Now that Epic took the crown, do you think Steam users should still be allowed to call themselves "master race"?

Now that Epic took the crown, do you think Steam users should still be allowed to call themselves "master race"?

Attached: èpic-store-games.jpg (1600x899, 225K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Now that Epic took the crown
lol imagine actually believing this Chang.

Are you struggling to support your second car, middle-class gamer?

Steamcucks were never allowed to call themselves "master race", comes with embracing third party drm

>Epic took the crown

Attached: Tiananmen Square 1989.jpg (729x411, 48K)

I don't even know what any of those four games are.
What garbage is even on that store?

steam drones/shills actually disgust me. everytime i see one of their posts i can almost sense the disgusting nerd cuck behind the keyboard

This is how pathetic and out of arguments Epic shills are. Someone's personal financial situation has absolutely nothing to do with a digital distribution platform. Tell your boss to add fucking cloud saves already you stupid chink.

>Now that Epic took the crown
Surpassing EA as the most hated company in the industry? Rape a kid or whatever Tim Sweeney does for celebration, I guess.

>Now that Epic took the crown

Attached: okay this is epic.png (621x552, 390K)

>look mommy! I'm trolling on the 4chans!

>any drm users
>""""""master"""""" race
More like obedient goyum slave race.

Is this the designated bait thread for today?

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They are masterpieces unbeknownst to regular folks.

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>Epic took the crown

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Fortnite is fun and I don't get a fuck about your stupid steam v epic bullshit.

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>just as chink was btfo in previous thread he creates a new one where he gets btfo again
Like a fucking clock.

Yea Forums is full of contrarian faggots and would rather live in an alternate reality than accept the truth.


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Crawl back into your grave, granny. Your time is gone and fortnite is as popular as ever.

>fortnite is as popular as ever
Zoomers are already ditching it en masse. It will go the way of the fidget spinner within a year.

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Sonyycucks are retarded. Nothing new.

The whales always stick around. Dota 2 hasn't seen much growth outside of fucking auto chess and yet its International prize pool is on the way to break records once again

Masterrace are PC, not some fat merchant store, nagger

>Anyone taking Epic serious after its recent kerfluffle


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>no reviews
>no forums
>no workshop
>no community guides
"""took the crown"""

epic will win and there is nothing you can do about it

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how will the EGS recover from the fuckup that was this sale that they just attempted

How come people like paying to increase the prize pool but don't play the game?
I thought you get a season for DOTA 2 if you put money in the price pool.

once something becomes well known enough worldwide people stop googling it, player counts aren't dropping

Tim's weenie should be the new Todd Howard around here

I know people who would impulse buy the compendium because it had a few shiny things and never actually play the game outside of a match or two every month. I also had a couple of friends that bought their way into the golden black hole immortal as soon as it was launched even though they were sub 3k shitters who barely played. I think people are just into shiny things

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Nobody even uses the term "master race" to describe which jew company they give their dollars to when it comes to digital game distributors. Gay thread my OP.

>Buy games
>Get banned for fraud
Nice """""""Store""""""""

>grasping at straws this hard

Not really that is what happened...

Attached: epicfagsales2.png (584x1019, 442K)

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They emailed customer service and it got fixed minutes later but who cares about details like that when your a braindead valve shill

it could have been avoided if they had a basic function of any store, a cart. You could literally set up a store with a cart using a website builder and you'd be more advanced than Epic. Also, they stopped people from buying shit, during a sale. But who cares about details like that when you're a braindead Epic retard?

>Wants to compete with Steam
>Has to give multimillion dollar bribes to AA devs and desperate indies in order to get exclusives
>Literally has to buy developers in order for them to release their game on Epic
>No features whatsoever (it's comming! I swear on me mum!)
>Shit itself on it's first sale
>Lock people's accounts for buying too many games in short period of time because...
>...not even a shopping card option
>Chinese spyware

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june 4th tiananmen square massacre

Anyone who celebrates their binds to store as a status can't be considered masterrace.

