Play Ion Maiden

Play Ion Maiden.

Attached: ion maiden.jpg (1920x1080, 595K)

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Release date for full version when?

Not unless they publicly retract their previous statements.

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I'm trying

I can't I got lost.

I'd rather play amid evil

What statements?

Sure. When it's finished.

That game is so ugly.
The only I'm interested is for Hulshult's OST.

I did.

If it was in a real engine, I would. It's not the early 90s anymore. At least go Quake 1 level, OK?

BUILD is a fantastic engine.

>That game is so ugly.
>The only I'm interested is for Hulshult's OST.
low IQ low test post. Hulshult sucks cocks and amid evil looks fucking sweet.

Build is fine.
The only problem is that it handles vertical planes pretty poorly, but that hasn't stopped anyone.

Nice argument.

The Unreal Engine lighting takes me out of it. I swear they're using the default shaders. Makes it look a cheap indie game.

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Is it good?

Hell, is it even out yet?

>it handles vertical planes pretty poorly
That's what makes it fast though.
I like my build games at 60k FPS.

Anime is for pedophiles

vaporware, the demo came out like 2 years ago and nothing since

Did they mean it in a bad way?

They're right you know.

The graphics here look awesome, looking like prerendered backgrounds from Myst or something

Well, it's true...
I don't see the problem, though.
Cunny is love, cunny is life.


not an argument

I'll buy it when it's released, I don't fuck with early access.

Good god, it's like visual vomit.

Please kill yourself before you harm a child

it's the juxtaposition of UE4 effects and unflitered low res textures that makes it shine, brainlet

Andwer Hulshult is a talentless hack, just listen to what he did to Lee Jackson's music on ROTT 2013

This looks great though

holy based i'm downloading this shit now


I don't want to play as a girl

I want to play as a ripped motherfucker

How about playing as a ripped motherfucking girl?

Okay, buying the game now.

>I want to play as a ripped motherfucker
Play Gears of War 1-3.
Join the Cole train !

youre closer to a girl than a ripped motherfucker in real life so playing as a girl is perfect self-insert for you

She's hot though.

Attached: ionma.jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)

I'm just waiting for these games to be completed

Why is she white? That's racist

The renderer broken or something? That sampling is fucking atrocious.

Will there be multiplayer?

The game is horribly straining on your eyes unless you enable TAA in the options menu, which should have been the default.

>Early Access

I'll play it without paying for it because the dev doesn't deserves it.

it's called nearest neighbor texture filtering, like Descent and software quake
probably without mip maps too, it's an intentional stylistic choice

Is this the logic trannies delude themselves in before they cut their dick?

Waiting on switch version.

waiting on full , playing Blood Fresh supply instead.

And who is she supposed to be a parody of?
Definitely not Cynthia Rothrock.

>brown hair


Sorry mutt, but you'll never be pure nor white.

>playing another early access game while waiting on an early access game

For 1993.

I come from a country with the highest % of blonde hair and blue eyes in europe, and therefore the world. And some would argue that many of us arent even fully white. So nice projection but just because you have dirty blonde hair doesnt mean yourer not a 56% mutt

>he has nigger hair
>in a country full of blondes
>pretends he's anything but a mutt
Every time.


which country

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They went full tumblr and said sexy women are bad.

Whitest genes in Europe.

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Hmm, now that you mention it - I replayed the level like at least 20 times and I've never been able to reach that tunnel on the top right. Is it just a decoration?

Yes that was exactly my point. Highest % of blonde hair and blue eyes yet not fully white in the eyes of some

This is horrendous to look at

>Amid Evil

Attached: Unreal+Engine_blog_thriving-in-early-access-amid-evil-is-doing-its-part-to-make-retro-cool-again_Axe (1280x720, 216K)

i love finns and their autism

Yeah, that user somehow managed to fuck up a screenshot in otherwise good looking game.

youre proving his point mutt friend.

>playing blood fresh supply

>Not liking the eye-bleed aesthetic
it's unironically great
Hulshult has gotten a lot better since about dusk episode 2. This includes AE. I can't stand anything before that but love pretty much everything since it.
It does look sharp and sort of like that, but nowhere near as bad. That picture looks bad because it's a downscaled screenshot, and because it transfers HORRIBLY to .jpg.

based devs im willing to pirate their game now, if they denounce cunnyshit i'll consider buying their game

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>Hulshult has gotten a lot better since about dusk episode 2. This includes AE. I can't stand anything before that but love pretty much everything since it.
his original stuff is even worse

>amid evil
>ion maiden
How did we get so lucky bros?

