Oh no Yea Forumsros!
What will we do?
Literally WHO?
Get paid for being addicted so you will never work
isn't this the same place that said gender dysphoria and thinking you're a girl trapped in a mans body so you mutilate your private parts is perfectly healthy and not a mental illness
Thank god I stopped playing video games 3 years ago
where do I get my disabled bux?
>a disorder might be officially recognized as a disorder
Oh no!
I wish i was still addicted to video games, nowadays it's just refreshing Yea Forums endlessly and occasionally boot up a game for half an hour, lose interest and then back to refreshing Yea Forums.
i always had laughs when people would call you a gaming addict for playing more then 6 hours a week
Old news
Does that mean if I insult someone online and get banned I will be able to play victim and say it's not my fault and I just have an addiction?
How about TV addiction?
Article was made today.
Maybe they will give us a free supply of games like how heroin addicts get heroin.
Videogames were already passed as an addiction about 2 years ago.
try social media addiction
The so called "disease" is a symptom, not the cause.
If the best part of your life is playing videogames then no wonder people tend to play them a lot. And the reason? No support from your family, lack of care from the parents and no real upbringing. If you weren't socialized at young age then no wonder that society rejects you later on. Then all you have left is alcochol, drugs, videogames or any distraction/escapism you can imagine.
and music
So can I get some more neetbux?
and books
Good thing I don't play video games.
Call me when there's a shitposting on imageboards addiction.
Anyone else play 15 hours a day here?
Will that get me cripple bucks? Because otherwise I don't fucking care.
How can you be addicted to something that's mostly shit. The last game I enjoyed was Sekiro, two months ago
I swear these kikes are up to something
> Boomer makes money sitting on ass all day in office
Life on rails 10/10
> Zoomer makes 10x as much money sitting on ass all day playing video games
I am physically unable to. I the most i can play in one sitting is 4 hours twice a week. Usually 1-3 hours most.
>implying they don't ruin your kids
No, I have never played a video game in the past year but I still come here.
That was a good one Toki
I won't defend the article but why are you implying every zoomer will be millonaire by just playing games?
>playing videogames
and sex
but chopping off your dick is not
nah. the most I can do is maybe 8
There it is. Literal obsession. Truly an ill mind
this + andrew yang = NEETBUX FOR LIFE
People can become addicted to anything. Once the consequences of a behaviour out-weight the benefits it provides, it's an addiction.
Gambling, shopping, masturbation, drugs, doesn't fucking matter.
>video game bad
>cutting off your dick good
t. trannie
This is how modern world works: you chop off your dick and you’re a brave, exemplary citizen, but if you play video games and you’re considered literal human shit that should be killed off.
>Sorry mom, I can't go to school, I got video game disease
The problem is that society doesn't provide any alternative to meaninglessness, previously it was religion, when religion was abolished, what is left is hedonism. Hedonism doesn't make your life meaningful therefore look at suicide rates. The problem hits males more because females have the meaning in their life by default, and that's maternity instinct. Men need to craft their own meaning and if they fail to do so you have situation that you have now.
I video game to forget my depression
>yfw free money
You most likely don't have depression, it's just that your life is in fuckin ruin.
Came here to post this. World is fucking backwards man.
You can send the cheques right to my house, thanks.
Just like alcohol
I'm already a schizo, what, are they going to pay me more? The horror.
Doing anything to the point it negatively effects your life is bad.
I play like 6-8 without breaks if I'm really into it. 3-4 if it doesn't flow as well. Once played modded Starbound for exactly 15 because I kept coming up with new shit I wanted to do right away. With a couple tea breaks and alt-tabbing though.
Literally WHO
>when religion was abolished,
This never happened. Except in actual communist countries.
>doesn't provide any alternative to meaninglessness
Grow up dick head. You have to figure that out for yourself.
Why the left hates video games so much that they want to ban them?
>You have to figure that out for yourself.
That was my point retard, some people are unable to figure it out on their own, no wonder we are in this situation.
It's funny that they came up with video game addiction but i see nothing for smartphone addictions or social media addictions
Everyone has their own escapism, be it family, religion, country or videogames.
