it literally looks like a psp game scaled in full hd
the textures are a fucking joke
how did they get away with such a garbage
Why is this so utter shit?
Better than World.
world looks at least not like a fucking psp game
Because they literally ported a 3ds game.
It's pretty comfy
I hope they keep the art style if they make a new MH title for the Switch. World looks great but I think I prefer the more cartoony approach to MH. The old style with a bit more detail in the models, textures and shading would be great.
>World looks great
It looks alright at best. Looks ugly as fuck during dawn time for some reason.
You trade graphics for fun fights, more creative and fun weapon and armor design and a plethora of ways to play each weapon.
Weapon models is definitely a legit complaint about World. Some weapons suffer from it more than others but in general it's pretty bad.
the fight are also utter shit
you cant even aim
you could on the 3ds one
That makes no sense
It's a lazy port. Still fun though.
Wouldnt know since I only have played bow so far but it works well enough for me.
i wish world was half a good than psp ones
>the textures are a fucking joke
It's because Capcom are fucking hacks
The switch version literally uses the same mt framework version as re revelations 2 and mhw, but it's faster to reuse assets and upscale them than try to do something and then complain you expected more sales for a cashgrab like this
still bought it because I want to support the series, but i'm still pissed at how does capcom manage everything, specially when they have two teams for mh
You licked it good!
I knew you would!
Playing it now for the first time,have played every MH since MHFU except for the 3DS version of gen2
Love the brave mode, the LS variant feels like MFHU LS what with having no spinny move at the end of the r-combo, the removal of fade slashing unless you first sheathe mode or have the blue glow is kind of hard to get used to but I think it's worth it
Arts are also pretty fun to use, seems like they upped the health of some monsters a ton to balance out the additional strength a hunter gets from using arts
I needed like almost 20 minutes to kill the Tetsucabra urgent and I felt that he should have died long before I even managed to break both tusks
Can we ever hope to see some of the best monsters in World again?
It's not like they can't just use the skeleton from the big dinosaur one (i forget the name) and I can't believe the excuse that new skeletons are too difficult to add, are these people developers or just con artists
>supporting a game with the same shit mechanics from 10 years ago
i also played mh on psp but i dont get people still loving the series
The new monsters are fun to fight. Especially if you missed out on Gen 3/4.
It's not even really more cartoony, it's just more vibrant.
Honestly mhw gameplay with old mh art style would be the fucking best for me
>it literally looks like a psp game scaled in full hd
Well, maybe because it's a 3DS, which had even worse resolution than a PSP.
Why in the world do you think it would look anything but that, it's actually surprising it looks passable at all.
i don't mind the bad graphics, i just cant believe how fucking poor this piece of shit runs.
60 bucks for a bad port that cant even hold 30 frames, even monster hunter 4 ultimate on 3ds runs better than this shit
i cant cope with the new weapons
I played 200+hrs in both generations and XX for 3ds. I have a switch but I don't feel like playing it all over again from scratch. New MH for switch when?
>that cant even hold 30 frames
But it can.
>can't even hold 30
proof or stfu
*kills worldlet players within 5 seconds*
never stood a chance
The console can run this shit at 60 fps, but they capped it to 30 and said it was because of "muh crossplay"
Styles actually were a refreshing addition to the game, they just needed more balance and iteration to get fleshed out into a proper feature.
maybe its just my switch dying on me, but it keeps stuttering, especially docked
Why not just transfer your generations save over (or XX if you're playing the Japanese version)?
5 seconds eh? I can do better than that
As maximum casual it was, is there anything more FUN than Brave style Dual Blades?
It's literally slower than a regular Diablos at the start of the fight.
When capcom stops squeezing every last buck out of their lazy port cashgrabs
Next they'll release asura's wrath and say "if you don't buy this one too we won't make any new games despite telling you the same shit for two years"
You guys haven't seen anything yet
Is it wrong that I loved Great Moccao?
As a World vet, this guy is absolute bs. Artificial difficulty to the max and beyond unfair. He doesnt even have any tells for when he leaps, he just does it.
