Post yfw all clans on release are revealed in 2 weeks time
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Are we ready for wednesday Ventruechads?
Will it really be ventrue?
Literally the worst clan.
Show gameplay plz
>yfw the clan you want is dlc
Do you think there will be gameplay at e3? The clan releases are scheduled to be finished before e3, while they said a playable demo will be at PDXcon. They have to show gameplay before then
Ventrue are great.
Not having a special snowflake discipline like Obtenebration and still being the central pillar of the Camarilla makes them good
Are ventrue and Toreador the only clans without a unique discipline?
Are Malkavians getting in?
*blocks your path*
Daily dose
No they are problematic. It's 2019.
We already know. It's ventrue and malk.
Imagine being a proud Ventrue cuck or a Camm*e, loosing member because the lies being spread about Antediluvian not being real turns out false when based Ravnos woke up in Asia and dabbed on people left and right.
Hmmm, WHO? Never heard of him, typical Gypsie lies.
Are Lasombros in?
It makes them boring.
Lasombra rule.
What is the most out there wild clan they could throw in there to mix things up? Something that plays so differently from the others like how Malkavian did in the first game, but without just repeating Malkavian again.
Malkavian did not play "so differently"
it was hardly different at all
why do retards fall head over heels for the reddit malkavian dialogue? it's so bad. it's out of rick and morty
I don’t know about clans specifically, but something tells me that feeding preference will be a big mechanic in the game. We already know that different NPCs will have different blood properties which grant you various timed buffs, or even permanent ones if you drink specific blood enough times. So if Ventrue are indeed in nothing stops the devs from implementing the “taste” mechanic which restricts or even punishes you from feeding on random NPCs, and you’ll have to go out of your way to find your favorite type of blood just to feed, while the other clans just don’t care
So I just completed my first full playthrough and I decided to use the "Plus Patch" because fuck it why not
When I was looking online, people kept giving it a "don't install it, it'll mess up the experience for a first playthroguh".
But outside of maybe one NPC right at the start and one quest becket gives you through email I genuinely couldn't tell you what was added by the patch
What do you lads think about it?
Plus Patch is fine.
Any word on how the actual masquerade will be handled? Will there be safe havens and straight up combat/anything goes zones akin to the first game?
Unironically the best girl in game
yeah most likely. They said the game will feature hubs-so just don't fuck around the hubs. They also said Masquerade breaking will have more consequences and be more gradual/visible. If you attack people out in public with your epic powers, expect less pedestrians in that area
Discipline descriptions say how Celerity should not be used in front of innocent people lest you break the masquerade etc. PC Gamer article said there'll be less people outside for you feed if you keep breaking it as the word of something not normal happening in the neighborhood makes people nervous during night, and that you can get masquerade redemptions by aiding local prince's clean-up team etc.
Malk-Dementation/Auspex or Dementation/Obfuscate
Have they announced how many clans are in?
I just want to play based furries.
5 on release, additional releases after launch. It's been said several times in articles and on stream the additional clans will be free. They have not decided how many clans post launch yet, according to Toreador stream.
Also gangrel are not in xddd
Gangrels are free dlc material.
3 clans, only 2 left
nossies are probably out because paradox doesnt felt like doing sewers
gangrel are coming in that wolf DLC
next to be revealed are Ventrue, since it's using a penthouse as concept art
I am not pleased by this. But maybe I can use it as an excuse to wait for a later sale.
Femmalk > Femgrel > Femaere > >Femja > Femtrue > Femeador
Any guesses for the last one then?
It's either Malkavian or Lasombra.
I just want Lasombra my favorite clan
5 and ventruefags are btfo and lasombros are in instead of them
Are there any vamps with Humanity 10?
Literally any player that wants it.
>*chimerstry intensifies*
Is Lasombra's weakness actually kind of a benefit? Seems like it'd be handy to not appear on video.
Yeah, you enjoy your Jyhad.
No Nosferatu?
What a shit game.
it's good generally, but it will fuck you over in the long term when someone, (((hunters))), decide to investigate and they notice you lack a reflection
You also go cray cray when you can't see yourself, ever.
desu, if a hunter is investigating you you're pretty fucked anyway right?
>How do you do fellow human?
Chicago by Night had two
The interesting thing about Menele is that he's also responsible for the destruction of Pompeii
I suppose looking weird on camera or people noticing you lack a reflection makes you more conspicuous and liable to getting that attention in the first place
It's changed now in V5, which is what the devs of Bloodlines 2 are using for basis.
>While all vampires lose something profound at their Embrace, the Lasombra exhibit the most telling signs of this spiritual deficiency. When viewed in a reflective surface or a recording medium, their image appears distorted, sometimes almost invisible. Whether flickering, twisted on transparent, their reflection betrays their undead state and lineage. Similarly, modern technology relying on touch or other form of direct interaction tends to glitch or simple act unresponsive to Magisters, and electronic detection systems easily pick up the tell-tale signs of their passing.
>Anyone seeing the reflection or recording (live and otherwise) of a Lasombra vampire can instantly recognize them for what they are, provided they know what they’re looking for. People with no prior knowledge will know something is wrong, but likely attribute the distortion to irregularities in the reflecting surface or recording errors. Note that this will not hide the identity of the vampire with any certainty, and the Lasombra are no less likely to be caught on surveillance than any other vampire. In addition, use of modern communication technology, including making a simple phone call, requires a Technology test at Difficulty 2 + Bane Severity as microphones have similar problems with the voice of a Lasombra as cameras with their image. Avoiding electronic vampire detection systems is also done at a penalty equal to Bane Severity.
just have a toreachad bf and ge can do a quick scatch od you whenever
I think the Samedi could provide an interesting playthrough
Plus patch is fine, I personally wouldn't use it on a first run, but I say that in the hindsight of knowing that I love the game and have replayed it multiple times. It doesn't detract from the experience, it's just some of the added content can be a bit wonky and can objectively change the 'flavor' of the game.
