How desperate are they?
How desperate are they?
Other urls found in this thread:
>see rainbow
>get triggered.
>throw tantrum on Yea Forums
>want to start genociding people that don't think like me
/pol/, it's so easy to mess with you these days it's not even fun anymore.
Nothing in the OP's post constituted a "tantrum" more than your post.
Sega Hardlight is just a shitty mobile game company, had you even heard of them before this?
>I da hobbit
you missed the couple dozens of threads filled with seething /pol/tards that came before this one
it's so pathetic to watch
who gives a shit?
We all knew this day would come
Remember: It's only virtue signaling when it's a value you disagree with. Otherwise, it's companies and creators exercising their free speech.
when was the last time you saw a company or creator make a product with an anti-lgbt message in it?
This, it's a shitty UK based company that did this.
why would anyone make a product with an anti-human message in it?
>want to start genociding people that don't think like me
Oh hey, the treatment I've gotten since 2012, thanks for turning me into a conservative, lefty.
people that don't like the LGBT movement are people too.
>thanks for making me retarded!
you're welcome?
It will go away if you ignore it
I want to make baby in her ass.
they make shitty mobiles games. they're bottom of the barrel irrelevant devs.
I imagine you don't have much fun when you're busy dilating.
>i switched my political beliefs because someone was mean to me online
ha, beta ass bitch.
If they lose sales over this I guarantee they will change their opinion. This isn't virtue its business.
You will never have children
>he didn't say it so he didn't mean it
Vote Trump in 2020 to put an end to this self-righteous virtue signalling bullshit. Trannies faggots and SJWs are out of control and need to be put into their place.
Get Woke Get Rope
how's that "swamp draining" going?
this inbred faggot is still living in 2016 and ranting about trannies and faggots. fuck off to reddit.
enjoy aids
lgbt arent human
they are npc
How exactly is encouraging the foresaking of huminity not anti-human?
>falling for b8 this obvious
>human = inherently good.
>human = can't be bad.
wow why are you such a fan of Hitler?
go chase some bugs faggot
>calling someone an NPC
>reddit spacing
>being scared of the big gay
small dick energy
>i was only PRETENDING to be retarded
/pol/tards don't know baiting or irony. they are void of it
>dude gays be like turning everyone gay
Just accept that Yea Forums and /pol/ share the same users.
just accept resetera and Yea Forums share the same users.
>see rainbow
>get reminded to buy skittles
>skittles popularity on the rise
just gotta turn the annoying into the good
It's a tweet with a fucking rainbow. This isn't important. You're just as bad as any triggered snowflake SJW.
I assume this is one angry gamer, the incel voice of the internet
>I-I'm being genocided because girls won't fuck me! This must be the gays fault!
Tantrums are literally your entire lives. And its fucking pathetic.
Yea Forums is more resetera than resetera
Pretty pathetic that they can't tell.theyre being pandered to
just take a moment to process how fucking deranged this thinking is
I'm glad Amy didn't participate to that shit.
Pretty damn desperate, seeing they shill their blog here every hour. Guess the gg crowd don't have any money to give.
name 1 thing wrong with hating gays, women and minorities.
shill your blog somewhere else you pudgy ginger faggot
Why would i hate you?
I'm so sick of the perpetual larp, bait and extaggerated games of pretend
holy shit, i just realized this is actually from billy's retarded website. go shill somewhere else you fucking degenerate.
people will think you are a gamer
Sorry libtard, Trump is your president no matter how much you cry. Abortion and gay marriage will finally be made illegal again and the earth is flat. Get over it
>/Pol/tardetties sent into a seething shoot
Yep, also based.
if only there was a hobby out there that could be used as a form of escapism from all this political shit flinging
You can't escape what you perpetrate yourself.
>Secedes in your direction
>laughs as Russia and China helps arm it and defends it with nukes
How is earth flat?
if only people here actually committed to said hobby instead of repeatedly falling into a cesspool of retarded and meaningless arguments.
but thats absolutely haram and offends the large muslim population! Im informing the police
>dies in year after discovering you have to pay import and export taxes now on everything
>while you need to invent yourself a money to introduce on the global market
like this one?
sonic team knows that their audience is full of autists and trannys, so they are marketing to them.
Is anyone really surprised by this? have you seen any sonic fanart in the last 20 years? That shit will scar you for life.
I don't get it. What's wrong with the clown flag?
go write another article billy, you can never have enough shilling going around here.
how do we stop the fags from ruining video games?
mad. spoken like a true NPC.
yuri will save the world
Dude, who gives a fuck about Hardlight? Sega knew this shit is bad so they used their B company to post the garbage.
Not all heroes wear capes.
gotta die fast
God damn, whats the story on this.
hey mods, i thought e celeb shit WASN'T ALLOWED
The tranny existed, so he had to be put out of his misery.
>shit thread gets shit replies
Classic leftist tactic; accuse your opponents of what you're doing/want to do.
Yet you can't disengage because you're caught up in it, too. If it's pathetic why not leave them to it?
how do we create cancer?
because it's fun to dunk on them. they burst into internet rage or repeat the same jokes they've been telling for 4-5 years now. broken clocks like true NPCs.
