*refuses to communicate in English*
*refuses to communicate in English*
fuck linguistic imperialism, why would i speak YOUR langauge and not the other way around?
Get off Yea Forums then
Translators note: ''No'' means no.
*is the only other person who goes for the objective*
i have the privilege of posting here because i learnt english
you dumbfucks bring your dumber scum here because english speakers dont have any barrier and any retard monolingual can find this website
fuck off, i hate the way english speakers think they're entitled to have everyone speak theirl naguage
*press to talk*
We either invaded you, or our cultural output/that of our colonies completely fucking dominated you for the best part of the last two centuries.
When your country can say the same, people can learn your language.
Wtf do you mean? English is basically the primary language there
>Not being bilingual at the very least
Reminder that people started learning english because of massive cultural dominance of the USA.
cope harder
*refuses to communicate in proper english*
think about it for like 5 more seconds, im sure youll get it
>Negative KDR, no skill and smooth brain tactics
>Pretends to be a nice teammate but gets irrationally angry for losing
>Bangs his table on mic, shouts angrily often
>Open for suggestions though, but will snap back if you're not extremely direct in your choice of words since they're too autistic to understand the concept of sarcastic banter
Fuck pinoy
They speak english just fine. It's the BRs and ruskies that are cancer
what do you mean
you didnt do shit, dont try to take other people's merits when you're a fatass manchild posting in a Chinese Porcelain website for videogames
*brings up politics unprompted, out of nowhere*
Continue suck my language dick then faggot
wrong. i did it all, alone.
*plays pure fucking tinfoil in the background*
The thing is that they literally cannot refuse since most people know English way better than tagalog/filipino. It's a dead bastardized language
>Find a fellow kinsman on the server I play on
>We chat a bit in our native tongue
>Fat American interrupts
>Tells us to stop speaking foreign language
>Ignore him
>Continue talking in our language
>He starts getting genuinely angry and tells us that this is an American game as if that means we have to speak English
Why are they like this?
*speaks in YEEHAW*
That'd be Brits. Fuck OFF with your cancerous Brexit talk I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. You don't hear me talking about Catalonia's little bout.
>Ah nu cheeki breeki iv damke
the chinese malay girl at my job is super qt and speaks great english she's 50-something and im going to make her feel young again
When I find a fellow kinsman I maybe say a few phrases in our language but I still stick to English. It's just disrespectful if you're playing with other people I feel.
>It's just disrespectful if you're playing with other people I feel.
Why? Just mute them if they ignore you.
You have people screaming and talking about inane bullshit all the time. I just mute them and carry on.
Americans start to absolutely seethe when they hear a language they can't comprehend.
I mostly play with other friends or premades user, it's disrespectful.
*instantaneously forms ad-hoc heckling groups for extreme laughs*
>playing Darkest Hour 44-45 couple of days ago
>everything is fine until ONE retard says something obviously stupid and wrong
>5 minutes later half the server is having an absolutely demented, unironically political debate on how Hitler was actually a Communist and Nazis were in reality left wing all along and if you dont like Commies it means you don't like Nazis/fascists as well
>game comes basically to a halt as people type one paragraph after another
Rectoid, if you read this you are waste of fucking oxygen.
There's an 87.5% chance OP is peenoise
Hindi ito video games. Ipapabond kita sa Mods
>The Dutch speaking English is more ear-grating than the guy spamming mic-chat with dubstep
I miss having a language barrier from 10-14 years ago, at least in the EU region. Most exchanges were limited to "fuck your mother" and "asshole fuck you". Now everyone learned English and people can't shut the fuck up.
I remember watching a Ferensic Files episode about a russian immigrant who came to america to start a business and was killed. People who knew him claimed he didn't like to speak Russian in front of non russian speakers because he thought it was rude. I've always found that sweet from foreigners.
judging by your posts it doesn't seem like you bring much more to the table than 'our' dumbest native speakers
I find it just needlessly excludes people from potentially joining in. Plus, I'm already perfectly comfortable with my mother language, I'll take any chance to practice English over speaking my own language any day, maybe one day I'll get rid of my retardo Spaniard accent.
Fucking nightmare in co-op games.