Best clan
Reminder that Lasombraps make up not even 4% of the posters but are still the most obnoxious ones.
>Bane Severity
Bane Severity?
I keep reading this but where do they say that they use V5 and nothing else?
They made up the Thinblood shit for the game too so I don't see why they wouldn't deviate from the rulebook elsewhere too.
Who are they?
The salubri antediluvian before he got slurped, probably had extremely high humanity.
Yes, I'm ready for the surprise LaCroix appearance in the reveal trailer too.
camarilla ending is the canon one then?
IIRC, it was said in one of the interviews, but the most obvious proof of that is that thinbloods are now being pushed as something playable, something that V5 is known for.
Doesn't he die in every ending except the Kwei Jin? And even then it is ambiguous.
What are the biggest and smallest clans?
Malks are for sure the last reveal. No chance of Lasombra.
Yo mama and yo dick
Fortitude, my nigger. Sebastian is still alive.
Those aren't clans.
Biggest clan is either brujah or gangrel, smallest is giovanni or ravnos
>is a vampire
>knows that metaphysical systems like an afterlife and mortal faith/belief manifesting demonstrable power independent of mageshit exist
>is learned enough on thinbloods and their history to extrapolate that on a bell curve the Vampiric condition weakens as it's passed on, explicitly implying that the Antediluvians - and by extension a Vampire progenitor are at the very least plausible
Was it autism?
Brujah, Toreador, Ventrue
I wouldn't mind, I wanna see him in the new graphics
So does founding a line like this in presumably 1800s make that guy an antideluvian tier vampire?
and i forgot to add smallest are ravnos and probably cappadocian and salubri but their antiveludians are dead(?) and their numbers are too low to be considered as clan
Played as a Gangrel on my first VTMB playthrough, then a Malkvanian, followed by a Tremere and a Nosferatu. Brujah is shit and Toreador is discount Ventrue.
Nah, Antediluvian means literally "Before the Flood" and Baron Samedi was only 5th gen.
No, not even close.
Unless Baron Samedi is Cappadocius in disguise
you dont get to bring ghouls
Antediluvians are only the 3rd generation because they came, well, before the deluge.
How can you make an entire clan without being antediluvian?
I don't know about the Samedi, but Tremere did it by Diablerie.
Could Cain embrace somebody in the current year and that guy be a second gen vampire with a whole new bloodline?
Tremere and Giovanni genocided an clan each and diablerized their antedilluvian, that's how.
The Samedi isn't a clan, it's just a bloodline of Cappadocians.
Though I forgot to say that second gen didn't gave a fuck about clan'n'shit, they're above that, it's mostly starting from the third generation that clans come into the picture.
Yeah. But he would have to take an active role in his childe's protection because that fledgling would be the single greatest diablerie target in vampire history.
Why doesn't he embrace anymore?
he has bad parenting skills
It's the strength of your clan's curse, which is tied to your blood potency. The more potent your blood is, the higher your bane severity gets. Thinbloods have 0 blood potency, thus exhibit no banes aka clan curses.
>Kindreds were a mistake -Cain
The funny thing is that he was kind of always against the idea of spawning more shithead, but gave in to it because fags kept begging for it.
He hates his children. Also, most vampires seemingly lose any desire to Embrace after they've done it a few times and/or get old enough.
Because he prefers cruising through LA in his cab.
How would anyone even know
is it me or does the way he gets off the ground implies he was flying off-screen
How strong your clan curse is.
I really like the art direction in this.
Yeah, then we blew him the fuck up
I always assumed he just jumped down from somewhere. That being said, you can glide and strike enemies from above with Chiropteran.
Are Ravnos even a clan at this point anymore?
That bomb caused some bad shit. Probably would have been better to not bomb it.
Can you only choose one of these disciplines? Nebulation sounds amazing desu fampai
Thinblood disciplines are mutually exclusive, you can only have one.
yep. only 1 thinblood discipline
They detailed in the Toreador stream how the tutorial section works. You make your character, you fuck around for a bit, choose your thinblood discipline, fuck around a bit more, and then at the end you choose your stats and so on.
It might have separated us from Control and caused a shitstorm in the underworld, but we killed the ravnos and fucked over those guinea-wop necromancer vamps too
Can't wait to mix Nebulation with Obtenebration
There's a chapter in BJD where gets drugged by Laibon and turns into a raving Gehenna Prophet.
He utilizes the most ancient of all vampire techniques to stay sane "lying to yourself".
He literally only embraced 3 times.
And that didn't turn out all that well
The bomb technically killed the Bodhisattvas fighting the ravnos antediluvian so that their storm would go away and use the orbital mirror.
Sure they're a clan.
Basically wiped out with most bloodlines outnumbering them but still a clan
I unironically would love punished LaCroix to return.
Remember that at the same time the Wraiths nuked the Tal'Mahe'Ra in the shadow city of Enoch with the relics of Fat Man and Little Boy which resulted in all kinds of clusterfucks.
Thinbloods are shit
Will this game beat Condemned for the title of the best hobo brawler?
