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totally baste

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what's the attorney drama im not caught up

there's no attorney drama, just projared trying to defend himself

its amazing phil got 5 minutes of twitter fame and thinks hes hot shit now. a nearly 40 year old man.

baste and goutpilled

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DSP always wins.


Why does this fat cunt care so much?

So he says his wife wanted an open marriage and he agreed, how in 2018 were people still falling for the open marriage meme?

Phil is so fucking based, detractors BTFO.

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>I am so vivacious and they are all old and about to die, I WIN and could totally be a millionaire if I wanted thehee
women, not even once.

let's be real here, there's merit to both sides of their story
doesn't stop the pedo accusations, but i legitimately wouldn't doubt the parts about the polyamory, marriage issues, and career destroying threats. it's happened in the past.

I'm really liking Phil's redemption arc.

Who ever is writing 2019 is doing a good job.

>My scratching my leg excuse was better

No. It wasn't. People knew you were jacking it. No one fell for your itchy leg nonsense.

They were over 16. Legal age of consent in most states.

And now it is obvious, his wife decided to open relationship, Jared actually found another woman who is even better. His wife became bitter and decided to destroy his life.


how are people falling for the marriage meme in general? it's literally useless unless you want kids, even then it puts your financial assets at a lot of risk.

solicitation, sexual conduct, or even sexual discussion with a minor online, regardless of age of consent laws, is illegal. same reason pictures of a 17 year old girl is still CP.

Heavily doubt this.

Jared made fun of him once like 5 years ago so he's out for blood. No, I'm not kidding.

That's the joke.


hes not redeeming anything hes just getting dopamine hits from twitter

This actually would make her an accessory wouldn't it, she said she was originally okay with it as she saw it as "sex positive" for the girls

Jokes are usually funny, user.

lmao they weren't lying when they said Phil's entire career is just like the episode where SpongeBob rips his pants.

>announcing a report
oh no no no no no

Phil Fish's entire existence is a pretty funny joke, user, anything else is a cherry on top.

Jared should have gone scorched earth as soon as the allegations came out, assuming he really is innocent and what he's saying is the truth.
These beta boys think it's best to ride the wave, take a settlement, etc. but it isn't. He'll never get a job again in his life. The damage has been done.

"people" it just motly americans , what sane man in any country would let his women get sex with strangers and be ....ok , it just you fucking americans KEKS, here (argentina) the mere suggestion coming from a girl of that type of degeneracy would get her beaten instantly

>He'll never get a job again in his life.
His job - youtube. And I doubt most people care about this drama.

By the way
>open relationship
So she was fucking other men as well.

Amazing, they're all both two pieces of shit for as much I care. But only Jared is being lynched

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Yeah, his wife was the one who suggested an open relationship, she's just as fucked in the head as he is.

can someone tl;dr what the fiasco is about

not vidya

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>But only Jared is being lynched
Because she is "survivor" by her own words and was living off his money only. Poor girl.


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why? cause of dick pics? amazing atheist shoved a banana up his ass.

e-celeb shitters BTFO

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Time to close the thread boys. Its been fun

I always knew Heidi was a control freak psycho. Her comments about not wanting to hurt Jared during the first couple of days of her twitter shit slinging rampage on him were so obviously fake.
And she posted that dumb shit about their cat, advertised her own shit at the peak of the attention she was getting.. bitch is psycho.

So she was fucking other men too lmao what a fucking joke.

First off, most- the MAJORITY of subscribers on any youtube channel are inactive.
Second, he hasn't uploaded a review in a year. His views are going to suffer immeasurably.
Third, at the peak of the drama, he was gone a quarter of his 1m+ subcount. Out of the active subs, that's a giant chunk.

His name was one of the biggest trending topics on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world for a long time. This is a huge thing

>suggest an open relationship
>go and fuck other people
>encourage your husband to do the same
>he does

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we really need dubs back for self-moderation against /pol/ and tranny shit

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Jared and his wife decided to do open relationship thing.
Jared started to fuck Holli (wife of Ross from gamegrumps)
Falls in love with her, decided to divorce his wife.
Wife furious, leak his nude photos and how he talked with 16 old fans, sending nude photos to each other.
Everybody hates Jared now.

Basically revenge of rejected woman.

We're not allowed to beat them anymore

Okay I’m lost here. Was his wife okay with an open marriage? Then why the fuck do you make a big deal about Holly?

Jared still sent his wiener to a minor though so he’s still guilty of that.

Who gives a shit if he cheated on his wife he gave MGR a 4/10

The thing is that there's proof of him talking about his yaoi dick with other people and trying to flirt and there isn't any for his wife so people will naturally take her side, especially since she was the one who exposed him first.

