Daily Sega Saturn Thread

It goes without saying that your old friend, the Sega Saturn, is going nowhere. It's here to stay and remind you that there are still fun games out there. Surely you've been playing the Saturn lately, haven't you?

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Play Thunderforce V.

Nah. It was the worst of that Gen. Ultimate nogaems machine

Truly the words of someone coping with their sportsbox64 or their rpgreaderstation.

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Funny, I was about to play some NiGHTS today.

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Coping? Nigga this thread is the ultimate SEETHING and COPE. You probably live in Copenhagen.

>all shit and ports
You showed him.

Pleb, wrong and gay

Good call.

the defense force has arrived

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Saturn games are beautiful and fun.

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These types of images are made by the fans of the console, so they're loaded with ports and mediocre games to pad it out. A lot of those games are also PS games, and you'd never see those in a PS rec page.

A lot of those games are mediocre, ports, or are just curiosities rather than actually good games.

>Deep Fear

Kind of lame RE clone that just isn't as good.


Prime example of a Saturn RPG game: interesting ideas, interesting style, however it's boring, plodding and ugly.

>Segata Sanshiro Shinken Yuugi

Oh come on, that's a puzzle collection that everyone agrees is a bad cheap game.

>Willy Wombat

Again, quirky little games but I wouldn't recommend them over other games in the genre.

To this day I have no clue how the gameplay in Nights works. it's 2D plane, and you just go forward. You can barely see ahead of you however, meaning control is a mess.

Are there enemies? Can you lose? What is the goal?

Your post is nauseating to read, format it better and play better games.

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Try playing it, it's a score focused game

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You loop and memorize. Its like a speedrun game but more like pinball in that you are going for a high score. Its very sonic in design that way.

This, it's snappy and looping around levels feels good and has a strong sense of one-ness with the analog controls. It's satisfying and fun. People who don't get it simply don't have experience with arcade style games.

The list is filled with tons of filler because the Saturn had weak library. Half that shit would never make it to a best games list on the PlayStation.


Highlight them all

Tomb Raider on Saturn is the ugliest game that I have ever seen

Western games are garbage and shouldn't be the example of anything,especially before the 6th gen.


The controls are actually really fluid, albeit slightly less so in the HD release.
Enemies and hazards are pretty minimal and easy to avoid, and even the original Saturn version has a widescreen feature you can use. The real goal of the game is to fly around a certain track as many times as possible while pulling off different combos and tricks to get a high score before the timer runs out.

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>no sega rally championship
I love my saturn but your list makes me ashamed to be associated with people like you.

fact: the european version (exhumed) doesn't have analogue control support but the NTSC release does