Why do people love the three kingdoms so much?

Why do people love the three kingdoms so much?

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Chineses aren't people you moron.


Cao Cao did nothing wrong. Fuck Liu Bei.

This!!! He was a goodboi, he dindu nuffin wrong!!

Liu Bei is literally perfect. Cao Cao is a little bitch.

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Only Dynasty Warriors waifufags, Chinese bots and nu-Total War fanboys like it

this but unironically

Because it's the non-story with the lowest barrier of entry on this entire planet.

There something for everyone, and nothing ever veers in one direction for too long to alienate anyone.
You like burly men fucking eachother? There's a web of relationships between every character to rival a soap opera, with every male character having no less than 5 "brotherly bonds", "life debts" or "rivalries" at any given time.
You prefer hetero sex?
Every character is a hero with a double-digit amount of love interests of the opposite sex, who also happen to be characters of the cast with a similar amount of love interests.
You prefer mindless fighting?
One chapter out of two is one of the protagonists rushing into battle, having the odds stacked against them, and overcoming them with some bullshit Dragon Ball Z display of spirit. Pretty much the bug equivalent of YAMATO DAMASHI, but even more retarded.

You prefer stuffy politics? Good!
The chapters that AREN'T fighting and/or romancing are spent endlessly discussing the politics and border policies of Chinese provinces that haven't existed in centuries, and how this or that province can only be saved if one of the burly men of the cast penetrates another burly man with his spear.

Three Kingdoms isn't a series.
It's an empty container that the reader can use to project their tastes and fetishes on.
It's pretty much Touhou but for gay men, fujoshi, and people that are really into GAR, in the sense that the actual plot doesn't matter, it's just a setting people can do whatever with.

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I've never played Dynasty Warriors, I'm not Chinese and I've not played Total War since Shogun 2, but I like it

Chinese are literally creatively bankrupt thanks to the Cultural Revolution.

Its always Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West or Water Margin.

Their isekai fiction also manages to be even more irredeemably shit than Japanese isekai too.
Nobody thought it would be possible until the Chinese bested them in being the peak of garbage.

>Nobody thought it would be possible
Have you seen what passes for Russian literature?

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That's like taking the Amazon Books catalog and somehow using it as proof that "English literature is shit".
90% of ANY medium is going to be bad.

looks like fun

I have
and it scares me

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So they picked a time period where you have tons of warring factions, I don't see the problem. Also I guess it might mean more random variables so that playthroughs can play out in different ways. And reviews say it's optimized and runs better than TW: Warhammer 2, so maybe it won't melt my laptop

Bless his soul.
I'm sure Liu Bei is one of those virtuous pagans who are in heaven now.

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Post the plot

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why do niggerlovers hate asians so much?

>dat pic
Russia was a mistake

>Liu Bei
Faggot loser who achieved nothing

>Cao Cao
Literally just an inferior version of Nobunaga

>The third guy
Nobody even remembers his name or his shit country, they should call it The Romance of Virgin Liu Bei and Chinese Nobunaga Knockoff

>Dong Zhuo revealed as a final faction you unlock
>First video they put up shows how you can get Lu Bu to kill him and become the new leader

Big Dong doesn't deserve this

>tovarish hitler

The first book was better

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I fucking hate fatass Dong Zhuo. If he just died to cao cao, things would have been much better.

Is the chinese tv show worth watching ?

how do i summon chinese webm user?

The setting? It's simple and likeable and is a welcome change from dwarf+human+elf
Total War 3k? It'll only be bought by chinamen and nu-TW players who swallow up everything new

This post was sponsored and paid for by the Trump administration and United Banker alliance.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how kino his trailer was

Homos no need to apply

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Ironically, Sun Quan was the one who lasted the longest.

Just because you dont get stuff on your tv's doesnt mean they dont exist.

>Cao Cao
>Literally just an inferior version of Nobunaga
>When nobunaga was a huge cao cao fanboy and still accomplished much less shit a thousand and half years after him
>shitting my boy sun quan which was the only second real power just because you haven't read his sitcom-like life yet

>bandit girl just wants to burn everything to the ground

Fuck China

Sun Quan's super power was honestly just living long. His insecurities pushed away his best officers and by the time Shu and Wei had fallen, Sun Quan had become a deranged old man.


the book is really great, you should read it. the game looks good on the strat map but the battles are looking rough. hoping but not preordering desu

i wish they would reinvent themselves into smaller scale strategy like robin hood, pic related, alfred in wessex (fuck ToB) or even castro in cuba

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Because it has been romanced, a lot. They don't like three kingdoms, they love the idea they have of it.

Bitch needs to take the dick

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>They don't like three kingdoms
The chinese do. Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang have literally ascended to become gods in Chinese mythology. Also, some Triad dens have statues of Cao Cao.

>Water margin
I found Song Jiang insufferable, the closest thing to a likeable moment he has is when he murders his concubine, and that's only because of how stupidly its written.
>Help help he's trying to kill me
>Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea.
And there won't be nearly enough of the good characters like Wu Song, Lu Da, and Lin Chong

Go back to steam forums

Sorry, didn't mean nobody likes the settings. Just that there's so much fans because most (not all) were attracted by the fantasy that was made of it.

any worst koreans here? translation?

The actual story itself is fun, and the historical setting has a number of fun what-if scenarios that make it easy to project a lot of individual twists and takes on it in various mediums.

Also, guys just like comparing powerlevels in almost any hobby that they have, whether it's talking about which athlete is best, which car is fastest, etc. Three Kingdoms allows for a lot of that kind of powerlevel-debates with its large cast of characters.

Fuck off, Cao Cao

Fuck Lu Bu and fuck his ugly wife that didn't actually exist

Interestingly, this game has attracted the koreans because of just that. One korean streamer had all the heroes in game duke it out due to fan request.
Power rankings are Zhao Yun>Zhang Liao>Lu Bu=Guan Yu>Everyone else

That's not really true at all. From what I've seen in 3k communities, most fans typically argue about the historical details as well as fictional aspects of the novel. For instance, whenever I've seen 3k fans debate about how great or not great Cao Cao was, there will always be people bringing up both the achievements of the fictional as well as the historical Cao Cao.

He mad.

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>thread full of liu bei followers

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Is Zhuge Liang /ourguy/ in this game?

>certified badass who fought bandits in snowy mountains by himself when he was already over 60 is somehow weaker than an OC donut steel

>mfw that soundtrack
Composer is one guy I feel sorry for considering he clearly gave a fuck.

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Among older generations of 3k fans who grew up with playing either the Koei games back on the NES/SNES or other 3k-themed RPGs on the PC, the fanbase has relentlessly argued about the stat numbers that the devs give to each character.

Personally, I find it all a bit autistic, but most guys really do like stats and arguing over numbers in their hobbies, so it's kind of universal.

it is an ancient chinese fanfic

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I like 3K because it lends itself well to alternate history romance,same with Sengoku era Japan. I find it a lot more interesting than other alt-history settings like WW2 where most of it just boils down to "lol what if the nazis won?" With 3K, due to the more personal focus on the characters, I feel more connected to that character and imagining other what if paths he could have taken i.e. what if Guan Yu just set aside his pride just for one moment and surrendered Jing province until he had enough forces to take on Wu?

>Zhao Yun #1

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It's a time full of warring factions trying to conquer the land. It's a time full of battles and intrigue, alliances and betrayals. Succession wars, assassination plots, martial heroes and cunning strategists. It's the same reason people like GoT or similar historical settings. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms romanticized the time heavily, bringing about idealized versions of real people and making it all more interesting, which helped its popularity.

I honestly don't know why Yea Forums has such a hate boner for it. If it was released 10 years ago, I bet people here would be hyped. After all, it was Yea Forums that introduced me to the RotTK games. Just because current China is shady as fuck doesn't mean their ancient history isn't rad.

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Who are you talking about? Also, Zhao Yun is not some fucking OC dude.

The trailer music for this game is godly.

Dong Zhuo did nothing wrong.