Yes, they spoiled them in some interview
>having hope for this pozz'd garbage
Hope you like social justice, user. You'll be hearing a lot of it.
that would actually be pretty good
is that a nigger in the background? hold on, beating up nogs is not very progressive
Nothing will ever beat Condemned, beating the shit out of bums with a shit covered plank never get old
It always seemed weird to me that in the crazy WoD Abel fucking stayed dead after Cain murdered him.
and you wreck his face with a sledgehammer too.
Yeah that one security guard is shittly voiced but the quest is really cool. I recommend it.
Antediluvians seem pretty spooky. What's the normal course of action the cammies take when really old vampires and pissed off vampires wake up?
I hope they improve mele at least.
they just fucking die mostly
If I remember correctly there are multiple Wraiths that are atleast theorised to be Abel
Those people were faggots trying to act like they were really saying something. Patch improves the game.
>thinking the trickster ante was actually there to begin with
I just want malks to be cut
>But outside of maybe one NPC right at the start
>Yeah that one security guard is shittly voiced
Ironically enough his lines pre-exist in the game, Wesp didn't make them.
start running
Fuck off snowflake
>kuei jin got fucking owned too
you keep saying things that lead me to believe that nuking ravnos was a good thing
>dabs on vampires
>owns the ravnos
>giovanni ruined
>kuei jin elders dabbed on
>spirit world in fucking shambles
all for the small cost of Control being stuck out in space or whatever, worth
>made 4 characters
>all are at Ming Xiao
>never finished the game, just watched the rest.
I really should continue my Ventrue.
Why did you stop
they have as much right to be called a clan as the cappas or salubri at this point tbqh
Not when gangrel and malk gf exist.
That's the thing about 3rd gens, there's no normal way to deal with them. You'd mostly want to get out of the way because they're either going to eat their childer or do something fucking crazy like morph into every life form.
obfuscate is so much fun
>dropping in and out of stealth to melee kill people
>fuckwits don't know what happened to their buddy and run around looking for you, but jokes on them you're standing right there with an axe, tee hee
I kinda hope for a real estate war between Venchads et Toreabros, would be nice to see power struggles nd petty shit lile that between cammies
5 and sewer niggers are eternally btfo
Ming Xiao
Such a cool concept for an organization, except for their end-goal.
AKA business as usual
Lorelet here, can I get a quick rundown on
>Followers of Set
Horse stealers, but drink blood
>ancient drug cartel vampires that larp as ancient egypt
>islamic ninja vampires
>wellfare gyppos that have illusion powers
>inbred italian merchant necromancers
There is no reason to not use the plus patch other than autism about muh original experience.
You get more content and I will always say play with it and never look back.
Also you get histories with the plus patch.
That's the main reason I play with it.
Assassin's Creed but most of them are (became) muslim instead of atheists, and the rest worship Caine.
Muslims got eaten by some old fart and went to the Camarilla for help
Drugs, blood, guns, diamonds, money, and spirits. Those are their currencies.
Gypsy dudes and dudettes. Wanna fuck a Bollywood pornstar? Try to find one
>Followers of Set
Dudes really like Set and corruption
>Followers of Set
Call themselves the Ministry now. Half cult half clan, they really don't like light.
The Banu Haqim, Arab assassins that live in a secret fortress. Really like Diablerie but got cursed by the tremere for doing it to much.
RIP Vampie gypsies.
Italian Necromancers. Do not trust.
the first time i played as a brujah, nearly put me off the game for good. then i played a malk and had a lot of fun.
I want a Ventrue daddy to dominate me
i can't stop jerking off when playing this game
i go see jeannette i jerk off
i go see vv i jerk off
i go see half nude heather i call her trash and take her college funds and suck her blood and kill her and take screenshots and reload save and do it again while jerking off
Are you Vandal
Ravnos was kinda unique in that he was in torpor for so long he pretty much acted like an alien. Most of the other antes, while their morality might be ancient and alien, they can still communitcate and be reasoned with. Honestly most Antes are kinda chill if you ignore the retconned gehenna scenarios.
Would like to see something that crazy and original as a pick.
>convince a friend of mine to buy condemned because she likes CSI
i'm sorry vanessa
No of course not, ghouls don't post on Yea Forums. What if Therese finds out? She'll kill me.
the tender app ARG that was used to hype for vtmb2 was mentioned in 5e
using thinbloods as playable characters and the camarilla using diablerie as a reward is also a 5e thing. Diablerie was hated entirely previously and was part of why the Tremere are hated so much, being called traitors etc.
it is literally vandal, they just updated his look a little. anyone who says otherwise is retarded
Are you me? I did the exact same thing and beat it last night. The only changes plus patch made that I found jarring was how they moved books around
>Followers of Set
Cultists from ancient Egypt who believed their Antediluvian's LARP of how he was totally the very first vampire, rather than progeny of Caine's childer.
Crazy middle-east fucks going hungry-hungry hippo for Kindred blood, more so since Ur Shulgi, a 4th generation Methuselah, woke up and broke the Tremere curse that didn't let them drink another vampire's blood.
They tend to fall under the gypsy stereotype shit, but personally, I fucking love them for their Hindu origins, I really recommend reading more into them.
Incest taken too far.
both have their own charm t b h
Being a femcel is truly suffering
They shorten the animation, but i agree. There should be more gore.
Shitposting aside, are you fat or ugly? Just wondering what are the circumstances behind your celibacy.
