Why doesn't Blizzard make Overwatch spinoffs? I think more people would be interested in a Fire Emblem clone than some shitty shooter.
Why doesn't Blizzard make Overwatch spinoffs...
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Blizzard stated they are developing mobile games for all of the OPs. Now do me a favor and post the original image this.
Like exactly what? Because they can't exactly make good fun games.
Literally just fucking hire IS or whoever develops XCOM to make an SRPG. They have more money than God so it shouldn't be a problem
iqdb it, that is the original :^)
Nah there was one in this exact pose that was a simpler 2d design and had a flat cyan background. Pretty sure this one's an edit of that.
Thank you father
Anytime my son
where's the edit of this
I really want to lick that tummy
Dumb red Wojack poster
In the /trash/
redundant because it's the same drawing with a different background, but you losers would edit it anyways
But the original might as well be redundant. Explain your reasoning
Yea Forums wouldn't hate Overwatch if it wasn't a game franchise, rather it was a series of porn animation put out officially by Blizzard.
You: Let me post an old age wojack wearing sunglasses pointing at you
>wojakposter complaining about porn threads
your cancer is far greater than theirs
heres your (you) for the epic meme
Enough arguing, poast bleached
please post censors
I love my wife Hana Song
Wait, is this the kind of thing you mean?
Your wife is a slut for white men.
and I'm a white man myself, and I love her very much.
lmao you wish wyte boi
fuck i love these so much
>reeee stop talking about games I don't like
I guess I can post these then
I'm not white and I take personal offense at you pretending to be non-white
Every time I can't help but be in awe at Mei's weird ass proportions in that image...
Although there aren't a lot of them
Since this thread isnt really going anywhere, can you guys post your best Sombra pics?
A lot of them are very lewd and idk if I wanna take the hit
Bleach is toxic (the unironic sense, not the overused tumblr version) and harmful to people in general.
The patrician term for brown and asian women belonging to white men is Colonized.
My wife Olivia is very perfect.
I like both terms.
Lots of married men in here
How lewd we talking?
I try to say I love Olivia for any Overwaifu thread I'm around for.
ranging from titty to sex
also to the censor user I'm out, if you know where to get more I can dump them. that's a new kink to me
My wife singlehandedly made me start appreciating sidecuts. She's so perfect.
>Cheers, luv!
These idiots had one job
Should just go full gacha.
Sidecuts are cute on all girls but she makes it look even better.
Both are okay.
Man Soe got desperate
I guess since I'm taking the plunge I can post this
Now were getting somewhere
As you wish
I love her so much it hurts
Wtf is wrong with her left arm?! Dislocated?
For me, it's my wife Mei
woah... this thread is lookin pretty based to me
how can one girl be so perfect?
Sidecuts are mad garbage. Fuck you niggers for making it so prevalent.
>he doesn't want an outright white supremacist/nationalist gf who exclaims her white only breeding lifestyle through fashion
bro ... kinda cringe.
as a white man, thank you all for your service
she has terrible handwriting
fucking white incel racecucks making this garbage
I want to go bankrupt for Dva
Nah i just thought Bleached was another word for colonized
have sex
inshallah brother, join us
also the general on /trash/
posting this before thread gets nuked
hoes mad x24
I want a white supremacist gf to berate me for being colored.
based cuck
it does when a non-white girl wears it
I offer 1 (one) yike, that's the best I can do
I used to think cucks were the most pathetic thing ever, but somehow blacked and bleached retards are even more pathetic
yes yes user i check the booru frequently, i wont join a discord though i only join discords for harry potter fanfictions i like
blacked retards ARE cucks user
good lad
hoes mad x24 have sex incel cringe yikes downvoted no reddit gold 4u
But nobody is talking about videogames in this thread
what about white and non-white gfs that both fetishize you fucking the other and take turns cuckqueaning each other
Overwatch was the last blizzard game I'll buy. Such developer incompetence is just baffling.
i want dva to poop in my mouth
>4channel Yea Forums
>talking about videogames
How new can you possibly be?
this is actually high level overwatch discussion
you may not like it, but it IS what peak performance looks like
Well the porn is of course infinitely better than the shitty game
I hate Overwatch and only play it because girls ask me to
Which girls
for me, it's Mercy
My GF and her friends and other female friends
I swear to God 90% of OW's consistent player bases is women
gross dude
I am so fucking sick of raceplay from both parties holy goddamn shit.