How the fuck am I supposed to remember names when they're all two syllables

>mfw Yuan Shao

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Sounds great.

He was a literal foot soldier that had his name used once in history and it was a footnote where he just casually strode down with liu bei's wife in history user
I'm pretty sure the zhao yun irl and book one arent even close.
>Not recognizing Zhang Liao's manly tales

Why did he rape Azula?

Pretty good, nice to see someone else other Jeff Van Dyke making good music for tw for once

So where do I go to learn all about who these guys are and what the Three Kingdoms period was like?

Most of the chinks doesn't even know about it.
Also three kingdoms original chinese =/= modern mutt chinks.

Watch Three Kingdoms. The full series is on youtube and it's great.

Zhao Yun in this game is a Sentinel. In MMO terms, his primary stat is AGI, which gives him evasion. Now, the thing is, at max level AGI becomes hilariously broken because it gives you so much evasion. This means, it doesn't matter how fucking strong Zhao Yun's enemy is, he will just dodge almost all their attacks.

>I'll spout bullshit, nobody will notice both of them

>It's an empty container that the reader can use to project their tastes and fetishes on.
I imagine you'd know what that's like, GuPpy poster


Play dynasty warriors.
I only know of Zhang Liao with the battle of Hefei. I don't recall him fighting bandits in the mountain.

I love that goofy run he does


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Is it so wrong I want a Dream of the Red Chamber video game?

It's some fucking meme propagated by pseudo-historians on Yea Forums and plebbit throwing around ideas for new total war games.


Novel: Three Kingdoms unabridged translation by Moss Roberts

Manga: mangadex.org/title/2533/sangokushi

Video Game: Dynasty Warriors series.

TV Show: What posted.

Yes, unless you want it to be some sort of weird Japanese-esque dating-sim.

Does this game still have female generals or did they back down?

Okay, this was Epic and funny! Lmao!

>I don't recall him fighting bandits in the mountain.
Then you got more reading to do user.That's much further into his life, but Liao was a murder machine and one of the only actual famous warrior-generals of the time.

Fuck off, newfag.

Faggots been bitching for 3K for decades

>t. faggot

>Benevolently betrays his allies
Psssh, nothin personnel my friend.

Don't actually play ROTK blind, though. You kinda need context and who's who because those games never really focused much on the story.

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As far as Dynasty Warriors go, specifically Dynasty Warriors 7 (complete version now available on Steam). It has by far the best story presentation of the series.

Is three kingdoms more story based? It seems to have all this extra stuff not present in previous TW games

It's optional. If you wanna recruit them, you can. If you don't, you don't have to.

I played the shit out of the Dynasty Warriors games which got me interested in the history aspect behind it.

A lot of the key events from the period though have been heavily romanticised, especially the feats of Lu Bu.

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It seemed like a logical step though.

What a lot of people fail to realize about China is that before the 1800s China was arguably the most powerful nation in the world and had a rich cultural tradition. Now China is obviously shit and has been since the mid 1800s but Taiwan sorta keeps the culture alive.

Honestly, I'd take the dip in story quality and go for DW8XLCE because it simply has so much shit to do AND is an incremental improvement over DW7 in almost every other aspect.

Who are the most obvious people that they will sell as dlc?

>Originated from one of the most read books ever
>many known non-chinese leaders quoted either the historical records or the book throughout the time
>Another extremely popular book is written by a chinese in ye olden times so people were interested in chinese warfare for years
>Infinitely more advanced than %90 of the world in this period so obviously one of the most interesting choices for a TW game about these years
>last historical title was absolutely ass even ignoring the fact it was about nobodies doing extremely unimportant and minor shit to each other on a boring time period on a small as fuck place so series needed a refresher
I'm pretty sure we had happy dynasty warriors threads and even the occasional koei strategy ones and they didnt have new electionfugees shitting them up in the past
It's really fucking easy to see what kind of retard is posting what comment here

Isn't that because Taiwan is the successor to the China before Mao and the commies? I'll be 100% honest, I know jack shit about China.

> heavily romanticised
and thats a good thing

>Kung Fu has no soul

>Taiwan sorta keeps the culture alive.


Taiwan is the successor to the nationalist government

Sadly it’s the best we have currently, at least Taiwan isn’t a shithole at any rate

>infinitely more advanced
Don't be a retarded nigger

In terms of story-significance, Liu Zhang and Zhang Lu are both important characters and occupy the Western part of the map in contrast to most of the current factions which start in the East.

In terms of CA trying to bank cash on more "diversity," CA could definitely create a DLC for the Nanman tribes in the Southwest, a steppe nomad faction in the north, a Tibetan or some other Central Asian faction in the far West, or the Korean kingdoms in the northeast since the peninsula is already modelled.

I gotcha, thanks user

Not really. Tawain is just westernized vassal state. The current CCP system is much more similar to traditional Chinese government. That "shithole" makes dogfuckers mad just by existing, so it's doing something right.

Look at all that empty space for future DLC. And people think CA has had a shitty DLC policy so far, just you wait.

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where my simachads at?

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Fuck off commie shill, you destroyed Chinese culture

Not an argument and it wasnt an opinion as well

Why was his posture so bad?

Sure. Tell me more where Chinese culture consisted of democracy and courts legalizing fag marriage.

God I fucking hate that art style, hideous

>not an argument
Jesus, dude

>be me,sima yi
>be one of the smartest minds in the entire world
>bro it up with cow cow, the keikaku master of the era
>fuck shit up
>last longer than him despite being around the same age
>future generations draw/depict/ put actors to play me that look like my bro's grandpa
>still better than shufags in all media

I can't wait to buy the complete edition with all DLC when it gets released in 2025.

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Western culture still exists with all that and we still create great works. China has created nothing of worth since becoming communist, all you bugmen know how to do is steal ideas because you’re creatively bankrupt.

Yes it has a lot. Something to do with that new Mulan movie I reckon.

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Still not an argument
List countries with more advanced armies from the same century
Protip: There is only 3 that fit the bill


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"Infinitely more advanced" is a gross fucking exaggeration, retard, and you know it

Hey his manhua/manhwa whatever version is a handsome lad.

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Huh user where are the arguments the only thing here is this smell of someone talking shit without knowing anything about the subject


Is the gameplay shit? Is it worse than Shogun 2s?

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How long will it take before people just mod dynasty warriors characters into it?

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I dunno but I am somehow reminded by that one RotTK warband mod with straight up dw5 models

I haven't seen you make any arguments to begin with, only statements


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It was a part of a different argument where you jumped to, user.

Ravages of Time is my shit, made me like Lu Bu
Just wish Cao Cao didn't get so sidelined, I'm like 275 chapters in and he's barely been on screen and the few times he has, he's been completely outclassed by basically everybody


>dw9 is on its third season pass and still garbage

We will never see a decent dynasty warriors game again will we?

God damn I hated every one of those fucking bandits so much. My blood was boiling as I read that book.

They are still adding content to it?What are the contents of the latest season pass?Still no news from a sequel/empire modo?

Campaign from what I've seen is pretty fantastic. Battles are a mixed bag. The unit roster is pretty dull and can led to some rather boring battles if you're uninitiated. However, the cavalry charges are pretty good now with some improved collision physics

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bad costumes and some new missions.

I kinda wish Total War lifted more out of Koei strategy games by now. There are so many interesting mechanics there that can breath a new life into the series but CA just iterates everything over and over with almost zero innovation between the games.

This acutally looks like absolute kino, I want to read it now, what is the translated title?

You're just saying that because you're a GAY and STUPID little boy.

A lot of shit in 3K is pretty much copied from RoTK though. The only thing missing are some political maneuvers like debates and chatting with officers. TW3K is pretty much the closest we could have to a new DWEmpires game

>wanted a chinese total war for years
>It's the Three Kingdoms

Fuck that time period, I don't give a shit, b.c. China is much more intresting.

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Holy fuck that actually looks rad as fuck
Mountain blade also improved cav charges and physics in general, I can't wait to play it!
At least mordhau has satisfying horse combat

Sorry for the long wait. I eating fries, then had a wank, then another wank, then had more fries.

