Borderlands 3 removed from epic store

hella ****ing epic my dudes

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Lel get fukt

>borderlands 3 removed from epic store
Why'd you post a picture of Vampire Bloodlines 2 then?

epic are not the bad guys confirmed
/v btfo as usual

Imagine being this fucking incompetent oh my fuck
Some AAA 60+$ games that are only on PRE-ORDER has been sold for 7 FUCKING DOLLARS. The publishers are fucking MAD

And this is how EGS falls, not by fucking over the customers, not by having a worse store, but by fucking over the publishers and developers.

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Ironic. Egs bribed devs to come to their side, then proceeds to cuck them with a sudden sale that would cut their profits.

well it IS epic

Epic games said it was going to take the cost of the sales themselves so im not really sure why devs are mad.

>Paradox Interactive has chosen to not participate in the Epic Mega Sale

Wow, from cracker to publisher!

>PC dick suckers now have to fight each other over game launchers

It's so beautiful seeing your tower crumble

>game becomes $10 cheaper
>people hear of deal and expects it to be $10 cheaper everywhere
>no one buys it

In Russia where the games were like 17 dollars to begin with. AKA they made a shitload of sales

Nothings crumbling though, everyone knew the epic store sucks and there hasnt been shit worth downloading it for anyways

>PC dick suckers

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It does not matter they are still chipping away at the steam profits

>Underage tripfag has retarded opinion
What a surprise.

How is it retarded?

what does that green furry cube represent?

The square button.

think about it for more than a second

isn't that purple? I think you are incorrect

One fucking job: do not fuck over the publishers.

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Just stayed up all night last night, playing VtM:B for the first time. It's the most pure fun I've had with a game since Sekiro and AC7 — the most fun I've had with an RPG since I don't know when.

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>has been sold for 7 FUCKING DOLLARS

How likely are you to buy a game for $60 if you look at the price history and saw it went for $50, before it even released?

hi ruggarell
nice to see you're still BBCposting and cuckposting
filtered btw

Really gets the noggin joggin. But, face it there are only really two options, especially with paradox. If they didn't got in contact with them to make a deal about this sale, which the later pulling from the store suggests, then they either were to incompentet or they didn't care. Only question is, what of the two is it.

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Special X-BOX edition

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Doesn't Paradox (among others) also increase base prices during Steam sales?

I don't want to get my hopes up that his is actually true, but if BL3 is coming off theEpic Store and returns to Steam for launch, I'll buy the damn Super Deluxe Edition.

No, but they put out so many DLC that the most recent ones are always full price because there's never a long enough time between release and a sale to justify a discount

>mfw I picked up Phoenix Point, Borderlands 3 and John Wick Hex when they still were 10€ less
Kind of wanted Control too, but guess I won't be getting it anymore.

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But will the Epic store crumble fast enough, or will it drag everyone else down? Look what happened with Netflix. First the studios laughed at them, gave them crazy deals and Netflix dashed out the gate with tonnes of movies and TV shows for $fuck_all a month.
Now the studios realised their mistake and they've hiked the prices and pulled content into their own. Now you've got Hulu, CBS, Disney's, Apple's and the region specific ones like Sky, NowTV in the UK and fucking hundreds more worldwide. No one wants all these subscription streaming services and they are doing badly, BUT Netflix is still fucked and is trying to convince its subscribers to stay around with god awful "originals".
The PC market was at first "every man for himself" then Steam came around and became the one-stop-shop. Now EGS, Origin, UPlay all have their bullshit exclusives and they are going to kill the entire market for years.

there aren't that many companies left that can do this though, Activision tried with but they don't have games for it aside from CoD
I think the regional restrictions part also helps, with gaming they have always been unpopular and has led to console makers dropping many regional restrictions, other Steam wannabes might realize that there's no way they can get into other regional markets and give up, whereas with streaming I don't think they give a shit

bloodlines 2 and borderland 3 and some other games were removed - the title of the pic says publishers pull their games from epic's store during its big sale

Behold my face-to-foot technique!

> Bloodlines 2 was actually removed shortly after being listed at a reduced sale price, a state of affairs that Epic's Sergei Galyonkin said happened because Paradox was unaware of the "sale mechanism."

>green furry cube
what the fuck, are you cubophobic????