Athiests like that sorta garbage though

>His name was one of the biggest trending topics on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world for a long time. This is a huge thing
Nah, it is literally nothing.

He also doing streams mostly i believe. Literally nothing will change for him.

Hah , you didn’t say to check this fi-

Not necessarily, you just need to understand the female mindset. Sexual instinct encourages women to seek the most attractive man in their reach so they can bare the highest quality offspring. Men on the other hand are less picky since their libido is higher. This is observed in primates and is reflected with humans in statistics put out by dating sites for example

>Then why the fuck do you make a big deal about Holly?
Divorce. Revenge. Attention.

Typical women stuff.

Are you defending a """""man""""" who gave mgrr a 4/10

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His channel is dead though.
I don't even blame the banana, I blame the ape brain with the banana in his ass.


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He did but that bitch broke through his privacy to reveal that to the world. That was his phone and those were his photos.

Meanwhile she probably fucked black guys and no one will ever reveal that to the world because we're all too busy lynching Jared to care

It's fucking disgusting what she has done and is still doing and Jared's the only one being punished because he made the mistake of marrying a psycho.
Never marry, kids.

I'm starting to lose sympathy for this bitch.

Reminder that never say yes to an open relationship because it will bite you in the ass.

That being said Jared should still be shat on for sending nude to a minor.

No but I'm not gonna defend a lying thot either. Fuck them both.

Did the holly nudes ever leak?

I would give MGR a 4/10 on my first play through too. That game is rough to get used to.

Easily a 9/10 once you master the parry system tho

He should've talked back the second she started shitting on him, posting this like two weeks later after everyone's already accepted heidi as the good guy is weak.

>ever being in a relationship with a girl who would propose it

He's still pumping this well?

It was sad enough when he did that 2 hour retcon stream because he got 20k likes on a tweet. Anything for the money though i suppose

I only seen a pic of her ass but it might been phososhopped


worst than that defending a self rpoclamed "MALE FEMINIST" let him burn i wish the bitch not only destroy his career but his finances too , that should be the penalty for betraying your gender , fucking americans faggots

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Why the fuck are open releationships a thing. How can you honestly call yourself happy in an arrangement where you have to manage "jealousy triggers"

Maybe he was scared she will leak Holly photos?

>Wanted this to be a closed case where Projared is just an asshole
>As the story develops both parties are to blame

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How does his statement explain him sending dick pics to minors at all?

>ever being in a relationship with a girl

desu Holly may have a potato face but I seen a bikini pic and she's got a rockin' body

If she agreed to wear a mask I'd bang the fuck outta her

He should've told her to fuck off the moment open relationship meme became a talking point.
Don't misjudge the situation, Jared's just as fucked in the head as she is.

>Listening to a Super Mega podcast yesterday
>It had as guests Oney, Julian and Ross
>10 minutes in Ross starts talking about his marriage with Holly and their idea to adopt kids
Really funny yet sad stuff, poor idiot

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The only person I care about in this situation is Ross. Turns out Holly was abusive to him emotionally :(

Probably true, she is a cosplayer after all (and most cosplayers are rancid cunts). Can't pity him though, he was a "male feminist" and deserves being crushed by the behemoth he supported.


lmao true this bitch's the one who made everything public and now's gonna play the privacy card
fuck these twitter cucks man all I wanted was to keep watching comfy jared playthroughs

To me, it looks like he was the one who proposed that idea while she wasn't comfortable with it. Makes sense, considering what he was doing at the time.

why are all these letsplayers such fucking cucks
single one

name one (one) self-respecting lets-player

Ross is the only hero of this story. Poor guy.

That’s where you lost

it doesnt look like he really fell for it if he fucked around more than his wife did

Everyone is just jumping on this hate bandwagaon because our social media overlords said it was ok. I don't believe half the people wielding pitchforks right now even know or care about who this is, they just like that they're able to attack someone without any push back. It's what twitter has trained people to do.

Social media will be the end of humanity.

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same, the mml and SMAlttP playthroughs were fun
it got me to try the hack and I had fun with it for a couple of days

it was obvious to anyone who watched most of his stuff that Jared was troubled since like last year, most obvious sign was his lack of actual motivation to make videos for the main channel

He really fucked himself with the minors thing. If he didn't do that he'd get a lot more support now. I don't doubt for one second Heidi suggested a polyamorous relationship, had several partners and then chickened out at the prospect of the other half getting his fair share.

You should be hanged.

Literally every open relationship I have seen from the people in my university has ended badly.

>boy falls in love with girl that isn’t girl friend which leads to a suicide
>girl gets pregnant from boyfriends best friend and smashed his car with a shovel
>boyfriend says he doesn’t want it anymore and it ends with 4 guys beating the shit out of him

Ross is a good chill animator who draws monster girls and is also representing our country of origin out there among the big boys.