I can't explain, now FUCK OFF!!!

Cao Cao did nothing wrong

I bet they're going to do a Warring States period expansion later.

That was my initial impression too, but the 3K settings seems to have given CA the push to actually implement better campaign-level gameplay and diplomacy with characters that matter. I doubt they would have radically shaken up the diplomacy so much if they chose any other setting.

shill me on 3k

should i buy it

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Reminds me of this Kingdom page.

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Politics is still very barebones, no court duels, from what i've seen almost impossible to play exclusively politics too. Duels is uninteractive and mesh really bad with total war combat in general, looks really out of place. I n fact i feel the stock total war combat is one of the weakest parts of it from what i've seen so far. Also you can't really play a single general the same way you can in ROTK, just create your own character, do shit that you like, become bandit or governor, switch sides join factions, raise a personal army etc. Total War centered almost entirely on big names and factions with warfare being prime focus.

You can be an ugly fat man that fucks Lu Bu's wife and then murders him.

You can go around stealing other people's wives.

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You shouldn't buy it because CA is massively incompetent and can't make games worth shit and any mechanics they might try to play up as great will actually be severely broken and unusable, but it'll be worth a DONG playthrough at the very least for the memes.

shit shilling

Which was the bad dynasty warriors before 9 that took everyone's weapons away and just gave them generic movesets?

>from what i've seen almost impossible to play exclusively politics too
You can as Kong Rong. He gets a massive penalty for raising large armies. Also Cao Cao has a special mechanic where has bonuses for causing proxy wars against other factions.
That said yeah, TW will always be faction based I guess. It's not a full sandbox RPG like RoTK or M&B.


Woah, leave good ol' Dongie alone.
He was just trying to make the most out of a bad situation.

This is still a western game. Don't expect hot women anytime soon.

>bandit girl just wants to burn everything to the ground
Seems like gender norms haven't changed much in the past 1500 years.

For himself* by making the situation worse for everyone but himself*
He probably was closest we got a moustache twirling villain in the period.

He made torture and made people into meatballs at his dinner party

Why are games using modern fonts for everything now? No-one uses oldish, medieval fonts any more.

You're just be hypocritical.
He made the land a better place under his rule.

>made people into meatballs at his dinner party
I'm not fully understanding what you said here. He was a cannibal?

>He made the land a better place under his rule

Except he failed on every account and made it even more turbulent?

He a fat fuck with no self aware on not seeing the fact that torturing your enemies and cutting their limbs off while alive before throwing them to a boiling pot and presenting the remain as a meatball to his guest was not really smart.
Among other things he fucked up

Cannibalism was a thing in specific armies in china on some periods for ''lol fuk u'' reasons, yes
He made the land a much worse place under his rule - which wasnt that long of a period as well too

because it's good, better at least than western medieval bullshit

>Except he failed on every account and made it even more turbulent
Hey, everyone makes mistakes.
He tried, and think his intention is what matters most here.

>He a fat fuck
Yes, he did have a weight issue. I'd imagine managing over a state as large as Han China would be stressful.

>the fact that torturing your enemies and cutting their limbs off while alive before throwing them to a boiling pot and presenting the remain as a meatball to his guest was not really smart
Hey, we all have ways of relieving stress. Sometimes they can be less than ideal, but he was only human after all.

I want Dong's relatives to LEAVE

How bad is the switch version of dw8?

>He tried, and think his intention is what matters most here
Oh yes because raping anything that moves inside the palace, forcing a man to force poison down his brother's throat, killing capable men because you didnt like how they looked, throwing a god fucking damn spear at your surrogate son and possibly fucking his favourite maid, looting sacred temples and graves, literally burning down an entire city, which happened to be the capital just before he did that etc.... are all I ask from a father figure or a leader for one of the biggest empires of the time

Its the only era of Chinese history thats remotely interesting

Let me join your faction bro. I promise i'll be loyal this time.

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Spring Autumn Warring States was a period of 500 years, full of:
> war
> politics
> diplomacy
> philosophy
> class struggle
> economic reform
> political reform
> military reform
Too many things to fuck up in a single game. 3K was a smart choice, it's more popular and heavy romanticised with full of ideal characters, while a Spring Autumn: Total War will only satisfy hardcore historyfags. It's a very obscure setting

You listed a lot of valid points. You did. But, all of the issues that you brought up were durning the span of his entire lifetime.
Obviously if you only list the bad things from his entire life he's going to look bad. The said could be done to all of us.

Dongie's only mistake was being human.

Anti chinese propaganda by the US government. Burger claps are so gullible it isn't even funny.

I need examples of Liu Bei's benevolence anons. Help me out

My favorite part of three kingdoms is the part where the brown girl in a bikini with a boomerang fought the incredibly gay man with a claw.


People tend to forget that part.

He didn't kill no nigga that didn't deserve it.

Those two never met; what the fuck are you talking about, idiot

Benevolence is a shit translation. I cannot express the Confucian concept clearly for non-Asians, but simply speaking, it's
> for the people
Battle of Chang ban was a clear example

I'm a Burger, and I hate the Chinese.

Chinese bugmen are programmed by their government from birth. They have no free thought of their own and never will

>being a souless bugman

He killed his son because he was afraid he would betray him

Everything I listed were specifically from the period when he ruled though

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is being weebo retard a choice ?

there was that one time he ordered his adoptive son's execution in order to protect Liu Shan legitimacy as heir.
There was also the time he was a bandit
His best friends were a rapist and an arrogant asshole
Also he betrayed everyone he served with

Just let him have Diaochan and he'll be pussywhipped

>weebnigger saying shit like lowest entry level

You still didn't acknowledge the fallacy of listing only the negative things of his rule.
Dongie had his faults, sure. But he was just trying make the best out of a burnt-out and broken country.

Why do people love the sengoku era so much?

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Soulless because we don't live in well-nurtured, glasshouse condition like you modern fags, we lived and still live a cutthroat condition, where man with man is like beasts with each other. In that conditions, one can only strive for the ideal but not live as the ideal. Cao Cao and Liu Bei were two clear example, one striven for order of the world, one striven for hapiness of common people, but both of their actions had caused countless wars in its wake, with sins everywhere under the heaven

because Japan

Which was on fire and crooked partly because of him
He reaaaaaly didnt have to murder the emperor and put a 9 year old on the throne

>Cao Cao
Yeah, souless you are

>no Upkeep militia

Get ready for the peasantry tide! The Yellow Turbans think they can muster the people? Don't got nothing in Liu Bei!

Isn't that top right one just GATE?

>Lots of people want history based titles back
>But Fantasy people have a strong influence
>Make a pseudo historical game where you have both mythical and realistic abilities for your generals

How is this not the best possible outcome for what CA could have done with this title?

There's a podcast with a complete breakdown of the entire book. With explanations on all of the myriad allegories.

Will it be better than Total War: Warhammer?

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He kinda used a fabricated decree from a fella supporting his cause in the name of the emperor
His claim of being from the royal lineage was also not legal or held up in people's eyes because his closest link to that lineage was 300-400 years old + his family was officially removed from the royal lineage because they refused to - or maybe werent able to, dont really know the details about this part send their required tributes to the throne
He was kinda the only person less trustworthy than Lü Bu if that counts

I'm surprised they gave him 0 upkeep militia instead of something like boosted peasant economy and growth, since all his provinces were supposedly well managed and free of corruption

That doesn't sound very benevolent at all.

>make the best out of a burnt-out and broken country
By taking advantage of every opportunity to increase his status, military power, and influence. There is a reason the more ineffectual officers and rulers (*cough* Xuande*cough*) enjoy far more popularity even before Luo's fanfic; Confucian piety despises selfish government officials no matter the reason.

thanks user, I almost bought the books because I was somewhat interested.
will avoid like the plague.

>Why do people love the three kingdoms so much?
It is one of two actually known Chinese works, and China has become a huge consumer market.