The question is if that's temporary or permanent. If they're just pulling them during the sale then it shows those devs are just petulent children.

Besides, isn't Epic supposed to be eating the discounts's cost themselves? So what do these devs have to bitch about?

On the good side, Epic/tencent has used all their shitty business practices to convince devs to sell out to them for exclusivty, being the "publisher friendly place", fuck the users and everything else. If this convinces others that Epic is just a shitshow all around many fewer will make that kind of horrible deal with Epic for exclusivity.

IF BL3 and other titles come back after the sale is over, fuck the publishers involved. Not only did they sell out to their shithole platform but they don't even want users to get ANY discounts given by that platform on sale event? Shit.

Oh, they just changed the way they list the games. The 10€ comes afterward instead of at the main page.
Well, still got BL3.

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Paradox was "unaware" of how Epic's sale worked based on a quote from Sergei Galyonkin.

Anyone else remember when pre-ordering a game had stuff like "$10 discount!!!" as the pre-order incentive?
And now we've reached this stage...

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did nobody learn from fucking Sega?

>IF BL3 and other titles come back after the sale is over, fuck the publishers involved.
You don't understand user. They NEED to come back.

Do you know how long this sale is going for? One month.
Do you know what event is going to overlap with the sale? E3.
Do you know what will happen if BL3 and Bloodlines 2 are showed off at E3? People will want to pre-order them.

I'll let the rest up to your imagination.
If Epic doesn't want to completely kill it's store overnight, they can't let BL3 and Bloodlines 2 be off the store during the sale.

i only ever pre ordered games that i knew would be low on stock at launch, pre ordering a game for shitty content is one of the stupidest ideas that came out of gen 7

use google

bloodlines 2 is on other stores too, they never sold out for exclusivity
and the games being $10 cheaper would result in everyone thinking they would rather buy it when it's $10 cheaper, this doesn't sound much but bloodlines 2 is very very cheap outside of anglo countries so $10 could be 50% off

>supporting cancer

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Okay. Well, depending on that I expect it to be returned for Vampire Bloodlines 2. I have no real qualms with them if it was a simple mistake - after all Paradox is Linux friendly and releases titles on Steam, including Vampire Bloodlines 2 (without a bullshit delay or exclusivty). I've seen VBL2 discounted on GMG and the like at least 20% so I assume they don't have a problem with discounts pre launch, hopefully.

Jury is still out on Gearbox and the shitshow that is its CEO.

Ideally, Steam will be waiting there with open arms and a stern look saying "See why you shouldn't make deals with crazy assholes? You're welcomed back provided you never do anything that stupid again. We'll even promote your titles in their "new home" and your companies will be lauded for making the more customer friendly decisions meaning higher sales. It CAN be win win , you know? "



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It's worth remarking about one of the replies Sergei gave regarding why the original UT collection was on Steam, but not on Epic's own store. Supposedly, it's because 'games need to be added by hand, and it would take away from supporting customers'.

If that isn't a sign that some behind the scenes operation within the Epic Store is badly implemented, I'm not sure what is. If the system is underdeveloped on Epic's side regarding something as fundamental as adding a game to the store as to need prioritization work within the company, the fact some related functionality is really wonky doesn't surprise me at all.

>advertise ther sale on twitter
>remove your game from the store afterwards

This entire thing is comedy gold. What is even going on?

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nigger literally cannot stop lying

It's called justice son, and it's fucking delicious

The mechanics of what Epic is actually doing is *really* skirting the boundaries of the law concerning what would be domestically "predatory pricing" or "dumping" in international terms.

Here's the issue, Epic is subsidising the sale (unlike Valve which is entirely decided by the developer/publisher) and in doing so they're dropping the price to a level which is otherwise untenable, often running at a loss if you took the subsidy out. This in part is what's causing the kerfuffle, because it's a flat subsidy that's warping the value of the discount (the John Wick pre-order being a ridiculous £3,48 is a great example).

Usually, when a sale happens it's because a publisher or developer has voluntarily signed up or decided a price point they're comfortable with. Epic has enrolled everyone into this subsidy as a form of price dumping.

That's a form of anti-competitive behaviour in and of itself since subsidising these discounts is the equivalent of dumping cheap product on the market.

OK, this is epic.