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Be wrong all day faggot

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Good thing Duke3D still exists.

or does it?

truly white to the max

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>people say they aren't white
Are you actually fucking retarded? You definitely aren't white with that brain.

beautiful finnic features...

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When the full game comes out on the various platforms it's advertised for I will.

funny that, megaton edition is pulled from sales
20th anniversary world tour is a shit port just like megaton but you can still play everything in Eduke, alien world order (the new episode) is pretty fucking good

Well we're only actually getting two of those, so the answer is mostly just New Blood.

your phonepost is showing

Sure, when it finally comes out I will even fucking buy it and I haven't bought a single game in YEARS.

here's some more whitest genes in europe

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Nothing wrong with that desu

What's the other one called?

I mean, they are not wrong, but it's not a bad thing

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huh didnt know about this game

buying it now.

He's /pol/, just ignore him.

>retards with no education or comprehensive knowledge tell each other what ethnicity they are through the internet based on that one comparison picture they've seen 5 years ago

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Oh right, I forgot about that one. I haven't seen much gameplay of that one yet, so I can't say if it's good yet.

is it actually out yet?

I'd rather play that orc girl's fps first

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Amid Evil has some pretty levels

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Violent female protagonist who don't need no man. How progressive.

Looks like a bad deviantart drawing

girls in the army? cucked and bluepilled

Really takes me back.

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Fuck, I miss that Lara.

I miss when video games was a white man's hobby

Hedon and Ion Maiden have the CUTEST MCs

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You play Build game and see this. What do?

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nothing lasts
while it may be depressing thought in the beginning, it also means that the shit we are seeing now doesn't last

>look up gameplay
>seemingly medieval fantasy setting
>stone walls, quill pens, candles and tankards
>suddenly automatic firearm

Free her from the shackles and offer her a bowl with eggs.

push her buttons


I love shelly!

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old /g/ approves this post

It's pretty woke on biology when you force all guys to go to basic training but no women and women who volunteer drop out if they can't bring themselves to handle everything the guys have to endure. The very first week there's training where you need to be able to haul "wounded" out of a combat zone and the girls are made to carry guys.

I will the moment the full version is out.
cringe and sadpilled

They're like crystal powered weapons or something, the game does introduce them in a way that makes sense with the story

It's not even out yet you fucking faggot.

pedoshit gb2 Yea Forums

It's not that good, and the protagonist is lame. Her quips are all shit, and she's a woman which is the least threatening thing in existence.


when is ion maiden coming out anyway?

no thanks I will wait for something superior


Amid Evil, a spiritual successor to Heretic.

Why wait when you can already play a great retro FPS?

if the animations of the enemies didn't move at 3 images/second it would look decent

looks like shit

doesn't look like shit

Complain on twitter

>Ion Maiden
the band full of orcs and their super hit
>Fea o te Dak


It's the best engine ever made, do not mind.

I'm looking forward to it but I don't play early access games. I'll buy it when it's out.

Already beat the demo. Full release when?

That's not how it works user. I hope they optimize the fuck out of it, but the enhanced Build they're using isn't super fast and it's mostly CPU bound so I hope you got some beef in that department.

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>and the protagonist is lame
Agreed with that. It isn't that she's not threatening, it's that the devs are afraid to be silly with her. Every Build engine game protag was some ridiculous caricature but she's played straight. She is inoffensive and just kinda there.

fuck off

>she's a woman which is the least threatening thing in existence.
this whole board flipped their shit and thought Anita was gonna ruin their whole world. Don't give me that macho shit, you ain't fooling anyone.

I was excited until I saw Wraith
Now I'm way for excited for that

women are always good at ruining the fun for anyone. that's not being threatening, that's being a cunt

>game goes out of its way to say it hates its audience
>audience buys it anyway
What kind of low self esteem causes this?

She's not that bad imo, at least she's cute and doesn't have the retarded SJW traits she had in her previous game. I wish she sounded like she was having more fun though. Most "heh heh heh, what a mess" lines sound fakeish.

I'm just pirating it.

She really isn't
She's also generic as fuck
They should've at least gone for her Bombshell look

back to pol faggot

He's just a loser that would say any woman looks hot. Being mean to women is wrong. Even if they're fictional.

unrealistic standards: the post

Is this supposed to be a surprise to anyone?

