How the fuck are people actually excited for this?
How the fuck are people actually excited for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How the fuck do people have different opinions than me?
>literally paying to play a game that currently exists as a free game
>nostalgia fags hoping it will somehow bring good times back
>will give up after 50 hours or less of gameplay when they realize how tedious and boring the game actually is
>will give up after 50 hours or less of gameplay when they realize how tedious and boring the game actually is
You think you do, but you don't.
It was looking pretty promising until they announced Layers.
never played classic but im looking forward to playing it because of the warcraft lore, most people tell me i wont enjoy it because i enjoy BFA , dont see why i cant play both
Why the fuck do people still play Super Mario Bros
Because people like playing old games sometimes, problem with MMOs, especially WOW, is that the game people loved no longer exists.
I can't wait for the bandwagon to crash after the first months of classic
>blizzard fucked up classic, they didnt make me 10 years younger and go back in time
The game is gonna have a massive drop in players so quick it will be ridiculous
>you will not like it
>you will quit
>you are blinded by nostalalagia!
>it was shit
>beta comes out
>150k+ views, stabilizing at 50k
It sounds jut like BFA did in their first days lol
It’s like uncle Rico going back in time to win the championship, it feels like this time is different. We’re going to do it right. Nothing to distract us, plus google and YouTube to guide us.
Was vanilla when druids all healed as trees?
I am because most games these days are shit, 30 yo boomer
show me an mmo that's more fun than killing boars (osrs doesnt count because the concept is the same)
People tend to throw around the word nostalgia when it comes to remakes and such but this is a textbook example of pure fucking nostalgia
There's only a handful of people who will stick to playing this game and the rest will fuck right off when they remember how awfully tedious it was
You don't have the same mindsest towards WoW at your 30's like you had when you were 8-15 years old
when you were young, you could watch paint dry and you'd find it amusing, Classic was no different
that dog is so fucking ugly
>How the fuck were people actually excited for this?
Fixed that for you
>you become more adhd as you grow older
Go see a shrink.
But it works differently for an MMO. People actually have to put in effort and money to keep it running.
That's not what I was saying. As adult you know when shit's boring, as a kid it doesn't matter
Similar to children loving fortnite, when adults are bored by it
>The game is gonna have a massive drop in players so quick it will be ridiculous
It won't be so ridiculous after BFA launch. I mean they already lost 90% of the playerbase, if the sales were accurate.
Is it really so fucking alien of a concept that the game itself during vanilla is actually fucking fun? Is it really so challenging to accept that, even if you dont like it, a lot of people do? It's like you pathetic faggots have some righteous duty to "watch classic burn". It's not gonna happen, you spiteful fucking niggers.
After 50 hours? More then most shit that comes out nowadays.
Because they're underage retards LARPing as boomers with their "GOING HOME" wojakposting and are unironically afraid of getting party v&'d if they play private servers because >muh legality
>This is it, the MMO to finally make things right. We're all going home bros, right? I-It's gonna make me feel 19 again. . .
comparing which one is gonna do worse doesnt help at all, it will just show the state of a 15 year old game failing in trying to bring back their zoomers
>people will actually give money to the company that ruined the game to play a bastardized version of old WoW running on modern WoW software when you can literally play vanilla for free right now
Because I can be a comfy healer again
>Live WOW
>Have to play proc based DDR just to cast a heal that doesn't suck juggling GDCs and one slip will cause the group to wipe
>classic WOW
>Just cast greater heal when the tank is low on health
I can appreciate simple things.
Go RP your lala you sick fucks.
This game is for people who care about world building.
The free alternative is absolutely shit, filled with chinese and east europeans who barely speak english and get mad at native english speakers.
Tauren’s hitboxes and their melee reach is slightly larger than other races.
Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate.
Using the “Automatic Quest Tracking” option does not auto-track newly accepted quests. (It instead will start to track an existing quest once progress towards an objective is started.)
Warrior health Regeneration is working at the expected rate.
Quests objectives and points of interests are not tracked on the map or minimap.
Completed quests are marked on the minimap with a dot. (and not a “?”)
Feared players and NPCs run fast.
Standing on top of other players while facing away allows spells and attacks to be used.
Creature respawn rates are much slower than in Battle for Azeroth.
NPCs which offer multiple quests may inconsistently display them as a dot or a “!” on the available quests list. They were inconsistent in 1.12, and we’ve reproduced the exact inconsistency they had back then.
Quests that are too low level for do not show up as a “!” in the game world.
Available quests do not display a “!” on the minimap.
On level up, the message: “Your skill in Protection increased to 15” was added in 1.12.1, and we’re intending to keep that.
world pvp is really fun but nothing inside of me wants to replay vanilla because I know I'd be chasing the past
Except I was already in my 20's when WoW launched. I was a man grown. I am still fucking stoked for Classic. I'm going home, seethe more about it.
>y-you think you do but you don't
>why are you all still playing?
>stop having FUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
People like playing old games.
This isn't really a new concept
I'm 37 and going home. Seethe more retailcuck
>as a free game
Free is not always good the paywall keeps the worst shitters away. The worst of humanity always flock to f2p games.
>50 hours
If I have 50 hours of enjoyable time, that is actually nice.
It's not the same and fuck private server cuckery. I'm not investing time in a server that will be gone by August. I want to know my classic will be there for years to come. Stay on Chinkdale if you want. I'm going home.
>going home
I've been playing vanilla for 10 years ever since I quit in Cata. I'm already home.
You cannot justify giving Blizzard money.
World pvp needs to be removed. PvP belongs only in instanced battleground settings.
>You cannot justify giving Blizzard money.
You don't understand. The company that hasn't made a quality product in over 12 years will surely get it right this time. Buy our g- their game!
I downloaded a 1.12 client lastnight and a emulator server to get it up and running. And honestly it was just shit and boring. Could just about do anything in game with GM commands. The nostalgia went after about 30 mins. Not touched it since.
Home is classic not Gaylo. Kill yourself
I don't see the point. Sure the old map was cool and all that but fuck that grind seriously.
I remember leveling characters during TBC/wotlk and all i was thinking about was reaching the level 55 when i could finally fuck off to outland.
And later about level 67 or whatnot so that i could finally play in northrend.
As an oldfag I've been making fun of WoW since day fucking one. It has ALWAYS been casual baby shit, we knew this since before the game even launched. Anybody who is excited for this, especially people pretending they're going back to a time when WoW "was good," is a delusional faggot who needs better taste. MMOs are fucking dead, and every single one since 2004 has been a nail in the coffin WoW built.
I don't have to justify shit to you. I'm not a neet living in my mom's basement like an embarrassment to humanity. I'm sure Chinkdale is the best you can manage with only GBP as currency and a steady diet of tendies and mountain dew. Stay on your containment servers please.