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"Jihadi" Jon Aryan Jafari

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So phil is still pretending that he didn't do that "accidental" masturbation on camera intentionally for views and attention? Okay then.

im not married but but i dont live in america so i dont loss everything , by getting divorced plus paying insane child and spuse support , suck for you american but you gave too much power to the women in your country and thats what happens when you do here you give whatever the fuck you want in child support if you ever do and nobody cares

>white knight
She was fucking over men 100% and was transparent about it with him.

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>the fucking mental gymnastics of these open relationship cheater cucks defending whore Heidi and putting all blame on Jared

>KiwiFarms BTFO
>KotakuInAction BTFO
>LivestreamFail BTFO
>TheSecretLifeOfDSP BTFO
>John Rambo & Howard BTFO
>PandaLee kicked to the curb
>Has his own personal bang-maid that cleans his house and cooks
>Survives a SWATing with calm, calculated negotiation skills
>Called Tevin a "mentally ill monkey" and despite Tevin and KiwiFarm's best efforts, the "DSP IS A RACIST!!!" meme never took off on social media
>DSP's twitch donations/subs/views continue to climb

DSP literally cannot be stopped. It's fucking ridiculous. Every single thing his detractors throw at him, he just brushes it off like nothing. He's on a warpath. He's dangerous now.

Yet his detractors continue to try take him down day after day. It's pointless; DSP always wins. He's proven that. At this point I'd recommend just giving up and directing your time and effort elsewhere. Go for someone else. Setting your sights on Phil is a fool's errand at this point. You won't defeat him. You just won't.

Btw, anyone who actually hates /ourguy/ needs to leave.

>cutting the chain to focus on le ebin reply

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You can't read?

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Aiming pretty low if you're only after single digits. Nothing less than quints is noteworthy, memes or not.

The fact that she wasn't honest about them being in an open relationship before we got Jareds side of the story tells kinda makes her seem like a manipulative cunt.

really need to scratch that itch

You just posted a pic about how they decided to stop it but he didn't

Oh shit it turns out the woman was in the wrong after all!
How fucking surprising.


yep, I'm thinking he's based

>I fucked other men and told him every detail which totally wouldn't fuck with the average man's mental state, then when I had my share I told him we weren't doing polyamory anymore because it made me uncomfortable that he might fuck other women after I gave him permission to


Is there even any proof to the minor thing? The only thing I've seen is that one twitter post that doesn't actually provide any concrete evidence, they just said they were "sexually manipulated" into sending nudes. Did Jared actually ask for them? I was under the impression that those tumblr blogs he ran were for people to send them in of their own free will. If he did get nudes, did he know she was sixteen?

Keep in mind, 16 is not a child. If you are sending someone nudes at that age you know damn well what you're doing. Everyone makes mistakes, just own up to them. Not to mention that 16 is legal in most parts of the world, even in the states. Law says you can't have lewd photos of anyone under 18, but laws contradict themselves and just because something is a law doesn't mean it's a moral standard.

If he was thirsting for under 18 titties and was going out of his way to ask for them, then yeah, he's a retard, but if it's something that happened and he was none the wiser, then this whole witch hunt is even more stupid.

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>they decided
You are wrong, she decided. But at that point their marriage already was broken.
And considering how often Heidi mentions her therapist I bet it was his/her idea.

>she shut it down because she was uncomfortable with polyamory, was never seen together with any dude before
>while Jared was sending his dick pics to children left and right
Are you seriously going to defend Jared here?

>"he cheated on me while we were in an open relationship"
Excuse me? Is this like the Mattress Girl incident all over again? "We had sex but then I changed my mind afterwards so it's rape"

thats the joke, he is saying how much of a bullshit excuse projared's is

>Jared sends unsolicited nudes to teenagers
>Jared sleeps with his best friend's wife, making Holly manipulate Ross into divorcing
>b-but Heidi!
Unironically have sex.

>so were you fuckin other men or nah

Hi there.

I'm not a neckbearded basement dwelling unemployed manchild loser virgin so I have no idea what this thread is about or who these people are.

All of you gossiping retards are no different than women who you would think little of for reading celeb magazines and tabloids.

You all should consider suicide, you absolute pathetic losers. Bye.

>, was never seen together with any dude before
Lol, and this is why she was 100% transparent about her fucking other dudes, right?

>>while Jared was sending his dick pics to children left and right
Just off yourself.