>Epic shills JUST entered denial
ohohohoboy this is going to be one tough year for you boyos

Attached: exclusively not on EGS.jpg (1000x1000, 174K)

Just make your own store bro, what are u waiting for

>he literally cant defend EGS being worse than a first year IT students web project

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Reminder that Epic have to manually add games to the store at the moment and doing so can push back devs' updates for their games.

friendly reminder Steam, GOG and even the Microsoft store have more Epic developed games than EGS

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hey if we're talking about Hades did anyone actually confront them on the whole 'whoopsie we broke consumer laws of several countries our store sells in'? from what i've seen it's just them trying to brush it off like it was just a tiny mistake

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>being proud of their past
Pick one.

Tom Sweeny is a zipperhead

its not even about being proud of your past, but Epic could have easily thrown some fagnite money towards MS to have their most popular game trilogy on their own store

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Imagine having them to upload update for another indie trash they bought out and delaying a patch for a bigger game/delaying adding a bigger game because of that.
What a fucking joke their """""store""""" is.

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>supposed to be a replacement for Fornite when that stops being the major cashcow
>invest loads of fortnite money into exclusives and making up the devs for the sales
>biggest achievement sales wise was directing everyone who wanted to play division 2 to Uplay

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the insect fears the cart

>Zoomers are already ditching it en masse
It still has millions of people playing it at a time.

Why do tf2 tryhards label a game dead when it's playerbase drops even the slightest, despite the fact literally millions still play the game or stream it on twitch?

It's the same shit they say about Overwatch, but in reality that game is thriving, still receives sponsorships from top gaming brand names, and this year Overwatch league was its most successful and streamed yet.

Bro just make a better Unreal engine too because you seem really smart and totally aren't a retard.

>no argument so ad hominem
imagine running a multi billion dollar company and still being worse than first year students

>he's goal moving from store topic to game engine topic and starts using ad hominem
Geez. Why chinkoids are so pathetic?

>biggest achievement sales wise was directing everyone who wanted to play division 2 to Uplay
I love that one, but credit has to go to Ubisoft. Timmy got played, or he knew it was what would happen but went for it anyway, which makes him a cuck.

honestly the best thing about this EGS disaster are the shills panicking and not knowing how to properly contain the damage, they are literally throwing anything out there to defend even if it doesnt make sense, literally a bunch of headless chickens running about

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the fraud thing was probably flagged pay the payment processor and false positives happen with that sort of thing all the time, but keep grasping at straws ya dumb cuck

I still can't believe that even Borderlands 3 got pulled out of the sale. And Randy was busy gloating about it on twitter too.

This is amazing. How will the news sites spin this into a good thing? That Epic got fucked over by the greedy publishers while fighting for gamer rights?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Steam, is in fact, Steam/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Steam plus Linux.

Until Epic Fail Games supports Linux, they are dead to me and all true master racers and on the wrong side of history

>problem that could have been avoided with one carty boi

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>Chink seething at a fucking cart

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Maybe someone run over him with shopping cart when he was a child so he's having a PTSD over it now? It'd be no surprise for me since I've seen many vids from chinkonia where all sorts of shit can happen.

his dad left him in a shopping cart, so he's held a grudge against them ever since

>Raises price of Hades and then removes it from the list of discounted games
>Pisses off Paradox with their discount on Bloodlines 2 (and calling Paradox greedy for that) that the game gets removed by the producer
>Also Klei's newest game Oxygen Not Included also gets mysteriously removed
You really can't be this disillusioned.

When GOG started they had a good base system. Shopping cart included. ARGUMENT INVALID.

>the developers will choose who wins, not the consu-

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It's like watching a stupid rich snotty kid trying to buy a PhD and compete in the same field as the guy that's burned off his eyelids with research and studies to get to where he is.
But somehow they manage to fuck up more and more. And even the staff themselves try to wriggle their way out with "B-BUT STEAM IN 2003!" when competing against 2019 Steam.