Good thing there are gay servers for folk like you.
Filthy alliance scum.
>Not wanting time you paid for stolen by some loser bitch who rushed 60 just to gank and corpse camp low levels
Keep being a thief user. I'm sure it will catch up with you eventually.
>It sounds jut like BFA did in their first days lol
BFA isn't a 15 year old game.
I am but I'll probably be banned in less than a month for thought crime or saying nigger
This is the problem I see with "home" threads. It's a bunch of aging gaming hipsters trying to flex some sort of superiority over other gamers, so much so they will pay Blizzard, a failing company for this """Privilage"""
Meanwhile, all this does is make people think they all live on nostalgia, staying backwards instead of moving forward with their tastes and lives.
>All those streamers who said Classic was a bad idea, now trying classic Beta and realising how great it is and enjoying the sense of progression and soul in the game
Feels good lads, 3 months until we're home
It's part of WOW, which is a 15 year old game.
i just want to gank people in world pvp.
>playing on chinkdale
>when kronos bans chinese ips
Neither is wow "Classic"
it's a rat you idiot.
>All those streams who are going to play Shadowbringers when it comes out
Yeah, I can make shit up too, user.
Nice shop but I can tell by the pixels.
Stop trying to steal from other players. They pay to play and impeding that is theft. Don't be a nigger.
Begone, insect. You glow in the dark.
>Playing on some knock off bullshit that's vastly inferior to the real thing
Keep seething. I'm going home.
Because Blizzard is selling an addiction and are catering to people that need a very specific fix, add blizzdrones and people that latch on any new thing and you have unironic excitement for an emulation of a 10 year old game that made the genre generic as fuck.
I honestly don't get how could you be old enough to remember playing WoW in 2005 and still be into an MMO why would you do that to yourself?
>I honestly don't get how anybody could hold different opinions to me
Literal sign of autism
>Warrior health Regeneration is working at the expected rate.
this is the biggest shit. absurd regen
Those knockoffs are closer to the real thing than "Classic" will ever be.
PvE server babby
Classic runs of modern WoW software you literal retard. At least private servers run on the original game's software.
dont u DARE talk shit about (((our pet)))
I have never seen a single opinion about why getting into a 2000s relic of a cancerous genre is a good thing.
>people actually trust a company who hasn't given us a single good game since 2007 to get it right
Runs like shit with estimated values for everything. It's not official so it's not right. Not correct. Also corrupted GMs and all that. Official classic is home not Chinkdale.
>Sense of progression
>Sense of community
>A game with actual soul
>Actual RPG elements
>Classes that are actually fun to play
>Classes that are actually fun to play
I do play on pve servers so I don't get my time I pay for stolen. It's theft pure and simple. Also I'm not going to be goaded into a PvP server just to help feed your incel power fantasy. I'm sure PvP servers will barely be populated due to this. No one wants their time they spend their hard earned money on stolen by some pathetic incel virgin who has never had sex and is seething about it. Just get laid and stop being a subhuman.
>Runs like shit
Blizzard's official servers even in retail shit themselves at server cap which is like 2000 or 3000 players. Vanilla private servers have fucking 5000+ players on at a time and run more stable.
>estimated values for everything
When Blizzard gives private server devs official numbers, there will be no reason to play Classic.
>Also corrupted GMs and all that
Saying half of the shit in current WoW that you used to get away with saying in vanilla/TBC will get you banned now.
>One technical difference that will be removed less than a month in makes it unplayable
Kill yourself. No one wants to be fighting to kill the same boat with 50k other people at launch. Layering is necessary for a playable launch experience. It's getting removed before end of phase one. Stop spreading bullshit propaganda.
>most games these days do not cater to my specific taste aloe.
Not to mention that even 100 players on same zone makes the servers laggy and shit 'emself.
It's my biggest concern right now. fuck (((layering)))
Yes user, I much prefer a server with GMs selling items and gold to chinks and spawning loot in for their friends, over a server with guys getting banned for spamming trade with GAS THE KIKES!!
>The company that hasn't made a quality product in over 12 years
Was Overwatch released more than 12 years ago ?
do incels really think this work
>It's getting removed before end of phase one.
You are the ony spreading propaganda. Imagine shilling this hard for a company that doesnt fucking care about you.
because it's was and is the best MMORPG
>playing chinkdale
>when there's popular private servers that made it impossible for chinese to join
people have been begging for it for years. there is a hardcore group of people who want it, the rest are bandwaggoners who never played vanilla or forgot how outdated and grindy the mechanics are
Anyone who uses hate speech in WoW should be banned. It's an improvement over the old days. Keep your alt-right conservicuck incel bullshit to yourself. Also, those private servers are shit. Lag city everywhere. No official numbers for anything. Overrun with poorfags and third worlders. Absolutely shit tier translation of the game. Basically unplayable. I'll take my official classic because among other reasons I can afford it. I'm going home man.
>not running your own server
>not customizing or making your own repack entirely
Wow, do you even want to play the game?
needs C&C remake on there this year is boomer year zoomers are seething like crazy.
Name them
I'm excited for classic too but you're basically saying free alternative is bad cause you get bullied there, beta bitch
Must be shitty to be you. I pity you user. I'm sure one day you will either get load and grow up or will shoot up a school like the failure you are. Please just kill yourself instead.
And yet you refuse to acknowledge the opinion that Classic sucks.
>hate speech
t. woman.
>Shilling this hard against the game just because they don't want anyone else to enjoy anything.
You must be a truly wretched and miserable piece of subhuman shit user. Who hurt you?
There's a difference between "I think classic sucks" and "Classic DOES sucks, nobody can like it"
>Playing a shit tier knock off when the real thing comes out in August
Blizzard did when they raised this abomination shambling around in the skin of vanilla world of warcraft.
>hate speech
holy shit back to r eddit with you
Seethe more
have sex
Don't pretend retail GMs aren't just as scummy, I throughout late WoTLK and Cata I managed to convince a GM I didn't even know to constantly give me unobtainable gear for my level 10 twink rogue (Wingblade, dungeon finder gear) through tickets and he knew fully well what he was doing claiming he could get fired.
This is embarrassing user, enjoy your server with 7 players once the real thing is out and all of the normal players move to the Classic servers
>but the game is le out dated and le grindy
Yea, yea we get it reminder Classic has the some cult surrounding it like Dark Souls 1 back in these days and you guys are the same retards who complained about Souls after you died to Taurus Demon.
>man can’t wait to go back to vanilla back when the game was hard
>it’s so challenging I’m sure all the casuals will quit in a month :^)
>classic consisted of afk spamming 1-2 buttons and you were lucky if dungeon AND raid bosses had more than 1 mechanic
>each expansion that followed classic was much harder
>classic is in no way hard or challenging it’s just a mindless grindfest
Why do people look forward to this shit? Retail is fucking awful but Jesus Christ classic isn’t much better
No really, who was it? Did your dad sneak into your room at night when he would come home drunk, smelling of cheap booze and cigarettes to rape you? Did he make you suck his dick? What was it?