It's because Epic thinks they own the rights to the "product" on their digital shelf so they can do whatever they want with it since they paid for it. Alternatively, this is a legitimate fuckup on a monumental scale. It's so bad that you don't even see Epic shills on Yea Forums right now.

you amrica madafaka try code python on when no pay and death saftey net 25 hours a day hard hard work

Funny. Aren't those the things a monopoly would do to stomp any budding competition?

reminder that re-logic told the truth and indie devs had a tantrum over it

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EGS isnt even a year old and they already managed to piss off both devs and publishers
how the fuck is this going to inpire thrust onto future companies to sign on, is this fucking amatuer shit supposed to compete with steam?

Well it was going for $5.2 in my country, go figure that out.

Oh the Terraria devs. That's good to hear but they also have a giant pile of money so I'm not sure how sincere they are. Show me a starving indie dev who isn't selling out (although that's the catch, no starving indie dev would be offered exclusivity).

she did say that she understands the starving indie dev doing it but not the triple A studios

The issue with adding games onto Epic apparently being difficult also heavily implies that Epic's store is very poorly coded.

They got that giant pile of money by gathering 12 people in a garage and making a great fucking game, not by taking bribes.

Ah okay.

Considering big fucking companies like 2k and ubisoft are taking epic's money I think what she says still stands. Nobody is saying epic shouldn't fund indie devs, they could easily fund development for games if they wanted to but they don't, instead they pay for games that are already developed without their input.

Oh fuck off.
Epic enables mediocrity.

Instead of being baptized through shit fires of steam and coming out a good game, Epic coddles these fucks and fosters incompetence in them because of a free safety net.

No sane person would think a publisher has a soul, even Devolver Digital sold out to Epic. Publisher saw a check for $1 mil+ and said sure why not.

do Steam sales reduce prices for unreleased games?

>Devolver Digital sold out to Epic
Guess that's another dev I'm adding to my boycott list.

not on their own, 10% launch/preorder discounts are still common for smaller games though

Supposedly it's for one game "to reach a wider audience" but yeah it's ridiculous. They spent years carefully crafting an image as the cool consumer-friendly publisher and then immediately torch it for some game that Yea Forums probably hasn't even heard of. Completely ridiculous. I don't think Devolver was hurting for money.

What game?

>Having a sale that benefits consumers is predatory pricing
I hate Epic as much as anyone here, but that's just retarded.

When the fuck did "customer" get replaced with "consumer?

Reminds me of GTAV's first steam sale, Rockstar took the base game off and instead only offered it through some "premium" edition that came with some online dlc, making it so people still had to pay $60 minimum if they wanted to get the game.

It kind of falls apart when it comes to video games but for nearly everything else it's a sensible law.


>Doesn't Paradox (among others) also increase base prices during Steam sales?
they would if they could but that's illegal even in Burgerland

How... how the fuck does that happen? Did a fucking Comp Sci 101 student make it as their first project ever?

I mean, they're still here, but they've mostly been assigned to the games journalist websites to run damage control in the comments sections. It's fucking hilarious when they try to somehow spin this whole mess as Steam's fault.

what they're claiming to do with their 12% cut is definitely that though, especially when it actually makes it even harder for future competitors to enter the market (funnily enough Discord store takes 10% but I don't know how the fuck that works), I agree it's retarded to apply that concept to this sale at least

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Gotta save some money somehow. What better place to save than the foundation the entire store is built on.

Ever since big money decided that "customer is always right" proverb needs to be phased out.

It's amazing to see the damage control in action
>steam needs to be taken down a peg
>steam is lazy

Wouldn't it be better if stores like origin or EGS were better rather than hoping for steam to get worse or implying steam does nothing? I mean just the other day they rolled out some big brain DDoS protection and network optimizations that mean basically everyone gets a better multiplayer experience. The only store that really does nothing to improve is battlenet and they're not even really a store, they just sell actiblizzard shit.

>Paradox was unaware of the "sale mechanism."
You mean Epic didn't even tell the people publishing games on their store that they're gonna hold a big sale? I know people don't like food analogies but I work at a grocery store and we inform the brands well in advance that we want to hold a sale and have certain products be discounted. I assume the same holds true in the gaymen retailers.

its just kike bullshit, tear down your opposition instead of just making a better product that can compete on its own merits, just poison the well

Current word on the street is that Epic DID have a meeting with publishers to explain what was happening with the sale several weeks ago. But the dude explaining it to them did it so fucking badly that most of them had no idea what the fuck the meeting was even about.

