Why did nobody tell me this was a tower defence game?

Why did nobody tell me this was a tower defence game?

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It's in the fucking trailer. Hell, even the promo image you posted has a point defense building.

You can set all the enemies to passive if you just want to do factory stuff spaztard.

Protip: gitgud

Oh I'm quite enjoying it.
I just think they really mismarketed it. I thought it was a factory sim with light combat instead of a heavy pressure game requiring a lot of defense.

If it really plays like a tower defense game, you're either polluting too much or you've let the biters nest too close to you.

>instead of a heavy pressure game requiring a lot of defense.
It's incredibly fucking light, what are you talking about


Only reason why those fuckers attack you is if you pollute eerywhere.

but when i was playing it with me and my friends, I decided to go full solar. hence no pollution.

No offense, but it only feels that to you cause you're bad. After hundreds of hours you can stay ahead of biters extremely easy

>going full s*lar

it got to a point where we were constantlly zerg rushed. Since we figured we were producing to much pollution we just went full solar to fix the problem.

Don't forgot to drink your so.ylent user!

dont (you) me ever again.

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>it got to a point where we were constantlly zerg rushed

>Since we figured we were producing to much pollution we just went full solar to fix the problem.
>went full solar

>under the dellusion that he thinks I dont have turrets and or other defenses.

maybe you should stop visiting gay porn then, since you love it so much.

How is Satisfactory?

It would be fine if there wasn't some 600 iq alien leader giving battle plans to the raids so they only hit your one pipe supplying the flamethrower turret or walking around the maginot line and getting through a 2 pixel gap in your turret coverage


Damn. I'd hoped it would be like a mix of this and Subnautica, as I like the ideas of both but don't like how either plays.

reminder that Nuclear is the only acceptable energy source the moment it becomes available

>the moment it becomes available
>mfw angelbob
feels batman

how do you deal with the desire to play on a higher difficulty setting after completing a game when you burn out on the early game before progressing to the point where the game provides a challenge

>I just think they really mismarketed it. I thought it was a factory sim with light combat instead of a heavy pressure game requiring a lot of defense.
the fucking trailer on the steam page shows a pack of biters and spitters gathering and assaulting the factory. Even that was enough to hint me that there would be a need to defend my factory, how dumb are you honestly?

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It's more fun than solar, that's for sure


I want more content but the game is pretty much a perfect package as it is, I have no idea what they could possibly add

More means to genocide biters, obviously. I'm not going to be satisfied until my character turns into the equivalent of an ACU from supreme commander and I'm shitting out a hundred tree sized murderbots a minute


Just make it so the aliens are peaceful unless you attack first.
I much prefer it that way.
Ive been dealing with so much on my first factory that I dont think I would be able to handle it if the aliens attacked me

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