>mfw mom and dad are fighting again so I have to mute my mic while gaming
Mfw mom and dad are fighting again so I have to mute my mic while gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw dad slept beside me again
y u smilin?
>mfw mom goes to bed so I can't talk to my friends online anymore until morning
>tfw mom and ''dad'' are fighting again
to hide the pain
here! that's a hug ! ⊂( ' - ' )⊃
>mfw mom and mom are dilating again
I had the only parents in my friend group who would fight and scream viciously when other people were over, eventually kids stopped wanting to come to my house because of how awkward it was. And because we already lived in the middle of nowhere it really fucked up my social life as a kid. I still kinda resent them for that but they good peoples
>tfw dad left when I was 9
>Wife is home so can't make callouts online
>tfw grandad shit in the back of the car again
>dad left before i was born because mom cheated on him
>mfw dad slept inside me again
uuh how is that possible retard
>dad only showed up every 3 years to start some sort of shitstorm
>mfw mom and dad are fighting again
I could never wish this on anybody, no matter what kind of faggot the are
>want to use the bathroom but mom is in there crying again
Sorry friend. You'll get over that bullshit. Let's talk comfy shit in the meantime. What do you game?
>really thirsty, want a glass of water
>parents are yelling at each other in the kitchen
I'm strongly considering bailing on a family reunion because I don't want to be around my abusive mother
also there's no one to look after the cats while we're gone
should I get in a fight with my dad about it
When I was a kid and my parents were fighting, I'd intentionally do something bad and get them to get mad at me so they'd stop being mean to each other and have a common enemy to yell at.
It usually worked, surprisingly.
My face when I own my own house and do whatever the fuck I want.
Are you addicted to daddy's cock, you slut?
>family reunion
is that a real thing lmao
>tfw felt like parents gave birth to me just out of pure natural obligation, not because they genuinely want a son
You or the bank?
>I own my own house
>200k in debt
shhh don't ruin it
Only Am*ricans do it
I don't believe this.
>Mother and her idiotic self mutilating boyfriend are fighting again
>I have to be the one to take everyone to the mall or something because she doesnt want me to interfere.
Fine then, you be destructive, bitch, I pay 2/3rds of the bill anyway, if he goes to jail the place is basically mine
yes user its a mortgage. You know rent is technically a form of debt? you owe 12,000 or however much your rent is. The owner of the building is just being nice and allowing you to pay it in 12 monthly installments?
Then fuck them. My guess is that you have given them a share of happiness, and if not, fuck them. Parent figures help, but life is more than that. It hurts to know that, but it makes life much better.
you dont own shit youre in debt
its fascinating how the average american has no money and is in debt
Mom got pregnant, slept with some other chump, dad scarpered, user was born
It was while she was pregnant user. Are you okay?
t. brainlet
I always knew Sonic was for kids from troubled and broken homes
>teeth randomly start hurting
am I fucked
>mfw my parents are still happily married and are retiring soon
>parents are angry at eachother so they pick on me for playing vidya instead of learning
Not him, but the house i have i have because of my family, and it is a really a great advantage, or more like a really great weight off my back because i see all my friends in debt because they want their houses and here i am, cheating my way through life. Feels somewhat good.
>Americans are the only people who have mortgages
Why not just assert dominance
what's the source
This one hurts
>call parents out of shitty things they do
>yeah user but you...
holy fuck you're the fucking parent you're supposed to be setting an example
why the fuck do you think I have so many issues you fucking shithead failures you deserve to die alone
This, just go grab your water. That will shut them off for a few minutes, assholes.
>mfw 32 and still living with them
They fucked up.
only if they are half decent parents
often you showing up ads fuel to the fire
>dad was in the army
>mom was fucking other men while pregnant
>dad comes home and finds her
>i was born
I'd take a DNA test if I were my dad, just to make sure
>live with parents
>tell people i am taking care of parents
>in truth, they are the ones taking care of me
who else know this feel
but you were gifted with low expectations
I do.
They are 70 and 75 years old too.