Can Epic function at all without fucking someone over in some way?

Fuck don't tell me that's real.

Because that's even worse than just them forgetting about the publishers.

I imagine no one at Epic or Paradox remembered that third world countries exist so they didn't think about how would regional pricing interact with preorder games being on sale
can't speak for other dick suckers though, like 2K, as much as this place likes to shitpost about Randy I don't think he even gets a choice
>game on sale
>EGS gives $10 on top of it
what the fuck is there to explain? like, look at the pic in

at this rate EGS won't even be able to pay people to use their store

>what they're claiming to do with their 12% cut is definitely that though, especially when it actually makes it even harder for future competitors to enter the market
not that user but i'm kinda confused, could you explain in details what you mean?

>epic in charge of running a working store
I bet a lot of devs wish they released on Steam instead

>the guy who was giving explanation on how the shit works was doing it badly
Wouldn't be surprised if this is true. He's a slav after all.

Why bother

funny how all the epic store shills vanished off the face of the earth

>start off and say that you're pro-dev(publisher) instead of pro-customer
>suddenly backpedal and do a sale for the customers
>yet you still fuck up and now the publishers are mad at you
>and the customers are mad as well because games they want to buy are pulled from the store

How are Epic employees capable of breathing air?

Getting rich 101 user, one does not become "successful" without somebody getting fucked over. It's basuc economics.

something I haven't seen brought up is the fact that epic isn't established and could go out of business. If the chinks pull out because of abysmal future and a new fad game overtakes fortnite whats really stopping the company from going defunct besides unreal which might not be enough to sustain the cost. Thats one reason not to buy games there. They really might not be around long.

What's to say this is a real fuck-up at all? I could easily see this being a ruse to grab purchases over other storefront competitors. Borderlands 3 for $7 sounds like a big deal, but it could merely be a large crux to get Steamfags to switch sides... even for just one game.

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Wish they'd fucking stay away for once. Along with all the falseflagging shitposters.


I'd believe you if Borderlands 3 wasn't pulled from the store as well.

tfw the sales pitch you use to get somebody to buy a lemon of a car gets used on game publishers to get them to be part of Epic's sales.

The correct term is CHINK. Please be more careful next time.

>someone else wants to make another Steam clone for whatever godforsaken reason
>they cannot afford to take only 12% of sales for whatever reason
>no one sells on it
actually, it was a stupid example to make, assuming people do switch to Epic because of exclusives, I bet you they would increase the cut in a heartbeat, which is what predatory pricing does, it drives actual competition out so whoever is left has control of the market

You would be amazed at how far a bit of manufactured credibility and a whole lot of bullshit can get you.


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I won't be surprised if you question dear leader's decision you'll be sent to the fortnite dev gulag

The sound pots and pans make have more soul than the chinese. The correct term is INSECT.

imagine if you could buy out Unreal Engine though, a lot of companies would jump on it, Amazon Lumberyard is practically just Cryengine

This just shows that Epic doesn't give a shit about the developers sales long term. As long as Epic is giving them money upfront they think devs should just shut up and devalue their games.

Think about it. That goes with the viral marketing perfectly. One of the goals of marketing is to make the customer think they are winning.

Pulling the game from their virtual shelf could indeed just be a sign that this is Epic's mistake. I do concede that it's probably much more likely even, what with all of Epic's other incompetencies with EGS. But I still have a feeling this may be part of Epic's ploy. I imagine there are a lot more people eying EGS, looking for glitchy-ass sales.

One can only hope those worthless subhuman Chinks stay gone. I'm sick and fucking tired of this board being swamped by their spam.

Again. I'd be willing to believe you if Randy "Can't shut the fuck up on Twitter" Bitchford didn't delete his tweet too.

Seems too much of an indirect plan to fuck with steam.

So what the fuck happened? Epic decided to have a sale on every game without telling the devs/publishers? I'm guessing Epic isn't paying the difference either?

>I'm guessing Epic isn't paying the difference either?
They are.

