Release date for The Witcher Netflix series has leaked online

>"Recapped reports that The Witcher series will be available for users to binge on December 20, 2019. They also suggested in their rumor post that the series has already been greenlit for a second season, and that season two will begin filming in December or January, right after the first season releases."

HYPE!! Who else is hyped here, Yea Forumsros?

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Cast here. Wonder if it makes a lot of references to witcher 3 or more witcher 1-2.

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I like henry, but he is too much of a pretty boy to be Geralt.

>laughs and cheers while people are incinerated
Those niggers need Jesus.

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>Yennefer is a poo

So is fringilla

Anybody else got a bad feeling about it.

Hype? You just know it's going to be terrible. My expectations are lower than your grannies knockers

No, Fringilla is a fringger

>t.rabbi who claims that all who don't believe in him will be incinerated
nobody needs jesus

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>Man looks worried
>Woman claps and laughs

It will probably end up being meh. Not the worst thing around but boring and not in the slavic climate. They will probably try to emulate game of thrones instead of doing their own thing.

Every time

she cute tho

Why do people sit on the floor when there's a couch right behind them?

You would not be hype if you saw the writers for this shit.

I hate this format.

Every god damn time

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Maybe if you squint really hard.

oh great, another pozzed tv show i won't watch

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Doesn't it look like it's gonna be complete sjw trash though lads

Plebs know their place.

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>HYPE!! Who else is hyped here, Yea Forumsros?
I can't even be fucked to start the Witcher 2.

Witcher 1 was a fine story. Ends nicely, mostly pretty relaxed, that wrapped up my interest in the series with a nice bow.

I would guess it makes more references on the actual source material, the books.

It is already clear they are not following the books.

yeah wtf
I thought the average gamer nowadays is either a soulless chink or white supremacist
who the fuck are they marketing this to?

Impending fucking disaster

>who the fuck are they marketing this to?
Netflix's board of directors.

This is literally one of the worst shows of all time

Who are all women, by the way.

The average gamer is a normie. Incel "gamers" are a whiny minority that nobody gives a shit about because they have no money

The character isn't cute.

It's a book series. You can probably get it from your local library.

Where's all the black and trans people?

Do you people really not understand how stupid and delusional you are?

>December 20
>my birthday
>I love the witcher
>i'm terrified this series will be fucking awful

it will either be a great birthday or shittier than normal

I don't know why people are like this. It's just someone else's vision of the source material.

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Living in your head rent free

because I'm tired of having the argument where a shitty adaptation comes out, then people say "didn't you like that thing? it was shit lol!" and I have to explain that the original game/book/comic was good and the adaptation is cancer

after the 3rd time it was getting old, after the 10th it's really annoying

>Black fringilla
>All her family line will be black to contestualize the choice
Yeah its following the source material.

Have sex bigot

Babylon the Great claims another victim

>take polish books
>add niggers to them

Roastie spotted.

>americans playing slavic characters
gonna be shit

im afraid it going to end like GOT like the first three season is like top tier, but then suddenly the series drop in quality just so they can give a big middle finger to the fan

Normal people, where the real money is.

The show are based purely on the books, and CDPR has no hand in the show so please explain to me why are you making a thread about a TV-show based on books on a video game board?

le gentle sex

The third game really turned him into some fucking model.

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lol this fucking show looks so bad, i can't believe you nerds watch this shit just because you get a boner for the child porn goblin

don't you play videogames, a medium that mostly consists of killing fictional people in brutal and extreme ways for entertainment?

Here is the best modern depiction of geralt, and the most true to the source material. He looked kinda vampiric/sickly pale.

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Gerold was always ruggedly ugly-handsome.

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So they're finally giving up on trying to make videogames out of a fucking story and just releasing a goddamn series LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE?

Why did it take so long and can we do the same with all the rest of these goddamn moviegame garbage so we can save gaming finally?

I don't really play games where you are mass murderer. I always thought that the numbers of people killed by Geralt in Witcher games was kinda cartoonish.

