How do we break japan out of their creative rut?
How do we break japan out of their creative rut?
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Right looks better.
Light Novels are rotting the brains of Japanese youth.
They must be destroyed.
Left is hot, but right is hot AND cute as fuck. Western art just can't compete.
>modeled after an white woman
>modeled after a asian woman
Who made these images anyway? 2chan?
shit bait, have a better one from my collection
Both are pretty cute
The West is just as creatively bankrupt as Japan is. Probably more.
The lines don't even add up
Also the gook face is FLAT and ROUND
Japan actually changes styles. Left looks like your standard 50s pinup art style.
and anime faces aren't flat and round?
cursed image
Not at all
There is that one image where it clearly shows how the white features are exaggerated.
Also just look at anime eyes, do you really think Japanese have big eyes?
>do you really think Japanese have big eyes?
For once they both look good
Both are perfectly fine, you imbecile.
Great Western Art > Great Japanese Art > Mediocre Japanese Art > Mediocre Western Art
filters and makeup tricks wow! you sure convinced me faggot
How can asian women even compete lol.
Putting aside your personal preference, isn't variety a good thing?
There is plenty of variety in actual anime, but "anime games" all tend to stick to a formula.
The artist on the left is japanese too.
What game?
Also, left looks objectively better
ah yes the classic Yea Forums contrarian
>Lemme cherrypick some images that'll show 'em
Yes, they were made as joke/bait.
Just wait 5 years until the white girl hits The Wall™ and the Asian girl still looks 19
Also showing Claire goblin, fuck off tard.
Right is not even good anime style. I mean a jap can draw anime but it can easily be the soulless anime style copied from another jap that also does soulless anime shit.
Why are you posting asians that have gone through massive surgeries to look whiter?
you cant stop this, cause they sell stuff to pedo otakus - thats how anime became mostly moe schlock
but hey lets be fair, they are making westernized games with realistic chars too
They totally ruined that "After" lmao
Like the new Art from Stranger of Sword City
Or the worst fucking offender ever
The YU-NO remake
what kind of fucking alehouse serves loaves of bread instead of pig ears i ask you
Right looks better.
How the fuck are airbrushed photographs creative?
they always hire the wrong artists
theres way better quality ones on pixiv
More make up than a clown.
Japan was never good at art.
just few days ago I saw some artists bitching on twitter that they are 'forced' to create attractive pretty characters
I swear murican culture is brain cancer and the industry is rotting
by not crashing into the wall at 30
>posting post plastic surgery chicks with angles and makeup
Go stack your piles of jaw bones, fag.
Why are you attempting to compare art styles?
how did she remodel her cheekbones and jaw, not to mention her teeth?
Stop being reasonable.
Drills looks better, but the rest are shit.
Can you do the same with makeup?
Someone post the SoSS box art. It encapsulates everything wrong with LN self-insert faggotry.
Why would she shave down that absolutely chad jaw? Literally more masculine than that sleek n tears guy
what game?
A secret asian technique known only as "opening the mouth".
>what is smiling
both look good, what game?
Stranger of Sword City
It's a blobber
damn it got ANIME'D pretty hard
Reminder that Chie was made unattractive on purpose. The art director claimed they were changing her design over and over until it was not cute at all. After that, they gave her the most awful clothes possible. The effect was so terrible, she was standing out when put next to rest of the case. So they painted all menu screens and the interface in the color of her clothes and pins to blend her in better.
Stop buying anime and manga and start calling it trash amongst your anime loving peers.
The main reason why japan's creative scene has been in such a rut is because their entire anime and manga industry has been tailored for exporting to the west, and the more you buy moeshit the more moeshit you'll get.
Ouch, what's with those scores?