Kronos banned proxies and VPNs, making it literally impossible for China to join.
Sure thing user, i'm sure this guy who didn't know you totally risked his job to give you gear
Enjoy your layer with 6 people you've never seen before. Ill be over here enjoying the community building aspect that made vanilla what it is.
Please don't cut your veins roasties.
Nostalgia. The environment that was cultivated by vanilla wow can't be recreated in 2019/2020 no matter how hard people try. The adventure fueled by youth and ignorance isn't there anymore and people are in for a rude awakening when they don't find what they're looking for in classic wow.
You can't go back, user. "Home" is long gone.
Silence incel. A man who has had sex is speaking.
You projecting? This why you need escapism like "Classic" wow to get you through your dark times?
This why americans can never move on? they want everything to last decades for no good reason.
People are expecting to get that community feel they experienced during the old days.
Problem is, this is game developed and managed under old Blizz, in an age of gaming/internet culture that was right for it.
This will be an old game operating under shitty nuBlizz, surrounded by a new gaming/culture. People will play, get their nostalgia fix, then drop it after a month or two.
don't blame him, anyone who's played retail wow in recent years has likely forgotten that people used to "enjoy" playing WoW. The moment to moment gameplay outside of M+ dungeons and Raids has gotten so dull and without danger that every waking moment of it is a chore, and yet people do it because blizzard has boiled the MMO skinner box down to it's most primal appeal, where every minute you play rewards you with a 0.01% chance at an upgrade.
I'm not a chick. Lol.
>not realizing all the virgins are the ones pretending to be feminists so someone will finally sleep with them
retard, you're probably ugly as shit too
Oh, you are right
That's TWO different opinions you don't acknowledge then.
Because it was such a great fucking game. I played pservers but stopped cos character wipes are fucked.
Can't wait. You can stick to retail I don't give a fuck what you do
Once again I was already an adult when WoW dropped. I'm almost 40 and I know the game won't make me younger. But I want to play it again. The real WoW no the abomination retail is.
I'm not giving them any money personally, I made enough gold selling herbs at BfA launch to bank 4 months of playtime (which is nothing compared to real long term wow players gold totals) and no i didn't pay for BfA either, i bought that with gold i made doing legion mission table shit. the last time i paid for wow was at the launch of legion, which i'll admit was still not worth the money at all, but i had friends who roped me into it.
Are you bisdin from moon guard?
No. Not projecting. Just trying to figure out who hurt you.
they have a lot of VPNs whitelisted
the biggest guild is Chinese
wow, you've one day's worth of minimum wage stowed away in gametime
great job, fella
I know you are jealous. I would be too if I were you talking to a fat guy who has still managed to fuck over 100 women bareback. It must be so pathetic to be an incel. So frustrating. No wonder you shit post here all the time. You really need to have sex user. Being an incel isn't healthy.
Haven't a clue. Entire genre is a pile of shit honestly.
>opinion i disagree with
>incel meme to anyone who disagrees with you
>admit you're fat as fuck
Chinks found a loophole though
Kronos did ban proxies and VPNs with the intention of banning chinks, but were willing to whitelist chink guilds that were serious about raiding or playing the game with legitimate guilds from other servers.
Big chink guilds loopholed this by starting tons of guilds and then telling Kronos that random chinkywinky who has no intention of playing competitively that he's with the guild. Now you have multiple chink guilds with hundreds of players each masquerading as hardcore raiding guilds.
Last decade had Obama in it
Yes I'm fat. Who cares? I've still had more sex than you ever will. I've creampied over 100 women. Come at me bro.
Wish he was back.
>classic won't happen get fucked nostbull
now it's
>classic is not like old vanilla you will never go home again
someone post some old archive screencaps were retail cucks said classic is never going to happen.
>If I keep on blogposting I will surely win the argument!
Normalfags are a fucking mistake.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r eddit
This site isn't owned by the alt-right you maga moron.
Tauren warriors are literally the best warriors in the game.
wtf is the protection skill anyway
was that something like defense that they took out or what?
>standing on top of other players while facing away allows spells and attacks to be used
ie facestabbing?
if thats true then all those people saying that it was a private server thing look pretty dumb
>pic made in like 10 seconds by some autist in paint STILL can't be refuted.
Oh nonononono
no, that's talking about standing on top of someone and facing away from them but instead of getting error for not having line of sight you can cast and attack to behind yourself
currently on beta you can even stand multiple feet away from the other character and face away and still cast
meaning you literally cannot run around casters to stop spellcasts because they can cast behind themselves if you're on top (read: currently within a bit under their fuckhuge melee range)
imagine being a retail cuck or a final cuckold player.
Just filter template replies.
Why would people ask for WoW classic but not even ask for a graphical upgrade?
>playing a 15 year old game that's been 100% solved and will be filled with minmax autists to the point of being ruined
Zoomers like Asmongoloid will take control and it will be the same shitshow as retail wow
it's sad so many retards who thought this got in while I have to be a cuck
>Tauren warrior
FUCKING based.
>you think you do but you dont, it wont be the same
>but this time with ms paint shitty crop picture
>thatll show them
these threads are an interesting experiment on how many different ways can the exact same thing be said
only took 7 minutes to repeat it, impressive
Started on Lightshope after the layering news, and I'm having so much fun. Blizz can go fuck themselves.
t. lvl 17 night elf male hunter
Well he's kinda right. Nostalgia is a very strong emotion and tends to make things a lot prettier than they actually were. That being said classic is still a better game than retail, but that's not much of an achievement.
But that server is over by now. What you actually need is a fresh and I'm not sure if anyone competent is going to provide that now.
>playing retail
>playing classic
>playing vanilla private servers
>not playing project ascension instead
>b-but our servers will crash if there's more than 50 people in one zone
That's why I am excited at least.
Enjoy your chink infested knock off. It's shitting down when Classic drops. What will you do when all that work you out in vanishes? As a sub to the REAL classic I don't have to worry about it. Must suck to be a poorfag who can only play on shit tier knock off servers. Seethe more
That shit was the worst expansion. Absolutely dogshit. Fucking pandas. I spit on them.
>What will you do
Roll on another private server for free lol
>no pandas
>more importantly, no blood elves
can finally see an unfucked Horde faction once again
what's the population on that?
>noob: Where's mankrik's wife
>me: sucking my dick
>You have been disconnected from server
Thanks nu-blizz
Meanwhile I'm on my superior official comfy classic pve server not worrying about losing my progress and with buttery smooth animations and no lag or other p server bullshit. Have fun neetcuck. You get what you pay for
A few thousand because some shitty WoW e-celebs discovered their new server that assigns you random spells from any class every 2 levels
Here's what gonna happen.