Netflix gives everything a second season as part of the first season's marketing campaign.

Spreading witcher overseas was a bad idea in the first place.

>forcing africans into slavic art and culture

this is disgusting cultural imperialism and should not be tolerated

>this is your Yennefer for tonight

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They made a movie and a TV-series in Poland way back in 2001-02 called The Hexer.

Spierdalać z ogrodzieńca z tym amerykańskim badziewiem kurwa.

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lmao, this is gonna be so fucking bad,

Books always described him as an ugly son of a bitch

Even on Yea Forums decent amount of people look forward to niggerified witcher. People already gave up to "multiculturalism"?

Not video games

>those facial features on friginilla


itt people that never read the books anyway

Yenefer and triss aren't actually that attractive. All the ugly girls become sorcs

Shouldn't Yennefer look way older? How the fuck is Ciri going to call her mom?

Why does Geralt has a Kratos beard?

You mean the shitfit that Yea Forums threw over lies about the casting, based on zero evidence? Par for the course for these reactionary idiots.

>already greenlit for season 2

That's retarded, this show sounds like it's going to be awful

Your standard of what ugly is not comparable to the standard in a fictional universe. But even if we lay that aside, the general zeitgeist of what is considered as "beautiful" is in a constant change of flux, just take a look at what was considered as handsome a decade ago and it will look completely foreign and banal to you.

pic related

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Oh yeah the books, where geralt hooked up with fringilla because she reminded him of yenifer. Cant wait to see how to plays out

You love Yea Forums stfu

how many black dudes will they show fucking yennefer?

Not enough


A literal killing machine mutated through the use of chemicals isn't expected to look good under any standards, my man

>that beard and face

Story is written by a boomer in the 20th-21st century, it's safe to assume that the standards of beauty are identical.
And with the question of what's considered "handsome", it's been almost same characteristics, if we don't take hairstyle and fashion into account, for almost a century.

>Fringilla, a character described only as "yennefer 2.0"
What was meant by this?

is this the real poster? At least it does look like geralt in this instance. Everything else I've seen regarding this show and it's casting has been a dumpster fire tho

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I literally showed you a picture which showed a practice by royalty which involved deforming their skulls. You know nothing about history and do not reply to me again.

Not kidding, Ciri looks perfect.

so this trainwreck will be an early christmas present
maybe Ill watch it just to laugh about this SJW mess

I'm literally saying that the standards of beauty are assumed to be identical to ours due to the author's bias. So stuff like an elongated skull and other almost alien practices, are not to be considered beautiful.
And even then face and body features are assumed to have the same standards where a strong jaw and a mid-low brow is considered essential for being handsome.

>Ima going to justify people cheering death by telling people that the Epic Legend who let himself be killed FOR ALL OF HUMANITY is a psychopath scumbag evil evil man who will send you to hell for the stupidest reasons, even though it's not true and I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about since all I know about the Bible is what Bill Maher told me

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So glad these normies got btfo with their YASS QUEEN doing a complete 180 and becoming literally Hitler

I guess the details will be added with CGI?

People are doing the same thing as TLJ. If you hated that episode, you're a bigot etc.

Geralt got that scar in games. He didn't have a scar in books.

>uneducated murican

but there already was a witcher series

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cool, more awful netflix trash that no one wants to see

>in an Eastern European country

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Wish Netflix made Witcher anime instead. I wouldn't mind even castlevania style, though i'm not very fond of it.

He got them in the books, first one while he was dealing with adda the first time around. The intro movie in witcher 1 was based on it.

God accountants are disgusting

lmao yeah no agenda here

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Huh that's strange. According to the witcher lore, Fringilla is supposed to be a human character.

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>already greenlit season 2
see this is the problem netflix keeps running into. They greenlight multiple seasons for these originals then fucking no one watches them and they end up in the hole.

are you sure? I've read books twice,but don't remember. Isn't it from when he was with wild hunt?

