This guy walks by you in the street and does absolutely nothing.
What do ?
This guy walks by you in the street and does absolutely nothing
Other urls found in this thread:
Dress up as a woman and attempt to scam him.
Ask him what he's looking at with a very rude tone.
Run up to him and kick his ass with my bros. Old fuck looks like easy pickings
Fight him for no reason
If he somehow beats me up with a bike I'll apologize
Man why the hell didn't they keep that blue jacket Kiryu had from the original 6 demo?
Would anyone be willing to take on this guy head on? I'll give you 500¥
Ask him to buy me some food from the mart at the other side of town. Pretty sure he's going to do it for some reason.
Hey man, you look possessed by evil spirits but I can help you only for 300000 yen.
Ow! What the fuck! You broke my arm, asshole!
“You seem like a strong man. Wanna record yaoi for me? It’s called “boys in love””
Is Kiwami a good entry point into the series? I tried but it was kinda boring. So many cutscenes and text in what i expected to be a cuhrazy action game but with martial arts
Nigger this is whole Yakuza series, if you don't like it go play some shit like dynasty warriors
You either start with original 1 or 0 (which you follow with Kiwami).
You're shot in the stomach and rushed to the E.R. This is your surgeon.
What do?
How was the Fist of the North Star game? It's the only one I haven't tried yet except Dead Souls.
"I don't want to accept your deal Tachibana, it's too good."
>Also Kiryu
"I'm being haunted by a ghost? Here, take 100000 yen."
I'd say 0 is the best entry point since it gives you attachment to characters and makes you care more for later games but you're going in with completely wrong expectations. Yakuza is more of a modern Shenmue, not a crazy action game.
Kiwami's an alright starting point but yeah, these games are seriously text heavy and
so packed with cutscenes that they give Metal Gear a run for its money.
I remember when I first played the demo for 6 it literally took me an hour just to get through the intro and start fighting.
Hold my loveseat for comfort until he approaches.
Hide my bike
Stand behind a rattling manhole cover. Works every time.
It's okay but don't pay more than $20 or $30 at most. It's more for a Yakuza fan that likes FotNS than a FotNS fan that likes Yakuza. A lot of the stories are abridged versions of stories from the manga missing a bunch of characters, Rei and Mamiya basically don't exist, the minigames are mostly just reused content from 0, though Doctor Ken is new and so is Bartender Ken, the buggy is basically just a freer version of the taxi from 5, and cabaret's just been reworked a bit. The fights are honestly the best part, the bosses are actually difficult for once and the Colosseum bosses are pretty fun in particular because they actually pose a challenge once you level them up.
immediately chase him and prompt a fight, thoroughly get my ass handed to me and apologize.
Hide in a trash can and wait to spook him.
Who does this guy think he is? Me and my mates would teach the old fuck a lesson.
Arigato, Moose-kun.
It sounds nice, I'll give it a shot soon. Though it's a shame that it's not a proper retelling of FotNS, I like what I'm hearing.
Is there anything I should know before starting it?
I would start a fight with him where me and my friends stand in a circle waiting for him to hit me, posing to threat whatsoever
If 6 comes to pc, they can just mod it. If i remember correctly it's in the game files
>Is there anything I should know before starting it?
There's a lot of grinding but not Ishin or Black Panther 1/2 tier, there's only like 20 Secret Techniques so you'll be seeing the same Heat Actions over and over and over again, Xsana, Hina, and Lyra are best girls, the buggy controls make Jak 2's hoverbikes seem like the best controlling vehicles ever created, a lot of the fanservice is just in random items you find (Like Toki and Raoh's training outfits for instance) or in the Destiny Talismans, the overworld takes quite a while to expand, the substories are mostly incredibly boring although Kenshiro is in-character during all of them, and the boss fights have some good cinematic moments.
Why real estate in 0 is so boring holy shit.
Such a shame the game finally had just the right amount of content and moves with #5 and #0, only to reset with the new engine and ending with a really barebones #6.
