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Sell me on this whole "chaos worship" thing. It seems fun enough, but I'm not sure how I feel about having my face replaced with a tentacle.

wait till you see what happens to your dick

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Depends on what flavour of chaos you want to worship
>Become strong but remain in a state of constant rage and violence. Plus your god doesn't care about you because it doesn't matter whose blood is spilled or skull is taken
>Gain all the knowledge of the warp and the universe but remain in doubt of what is truth and what is a lie.
>Become basically immortal and receive love from your god in the form of every type of disease and infection
>Receive an excess of whatever you desire, but eventually have the urge to find more extreme types of excess
>Take a little bit from each
>Be an edgy non-canon fag and become the chaos of chaos.

Chaos is the only true answer.


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That doesn't sound all that great, honestly. I mean, my commisar told me that THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND will love and protect me forever, no matter what, if I worship and serve him, and that he will make all my wishes come true. And also he looks really shiny and smells nice.
Seems kinda hard to top, you know?

Attached: accurate depiction of the god emperor of mankind.jpg (1920x1080, 68K)

Get off the interwarp, Cultist-chan

He's also fucking dead.

What have the Chaos God accomplished so far?

The normal cultists don't know the true nature of Chaos worship until it's too late.

Like a population might start worshipping Tzeentch as the changer of seasons or something. Then the secretive corruption at the top happens where the cult leaders realise the true nature of their deity and are fully damned. At that point they start sprouting Chaos mutations, champions emerge and they are fully damned to servitude to the dark gods.

Khorne because as long somewhere in the universe there is some sort of violence, he becomes stronger.
Maybe Nurgle for finding his waifu.

Khorne has achieved unending war.
Nurgle has achieved vast plagues and suffering.
Tzeentch has achieved relentless plotting and backstabbing that doesn't ever reach a final conclusion.
Slaanesh has achieved the damnation of almost an entire species and galactic empire to debauchery.
Malal has achieved unending anarchy in the ranks of Chaos

TL;DR they have achieved their objective - unending Chaos!

they're mostly responsible for the horrific state of the galaxy currently and the rotten state of the Imperium.
>personally scattered the primarchs as children so they could all grow up without guidance from the Emperor and become conceited and wildly different in values
>influenced Horus to rebel against the Imperium through a chain of people, which in turn led to Horus corrupting much of his primarch brethren with the ways of Chaos and creating some of the first Chaos Space Marines and human worshippers of Chaos
>all this culminates in the Horus Heresy, which we all known led to the "death" of the Emperor, which in turn caused the Imperium to spiral into the crazy, paranoid, decadent fallen empire that it is now after a bunch of stupid shit like the Age of Apostasy
As the tagline says, there is no peace among the stars, only the laughter of thirsting gods.

Warhammer universe seems edgy as fuck, but I like it.

Generally, people look at the edginess in the tongue in cheek fashion where it is so over the top you can't help to enjoy yourself.

For example: Anything to do with Orkz.

Attached: Ork.jpg (1920x1080, 713K)

Read this and the sequel for all questions Chaos: scribd.com/doc/4964072/Realms-of-Chaos-Slaves-to-Darkness

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Fuck you all, fags

>edgy as fuck
like it's something bad

go back to playing cards with malal fag

Go back to the realm of retconnia fag.

>he doesn't know about the daemonculaba

We don't talk about that.