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what did they say besides that one quote about not wanting to use bombshells old design?

>im offended
are you the same offended nigger that made the last post?

good thing we talked about it cunt

But she's a womanlet.

>Muh self-insert
I can't get this mindset.


>game goes out of its way to say it hates its audience
I hate most people who share my hobbies too, especially after 12 years of this shithole. Bunch of arrogant right wing idiots deluded they are of above average intelligence while jumping on every single cultural and political bandwaggon that tells them they were good boys all along.

Still gonna pirate this game since I'm from eastern europe.

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>lol you're all nazi racist xenophobic i support the devs
>i still won't pay for the game though
This is just precious.

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Excuse me for having unrealistic standards in the classic FPS genre. The likes of which includes Duke Nukem, a zombie wild west gunslinger, and an immortal Marine that keeps himself alive on shear anger alone.
I should temper my standards to be a bit more realistic.

nothing there about supporting the devs, I was whining about being surrounded by mouth breeders.

That's a bold statement considering its on its way into being part of LGBTIQ+ along with beastiality within the next 10 or so years.

missing the point: the post
the idea was not about unrealistic standards in video games, you can have any fantasy shit you want. You can have a sexy slice of bread stripping while shooting nazi dragon collaborators. However what I was talking about is you saying the girl in that artwork was generic and not attractive at all. You are either blind or have ridiculous standards when it comes to looks.

>liking the "IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM" design which is a carryover from another terrible ayy lmao design

Ion Maiden shelly is the best and you're just a fag.

you know that retarded argument where people say that gay marriage is a slippery slope for legal zoophilia has been laughed at and made fun of for like decades now?

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That's the usual 'era approach.

>wanting shit recessive genes

Well, considering there are a fuckton of people now saying pedophilia should be legal and these people are being taken seriously, that argument may have not been that retarded at all.


>Well, considering there are a fuckton of people
maybe on pedo boards you frequent, not in reality, those people are still social pariahs no matter your political ideology.
>are being taken seriously
being taken seriously if they should be arrested or medicated maybe, but not seriously in the way you are implying.

Based for the weeb asshurt they caused alone

>Duke Nukem... Meet Dutchess Feminism!
>"oh yeah!"

Are you kidding me right now
hard pass.

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Have sex, incel.

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Not been true since the 70s

>early access

>i agree with their statement
>i don't support them though
I don't think you understand what your words mean. Maybe that's why you think everybody everywhere is nazi?


you're hopeless. Turns out I can support an idea without giving people who share the same idea money. What a novel concept.

God I wish that were me

Based devs

That looks beautiful. Surely it won't be good, though?

They've literally always have been saying that, every single time a new "progressive" step is being taken pedos jump onto it and try to normalize fucking kids.

Easily part of the Build's Holy Trinity (we can finally exclude Shadow Warrior). I mean, the demo is awesome and I can't see how they can fuck up this at release.

>iron sights
>in a supposed "boomercore" retro fps
Go to bed, Zan. No one likes you.

and every single time they get called out by everyone else.

sure. when it's out in its complete form.

>waiting for the worst version
You switch fanboys prove once again how retarded you are.

It looks absolutely disgusting. People need to learn that effects need to match the rest of your pixel count, otherwise it looks horribly out of place.


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20 years ago the vast majority of the world would have hanged trannies or beat them to death. Its only recently that "civilized" aka retarded, countries are normalizing a legitimate mental illness. You can also expect zoophiles and pedophiles to become culturally acceptable in these places as well.

>feminist doom
um, no sweetie

>Bombshell look
Ion Maiden takes place prior to Bombshell, it wouldn't make sense.

Yeah, we should hang everyone who isn't straight or white. Hell, while we're at it we should hang all women as well, huh?

>20 years ago the vast majority of the world would have hanged trannies or beat them to death.
In what kind of a bizzaro world do you live in? Most people have an aversion to violence and most people are more empathetic than your average Yea Forumsirgin. While this might sound hypocritical to you, I advise suicide.

And that game was boring as fuck too

>nobody is talking about the infinitely superior retro FPS, Wraith: Aeon of Ruin

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Yes to the anyone that's not straight part. Yes to women, and men, that cheat.
Also spotted the mentally ill tranny. Take your broken brain and become another statistic.