>it literally looks like a psp game scaled in full hd
because it literally is. It was a 3ds game that was upscaled
no one should buy this
Not at all, he's a surprisingly fun fight for a beginner monster and his design is cool
Even the "dull" areas had their own atmosphere to it.
Three years from now at the earliest.
made me drop the game in the first quest
you have such shitty weapons and the firts thing they made you fight this fuck
what were they thinking
It only "can't" handle 30 fps because the idiots capped it at that framerate.
What are some other games where the game automatically dodges all incoming attacks and makes you invincible?
>dodges all incoming attacks
not even true
Could you in theory run away from the monster when the mantle is down and only fight it when it can be activated?
I think Kid Icarus Uprising had an autododge power-up and ability
>release temporal mantle
>attempt to balance the game around it with AOE spam monsters like Lunastra, Behemoth, AT Xeno, and Ancient Leshen
Those fights aren't even fun either. World's gameplay went off a cliff after high rank began, but no one wants to admit it because "M-Muh console Monster Hunter"
autoguard in previous monhuns literally makes you invincible
sup p3rd babby
Unless they opt to release another World expansion after Iceborne then I imagine we'll get a Switch game next year.
It has a cooldown of five minutes so I guess you could in theory if you wanted to turn a 10 minute fight into a 50 minute fight.
real comfy hours
and how does that relate to what I said? there are things that ignore temporal like Kirin''s and Toaster's trample, Nerg's paw jab and more
What are some other games with crazy anime attacks?
Why is Monster Hunter coming autis´tic in terms of pokemon
Fuck i think Monster hunter fags are even more autistic than smashfags
Or they realize console multiplats sell far more than nintendo games and do more games in the line of world.
MH fans were pretty happy and content all the way from MH1 to MHXX.
It's only when the series got permanently altered and changed for the worse with neonuzombieMH aka World that shit hit the fan.
Blame Capcom for ditching the MH vets and trying to win over the western gamestop-visiting dudebro normies.
Not us.
Because both series shat the bed in 2017, but retards will gobble it up anyway.
Not all tacks some are not auto doge.
It lasts only a 90 or so seconds and has a recharge time of 300 seconds.
People dont use it to make the game easier but to recklessly build meter or similar on gimick weapons during combat.
People bearly even get to use it more than 2-3 times during a hunt.
And besides how is it any worse than infinity stamina drinks in older games.
Hell Infinity stamina is more op in my opinion seeing as it lasts longer and makes some gear OP and even makes blocking unpenetrable.
see this what i meant
How do you even live with yourself.
>you cant even aim
wtf I use a pro controller and aim perfectly fine
You know they have an entire separate team dedicated to portable games, right? And that the portable games still make a huge amount of money even if it's not quite as much as what World made?
So much fucking this. I hope B team keeps them in their new game and adds more polish.
Monster hunter wold has an easier base game than resat of the series.
But its end end game content is some of the hardest in the series and its not even the Ultimate/G version.
I played 4 Ultimate and XX and got to the end of the game and fought all deviants and hyper and such and it was never as hard as some of the arch monsters in world.
Fuck off. Gameplay > Graphics any day.
>tendie games can't even get past psp/ps3 title
It's a yearly series. Iceborne is this years release World was last years and XX was the year prior so 2020 fall time I expect a new MH for Switch etc.
That some nice historical revisionism bing bing. It's pretty obvious you weren't around for the switch from 2nd gen to 3rd gen. Everything in World is a result of what 4th Gen started too.
Tri wasn't anywhere near the shitshow that World is.
Holy shit your are pathetic i wish mods would make containment board for shits like you
Tri was even worse. Gutted mechanics, half the weapons, and the smallest roster since 1.
no accounting for taste. I like MHGU and not bothered about any other title including MHW. I could afford to buy another platform and the game if I wanted but not bothered. horses for courses stop having hissy fits about what other people like, stfu, and play the one you want to play
At least it had a quality roster
>Could you in theory run away from the monster when the mantle is down and only fight it when it can be activated?