When this thing comes out, all streamers will shill this thing for like 1-2 months like it happend with the apex legends.
And then it will die.
>no lag
If you're not excited for World of Layers and Twitch Groupies then you're not a true gamer
>no lag
Retail servers fucking crashes when there's like 80+ players in one area, private servers had like 200 people each in every zone on a hourly basis
user... 50% of private server populations are Chinks who mass farm every single farming spot and fuck up the economy.
it's the most fun i've had playing WoW in over a decade
Are you watching his beta content?
why are retailcucks seething endlessly? this concentrated effort to shit on classic and try to persuade people from playing really makes me think.
stay mad bro.
>Asmongold viewers are going to playing classic and ruining it with their faggotry
Bros... we can't let our home let be destroyed like this...
Communication cannot be made if people cant speak the same language. Why even play wow in the first place?
>All the autists will flock to the streamer server
>The rest of the realms are cancer-free
I don't see a problem.
Why is he irl streaming while classic is up?
have sex
Why is this guy always in my recommended videos?
I'm gonna wait for people to be banned for stream sniping and disrupting streamer events
then laugh at them and say "I told you so"
>log in to reserve names the few days before the launch
>steal twitch streamer names so they can't use them
I had a life and gfs when Vanilla came out and didn't even play vidya. Now im just a boomer who wants to experience what it was like and why there was so much hype.
Bliz will just delete you character and give the name to the streamer.
influncers are more important that you.
which realm do I choose?
>s-stop having fun
I never played Vanilla
What should I expect?
Elune and Shadowsong
More RPG less MMO.
They did it before. Some streamer was bitching about it and a CM pulled some strings got rid of the character and gave the name to him.
Easy to do, justifacation for it is that "you are a troll".
An influncer could wall hack, bot and exploit out of area with the wsg flag and he still wont be touched.
Online RPG
CM's can't change names. CM's don't even have GM accounts.
boredom and frustration
He asked for a source, not hearsay.
>What does "pulled some strings" mean
The CM talks to people at bliz you fool.
Influencers are more important than you, they get special CMs who follow them about to see "if they need anything"
More focus on community, less on gameplay. It hasent aged well, but at least your name will mean something on the server, oh wait BGs are cross realm tho so .
I fucking love how a polish basement can handle 400 players in one tiny area and 10k on a server fine, but blizzard's server shits itself with 80 and 4k.
Asmongloid's server, layer 2, HOME...
I loved CTR
It's all so tiresome Yea Forumsros
if you're a complete faggot that is.
I likes Wings of Liberty
>1.12.1 itemization, blue BRD gear etc
>cross-realm BGs
>right-click reporting
> friend invite cross faction
>dabbing and twitch memes in barens chat
>literal scammer and fraud
>currently has 12k views on twitch and is hosted/supported by other classic enthusiasts
Lmao you classic fags are literal retards. No wonder you enjoy such slow and braindead game. You are all fucking morons
Preach was banned for a month for using XP potion exploit on a stream.
Your argument is invalid.
>WoW is a 15 year old game
In name only. This is a marketing ploy and you swallowed it. "Since 1845", "Since 1934" etc. They update their product every single day to keep up with the competition. What they're advertising is their skill as craftsmen or programmers, not the actual product.
>Neither is wow "Classic"
Are you high? If it was a new game nobody would care about it because everybody knows that these days games, with a few exceptions, are shit especially mmos.
Classic being an old game is the FIRST thing shitposters say when they try to mock the fans with the implication of infinite progress being a thing which every person with a working brain knows doesn't exist. Everything is cyclical.
am I retarded or is there literally no info on their website about which realms are for what
I wasn't excited but after watching people play it the past few days I am. I want to fucking play it.
>a bastardized version of old WoW
1:1 bar interface and graphics options
>running on modern WoW software
New hardware happened.
>when you can literally play vanilla for free right now
Someone has a lot of time invested in private servers or owns one. Not even going to talk about how private servers are the actual bastardized versions of classic WoW.
>This game is bad because streamers.
If you pay attention to streamers your opinion is automatically void.
they're pitifully nostalgic and gullible as fuck
begging you cucks to stop posting this cope every thread
why would the haters need to cope? it already sucks. if it was good i would just play it. instead i can have a nice chuckle at the expense of nostalgiafags
I think a better question is why the fuck we have like 20 threads a day filled with people who seem to only be here specifically to dissuade people from playing the game.
Who goes on a video game discussion board to do this?
I think Dark Souls is a shitty, overrated game, but I don't spent my free time making and posting in threads specifically to try to stop people from playing it.
Really? Cause as a firm hater of Blizzard for quite some time now all I see every day is 20 threads of homeposters who won't shut up about how great Vanilla was and how great Classic will be. I applaud people for shitting on them
That video is great, it represent the state of the so called "gamers".
>He isn't rolling male night elf rogue
Most OP I've seen are posts that if I didn't knew better I would say they are shills.
I was really excited when they announced it - so excited that I went on a private server just to try it out. Got unbearably boring around level 20. Auo-attack THE GAME
Yeah, but that doesn't answer my question.
Why would you spend your time trying to stop people from playing a video game?
Like I said, there are tons of threads on here about games I think are boring or overrated, or childish, but I don't spend hours trying to stop other people from playing them because I realize that other people have different tastes than I do.
link it
so tired of you zoomers and your twitch idols
>Why are people talking about streamers regarding this new game that only streamers have access to?
Really activates the almonds
Was super hyped back in November because I was so sick of the vicissitudes of the private server scene, but over the last few days my feelings have soured a bit.
The idea of paying $15 bucks a month to play with retailtards is starting to make me nauseous. The chinks on LH are starting to seem not so bad in comparison.
people have been playing for years on shitty private servers and you copes think they're going to quit in 5 seconds due to the gameplay. If anything people will quit due to the stupid shit blizzard add like layering
maybe they're not spending hours and there are just more people wise to blizzard's bullshit than you think
or maybe some of them are legitimately butthurt that its not gonna be anything like actual vanilla wow and feel compelled to autistically shitpost.
to them i say its your own fault for thinking blizzard would release a good game but them continuing to shit on it doesnt bother me in the slightest
Any excitement I had for this died when I saw all the phasing shit all the Regen. All the DMG reduction on enemies... It's over bros. U can't recreate 2004-2006 internet. You fucking can't.
Usually I don't save these links, but shit is hilarious.