She shouldn't have gone for a dumb jock when there is a gentlemen gamer like yourself.
I can fix that! meet me at 609 King's Way, L.A.
once I saw the reveals were tumbler animations I knew I would never touch this game
Extremely high standards despite being a 7/10.
why did you give my adress user?!Do you know how insignifiant you are?!When they come to devour the world you will be but a bloodstain on their capes.There is a red post in the thread's sky.These are the final nights.
It really is unless you're a vampire
Still descendant from Caine's 13 grandchilder and no one commited amaranth on Ravnos
Oh so you're one of those. Then you're fucked, just not the way you'd like.
Malk ofc
Sounds like a typical women.
>Everyone and their mothers want to be Malks
Guess I'm not special
lmao what
lmao you're probably a 4/10 at best
Honestly? Fortitude is strong enough to resist a direct explosion?
Theoretically yes.
From a storytelling perspective it would make no sense for him to survive
So whats the deal with the new game?
The wiki says you "start as a thin blood"?
Is the implication that you're going to change into another clan somehow? Is that a thing?
You start as a thinblood and some hours in you get to pick your clan
It is a thing, yeah.
Diablerie is the common theory, though they could technically come up with something new too.
That's not an implication, that's express. That means diablerie which isn't quite as frowned upon now due to the withering
Diablerie. When younger vampire drains the older one he gains all their powers.
what happens when you diablerize someone from a different clan?
More on the matter
Depends on the level, I suppose. High enough fortitude allows kindred to walk in direct sunlight
You just get to be their generation. You also get a black aura for at least 5 years
Do you actually gain all their power levels, not just their generation?
Every time he did his kids became fuckups who killed and destroyed.
what is a black aura?is it like ahangover or something?
Wrong on both points.
imagine if his still damaged fucked up body is the one you drain to become a real ventrue
>the withering
The what?
What about Monty Coven? He jumped from 11th to 6th when he diablerized Mithras
In one of the books it was mentioned that if they had higher disciples levels you get those.
Given that we're part of a Mass Embrace and are put on trial by the Camarilla to find out what happened, what are the chances our sire is actually Sabbat?
>you can hunt your sire and try to become human again
imagine if you can choose this route in yhe game as an option
now that is podracing
Men typically can't get pregnant
Those are alternate rule options from one of the splat books.
Plot characters don't have to follow the in game rules as written.
A Gehenna event where vampires lose their vampiric powers, Nosferatu losing their ugliness etc. You can consume another vampire to delay its effects.
That being said the whole Gehenna thing is retconned in V5 and there's no mention of any Withering in V5 which is what this game is based on. The metaplot is different for the most part.
I hope the thinblood phase is some linear on rails shit because I wouldnt want to do sidequests that I could do after picking a clan.
Gamers rise up
a sabbat tremere or toreador?
I'll either do Malk or Tremere for my second playthrough. Should I go with Clan Quest mod?
right. i forget how not normal the people on this website are
How does a mass embrace work. Like a bunch of vampires ambush a crowd?
How do you pronounce Lou?
First hub should be thinblood.
Antitribu are a thing
Whose the cat in the hat lookin ass kine?
If spoiler don't say anything. I'm still playing the game.
are there vampires who go around diablerizing from each clan to learn all their disciplines?
This post is Off-Topic.
Like poo in loo? Gross name.
Newfag please if you don't even know the memes you should lurk more.
Yes. Its either a dude's name or a old waitresses
i also forget that if you mention a girl in any capacity people sperg out about it such as yourself.
how are they gonna balance human runs then? unless it means vampire hunter mode
Choose your vampire's theme
here is mine
What are the odds we come across some neonate Brujah that is overly obsessed with mortal identity politics and unreasonably competent?
>Power to make girls notice you
I see that you also forgot how to form sentences.
watcha gon do bout it nos?
110% this game will get some woke in. You have to man, gotta fight the culture war and spite the /pol/cels
>overly obsessed with mortal identity politics
No such thing.
Kes lan
I want to be a vampire, guys.
I've been rewatching the clan trailer and I'm starting to suspect the focus characters in them(the bald black brujah, dreadlocks Tremere, Toreador snuff film killer, etc) are the characters you'll diablerize. The Tremere is a bit ambiguous, but the others seems to be doing stuff worthy of a Camarilla bloodhunt if found out.
I like the day time. Never being able to see the sun would be very demoralizing after the years.
That's not gonna happen. They said staying thinblood isn't a choice, you have to choose a clan, and from there on, there's no coming back.
>he still thinks we pick our clans through diablerie
game ends when you become human, not that hard
it can even be a DLC campaing, maybe you can side with a hunter, it can be very interesting really
>Wanting to be a vampire so you can pick up bitches.
The epitome of pleb.
I want to be a vampire so I can surpass my own mortal form and become perfection incarnate.
Meh in a century we'll have VR and holodecks that'll simulate as many sun raises as you want
based and pathofmetamorphosispilled
k*ne are only good for furniture
But you get to have eternal youth and superpowers. Not too bad a trade
pretend robin is a nosferatu
dracula doesnt do that, only shitters need to become boogeyman
Tell me about the Salubri.. why do they have a 3rd eye?
nosferobintu, brujah wayne
you'd get over it pretty fast, gaylord.
The only thing I don't like that the plus patch adds in is the Malkavian Maze. That shit should have stayed cut
also because I'm afraid of the mannequins
I think the unused tracks that are added back in make the pros outweigh the cons. I can't imagine the ride up to griffith park without All That Could Be anymore.
