These art show the typical difference between Western games and Japanese games

these art show the typical difference between Western games and Japanese games

>the west

Attached: westerneasternart.jpg (1920x1080, 545K)

>Japanese games never attempt realism
Nice meme.

Attached: 121932450404.jpg (2000x2456, 794K)

Alice looks like shit.

If you look at slow-motion images of waves, you'll find that the Japanese picture is more realistic.

>Comparing 190 year old paintings to modern vidya.

That's some fine autism you have there op.

>one is a timeless masterpiece
>other is a literal who

How often are you going to spam this thread?

Attached: utagawa-kuniyoshi-prince-yoshitsune-learning-the-art-of-swordsmanship-1858-trivium-art-history.png (3000x1439, 2.88M)

Literally nothing wrong with a generic protagonist to have the player be better immersed in the game. Also saying big boss isn't an interesting character is just flat out wrong

>characters on the right side are all iconic and timeless
>characters on the left side are all forgettable and dated

>dude let's simplify the japanese designs to the core and give every bit of detail of the western characters then act like western characters are more complex than japanese characters
Fuck off.
Fuck you too, though.

Attached: 1556645845726.jpg (505x507, 110K)

>bland, generic art style
>dull washed-out colors
>takes place in *ngland

>unique, stylish aesthetic
>bright colors that stand out while remaining pleasing to the eyes
>takes place in glorious Nihon

Attached: 1553371717364.jpg (543x719, 69K)

Attached: katsushika-i-night-scene-in-the-yoshiwara-1850-trivium-art-history.jpg (1645x1110, 601K)

Let's discuss this decade of video game 2010-2019 since it's almost over

Name actual good western games from this decade I'm serious.

Why is that man protecting Santa from hawks?

I love Japanese art and find western art boring but

>muh realism
that's why the west improved modern science

Both are good.

Attached: 1556395708698.jpg (540x537, 58K)

The hawks hate christmas

Attached: 2.-Utagawa-Kuniyoshi.jpg (2040x2935, 679K)

Haha kudos to whoever made this, it's comedy gold.
Alice and Grim Fandango were iconic my ass.

>games on the right are all timeless classics that are still played today
>games on the left are all flavour of the month easily forgettable trash
go back to tumblr

The Japanese brain sees things differently from the Western brain. They see things in an abstract and surrealistic manner naturally. Whites can only access this view via hallucinogenic drugs. Japanese simply have superior brains for art.

The sad thing is, Hokusai influenced a bunch of western painters and was influenced by western art himself. But Yea Forums has too hard of a boner for idiotic dichotomies to think one can like two things that are different.

Literally looks like a proto-anime character

Correct, but this fuckawful thread will hit bumplimit despite it being the 20th time we've had it this week anyways.

The Japs also got into abstraction way before the west.

Attached: CxybNemXAAABcyr.jpg (2048x804, 259K)

Implying the left one isn’t romanticised. Your “realistic X idealistic” debate is stupid because both your examples are trying to capture an ideal. Realism does not equal to naturalism, not even in video games.

>Extremely stylised Austin Powers 60s hell compared to series several games in that has established itself as muh military tactical stealth

looks like shit lol

No it's more like
>the west
>come up with idea
>takes idea from the west, then adds Japanese sauce to it

Pic related is from the 1930s and it's uncanny how much it resembles manga/anime artstyle.
It's also the personification of a Japanese battleship used to sell merchandise, basically early moe anthropomorphism

Attached: Battleship Haruna.jpg (560x747, 106K)

abstraction is the oldest artform, dullard

very white post


>these are the only two paintings made in the years shown

Attached: GO_AWAY.png (416x489, 96K)

imagine only having one life to live and you aren't white lol

What are the odds there's porn of her

Name one good thing about being white

name one good thing about being whatever third world shade of shit you are