>56 KB

>she decided
Yeah, and communicated it to him, which supposedly accepted unless we are to think he told her to fuck off while she lived in denial of it

17 is technically minor but lets not sit here and act like every 13yo isnt exchanging nudes

>to children
Asian CHAD here, your pathetic American morals don't affect me


All ecelebs are faggots.
One eceleb shitting on another eceleb does not make them any less of a faggot.

Shut up, you sound like my grade school teachers

Heidi is a real piece of shit human being. Even a clown like LTG is less of a fuckstain.
Phil's based even if he is often wrong.

Jared and Heidi were in an open relationship while Ross and Holly weren't. Sleeping with a married woman who hasn't agreed with her husband to be in a polyamourous relationship is crossing the line.

i really wish the word gaslighting would fucking die. just say lie, is it really that hard?

ok so if someone does a bad thing, but that person gets beaten upside the head for a completely different and incident unjustly, the person who beat them shouldn't be punished?

So you have no proof other than "Jared is male, so I believe him"?


god he is pathetic
he desperately is trying to create more drama to increase donations and views

Open relationship. Fuck men and talk about this with Jared.

whats this open relationship trash?
Whatever happened to swingers?
Do this shit together idiots

maybe holly should have thought about that before she breached her and her partner's trust
are you saying it's jared's job to be accountable for any part of ross and holly's marriage?

not really the same thing. "manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity."

With a married woman, a.k.a. his friend's wife. Ross is no cuck.

Tell me, did you know they had open relationship at the start of the drama, no? I wonder why.
But keep believing rejected thot.

Having sex got him in this situation in the first place.

oh he's pumping something else

I'm surprised it took this long for you faggots to try demonize the one of the two that's equipped with a vagina

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It doesn't mean to lie though, it means to make someone's brain get so fucked up with you shifting blame that they start to believe they were in the wrong.

We already know they're both Holly and Jared are shitheads user.

Quality selection user.

Who the fuck knows, this is the court of twitter. I'm sure that once people saw blood in the water that a bunch of attention seekers made up stuff to ruin this guy, but then again maybe he shouldn't have sent his dick pics everywhere.

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Except she's not using it in that sense. He's not trying to make her question her own sanity. He's just fucking lying, at worst.


maybe it looks like sexism if you only look at the genders in any given situation and not any of the context, you self-righteous identity politics fag

I don't get why Heidi got with Jared anyway. Heidi is a total cutie and Jared is fucking gross.

women are independent and strong and proud, that's why they are not liable for anything they do and always the victim
oh poor women so innocent and faultless and pure.. damn those evil men!


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When the bombs drop, the only living things that will remain are cockroaches and DSP.

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According to the tweets that tell you about this open relationship said open relationship ended in 2017, you're arbitrarily deciding what information is valid and what isn't

She has no job and lived only on his money.

Wait dsp was actually jacking it, i thought it was a meme this whole time. Like the time dodger was doing the same thing

>OMG did you hear?!
>spill it girl spill it!
What fucking travesties of "men" you zoomers are, didn't your fathers ever teach you to not be faggots?

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he can't have fame because he is 40yo? fuck off zoomer now you are going to say some stupid shit to excuse that

>if I pretend to be a woman defending feminist on Yea Forums I will surely get laid this time.. for sure... any day now.... soon, bros, soon.... heh heh...

I'm not complimenting the aforementioned faggots

so only cockroaches then

They are both idiots

So you knew about their open relationship at the start of the drama?

Don't get me wrong, I think Jared is a retard for slutting around the internet so much when he's a recognized youtuber with a large audience, but making pedo allegations so carelessly can ruin a man's life permanently. Even more so when the evidence supporting those claims are flimsy at best and it's obvious people are just dog piling onto something for views and memes.

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nah man, heidi without make up is not what I'd call a "total cutie"

>it's legal to fuck something but not to put yourself in a position that would lead to said fuck
Laws, not even once.

Jared is still a weird choice. She could have easily found a rich chad.

Because she is a beta female who is terrified of real men and prefers relationships with men she can dominate, even though they’ll never give them what they want.

>when a woman cheats it's an ''open relationship'' and ''polyamory''
>when a man cheats it's cheating


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Too bad Jared is in America where they do. Go back to winnie the pooh

Heidi more like "hide me" from that beast kek

>dodger was doing the same thing

but could she manipulate a more attractive man to pay for her shit while having the luxury of fucking around with other guys?

Wait I dont get it, he doesnt have dubs, trips or etc.

This shit doesnt make me want to have sex anymore

Age of consent != legal age to have pornography distributed by or to.

No and i don't see how it matters. This drama to me only amounted to memes about that fungus-looking idiot and bitch he was fucking, none of that changed. Why is it so dear to you to prove Mr "yaoi dick" to be a poor victim?

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>Drama used to be about making fun of peoples misfortunes
>Now its all moral faggotry and politics and taking sides
How did it all go so wrong?