Ill share a dirty secret with you user.
Cao CAo is vilified because he "rose" against the emperor while Liu Bei despite being a cowardly backstabbing family murdering asshole is treated like a hero because he """defended""" the corrupt and failing Han emperor.

China really doesn't like it when their bugmen get ideas about rebellion.

>He reaaaaaly didnt have to murder the emperor and put a 9 year old on the throne
Well, obviously the previous emperor was poor at his job.
That was a good move to make.

Everyone should've thanked Dongie for that.

That's the yellow turbans gimmick.

Reminder to invest over 80 hours into this

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At least he tried to do something, while the "good"fags refused to dirty their hands and were standing watching the world in flame.
At least he had enough soul to write a poem, while we retards just browse Yea Forums while the world around us collapsing.
> When last did armour leave the soldiers’ frames?
> Lice and fleas infest the long-worn metal.
> From a myriad families people are lost
> to untimely death, while
> sun-blanched bones lie bare in fields
> abandoned, nor a cock-crow heard for a thousand miles.
> Of a hundred men who live here now,
> would even one be left
> by the morrow?
> That very thought breaks my heart with sorrow.

>be a manly military man
>be extremely smart and successful
>have like 5 fucking kids
>people remember you as a faggot because some retarded folk from a mythical island marketed you like that as your name sounds like butterfly in their odd and mildly homosexual language
>there are like 4 other important figures with the same name but they dont get the same treatment
Unlife is suffering

Youtube. 3 Kingdoms Podcast, and 3 kingdoms 2010 series


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I mean, the real reason the court sucked was because of the officials and he had already publicly murdered all of them anyways
That's just being a dick at that point, or as I would like to say, a dong

Yeah but he's still the most based character in every musou game

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Perpetual problem with Ancient China was its insanely corrupt bureaucracy that actually ran that country. New regime would take over, kill the old eunuchs, time would pass and they would once again become corrupt themselves. Cycle repeats.

Jin dynasty historical records considered Cao Wei the legitimate successor to the Han dynasty and his father as a studious prime minister. This lasted until the Tang Dynasty.

Luo's fanfic, like the dramas and folk stories of its day, features Liu Bei and his associates as the protagonists; hence the depiction of the people in Shu Han was glorified.This suited the political climate in the Ming dynasty which was under attack by non-ethnic Han tribes

>cao cao is good because he was bad but it was something
This what you sound like.

Then again Hitler was a good guy. I mean he painted and did somethimg


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Is my nigga Zhuge Liang in this game or not, faggots?

>thinks liu bei was some sort of saint while he used gullible civilian masses to act as meatshields for his retreats

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>muh Benevolence!

>The post only contains objectively true facts about the contents of the Three Kingdoms Series
>3Kfags feel insulted by it
It's not a good sign when a simple description of your pet series is perceived as a critique towards it.

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The imperial court was corrupted before Dongie showed up, like you said.
Dongie was merely cleaning up the big fat turd that was the Eastern Han Dynasty at that time.

Most people agree that his methods were extreme, but being surrounded by scheming and underhanded officials he only had to go on was fear.
He was just trying to do what was right, by doing what was Dong.

>muh ambition
>muh 4 da people
>universally hated by his own people

Fucking Cao Cao fags. Your ruler will get kill first when I play this game


Cao Mengde is a DOG

Cao Cao was unarguably a good guy, an opportunist to be sure but historically he didn't have jack shit for people rebelling under him and the vast majority of reforms that bettered the peasants lives were via Xiahou Dun.

Compare that to Liu Bei who had generals and peasant uprisings left and right in his lands.

Actually, even from the Song dynasty, more and more literati were leaning towards the view of seeing Shu as the legitimate successor, and this was carried even further in the popular plays and drama of the Mongol-Yuan period, so I don't think you can simply label it as an outcome of being "under attack from non-Han tribes."

No, he's not.

Yes. He looks like that faggot jap actor in Red Cliffs.

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stop reading.

Google search you retard, it takes like 10 seconds if you're older than 60

>China really doesn't like it when their bugmen get ideas about rebellion.
Yeah sure like any other gubbmint likes rebels

>is the most important Shushit character in the game
It wouldn't be the three kingdoms if that gobber wasn't present.

>watch Three Kingdoms 2010
>take a drink whenever they laugh or a messenger reports in

You won't make it past episode 3.

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>muh benevolence
keep masturbating about your fantasy while the actual records say the truth

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The Tang dynasty saw Shu as the successor because surprise surprise that was where the capital was located at the time and Chengdu had a lot of good sentiments towards ol Xuande and his merrymen, meanwhile the north where Cao Wei used to be is a hell hole ruled by steppe niggers

stay blasted

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But based Wu won tho

It's the one part of history history that wasn't wiped out by Mao.

Cao Cao best boy!

Lai lai lai lai lai

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is the 2010 tv show enough to understand the whole story?

"Whole," no, but most of it, yes. The tv series is sort of an abridged version of the whole novel, but most fans haven't read the whole novel.

It has 95 episodes, it skims over some secondary/irrelevant characters but the main story and characters are there, certainly enough to understand the whole story and beyond.

I don't know, I've never watched it.

truly he was a benevolent man

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did you read the book? There are different version s of it

Shame that politicians these days don't just spontaniously cough blood when they're getting otplayed

What I don't understand is why it's called the "three kingdoms" era.
The three states weren't kingdoms simultaneously, but in fact were empires (a state with an emperor as head of state and government).

In fact I have never read a book.

>treacherous schemer being the good guy

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Because they fucked up and it became too popular to change it.

Wu, Wei, Shu were the "kingdoms" at the time. If I recall correctly, Chinese history is full of times with various kings (and other nobles, warlords etc), but they only count as "Emperor" since Qin unification, and during periods of a single Emperor ruling all of China, without any serious dispute of another claimant.

Don't need to. Here's a super recap
>Buncha farmers fed up on taxes and corruption get swayed by a charismatic Taoist guy
>They all wear yellow scarves and rebel
>Han dynasty gets btfo and has to be bailed out by local warlords
>Rebels are eventually crushed but some fat bastard named Dong Zhuo seizes the capital in the chaos and makes the Emperor his puppet
>Guy named Yuan Shao gathers all the warlords in China like some gayass jrpg and they all campaign against Big Dong
>the coalition gets btfo because none of them had any coordination whatsoever
>Suddenly a chad named Lu Bu kills Big Dong because he stole his bitch
>Power vacuum happens and all the warlords fight one another for supremacy
>Fast forward 220 AD, only 3 major powers remain, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan.
>Thus the 3 Kingdoms of Shu, Wei and Wu are formed
>Whoops actually Cao Cao kicks the bucket and it was his son that started the whole thing
>Liu Bei also gets btfo by a twink faggot named Lu Xun and cries himself to death
>Only Sun Quan of Wu remained
>So Wu wins right?
>Well surprise mother fucker, the real final boss of RoTK finally appears by the name of Sima Yi
>fast forward another 40 years
>Sima Yi's son, Sima Zhao forces the kingdom of Shu to surrender
>Then his son, Sima Yan, takes over the kingdom of Wei; kicking out Cao Cao's progeny
>Finally he launches a massive as fuck naval invasion and conquers Wu
>and thus China was finally united
>or was it?
>*cue Empress Jia Nanfeng and the War of 8 Princes*

As you see, all of this happened because of some bitch and got even worse because of another bitch.

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No Total War game made after Warhammer 3 will ever surpass Warhammer 3.

What's going on with the top left of your image, friend?

That's some lazy photoshop.
I suspect to hide a logo, or something.


So all those yellow turbans I killed in every game were the good guys the entire time?

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Have you read the Three Body Problem? It's pretty damn good and certainly very creative. China still produces some good stuff but it's not really spread in the west at all

lol mutts are a dead meme. Nobody gives a fuck about them anymore



jesus christ imagine if these chinese kingdoms with gigantic armies and advanced technology decided to invade the rest of the world instead of killing each other

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why do chinese empresses ruin their country constantly

Once warhammer 3 comes, the PAX FANTASTYOMA will fully bloom and history cuck will be sent to their already filled graves

They were basically an apocalypse cult and thought they were the apocalypse.