>healer (druid) distracted and only with half mana
>retard with broken chest armor
>suddenly charges against a hard hitting boss
>get hit, half HP down
>get hit again, die
>at the same time a moonfire hits the boss
>open a ticket to cry about "bugged boss, hits too hard and hurts my feelings"
I'll swear someone made a webm tho, guess I'll save it the next time.
you're talking about like 10k people who went specifically looking for that experience
let's see what happens when the zoomers get on
ooooh someone is mad =)
who gives a shit about the zoomers
>People have played on shitty private servers for fucking years
>They're suddenly going to drop the official release due to gameplay
Now that was fast. Based webmbro.
>over 100 women
you probably haven't met 100 people let alone women in your entire life, user
probably blizzard since theyre counting on their money
things like "layering" and increased combat regen exist in the first place to make it more digestible to them
Somehow, I knew this insufferable faggot was behind this.
>that visible confusion
comedy gold
Also this is why his gear was red.
will be funny if this dies while old runescape is still chugging along
cant wait for the threads in like 2 years
God, he is so disgusting. My fault for clicking it right after eating, but please show some consideration.
>Broken gear
>Healer is distracted and has half mana
>Still charges in
>Shocked he gets near insta-killed
Pfft, the state of warrgin's """tanking""""
yeah theres a clip of that big streamer talking nothing but shit about nipsout
It's not warriors
>horde bug report v alliance bug report
who is that amerimutt
Some guy who cleared Deadmines without wiping.
>thread where people shit on retail instant 404
>thread where people shit on classic stays up
Imagine how butthurt the nintodler mods are you fucking trannies retail sucks stop cutting your dick off seething shit mods.
tanks get fucking trucked in low level dungeons, i think hunter pets take less damage
>boss hard, must be bugged
there are people who unironically watch nipsouts videos lmao
what a fucking fraud who has never played vanilla
its ya boy asmongold
in that case then it's not free. You have to maintain it yourself and pay for hosting.
>thread where people shit on retail instant 404
Everyone agrees so there's no active discussion about it
>thread where people shit on classic stays up
People share different opinions so the thread is active
imagine being a carebear pussy basedboy like this cuck
That's because Actiblizz is paying Pajeet to shill Classic right now.
Has anyone tried to link the item code for [The Nicker] in the beta and see if it still retains it original name?
>beta capped at 30
>had the most fun in vanilla on 29 rogue twink one shotting cloth with toxic revenger
>tfw no invite
classic will kill other blizzlike servers, but i wonder if more fun servers will pop up
Has anyone tried to link the item code for [Blackrock Slicer] in the beta and see if it still retains it original name?
I don't know, I'm waiting for launch.
battlegrounds were cross-realm in 1.12.1.
Does anyone want to play on ND?
>chink server players
>not completely braindead
Everybody should spam this in Asmongold's chat until we get an answer.
Stop shilling your channel here, it's pathetic.
Ever considered the fact that it's a better game than modern WoW?
That's supposed to be the nicker, right?
it doesn't
no thanks, Xiao
So? they're doing staggered content releases, why not delay cross realm stuff too.
it's Cho, but close enough.
because the patch they're releasing classic with is 1.12.1. hence cross-realm battlegrounds.
it’s addictive and borderline online gambling. It is designed to keep you playing as long as possible.
>every single server is going to have streamer cancer to the point it's unavoidable
ah yes... home....
>Human main
>Dwarf alt
Anyone else rolling this kino combo?
playing classic again was the worse idea I've ever had, I've ruined the sanctuary of nostalgia. I'm actually very upset
you literally can ignore them, there were narcissists with huge followers in vanilla, why would classic be any different?
Funny, I played vanilla again and it only made me more hyped for Classic. It's even better than i remembered it being
most will be on pve servers, which a half decent player won't even consider
>you literally can ignore them
no, you can't
What is it about this game that gets people on this board so booty bamboozled?
Wanted to do the same thing until I realised Night Elf Warrior mass ganks are actually fun
>private server shills
>classic autists
these threads should be in vg. quit spamming Yea Forums with this shit
it's just a polarizing game. either you played it and loved it or avoided it because of the general opinion about it. I imagine a lot of Yea Forumsirgins who played vanilla did so in their formative years.
Sounds based. Fuck the anglos.
stop bully
It's one of those games that is hated *exclusively* by people that haven't played it. Think about that for a minute.
Nobody honesty gives a fuck about this garbage.
The fact the beta will go on until release kills most of the hype
>crawls back to his 20 smash threads a day
>classic thread
>dumb nostalgia poster, please stop having fun
Like pottery
>media sensation
>literally 100% of the interrested peopme show up in one place
>thinking 10k or even 20k is big in the grand scheme of things, considering yuros get lang based servs
>all the autists will flock to the streamer server
>most people see the streamer server pop being high
>they don't want to risk rolling on a server that might be dead
>they join the streamer server too
>the rest of the realms are dead
because retailfags know their end is nigh
loot at what happened to runescape, rs3 has maybe a fifth as many players as osrs
Literally shilling, like every WoW expansion and every Actiblizz game, there are threads 24/7 before the release and during the first 2 weeks.
>no shieldblock
>Popular game release date soon
>People are excited for it
>Discussion continue until the hype dies down or another big game is announced
I swear to god, that you niggers are actually braindead. Same thing happened with RDR, Smashshit and other Japshit that's been released and announced in the past.
For 100% real though, I don't think I understand the Classic meme. Like, I get it sort of? I get the idea of wanting a legal way of playing Classic WoW that doesn't involve shady or badly run or incorrectly set up private servers that could shut down at any minute, while also showing Blizzard that their current game sucks. I get all that.
I don't get the part about people either acting like or pretending they're going to spend hundreds of hours re-doing all this content, building server communities and recapturing the magic.
I watched a little bit of Asmongold's video from launch, him racing through Elwynn to level up and stuff and the whole time I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic and just doing it ironically, or he was actually playing and trying to experience the game. But everyone is just rushing through levels for leaderboards, there's no exploration or engagement or discovery that there was in the past. Everyone knows everything so the only part they care about is racing to endgame?
I don't understand.
smash threads should be on /vg/ too. fuck smash and fuck WoW
Yeah, people was totally "le hyped" for SC2 expansions, Diablo 3 expansion and they'll make Diablo Immortal thread 24/7 because they have phones.
Its unironic underage and WoLK fags who want to play it because they missed out
Just look at all the talk about streamers and other zoomer retardation in these classic threads
>Its unironic underage and WoLK fags who want to play it because they missed out
I promise you literally 0 people who missed classic have any desire to experience it. They will get one minute of it and then fuck off because it's not easy enough. There is no desire among those people to experience old content because they already are convinced the new content is objectively better.
>Just look at all the talk about streamers and other zoomer retardation in these classic threads
It's mostly the streamers I'm referring to though, I don't actually understand if they're promoting or playing it ironically, with this mostly sarcastic fake-sincerity and it's a joke I'm not in on, or they're really excited for the game, they just want to race through it and ignore everything but being world first to old raids?