>A couple
>They decide to have an open relationship
>One was totally transparent with their partner, and opted to stop when they were uncomfortable with it

>The other agreed to stop, but sent unsolicited genital pics to random people, and kept sleeping with one particular third party without keeping their partner in the loop.

Can you guess which of these is which?

based king of gets

seriously what the fuck is a yaoi dick?

>Like the time dodger was doing the same thing
I’m listening

God bless your accents

I feel no sympathy for this thot, but holy fuck Jared couldn't have picked a worse choice to fuck, Holly looks like an ugly ass tranny, and by ugly ass tranny, I mean uglier then a regular tranny already is.
Was he so desperate for a vag to stick his dick in he fucked that thing? Or was it Holly fucked him?

he sayin his dick fucks dudes

>don't see how it matters
Yeah, totally not manipulative in any way, to destroy his life, because he rejected her. Keep dancing under her flute.

>not a cuck
Paige literally spends most of her time traveling between their two countries to fuck other guys. She's an escort you dumb fuck.

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Jared's always been that "ugly awkward bullied kid". It was easy for Heidi to manipulate him.
Jared's the real victim here.

But sex literally caused this problem.

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There we go
There it is
I completed my Incel punchcard. I get one free handjob because of you, thanks bud

No man is a victim when he picks such an ugly creature as his partner. Could he not do some more looking?

>Man helps destroy someone else's marriage by fucking a married woman and allegedly sends dick pics to every living thing
>He's an innocent boy who dindu nuffin

>Woman supposedly messed up her own marriage with an unhappy experiment and now she's crying about it on social media
Grow up

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It was sex that caused this problem in the first place. This wouldn't have happened if they had just STUCK TO THE VIDEO GAMES.

I guess ugly, awkward and bullied went over your head, retard.

It means his dick is huge
Heard of yaoi hands? same thing but with dicks

>>Woman supposedly messed up her own marriage with an unhappy experiment and now she's crying about it on social media
>And it is her husband fault SO HE MUST PAY FOR IT!
Yep, nothing unusual here, just another rejected woman trying to destroy her husband life.

Didn't he have 1 million subs? Did he seriously lose 200k over this?

>Rossfags feeling mutual shame for being cucks themselves so they side with turbocunt Heidi

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user I've seen awkward and bullied faggots get better looking partners then Jared.

Yes, but his views actually were up during this time.

How many times do you need to be reminded that it was his friend's wife, whom which was not in an open relationship?

Tbh m8 I’m just enjoying a bunch of crazy leftists destroying their lives through their total immorality and feel zero sympathy for any of them.

>turbocunt Heidi
She defended the size of Jared's micropenis even after he blocked her and all the details came out. He fucked up. Bad.

So? We live under sharia law or something? Go fuck a goat, ahmed.

Can't be a cuck if you divorce after finding out.

so naturally it happens to every ugly guy, right? you never have to make the choice of settling for the first or second thot pretending to care about you

>we can fuck anyone we want it's an open relationship honey
>I still get to fuck whoever else I want though
Looks like projared did nothing wrong after all. Just got roasted by a roastie.

If you're with someone who demands an open relationship you shouldn't be married. It only works with 5% of people and that's not a doe you want to roll.

>I'm allowed to fuck other dudes, but you should stop fucking other women whenever I tell you to
lmao this bitch

At this point i can only hope you're merely pretending to be retarded, carry on my lad

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That's Holly's fault, not Jared's. He fucked over Ross but Heidi has no right to be pissed.

Sorry about your parents.

post your pornstar dick if you think his 7 incher is tiny, online chad

I can at least give Jared some credit. At least he actually has a partner, unlike you user.

The eternal roastie strikes again.

Jesus, I have never met these kinds of freaks in real life, ever. Do these people just congregate on Twitter or is it an American thing?

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Thanks for admitting defeat so quickly.

>That's Holly's fault, not Jared's. He fucked over Ross but Heidi
Incel logic.

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Sending your dick to under 18 year olds kinda ruins your life whether people call you pedo or not.

So the moral of the story here seems to be:
Polyamory is retarded; it incentivizes stupid decisions and causes everybody to become jealous and hate eachother.

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Here you go

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I mean why not shit all over jared then? Might as well kick his autistic ass while he's down even if its petty. Dude survived jacking off live, he already had his time in the hot seat and survived

Again, is there even any evidence of this? We know he sent dick pics to some girls, but I have yet to see any actual, irrefutable evidence that he was sending and receiving nudes with girls under 18.

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I'm sorry to tell you but Heidi won't let you fuck her for all the whiteknighting.

Poly relationships only work with others who both agree on having a poly relationship.