Why would I stop? I like the art style in the OP.
t. weeb pedo
The absolute COPE of wh*toids lmao
why are white women so ugly
Guess people don't bite on this one anymore
They're not just ugly on the outside (saggy, leathery skin at 23, wrinkles, prone to obesity, manly jaws, facial hair, etc) but they're also ugly on the inside. Vindictive, liars, manipulative, slutty, entitled... all words that describe the average while girl. Put that together and you have the most toxic parts of humanity wrapped up in one package
Have sex incel
There's some sort of tape that they use to make their jaw look less square and more round. They cover it up with makeup and hair and use filters to make it less noticeable.
The bridge of their noses get a ton of putty with makeup which also improves the shape of their faces.
Bend over faggot, wear a pretty dress for me too.
I like it so cry me a river faggot.
Get it on PC and you can make your own custom portraits
What do you mean? The right one looks good you baka ass gaijin.
If you don't lika kawaii as fuck anime design then literally seppuku kudasai.
Vid related
>The main reason why japan's creative scene has been in such a rut is because their entire anime and manga industry has been tailored for exporting to the west
Are you fucking stupid? Pandering to otaku is what got them in to this mess, it's an industry which caters to a very small niche with no interest at all in expanding because they can overprice physical goods for retarded otaku.
>The YU-NO
You're a "muh old better than new " retard if you think the OG looks better.
Cute! CUTE!
it is a mediocre dungeon crawler. So it takes a score hit for being a genre game journos don't understand.
The art is very good. Particularly the western style art for the monsters and characters.
The dungeons are lacking and it gets grindy in the wrong spots.
I would recommend Labyrinth of Refrain over it.
i can smell the make up from here
>all these people posting 3DPD even if its white or Asian
I bet that's a man
that only makes me want to fuck him more
>90s=moeshit cancer fully metastized
>00s "please forgive us but we can't fully recapture what made the 80's good"
70s is the best one
Yes. Different regions have varying artstyles.
Why do people make these threads?
Isn't that only applies to Saber Marionettes design? 90's have shit like 3x3 Eyes, Golden Boy, Gunsmith Cats, Evangelion and Cowboy Beebop. And if you want to put a moe representation for that era wouldn't Sailormoon be the right pick for it?
That image is bullshit. 90s anime had the most diverse character designs before or since.
>cute style that most stick to because it works, though many deviations are still easily recognizable
Let's see the alternatives.
>ugly and boring realistic style
>Korean MMO style that doesn't know whether it wants to be real or anime, everyone is basically an elf
>Yea Forums
>any of the OLD = GOOD styles, most of the time completely outdated and inconsistent
Yeah, I think we're good now.
god she's cute
>that cup
>that bread
japs could be really good drawing shit, but they waste their potential drawing anime.
>the 90s is a peak abomination
Stop lying there. We did have that type of artstyle back then but it doesn't mean they dominated the scene.
The fact is, that was the first decade where a lot of timeless artstyles were born in its later years like pic related.
Into what? uncharted/tlou style mind numbing games?
Easily recognizable pattern.
Japan should do something besides Medieval England, Germany and France for once. Do they not know that Eastern Europe exists?
Both in OP's pic are Japanese.
Who is that Frieza shit?
Because only two things exist.
Left or right?
80's looks great still, 80s and 70's, and even up to late 90's, anime had that grit to their line art that made them feel very real.
Left. Black bug eyes unironically ruin most asian girls.
Tough choice. Ultimately I choose the right because I'm a breast man.
30 yo boomer here, if you zoomers need to learn one thing in life let it be this, never ever trust your own eyes when it comes to women. They have perfected every way imaginable of making themselves look way above their actual looks. Also, never get in a relationship until you've seen her without make up, it'll save you a lot of headaches.
Left, but I have nothing against Asian babes.
this is now a kigu thread
>Add "retard" to something
>Suddenly is wrong
Are you a "muh new looks better than old" retard?
Yea Forums is normalfag central
Source for the top right?
jesus, what a consistently shit style
When is the last time you masturbated to 3D?
4 years ago
They cant and they know it,every single asian country beauty standard boils down to having the most white features.