>outfits locked to premium adventure
literally why
because otherwise the story might come off as silly
This is a very serious game, it would ruin the tone
Cutscenes have way higher quality models than gameplay models and I think the outfits only have gameplay models
But lots of other games simply switch to the default outfit during cutscenes for that reason.
Stare at him longingly
I shoot him
Ok fuckers, 0 has finally gripped me after 3 attempts. I want to know:
>Is there a remake for 3 on the works
>If not, worth skipping?
>Are 4, 5 and 6 on the PS4? Or is 4 also on the PS3?
>Is there a remake for 3 on the works
No and they have no plans for it so far because there's a remaster which just came out.
>If not, worth skipping?
3's a hot topic, it does some dumb things in the story several times but Okinawa is a great city, the kids are alright, Haruka's actually enjoyable, Kiryu has a great Hawaiian outfit, Rikiya's alright, Beautiful Eyes, Wesker is great, the final boss has a great intro + fight (Though it was because it was the first time they did dynamic intros), and it's got a bunch of decent substories.
>Are 4, 5 and 6 on the PS4? Or is 4 also on the PS3?
4 and 5 are on PS3. 4 and 5 are remastered on PS4 but 5 HD only comes out in June in Japan, we have no date for any of the PS4 remasters being localized. 6 is only on PS4, it's on the Dragon Engine.
This man is correct. Nothing makes me sadder than people starting on Kiwami or the PS3 games.
>Is there a remake for 3 on the works
3, 4, 5.
>Are 4, 5 and 6 on the PS4? Or is 4 also on the PS3?
Only 6.
So 4's remaster is out in English then? Also can I play 3 on the PS4 in some way? I haven't touched consoles in so long I've forgotten if they have backwards comapatibility or PS3 games on the PS4 store.
4's got a remaster on PS4 but again, not localized, sorry if I confused you. 3, 4, and 5 all got remasters on PS4 which are meant for the western market getting into Yakuza again but we haven't had any word on localization yet. 3 came out late last year, 4 came out like in March, 5 is in June, all Japan only as of now. If you want to play them in English right now it's PS3 only.
>Also can I play 3 on the PS4 in some way?
No backwards compatibility. There's PS Now but that's game streaming and you gotta pay for it and it's only gonna work for 4 and 5 because 3 is a disc-only release on PS3.
I just want to play minigames in Kamurocho or wherever the fuck without caring about the story,which Yakuza should I try?
Alright, thanks. One of the main reasons it took me this long to get into the series was how impenetrable they seemed. I'm glad people still have the patience to explain it for clueless idiots like me.
I guess I'll play up to Kiwami 2 and wait for 3 remaster to release. I've heard SEGA wants to expand the PC market and seeing as 0 runs well it seems inevitable. Plus I bet buying the PS3 disks would cost me a fucking kidney considering where I live.
>Plus I bet buying the PS3 disks would cost me a fucking kidney considering where I live.
There's a Canadian shop that reprinted 1 through 4 not too long back, they're still available for $40 US but since it depends where you live you might be spending $100 or something to import them. If anything we'll hear something at E3 which isn't too far off and that's after 5 HD comes out anyway so it would be the perfect time to announce it getting localized.
Grab his ass and die a happy man
I think Y5 has the biggest minigame count
I live in Spain. I recall seeing a few Y3 PS3 copies on the shelves way back then but they're probably broken or abandoned in a shelf somewhere by this point. Never even seen a copy of Y4 or 5, which is why I thought they were for the PS4.
Y3 is going for 45~ euro, I don't even want to know how much the other 2 cost.
Checking eBay Spain you can get used copies of 4 for roughly 20-30ish Euro and 3 goes for roughly the same price (There's a new one going for 60 Euro). 5 never got a physical outside of Japan but it did get a permanent price drop several months back. Still, it all depends if you're patient, for all we know they'll release all three on PS4 as a triple pack so they don't flood us with more games for the next two years since Judgment is coming out next month and Shin has to be releasing soon.
Cuz it was ugly, and inappropriate for the final Kiryu game.
That's the problem. I've been burned by used copies twice before. I don't trust them. The idea of a tripack sounds pretty damn obvious though, so I'll hold out hope for that. Seeking out all the copies will just see me get burnt out of the series eventually anyways.
