How come whenever I try and find a good RPG to get into all I can find is gay anime sprites or gay anime turn based fantasy games. I want a GOOD RPG thats NOT gay with interesting art design/ setting, factions I can align with and freedom to go about completing the game any way I want. I dont want any gay goblins or final fantasy queers in my game. Earthbound was the only cool turn based game I ever played.
GOOD Role Playing Games
Other urls found in this thread:
Theres no writing though
>don’t suck ncrs dick at the beginning of the game
>they start sending out overpowered kill squads to hunt you down over and over again that somehow magically know where you are at all times
>forced to restart the game
Yeah, great “””role playing game””” you got there obsidian
Kotor 1 & 2
The legion does the exact same and theyre totally manageable. How could they possible have forced you to start the game. You probably save scummed with a grenade at your feet
>recommends EYE and KOTOR in the same sentence
>dude just fight off squad after squad after squad of NCR rangers at level five bro!
You fucking joking right
I'm sure those games are good but it's the kind of magic the gathering looking shit im trying to avoid
I've never heard of anyone having a problem with the kill squads
>but it's the kind of magic the gathering looking shit im trying to avoid
Try /qst/
What? I was just confused with what you meant you autist.
How the fuck did you manage to piss the NCR off that bad at only level 5?
I want to play a COOL rpg where im a rogueish charles bronson guy like in new vegas. I want to be a cowboy or an assassin. Not a gimpy dwarf or a magical elf. In fact I dont want to see ANY elfs or dwarfes preferrably unless it's tasteful and not pastiche and gaudy like in the elder scrolls game. Understand what I mean?
No, and I don't really care. You are an autist who probably has shit taste.
Anyone know any good rpg games set in 1920-1930s America?
I have good taste which is why you cant help me. Please stop replying and leave some space in the bump limit for people with good taste who can help me!
So I’m not allowed to role play in a supposed role playing game?
>DUDE just don’t role play and bend over backwards to the NCR and you won’t have kill squads of rangers after you!
faggy elf fucker blown the fuck out
Nobody can help you if you cannot help yourself, autist.
Youre replying to the wrong person
Secretly tripfag who forgot their tripcode.
I know what I want. No elfs no dwarfs!
>country roads take me home
>selling like hot cakes
>chock full
>absolute unit
>the absolute size of him
>didn’t even know I wanted
>across the board
>crapping on
>was so hype
>we don’t deserve
>it blows my mind
>working himself to death
>was just a meme
>and all that jazz
>this is just bad
>really rubs me the wrong way
>god forbid
>I didn’t really notice it
>can’t come soon enough
>_____ got me super hard
>got canned
>prime example
>given me chills
>gave me chills
>a whole slew of
>holy fuck
>fucking awesome
>fucking great
>fucking epic
>yep this
>pretty much this
>so much fucking this
>this, so much this
>boy do I love
>amen to that
>just the fucking worst
>on another note
>I’m on the fence on this
>fucking incredible
>get the stuffing beaten out of them
>it feels like just yesterday
>on a lighter note
>how did nobody tell me
>the insistence that
>reared their head
>so ya live, ya learn
>got a kick out of
>looks sex
>woot woot
oh look, TWO autists. What a surprise.
>feels good, man
>you need to spend less time
>I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about this
>speaks to me on a spiritual level
>I’m fucking dying
>fuck yes
>a bit offcolor
>that’s totally fair
>no joke
>in bad taste
>got a take on
>fuck this guy, fuck him very much
>fault him on
>fight it tooth and nail
>instant diamonds
>I’m diamonds
>yeah, pretty much this
>____ good
>____ bad
>my sides
>good night my sides
>my sides are in orbit
>neck yourself
>doom n gloom
>god forbid
>dumpster fire
>brown n bloom
>unironically diamonds right now
>top comfy
>absolute madlad
>see ya later virgins
>be me
>you’re like a baby, listen to this
>consider the following
>sleep on it
So I’m not allowed to role play in a supposed role playing game?