Nah he still a little faggot boy who deserves to be made fun of for having shit taste in women and video games.
Thanks for admitting you're literally a pathetic virgin who has to defend their favorite faggot youtuber's utterly shit taste in women because you can't actually get one.

she was scratching her leg and realized it looked awkward on cam, you stupid incels

You're correct about Phil Fish, but that's not Phil Fish

>He fucked over Ross BUT
There's no "but" retard, fucking over Ross is exactly the point in question. You're so worried with defending the man that you're even in denial about other men getting hurt in the process

Dsp was just scratching his leg aswell

She was jerking her shenis

have sex

The only poly people I know usually end up unstable and will betray you the moment they feel like it.
I knew a dude who said he was poly, and would go on and on about "communication" but if you ever got upset with him for making threats or being cruel, he'd light you up and try to get his gang to shun and shame you.

I've never seen a poly relationship that didn't involve abuse and threats, most of the time it seems like it's "Let ME have multiple partners or YOU'RE gonna get it."

>Jared's the real victim here.
Nah he's just jewish

nah he was growing a big nut and he admitted it

Plenty of people who saw all that drama, but had no idea who he was or what his channel was, so they went to go look and shitpost in the comment section.

Nah, it's just that the current feminist bullshit "enlightened" female community now considers it their right.

The moment my ex wanted me to consider it, I fucked right off and kicked her out. Fuck that.

Does that mean I can cuck my gf by convincing her to start an open relationship, fuck a bunch of hoes, and then close the relationship again when I get my fill?

What country?

We need the sticky back

He even sang a motivational song about it in his crash 3 lp, lovingly titled 'When in doubt beat it out".

is based DSP still being stalked by those kojima faggots?

Ross is a kangaroo-man

>Poly relationships only work with others who both agree on having a poly relationship.
Not really. A lot of the time at least one person who agrees isn't really cool with it and everything eventually caves in on itself. A poly relationship isn't really a functioning relationship, and only an absolute sociopath would think it is.

He cheated with a married woman who wasnt in an open relationship, that's what upsets people you barely triple digit iq incel

why does anyone care about their marietal issues who gives a flying fuck

the only thing worth talking about is the underage shit everything else was just the two having a failing marriage

why do any of you even care about this

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Why not sticky this thread?

>loool ppl don't understand relationship dynamics
>it's okay to have sex with multiple people
>but remember you can only love one of them
These fucking people man. Some of them even have kids and shit.
At least you can rest assured they'll go mad in a few years and kill themselves.

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Kangaroo animators are based.

Bushworld adventures is better than the entire show its based on.

Maybe because the thread is not even about video games? Fucking idiot.

The fact that they were under the pretense of a polyamorous relationship when the "cheating" started is EXTREMELY important to the narrative, and it's incredibly suspicious that Heidi never said a SINGLE thing about this until Jared brought it up first.
The fact that she obscured this VERY important factor for so long makes me think there's a lot more to this whole debacle that she's still hiding.
Not trying to be all "Jared did nothing wrong" or anything, but it's starting to seem like both of these people are equally as stupid/malicious.

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Just fred fuchs who usually makes these threads

He's not jewish though but it's not like some embarrassing and retarded underage Yea Forumsirgin shitposter knows that and assumes shit because of le ebin big nose may mays and german surname.

Different user. I think Jared should get fucked for soliciting nudes from underage fans and for ruining Ross's marriage, but that's a separate issue (that he should be condemned for) from Heidi gaslighting people, hiding the fact she agreed to the polyamorous relationship until it stopped benefiting her, and attempting to ruin Jared's entire career when this all started with him just saying he's getting divorced.

Remember kid, it is always fault of both. And when one person says he was a victim and did nothing wrong - it is a lie.

The fuck do you faggots even care about all this e-celeb garbage for? This is TMZ-tier shit, only probably more pathetic since these losers' claim to fame is literally just playing videogames on camera.

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>Oh! That's poly!
My ex in HS thought this exact same way, for some reason some women just can't reconcile wanting to simply fuck multiple people without pretending it's anything more than that. Like they're too ashamed to just be horny and need to convince themselves they love every guy they want to jerk off. She was a hardcore catholic so maybe thet had something to do with it


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Not video games you fucking faggots. Why don't you start suspecting Jon of fucking Suzy again while you're at it. You normie fags make me sick.

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the faggots disbanded because they threw a tantrum against each other.

this is some shit-tier logic made law

Because it involves 3 of the bigger names in video games.

streaming for 250 people and trying to milk them as much as possible

>fucking Suzy
Did you see her? Not believable.