If you're bad enough that you need to do this it's unlikely that you'd be able to inflict enough damage to kill the monster before the time ran out on the hunt.
Don't forget never released in the west.
MH (as well as many other capcom games such as Okami) are capped to 30fps because Japs love binding gameplay logic (such as clipping) to fps for some fucking reason. They would need to rewrite their code if they wanted to make it 60fps
>you're not allowed to criticize a game of a franchise you love in hopes of the developers correcting their path and doing a better job next time
Ok then
Hope Iceborne keeps pathetic weapon designs, a useless garbage gathering hub and trash SOS online.
They fucked the colors. Things look washed out
>stop discussing video games on a video game discussion board, just play them
this is you
He's fucking great. Pretty hard for a "tutorial monster" but it really teaches you the importance of reading a monsters move and how to dodge properly. It's a fun fight. Unless you're a complete shitter I guess
No it didn't. People were bitching to high heaven about how much worse the roster was than 2nd gen when Tri came out. Alatreon was the only thing anyone liked coming off of tri.
there's one or two quests later on where he's like quadruple the size, Those are fun
>here's the monster hunter game you wanted, little bro
>it's called generations btw LOL
Thank you friend, I'll enjoy an actually challenging game with over a hundred monsters, including snakes, frogs, crabs and other non-wyvern monsters.
I'll also enjoy a game with actually cool weapon designs.
And I'll enjoy a game with a working online lobby system and a proper guild and village split the way it should be :)
Yeah but portable Monhuns have never got a world release.
It may look good but the gameplay is dogshit and theyve made it even more casual.
The only thing stupid in worlds is the shitty decoration gem rng
needs a monster hunter edit LOL
that's bullshit dude
ahahaha ohhhnononono
nooooooononoo look at the ahahah the top of his fucking head ohnononoahahaha
post your solo EX Boltreaver kill time or you're full of shit
you usually would still be hit though because the dodge had some end lag and most incoming attacks were either lasers or came in barrages
Decorations being RNG is the reason why I dropped MHW after doing the two tempered Bazel quest. What a retarded fucking decision.
These are elite monster hunters
I think it looks nice
This is true, we'll have to see how much selling 12 mil units with World has changed capcoms procedures.
you can lock on an enemie?
not true
but even if the gamplay is utter shit
fuck off
imagine hoping and wishing that Capcom sell out
It does, but in a different way. MHW looks good because it has so much detail, but the palettes are a bit muddy compared to other games. It also looks pretty cluttered sometimes (especially Coral Highlands).
Other MH titles have the opposite problem. The palettes are usually really great, but they are very low detail and have a lot of empty space.
Both look good in their own way I guess, but I do wish MHW had more saturated colors and more colorful and creative weapon designs. Defeating a new monster and looking at all the new cool weapon designs unlocked is always fun but that was gone in World. If we had the crafting tree from World with Weapon designs from the other MH title, that'd be fucking 10/10
At least capcom acknowledged the problem, so hopefully Iceborne will fix it. I have never had a problem with the weapon design styles themselves in World, but the fact that too many weapons share the same design is a big problem. Some elder dragon weapons share the same design as some normal wyvern.
>still thinking boltreaver is hard
Grimclaw and silverwind are much harder
I've been playing these games since Ps2 era, and while not at the tippy top of my list, MHGU is pretty high up there just for content alone. I still enjoy World quite a bit because I'm one of those crazy radicals that like both old *and* new style MH, I just want weapon/armor variety, double the monsters and some goddamn soul into the coloration of the areas in world. The only interesting area in World is the Coral Highlands.
If you're that bad then you probably couldn't get the temporal mantle without cheating anyway.
>At least capcom acknowledged the problem
The reason they made so many of those Nintendo based games in the first place was that they were able to reuse 90% of the content in each game. Most of the work went into the couple new monsters and the equipment you could craft from them and the new game's story and occasionally a new area.
World was groundbreaking because for the first time in years they had to remake ALL the graphics for the game.
Yeah I wouldn't mind if the weapons were just less "anime" or wacky in World cause there's some really silly designs like the fucking corncob gunlance or the Pizza charge blade. While I can appreciate those designs in MHG(U) they would be pretty jarring in MHW because the game has a very different tone all things considered.