Sweetie, the original Polacks were black. Their most famous knight is literally called Zawisza the Black. There were black people fighting on the side of Poland during the many uprisings too.
Hungary had a regiment called "The Black Legion" too, they called it that to honour their ancestors.

tell it someone who cares, at least we got altered carbon s2 that way

>they actually added niggers to the game

dont cut yourself with that edge

Umm maybe go out with friends and family instead of watching tv lol wtf what a fuckhead roflmao

Creator: Looks great! But you know Fringilla is white right?
Netflix: We don't care
Creator: Oh, ok. It's just that The Witcher series takes place in a world based on medieval Poland, and there weren't many Africans in medieval Poland.
Netflix: We don't care, here's your check
Creator: Wow thanks! bye!!


>n*rds and eternal anglos playing slavshits
no fuck off snowniggers you appropriating faggots

>renfri more of a yen than yen

lmao what next? You gonna call him a virgin? An incel maybe?

This is why women should have important positions of power, they're irrational and act spontaneously due to their emotions

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This shit is going to be the absolute worst...

that goes without saying

jesus fucking christ what have they done?
at least they picked a chad for Geralt

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Ah, I almost forgot the most popular one.

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Yen is described to look 17-19 in the books. Why they chickened out of it in the game I don't know.

>Blue eyes
They better put some green contacts in there or I'm dropping this shit


Is it really a sacrifice if he just got rezed in 3 days?
He didn't do anything I'd call heroic.
He didn't tell people to be heroic.
He told people to keep their heads down and pray to god. So they can go to a good place after they die.
That's cucked and stupid.

Druid and Eist also look correct.

Yeah, its the first short story, or the second, depends if you count voice of reason as first.

>Fishface Frinigger played by Mgongo Africano

why does yennefer look like fucking cher in that art?

>So they can go to a good place after they die.
that was invented later, paradise on earth was promised first
doctrine changed to afterlife when, not surprising, earth didn't become paradise

Where is Triss? They did pick a red hair wokan...... right?

Really? This is interesting. Can you elaborate when they changed it?

>he doesn't know

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She's 22.

Is geralt ugly or Warhammer ugly?

>Is it really a sacrifice if he just got rezed in 3 days?
Uhh, yeah? If he died, it means blood was spilled. If he was rezed, it means the sacrifice was fulfilled.
>He didn't do anything I'd call heroic.
Besides calling out the Jews of the time the Synagogue of Satan, casting out demons, calling scripture nerds fools, taking a bunch of fishermen and making them the foundations of the most powerful kingdom in human history that outlasted 2000 years.
>He told people to keep their heads down and pray to god
He literally called almost everyone he ever met a piece of sinning shit.
He told people who thought they were gangster to give everything away and walk alone like he did to see how gangster they truly were.
He made a guy immortal because he was an arrogant shit and he would have to suffer himself forever.
He beat up money lenders and gypsies desecrating His Temple.
>That's cucked and stupid.
Says you, a cuck and a fool.

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See, I don't think it's be as much of an issue if they didn't pick the character who's defining description and oft-commented fact about is that fact she's ghostly white, and made THAT one that token black character.

It's like Domino from Deadpool two.
Domino's defining trait and visual tell was that she was white to and above albino. Absolutely zero color whatever. Any normal white person looks at her and goes "What the fuck's with you?" She's no longer caucasian, but something else and it lends that to her being visually distinct and noticeable.
And then she just becomes an average african-american woman. I think mixed, too, so literally the least striking skin color. You could have gone the other way with a matte black girl and it would have made more sense.

I'm not versed in details, somewhere around third or fourth century. Could be wrong.

Jesus christ he already looks like cavil. That may just be because they both have fake mouths though.

Christ literally told his followers they'd receive mansions and glory in the life that was to come.

I am seriously okay with male cast. Even with diversity hires, they fit the character if not the setting. But what the hell with those females, god.

did you read bible only in english or something? do you know how many versions there is?
read history monographs not bible to get proper picture.