I don't know. Why does /pol/ act like Nazi Germany wasn't a total failure that was annihilated?
thank god people are starting to realize that we have a disease. time to geet neetbux
Doesn't work that way.
Smoking is an addiction but doesn't come with neetbux
That's the kind of addiction video games will be classed as; help groups, AA meetings, counselors, happy family meetings with a professional shrink
So you're going to tell them what to do? Instead of just letting them figure it out? You sound like an authoritarian shit head.
>all these retards thinking you get NEETBUX for addiction
Does this mean I can get free monies from the gubbermints to play more video games?
Sweet. Now I can quit my job and draw disability and play more vidya.
Because it is authoritarian thought police and they dislike when someone does something in a videogame.
>So you're going to tell them what to do?
Learn to read imbecile.
It's a disease.
so is drug addiction
What are you trying to say? They have everything available to them in the west, even religion if they want.
so is alcoholism
Works for my useless dad.
>They have everything available to them in the west
Positive male role models.
Can I get more money if I say I have video game addiction and alcoholism. Do i also get free booze along with my free video games and neetbux?
But why is this on Yea Forums? This board is for chink bots, shills and social engineers.
hasn't it 'officially' become a disease about 20 times now? Give it up weirdos.
If you think that's the case then go out and be one.
This isn't really a bad thing if it is done right, they should need to go further then just "x Hours a week" for a diagnosis base and have other factors in play to clarify between types and severity, like say prioritizing video games over things like say Showering, or going to the bathroom, or engaging in illegal behaviour to keep playing like stealing Moms credit card to buy a Battle Pass.
Let's not pretend like there aren't tards taking Video Games too far.
Unfortunately /pol/ think's Yea Forums is there medium to save the west.
You can't solve large scale problems on small scale, the problem is actually unsolvable and it only gonna get worse as long as feminization of society progresses.
>This isn't really a bad thing if it is done right
Shut the fuck up tranny
>Let's not pretend like there aren't tards taking Video Games too far
Name one time
>Let's not pretend like there aren't tards taking Video Games too far.
But this isn’t about that, this is about taking revenge on people who play vidya because they refused to go woke. If the SJWs can’t control vidya, they try to ban it.
What is the methadone of videogames?
If it's a disease can i claim disability bucks for it
That's what I thought faggot. It's always someone else's job isn't it? A better world starts with you.
Free phone games.
>Let's not pretend like there aren't tards taking Video Games too far.
this is isnt about that
trannies are trying to ban video games because people wont play ball with there delusions
>A better world starts with you.
A better world for me starts with me, i can do whatever and make my life good, doesn't mean that the rest of societ isn't fucked. Prepare for 3rd world war with china, that's when people stop playing games for a while.
Usually not directly, but the addiction is used as proof of other mental conditions and through circular logic can get you as disabled.
Then once you are there is little reason to ever recover, as your job prospects are so shitty.
That's why disability is increasingly used as a way to pad unemployment numbers across the Western world.
video game addiction is a mental illness but cutting off your penis is not honk honk
>Smoking is an addiction but doesn't come with neetbux
Because it's not considered a mental illness you retard.
Giving someone too many choices can be as detrimental as giving too few choices
Tell that to the faggots crying Nazi all the time.
Nice one.
Honestly, it should. Smokers are much more degenerate than gamers.
but chopping off your dick and eating foreskins is perfectly sane and normal
>tfw nobody can make fun of you ever again for playing games in public because that would be shaming the mentally ill
>32 years old
>parents got divorced when I was 13
>dropped out of high school at 15
>develop avoidance behaviours as a coping mechanism
>if I don't go outside then nothing can hurt me
>basically spent the last 17 years avoiding life in my bedroom
>movies, TV, music, video games
>any hobby to distract myself from the hopelessness of life
>only ever had 1 job stacking shelves in 2007
>can't drive
>no savings
>no pension
>so disassociated from life, relationships, work that going outside doesn't feel real
>freak out in high stress situations
>only work I could get would be high stress customer facing retail/service industry jobs
If the WHO want to classify video game addition a real disease, then they have to make curing that disease worth while.