But the fact that the're ultimatively like 3 actually different weapon designs just with different parts slapped on them was really disappointing.
I swear it was in some interview some time ago.
Top brain fart. Meant to write "there's"
Couldn't they take the old skeletons and just glue better textures on them?
Now this is some legit criticism to World. They fucked up big time with reusing so much of the weapon components. I get what they were trying to accomplish with that concept but it really didn't work out at all.
They just decided to use newish technology instead I guess. The dynamic head/neck movement thing is the most apparent
World is filled to the brim with post-processing effects. When you look at the edges of models and landscape, it's all weirdly blurry and noisy. Even anti-aliasing doesn't help that much and I don't understand why it looks so bad.
I feel like that would have been posted in every thread if it were true, given what a widespread complaint the weapon design was.
The skeletons are definitely reused (i mean even for completely new monsters, like that new Iceborn elder dragon is definitely just the Kushala skeleton), but "better textures" is of course easier said than done.
It's not just textures, it's also shit like normalmaps. To create proper normalmaps, you usually need to create a highpoly version of each model where you sculp every single detail, which you then bake onto the lowpoly model that is actually used in the game. After/while doing that, you also need to create entirely new textures that match the normalmap.
I obviously don't know how capcom exactly works on these things, but chances are they had to make the highpoly models from scratch, which is quite a lot of work.
Didnt they ask users to create weapon designs for iceborne in a contest? They can be adding some good ones
>can't transfer my 3DS save
Yeah get fucked Capcom
They did one for World as well, I think the wyvern ignition GS was a competition winner.
Gamestop shoppers love casualized series, it's their bread and butter so of course they want more AAA, MX, preorder bonus infested "we want the ASScreed audience" shit.
i just hope they dont pull that shit in iceborne; that kadachi/bone LS in the trailer worries me
you can u have to download the 3ds app
Who knows. They might've done just that. 3ds games and World was done on the same engine. They might've just swapped out the rendering part and added some fancy new shit like IK to the skeletons. But like the other user pointed out they definitely made new models and upgraded their whole graphics workflow to a modern standard for World. I just think that they reused more than we might think at first glance.
World also has better gameplay.
I mean the original generations
imagine actually believing this
Valor longsword is legit broken(as in stupidly op). Not as much as brave hbg but it’s pretty close. When in valor mode your first hit of the spirit combo has a guard point and launches you into finishing it quicker if you block something, abuse this as much as you can. Also the blue spirit gauge is like only .02% weaker than red but significantly easier to maintain without Sakura slash or whatever the fuck the one art is called.
It does though. Unless you're a contrarian faggot or a seething bing bing.
>bing bing
Go back to your containment thread /mhg/tard.
is it just me or did this game get filled with chink players?
I wouldn't personally mind, but they are beyond rude, they keep skipping turns, posting quests unrelated to the rooms and ignoring pinging when capping. Also they don't change the language of their auto shoutouts to english.
mama mia
>Aerial Hammer
rent free
I hope you're not confusing QoL features with gameplay
if they stuck with Sorny, 4U and XX would have looked PS3 like P3rdHD
It's a port of fucking 3DS game what did you expect.
I'm excited for an MH developed solely for the switch
Its the switchfags still seething. Just watch them do a 180 when they get a ver of mhw
World is too hard for dudebro normies, you fucking brainlet. None of my normie friends like MH because it's too hard for them.
Everyone who complains is literally complaining about their sekrit club being infiltrated by souls babbys.
>W-walking while healing REEEEEEEEE
>Damage numbers REEEEEEEEEE
Have sex.
Did you miss the word 'trying' in the post you're replying to?
This is bullshit revisionism and you know it.
Man, these toddlers are insuferable. You will keep your portable ancient looking series. MH will continue forward and progress in the consoles. Just cope and keep saying to yourselves that games like XX, which are very far from a traditional MH, are "better". We'll keep buying and playing the games that pull 10M+, something you nigglets won't ever touch. Mainline MH is never going back to the toddlers.