>istredd from the north
>yen got blacked

the mansions line is misinterpreted, he didn't mean rich people mansions, mansion was a term used for house, which was a term used for other world, which really meant planet. Jesus was promising his followers that they get their own planet to rule over. Jesus is basically a 40k chaos god promising daemonhood and a planet for his followers

Why are jannies deleting video game threads while allowing threads about a TV show?

I have a theory, new hires whenever they get butthurt just delete threads now.

>read history monographs
Nigger the oldest Bible versions are near to perfect match with modern Bibles. You can literally find so called (((contradictions))) unredacted.
I don't know which degenerate scholar's monograph you've read, but you should do some further study on the accuracy of the text.
>t. mormon
Yeah. Jezus was actually Goku all along.

>that line is misinterpreted
>here's my own misinterpretation of it

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not mine, it's what jesus actually meant, mansions means planets, us christians all get our own worlds to rule over and create as we see fit, so long as we give tithes to christ

>not red head
Where is my Darth Vader NOOOO gif when i need it

>People who read the books/played the games will likely be put off by the blackwashed cast and practically no slavic actors
>People who don't know the series will see it as generic fantasy #172
Are they really banking on the normies eating it up, or who exactly is this show for?

>us christians all get our own worlds to rule over and create as we see fit
us mormons*
I know the theology.

dead sea scrolls disagree. most of doctrine is built up not on what jesus said but on what apostles said.
there wouldn't be so many branches if it was as clear cut as you think it is.

for me pirating it.

I’m sure all the people in the rekt threads on Yea Forums and /gif/ laughing at actual people dying are all women too user.
I’m sure there’s something to it rather than just your agenda.

the women I know got really upset about this ass pull for no reason, everyone hates this season.


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>dead sea scrolls disagree
They don't have the New testament and concerning the Old Testament, guess what, the only time it was heavily changed was the Christians BTFO Jews on Jesus being the prophecied Messiah, so they took their own theology and tried to remake it. But they still fucked up since even their remade the Old Testament fit in with Jesus's life and ministry. The famous KJV Bible uses the Jewish Old Testament just fine.


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Polacks are West Slavs, not East Slavs.

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is this the new face of america or is that somewhere in germany

Who caused the Black Plague then and why did it not affect Poland?

>new testament
How can you christcuckolds believe something that a human wrote? At least with mudslimes they say their scripture is the word of God.

The Black Plague was engineered in secret by white CIS-wizards as a prototype for the mega-AIDS their order would unleash much later onto poor unsuspecting African supernations. Their propaganda machine was very successful; by naming this horrible malady the "Black" plague, they further strengthened the political and social discrimination against the black kings and queens of medieval Europe. That's why they've been shamefully whitewashed out of history books.

You know the Witcher universe is fictional and not set in Europe, right? Can you tell me any European countries mentioned in the books?

Name one black skinned character from the books who was born in the Northern Kingdoms, Skellige or Nilfgaard

>Can you tell me any European countries mentioned in the books?
France, Prussia/Poland.

oh do fuck off, Redania is literally Poland

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Do people really react to shit like that?
I literally never had anything even close to this.
Am I just dead inside?

GOT fans make me sick almost as sick as Harry Potter fans

cdpr really isn't very creative, are they?

>im a jaded soulless husk incapable of joy, am i cool yet???

Poland should made their own black panther with polish actors. There is no wakanda on earth, you know, so it's okay, right?

Let's hear about something that made you react like this, faggot.

>Posts a picture from a vidya not based on the books

I bet you clap in movie theaters.

Wakanda is a fictional country located in Africa. The Witcher universe is located in another universe entirely, try again, snow nigger.

reminds me of:

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Post one example of blacks being mentioned in the books.

Sorcesses fix physical flaws (like Yen's hunchback) and typically freeze their looks to be around age twenty.

Not video games.

>another universe entirely
Holy fuck you are retarded. It's as far from africa as witcher universe is far from europe

Dont need a shitty netflix show when i can turn the game into kino myself with nvidias filter tool

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We know humans were not originally from that world and came there through the conjunction of spheres. So unless the earth they came from conveniently was 100% white there's gonna be niggers there, you nigger.

