What went so awfully fun?

What went so awfully fun?

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Is it?

game was made by a passionate group of Europeans who love RPGs. Great combat system and great engine. The only flaw, if you're picky, is that some parts of the story are weak.

I'm playing 2 mages, my friend's playing a ranger and a melee death knight sort of guy. I love doing surface combos and massive aoe. He's often just auto attacking though so I don't see myself having fun with physical characters

>That one user who got raped by Red Prince

What if I have scheduling issues and cns’t play with friends or they’re faggots and don’t wanna buy it?

physical can be fun only when youre optimized well and hit for fuckhuge damage. but yeah, i have a lot more fun with magic.

>some parts
>why hello my name is DESTINY BLOODSHADOW EVERDEEN, HALF-ELF/HALF-DEMON SPACE-TIME WIZARD. having fun with your non-linear RPG experience? too fucking bad the next 40 minutes will be my unskippable monologue forcing you down a predetermined path. you can kill me btw. like my half face mask?

It's absolute dogshit. Pretty great RPG mechanics though

play alone

yeah you should have been able to ditch malady and go your own way. the game was pretty good about letting you do whatever except it did railroad you into using Malady.

>all that shit
>"Pretty great RPG mechanics though"
No there isn't. The only thing that is roleplay is the dialogues, and WHOPS looks like the wrong character got to talk at the wrong time, and they don't have persuasion, well, you can always replay the entire game.
And "classes" are bullshit, you can't roleplay and multi-class because then you "didn't go fully into one spec" and now you're dead, because ALL fights are based upon you doing the first move and killing everyone becase if the enemy gets just ONE stab half your party is gone.
These things are the direct opposites of an RPG.

Just finished it today, 74 hours (Done all quests)
Lohse (Main)
Red Prince

It was quite good, the lore was a bit hard to understand at first but eventually made sense. Final boss was a bit underwhelming but made sense.

I wish they put it more "joke" type quests in the game, the only memorable was the chicken one. Certainly felt a bit let down when the "Great Acorn" wasn't revealed in a form of Sir Lora bringing a massive nut to Lady Vengeance.

>you can't multi class
You easily can.

I dont like how the combat relies so heavily in Crowd Control skills.
I think it limits your playstyle a lot

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Also this was pure Kino



Larian are pure studio, they care about making games

if you're not one shotting shit with 3 source skills at level 16 you're doing it wrong (yes on tactician)

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Anybody tried solo run ?

Phys is pretty boring, magic based melee are more fun, there are a lot of decent mods that are no more broken than things in vanilla to support them.

>tfw start out garbage at the game and have to use minmaxed comps
>tfw git gud and can play literally any garbage I want to put together

The environment is the most overpowered part of this game.

On the contrary, compared to DOS 1, DOS 2 has a lot less CC thannks to the armor system.

Attached: Divinity-Original-Sin-2-Divinity-Original-Sin-Игры-Игровой-арт-4786837.jpg (800x1200, 114K)

Have you seen the guy who completed 1 by only dropping barrels on people?