This is actually worth 15 bucks and that's pushing it seeing how it's a expansion pack
I don't even like Monster Hunter, I just enjoy watching nintenDORKS getting fucked over and then watching them badly try to COPE their way out of it
no one cares about your flamewar anymore
Mh world has an "uncapped" mode in the pro consoles version and pc and it uses the exact same mt franework version as the gu switch version
They're just lazy
I do like Monster Hunter (series veteran, been playing since FU) and I still enjoy watching nINCELS seethe with rage at Capcom's best selling game ever made while they're stuck with a lazy port of a 3DS game.
>I don't even like Monster Hunter, I just enjoy watching nintenDORKS getting fucked over and then watching them badly try to COPE their way out of it
so like regular sonygoys then
So what is the problem? Dude bros don't play World, it's just got better controls so you find it easier.
The only legitimate complaint against MHW is artstyle, monster variety and damage output as weapons do slightly more damage and monsters have slightly less health than previous games.
Then you add literally nothing to the conversation. You're just here to shitpost because you're fucking bored.
based and chadpilled
No he isn't.
>it's a bad game anyway bros...
cringe and dorkpilled
fuck walking 10 minutes through tunnels to get from one side of "open world" map to another. Suck my smeg, world normies
Based as fuck
haha! you really showed him! all we playstation superchads need to stick together!
>that pic
okay but why though
Bounced off Gen very quickly but picked this up 2 years later to fill my Monster Hunter itch. My main gripes are:
-Never liked the concept of styles. You're usually trading a unique move for a universal dodge/counter. In Gen I refused to use hunter skills too but I'm getting used to them
-Everyone drome is a waste of time to fight
-The weapon upgrading system is a pain in the ass now. Now instead of forging weapons with Hi/G rank parts I have to spend a lot more time grinding lo rank monsters.
-Putting the farm behind prowler quests was a mistake
Besides that I'm having a good time. I'm maining HH online where I have a chance to actually stun a monster which is already something over World.
>janny tried banning me for two weeks for dabbing on his little friends
I don't even like Monster Hunter, I just enjoy watching nintenDORKS getting fucked over and then watching them badly try to COPE their way out of it
trying too hard
tl motherfucking dr
You can get from one side of the map to another in like 90 seconds. Pukei nest to SWC is 2 minutes. Other areas are smaller, even.
Killing Legania is the only real trek.
So funny xDDDD
>tl motherfucking dr
Sorry I know zoomers have attention spans of no longer than 15 seconds
Here is an abridged version
styles are for when one gets bored and wants to branch out. Personally I was pleasantly surprised at the nuance and longevity it adds
based and banevadepilled
So you basically have nothing better to do.
But Smash Ultimate sold more than World and smash fucking sucks, so your logic can go in the trash.
Fuck you.
what video games do you even like user?
user you’re not supposed to complain about shitty oneshot aoe spamming frontier rejects, you’re supposed to point to them as the actually hard completely optional 1% of the game that definitively proves World isn’t the most casual game in the series
I can understand that. I was grinding through low rank with Swaxe and was getting bored because I was using Demon Sword and quick charge and just sword comboing the moster to death every hunt. Then I switched my skills the power axe and trance slash and started having a lot more fun again.
Because it's a literal 3DS port. There's a reason why it's one of the lowest selling MH game.
Once you get higher you’ll unlock tempest axe, which when combined with valor is absolute kino
Remember Yea Forums.
Quantity ≠ Quality.
Why would I do that when I can just say that 4U is just as casual as World for that very reason?
Most 4Ufags have their heads so far up their asses that they haven't done a non +128 quest in well over three years.
I like all Monster Hunter games
>he doesn't go ultra instict in a last ditch full aggro attempt to slay the monster
Do your mates even play with you?
world and gu are both great to be honest
to each his own
Why is Monter Hunter so fucking boring? Jesus Christ I tried World a month ago at a friend's house and the intro was obscene will all those cutscenes and barebones mechanics.