>Chooses to ignore the games which are basically the one and only reason anyone knows what Witcher even is, for the sole reason of having an excuse to make diverse casts (but not really since characters are fairly well described in the books already)
Gonna be fun to watch it burn

Btfo'd so hard you can only respond with

>thanks for reporting me

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no, because atleast he didnt put blacks in czechia

There are niggers in that world, you double nigger. They live in Ofier. They don't live in the Northern Kingdoms, or Skellige, OR Nilfgaard. Not even in Zerrikania, those people are basically arabs. So again, name a single black character who was born in the Northern Kingdoms, Skellige or Nilfgaard. You know, the places where the Witcher stories take place.

Holy Based

>ask a simple rhetorical question
Who are these people?

Those countries you just mentioned, can you show me where they are located in Europe?

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i just want them to announce the sequel already

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I hope they make proper big city in sequel.

Oh, you think I'm I'm not. Now go on, defend the casting choices by quoting the books where Sapkowski describes Triss as a 30+ year old gypsy and Yen as a barely 20 paki.

Fringilla is a fucking nigger of course. And knowing Netflix they definitely required there to be a romance story line between the nigger and a White like all of their other degenerate trash shows. Definitely wont be watching this. Sapkowski must be rolling in his grave.

Cavill seems like a cool guy.
Too bad he has to be associated with this shit.

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You do know devs use actual real life buildings as references right?

Is Henry Cavill a literal Greek god?

What is he, a vampire?

That's mormon heresy, in addition to the heresy of non-trinitarianism. The litmus test for modern bogus offshoots of Christianity is to first ask whether or not they believe in the Trinity.

Wrong. They ARE that attractive, it just took sorcery to make it happen.

Yen should be an Asian, as she's pale, black haired and partly elvish. I don't remember what Triss looks like.

like a japanese anime school girl. canonically.

I am surprised, I expected more blackwashing

His Witcher 1 look was the most appropriate. He actually looked like a mutant. In three he barely has any significant features. He's barely white, and his eyes are so muted

>Istredd is black
Also, where's Shani?

his only mutant parts are eyes and pale skin though, as a city boy you do not understand sapkowski play on villager mentality
anything outside norm considered unsightly, trust me I lived in a slav village whole summers, it's like going back in time

shani appears in third or fourth book, briefly.

Pretty sure Shani doesn't get introduced until one of the later books.
The show is adapting the first two books I'm pretty sure.

...and then use magic to make themselves attractive and stop ageing in looks

I don't know how they will manage to fuck up first book, original material is too good, but I'm looking forward to find out. It might be decent like GoT first season.

i think it nails some aspects, he probably would look like that at night with toxins pumping through his veins but generally he doesn't look like a freak in the books. his inhuman traits are very subtle (for example his eyes look normal most of the time but can turn into vertical slits in direct sunlight) but the scars and blood soaked clothes still scare people.

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>adapting the first two books I'm pretty sure.
They don't care about the books. Triss appears in the 3rd book, Fringilla in the 6th.

They should adapt the short stories as an animated series instead desu.
They were better than the novels anyway.

I just hope the combat is more realistic instead of every weapon being made of wood

go back

Top lad

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damn, it dawned on me just now
there are probably black peasants. I could ignore main cast, but the thought of black medieval peasant makes me angry for some reason.

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Gdansk is literally a German city thieved by Poland, which is why all the architecture in Redania looks German. The buildings in the city in Witcher 3 look nothing like Polish architecture.
Temeria is more like Poland.

The sad part is that children growing up in these clown times will think that this is completely normal and wont stick out in their minds.

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Too bad the game fucking sucks


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>first mention 997 part of Poland, part of Prussia in 1308, returned to Poland in 1466 after 13 year war, returned to Prussia in 1807, free city after french captured it, and again returned to Prussia by Russians
What a cluster fuck of a city, still it was part of Poland for a lot longer than Germany.