Jared's a predator who ruined a man's marriage. Heidi only fucked over Jared. Both are pieces of shit but Jared's a bigger catastrophe by far

The only person involved who probably didn't do anything stupid and wrong was Ross.

Can he be stopped Yea Forums?

They're two awful people, truly made for each other, i don't give enough of a shit about Jared to feel sympathy

Shitty/Stupid people end up together. If you're intelligent and decent you arent going to be attracted to the personality of a garbage person in the first place. It's easy to recognize crazy assholes early on if you're reasonably well adjusted

>bigger names in video games
>not even reaching 0.1% of the whole aviable audience

god you rossfags are pathetic

Is Phil a boomer?

>whoa thank you to ROB for the 10 dollar tip I appreciate that man I really do

>wHOA thank you to HENK for the 15 dollar tip I prreciate dat man i really do

thank you to vote democrat for a 50 bitch here
thank you to vote democrat for a 50 bitch here
thank you to vote democrat for a 50 bitch here

>>boyfriend says he doesn’t want it anymore and it ends with 4 guys beating the shit out of him
Why would they beat him?

>Shit on Sonic Adventure 2
>Cheats on his wife

I wonder what happened

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I just think that's not on or for Heidi to bring out into the open, is my point. They're both shitty people, but did she go to Ross and tell this to him directly? Did she bring it to him so he could try and settle it himself by divorcing with Holly? She can play the victim as much as Jared is, they're both shitty people and I think people who have affairs or cheat on their partners are some of the worst sociopaths, but I don't think Heidi should have brought this out to the open over social media. She could have easily kept it to just the underage nude solicitations to ruin Jared.

>literal nobodies on youtube who have zero influence or credentials in the industry
>3 of the bigger names in video games
Zoomers are a fucking disaster of a generation

Reminder that the only correct choice when your girl brings up wanting an open relationship is to dump her on the spot. If she's already the type to consider it, the relationship is as good as done

This is what gets your attention? Your low attention span autistic side is showing.

I agree with you m8

The real victim of all this is Ross

The moment "open relationship" is uttered it's ogre and you should both just give up and end it.

>one of them has only made a couple of mature statements about the matter
>one is busy ranting and tossing shit on twitter

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I want that not-Michiru tummy.

Because he's based

Pretty much. My first gf wanted to be in an open relationship, I didnt understand what that meant and just thought she meant "open and honest" with each other which I obviously agreed to. When I found out there was just another guy at school she wanted to fuck I was absolutely devastated

>4 different guys fucking girl for months
>think that she’s their girlfriend
>girl says “we should stop my boyfriend doesn’t want a poly relationship”
>get pissed and find the other guys
>beat the shit out of boyfriend for making them feel like cucks

Because she's the fucking victim? What the hell is wrong with you?

Stop trying to defend either of these degenerates

>dude got laid
this is the most off-topic thread on Yea Forums

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Implying I give a fuck and aren't just taking advantage of the situation to Bully this fag off the internet

>she's the fucking victim

How can she leave it all behind if the divorce process isnt even done? So she just wants to leave blameless and pretend nothing here is her fault and, because she's a woman, she doesnt need to defend herself?

I've rarely ever seen victims be the only ones lashing out like this while the perpetrator just sits silently by and lets it happen.

Have you maggots forgotten how to report a thread or am I going insane thinking this gossip thread is still alive?

It's sexist and muh-soginy to hold a woman accountable for literally anything in current year

imagine interacting with women
I've never been more glad to be a handholdless virgin

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So they're not pissed at the girl for hiding the fact she was in a relationship, they're pissed at the guy for not wanting to get cucked anymore?

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Heidi is CUTE! Fuck ProJared.

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It sounds like she was controlling and coercive towards him. Probably a crime (in the UK lol)

The irony. Incels believing they're actually intelligent is the funniest shit ever.

Now post her face without make up. She is ugly.

>touch a woman for one second one time 30 years ago
>get called a rapist with no evidence
>life instantly ruined

Not even once.

Who is Jared and why is based Phil talking about him?

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I love that he decided to ruin it all with his goutriddled DEBUNKED stream

Have sex.

16 is legal in about 1/3 of the states, but California tricked everyone into thinking all of the US and Canada operate under their AoC laws which are literally the most restrictive in the first world.

Her face looks like a mutant enemy created by id.

They were mad because the girl they were fucking for wasn’t their girlfriend. And wanted to beat the shit out of something.

Ever been through a break up? Makes you do stupid shit without thinking.

where the fuck do you think you are?

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>Women are not objects, republicans

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Give me one good reason why I shouldn't report you.

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Thats a nice fanfic you wrote there, but thats not even supported by either story.