>I don't actually understand if they're promoting or playing it ironically
Dude, they'll play anything popular and ditch it 2 week later for the next fad. For some reason Zoomers believe that vanilla WoW is the holy grail of MMOs and "hardcore gaming". Pretty ironic, since it was conceived to be the most casual MMORPG in the market.
whats layering and why is it going to ruin classic?
Keep trying to cope. I know you are a basement dwelling incel but not everyone is. My GF is asleep right now in our bed and I just got back from fucking one of my side thots. I have sex almost daily lol
No that wasn’t added till TBC pre patch
No life incel detected. Seethe more. Which school you going to shoot up?
anyone who likes wow should give classic a try, everything that came after is samey enough you don't need to play all of those
>WoW is a video game
>This is a video game board
Where is the issue user? Who hurt you?
Classic WoW is going to completely destroy BfA. Retail zoomers and boomers are starting to realize how much better this game. You just can’t compete with a real MMORPG. BfA is an ORPG with no soul.
I don't Smash qualifies as a game. It's autist vs fantasy. WoW though you shut your dirty whore mouth about. Keep your cocksucker closed.
Same, human pally and dorf hunter
>Classic WoW is going to completely destroy BfA
Thats not a huge feat.
Classic wow is going to FUND retail WoW with your fucking subs you retard.
Leveling warlock first.
Should I bother with professions before 40 or 60?
I'm thinking getting skinning and enchanting asap, level skinning while killing is easy, and you can DE anything from skill 1. I'd simultaneously level first aid with all cloth I find.
At 40 or 60 I think Engineering and Tailoring would be best, and worth bringing to 300.
Gold farming will be easy as a warlock so I should be able to buy mats off AH. I of course want Engineering because I'll be PvPing a ton.
I'm just thinking that the time spent running around and mining myself (and having to compete with any other player doing the same in the area) will take longer and be less efficient than just farming gold on Princess runs (and later Lashers when DME comes in phase 2). Like in 1 hour of mining I might gain 20g worth of ores, but in 1 hour of grinding I'll get 30-50g worth of vendorshit and maybe some greens to put on AH.
Stop spamming.
I literally only posted this once in a thread yesterday.
Yeah, stop that.
>"Classic" has been available for decades
>People only care about "Classic" when Blizzard announces it
Sounds very hypocritical
Who here's ready to resub to reserve their character names on the 12th/13th? Also for all the people who think they're gonna be clever and snipe a streamer name, all the people that were flown out to CA for the beta preview a week ago already received accounts with their name reserved. So everyone on the Classicast team like Tips, Esfand, Staysafe, and the other guy. Soda has one, not sure about asmongold but he'll probably get one. It's a lot more important to Blizz that streamers who are getting 10k+ viewers get their preferred name than some random troll.
Is Reforged actually coming out on summer?
>a real MMORPG
The playerbase won't give a fuck about the RPG aspect of it that makes it a great game. They'll all just be minmaxing fags rushing through everything and locking anyone that doesn't fit their "meta" out of their groups.
Tauren Warrior or FemUD Priest
Human Warrior or Dwarf Priest
I'm still very much conflicted what to play
>stop talking about games
No, stop copypasting your inane wall of text everywhere.
You retarded blog isn't video games. If you want to be retarded and blog go to or something. You also have a general on /vg/.
Yeah, talking about games on Yea Forums even once is ever too much. Get a grip.
relax i didnt even get to see it. im glad he posted it
>Want to roll a warrior yet again and carry groups through dungeons
>on the other hand want to play classes i havent yet
what's the 2nd highest skill ceiling class?
theyre probably 3 or 4 years late. itll do good, but nowhere near as good.
I posted about the thread topic. Not sure who you're thinking is blogging. Internet trolling is soooo 2011, it's time to grow up.
there is a vg thread, and it's mostly streamer circlejerking, just like this one
People are currently paying 60+ € for games with a length of no longer than 2 hours. So 13$/month for 50hours gameplay is atleast better than that.
Nostalrius fags are the worst tho. they believe nost was ANYTHING similar to Vanilla when the server had 8000 players on it, round the clock, which resulted in the player economy and community being insanely productive compared to how Vanilla was. I can't wait for players to realise those 12 arcanite bars they need for their item won't be mass produced by players when everyone who wants to PvE seriously will be aiming for rank 14 for the weapons from phase 2 onwards and pot chuggers will be crying when stacks of FAPs and flasks cost 3-4 times as much but there won't be anywhere near the amount of cash flow outside grinding in dungeons.
The thread topic is "How the fuck are people actually excited for this?", retard.
It's a WoW thread, kiddo.
they'll put in cashshop cosmetics and mounts and there is nothing you can do about.
>EU bros will get jailed for barrens chat
>NA boys top tier freespeech all way to the 60
I will not miss Private Servers at all.
>Ok well...uh enjoy it I guess...
>I dumb and can't read
Fun that you dug your own grave. Thanks for confirming your retardation.
from my experience EU barely has moderation on wow
of course, moderation is based on reports
>implying nuBlizz won't ban you for hurting someone's feefees anywhere
>right click report
Compared to how MMOs are now it is the holy Grail and a hardcore game. Look at final fagasy 14 and retail. Compared to them Classic is Dark Souls.
A good time
Not all players and guilds will be that sweaty.
Not him but seriously fuck off. You don't get to tell him what he can or can't post.
All have already been debunked. They aren't putting anything that obtrusive into classic.
>Not him but
You should get banned for any hate speech.
Isn’t all of his content technically beta content?
Why is he kneeling on that dead kid??
>go to STV
>see other 60
>change layer
>proceed to gank some lvl 40 noobs
Better than ever.
I'm not the guy you originally replied to. I'm the anti-pvp guy. Also don't roll on PvP servers. You are just helping Blizzard get free money by not having to provide okay time to the people you intend to steal from. Ganking and corpse camping is theft of time the player paid real money for. It's theft and you are a filthy subhuman piece of shit if you do it. You are Blizzard's nigger.
>use google translate to ask dengzhao the mage for a portal to undercity
>he just says []? (missing chinese characters)
>i nod at him
>he makes some mage food and water and gives it to me
>i say xie xie and he says bu ke qi
wholesome moment and very based. didnt even care about the portal
nah. you're off to re-education camp once you get reported. I wouldn't risk it. join NA realm.
source on that pic?
>I'm the anti-pvp guy
I ain't playing with 200ms, especially not because of some non-issue like this.
I'll stick to my own experience
Why do people hate retail so much?
Is it worth getting into?
I feel like nothing will ever happen to retail desu lol
What part of anti-pvp don't you get? It's just you making sure Blizzard gets away with providing less service that the players pay for. You engage in corpse camping and world PvP in general you are stealing from that other person and also making Blizzard's job easier. You are a cuck and sucking the blizzcock
is he right?