I vote Chuckles as gayest Sonic character.
Have self identity and stop being a victim incel
He didn't say that
becoming an individual isn't an option for the brainwashed.
wanting to flood western countries with brown people who will destroy the culture and make everything objectively worse just to spite right wingers is NPC as fuck. you want to destroy the very society you live in and take advantage of simply because you are bored and it's fucking sad. please keep being an obnoxious faggot as it helps rational people reject what you have to offer
is that what your favorite e-celebrity youtuber has told you? good, keep being a good NPC and telling yourself that you are based and redpilled.
Based manlet
There is a reason sonic games are shit.
The people making them are drooling npc more concerned with this crap than making something decent.
Fags ruined rainbows. They actually managed to make people associate a beautiful natural phenomenon with something vile, disgusting and degenerate.
I don't get why we let them live, to be honest.
the incel cries in anguish as he gets triggered over rainbow flags
cry more pathetic bitches, drooling over an anonymous image board is the best you degenerates will ever do.
I wish someone would DDOS OAG into the ground so we don't have to see Billy's shit """"news"""" here.
but #thinkofthechildren
who the fuck is billy you deranged tranny freak?
Why do we let pedo neckbeards live?
This seems odd. Has Sega/Sonic shown support for any demographic? I mean, aside from the broad generalization of "children". Has Sega/Sonic ever done something like this before?
hello billy
I feel the same way. Rainbows are beautiful and now you can't use them in any non-fag context.
I thought their stupid logo was that one that looks like Neopolitan icecream with the brown replaced with blue?
have sex
You, the crazed writer of all these clickbait blogposts.
who gives a shit? why do you even care?
t. billy d
you don't even have the balls to reveal your entire name lol
*stomps u*
>one angry gamer
what is it about these guys that makes trannies and their defense force seethe so much?
hi billy, when's the next hit piece on 'why sjws ruined gaming part 2362346' coming out?
Because I'm concerned about one of my beloved characters, soiling themselves by entering controversial socio-political territory. I want to gauge the distance this leap into the territory is, by comparing it to anything Sonic might have been attached to before, if anything. And I also wonder why this of all things is Sega/Sonic's concern. There are many other issues to show your support for. But why this one specifically.
So I guess you could boil it down to "Who gives a shit? Why do you care", except directed at Sega Hardlight.
oh noo, sonic is now ruined because someone at the company said 'gay rights'. how absolutely mortifying! sonic will never be the same now!
>companies that get woke go broke
>but if you make a stand for the hays then you're virtue signaling
more proof that Billy is a retard
no wonder he self publishes
Sonic was gay from the beginning. Shadow was straight.
>comparing degenerate fetishes to wholesome boylove
I have a question for everyone here. Why is it that an entire industry has to pander and acknowledge this much for a crowd which constitutes as roughly 0.8% of the western population?
0.6% in America.
0.3% of the population in the European union.
answer me this fellow concerned redditor: if the company said they don't support gay rights/lgbt movement/any "leftist" movement and instead expressed support for some "right" movement, would your ass still be concerned? or would you celebrate that as a sign of the company 'going its own way'
i have a question for you: if it's such a minor part of the population, why do you give a shit what a company does? in what way does it hurt you as an individual? in what way does it hurt a product you want to buy?
because jews are infiltrating my video games
Reminder that mods purposely leave political shit threads up for hours just to shit up the board.
While this thread was up some actual video game threads were deleted for no reason.
NIgga, Russia hates CA more than ever.
give us your full name and address then.
I am sure the US will be fine as rain after losing its biggest dollar state and its entire tech and film industry. Lots of the gaming industry, too.
>Thinks he won't have to pay import taxes on games when 90% come from cali
the only sane answer in this entire thread.
I'm merely asking questions. Would it not be more resourceful to use the time to potentially reach more than 0.8% of the entire western population? Surely there are themes and campaigns which could spur more potential demographics which is the main motive behind every ad campaign, no?
I hate that you can't use the rainbow for anything these days without people thinking it symbolizes gay.
>J-just don't look at the 60%!
i'm pretty sure these companies have more than enough money to start campaigns for every single part of the population. they decided to go for this one now because that's what they want to do and because they have the right to do it. satisfied?
Because it's trendy and videogames are a relatively new thing.
Yes but an important state like CA separating would significantly weaken the US and Putin would love that
0.8%. Half of which are probably not even gamers.
>Why is it that an entire industry has to pander and acknowledge this much for a crowd which constitutes as roughly 0.8% of the western population?
You mean the Jews?
Imagine getting so triggered by random people bumming each other? Why are you so concenred OP?
>he things american companies using california are "californian"
>he thinks they will stay and support your dead state whenever you leave because... because
Mario is a real nigga
It's still trendy.
Aldo, 0,8% is Just One subsection of the LGBT. Combine them all, and you get a single-digit percentage, which is nothing to sneeze at.
and what's your point? that is none of your concern. that's the company's concern. maybe they want to bring in that other half who aren't gamers. sounds to me that you're just looking for excuses.
They have made it clear they do not like that community ANF even raised money to try and prevent a gay marriage law to get passed
If you've been genocided for 7 years, how come you're so talkative and even alive? Check mate, alt-righters.