Look at South Koreans in general and even indians obsessions with skin bleaching
Th@s cuz ur a feckin weeb
both, we were given two arms for a reason
th@s literally half-euro
women age in cocks
Fuck these types of Korean girls. I’m a huge weeb and I’d rather go for a post wall white girl than some plastic npc. I can’t believe retards fall for this. Uncanny valley looking ass. Actually fuck Korea in general. They rival chinks in terms of soulless levels. They’re the soulless to Japan’s soul. Worhtless insects.
Would you bang this 30 year old?
Name one good style
>posting models
>acting like they're what the average japanese looks like
every time
Reminder that this is what the avarage jap looks like.
She Old, Used, An' Busted Now!
she autistic and very unattractive
god damn my heart I'm going to move to Japan now
>Thick layer of makeup
>Still can't hide all of the imperfections on her face
Also, how do you get rid of those super visible pores on your cheeks? I exfoliate, but they don't seem to go away.
Left, I've always wanted to have sex with white women.
t. Asian from Asia
I've seen middle aged rural workers with better skin than that.
Put some fucking moisturizer or sunscreen in your face from time to time cunt.
No this is what average Jap girls look like.
there isn't a way to break asians out of their creative rut as asians are not evolved for creativity. The current existence between japan and the united states is the optimal situation an asian country can hope for being a relatively peaceful coexistence where the asian country can get ideas from the innovative whites and refine them further
>The main reason why japan's creative scene has been in such a rut is because their entire anime and manga industry has been tailored for exporting to the west, and the more you buy moeshit the more moeshit you'll get.
For the longest time you could barely get anything anime in the west and even now it can get difficult. Even more so for merch. If they tailored it for exporting, they sure aren't doing a good job at that whole exporting part.
we need more wars
they tend to use super think 'cakeup' in TV and it looks bad upclose and even exaggerates wrinkles
there are pore minimizers
also it can be hormonal thing - more T more oily skin and larger pores
80s>00s>60s>70s>meme answer>90s
the one in glasses isn't too bad.
both wrong
you forgot the biggest issue, Brie Larson just isn't that attractive
That 2B one was really cool, but I wish she had a sharper look. 2B just doesn't look right if she doesn't have a scowl.
I've only played the English dub so I have no idea if her JP voice matches the mask
>also it can be hormonal thing - more T more oily skin and larger pores
Probably not much I can do about it without reducing testosterone then. I've always had oily skin too. I guess I'll just have to keep exfoliating and hope for the best.
better see a cosmetologist or dermatologist if its a real problem
I'm blanking on what those turntables are. Is that some all-in-one thing?
They fuck black guys
MK11 final boss
its Pioneer XDJ-R1
I did some clinical cosmetology and aesthetics medicine classes in my graduation.
To give you the simple gist,if you truly have an oily skin problem(most people think they have oily skin but they actually dont) you absolutely need to do daily treatment with some drying solutions ON TOP of your regular skin care routine,i dont know what products to recommend since i would require a skin anamnesis(and i dont know products names in english),but most drying solutions work in most cases,they are kinda expensive but well worth the price.
You cant go wrong with peelings,but depeding on the country they can be very expensive.
god asian girls are so beautiful
Thanks. The buttons reminded me of pioneer but the platters made me think it was some numark product or something.
By the way a good rule of thumb to know if you have oily skin,is to pick a soft paper(napkins and suck) and put it on your face while its clean to see where it sticks.
If it only sticks on your T-zone you have nothing to worry about,in order for a skin to be healthy and good looking it must have some amount of oil in it(key word being some).
Having an oily skin is way easier to treat than someone with a dry one.
>representing reality
actually it just goes to show you that anime IS white
I prefer Japanese games 99.9% of the time but you're fucking insane if you think the right looks better than left.
I mean it's actually hand drawn and not a photograph.
Jesus Christ that's horrible
Pretty sure left image was drawn by Korean. Wypippos no longer draw cleavages