Incels will defend a ugly shallow fraud like Jared because te wife is a cunt. Yet ignore the evidence of minors getting groomed by their role model on a porn tumblr.

win elections

>We need more women in male dominant fields
>Men should be able to compete in Female sports

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you realize that report is ignored, right

How the fuck is it not also Jareds fault?

e-celebs are not part video games. enjoy your b&

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She looks like the Shiri tranny.

this poster has cp on his computer

SEETHING polytranny

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makeup is magic, prove me wrong
goes from a 4/10 to a 7/10 when cosplaying

Beautiful woman with alien-esque creature next to her.

she's so plain and has no eyelashes, probably tore them out over time with all the glued fake lashes for dumb cosplay shit

she seems as bad as jared desu

If you open a relationship up to polyamory, don't be shocked when your partner is sleeping with someone else. Did he cheat? Of course he did, but Heidi is still a fucking moron for having agreed to it in the first place.

They're both scumbag degenerates.

not necessarily in that order

Lel, how did she take it? Details plz

Shiri is unironically cuter

Nooooooooooooooooooooo, don't report him. Oh my goooooood

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You must not have seen much of the world then.
People who are angry say a lot more than people who dont want to be in the spotlight.

she looks like a bug and obviously she has no soul because she's ginger


never followed ecebels drama.
why do people hate DSP? every single one of his videos are over 50% dislikes.

ayy lmao


Cute pictures. Thanks user.

I'd go for just casual sex at this point.

And victims of gaslighting and physical abuse usually aren't the ones who are screaming into the void for anyone to listen to them.

What is it with Phil's?

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He's a constantly butthurt dramaqueen who also sucks at every game he plays and it's fun to get on his nerves.

hes a poor loser. this is deduced from him playing videogames and constantly whining and complaining once he starts to lose

Just get a hooker bro

The legal age of 16 is kind of misleading in many ways. Michigan for one, which has an age consent of 16 can still get you in trouble for having sex with a 16 year old. It only is safe if both parties are 16. If one is 18 it's still statutory rape.

If anybody ever asks their partner for an open relationship the partner's immediate response should be to break up right then and there.

Seething talentlets and sublets. Basic jealousy.

I wouldn't doubt Jared did have CP on his PC. I also find it suspicious Tumblr went and bleach all the porn just months before this came out. Have sex incel.

How did an ugly cunt like Jared even end up having 2 women wanting his dick?

Jared's not a woman.

Yeah, break up to work on your crippling insecurities. I bet you're the kind of paranoid fuck to snoop through your SO's phone.

This. If you refuse it it's still going to happen, you just won't know about it.

have you ever heard the term dickriders?

Not great. She pulled the "but I'll only love you" card, and saying stuff like "I just have so much more love to give".

She then said "I'm going to stay at some guy I met at a rave for a weekend", which was the last drop. Made her hand over the keys and gave her the time to pack a suitcase. She lived from couch to couch for a few months, while I installed Tinder again after a few weeks.

Relationship wasn't going great anyways, since she started saying that kinda shit for a few months already. So getting rid of that toxic shit was like being able to breathe again. So refreshing.

really. Never date a "feminist gamer gurl", peeps. It'll never end well, especially when they get caught up in online forums and twitter-rants about "liberated sexuality" and polyamorous relationships. they'll change from one day to the nextand you'll never recognize them again.

Fuck. That. Shit.

both females are ugly, that's why
plus there's different standards for men and women, i know a lot of ugly guys who got good looking gfs.

Money, fame, power.

It's hilarious how jerking off on camera gave Phil such a boost to his numbers he's fucking proud of it now.
Absolute legend.

projared is also almost 40


have you seen the pics?

he's of more than decent size

Seething cuck detected

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So Heidi is a professional #metoo victim, and Jared is an idiot pedo.

Honestly it really could of been a start of a turnaround of his career but the first thing he did on his live-stream after this happened was beg for money.

That plays well for his current fanbase but when you have a whole lot of new people, you should entertain them before telling them how many ways there are to give him money.

He got some compliments on twitter and some extra viewers and instantly thought it was milking time.

Jared is the one grooming underage girls. don't forget that part

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I've known friends who have had 15 years of a happy poly life.
Issue is, these people aren't totally mentally fucked and can speak to each other without sperging out.

Ya your wording is skirting the issue, she was also fucking dudes. She lost any moral high ground she had. The fact that she never initially came out with this fact means she also knew she was at fault. Instead of choosing a side on this youtube edrama, use it to remember it for your next lover. Don't fuck other people while in a marriage.


>I don't want you to sleep with other people
>I want to sleep with other people
>Okay, I guess we're not right for each other. Good bye
An insecure person would go along with it, and cling to their partner, even though they don't want a polygamous relationship, you dense fucking moron.

That dude as some ayy tier arms.