Thanks for replying.
fun fact, fighting Kiryu is a common hazing ritual for gangs, which is why everyone sstarts on him.
Yeah, other games.
Mine is the best villain, change my mind.
I'd let him kick my ass for free
Check if he's been drinking and get irrationally upset about it if he has.
This is so stupid I believe it can be true.
It's supposedly told during the gang substories in BP1 or BP2. There's so much betrayal from all the leaders multiple times during the substories that I fully believe it.
>Cuz it was ugly, and inappropriate
You mean just like the red shirt he wears instead?
Fuck you faggot, Blue Jacket is great.
There's a mod for Kiwami 2 on PC that adds the Blue Jacket.
ask him to voice act in my videogame
What's in the future for yakuza? Kiryu is getting old and they clearly wanted to finish his story, theres no chance for more comfy japanese action in the early 2000s and back right? That prison time he spent was great for plot reasons but cant help to think all the content that could fit those years
New protag, my dude.
They are doing a new series with new protag
The red shirt is based, and you should be stabbed for saying anything else. And regardless, the last Kazama Kiryu game should have him with the most iconic moments from the game, not in an ugly as Seajima outfit.
Judge Eyes already came out in Japan and is coming here soon plus the new protag someone else posted. They are moving on from Kiryu which is smart. I love him and I'd like it to stay that way.
Kiwami is not meant to be played first, even though it's a remake of 1, it has a lot of changes made to it that depend on you coming into it from 0.
As such, you either start with original PS2 Y1, or with Y0, you don't start with Kiwami 1 because it's redesigned to be a direct sequel to 0.
Okinawa is ultra comfy.
This 56% looking creatura has me really worried.
But there's no chance of them rebooting with kiryu or something? Just want more action set in 2005 or previous years
That's what the Kiwami games are for.
Are the streets of japan like Yakuza 0?
I still feel they could've done a much better job and kept the main game but added a million sidequests, minigames and content in general like 0 has
>negroid look
>raised without a father
i wouldn't even care if the new MC was half EVEN a chink or something but I really hate them for having the MC be a marine rape baby
imperialis pigs
0 was set near the end of the boom period, when everything was amazing and the yakuza were at the height of their popularity and influence. So no. Both present day yakuza and cops (the ones old enough to remember what it was like back then) will tell you that Kabukicho may as well be a ghost town now compared to how it was at its height.
Incorrect, Dragon Engine uses the same models for cutscenes and gameplay, there is no separation like in older games.
They let me go after putting a bandage around the spot where the rubber bullets hit me
I hear the fucking song already
So, you're Spanish, eh Moose? Fucking faggot tripfag, you just slipped up.
Kiwami. I started with 0 but stopped after a few hours and a year later started Kiwami and i am almost done with it. I feel more attached to Kiryu by doing Kiwami first and can't wait to get to 0.
Eat shit
kiwami2 combat sucks donkey ball testicle chode cock
it's so shitty using tiger drop felt appropriate just to get through the slog of it
who the fuck thought just having the one 4-hit combo was okay
who the fuck thought having all those context friendship-dependant heat actions cost exp was okay
who the fuck unironically thought the combat with just one style which has less heat moves than the brawler style of 0 and kiwami1 is enough
it's so fucking underwhelming holy shit
no variety to strategy, no room to experiment, no exciting upgrades, fucking nothing
But you can ragdoll people now
oh that's okay then i retract all my complaints
>tfw no eyepatch psychopath yakuza gf
What is a knive to the abdomen or two, fuck yeah bring it on.
Come to Germany, we have lots of Turkish girls who look like that Femajima.
Play more than the first 3 chapters and you are drowning in points faggot.
>install green filter removal mod
>cutscenes and gameplay have completely different lightning, some even some heatmoves switch it up
I wonder if it is worth it, since some scenes are genuinely better with the filter.
Play my idle animation.
>>cutscenes and gameplay have completely different lightning, some even some heatmoves switch it up
The green filter removal doesn't even affect cutscenes you monkey.