The sale is seen as dangerous because it sets a dangerous precedent. The massive discount, before release even, incentivizes never buying at full price and it makes it look like the game isn't actually worth the retail asking price. Even if epic covers this one, there is no promise they will cover the cost of the next one that will invariably happen.

Also there may have just been a breakdown in communication, or Epic might just be bullshitting to save face. These things can get pretty weird.

okay, this is epic

Why would devs pull the games then? That makes no sense

From what I understand, the Epic Store is such a pathetic coding disaster that the only way for games to opt out of the sale is for them to be temporarily removed. They literally can't just individually set games to a sale price, either everything is on sale or nothing. This goes hand in hand with the fact that games have to be manually, individually uploaded to the store so once the sale is over it will take days for them to slowly get put back on one at a time, kek.

Devaluing of products way too early.

Sounds like a bullshit reason

You'd think but even small retailers pay attention to that shit. Public perception is everything.

Yea Forums has been making fun of all of these $60 games that have been getting sales 1 month(even just a week sometimes) after they came out. Imagine was people outside of Yea Forums would think about games being less than the standard $60 before it even comes out.

Give me one reason to play multiplats on PC instead of consoles

I love it when people fuck things up.

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Was epic making them eat the cost of the sale?

they claim they did inform devs/publishers
nah, they can do that, that one game got a price increase, the problem is probably at the end when you pay for the game, I assume they have it setup right now so anything over $15 will get the discount, but there's no way to opt out of that
>It's typically best to ease into discounting, and increase the level of discount over time. For example, a title might move from 33% to 50% to 66% to 75% and beyond, over the course of a year or more. Rushing into a 50% or 75% discount weeks after your launch, or releasing with a very high launch discount sends a bad message to customers who bought at full price and undermines the value of your title.

When it's done properly, the game should run better on PC than on console. And certain types of games feel better on mouse and keyboard than controller. Like first person games.

Oh I don't know. Steam sometimes discounts games before release at significant amounts, and legit keysellers (ie Humble, GMG, Fanatical, Voidu and others listed on IsThereAnyDeal) certainly do - that's the only reason I even consider buying titles at release. I don't think it hurts titles that would otherwise be popular and in fact increases their purchase rate!

I have noticed that prior to the Epic "sale" fuckup, all the Epic exclusives were actually NOT given any sort of discount on keyselling sites, unlike so many other titles - more evidence of Epic price fixing and shit.

They are literally revoking the pre order games and refunding everyone's money because publishers are not going to cripple their launch profits for you.

you got shit

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They still do if you buy physical from the right places

>>It's typically best to ease into discounting, and increase the level of discount over time. For example, a title might move from 33% to 50% to 66% to 75% and beyond, over the course of a year or more. Rushing into a 50% or 75% discount weeks after your launch, or releasing with a very high launch discount sends a bad message to customers who bought at full price and undermines the value of your title.

Sounds like complete jewery to me.
And people are mad at Epic? Steam is proliferating this shit.

Its amazing they're losing their fucking mind over TEN fucking eurobucks of a discount. What shithead developers, but anything that hurts Epic is a benefit.

Lets hope this means all these companies start going back to work with Steam, who doesn't pull this kind of bullshit and has actual benefits to its platform.

Based uncle Xi punishing greedy devs

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Its less the cost of the sale and more the fact that Epic didn't ask anyone before doing it and also passed the loss of profits onto the publisher.

I've never seen a launch discount on steam beyond 10-20%
you know regional pricing exists? that 10 bucks is probably a lot when the game itself costs like 20
they are paying the publisher that 10 bucks though

holy shit

>they are paying the publisher that 10 bucks though
That's not the issue, it's the fact that these prices are non-competitive if publishers want to sell their games on OTHER stores. Which I assume was Epic's master plan here - to tie said publishers to EGS with deals too good to be true.

Which makes me wonder if publishers will do exclusivity going forward now that they know what Epic expects of them to do now.

>Which I assume was Epic's master plan here - to tie said publishers to EGS with deals too good to be true.
Their master plan is fast user growth. That is all.

Why do you think they're offering free games? Buying exclusive rights for a relatively short period of time in comparison to Microsoft or Sony? Having a sale with $10 off everything greater $15 on like 50 games while eating the loss?