They weren't an complete organised entity. There would been some immoral things members would've done.
But, the foundation of the Yellow Turbans were justified.

If there's one thing I can give credit to the Chinks, is that they were the ones who ultimately btfo the mongols despite being harassed by them and their steppe ilk for hundreds of years.

To unite and to collapse is the Chinese way. I genuinely think it won't be that much longer before we see China dissolve yet again

>ultimately btfo the mongols

but the mongols conquered them along with the rest of the world, then fell apart by themselves

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How is getting conquered by someone blowing the fuck out of them? Unless you're using the term literally and talking about how the Chinese were forced to suck Mongol cock.

People have been predicting China would either collapse or liberalize for decades, and they ended up outlasting the Soviets and becoming a global economic power now. Even fucking poor as shit North Korea will have lasted more than a century if they last like 25 more years. Not only that, Chinese nationalism is at an all-time high, so it's not so likely you'll have the kind of regional warlordism as you saw in the start of the 20th century.

Read up on Central Asian history. Here's a book: hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674057432

Because the Ming dynasty destroyed the mongol ruled Yuan dynasty and chased them out of China and made sure they never left Mongolia ever again.
What you think the collapse of the mongol empire was simply because of civil war? Theres a reason why they never made incursions to the west ever again.

>thread about Greek, Roman, Chinese, or Japanese stuff on Yea Forums
>300+ replies, talking in depth about specific historical figures and events

>Thread about Egyptian, Persian, Southeast Asian, Indian, Aztec, or Inca stuff
>404's in like 5 mins with 10 replies or gets 300+ replies but it's all /pol/shit


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>Here's a book

whoa buddy, follow this guy's example

by 1600 the mongols were already kicked out of Europe and the middle east by the natives

Its the same thing as social credit score
>Oh my god the chinese are going to revolt over it
>Chinks by and large seem to love it and its led to a pretty huge downswing in traffic accidents

Because those cultures are FUCKING TRASH...!


>Lu Bu fucks over everyone that ever allied with him
>Remembered as the strongest warrior to ever live and was given a fake wife and fake daughter that love him very much

Try 1300s. The Mongols never returned to Europe after the Poles and Hungarians btfo them. The rise of the Ming dynasty in the late 13th century made sure they never left again. The "mongol" hordes youre talking about have more in common with Turks than the actual mongols

Because most people either don't give a shit about those cultures or haven't had much exposure to them. Also I've seen pretty big Egypt threads before.


>Han Chinese and Jurchens tag-team to genocide the last powerful Mongol khanate and subjugate the rest into doing the empire's bidding

Is that simple enough for you?

>my warhammer content got pushed back this fantasy garbage

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who /eatingchinktakeout/ here? It's pretty comfy to delve in chink media while wolfing down some fried rice

>this nigger slav again
Poland and Hungay were btfo by in just two days by subutai

Only reason they left that shut hole was becausr their leader died

Warhammer is for fags.
It's a tacky setting, full of shit that doesn't compliment each other.

I too enjoy oversimplifying things in a flawed and totally ridiculous way.

>The Mongols never returned to Europe after the Poles and Hungarians btfo them
Battle of Legnica and Mohi says hello.

You forgot non badguy russian, turk, mexican and arab threads for the bottom list too

Is my nigga Ma Chao in the game? I need to delivery JUSTICE

whats the European equivalent of the Three Kingdoms and why isnt it as popular?

Literally just because it's famous. Everyone can point out Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu right? They're famous!
They also die in the first hundred pages of the book, never to be mentioned again. But nobody actually ever reads the book beyond the first hundred pages because it's dry as fuck. So they became super famous in all the shitty videogames and animes modelled after it.

This isn't exclusively Chinese or modern, by the way. You know Don Quixote and that windmill thing? It's in the second chapter. And 90% of classical references to Herodotus were to the first book.

I thinks he's a child at the start date under Ma Teng.

Either King Arthur or the Julius Caesar era
It is, you fucking retard

Here's the custom battle screen where a korean player has him fight Sun Ce

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Because most people see Persia and the Indoeuropean countries as another stepping stone for the romans or a bunch of losers in a declining empire

Game of Thrones, and it's way more popular.

Before that it was King Arthur.

why did he throw the baby?

People don't love it, it doesn't exist yet you fucking shill!

He's more of a trigger-happy type

>everyone on Yea Forums is an expert on chinese history
whats the deal? I swear you guys know more about the Three Kingdoms than the Sengoku Jidai despite beeing weebs

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chinese bugmen like their fantasy setting

Hundred Year war

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>why did he throw the baby?
>Muh I can make more babies and not more good soldiers.
Liu Bei is a retard

>why do women ruin their country constantly

in battle.

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that actually happened though

To prove a point how he'd rather have a loyal and skilled general than some fucking baby who may or may not even survive child mortality rates, and then may or may not become a competent successor.

It makes perfect sense within the context of the scene, but it's just funny to meme on.

they werent the good guys they were just the next flavor of warlords, their leader was crazy

Shit artstyle, Dynasty Warriors is better

They look more like Central Americans than Ancient Chinese. Fucking horrible

So did the three kingdoms.
Just not the full retard fantasy version

He cared way more for his trusted and honored warrior Zhao Zilong. His son would turn out to be a piece of shit anyway and would lead the Shu-Han empire to its downfall.

Who here /shuchads/

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We have some Oda Nobunaga threads from time to time. It's just that RoTK has a really cool TV show about the era and Dynasty Warriors is a lot more popular than Samurai Warriors.

>Egyptian, Persian, Southeast Asian, Indian, Aztec, or Inca stuff
name literally one thing interesting that happened in ANY of those places

>Because most people either don't give a shit about those cultures or haven't had much exposure to them.

Not giving a shit is caused by lack of exposure. Pretty much all of the civilizations in those posts have comparable achievements in at least some parts of their history, though obviously China and the Romans were the most successful.

The real problem is shitty, euro and east-asia centric history in public schools. India, Aztecs, Inca, etc probably only get a few paragraphs in most history textbooks and most of those paragraphs are in the context of european interactions with them

So did the Three Kingdoms. The battles, wars, and like 90% of the characters in the novel actually happened. The story takes liberties more with the how and why, rather than the what.

Liu Bei has a saying
"Children and wives are like clothing; you can change them everyday. But losing a brother-in-arms is like losing your own limb."
People back then were pretty big on the bros before hoes thing

No, why the fuck would you think that. There's no mythology built up around the warlords or "heroes" of that period.

Julius Caesar/Pompeii/Augustus/Brutus/Cleopatra/Mark Anthony etc. is probably the closest example in western culture, what with all the romance written about them and their epic struggles. The Matter of Britain or the Matter of France are other good examples for similar reasons, but they place almost too much emphasis on the almost totally fictional heroes to the point I'd compare them with Water Margin first.

I never got to the Sima Yi part of the three kingdoms, I usually get burnt out after Liu Bei passes but whats the deal with him? He seems like some sort of Gary Stu from all the own spinoffs he got in media

The fact that those regions also have shit for historical records helps. European and Asian cultures fucking steam roll every other civilization in that regard.

Man I miss Suikoden.

He basically plots his way to victory by installing his children in top positions in Wei because he knew Wei had the only chance of winning the whole thing. By the time he dies, his children have practically ruled all of Wei, and would go on to destroy the 3 Kingdoms. So you can say that indirectly, Sima Yi was the winner of the war.

Liu Bei is also a fucking retard
Honestly the RotTK has a few brilliantly written moments in a sea of pure dry shit. It's a waste. The other three big classics are fucking GOAT and it sucks that TK is the famous one in the west now.

Red Chamber > Water Margin > (Hidden boss: Jin Ping Mei) >>> Journey to the West >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Reminder that Nobunaga was so autistic he gave his generals nicknames after 3K generals and actively tried to roleplay a re-creation of the 3K

India and Persia are in Asia.