Really, if that's the case then what pieces of shit. Forget about them and become better. Hard as fuck, but no other way around.
>mfw mom walks between me and tv repeatedly wearing extremely short shorts
Like wtf I'm a grown man (neet)
>not leaving it on and making everyone uncomfortable
damn dude, are you like 45 or something
why arn't you living with a wife or smehtng
>Can't live without parents because nomoney
>They couldn't function a week without me anyway
>what pieces of shit.
they aren't bad people
they just have problems
>fighting parents
>house with only one restroom
I'd bet this happens at LEAST 10,000 times a day
not him but I'm 21 and my dad is over 60
probably why I'm a fucking autist
>can't talk ingame because always worried my parents would call me by my real name instead of the fake one I tell people online
God, when I first started paying a bit of the bills (there really isnt much to buy when you dont have a hobby) my parents really started acting a lot nicer. Nowadays they couldnt possibly pay the bills without me, so Ive really fucked all of us over
Why have a fake name?
>tfw my online name is my real name
>can't change it
fuck sony
This time of year, if pollen affects you it’s probably a sinus headache. It gets to stuffed up in your head the pain comes out at your teeth. Make some hot tea and take a steamy shower.
You can now
>They couldn't function a week without me anyway
nice cope
So whenever some autist gets uppity they don't go dumpster diving through the internet to find where I live and send 20 pizzas
Does it still fuck your saves like it did when they first started letting you do it?
but you can now user
first time is free
>can still hear my parents fighting through my headphones
>volume is at max
yeah and it fucking deletes your save data and dlc and doesn't even work on older games
no thanks
I don't have allergies and don't take care of my teeth and haven't been to a dentist in years
Honestly this is comfy as fuck. Reminds me of childhood. I miss my grandma, she died from cancer when I was 12 and she was the only person who was ever nice to me as a kid
unironically that could be the reason for autism.
at least you are functional atlustist
>dad forces me to go to the doctor
>doesn't pay for the visit over a year later
>collection agency sending mail with my name on it
fuck my piece of shit deadbeat parents
"Just put on your headphones"
My mom and dad were both 18 when they had me, still ended up an autist.
>no one can be this paranoid
>yea pizzahut? send 20 pizza to all john waltons in NY area
>wanting your 'dad' to be a cuck
>All 4 Grandparents are from italy, parents were born in Connecticut
>I live in a huge house growing up that has 2 of my grandparents (father's side), my parents, and me and my siblings
>Because my family is Italian they scream everything
>My Grandparents can only speak in Itali-English (like Spanglish, but Italian and English)
>Growing up people would just hear a constant stream of shouting and yelling in broken Italian and English over my mic in Teamspeak or Ventrillo
It is amusing because I had people who wondered if my parents were fighting or about to get a divorce. I had to explain to them that half the time they're just yelling about food or about what some guy did when they were driving. Mundane stuff, they just always shout.
>take shit
>can hear mom masturbating
>forgot headphones
>it's a bad shit
>at least you are functional
>mother is 17 when she had me, my older sister was born when she was 16
>grandfather and father drive mother to abortion clinic without telling her
>mom outrages and decides to keep me for child support
>never talked to my father ever
love my grandfather tho. i shouldve been aborted
>mfw playing mario in my room and dad comes home drunk again trying to unlock the door again
>keeping that hilarious Broken English/Mexican Spanish hybrid shouted by the lollipop guild to yourself
Greedy OP.
Let me tell you a secret, almost NO ONE in this world plans having a kid. My parents didn't, my parent's parents didn't, my friends' parents didn't. Don't feel bad
You cucked your dad little bitch
probably doesnt help that you are a failure of a human
All seconds of my existence is misery
Reminder your father will betray you, your mother will try to kill you.
Nigger you're on Yea Forums
>this thread
>mom and dad are not fighting
same, im lucky
>debt based global economy
>is surprised
i'm sure you're the type of faggot that thinks companies are just rolling in actual money and things like tax cuts on debt don't exist
>dad left me with a psycho 'mother' who ruined my life.