That being said their long term solution is 'have enough users, expand the store to be parity with Steam's store.' Key thing to note, just the store. That doesn't include the feature set of Steamworks.

>borderlands 3 removed from epic store


The Katana Zero devs. They even released the game partialy because they didn't have th funds to make a complete game, yet they didn't sell out.

lol he can't do anything right

The games are not even out yet

>i’m told, Epic sure wants to earn your trust.

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Progressively larger discounts over time are jewry? As many others ITT have said if it is too cheap at first no one will be willing to pay more than that later. This is a common occurrence in pretty much all industries, not just vidya.

>Its amazing they're losing their fucking mind over TEN fucking eurobucks of a discount.
De-valuing your launch prices can actually result in lowering your sales quite a bit. If hundreds of thousands of people refuse to pay full price and wait for $10 off, it adds up to a massive amount. It's good for us but not good for the publishers.

I wonder how much money Epic has spent hiring more shills over the past day or so.

user, it's basic fucking business. You don't sell your brand new product at a significant discount, especially when initial sales are usually the majority of sales made and have the highest impact due to the price.

It's like how all the Steamfags kept saying that they were "saving Japanese games" but only bought them at a high discount, so like 4-5 of them paid the equivalent of a single console player, so even a million steam sales pales in comparison to the console players for the devs.

You know, if Epic just wants to crash Steam, at this point they might as well just give Borderlands 3 for free and eat the cost. Do that with enough big games and they win the market.

imagine the smell

The problem is relapse, you keep losing money and your hook is free AAA games. The second you stop, people will just go back to Steam.

consoles take cuts for updates and I'm not sure if digital cuts are higher than PC, retail (physical) cuts have always been super shit, it's true that people only buy discounted games but you don't know how much they earn from consoles in the first place

They win the market temporarily though. They'll devalue the games they bought so much nobody will be willing to go to them after that, cause they'll be scared their game with be the next free game to be thrown out next. indies might still bite the bait, but big publishers will not

Thought you were talking about Hades.

And what about the next time people want free AAA games? And the next time? And then the next?

You realize that's utter insanity, right? I don't even know if publishers want that kind of marketing tactic for their games.

I'm still pretty sure that $60 sales are still worth a lot more to the devs than sub-$10 sales.

WHich is understandable honestly. So many times I see "Well I can get X game now, but it was on sale for $10 before, so Ill wait for it to go on sale before buying it again" enough times that it's completely believable to me.

Are we gamers going to tolerate this?

But if Epic eat the cost, why should they care? There was a indie developer who sold off to Epic in the last minute and then went on to Twitter to say something along the lines of "Doesn't matter if no one buys our game because Epic paid us so much just to put it in their store"

Epic can't pay for games forever. It is a ploy to get users on their platform, as many as possible in a short amount of time. It is a business and eventually they have to turn a profit.

Because it's not sustainable. You are conditioning people not to buy your game, or to buy your game at a low cost. What happens if Epic stops giving you free money and shilling your game? You conditioned people to not buy your game.

Liar theres no source.

I bet metro devs feel even more like shit now, since it was purely deep silver's decision.

.........../....//............................................\\ ..\
..././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE....|..\....\....\...\.\
(.(....(....(..../.) .)...............................(.\....).....)...).)

I am from south eastern Europe and it was 60 euros here.

How can a multibillion company be so incompetent?

But they can as long as Fortnite exists. It's not about being sustainable, it's about crashing the market, making it so people would rather wait for Epic's free game than wait for a discount at Steam.

Sweeney himself said Epic can only afford to buy exclusives for a year or so.

I work for one, it’s amazing just how incompetent and inefficient most big companies are run. Remember that most of these people only get jobs due to nepotism and the government will always bail them out of any trouble. Capitalism has failed.

explains why this is.

>entire speech is think about the devs
>fuck over the publisher
>(((they))) come in big

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serious question
why doesnt epic just make borderlands 3 permanently 50$
more people will buy it on epic AND make steam niggers seethe even harder

yeah cause 2k would totally agree to that sure

then why not do it

>no knowing 2K is ran by greedy fucks
For 2K, it’s 60$ or bust.

How long until Epic's store lasts? Blizzard's "store" didn't last a year and went back to being just a launcher

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Once fortnite stops being popular with kids. So about a year or a year and a half give or take.