This summarizes things nicely.

Depends, yurotards used to burn tablets and other relics from centeral america for example

Sorry, East Asian.

Oh shit, that's nice lads. And I was just kidding, unlike the Dynasty Warriors counterpart, he was something of a cunt irl. Still, he hold a place in my heart, so this is heartening news.

wasnt Suikoden based on Water Margin or something like that?

They did, a couple of times. Great success every time too, only to be undone by infighting soon after. For an example, see the War of Heavenly Horses where a chink expedition of around hundred thousand soldiers stomped all over a greek polis.

Side note - chinks also had the largest navy in the world in the early fifteenth century and were planning expeditions to explore the pacific, until bureaucracy happened and the entire fleet was retired in 1433. Not a single oceangoing ship survived. Had this abrupt end not happened, Columbus would have been in for one hell of a surprise.

How far does 3K Total War cover? Is it just going up to Zhuge Liang's death like pre-7 DW?

Essentially Cao Caos kids were all retarded fuckups so he was able to supplant himself over them and steal the kingdom.

The thing people gloss over a lot is Zhuge Liang did the SAME FUCKING THING in Shu.

Yes. It however does not include Sima Yi's sons so no conquest of Shu either.

>muh Liu Shan was dumb
Sun Hao makes him look like a saint

Water Margin is such an amazing book. Each character is delightfully human, filled with all sorts of quirks and flaws and mundane absurdities. And the writing's so naturalistic. "Show, don't tell" is an overused platitude, but this book really goes to town with it.

So much better than Robin Hood to the point that it's kinda insulting people compare the two. t. Brit
But that's the great thing. He's not going to kill her, then she yells "don't kill me!", and he's buttmad and irrational so he does it. He's not a good guy. He's not a hero in the modern, western sense. He's a human.

Lu Da was the fucking best tho, and Lin Chong was great too. And Wu Song, although I didn't find his reason for becoming friendly with the cannibal seductress very confincing. Fuck though, I just love this book.
It helps to remember that most of the time they're fighting people who did even worse stuff. But yeah, there's a reason right from the start people were writing commentaries about how the book was a scathing critique of hero-worship.

Crisis of the Third Century, maybe, and because no one wrote a cool book about it.

I agree, having worked with numerous chinks in the past, fuck them, really.

Suikoden is the Japanese translation of the book, so yes, I assume so. It's a lot less famous than Dynasty Warriors, though, and from the tiny bit I've seen it doesn't seem very related to the book.

Worked for Cao Cao as he established the strongest of the three kingdoms, when Cao Cao died he was a close advisor to his son, who also died early - the power vacuum and complete ineptitude of Cao Cao's children allowed Sima to put his own children in a position to usurp the kingdom and declare themselves emperor when the time was right.

how do you guys remember all these chinese names? they're literally all the same because of family names

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That user is retarded. The books are an interesting read, you have to have in mind that it is fiction and loosely recounts a ton of events but even the super idealized characters have flaws (well, maybe not Kongming). I would say the best part of the story is the period before the consolidation of the three kingdoms, and everything that comes after kind of feels like a long epilogue that gives you closure on the story. And it feels good. At least for me, it felt like I had part in that whole story and the final poem almost brought me to tears, as if I witnessed myself those hundred years.

>Paradox will never make an rpg / state management RotK game

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>Time travelling Russian Military vs. Colonial British military/ancient whalers/aliens/dragons
What are you talking about that sounds sick

>complete ineptitude of Cao Cao's children
this seems like a theme where everyones kids were complete fuck ups compared to the parents, is this a moral to the story?

>No upkeep militia
They learned nothing.

user, there's this thing called the Illiad.
Achilles is literally the Lu Bu of his time, but with some gay undertones with Patroclus.

I read the RotK books all the time when I was a kid. Loved them.

Also played a forum-based RoTK rpg/rp simulation for years.

That's the thing. China WAS them "deciding to invade the rest of the world". There's a point where you just can't expand further without suffering major inertia and generally being unprofitable, and China hit that point over and over again.

It took the Mongols being absolute madmen to expand China's borders beyond their current extent, and even that lasted a single generation before they made China its own pseudoautonomous state again.

By playing Dynasty Warriors. Playing these games over and over and the names eventually sink in.

How big of a time period is that then? I mean, how many turns are we generally looking at from campaign to campaign?

Ayyy me too. Good fucking times

Only in terms of power level. Personality wise they're as far apart as possible. Lu Bu is honestly more of an Agammemnon than anyone else.

Also I'd say Iliad is the western equivalent of the fall of the Shang dynasty.

Historically, Cao Pi and Rui were decent enought. The quote about them sucking was from Sun Quan who was horrible judge of character.

Then why are the Japanese the ones always making games about it?

By learning Chinese. They're not the same, you're just unused to them.

>There's no mythology built up around the warlords or "heroes" of that period.
Joan of Arc, Gilles de Rais, Edward the Black Prince and yeah that's pretty much it.

>SimRTK is dead


Most of these are fairly obvious but I still have no idea what the fuck is going on with the Hitler one.

Joan of Arc and the Black Prince just have the standard "they were really good leaders" myth behind them. It's nothing along the lines of Cao Cao's tragic anti-heroism or Lu Bu being literally fucking invincible but also a tremendous retard.

Gilles de Rais is definitely along the same lines as RotTK but he's also just the one guy.

They shat all over the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors since 6 (although, 6 had the best battle immersion of the series) with its "flair" over challenge.

It just doesn't feel like you're in a battle anymore.

To be fair Cao Cao's ancestors is more accurate. Cao Cao's son, Pi, was pretty good but died young. Pi's son, Rui, is the one who gets the unfortunate bad rap. Rui was a savant who handled a large amount of governing himself and spent his free time writing back to anybody who wrote to him, from nobles to peasants. He also died young, and his son, Fang, was when the Cao family began to decline and that was when Sima Yi began to plot his family's rise to power. Everybody shits on Cao Rui in retrospect because when the Simas overthrew Wei and created Jin they had to revise history to make themselves out to be just and righteous the whole way through. If you ever hear about him being overly greedy or opulent wasting tons of money on statues in the capital, that's propaganda.

As for your question, if you want to know how it all ends, Sima Yi's son, Zhao, conquered one of the three kingdoms and died shortly afterwards. His son, Yan, overthrew Wei and created Jin, and 15 years later conquered Wu and united China. His son, Zhong, was literally retarded and under his rule the empire collapsed into civil war again. 20 years after a 100 year civil war, China fell apart again and was in varying states of chaos for hundreds of years later. The Romance was written a thousand years after the fact and was arguably motivated by nostalgia for times when living in China didn't blow ass.

Theoretically, the game spans from 190 AD to 260 AD. However, you can generally finish the game in 182 turns, thats roughly 36 years, so it would be unlikely you'll meet some of the late RoTK characters like Ding Feng, Zhuge Dan, Wen Yang, Xiahou Ba and so on.

I think I only played Dynasty Warrior 5 as a kid but how do they keep making games about the RotK? Does it each cover a different part or do they just keep retelling the whole thing with new mechanics?

Fuck I hadn't thought about that place in years. Met plenty of autists there but was still fun as hell for me when I was around 14. Dont think any of my factions ever got very far in the game either

This was always my problem with Shogun 2. You'd finish the game before Nobunaga was daimyo.

>play for years
>never get a ruler position
>finally get one in the last full version a few years ago that was one state
>proceed to be a massive thorn in the side of the eventual winner


when this user says literally retarded he's not talking about Liu Shan, who might've been dense, but wasn't actually touched down'd in history, this user means Sima Zhong was literally born with mental defects and was in no way capable to rule over a country.

its quite sad considering how unlucky that is.

Are there any exotic weapons the Chinese used in this period that CA can add?

DW1 was a fighting game
DW2-6 only covered 'half' the story, it went from 184-234 AD. They'd generally cover the same story elements over and over with some small mechanics changes, the PS2 games are infamous for being so similar to each other. DW6 made a lot of mechanics changes and is widely regarded to be one of the worst games in the series.

