he types?
>meanwhile Epic is doing literally every scummy tactic an actual monopoly would do
What did Tim mean by this?
>capable of simple thinking
nice mistranslation niggers.
Quality journalism you have there, how hard it is to find 1 (one) person that actually knows russian?
It's still the best game of that garbage fire
Probably quite hard since most people that speak Russian are unemployable due to being subhuman slavs.
>>meanwhile Epic is doing literally every scummy tactic an actual monopoly would do
Name them. Epic has done nothing while steam has perpetually forced devs into using their store
Mind showing proof? Steam's never had paid exclusives they had 0 part in making.
It looks like a fake game that you would see a kid playing in a TV show or movie.
>Name them
How about literally buying out the company that Steam was working on a linux project with and then cancelling that linux project?
Are you dumb? Just by having the bigfgest market share they're indirectly doing it. Doesn't matyer if there's intent involved. That's still a monopoly.
This one is better
Rage 2 indicates they're trying to force a Bethesda account if you want bonus content.
Those are some outstanding mental gymnastics you did there.
Yet Steam has never prevented any othernpublishers from using other storefronts. It's not a monopoly
I honestly think Steam is unkillable. Maybe it could've rivaled with Steam but after fuck up after fuck up it's dead in the water.
I don't care because there are games I want to play on there store and I don't care where my money goes once it's off my person.
Steam has done nothing to give back to the industry.
Meanwhile Epic is actually injecting money all over the place for the benefit of both developers and consumers. Lots of indie devs that would have been left in the cold uncaring steam marketplace horribly managed by valve are now being provided wirh actual funding for their potentially good games by epic.
>steam has done nothing
Prove it
>steam has perpetually forced devs into using their store
>being a market leader is bad
Should we burn down McDonalds for being more popular than Wendys?
Just look at the state of steam's newest releases and trending right now.
>a company that was successful is a monopoly because people like to buy from it
This chink baits so weak he doesn't even deserve a (You) from me. Go back to you dog eating business, retard.
Epic is friends with publishers more than developers. Its rarely developer's decision to put a game on epic vs steam. See Metro, Outer Worlds, Borderlands 3. Though with Borderlands randy is sure sucking tim's dick, he keeps claiming that it wasn't his call.
Feels > reals
t. chink shill
McDonalds doesn't act as a tyrannical middleman for cooks to sell their food in. They certainly don't cover perfectly fine edible food with 90% shit and semen.
chinks are honestly doing a great job
blame your shitty western devs and valve full of sjw puritans
chinks are just doing normal business in a normal capitalistic way
How much do you get paid?
>we will give pub- I mean devs the money they deserve instead of robbing them like those Valve conmen
>discounts games years before release
Why has the shill not responded to me?
I know this was a shitty comparison from the start but
> perfectly fine edible food
> McDonalds
Don't see Valve doing this
>inb4 hurr hurr reddit xDDDD
I thank god for gabe and steam every day
You tell those round eyes.
Well seems like the steamdrones have nothing to say then. Sounds about right.
But that writing is in Berger
You know what, the sad thing is i have actually got my hopes up for the better part of like 2017.
I didn't buy any MH after the PSP and Wii era but i missed it very much, and the news that a 'monster hunter like' on PC coming straight out of a devs mouth is something i looked forward to.
Then came MHW, doubledipped and left satisfied with combined 300+ hours in. Read what happened to Dauntless and it's just sad seeing their state considering it's still a market for a f2p PC MH. They just had to fuck that all up.
>barebones roster, armors and weaponstyles
>butt ugly customization, worse than 2010 pixelated MHFU
>uncharming world, empty 0/10 no populated herbivore/ resource management
They fucking have a golden formula that is MH that has not had a case of licensing their method, how did they even fuck it up? jesus
>buy game on EGS
>get banned
What is this "fffuck" shit I keep seeing?
I've only ever seen it when people are defending epic on this site. Is it a chinese thing?
Can't wait to see how they will fuck up the PC Gamer show
Found the redditor
>Doesn't address the fact that Epic bought them out for no reason at all
The shill damage control is pathetic.
first of all you do get help like that contacting steam support
second of all purchasing games shouldn't get you banned from a store you dumbfuck
Chinese aren't white and have lots of money.
Also western journos are really dumb and easily fall for the Happy and Prosperous Nation tour of China
Chinese bots or Google translate fuckery. Insects gotta defend their robotic nature!
thank you chinks
really funny to see amerimutts seething everyday
Damn. I didn't know this. I'll take two copies of the epic games launcher please.
>I was about to sell out to a publisher so I sold out to Epic instead
>Wants to make a store by devs, for devs, with all of the features that benefit the consumer more than the dev removed
>Bitches at them if they don't want their brand new game added to a sale that gives a discount
What did he mean by this?
Epic is an American company you fucking troglodyte
Their brand new game that still has a year of development
>PC worshipers now have to battle between jew computer part companies, Crypto, Bad ports, and game launchers
Explain why anybody should play PC now?
*blocks your path*
yea a mutt company completely cucked by chinks
its worse
Are you mad your literal who country isn't even mentioned in anything or something?
Point still stands, they're bitching at Paradox for not wanting to get the most money possible out of consumers when that's the entire fucking point of EGS.
They have Tencent reps on the board of directors, reps who report directly to the CPC. No matter how much shilling downplays this, Tencent is on the board of directors and any Chinese influence means the CPC has an indirect control over Epic.
Based Gaben saving the world from behind the scenes, not making daily Twitter posts about how good his storefront is for developers
>this cucksole tripfag seeks for attention in ebin threads yet again after his posts were btfo by jannies
You know how people always say "but if steam goes out of business youll lose your games!"?
We might actually see this play out with the epic store front. Itll be interesting, maybe
AMD, ignore, mods, Steam
It's not even a matter of choice, the others are just wrong.
Explain why anybody would be an tripfag faggot
Just like Volvo is a swedish company.
>reps who report directly to the CPC
the chinese are not a hivemind, there's probably a lot more middlemen, the ones who calls the shots probably have better plans to fuck with the world outside of using video games, and many of the upper class are actually trying to stash their capital outside of china in case anything happens, I would still be concerned over their business practices, but it is strictly business
It's to make it easier to filter his baiting consolecuck ass.
Can we get a complete list of the games that are 404'd during the sale?
>He doesn't think the company that owns 40% of an American company that created one of the biggest video games of the last two decades reports directly to the CPC
>HQ in Sweden
Yes, yes it is.
I'm saying the CPC isn't a fucking hivemind, they still have power struggles, why do you think that bitch from Huawei is in Canada? fucking LoL is like 100% owned by them and nothing happened
What an faggot. Anyone can use tripcodes. Learn your own game, retard
Is tripfagging reportable under "avatar/signature use"?
Been banned hundreds of times it does nothing but go ahead
>anyone can use tripcodes
Yes, for their right intentions, newfag.