What's the NPC that was added at the start?
>dracula doesnt do that
Are you actually shit enough to have a role model user?
This poster is a faggot
"male name"
it's just short for Louise you literal peanut brains
Can you diablerize someone through blowjobs / oral?
How many Lous do you know
>still hangs with the same friends
>You get more content
Half of it is shit though, and you just need a console command to enable histories.
It's still stupid to mod a game you haven't even played yet.
Where my blood boys at?
Storyteller fiat because her diablerised fucking Mithras
What's the difference of Caitiff from Thiblood?
Caitiff are generation 13 and below and through some fluke the blood didn't take so they don't belong to a clan.
Thinbloods are 14th and above and their blood is too weak to sustain full vampiric existance
Confession > The Asylum
My favourite club is Fat Larry's Party Truck
Not enough vampiric chromosomes, but they resemble all common qualities of a vampire
Not enough vampiric chromosomes to the point of not being a bloodsucking corpse (i.e ability to walk under weak sun, ear human food, even to give birth in some cases)
what preset?
Bad time to release. Wait till school's out IMO.
my guess about the tremere is that he is teaching tremere clan stuff that he should not be sharing outside the clan, which is the reason to diablerize him. the pc will probably be sent to the guy's direction by the tremere regent or some other clan figure because its better to have a thinblood turn tremere vamp then a clan mate sharing clan secrets.
so there's no downside to being a thin-blood basically?
you can choose to be a fullblood vampire whenever you wish through diablerie.. till then you enjoy vampiric benefits like agelessness?
>no downsides
yeah, apart from being a weak cunt that other vampires like to kill for fun
Yes I'm sure however they decided the release date was random. They clearly forgot about school.
Thinbloods are cripples, from an average vamp's point of view
So only the most boring vanilla clans will be playable right? My interest in this shit gets smaller by the day.
What, do you think daddy Caine will just sprinkle magic dust on you to change your gen?
We got these
Yeah exactly like I said boring. God forbid they do something interesting for once.
Fishmalk is the only way to play vtmb
>mud reddit dialogue
The fishmalk dialogue from the first game was terrible. Straight out of rick and morty
what do you want them to do?
also toreadors were getting in no question, people like that interview with a vampire, sexy vampire bullshit
>so there's no downside to being a thin-blood basically?
Wrong. It has most downsides from being a vampire and some additional ones. Everything "positive" is rare as fuck.
keep dreaming
t. lasombro
yes you keep saying that, it''s very interesting you should post it in every thread.
The devs won't be allowing us to play one because it's too problematic for them. Suits me just fine because fishmalk was gay as fuck.
It's basically the same as the first game
I would've at least wanted playable Lasombra or Nosferatu. Like holy fuck not even Gangrel got in. Toreador, Ventrue and Brujah are so damn boring. Even Tremere would be boring if it weren't for their blood magic.
>How dare they don't do a Tzmisce, Lasombra, Kyasid, Nagaraja, Salubri lineup
You will be embraced twice, or something to that effect. I'm convinced whatever it is won't be diablerie. Maybe a ritual or something, but whatever it is it will require you to actually meet with and gain reputation with a clan. The actual clans members will be the ones to initiate you into the clan. This makes way more sense gameplay wise. Arbitrarily choosing the clan of a diablerie victim is too coincidental. If it were diablerie, the only requirement would be that you have to play nice with a Camarilla prince. Being embraced twice makes more sense from an RPG sense, despite the fact that no mechanic like that already exists in VTM. It doesn't require snowflake writing, it doesn't force you to commit diablerie, it's a win win all around. The fact that Brian is so fucking tight lipped on the method makes me think it's some new thing.
His reflection is right fucking there.
Would be legitimately awesome. They can't let us play at least one interesting clan? It's got to be the most vanilla clans?
when will we get a Sabbat bloodlines game?
v5 lasombros have reflections but their visage is distorted also he only has a reflection on the floor not window so that's weird too
Isn't there a some new magical vampirism cure thingie for thinbloods thing in V5?
That's a shadow.
I like some of what it does, but I still think vanilla is better. If it was your first time playing then you probably didn't see all the content. It's not too uncommon for people in these threads to complain about something with the game, only to be told what they're complaining about is something added by the plus patch.
You can see the reflection of the city lights on the exact same surface. It's a reflection.
In the latest stream hey said there is a big autosave before "your choice". Don't expect too much. It's gonna be a big "ok retard what clan clan u want??" prompt.
Are you retarded? They were asked how the save system works, and they said that you can manually save and replay things as you choose or revert choices in that way. Nothing they said remotely implied diablerie, it was far more general.
>mfw the start of the game is you finding Caine
>he crashed his cab
>help him to your apartment
>deal with his confusion
>you ask him if he's ok
>"you don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this"
>*quest updated*
>"feed the cab driver a bowl of eggs"
>before you can complete the in-game quest, Caine lounges at you and starts embracing you
the game freezes and a clan template pops up where you can choose your clan.
Special snowflake clans are bad
Ok this is epic.
but srsly if you become a gen 2 or 3 what kind of Gehenna will you bring forth?
Guy on the left is based and redpilled, that look on his face he knows the presence of this harlot will ruin game night.
You immediately get sniped by the Nosferatu that was hiding in the vents and get diablerized
Some are too complicated to make gameplaywise (lasombros)
Some are """problematic""" (tzimischads)
That would make for a very shit video game.