DW7 reverted a lot of those changes and also added a fourth story that expanded the timeframe to 184-265. They also focused way more on the story and there's some genuinely damn good writing and characterization in that game, not just for a mindless hack n' slash game. Since 7 they still just cover the same events from 184-265, but the period ends in 280 and you could argue nothing really happens from 265-280, when the last kingdom falls it basically just immediately surrendered instead of any long drawn out invasion.


>Are there any exotic weapons the Chinese used in this period
I don't think it matters anymore. The Yellow turbans have giant wrecking ball maces.
That said I wish to see those hook swords used in For Honor

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Already in the game.

They actually changed it to 50% upkeep.

I don't anymore, Total War will refresh my memory.

It also stretches back to Marius and Sulla


oh the ironing

>family are political hostages so you specifically dont do something dumb and attack the captors, you personally dont really have any reason to attack in the first place
What do you do?Options are as follows;
>Attack and therefore intentionally get your entire family murdered for money and some fame
>just do not attack at that moment and maaaybe wait for a better oppurtunity

Ma Chao was inpatient.
We all make mistakes.

chinese geographical location is kinda of a bitch
I mean they are essentially surrounded by a desert, mountain ranges and fucking Siberia, any land based warfare is going to be a bitch

Possibly the greek wars period with all the conflicting personalities in pop culture and actual records,numbers that are all over the place etc.Europeans didnt count greece as part of their continent and the other way around for millenias so it obviously didnt gain as much as traction in the world.Everybody knows Athens and Sparta, at least.

Well thats why they have a saying "never get involved in a land war in asia"

Zhugo Crossbow.

based and rapepilled

>Everybody knows Athens and Sparta
Too bad homosexuality (and a lot of case pedophilia) is too heavy integrated into their cultures, the degenerates.

He said exotic, not fantastic for the period.
There's plenty of peasant improvised weaponry at the start of the era and interesting contraptions&inventions later on they can add
Dongposter, is that you?Please stop advocating for retards.Next you'll say Sima Yan was a brilliant man.

Already in game. Theyre pretty weak though. Youre better off getting regular crossbow men

If your first game isn't the banditfu or DONG then you don't belong in this website. Acceptable to play whoever is closest to DONG first so you can unlock DONG and immediately abandon your campaign to play him.



>developed and believable world
>relatable, inspiring and realistic characters
>intricate politics and interesting conflict
>nice action
>no political correctness
Yep, three kingdoms is shit

Sima Yan went on to unite all of China, which the 'great' leaders Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan failed to do.

Bandit bitch sucks cocks for money

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banditfu and CAO CAO for me

>tfw the historical Zhuge crossbow was an improvement upon the large field-artillery crossbow used in late Han dynasty that shoots multiple arrows at once but the game has no fucking crossbow artillery pieces and instead shoehorns in historically out of place counterweight trebuchets

Sima Yan was a literal, honest to god, clinically approved retard.
He also resulted in the god damn 8 (eight) princes era sooooo
He didnt do anything wrong, he was just a mentally retarded man forced upon an important role when he needed daily care.I'm really sad the only brother of his that cared about him died so early as well.

people give greece too much progressiveness credit when it was in fact shameful to be on the recieving end
not to mention that only landowning and married men of age, with a military service history, were allowed to vote in their democracy

what the fuck

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user the zhuge crossbow aka zhuge-nu is in the game as repeating crossbowsmen.
Sucks for having only 1 type of artillery at the moment tho

>girls were literally non-human till they had their first period, which marked them as legal afterwards
At least they had rad parties when they get that period for the first time

doesnt the bandit girl have like literally one line of mentioning to exist? whats the big deal with her?

>weeb jap lover

Japan wouldn't even exist in the form it is today without it being a puppet of the United States. It won't even have an identity separate from what its master approves/dicates for it for the forseeable future.

Sima Yan was a War God alpha.
He wasn't content with such pussy-ass peace he wanted more war.
He wanted the strongest to lead.

is there one for Cao Cao?

Crack when


That sounds terrifying.

>whats the big deal with her?
Nothing. She just has an interesting playstyle I guess. She's one of the stronger duelists but she gets fuck over by income so you cant afford to raise big armies and you spend your time trying to fight off interlopers in your mountains.

Nobody called him a man of grace style
Chinese cared about physical details and would exaggerate them on people they support as different or unique looks marked them as special people destined for greatness and shit depending on what they had unless they were uggos
Buddha is depicted with long and huge ears and long arms too so you can guess why they told people liu bei looked like that

Those arms were made for throwing babies

>Missed a 3K thread

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Here user

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That's the handheld repeating crossbow that was never seriously used by professional troops. When Chinese sources talk about repeating crossbows, they're talking about the larger pieces that are meant to be used as field-artillery, either as fixed pieces or mounted on wagons and shit.

Quote from a later source (8th century):
>The arcuballista is a crossbow of a strength of 12 dan, mounted on a wheeled frame. A winch cable pulls on an iron hook; when the winch is turned round until the string catches on the trigger the crossbow is drawn. On the upper surface of the stock there are seven grooves, the centre carrying the largest arrow. This has a point 275 centimetres (108 in) long and 125 centimetres (49 in) round, with iron tail fins 125 cm round, and a total length of 91.5 cm. To left and right there are three arrows each steadily decreasing in size, all shot forth when the trigger is pulled. Within 700 paces (525 m) whatever is hit will collapse, even solid things like ramparts and city towers."[2]

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All the character height dimensions don't actually make sense, and it's meant figuratively.

>Zhang He was killed because Sima Yi insisted that he chase after Zhuge Liang despite He urging him to remember the Art of War and how it was obviously a trap
Sima Yi was a giant retard sometimes.

Weebs are going to seeth at my comment but deep down they know it's true.

The fact is Imperial Japanese history for most part is rather boring compared to China. People always complain about sengoku overuse but it's not like they can find a more exciting period.

There's only so much you can make about a island in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile China has to deal with Arabs, Mongols, turks Russians etc over many different terrains. There is far more variety and paths to create .

He learned from his mistakes and literally NEVER pursued escaping foes or sent someone to do it afterwards
user you worded the sentence a bit weirdly

Blame her.

Attached: 1430507165460.webm (568x320, 2.99M)

Sengoku is overrated
Genpeichads where are you

Not to mention the most well known jap leader of all times was a HUGE Cao Cao fanboy so it's only right.The period would be more interesting if it actually had interesting people.Half the historical figures in RotTK are even more interesting in real life when you can count the amount of worthwhile reads about sengoku period in one hand.
What IS a shame is the people you listed also not getting any media coverage.
Russkies have more history than just lol soviets and ww2, mongols are just side stories in media at all times despite being one of the most interesting forces at play for an entire millenia, turks just simply having too many rad shit to count
Arabs had interesting events going on at some periods and are one of the oldest legacies too, but I just hate arab culture nowadays so I'm not sad about that

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Zhang Chunhua for TW3K when?

This, the only other interesting period in Japanese history is probably Meiji restoration.
Almost everything preceding the Muromachi period is uninteresting as shit.

Pre-Islamic middle-east is kinda interesting, while the interesting parts of Islamic history is mostly them interacting with Christians and the Mongol/Turkic invasion.

>ruthless, corrupt, puppetmaster
how come Cao Cao gets so villainized in media?

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Daily reminder that the way you counter steppe nomads on the steppe is to literally conveyer-belt build forts deeper and deeper into their territory.

Daily reminder the medieval Chinese invented a kind of tank specifically just to provide cover to soldiers in the steppe because it was bare flat nothingness otherwise
I also considered this. Persian Wars right down into the end of the Pelopponesian.
Who cares
Behold, the Dong memer. How does it feel knowing your husbando dies before the book even properly begins?
is correct. The physical descriptions of most characters are just bizarre.
The only people who give Greece progressive credit are Victorian liberals who didn't know their history (because they were Victorian).