Kinda weird considering the MC in IM is just a pretty and sexy girl version of Duke

>mentally ill tranny
Alt right faggots should not throw stones while living in glass houses

Look faggot, I don't like trannies as much as the next guy, but killing them or anyone that doesn't match your vision of morality is a fucked up idea.

its literally the opposite of this lol, everyone's a fucking puritan now
bring back the fucking child models on Yea Forums

Watched the 30 min video, it looked even slower than the original Quack.
Hope it picks up in later levels.

Nice not an argument fagtron-3000. Next time you want to seem super cool to your tranny discord friends how about you say something meaningful rather than one of the insults you're allowed to pick from your dialog wheel.

>Nice not an argument fagtron-3000.
not gonna waste words on mouth breathers like you who advocate killing of people who don't look like him.

>tranny tranny tranny tranny
i'm a pedophile you retard
what are you gonna do about it? not have a kid for me to fuck because you're a fucking incel?

The world would be a lot better looking place if there were only people left that look like me.

imagine my throbbing 17cm cock being rubbed all over your 4 year old daughter's sweet lips then bursting pearly white cum all over her tiny face

your post made me smirk. You showed some creativity there.

You do realize that this is releasing for switch, along with a physical. Correct? Or are you just one of those fags that gets uppity when people enjoy things you cant?

They never said that.

ethnic swedes are more likely to be blonde than ethnic finns.

This might just be the prettiest retro FPS currently being made. The spritework is gorgeous.

Attached: iooon.jpg (1440x900, 347K)
It's the same level but the player is slighty better.

hyped for wrath desu

Nice Len

Reminds me of Hellraid F

You know only very recently that Pedophilia and Homosexuality has changed places from which one is allowed and which one is illegal, right? In the West at least. Even as recently as electricity and black and white photography we had literal child harems born into successful stable households and marriages that would last entire lives with the little girls eventually becoming successful later in life because it wasn't a big fucking deal and was normal back then.

Nowadays if you leave any Eurocentric western nation the flip goes back to its natural state, where pedophilia is proliferated and gays are lynched. I'm not saying one is right and one is wrong, but the concept of sex-based morality is objectively retarded. Just let people fuck who they want to fuck and stop caring so much.

But on that final note, the west has had such a collective shitfit about people having sex with kids they literally had to make up a word that makes it rape even if it's not rape. Take of that as you will. The world's default will always revert to hating gays over pedos.

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I fucking love that futuristic 80s/90s retro looking cityscape. Genuinely got goosebumps while playing it.
I miss that aesthetic so god damn much. Having to work with a limited color palette is a long forgotten art form itself.

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God I fucking love dithering.

>that screenshot
Fucking pedo

They purposely made her from a hot 90s style bombshell QT to a current year approved “strong independent woman”

kek this game came out of nowhere and it's the best fun I had in an FPS this year
it's also /boomercore/

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go to bed, Jason Schreier. you are projecting again.

>i support them but in word of mouth only
Isn't that just like your kind, afraid to put any money or work into something you supposedly support.

>Amid Evil
>Ion Maiden
It's a good time to be alive.

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Release It first
It should have been released a year ago according to their own schedule.
Then it's been excuses after excuses with a lame ass manor level.

>lame ass manor level
You mean that 10/10 manor level?

It looks fun but I'm disappointed it lacks a strong sense of character/theme like Duke Nukem, Blood, and Shadow Warrior.
It just seems like, uh, 80's... sci-fi... something? And the character herself is lame and boring which sucks since the voice lines from the player character were a sizable part of the previously mentioned games for me.

>worst version
>muh retro indie pixel shooter
its all going to be the same

Maybe if that ever comes out

It wasn't even the entire level but a portion of the whole thing. As an early access, it's shitty.

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That was the entire level, what are you talking about?

Ask the devs, that's what they stated.

I would rather them take their sweet time and polish it up to snuff instead of shitting out yet another lacking indie retrowave riding turd.
there was constructive criticism and suggestions for improvements after they released the demo and the devs did post on this board. they actually might have listened to some of it.

No, you've got it mixed up. That was the full level but not the full episode. the early access levels before the manor one they released later is one episode, comprised of multiple levels with the stat screen at the end of each one, the final level ending with a boss.

i tried
for some reason the game ran like ass.
never had this issue with other build engine games
but the game starts out fine and then the fps just keeps dropping and dropping