Has anyone in the gaming industry been as inept as Ion Hozzikostas that they were able to essentially ruin an entire genre of video games?
Has anyone in the gaming industry been as inept as Ion Hozzikostas that they were able to essentially ruin an entire...
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yes, but he's still pretty inept
There's worse, but putting a soulless lawyer in charge of creating a video game and deciding it's direction was fucking cancer
Don't follow WoW really, what all has he done to it.
>Insulting Big ol' titties
let's just say he's the kind of person who picks up fun with tweezers and carefully puts it in the thrash
The players ruined wow, not the devs.
t. WoW Dev
Might as well say nothing at all if you're just gonna keep spouting vague insults instead of actually answering.
fuck off retard
Sounds like the kind of regurgitated, unthinking garbage you'd hear parroted endlessly on reddit. Shut up.
Oh, I'm retarded because I didn't praise your completely worthless comment?
It's places like reddit and other communities screeching loud enough for Blizzard to make their game more casual every expension. >but muh full time job and kids
fuck off
>spoonfeed me
So? It's Blizzard that listens and decides to go through with dumb shit. Go back, faggot.
Hey now, I don't mind no answer at all, but a pointless vague pseudo-cryptic answer is a waste any way you look at it.
Make me, faggot.
Be sure to let the door hit you on the ass
Well in a way you're right. WoW even from the days of Vanilla somehow attracted a huge amount of normies who wouldn't normally play many video games let alone an MMORPG. Blizzard shares part of the fault because they started catering to the people who didn't actually want to play an MMORPG just because they were a huge chunk of their subs. Basically NPCs were told they should play WoW and then Blizzard started changing WoW to please the NPCs instead of NPCs understanding they probably shouldn't play WoW.
This dude looks like he doesn't even care about anything at all no wonder WoW is shit
What are artifacts?
it was a grind
but it was a fun grind
no it wasn't
Yes and no.
The problem with what happened with WOW is the vast majority of players were enjoying the game, but the vocal minority that existed on both spectrums of the community, the manual breathing retards who wanted raid gear without actually raiding bitched that they had nothing to do when they never even stepped into a dungeon because they were too stupid to do anything but auto attack things to death
Then on the opposite end of the spectrum you had the world first raid scene who bitched that they had to engage with the rest of the community and gameplay systems that wasn't just logging in once a week to kill the latest raid on farm.
So now you have a game that has the majority of its playerbase stuck in LFR limbo because the casual social gameplay was stripped out and replaced with a queueing and gearscore based system, while the elite playerbase lives in their own bubble of world first racing like autistic retards.
And while WOW today is piss easy and you can blow through all the content the game has to offer in a week, the core gameplay, the combat and loot system is entirely tailored around the world first poopsock scene, which is why most classes feel like shit to play, because they're mechanically designed around gameplay that less then .01% of the playerbase actually does, and the only reason these autismos are able to justify this bullshit grind is because they're getting paid either through sponsors like method, or RMT which the majority of mythic raiders engage with.
Meanwhile if you just want to log on the weekend and go grind for loot, you're SOL because all the systems are designed to prevent you as a player from doing anything past roughly 2 hours of gameplay so they can keep you subbed longer with timegated systems like world quests and mythic+ chests
god legion was so fucking bad the first half and all the npcs sucking your cock so hard was nauseating but once argus came around it was godly
Antorus was the last raid I enjoyed because every fight wasn't a "oopse, the guild retard stood in fire and now you have to wipe 3 minutes into the fight because either a raid killing mechanic is activated or you won't have enough DPS to beat the enrage"
It was even worse when the excuse was 'oopsie the retard DIDNT stand in the fire haha tricked ya bitch'
Fuck tomb of soakgeras mythic tov was much better
Thanks for the info. I now better understand why all the people I knew in college who really loved WoW, and who loved raiding, were also total fucking assholes, and were horrible to engage with socially.
>wiping to Odyn because people cant match their colors
literally nothing more embarrassing
it was after they turned the easy mode on. legion is the best the game ever was pve wise and with the way things are going probably the best its ever going to be.
Also to point out, Ion Hozzikostas, the current lead developer, is in the "world first raid" whinefest.
Jaded soulless developer makes Jaded soulless expansion.
There's your problem.
is that a fucking arm operated grindstone?
I honestly think it's the dozens of other inept dev's blizzard employs that create shit gameplay loops like the islands/warfronts and Ion has to implement them into the game and not just reduce the dev team for WoW. Legion was great, and whenever he talks about Classic you can tell how much he hates BfA because he actually seems to enjoy talking about his times in Vanilla. I wish the other WoW developers were as vocal as Ion, it's weird as fuck how they have dozens of developers for a game and none of them communicate with the playerbase? Ion seems out of his league but it's not like anyone else at Blizzard is pulling their weight either.