Anno 1800

My portmanteau has spilled out everywhere!

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Crack when?
I'm gonna buy it next paycheck, but I really want to play it sooner.

Need crack bros...


Well? Do you toss your rations overboard to make room for it?

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Please respond to my Anno thread....

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No. There are better city building games than your always online Ubisoft shitfest.

Like what


Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Is the game always online? No wonder it's not cracked then.

I haven't played it. How's it better than Anno 1800?


Nobody should have to be sad that their thread goes unnoticed unless it is a shit thread. How are you liking the game? If you had to say something bad about it in relation to similar games what would that be?

What is your character called?

For one, you build actual cities instead of placing lego blocks on a board.

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How is the new update?

Your what now?

I am enjoying the game very much.

In terms of bad things, it has a lot of bugs compared to say, Anno 1404. My ships will often stop moving for no reason halfway to where I told them to go. Also some of the quests are unfinishable.

Still a very fun game overall. I enjoy messing with the pirates and getting Epic/Legendary items from them. One of my favorite things to do is corral 5-10 of Anne's corsair gunboats into her little cove and then use one of those active use mortar guns to blow them all up at once.

I use my real name on my character so I'd rather not share, sorry.

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It's nice. A lot more freedom to build your zoo and museum while still having a decently powerful military.

Also pic related is probably the best item I've ever found in this game, but I've only been able to find it once in the 250+ hours I have on Anno 1800.

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>just in case you have to wake us up, boss. We can be bunch of sleepyheads sometimes
Bases wageslaves recognizing sleep is a meme.

The patch from the other day fixes the quest issues and addresses some of the problems some of the people have been having with ships.

As for them stopping though, that's not a bug. If you t ell them to attack a distant target or to escport a unit that was lost for whatever reason, they just stop what they were doing.

No like if I tell a ship to go to the other end of a map, start an expedition, or transfer to Old/New World they will sometimes just flat out stop for no apparent reason.

+20% movement speed
+400% self-repair

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This game has been out for a month and you have 250 hours already? That's a third of the time since release, holy shit user.

Put it in your foundrytown and suddenly you get back 400 workers.

This is why you save up money in reserve

Too bad it's currently in an incredibly broken state and devs are quite aware of it. Like certain goods not being transported.

I want to give this game justice but so far it's disappointing.

And don't >Early Access me. I've seen more competent Early Access releases.

Strange. Never had this issue. I tend to switch swessions when I have to wait for long travel distances due to that buttfucking wind direction and it always worked fine. Even when I'm in a separate session, I still get messages about my ships getting into combat on their own and whatnot.

Yeah that guy keeps telling me to stop playing every 2 hours. When I got to 12 hours he told me "turn off the machine this minute!"

Yeah that's why I love it. The damn steel beam things cost 200 workers each

"Coffee fertility" uhhh yeah

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I set up my house blocks so that they all share a mini park as their backyard. How do you bring soul to your city user?

whats the best anno to play on outdated laptops?



Anyone else find the AI to be annoying as hell? I actually restarded my game so I could play alone.