>DUDE just don’t role play and bend over backwards to the NCR and you won’t have kill squads of rangers after you!!
>ask for WRPGs
>I don't like D&D derivatives
are you retarded
Maybe VtMB? I can't really think of anything else that fits in your parameters .
I also own a PS2, DS and Switch! Maybe that makes it easier for you guys to help me? Just to clarify im looking for a cool rpg that has cool writing and characters with no elfs or gay magic and dwarfs (ill allow magic if the art style is not silly like in dungeons and dragons type games) where I can side with factions and the combat must also be interesting (preferably not turn based)
I think their post was meant to be an inquiry that you've mistaken to imply as some bullshit.
Getting to interact with the NCR at level 5 seems super early. I've replayed FNV a dozen times and have never had a problem with those squads.
bioshock infinite is the best roleplaying game ever made.
play deus ex already you retarded fuckwit
Probably because you’re a fucking bitch
nice bait
Why’d you post a picture of a homosexual makeup wearing communist?
just stopping by to say that OP is in fact a faggot
Thanks for reminding me I have to play that user.
>I want a GOOD RPG thats NOT gay with interesting art design/ setting, factions I can align with and freedom to go about completing the game any way I want.
Fallout 1/2, Arcanum: Steamworks and Gay Elves Obscura, bunch of older RPGs. Alpha Protocol, Elder Scrolls, whatever. Look around, look at some recommended RPG lists and just filter out whatever looks lame.
>get branded terrorist
>wtf why they sending people to kill me
The only way that would have happened is if you murdered ncrfags for some reason, in a game where they hold most of the territory.
You're crying up a storm in this thread and I'm the bitch because I'm better at vidya gaems than you, eh?
Well tough shit friend most RPGs are fantasy or their derivatives because tablestops and shit. Kingdom Come and Fallout is probably the only thing that fits your criteria. Then you also have some small games like Age of Decadence or Kenshi.
>better than me
Yeah, because you don’t actually role play in an rpg and instead choose to just be everyone’s yes man bitch all game
>DUDE this game isn’t broken if I role play like a bitch!
No thank you
He properly gunned down a bunch of ncrfags and can't understand why they wouldn't be mad at him due to autism.
>no elfs or gay magic
>recommends TES
Oh I stopped reading the OP halfway through.
>DUDE it’s totally acceptable that the NCR can hunt you down with pin point accuracy in this massive mountainous desert area!!!
>also it totally makes sense that the NCR can send DOZENS of top of the line rangers to hunt down some literal who but the NCR doesn’t have the man power to retake a town that some criminals took over!!!
How does the NCR have the capability to know my exact location in the middle of the desert?
no seriously
Been considering getting pic related. Apparently it has factions you can join like new vegas and is a blend of sci-fi and fantasy.
Heard it has very janky controls though so if any anons have played it would love to know if it's fallout 3/nv jank or shitty old school MMO combat jank.
Watch seths review
Keep thinking that. You still don't know how to play effectively though.
My unarmed/explosives/speech build was sided with the Powder Gangers if anything. I killed indiscriminately.
It's Gothic jank. Sort of everything happens on a bit of a delay, it's imprecise, "languid" pacing overall, animations are divorced from reality or the environment, that kind of jank.
If you can tolerate the combat you'll probably think it's okay.
>24+ NPCs in a kill squad
That doesn't happen. Do you have mods installed?
>deflecting from "why NCR mad?" to "how they know where I am?"
It's really not that big of a place user. All they have to do is put out a description of you and someone could easily inform them or a soldier see them yourself. Also powder gangers aren't as much of a threat to you compared to the legion or a one man army courier roaming around fucking everything up, they hadn't taken goodsprings and were mainly keeping to the prison. They were a nuisance but not a big enough threat to make the brass divert resources to them with the incoming legion attack.
>Piranha Bites
just play gothic II.
Maybe try Fallouts 1 and 2? Age of Decadence is good too but it has a tiny bit of fantasy in it. Not goblins though