Which one are you?

Which one are you?

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>be me in 2007
>get back from school
>turn on my 360 and put Halo 3 in
>troll noobs with my buddies and smoke weed
Good times. Who else ancient gamer?

Old school, I tried overwatch on the new school type of games but just disliked it.

>"old school" are 2008-ish games
>"we get shit done"
this is art

>2008 was 17 years ago

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late 2000's and Xbox 360 is unironically the best era of gaming.

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Fossilised gamer

Late 2000s was decent outside the industry trends being pushed, but even isolated to the game library it pales in comparision to late 90s-mid 2000s golden age. I agree 360 was a fantastic console though, too many people retroactively write it off as the dudebro console when it was the enthusiast choice for much for its lifespan. Even beat out the PS3 for japanese games for a good while

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I'm a BC (Before CoD) gamer.

The current era of gaming is better than 2008. Amazing indies popping up everywhere.

Remind me again why the joker became the symbol for being a gamer?

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its a meme you dip

An unironic 9gag meme turned the joker into the mascot of try hard cringe

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it's not a symbol to anyone but Resetera, who spam threads with it

Do you have the "this could have been us but you friendzoned me three times THREE FUCKING TIMES VERONICA" one?

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He's intelligent, nihilistic... and with a wicked sense of humor. Basically everything that encapsulates a true gamer.

Joker is a badass and so are gamers.

im a boomer apparently
i played with a gamecube and N64 TO DEATH until i turned 15 and got a 360
i also won a ps3 in a lottery and another 360 by having a lucky seat at a baseball game

sold the 360 for a ps4, but i dont like the ps4 and now i play all my games off my gaming PC

out of all the games and game consoles i've used, the gamecube stands above the rest like a gleaming purple lunchbox god

tldr: i love my gamecube

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/pol/cels spam threads with this. Its a symbol of hate. Lefties mostly frogpost.

all those games are complete garbage. Maybe you could argue for bioshock or portal 1 but everything else is irredeemable

Holy fuck, you people are retarded.

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dilate more

You all disgust me because you are slightly younger than me and I played video games older than the listed ones in this meme.
Its fun to look down on people isn't it?

I'm an even newer breed of gamers

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>>Angry Birds

Are you kidding me? Neck yourself friendo

Based TBD poster.
You can never be disappointed with games if you only care about games that are going to come out.

Should have posted the updated one

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Angry birds was a good game.
They really perfected the 15 year old flash games that were exactly the same thing.

thread saved

walking phoenix will be the best joker yet

screencap this

Rosario Raquel Christy or Arianne please.
BTW unfair, dubs can't be on /v

I am the one who cannot be classified into a group. I am the one everyone ignores. But no more. It's time to rise up and take Veronica from Chad

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I wanna smoke crack-souls with Russell


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>we get sh&#^*t done
That always cracks me up for some reason. 4 fucking replacements for the 'i'

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