Why is this still up
what a fuckhole of a life..
I know your mom but my I add,
>Mom was fatass uggo who molested me as revenge for Dad leaving her
>tfw found a couple of years ago that im the product of rape
>my real dad is in prison for an unrelated crime
no he isn't black
Did she dieded.
So you've been here like a month, huh?
>not Jewish
>parents circumsised me
I'm going to fucking kill myself
No. I ran away at like 16 and hitchhiked to my mythical fathers place. He was surprising remorseful when he found out what happened.
The smell of underage
mods had a hard life too
Cleaner is better
>parents move in with me because they are typical useless boomers
>always subtly act like the house is their's and need to shut them down constantly
>now that it is completely paid off they seem to think I should buy another house for myself and hand it over to them
I am now faced with the possibility that I will soon have to move all their shit out of my house and kick my parents out on the street next time they both leave the house before some Jewish lawyer tries to take my home from me or something.
mega based
Why dont you start legal proceedings against her. Women dont deserve sympathy and you might be successful in it because this is the metoo era.
I already did. Shes in prison omae. Im in the kikes service for the Army National Guard and have a doggo now. Its not the best life but its something.
Have you?
Yea Forums's average age is like 12.
If you are over 18 you should be able to kick your dads ass, Hell if you are a fit 16 year old you can do it
Absolutely based.
Typical boomers have homes.
Your parents are failures.
>mom is fighting with stepdad all the time and we're all fucking miserable
>know deep down that we don't really hate each others, it's just the product of a lot of problems
>mom dies and i go to live with my grandparents
>mom said to NEVER ever live with my grandmother because she would crush me
>grandma told me to not stay with my step father become he would crush me
>went to live with my grandparents
guess what, mom was right
>tfw first ever memory was my mom stabbing my dad with a kitchen knife
>i shouldve been aborted
My mom miscarried her second baby because she fell down some stairs but then had me. If she hadn't fallen down those stairs I wouldn't have been born. Imagine that.
Crush grandma
Ehh, if they couldn't bleed it from their parents before they died they will try to drink the blood from their kids even harder than the typical of their kind.
>Tell deadbeat, abusive "mom" to gtfo my life
>Can barely do anything outside of Yea Forums and maybe Steam anymore because she's cyber-stalking me (for lack of a better word) for ammo to turn the rest of the family against me
>Only found this out recently because grandma let it slip that "mom" called my dad and hounded him for information about people I mentioned on social media
define "crush", does she literally sit on you or something
Womens rights and independence was honestly the biggest mistake we could've made.
More like being mentally crushed, guilt-tripped, being told the worst shit you could tell to someone when she's drunk, etc
Join the military user. Take yourself far far away. Best option would be Navy.
Same :( even before that i only met him once every two weeks.
Punch your mom in the mouth, Become the alpha
It gets better user.
Thanks lads. Forgot to mention but I fire tanks now. It feels extremely good when I am able to do it.
Haha, this looks like a fun game, lol
It's kinda getting better. I'm a failure but still found a job. I've become more independant and the fact that i've started to give less of a shit about her bullshit made her become nicer. But i'm not gonna forget that easily, trust me. Oh they need my money now ? Pic related
Been meaning to learn to drive this year (couldn't when I was younger due to car trauma caused by aforementioned mom), but on top of that I'm nowhere near /fit/ enough for the military.
I'd love to, and plan to if she sets foot near me again. But last I checked she's basically halfway across the country.
>mfw i just have it on voice activation
>mfw slurping coffee
it elevates the taste you uneducated niggers
>I'd love to, and plan to if she sets foot near me again
That's it user, Don't let her shit keep you down
They will make you /fit/. As long as you put effort in then its not a meme. Recruiters will take ANYONE. I have autism and they outright told me to lie at MEPS. I ran with it and have Specialist now at the present... Wont be getting Sargeant though. No one is.
awesome, my man
>visit friend's house as a kid to play vidya with him
>hear his parents fighting
>we both play in silence
Bunny girl senpai I think
Me, I've paid off my mortgage.