Is super sampling mode on PS4Pro a meme...

Is super sampling mode on PS4Pro a meme? I bought a 4K TV and most of the time I end up 1080p upscalled so I just decided to go back to a 1080p TV

You guys actually own a PS4 right? Not sure if this board is still full of /r/pcmasterrace retards

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You're not going to be seeing some insane difference but it does help with jaggies on games that support it. The issue is 99% of games that are "4k compatible" are just upscaled and not actually rendering at a native 4k resolution, so there's 0 difference between 1080p and 4k besides it looking slightly less stretched on a 4k display.


pick ONE (1)


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Those "upscaled games" work with supersampling mode enabled? I assume they don't run at 4K obviously but some text, UI and the output is at 4K so neither PS4Pro or TV are scaling anything

if you have a 4K do not use supersampling
it even fucking says that it's for 2k or lower resolution
just set your resolution to 4k? are you retarded?

He just said he went back to a 1080p tv you fucking braindead numpties.

>'s not just a fetish! it's more than that!

I use a 1080p samsung with a Pro, its not 4K i cared about it was making sure games like REmake 2 ran at 1080p 60fps. Tekken 7, Tomb Raider and Nier Automata are night and day between standard and Pro.

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because he's a retard who doesn't know how to set his resolution

best jrpg of 2019 is a ps4 exclusive.

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PS4's fine as long as you didn't 100 extra dollars on the 4k meme.

NieR Automeme is horrible. play Nioh instead

Supersampling only works if you hack your 4K TV (service menu) to set to HD resolution. Using old cables won't work - it will detect 4K@25hz

I have that too. But whats horrible about it, it runs nice on Pro.

also your framerate is better at 1080p

That released on steam today senpai

Fuck off snoy.

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>the first time I'm seeing this game mentioned on here after the release yesterday and it's this shitpost

What kind of people play nip shit like this? They all look the same what is the appeal? I hate anime btw


They are video games. Not cinematic experience

Nioh is horrible. play Sekiro instead

Lonely incels

Visual novel experiences are almost the same except there's barely any animation.

Ironic considering most JRPGs have 0 depth to the combat and no builds.

VNs are more like books.

There are plenty of JRPGs which have those things, though sucky JRPGs do outweigh decent ones.

JRPGs as a genre stem from Dragon Quest which itself is a casualized Wizardry. Yes there are some that break the mold but the vast majority of popular ones are literally the most shallow strategy games out there. Again stemming from Dragon Quest and unlike games like Wizardry they often lack builds or stat allotment which is where most RPGs get any sense of depth. They also lack even basic positioning/movement, the only JRPG I can think of with rows is SMT. They usually supplement depth with grinding which idiots mistake for depth or "difficulty" when it's jsut a time investment anyone could make. Saying something is best JRPG of a certain year means nothing because there is a small handful of JRPGs actually worth playing for the gameplay. Even more ironic if you are going to speak ill of "movie" games. My point being the same point I was originally making with my first post, it's funny you would call out "movie games" when a big part of why people like/play JRPGs is setting, story and characters. Games like FF7 would not be so beloved without the story. In other words, the genre is one of the oldest "movie" games or rather games that people played for reasons other than the gameplay being good.

Basically it just adds a small amount of anti-aliasing if the game can NATIVELY render above 1080p. Honestly you'd have to turn it on and off based on the game cos some run like shit if supersampling is on with next to no aa improvement while without it they usually run better

SS works the vast majority of the time. Even bad Pro supported games run at 1440p which is a 76% jump in resolution helping clean up jaggies. Most decent Pro supported games run at 1920x2160 and us CR to get up to 3840x2160, once again a fuck huge jump in resolution that helps out on a 1080p display. Having said that just play on your 4k TV, there's zero downsides. Even old PS4 games that are 1080p or below still upscale decently.

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>g-guys my Sony placebo isn't working, how are you faring?
>fuck those PC niggers h-haha, those losers don't know how good true 4K™ feels

It's a coping mechanism for never being able to attract a girl. Not even a fat landwhale who looks like Gabe Newell they're that fucking pathetic. We should be legally allowed to kill incels all they do is waste space and resources that could be spent on actual humans.

Supersampling is running the game at a higher resolution then scaling it back down for anti-aliasing.
The PS4 Pro is not capable of supersampling a game at 4K. Heck, shy of of 2080 you aren't going to be supersampling games at 4k and maintaining a good framerate.
The PS4 Pro just doesn't have the power to do real 4K on most games. 4K on the PS4 was a marketing gimmick, it can only do that on simple indie games. So they upscale 1080p or in the better cases 1440p. Even on PC you are hard pressed to find a GPU under $400 that can offer a good 4K experience. You are usually sacrificing framerate.
Supersampling does work on 1080p. They'll run your games at 1440p and reduce the jagged edges a little bit.