Couldn't get past 3 hours of it.
fuck off faggot just shut up and hate [game not on my system]
Based, have another one
Because it was the worse game in the series before World was announced. And the director for XX is now in charge of Iceborne.
>he owned a wiiu
I bet you did bing bing but are cool with buying the same game twice because IT HASZ SLOPESS!!1!1
>he owned a wiiu
pretending you didn't won't hide your shame bing bing
>he owned a wiiu
WiiU fag has entered the arena.
>B-b-but Switch was supposed to be d-d-dead on arrival?!!1!
Fought this nigger for the first time yesterday and triple carted like an absolute retard so fast I got kicked from the room for the first time ever. Can I get some tips for dealing with the roar bullshit and his divebomb that seems to kill despite not landing on you? The first can be negated by just bringing a hearing hunting horn or gemming I assume hg earplugs but I’d like to know how to deal with that without those for variety’s sake. Please help me not be an absolute embaressment.
Just got a Handicraft +5 000 charm. What else should I keep an eye out for?
Redhelm dabs all over world.
HG plugs a must, don't compromise.
Fucking retard.
Tenderizer +5 ooo is another popular one, then depending on what else you want to build shit like artillery+10, (shot type)+5 and sharpness are good too. Talismans with two skills at +4 or higher and 3 slots are god tier with neset assuming both skills are remotely useful.
Lucky guy I've been trying to get that for months!
Sharpness +7 000
Chain Crit +5 000
Attack +9 000
are 3 of my best
valor hbg
don't actually spam the gun
sorry sharpness +6 000
Anyone happen to have that art/weapon chart using pictures to describe them for GenU?
I've been trying for months too. The melder is my best bet since nobody knows how to do a proper charm room.
How splashable is Spirit +5 000?
Spirit is a great skill, especially online where the monster is likely to be enraged for a majority of the hunt. The only “downside” is spirit is a cheaper skill compared to something like handicraft, crit up, etc so it’s technically not as economical as those skills as a primary talisman skill but who cares if you want to use it.
>brave HBG
Do tell.
After how well MHW sold they wont be doing anything but porting to the switch.
Soul: MH4U
Soulless: MHXX
lmao: MHW
Imagine if hbg could sprint weapon drawn and seigefire so fast it makes recoiless rapidfire look slow. That’s brave. Oh yeah, it reloads faster too.
>enter valor/brave state
>dodge through everything
>run after dodging if you're scared
>enter siege
>empty 99% of clip
>enter it again
>minimal aiming required between siege rolls
>equip mass combiner
>spam pierce shots all hunt
>dead in minute(s)
>kill monster before 5 minutes are up
>online with 4 brave hbg
>only multi monster hunts stand a chance at stopping you
Just farm combines and get pierce +5 three slot. You'll be set with a mixed set.
Always been tempted to learn HBG/LBG but something hold me back. Melee guy at heart, something about gunning doesn't sit right with me.
>No MH5P for the switch
Guns are the most soulless way of hunting so you're not really missing out.
if 4U is soul then what's 3U?
Well user lets look at it from there point of view. If I make a game with triple A graphics, my buyers are going to expect that of me next time I make a game, but if I succesfully create a game with sub-par graphics that gains a giant audience, and people still buy it with only a few people complaining, why not keep it looking like shit? It saves money user.
Triple AAA graphics and MTX also saves money
What kind of cats do people set up for GU? Just for backup, not for prowler mode.
After being let down so many times by my healer cat I dropped one for a protection one so he could draw some aggro and hopefully last a little longer. If you give him a detox horn and furrlask of healing his healing is pretty much just as good so I’m not sweating it too much. I’ll let you know if he pans out. Another thing you could do is a gathering one with plunderang to nab a few extra carves.
Thanks. Gathering does look pretty useful thanks to the usual drop rate nonsense. Are the trap ones any good?
Yup. They set traps fairly consistently if you give them all three
>not hunting with 2 bombing felynes
Go big or go home baby
Weren't they nerfed from gen to genU?
I think they were. I was just making a joke because I was leveling with one bomber cat and she blew me up a minimum 3 times every hunt.