What's in it for me to stop avoiding life and contribute to society? Because I literally see no reason to ever rejoin society because it's just not worth it to do so.
>Doing anything to the point it negatively effects your life is bad.
Literally posting on Yea Forums does that.
>Was a straight A student
>Get a gaming pc and get addicted to games and escapism
>Become a C- D student
Gaming addiction is real niggers.
psychiatry is at best a proto-science
Work online as a freelancer or something. Honestly, shut-ins have it better than ever these days. The only difficult part is figuring out what to even sell in the first place.
I guess. The thing about being a shut in for so long is that you completely lose all discipline. There's always something to steal your attention.
I presume that you don't like your life very much. If you don't do anything it will only get worse until it's not bearable. Imagine yourself in 10 years. 32 years old worthless sack of shit sounds much better than 42 years old worthless sack of shit. To fight with your social anxiety, you need exposure to society. Hell even if you had 1 friend that is in similar situation to you is hell of a lot better than zero. Even the most boring shitty job is better then none because it makes you wake up everyday and do something. Who know how your life may look like in 10 years if you really get yourself together. It might have much less meaningless suffering than it has today.
>was a nerd with no life outside of the conformity factory
>gets a fucking hobby
>no longer gives a shit about the fucking memorization expert certification from the conformity factory
I honestly dont mind it desu. I'm not overly depressed, I don't have a drinking problem I just learned to deal with my problems by avoiding them and used video games as an escapism for so long that I just dont know how to function as a proper adult. I've done CBT a few times and that did help as I wasn't even able to look someone in the eye before. All of my friends are online though and I really have nobody IRL to do anything with.
That's just life in a post-industrial northern UK town. Barely any opportunity, most people turn to drugs & crime. I feel like I got lucky because my parents gave half a shit when I was growing up.
Let's go with a classic.
That should make it clear this isn't all about you since you seem to take it so personally.
Same reason why the communists banned all forms of entertainment. People who are demoralized and dehumanized are easier to control, especially with no distractions to keep them from serving the state.
>mexicans are subhuman
stop the presses
Really fires the synapses
context of that video?
>play vidya
>get autism buxx
>chop off dick
>don't get free medication
>suicide rates go even more up
What seems to be the problem here exactly?
>millions of people die around the world in traffic accidents
Let's ban cars everybody!
Yea Forums would be the last place to look for people that play games -too much-.
The guy crying is the transgender's dad and he says that is all his fault because he let his son dress as a girl when he was young.
So when does the media finally stop pushing the trans and sjw stuff? Form what I've seen nobody buys it anymore. What's next?
Not to rain on your allegory, Pretty sure people lose their License and car when they drive irresponsibly and endanger and inconvenience others by doing so.
And besides, considering *GDQ and the Speedrunning community wouldn't this hit the trannies the hardest anyway?
all the context you need is in that webm, it's a dr phil episode
It's even worse with sound. The dad is breaking the fuck down.
Holy fuck that is depressing to see. I wouldn't wish such fate to worst enemies
Dude cars kills more people each year than nazi Germany killed each year. Pretty much nobody gives a shit because cars are useful. When you are counting deaths caused by videogames, you maybe count them in hundreds around the world, not in millions. Everybody can come up with horrible fringe example. There is plenty of people that die from a falling coconuts each year -> let's ban all coconuts. The whole notion is retarded.
we are living in a clown world user
>If it leads to death or getting other people hurt only then we have to do something about it!
This is a bullshit world view. The medical community has it too and if a illness only affects you and doesnt have many visible signs then they literally don't give a shit. You can be in agonizing pain all day or sleeping 2 hours every night and they will tell you to go fuck yourself.
We need to start caring more about the individual.
The jews successfully control all of those. The problem with video games is they actually keep the mind active making it much harder for them to keep us dormant but if they were to suddenly outlaw video games it would be way too damn obvious what they're up to so instead they've been on a slow crusade to make it morally unacceptable to play them. They first tried this in the 90s by claiming they were too violent but that failed so now they're trying to go for the addiction angle. It might work too.