I've never seen a characters who's supposed to look badass look so unintentionally goofy. Kiryu is a trash protag all around: dumb, cucked, looks like a dope, experiences zero growth across 40 games
i finished the game on hard just now nigger
how the fuck do u think i got tiger drop if komaki isn't even available to fight in the coliseum together with acupuncture until whatever chapter
Yes, that's why they have different lightning, it is especially apparent during Chapter 8 in Doc's office and in the basement of Millennium Tower.
I'd rather would have had a cement mixer or forklift simulator compared to that shitty towerdefense game lad.
Also while helpfull the dlc cards are breaking my immersion.
Not him but I've been playing K2 this past week and my strategy hasn't changed at all since the moment I started playing and I'm almost at the end, it's just the same combos and charge attacks over and over
WTF this game looks fun af
I'll give you that, but why are sperging about shit change comedy heat actions then?
The point is that the filters aren't natural, it's not natural lighting, it's natural lighting with a filter overlayed ON TOP of it.
Also they're working on a complete tint removal mod, since that one was only meant to be a proof of concept for Discord and not a public release.
but him being a dope as fuck shitbrick house, wreckingballing his way through the stories is half the fun.
as opposed to what? Using bearmode when a chair is nearby?
Let's face it the normal content is never challenging in these games.
Thank him for his hard work.
He actually isn't.
>Looks like a dope
>Expirences zero growth
0: Becomes kinder and less brutal
1: Becomes less naive.
2: Ditches his dumb pride after it gets Gouda killed
3: Learns that everyone can change like Mine
4: Alright, none there but he's generally out of focus in that story
5: Ditches the orphanage to make money as taxi driver
6: Becomes willing to kill, and fakes his death so that Haruka is safe for good
2/10, got me to reply
His GF got impregnated by a hindu looking motherfucker and now he raises their daughter.
haha yeah right.
And looking after a orphan is a bad thing?
sega what the fuck
What's the sign attached to?
seriously sega what the fuck
Yes it is, if you're raising a child that wasn't spawned from your own DNA then it is cuckoldry as you are not passing on your DNA and shaming your ancestors.
I'm kind of surprised they didn't go with a young Kazama and set the shit back to the 60's and 70's. but Idk much about how Japan looked then so maybe it wasn't feasible.
Yakuza series works so well because of how deadpan and awkward Kiryu is. the Creature from Okinawa seems more like Yuya (bouncer at Stardust) than some ultra badass legend that Kiryu was. We'll see how it goes i guess.
because that's effort that could have been used on more appropriate shit
literally whole animations for moves that you will see MAYBE once or twice
AND you have to spend exp on them
i'd rather have them make a few extra heat move variations instead
i mean, fuck, even speaking of 0 and k1, they both had several variations of the wallpounding heat move, several grounded heat moves, etc
She's too pure to be a hostess
Golden Castle is pure James Bond kino.
sega are you fucking serious
How are you supposed to deal with these guys in Kiwami 2. There's no way to execute a heat move on them as far as I can tell.
No she needs to fucked by huge black cock
based serious yakuza representation
oh my fucking god the absolute madmen. this is pure kiwami.
Judgement when??
You do realize this was in PS2 original right?
What an asshole look at him he be walkin nigga be walkin man lets fuck him up
Punch them until they raise whatever above their head and then dodge back
They had a heat move for when you were in climax heat before, not sure if they got rid of it though.
It was easier on the ps2 version because the dodge slid you back much further than this one does
i have no doubt it was. i've never played the original.
We are more than the sum of our genetic material. Most things in life cannot be passed on by simple genetics. Passing along one's experiences and beliefs is far more important.
this is a funny picture
just charge the light punch move and hit them with it a few times
you realize you're being really really stupid right now? don't ask why, you wouldn't get it anyway
t. different
they are literally the biggest gripe of mine in the whole game, they are not hard but annoying as fuck.
Don't let me stop my rapetrain to slowly deal with those assholes.
Hit and dodge. Charge your moves. Use a weapon. What are you, dumb?
>no intro
Still prefer the ps2 song though, same for most of the fights in the game
Ask if he wants to sing with me at the Karaoke.