>don't tell the other guy what to post (even if isn't related to the thread)
>no I'm going to tell you guys how to play your games (even if isn't related to the thread)
Consider suicide.
is classic not going to have any chinese bots because of the paywall? I dont think that ever stopped them in any of the paid games I played.
instead of a horde full of elves you're just going to have a horde full of undead humans instead
Mage, rogue and warrior at the expense of everyone else's fun
I'm excited for classic. you salty bastards will shit on anything
What are you, some kind of shill?
I am a total noob with vidya and just downloaded warcraft 3 and frozen thrones, are those good games?
Anyone that actually played Vanilla knows these things. How many fucking pretenders, retards and zoomers did they invite to this?
ye, the campaigns are classic
Almost all MMO's to date have had forms of PvP because it's a main attraction for lots of people. Just because you're too bad to go win against real players doesn't mean you get to say PvP is bad. Go play some singleplayer RPG you stupid baddie, imagine being this triggered by PvP.
warriors are crying already
Account since 2004 and no beta invite.
Meanwhile mongs like Esfand and Asmon that never played retail vanilla are in beta and ninja'ing level 19 cloaks on stream and lol'ing about it, then damage controlling on reddit.
E-celebs like Panser and Towelie who shit all over the idea of legacy servers non stop (panser even accused mark kern of sexual harassment when he literally had no idea who she was) are in beta.
Absolute scam artists like Tipsout, who also did not play retail vanilla, are in beta and making incorrect bug reports left and right because things aren't like his favorite private server.
Even Joana wasn't selected until hundreds of fags notified blizzard that this was retarded.
How can classic kill retail if retail players find it too tedious and quit immediately?
Yeah, they are pretty stellar.
Here's the rundown for the Story before WC3 so you have an idea what the fuck happened:
>WC1: A portal shows up out of nowhere, green retards spill into the world and fuck up everyone good. The southern half of the world (Azeroth) gets completely shat on and the human kingdom of Stormwind is razed. Turns out the human mage Medivh was behind summoning the portal and the orcs the whole time.
>WC2: Orcs decide it's time to fuck up the northern part of the world and build ships. There they join up with Forest Trolls who are still salty from getting blown the fuck out in the past by humans and elves. Humans, Elves and Dwarves fight against Orcs, Ogres, Trolls and Goblins. The latter eventually get their shut pushed in and the Alliance sends an expedition through the Dark Portal that closes it from the other side. Also turns out that the orcs were puppets for the demons the whole time and not the other way around. Also, Orcs have necromancers.
>Lord of the Clans (never released): Instead of exterminating all the greenskins, the humans pack them into internment camps. One of the camp leaders is a guy called Blackmoore who raises an orc child to be his enforcer and champion. Eventually that child kills him and fucks off to become a rallying point for the orcs and the new warchief. The dude's name is Thrall and you'll play him in the tutorial of WC3
What? It's literally both more RPG and WAY MORE MMO than retail. What the fuck are you on about? Vanilla literally is like hundreds of times more of an MMO.
Retail is already killing itself just fine.
no but it does limit them to an extent.
The big difference is the server isn't in bed with them the way private servers are and classic has a functional anti-cheat.
There is no real way to eliminate chinese 100% but this is as close as you can get. Remember that the chinese issue is something private servers invite - and there is no reason to have chinese play on your server unless you're engaging in RMT (they wont even play otherwise).
RPG in the sense that grinding and stats matter more than skill.
Alliance warriors that played vanilla, human or dorf? Both pvp and pve.
I want a game where i can a straight up warlock that summons demons and do huge amounts of damage with world thats fun to explore and dungeons are fun and easy to party into. I want to paly from level 1 and have a ton of people around me my level i can fight against and win without knowing werid meta shit.
is WoW for me?
>any of this
>needing to be explained
pve human
pvp dorf
Yet you have no actual defense against my position just ad hominem attacks. Kill yourself.
Human for diplomacy
probably not
BfA is for you.
Consider having sex.
can humans pvp?
I'm sorry we enjoy fun video games and want to relive the glory days of said fun vidya
I'm sorry you're so bad at PvP, it's okay people will only slightly make fun of you for playing on PvE lol
yes they're just not as good
>It's a bunch of aging gaming hipsters trying to flex some sort of superiority over other gamers
yeah man, all of the "LOL ROSE TINTED GLASSES NOSTALGIA GAME SUCKS" people are not the problem, it's the people who are enjoying the game, they are the problem!
>can humans pvp?
Nah, you don't have the option as a human and opposite faction will just be neutral to you.
>staying backwards instead of moving forward with their tastes and lives
because how dare people enjoy the same thing twice, amirite?
every videogame can only played exactly one time, playing it again is wrong and bad
>Watch preach
>After 2 minutes "This plays like dogshit, I just don't get it"
>Hours later "This is a much better game than BfA, even if the gameplay is objectively worse"
>Later still "I've had more memorable experiences in this after a few hours, than the entirety of BfA"
Preach is a man of my own heart, as I was really dubious about going back to vanilla. But hearing him of all people saying this has made me more hype than hours of Esfand content.
>night elves
>panda looking race
not classic enough...
Stay seething, retailfag zoomers. I'm going home and you can't stop me.
I have no desire to PvP moron. I only have so much time to play and I don't waste it by being a gratification object for frustrated incels. Grow up and have sex.
Retail is bad because they've streamlined the game to the point where nothing is a challenge anymore outside of the highest 1% of difficulty.
retail is more like a 3rd person shooter than an MMORPG
top end m+, raiding and arena is the only content and you need friends for that so a lot of people just quit because they don't fit in to anywhere.
I started a worgen recently, just as I fancied seeing the ally side of the game as I've not touched any ally or low level content in YEARS.
Went to Loch Modan, did a quest, got rewarded a fucking epic belt. A fucking epic, as a quest reward, at level 19.
There's literally no point, who the fuck implemented this shit?
I wish I could enjoy MMOs again, I realize hamster wheel mechanics too quickly with old age.
pretty sure all green equip quest rewards have a chance of upgrading to blue or purple, that thing started in WoD I think, but then in BFA they made it apply to every quest at any level
it's really dumb, yeah
>Game has opposing factions, promotes faction war
>People wanted blizzard to make wPvP relevant again
>"Hurr durr wpvp bad"
What did this retard mean by this?
Furthermore, item quality doesn't even mean anything anymore, only item level
a level 100 green and level 100 epic will both have the exact same stats / stat budget
wow is basically looter shooter + diablo randomizer now, it's really fucking sad
hey take that back
diablo 2 had excellent itemization
yep, it's a 3rd person shooter lobby game with some very light RPG elements
all classes are homogenized so that everyone has the same tools and nobody is special
almost no stats on gear, and it doesn't matter anyways because item level is the only thing that matters, higher ilvl is almost always an upgrade
think he means diablo 3
a lot of shit from diablo 3 was transplanted into WoW, like random drop legendaries, endlessly-scaling dungeons, etc.
did diablo 3?