How about treating people like a grown ups? If you do something you should accept the responsibility, the risk included. Maybe driving a car isn't the safest type of transport, but you are taking a risk and accepting it.
Also when you are in the state where
>You can be in agonizing pain all day or sleeping 2 hours every night
You fucked up long before. It's YOUR responsibility to take care about yourself, you are adult, others may help you but only if they have something in return. The doctor also need to eat and have balanced life, stop being selfish prick.
Ook so its your fault you get insomnia for no reason.
Also when it comes to gaming we are talking about 13 year old kids. They cannot be expected to deny their natural instincts do what's good in the long term for them.
Can I get neetbux for my vidya addiction?
Also when it comes to gaming we are talking about 13 year old kids.
When we are talking about kids the the solution is actual parenting. That means actual families with mother and father where both parents are upbringing the children. There is too many divorces and single mothers doing crappy job at parenting, that's no environment for children.
Single mothers are nothing but criminal factories.
most people here browse /v more then they play games, so this nonsense doesn't apply to us.
That's because video games are fucking gay.
I'm only here for /an/ threads and LOL threads.
No one on Yea Forums plays games.
Wait so playing video games is a mental illness but being gay is not? Something doesn't add up here.
>Because it's not considered a mental illness you retard.
You seem overly aggressive for no reason
Also addiction is a mental illness.
It can be a physical addiction but it has a mental side to it, typically passed off as a craving. Alcoholism is more mental than physical but you still don't get neetbux.
Is Yea Forums addiction officially considered a disease. Honestly I've wasted a semester of my life on this website, and sincerely, I've had a lot of fun.
>get diagnosed with vidya addiction
>sign up for neetbux
>keep indulging in my addiction
Finally I'll be able to collect NEET bux for my crippling video game addiction!
Welcome to western culture. Enjoy it while you can because the chinks are gonna take it over in half a century.
I welcome it.
I'll be square here, im not getting where you are getting the "LET'S BAN ALL x" from when confronted with the idea of "some people takes shit too far and could do with the help of identifying the problem and help to rein it in to functional levels again", as said, people do get regulations and shit regarding "more lethal" things, sometimes people flip out because they get regulations about shit they think is obvious (Like wearing a Helmet when working under something that could possibly fall).
Umm, sweetie, if you paid attention to you would know videogames are gay, so being gay is still disorder because playing videogames is.
Nah, i think there is some digging and ongoing research about making "Internet Addictive Disorder" or something one though, which would contain Yea Forums, Twitter YouTube and all the Big Boy sites and Online Games, i think some Psychology Group was specifically more vary about accepting "Game Addiction" as one a few years back because they saw overlap, only eyed it through casually.
No goy TV is good for you! Make sure you enjoy the latest episode of Game of thrones!
There he goes with the same retarded argument again.
Maybe you should learn what a tranny's deal is, before you sprout embarassing shit for retarded (You)s and "muh clownworld/muh backward" posting.
Also, it might surprise you, but gender dysphoria has stopped being a mental illness proper and was reclassified as a mental disorder. Wow, truly it's the same thing as legitimizing DiY surgery and forcing everyone to change genders.
>Playing 15 hours a day every day is normal.
Nigga, I was the least socialized person ever in High School, and even then I didn 't use to play for 15 hours a day. If you get to that point, you need help. You can't cry "gamer oppression" unironically, anymore than a gambling addict that contracts the debts of a small African nation to pay for slot machines and casinò trips can claim people are oppressing gamblers; or somebody with a liver made of Scar tissue by 90% can cry out his party rights are being violated.
Seriously, videogame addiction exists only to fill a gap in psychiatry, not to drag you off your PCs or consoles for the lulz.
t. Proud Dick and nuts owner
>t. Not even 18
TV has Always, ALWAYS, been a source of "don't watch too much of it" litanies.
pls gib NEETbux now
Remember this is a government plan to tax any videogame company for "producing addictive content" just like how they do to casino's and tobacco companies. Game publishers have been making bank and avoiding taxes for years and the Jews want a piece of the pie.