For me, it's the Kirkhammer
For me, it's the Kirkhammer
let's see you say that when i've planted you 5 floors below with one heavy attack
For me it's autism
Allow me to do that while I'm standing over Here. Away from your plebeian infested air.
somebody ought to make a saw cleaver brainlet wojak
this weapon is pretty amazing. becomes obsolete when you fight bosses like orphan of kos though
Stop it with the unoriginal pleb weapons please, and bow before your god
Blades of Mercy run was my absolute favorite. Pumped everything my stamina too high and used the best stamina runes I could find.
>make another wojak edit
No it doesn't, it's easily the most effective weapon against the Orphan.
this is the dumbest design.
that shit would either break the sword part, go fling off or both.
>is there a kirk in bloodborne too?
>oh kirk is church in old fuck speech
that is cool to know. i also learned gaol is jail. what an educational game.
>tfw stepped on my PS4 and now it's broken
ps4 emulator when
>My brother bought me a new ps4 slim for Christmas
>5 months down the line it's broken
>game has fun
>that shit would either break the sword part
Not if they fold the steel enough :)
Unga bunga me smash
why swing a big ass hammer around when you can be A E S T H E T I C as fuck with your cane and top hat?
peak human
>having your console on the floor
this but without iron
Fuck i stepped on my pc now i cant post anymore
>Stepped on floor
>Doesn't work anymore
Wat do?
>tfw stepped my house and now it collapsed
>stepped on hunter
fuck, he broke
>Not sure what I'm doing
>Get kidnapped
>End up facing Darkbeast Paarl
Thought I was waltzing through the game then that fucker comes along and teaches me humility
Should I restart to do the DLC or do it NG+
>stepped on my copy of Bloodborne
That tends to happen when you weigh more than the cost of a new ps4
>Go outside
>Step on ground
>It breaks
>insecure axeshitters false flagging
paarl is one of those weird cases where he is a pain to fight early game but anything after that makes him easy. his clone, loran darkbeast, will always rape you though. the DLC is pretty hard and doing it first on ng+ sounds pretty messy but do what you want.
Based as fuck.
For me its a gun.
>he didn't get the sword that's also a gun so he could dual-wield guns
It's funny, the people who bash this weapon are contrarians who secretly play with kirkhammer as well but would never admit it because they want to come off as unique and different.
*unsheath blade*
Nothing personnal, kid
unga bunga smash is the best weapon choice in literally every game, fuck you
>"gonna fuck your mom and make some tea until you finish your first swing" the weapon
Only true Patricians use this one
I'm a cowboy, on a dead horse I ride
Holy fuck, someone other than me
The only way I see that happening is if you're so fat that you land on the heel of your foot instead of your toes
Start fasting boi
Too overpowered, I used this on Ebrietas and she fucking melted.
a lot of things melt eby-chan. it's a trade off for when she kills with her bullshit charge attack