No problem.
Man, I just remembered how fucking confused I was the first time I played WC3 because LotC wasn't a thing and the novels only got spotty releases in my country.
>90% of the populace is underage retards who never played Classic
The only worry i have now is that they buckle to "popular demand"...
Because logically... why wouldn't you cater to the larger userbase. It's Activision afterall, it's all about money in the end
Every thread could be a vg thread, retard
i don`t know, they are going to kill it again after a few years. Just play a private server
..which is going to be around after a few years... right?
ideal dungeon group? warrior tank, sham heal, mage, warlock for summons, anything?
>Everyone agrees so there's no active discussion about it
404 means it was pruned newfag not died for no discussion
yea but is free
because the gameplay is extremely boring and slow
"free" comes bundled together with chinks and third worlders. I would gladly pay $15/mo if it means playing with actual humans.
on paper it's warrior, priest, mage, rogue, paladin
in reality it's warrior, priest, mage, rogue, rogue
seems really stupid that you need to pay the same sub fee as retail today to play a 15 year old version of WoW. I thought the point of classic servers were to be accessible by being F2P. other MMOs that release old verisons of their games have done this before.
you act like retail doesn't have chink RMT botters and third world people on EU. the sub fee doesn't gate them out.
Swap Rogue for Hunter.
i guess you never played nostalrius or elisium, dont be blizzard`s cuck
it doesn't really matter at all cause dungeons are super easy BUT you might want a rogue to open locked chests/pick door for tribute runs.
to play retail you still need to pay 60 bucks for the initial game price
>seems really stupid that you need to pay the same sub fee as retail today to play a 15 year old version of WoW
the sub is also stupid on retail
there are B2P games that are updated more often than wow
funfact: chinese people don't pay sub fee in wow, they pay by internet cafe usage. anyone in china that wants to play classic can do it very easily.
All the retail babbies and tourists won't even make it to level 10 before ragequitting the game.
It has chink gold sellers yes but private servers are literally 50% chinks who can't speak any english. And good thing I'm not EU :^)
$15 is a TINY price to pay.
t. Xiao
no that game was horrid. Please never bring it up when im browsing this site. thanks.
>implying chink bots won't rush classic on day 1 in order to farm the best spots to sell lilzoomzoom and boomerdaddy gold for their mounts/raid prep
in reality loot competition matters more than anything
the mental gymnastics required to get to this point, rofl
yeah man everyone knows the best part of vanilla is sitting in a 6k queue for 2 hours before you can even get into the game
streamers and fanboys in my game killed the desire for me
>when you can literally play vanilla for free right now
on buggy, glitchy, inaccurate private servers that crash and rollback every single day, and 70% of the population is chink farmer bots
You're arguing with people who never played vanilla.
>asmon absolutely shitting all over classic right now
bros?????? i thought he was one of us!@!@!!!!1111!
>C&C RA getting remastered
>by EA
I can't help but be cautious of any C&C game not developed by Westwood.
It'll be okay Lil'Zoom, give donate a few bits for your dopamine high and you'll forget all about it a minute later.
retail is literally 50% chink bots farming gold and wow tokens
now you understand how old wow players feel?
Did Classic WoW fix the problem where your only source of PVE raid loot was running weekly timegated raids and if you didn't have good luck then you didn't get shit for months
Tauren hunters had a bigger deadzone too, didn't they?
>wahh game sucks you should be hating it!!
seethe harder
What happened???
>*destroys your community with a simple quality of life addon*
no, there were originally "skills" for your 3 talent trees
like mage had "fire", "frost" and "arcane" listed in their skill window
it really meant nothing at all, not sure why blizz added it back
Hi, seething retailfag.
1. that addon literally just scans world chat for LFG messages and allows you to whisper people
2. nobody uses it lol
So in adult terms, they didn't fix it. It's just praying that your loot drops and you roll high enough to win it against 10 other people. If you don't win anything then you're stuck with a repair bill and a reduced stock of mats, plus it becomes harder and harder to keep up with others since gear matters more than skill in PVE.
there's also puggable catchup raids on a 3 day lockout
They're wrathbabies or younger who want vanilla street cred, "influencers" who want easy cash or people who don't really care about the classic experience and simply want another MMO to waste some time.
I hope you're right. I just want to feel like I'm playing with people again and not bots.
people are definitely going to be using that gearscore addon once it gets updated by even though vanilla didn't have item levels, you can calculate it quite easily by stat weights and effect proc mechanics.
I'm sorry bro, that's just society nowadays, It doesn't have much to do with wow.
he's not shitting on classic, he's shitting on the people who said it would be hard
I'd be really curious to see how it weighs effects.
Best class for ganking streamers? We should make a clan dedicated to it until they leave
i remember using it on elysium just becase at peak times world chat was way too fast unless you were constantly reading it, no real issue for vanilla
gear isn't required to do anything besides main tank a raid
i doubt it, it's not like wrath where everything was pugged
except that more than half of the raid encounters in vanilla are straight up dps checks or enrage wipe. gear means everything.
everything in vanilla is puggable up to after BWL. besides if it's anything like real vanilla wow, people will pay paypal money to raiding guilds to clear them through and obtain loot.
pre raid gear in 1.12 is good enough to dps anything besdies like cthun or the harder bosses in naxx...
Real vanilla didn't have a global LFG chat, except for 1 patch. Then it got deleted because people used it for shitposting.
I don't know where this meme comes from. Pugs are a healthy side to the game. The problem is When the dungeons become so easy and tedious there's no need for communication.
>Real vanilla didn't have a global LFG chat
yes it does
the "world" chat on private servers is literally just someone creating it
in retail vanilla and most likely in classic, you can just type "/join world" and if "world" doesn't already exist, it will be created
I could swear it had world chat but i could be mistaking it with LFG in capitals.
That reminds me, Classic starts on patch 1.12 balance which means that everyone will be playing the game on easy mode post nerfs post world buffs post qol changes.
Custom channels on Blizzard servers have a user limit.
I started WoW in WotLK and played retail until WoD came out. I then tried out vanilla private servers. I have been playing on vanilla private servers ever since.
In August, I'm going home to the real home I never had.
Suck a dick retail fags, have fun in the shadows of a real MMORPG
no they don't
when are people going to realize that half of their characters playtime in vanilla is spent sitting down recovering HP/Mana
hahaha epic idea bro good luck with the party of gms who is going to ban your ass for harassment and giving a bad feedback for their streamers group, its not good image to them to have bad humour and dislike the game, therefore, you would pay the consequences this is not going to be vanilla like old days get over it streamers are going to change the game and leave it like shit.