That's what I've been doing. They're just tedious and not fun at all. They're especially annoying in the enforcer missions.
To be honest I was asking myself anyway why they didn't use a remix of this track, I like the monk chanting mostly because I'm a fighting games fag but it really feels off otherwise.
Some of the stories have cutscenes, there was a video where the guy had on the majima outfit during the doctor substory.
The context specific heat actions are fun, but they are almost one third of the heat actions, which makes little sense imo. I like the buying Heat Actions personally, but they needed way more because I ended up only consistently using maybe 3 or 4 heat actions which kind of ruins the fun of combat. the new system is not ideal, I definitely preferred K1 over K2. Y0 had the best, even if Legend was stunted.
Whats great about this is that while playing you don't even question it.
Anyone else can’t stop thinking about all the Japanese girls getting BLACKED?
Honestly Japanese men can’t satisfy girls with their tiny dicks
it's just a degenerate fetish, nobody likes niggers.
You're incorrect, you're a literal cuck if you're not passing on your DNA.
Nothing wrong with raising an orphan if you also have a child of your own, but everything wrong if you're raising another man's child without having your own as well.
Ask him to train me
ittai naaa~
>at my utmost limit after completing Rina Hashimoto's photoshoot
>google search reveals she did 0 adult vids
Try to look at a Japanese woman without thinking about her getting rammed by a huge black cock. I have planted these thoughts in your head now
see a therapist
Tell him to stop strutting around like a damn peacock
He just bumped into me, so now he's going to pay my medical bills.
Nah I've rammed 2 and one chinese myself, you can refuse to believe me but I can smile ridden by nostalgi,a knowing it's true.
They were impresseb by my average white dick though, so I guess Japs really are dicklets.
run up to him and attack him
Not even tits?
yo did that asshole just break your ribcage holy shit man he needs to pay up
gravure lad. it's non-nude.
no human can satisfy a woman
thats why we invented robots. to do what humans cant do it
best karaoke song
this isn't judgement
ye judgement is best
judgement a shit
fucken fite me nerd
warning you tho i will reck you
>you came all the way here to help us, its a honor
>oh yeah i came to help, all right
syinical crank and old kiryu best kiryu
this is my first time through the series i played through Kiwami 1 and 0 should i play Kiwami 2 or the original 2
2 is clunky as shit now.
play then in launch order
i finished yakuza 1 and 2 on my ps2 emulator and 2 still holds up;
>Kiryu is 184 cm tall
What a manlet
Look at him menacingly and then break into a crazy smile and scream, "KIRYU CHAN!"
Like a butterfly is also way up there with best karaoke songs. It's like an anime OP and Kiryu acting like Lotus Juice is the icing on the cake.
Are the hostesses in yakuza games actually voiced by the girls they're based on? Do they sing their songs too?
Wow, i cannot believe am taller than him, i always thought he was around like 6'5 or some shit what the fuck hes not that intimidating now.
Until he beats the shit out of you.
>i am a tall
wow u are such a tall
I wish there were more unique throws in Kiwami 2. They fell for the ragdoll meme so every throw has to be some sort of spin.
Yea Forums hating him so much pretty much confirms he'll be fun as far as I'm concerned
is there mahjong in ps2 games?
They better fucking get Bradio to do the theme song for his game
is that japanese bob ross?
How do I get started on this series with a toaster PC?
I thought the cutscenes were pre-rendered
>Yakuza series works so well because of how deadpan and awkward Kiryu is
Nah, we've had several other main characters already that could easily carry games by themselves (plus Kiryu himself feeling superfluous in one of the games) Still think Akiyama should just be the new protagonist, he's likeable and actually feels distinct as a character. Though Ichiban is supposed to be the total opposite of Kiryu in a lot of aspects too so we'll see how he fares I guess.
By looking at the minimum requirements for any of the games of the series that are available on pc.
Wow that was hard.
That'd be a total waste though. All their effort goes towards the newer games, the remakes are updates for their PS2-era games using their newest games' engine.
this nigga better act as a real yakuza and be more evil than good