Getting staked and left for the sun by the next best Sheriff or Hound that you are inevitably going to piss off
>Brujah is shit and Toreador is discount Ventrue.
Based and redpilled.
>being excited for a project with Paradox involved
>after Imperator: Rome
So would giving us the most boring cookiecutter clans in the setting. At least include Gangrel and Nosferatu. The five we're currently getting don't pique my interest at all. Tremere could be at least fun depending on how they handle blood magic. Fuck the other 4 though. Worst clans ever.
>Getting staked and left for the sun
>Implying it would work on 2-3rd gen vamp
What's an ass kine?
It might put him into torpor, but yes, definitely.
You know a lot of the quality of an rpg is determined by their stories and world building. If you let in only super special and specific clans, that heavily limits the types of stories you can tell and the choices you can give to the player. Going in with somewhat generic backgrounds opens up a lot of narrative possibilities.
I for one cannot wait for the Progressive portrayal of Malkavians' alternative viewpoint on the world
made me kek
It's the same as the first game except now we have less clans.
I know, right? Clearly this is Nosferatu. The cracked mirror, the abandoned above ground mental institution, the blood hallucinations. It all just screams Nosferatu. Malkies are actually demented.
I hope it'll be as goofy as it's in the first game rather than mocapping real stuff.
Proof a doodle doo
toreador stream, q and a section
Whoever it is, half of the players are gonig to be mad. Snowflakes won't play nossies though, so I'm sure it's malk.
>rather than mocapping
What are some other settings you'd like to see in a VtM game?
Generation means nothing on it's own.
Honestly I'd be down for a Vampire: Dark Ages game.
The italian renaissance. That's about it I think.
I non-ironically would love to be a Nosferatu
I get to live forever and just sit around watching things, sneak around getting info, and gettin paid. Shit sounds cash.
Florida. The sunshine state but with no sunshine
Dark Ages
what's his clan?
Sounds Malky
Eastern Europe
It was (is?) cringy as fuck to the point of being good
A Dark Ages game would be great.
I personally think Miami is also a surprisingly unexplored setting in the WoD period. I know it was a Sabbat stronghold for a long time but with the Sabbat migrating to the middle east, you could easily have a Cam/Anarch/remaining Sabbat territory plot.
Imagine Cuban Ventrue who escaped the Brujah Cubans, Lasombra Catholics, Setites controlling the drug trade, Florida Man malks, Samedi voodoo practitioners, mage shamans in the swamp, weregators, etc, seems like it would be fun.
Nosferatu are fucking based, best clan period. And if you don't want to suck people, there are always rats.
>it's the /WoD/ general Miami autist again
LaCroix is hot
Punished LaCroix would be a pretty interesting concept
As I recently found out, gen is really only the "potential" of a vampire
He is physically attractive but damn I have trouble enjoying him with his demeanor.
Then again, thats kind of the point.
There's a clan of half fairies that look like aliens. Those are fucking crazy
There's LOADS of secret vampire bloodlines that only have like 20 members but do the weirdest shit. It only takes a quick glance at the wiki. In the game the Sherif was an African bloodline that was a mix of gangrel, tzimince and Nosferatu abilities.
There's also nothing wrong with Making up bloodlines.
Sounds like Donut Steels
The problem with having humanity at 10 is that you're restricted to an autistic degree. You cannot lie to people, you cannot break anything. You're basically a butler.
5 and ventruefags are out
>In the game the Sherif was an African bloodline that was a mix of gangrel, tzimince and Nosferatu abilities.
It's literally just Tzimisce, they have the exact same disciplines, only their curse is different
Good effort
desu i think it might be lasombra , since they have a big presence in the books
>Punished LaCroix would be a pretty interesting concept
If you scream it loud enough at Paradox, they will make it DLC. A fifteen-minute DLC where you play as LaCroix, for only $20
Yeah but they act like wild animals and monsters and never step foot in civilization, they just sit in trees and eat people. Tzimince are incredibly strict with formality and never hurt an invited guest. I know they are direct descendants but there's a big gap in behavior.
With high enough fortitude that's not a problem
Blood doesn't enforce behaviour.
Shovelhead Tzimisce aren't the same as old eastern europeanTzimisce aren't the same as "Old Clan".
is there any "scientific" explanation of how disciplines operate it's pretty much "fuck you it's magic"
>Yeah but they act like wild animals and monsters and never step foot in civilization, they just sit in trees and eat people.
Well, they are Africans.
>World where literally everything exists
>Mary sues
Yeah that's kind of the point. They aren't super powerful, their abilities are what's cool, in a stupid sort of way.
fuck off beckett you autist there's no science behind vampired lmao
Lasombrafags on suicide watch
The latter
>The Guruhi, named after a Gambian god, are the leaders and aristocrats of Laibon society. They are mercurial in appearance, sometimes looking angelically beautiful, while other times being hideous to behold. The Guruhi are the most ambiguous of the Laibon when it comes to their clan origin; their predilection towards leadership seems to indicate they are an offshoot of the Ventrue, while their sometimes horrifying appearance and preferred Disciplines suggest Nosferatu descent. Amongst the Nosferatu, however, there are legends of kingdoms in Africa ruled by the clan, so the latter theory is generally considered more likely.
late 70s/early 80s NYC
>massive urban decay
>black panthers
>guardian angels
>The Warriors (not real I know)
>massive confluence of rival factions
>post punk soundtrack
I'd also love it if the game alternated between you in 1970s/80s NYC and you in 1870s/80s NYC with your actions in the past effecting you in the present.