Shoulda stuck to making mediocre third-person cover shooters.

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The compedium gives you new cosmetics and "challenges" for the game like placing a certain number of ward sto get more levels and more cosmetics. And battle cup access tough I never played it when I was playing Dota.

>this tripfag now seeks for attention in every ebin thread after his previous posts were deleted by jannies

This is the second time you've posted this. Fuck off, underaged tripfag. Kill yourself.

>All the steamcucks seething in this thread
I only want Epic to do good so that Yea Forums gets BTFO.

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Epic's so good at stopping others from selling games, that they even stopped themselves.

>doing good
Once they can have a sale where publishers don't pull out their games or where people don't have their accounts locked out of making purchases, maybe.
Or rather, once Epic realizes they're competing with 2019 Steam and not what they still believe to be 2003 Steam.


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But instead, it's you and your kind getting BTFO'd by the incompetent Tim

Maybe when they get people who weren't dropped on the head as a kid to code their excuse for a storefront.

See what I mean? They fucked up yet Steamcucks are still seething.

I love it.

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>Interestingly, even though Mr. Galyonkin is now touting the benefits of having deep preorder sales, that wasn’t exactly his idea two years ago, when he said that developers should try to offer more value for customers who preorder, instead of just discounting their titles.
I hate the steam spy slav. He's a self-interested hypocrite.
>Of course, this isn’t the first time that the people working at Epic have backtracked on a previous statement.

Overwatch is dying from the inside, player dont have fun anymore. It'll hit a point when sponsorship cant even get it back from the dead

but what reason is there to go to the Epic Store in the state it is in right now? there's barely any benefit for the customers, if there is at least one to begin with. Epic is the hero we deserved but not the one we needed in the digital distribution market, so that players could get a better deal and better choices just by giving some competition to Steam. they haven't done a single good thing toward the customer yet, they're just shooting themselves in the foot and the Epic Store is just starting its 6th month of existence.

>once something is well known enough people stop googling it
>player counts arent dropping
Cope. Player interest in the game is falling. Less searching means less discussion, less discussion means a less engaged playerbase, a less engaged playerbase means it is shedding more players then it has coming in.

Steam users didn't call themselves Master Race. It was PC users who did.

Now that Epic took the crown, all PC users should call themselves the cucked race.

Dude, I don't give a fuck about any of that shit.

Is just the sweet, sweet schadenfreude feeling I get from seeing people assblasted that I care about. As long as Epic keeps buying exclusives people Will get more and more analblasted and they can keep doing so because of infinite fortnite money.

That just makes the EGS even more pathetic. They could easily either pay to have it done or do it in house. But instead they're half-assing it.

Nah, got three and two houses which I paid for in cash. How's life going for you?

This is like smearing yourself with shit and getting excited about people pointing to you and saying 'Hey, that's shit."

what makes you think the people you quoted are seething and not laughing at Epic's failure ?

Who the fuck doesn't use both? They're just digital stores and game launchers. They're free to download, so you don't even have the excuse that console fanboys have for only owning one. It's idiotic to pick a side.

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why not just pirate? Epic already paid for my sale so piracy hurts no one in this case, and i wont have to download more bloatware

I don't use Epic. I don't care to support moneyhatting and this comes at a time when I'm trying to give information to fewer corporations, not more. I've been dabbling with dual booting Linux and using Steam Play - I have to say, it works pretty darn well.

Steam Workshop support alone is enough to make me buy a lot of games. I wouldn't mind it so much but Steam has so many quality of life features that having a game be exclusive to Epic (or any other launcher for that matter) just feels shitty. Having reviews is nice too. It really isn't that big of a deal but the experience is much better on Steam so I'd rather use that.

You mean your bank has those hausiz

True. I do pirate everything.

But I still use steam to track new and obscure games which may potentially be good. Also lots of troubleshooting and bug fixes in steam forums.

Least Steam can manage a sale without fucking everything up chink.

Chang needs his social score or he'll never be able to move out of his parents' house.