After the Monster Hunter World collab I actually want to get into The Witcher series.
Is it alright to skip 1 and just play 2 and 3?
After the Monster Hunter World collab I actually want to get into The Witcher series
just play 3
no, 1 is the best one
Hell no, play them in order
stop being a plebeian nigger and play them in order
how long of a game is Witcher 1? I heard its not even a real Witcher game when it comes to combat.
witcher 2 outside of story is worst of trilogy
The first is great once you embrace the jank, 2 is the weak link but it's still worth playing, 3's story is disjointed and made up of various arcs that range from fantastic to average and the ending needed more build up but it's redeemed thanks to the DLC expansions. You owe it to yourself to play them all in order of 1, 2, 3, Hearts of Stone, and Blood & Wine.
1 is better than 2.
combat is dogshit but i remember enjoying it more than 2
read the books
>witcher games are about combat
It's about 50-60 hours depending on how many sidequests you want to do. It starts slow but only gets better and better the longer you stick with it. As for the combat it mostly consists of clicking the left mouse button when you see the mouse icon light up. Sometimes you switch styles, chug potions, and use signs depending on the situation. It's not terrible but it's nothing amazing either and not like the other two games.
Only the short stories are good. Ciri is an even worse character in the books and she ruins everything with her bullshit.
would a controller work better?
Combat is dance dance revolution tier.
One last thing, the English dub feels weird for the first game so I ended up switching to Polish and everything felt a lot more natural sounding. If you aren't feeling the English voices, try out the Polish audio with subs because it sounds great and if you're familiar with any Slav languages you'll notice the English version adds some extra profanity and makes Geralt sound a bit more dickish in some dialogues.
i actually prefer to play them backwards, 3,2 and lastly 1.
Every game is different gameplay, tructure and storywise.
Playing W3 without the others isn't confusing, but you may need to read the in game descriptions of characters to catch up.
It's harder to care when you don't know the events, people and location mentioned. But that's the only problem.
3 stand strong on it's own through the quality of it's own storytelling in the side quests more so then it's main quest, so you're not losing out on the best stuff and callbacks are consciously limited to keep new players emersed.
Not at all, Witcher 1 was designed for mouse and keyboard. Hell, one of the options lets you play it entirely with the mouse if you want. Witcher 2 and 3 have more consolized controls and UIs so you can definitely use a controller for them.
2 and 3 are the only ones that matter story wise
but witcher 2 is the worst of the series
>trying the Witcher 3 quest
>shitty fetch quest marks everywhere
>long-ass dialogues
>15min wasted for nothing, gee thks, this is why I dumped that crappy game in the first place, what a thrill
>fight finally begins
>it's piss easy
>shitty tree runs away like 4 times
>final part comes
>time's over
Wow, what a great idea.
Fuck this game seriously.
Couldn't they make a more arcadish MonHun game ? Like, just keep the great monster design, the fun weapons, and just let me play without having to grind for hundred of hours in time limited quest, and just enjoying a good fucking hunt/fight ? Is that too much to ask ? Does Capcom have anything like that in stock ?
>plays on the easiest difficulty
Read a book sometime.
>plays RPG
>gets mad when RPG uses RPG-mechanics
1 is my favorite despite 3 obviously being the one with the highest production values.
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received
On a serious note, 1 is my favorite but that's prolly cause of nostalgia, though it does have the most SOUL.
All in all I'd recommend you play all three of them instead of being a faggot and just playing 3 (same thing with TES games, don't just start with fucking skyrim)
Why skip just 1? Skip 2 and 3 main story as well and just play Blood and Wine/HoS
2 and 3 are equally fantastic. You can skip 1
Wrong. Best atmosphere, choices, narrative and art style. As well as replayability and lack of filler.
2 is okay, doesn't take that long to beat. Play 1 only if you really want to, a lot of people love it but its total jank and you should be prepared for it.
You're ironic green text story has somehow filled me with the deserve to replay Witcher 3 again. Thank you.
it's a copypasta you fucking tourist, it's been posted 100000 times
Yes, you can actually just play 3, an dif you like it, play 1 and 2 as well.
I'd recommend playing 3 first, just in case the previous inferior two games leave a bad taste in your mouth and you won't enjoy 3 as much.
This, just play 3 OP
play in order you spastic