God is real
There might be an explanation in Tremere books as they're the only group autistic enough to bother with such stuff.
>tfw early to mid 80's was the actual height of race relations in USA
the first time I played the game the plus patch had "Come Around" on the Santa Monica beach which is a really iconic memory for me despite it not being like that in the official game or even the recent patch versions.
The last time I played it's used during that restored library mission where I don't think it really fits at all
Nobody's perfect
I find the fact that he perfers to spam dominate over being silghtly pleasant funny
Oh yeah, when I think about "roleplaying a vampire" being a fucking Jedi is the first thing that comes to mind. Nice.
>you just need a console command to enable histories
Nigger what? I played plus as my first and they were automatically available.
You don't need a console command to enable them, they come enabled.
You only have to suck out their soul to diaberize someone.
It doesn't matter where you bite them.
Histories don't exist without the fanpatch
A vampire wouldn't frenzy at the sight of a lightsaber, would it?
Oh my god
Maybe the World of Darkness isn't for you
Brazil (come to)
>What's the normal course of action the cammies take when really old vampires and pissed off vampires wake up?
get the fuck out of the way and hide until antediluvians piss of some other paranormal entity (LOL mages LMAO) that then swiftly puts them down
There's a shitload of really cool vampires outside of the sabbat and camarilla.
Very, very low iq post.
Kyasid are purely Sabbat.
Also there are lik 30
How the fuck do I pronounce this?
This unironically. A Rio de Janeiro game would be great, all clans and factions are present(or were before V5 fucked the Sabbat for no reason), plenty of weird shit to explore and a vibrant multi-racial society filled with violence, corruption and decadence to explore.
I just want to play as a necromancer
You just had to go for the low hanging fruit
You say tomato I say tamato.
Well, we do have Redemption.
Do you think Paradox wont fuck it up?
I dont trust the eternal Swede
Paradox usually publishes good games so I'm not worried it'll be bad, their true problem is their dlc policy. I'm sure the final game after all dlcs are realised will have around 300+ dollars of dlc.
It will be 6-7/10
Around Dragon Age Inquisition level of bad
>for now there are 6 clans
>there will be more clans that will be released for free as DLC
>currently don't know total number of playable clans
This. I pretty much look like one in real life, so getting the added immortality/powers would be great.
Is Vampyr good?
>Followers of Set
Asshole vampires who exist solely to lie and prevent others from reaching Golconda (Vampire enlightenment). Some broke off to become The Ministry and joined the Anarchs
Serial diablerist ninja Islamic vampires. Cool powers, attract a lot of curses. Independent but a schism occured and the Banu Haqim joined the Camarillia
Independent/Sabbat. Compelled to commit crimes. Their Ante got BTFO by the Technocracy
Spaghetti and corpses, boss. Necromantic vampires, they trade in souls. Inbred and embrace within the immediate family. Their bite is so painful it can kill due to shock. They give the Sabbat weapons and have an NAP with the Camarilla
Goddamn I loved Clanbook: Daeva. Utterly filled with SOUL
I wish people would stop memeing about Paradox pushing hundreds of dollars worth of DLC on the devs. They also published Pillars of Eternity, which only had 2 expansions.
Paradox is a shitty company with horrible DLC practices when developing their own games, but they don't have any hold over their published games. It's totally up to the devs.
>Their Ante got BTFO by the sun
Fixed that for you. The TU's spirit nuke only served to kill the Bodhistattvas and dispel their storm which was blocking the sunlight from hitting the Antediluvian.
Most of the clan books are full of soul desu. That's almost their entire purpose.
Magefags like to pretend antes are ezpz for their kind when the reality is most in-universe mages were freaking the fuck out just like all the other supernaturals.
>implying im going to play tranny vtmb
In the case of Malkav they just kind of ignore the fact he's around
It's alright. Not shit, not great. Just alright. Got around half-way through before I became tired of it. Story is rather bland and the characters aren't all that interesting. The main guy is pretty cool, though, even if it does seem like he gets railroaded into being a good guy
Wasn't he on the Path to Golconda? Doesn't that technically not count?
Thinblood is not a clan.
Alright but what would good disciplines be for such a clan?
>Hard mode: Don't just make them Tremere with different animations
Ignore the other user, I've played the whole thing. It's shit.
Yeah, you got me there. I just seem to see everyone hating Requiem, and I like it quite a lot. I don't know if it's due to everyone hating CofD or simply because "It's not Masquerade." I like the lack of metaplot for Requiem, but I get that it's not for everyone.
What makes you say it's shit?
She cute
Wouldn't mind waiting til' sundown to feed her some Halal meats.
I think Saulot actually reached Golconda. Hard to tell now that he kicked Tremere out of his own body
The combat is monotonous as fuck, none of your decisions actually matter and the main loop is incredibly repetitive and dry. There's literally nothing about the game that's worth your time.
>Jackie Estacadofags eternally btfo
>tfw permanent cliffhanger
What in God's name made you complete it, then?
So did God actually expect Cain to jack off his blood into dead people's mouths or was he taken completely by surprise?
God knows everything, dummy
All reason comes from Him
I don't think big daddy J really thought too hard about what Cain was getting up to. When he eventually noticed all his creations were fucking around he just sent the flood.
It's not all that long and I was hoping something would actually happen. I played it basically right after it came out. I didn't have the kind of helpful information that user's do now. I certainly regret it and feel it was a waste of my time. At the very least I can talk about the game without blowing pointless statements out my ass. Kind of useless playing a game halfway and then telling other people you don't really know if it's good or not.
