WoW Classic Success

>Over 100k viewers on Twitch while doing dungeon on WoW Vanilla Classic
>meanwhile method cucks can barely get 3k viewers while raiding on BfA
>Thousands and thousands wants to join Beta and watch carefully every news and gameplay related to it
>Legendary players like Asmongold, Sodapopin, Esfand all receive support donations and views just by playing the superior version of the game
>Even blizzard employees join in and ENJOY the game for the very first time since maybe Wrath of the Lich King
>Blizzard sees overwhelmingly warm and cheerful receive of the Classic WoW
>Blizzard transfers more and more resources and employees from BfA to Classic to help with the development of a superior version of the game
>Some employees see being forced to work on BfA, next patches and next expansion as a punishment, bullying or straight up sexual harassment
>They all want to help develop, play and enjoy WoW Classic
>Thousands of posts about WoW Classic Vanilla on forums and gaming related news outlets
>People want to join in as soon as possible
>Plans are being made to reserve time to play as soon and as much as Vanilla comes out
>People quit their jobs, plan their holidays just to focus on this Biggest Gaming Event in history
>They will have a chance to experience the Legendary Gameplay of Vanilla with Legends of community and PvP such as Asmongold, Esfand and Sodapoppin
>Many already dedicate their time, items and gold to support them and apply to join their guilds
>BfA version of the game is being seen as inferior and Blizzard thinks about stopping the development after the great Success of WoW Vanilla Classic
>P2W WoW BfAGO! Catch'em all Mounts version of the game is soon expected to hit the MOBILE market to have a chance to even compete against the Legendary Original Superior WoW Classic
>We did it boys
>There it is
>Mark my words
>WoW Classic : 12 Mil players
>WoW BfA Go! Dress up game with pets and COOL mounts! Mobile : 2 Mil players(1.5 Mil on mobile devices)

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it will top out at 500k players after the initial rush, don't delude yourself

give me BC servers and then we'll talk

>lol nobody wants to play X expansion, it's just nostalgia
>Private servers with sizeable populations for every expansion aside from Legion
And thats why these threads will always be wrong.

>Everyone is hyped to play with talented players such as Reckfull, Sodapoppin, Asmongold, Esfand yet again
>the pvp will be amazing and on entirely another level thanks to skilled players
>Classic version of the game
>Classic experience
>Classic dungeons
>Classic raids
>Classic skills and abilities
>Blizzard dedicated all of it's manpower into bringing the superior version of the game live
>No one cares about BfA, the Big question is what happens after imminent great success of WoW Classic
>Should they continue and develop content for Classic or advance to BC
>Most players don't trust in Blizzard ability to not Fuck up new content for Vanilla Classic
>After all blizzard thinks about adding vendors for tier items for Cash, adding level 60 boosts and maybe implementing dress up game and mount collection items with an option to buy everything on blizzard store
>Some big influencers like Asmongold support the idea but most players aren't that open with their homosexual tendencies and prefer MMORPG to be about MMO and RPG elements instead of dressing up games and mount collecting
>PokemonGo and Drag Queen communities stay strong with and support Asmongold
>At this point no one even cares about retail
>Blizzard admits there are plans to have BfA and future expansions as optional free of charge content and even offers ingame gold for Classic players if they agree to at least give their new expansion and pathes a chance

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private servers are free though

when i see this threads i don't know anymore if this is supposed to be some faggot baiting or a retarded zoomer who follows these e celebs is trying to shill for them. I'm going to guess the first one though

god imagine being a retail cuck you honestly have to fear that all the progress you made will be irrelevant LMAO

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>just because I enjoy watching someone skilled play the game makes me a shill
>thinking twitch is a bad thing in 2019
>thinking ecelebs are a bad thing in 2019
They are just like us, players, gamers, by supporting them you give a chance to other gamers.

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Asmongold is literally the face of WoW.

>BfA cuck
>talking about progress
There is no progress, everything you do is irrelevant in BfA, no body fucking cares.
Go on fucking Twitch, 99% of viewers watching WoW are watching streamer playing WoW Beta. Streamers playing BfA play it only because they couldn't get the invite for Beta.
You are pathetic. Literally stop your subscription for WoW until classic comes out.

that's extremely sad

This. And it's a good thing.
He is wholesome. He loves the game, he plays it all the time, his opinions are on point. He is just like us, yet he is successful in every way. Great job, great money, great girlfriend, great clout. Everything about him makes everyone who wants to play WoW be proud that he is the face of the game. He's also pretty amazing when it comes to PvP and game in general. No one ever achieved so much as him, I'm talking LITERALLY achieve as much as him. Also it's not to build as big community as he did. He recently received 3000 subs on one sitting while playing WoW classic.

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dude I'm a classic friend I was just laughing that retail cucks were the people who implied classic will never happen and won't be successful and now they have to watch their favorite streamer stream it while their shit game is a empty wasteland. And all the streamers are shitting on BFA while they play classic it's too funny.

legion server when

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Are you feeling happy with what you are doing right now?

Precisely user, which makes me wonder why anybody would pay to play classic wow when perfect server emulation for vanilla has been around for over a decade.

Fools and their momey, you know hownit goes.

>legion was good meme

Must have been hard to type all that with your head crammed in between his legs that hard.

Why aren't you playing the best version of WoW?

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Because private server suck dick I don't want to play with chinks and third world subhumans I don't want to have GM's selling gold and I don't want to lose all my progress because they just shut down the server. I want the real fucking thing what's so hard to get you're like the third world subhumans who's happy he got the cheap chinese knockoff from a toy while I want the real thing.

he's coming home, bros

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user that hasn't been my experience with private servers at all, especially not rigidly blizzlike ones. What the fuck are you talking about?

That's actually the only e-celeb I would give a shit about Kungen was comfy man those Diablo 3 streamers comfy as fuck.

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I miss my artifact weapon :(

can you log on to your character now?

>And all the streamers are shitting on BFA while they play classic it's too funny.
Just remember a lot of the people playing classic now is Blizzard employees. Can you imagine? Your own employees prefer to play Classic Beta rather than work on BfA. It's over.
This is it dudes. This is it.
There it is.
BfA and retail wow will die because no one will be willing to work on it when WoW Classic will be out.

You guys are blowing your load way too early.

Bless online had way more viewers and look at it now