The Greeks were fucking horrible, holy shit.
The actual Muslim conquests (during the life of Mohammad and directly after) are so, so damn interesting. Imagine actually uniting half the known world under the law of the prophet who conquered your tribe twenty years ago, converting you with the raw power of his charisma.

wtf, i thought hating on Cao Cao and loving Liu Bei was a global meme by now.
Cao Cao is pretty much what every chinese citizen aspires to be, sworn to duty, focused on the greater good and smart as af

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Muh Han dynasty.

I blame the commies.

He doesn't really get villainized anymore in modern media.

He became the stock evil guy in folk stories, popular theatre etc. By the time RotTK was written, he had a reputation for arbitrariness, random treachery, jealousy, and breaking his word, all of which were directly counter to his description by contemporaries. Luckily, Luo Guanzhong was a huge history autist, so he actually wrote Cao Cao very fairly. If you read the book, Cao Cao is something between an anti-hero and an anti-villain. He's a tragic figure who clearly has a core of idealism within him, but he's held back by his edgelord view of the world.

For example, at the start of the book he's looked down upon by the nobles because he's not very highborn. He crashes their secret party where they're all crying about Dong Zhuo, and he just laughs and says they're useless faggots who don't deserve to be highborn, and then tells them he'll kill Dong Zhuo by himself. When Liu Bei isn't allowed into the highborn big boy's tent (during the rebellion) Cao Cao is the one to tell them to let him in, because he proved himself so worthy in the previous battle. His whole deal is "surrounding himself with men of talent", regardless of birth, a core Confucian virtue.

He is one of the only people with actual good intentions for the land but nobody can also refute him being Aizen tier manipulating at times and really tempered in that despite showing to be an actual human bean who cared about his family and most of his generals, would order the execution of anyone if it was deemed the only option without blinking an eye.
>The actual Muslim conquests (during the life of Mohammad and directly after)
Agreed, it's some shounen bullshit that happens even going %100 historical non religional way but then again you can't really portray it in any media in any way because non muslims will hate it for it having muslims and muslims do not like their prophet being directly shown

I see the CCIDF is here

thats a game from this year though

>It's pretty much Touhou
I don't have to have read even a single sentence of the Three Kingdom to know you're wrong based on this alone.

Don't you have a peach to suckle on?

>muslims do not like their prophet being directly shown
depends on the country
a lot of countries it's perfectly normal, accepted and legal to have Mohammad pictured
most of the time it's in a saint-like image similar to that of the holy virgin

Dont you have a family to kill and backstab like a nigger?

Not corrupt; corruptor. That's pretty true to him IRL. He was fair to a degree that made other Chinks butthurt (why aren't you giving this noble lenience? He's a noble!) and he truly worked with the strength of his state in mind, but he also had no qualms using Machiavellian tactics.
He didn't backstab any family. He simply pre-emptively slaughtered them while they were looking away from him. It's not his fault he thought they were plotting his murder when they were actually making a huge feast specifically for him.

>because he's not very highborn
This is true but also requires some clarification
He was from one of the richest families in the period irl as well, not even close to Yuan family and all but definitely rich because his father and his father had ''important for the palace but lol not nobles'' kinda weird jobs.
He then went on to sell all of the stuff he inherited and worked for to buy supplies & soldiers to attack the Dong regime and lost.He then went onto ask for help from some warlords including Yuan Shao for some money after he had lost quite possibly literally all of his earthly possesions and rode again, only to be the victor this time.
Ruthless and cunning he may be, but I truly believe he cared about the land and the people

>dat dinner section

The bit where they find the pig and Cao Cao's uncle tells him he's a fucking idiot was kino

Kingdom mod when?

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Fuck Kingdom, give me a Ravages of Time mod.

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465th for chen gong


Nigger what? literally everyone in China knows 3 kingdoms and anyone with chinese parents for that matter.
Great book, Great shows , Great drama and tons of warriors that over the years became superheros of war.

So many amazing strategies and events. Not hard to see why it's called one of the 4 great novels of china. On the same ranks as Journey to the west which eventually spawned Goku and the style of Shonen style over the top combat we are all familiar with.

I'm not really too sure about that.

I don't know a ton about Indian, Egyptian, or Iranian history, but if you skim through the wikipedia pages on different periods of Egyptian or Indian history there seems to be a ton of info about specific dyansities and kingdoms and their rulers, not just generalities; much like Europe or the Far East.

For Amerindian civilizations yes, there's a lot less records, but this is primarily due to the Spanish mass burning of native art and records then there not being any to begin with: If you look at, say, the surviving 8 books we have from the Mixtec civilization in southern mexico, you can use them to trace a complete political history of that area going back like 800 years, so it stands to reason if we had hundreds of surviving pre-contact texts we'd see a huge amount of surviving records, and the fact that those 8 books still DO exist shows that there's a lot more people could be taught then they are: Same goes for all of the surviving stone inscriptions of dozens of Maya cities which similarly records the birth, deaths, ascensions, wars, coups, etc in each city.

The Aztec in particular have a shit ton of specific records, since while we have no surviving pre-contact Aztec texts, we have hundreds of colional period Aztec-language documents and many times more spanish sources detailing their history, society, cultural practices, etc. Sahagun's A History of the Indies of New Spain is like 2000+ pages alone purely going in depth on Aztec history, governmental system, daily life. medicine, craftwork/art, religion, class systems, economics, etc, There's been entire books written about specific Aztec politicians, too, like "Allure of Nezahualcoyotl" and "Tlacalele Remebered"

So "Lack of sources" only excuses so much, a big part of it is just euro/east asiatic centric education. Pic related for example alone is more then most people will learn across all of middle and high school.

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What would even change? the characters would look more anime?

Kingdom takes place some 400 years before the Three Kingdoms era.

Kingdom characters look like a mix of One Piece of JoJo
RoT characters all look like bishies

Will this allow me to play as best boy Yuan Shao?

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Ravages of Time is a Chinese manhua that retells a lot of the Three Kingdoms era. A lot of the characters are different and they go more into the political / propaganda that was put into the story later.

Kingdom is from the Warring States period of china (Qin unification). It's a dumb Japanese adaptation that's more manga-ish than anything else. Pretty stupid.

Yes. And his retarded brother too.

>what do people find interesting about one of the longest and bloodiest wars of all time?

i dunno

there's already a total war game to play as manlet indians fuck off

Yes but i'm not sure why anyone would wanna play as this fatuous lord

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Shit, I'm really on the verge of buying it now. I got memed by Thrones of Brittania already though. What are the chances this gets cracked early?

The Five Barbarians era will be the 1st DLC for this game screencap this

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This chink series seems kinda gay, are there any good waifus in it?

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DW has lots.
Pic related is Lu Bu's tomboy daughter

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That was Chen Gong.

Attached: chen gong 2.png (1920x1088, 1.59M)

Depends on the amount of demand. The last Warhammer game took months to crack


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Bamco made it accessible to western weebs, so the chink depression was replaced with anime girls and boys you wanna fuck or, if you have a set of balls, JUSTICE and "I'm a genius, oh no".

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napoopan and caesar were huge alexanderboos but they both managed to eclipse him


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True, but please tell how Nobunaga - Cao Cao situation was like that.

Nice, any from Cao Cao's side?

Yes, his father's sworn brother and so his uncle

Nice, but you're a weeb retard so no one will read

No way that's true, I thought making fun of Putin was illegal

Here's him dueling the bandit slut

Attached: duel1.webm (1280x720, 883K)

he looks in charge

three insectdoms a shit
give ME3

Napoleon eclipsed Alexander? Caesar eclipsed Alexander? The fuck are you saying moron. They don't even come close. Caesar himself crying like a bitch when he realized Alexander did more by his age than he ever would

Greater versus lesser cultural relevance to the western world.

fuck med 3 and another fucking game set in Europe, that map has been sucked so dry with Rome 2 and Attila, go play those if you want to besiege Lunden and Roma for the hundreth time.

He would have saved everyone if Yuan Shitshow hadn't betrayed him.