Already finished the game four times in a row with different mods, tried for a 5th time but stopped at the character screen. I need a new game to play goddammit I can no longer wait for this game.
Just play Legacy of Kain if you need a vampire fix user.
God damn I hope I can turn that shitty motion blur off.
you too
>At the very least I can talk about the game without blowing pointless statements out my ass. Kind of useless playing a game halfway and then telling other people you don't really know if it's good or not.
Wow, buddy, why turn the talk hostile?
> When he eventually noticed all his creations were fucking around he just sent the flood.
And that helped how exactly? I am 100% sure it killed more humans than vamps.
Beside Haqim was up to some good shit. Consolidating sorcery knowledge, forming up first Traditions...
Brujah too
What the fuck makes you think that's hostile?
I mean, the kids of Seth were just as guilty as the kids of Cain. I wouldn't be surprised of the oriental fucks were shitting the bed around that time too. It was meant to be a complete reboot.
You basically told me that I'm blowing pointless and useless statements out of my ass
Given the relevant demographics of kindred and kine, I think just kidnapping seven mortals and bringing them together, Embracing them on the spot, then leaving them there would count.
Still, given that it's been referred to as a "terrorist attack", I do hope Lilian's goons just bumrushed a crowd and Embraced as many as they could in a short timespan.
> It was meant to be a complete reboot.
I can't imagine Lucifer's bunch reacted too well. Or Triat for that matter.
I mean, you are. Your whole post was basically pointless. Stating something so self evident is not hostile. I think you're a retard for posting it. Now we're hostile.
Were lucys kin not stuck in the Abyss at this point? Not very well versed in the Demons shit desu. Also where do the Triat even relate to Jehovah? Like whats the fucking cosmology here? I know it's a clusterfuck but what's the deal.
Funny thing is, there's an entry after the whole thing was over about some Kuei Jin coming across Ravnos and getting devoured by him. But they later retconned that in the Gehenna book, making Ravnos dead as a doornail.
Don't mind me just posting best clan.
How is it pointless? I told him that what I played of it was just alright, mediocre, but wasn't good enough for me to complete it. Hardly pointless. Also, stop hurting my feelings, you big meanie
>least impressive Disciplines so far
>worse trailer by a county mile
>most attractive example render
What the fuck is happening?
Lucifer himself was never sent to the Abyss of DtF.
>whenever you wish
Nah but he's just one guy (albeit extremely powerful is an understatement) and I was referring to the "bunch" part there.
I think the first game had SOUL because of the technology limitations forcing hilarious workarounds. the sequel will feel 2realistic
I don't mind Ravnos being dead, I just hate that magefags like to blow it out of proportion. They used a shitload of their ammo stocks and even that didn't work, so they decided to use sunlight. It's not like an archmage walked out and BTFO of him.
I'm saying you don't need to install plus if you just want the histories. You can enable them in basic with a console command.
didn't Caine become a vampire through a combination of God's curse and Lilith's magic bullshit
I mean, that's apocrypha but I buy it. Kuei-Jin kinda fuck it up tho.
To be accurate, the Technocracy used orbital mirrors to redirect sunlight directly on Ravnos. Without the interference from the Kuei Jin, he'd have been handled much sooner.
Aren't Kuei-Jin completely unrelated?
Honestly if the Kuei Jin hadn't jumped in I don't know if it would have gone as "smoothly." They probably wouldn't have had the mirrors ready quick enough after orbital bombardment.
Utah. Vampires vs Mormons.
According to their lore (lmao) they were cursed directly by the "Personage of Jade" (God, the same one who cursed Cain) to live as spirits, burn in the sun, and feed of the blood/energies of the living. With the Cain apocrypha he just got cursed with undeath, then after he took Liliths blood the angels showed up and put more curses on him. I guess you could say it was still directly from God through the angels but then why didn't he curse Cain like that straight up? Why after he took Liliths blood?
>can only find kine in groups of people
>at least one in the group always has True Faith
>fuckhuge rural map filled with garou
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines 3: Prepare to Die Edition
>Why after he took Liliths blood?
I think it's because each angel came and offered Caine to be forgiven, and he told them to fuck off each time. Not only was Caine the first murderer, he also invented butthurt
Is this Lasombra turf in the tt games? If not, why?
Right but like the Kuei Jin didn't even get a chance. God saw they were corrupted and just smited (smote?) they asses. Cain literally invented murder by killing hid brother (out of pure love lmao) and he just gets to walk until he calms down? The fuck J.
Those clan introduction trailers look so terrible they made me doubt the quality of the game. They should have revealed them with proper gameplay footage.
If I'm not mucking up what I've read years and years ago, the Tremere used to make damn sure that no vampire ever got into Utah or stayed there or fed on anyone, since they believed the mormons were somehow key to finding out the True Name of humanity.
Ventrue will be DLC, get over it!
God is pretty autistic
The unused music tracks are added to certain locations. I didn't like how the beach track played over the radio.
Well shit, that's actually kind of a cool plot hook. Now I'm torn about their clan getting fucked.
oh yeah it's good. The new maintheme is really good
Anyone watching Eurovision atm?
Think some Malks got on the stage.
must have missed that, just Estonia on guitar now.
If we ask them to upload the main theme on their official account with proper quality, would they do such a thing? The current one is really bad.
Jesus it's like Grouts mansion.
you could try asking? couldn't hurt.
Would you prefer an FLAC download?