ITT Beloved Scenes and Games that Yea Forums would hate and shit on if it was released in 2019

ITT Beloved Scenes and Games that Yea Forums would hate and shit on if it was released in 2019

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>Le waste of time segment to hide how short the game is

Nobody ever thought this was good

This part was so over-the-top obnoxious that it got a pass from how hard it tripped on its face.

I'd say that would still get a pass in 2019. The worst thing a game can do is nothing memorable at all.

Half of Yea Forums would say it's pretentious shit and the other half would shitpost about it being redpilled or some shit.

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any game with a female protagonist, although this would have got off the hook due to mara jade already being a prominent part of the lore.

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I thought it was good.

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>Constant threads for years about how great the game is
>Once the game gets a sequel everyone turns on both of them as being full of MUH SJW PROPAGANDA and acts like it's always been shit.

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>Le waste of time segment to hide how short the game is
are you retarded?

Its funny how Codexfags who love these games convince themselves that the developers weren't always social justice lefties. Nostalgia blindness of their teenage years I guess.

>they didn't get it

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Codexfags are all 80s/90s apolitical, asocial libertarianfags who can be best described as violently not giving a shit about a developer's political leanings and don't think it should even be a factor in discussing it.

Which is a romantic view of things.

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Videogames are a fairly liberal medium.

Do you really think they were that desperate to add 2 minutes to your final play time?

To be fair the game was always kind of trash. It started average and went downhill from there, by China Town I just wanted it to be over. The game got exactly what it deserved for being a good idea yet wasted potential.

>to hide how short the game is
You clearly have never played MGS3.

Everyone here loves those scenes though.

Disney shills and nu-star wars fans probably the one would shit on this game considering she's no longer canon

i've not heard of that before, of disney fans shitting on the old eu. not that it matters what's canon and what isn't.

Can you drop back into the shaft? I can't remember if you can.

look at this idiot

>i've not heard of that before, of disney fans shitting on the old eu
well they already shitting on Mark Hamill himself for this tweet

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Whats there to get

Hurr durr stairs

Based. Old people btfo

well that seems pointless. man's entitled to his opinion, and the implication that his opinion is somehow "shitting on" the efforts of the people who made the sequel trilogy is sort of inadvertently giving weight to something, which shows maybe the sequel fans feel something is missing.

>sequel trilogy