So was Tifa asian, white or mixed?
So was Tifa asian, white or mixed?
She's a cartoon character from a made up universe. She's whatever the fuck Nomura says she is.
so should look white, but Nomura is a retarded faggot and will make her look like AC / KH (asian)
who cares, the anime artstyle is garbage
she's a semen demon
yea but what does she look like.
I wish America becomes a white nation again, maybe then they'll stop this fucking obsession over race.
Mixed. Nomura's character designs are very frequently a mix of white and asian.
Filipino cumbucket
>America becomes a white nation
Gooks with plastic surgery to look more Caucasian.
Stop saying this you dumb homo.
All fiction derives from reality. Cloud and Tifa are from a mountainous German region.
americans aren't the same since clinton
Lockhart is a beautiful Asian name.
She looks pretty asian to me, the eyes and the mouth look pretty japanese.
mom help
tif make stif
y pp hard
Whatever this image is, she looks disgusting here
I hope she isn't this ugly in the remake.
>Tifa Lockheart
Sure she isn't Asian.
>Tifa Rockhardo
White in the original, Asian ever since
Tifa is the kind of girl to have a nice tuft of pubic hair beneath those panties.
Ok so does Nomura say she's white, Asian, or hapa
Who the fuck cares.
Tifa should be light-skinned with dark hair and reddish eyes and is just about it.
Stop making useless threads like this and MAYBE Yea Forums would become just a tiny bit better.