Way to drive a fetish into the fucking ground, you guys have managed to come out more obnoxious than trapfags, fatfags, and footfags.
i cant help it shes fucking perfect i want to consume all of her bodily waste
hoes seem to be mad
fat asian ass
Kill yourself
built for bwc
I wonder if Nike knows or cares that people are using their branded sportswear for race fetishism.
I also wonder if it's another Monster Zero Ultra scenario, and they're actually responsible for it.
Nike is the one doing this user, selling more product than ever.
What about Beatrix?
made for white men
I like the nazi shit, but the straight up bleached stuff just seems like a really pathetic counter-piece.
The white supremacy angle is the only way to do this that isn't pure cringe.
even period blood?
gross dude
>Has to resort to copying black men
abso fucking lutely
i would gulp down her vomit if she was sick.
>implying blacked isn't a product of 99% white self-hating cuckolds
>even the irl blacked.com site is literally made and produced by a jewish man
lol hoes really be mad
Blacked is merely a product that apes off of a previously established reputation.
This is a Christian board, you degenerates.
Saying BLEACHED is unoriginal, copying, or a counter piece is objectively wrong for many reasons
It's merely white superiority raceplay by a different name, a name that works well with branding and generates a buzz due to aggravating blacked cuckolds.
White-On-Non-White raceplay has existed on hundreds of platforms under many different names for years, long before blacked or BBC shit and still does
Aside from the internet/porn aspect, colonialism was real "bleaching" for hundreds of years before white women even saw black people in their day to day lives 99% of the time, therefore objectively predating any IRL semblance of blacking or the BBC meme
no i would worship dva in every way possible
>Fire Emblem
Didn't even knew wtf is that until i googled it. Are you fucking retarded how some mobile shit would be better than fps? Kids these days are legit dumb.
these girls look like they fuck white men
Even a gacha would be better than Overwatch's current (absolute) state but I was more talking about the previous incarnation of FE with actual tactical gameplay and shit.
TRPGs are objectively better than FPSs and Overwatch is for children and manchildren.
wow, and I thought /vg/ had bone idle mods
I used to think that a D.Va spinoff action single-player game would be awesome up until they assassinated her character in the animation Imagine
>Saying BLEACHED is unoriginal, copying, or a counter piece is objectively wrong for many reasons
>I think more people would be interested in a Fire Emblem clone than some shitty shooter
Well, you'd be wrong, since Fire Emblem is, while now selling respectable, still not selling anywhere near to what just Overwatch the game sold. And Overwatch has loot box moneys on top of that. Fire Emblem now has gatcha money too, but still.
The real comparison is that Fire Emblem is sustainable. They have gatcha money, and then release a new game every few years. It'll be much hard to sell an Overwatch sequel. Only Destiny and now the Division have even really attempted to do what an Overwatch sequel would entail, and both were fraught with multiple problems. They've both sold well enough and made good money, this is true, but less than they were supposed to, which for the former ultimately resulted in Activision just cutting its loses on it on and moving on. Even if they probably weren't technically loses so much as not big enough wins. We'll see what the Division 2 being just at or below the first's sales will result in.
check out the autism on this one
I hate to break it to you, but you're not aggravating anyone. Anyone mentally deficient enough to be into BLACKED shit can just self-insert as an asian or a nigger and do fine with WHITED crap.
It's also laughable that you're pretending this shit predates BLACKED, when it's an obvious attempt to reverse something you don't like. Only, you didn't get the concept. If you wanted the inverse, it isn't more raceplay. It's just vanilla shit.
Good lord, would I love for Ashe to leave lipstick marks all over my dick.
have sex incel
>n-no it's just vanilla!
I concur with my colleague, hoes mad
What? This shit isn't vanilla.
I'm sure we can all agree that SHITTED content is for absolute fucking losers. It's low quality cuck porn for literal soi drinkers and degenerate /pol/ types who whine about niggers and then jerk off to the taboo of submitting to them.
Bleached, on the other hand, is made by subhumans who get upset about the existence of the pathetic first group. In the same way that the retards who post on places like kiwifarms manage to be even sadder and more pathetic than the freaks they gather to make fun of, bleached faggots manage the same level of self-delusion.
"At least I'm not as bad as people making BLACKED shit!" you cry, as you poorly photoshop yet another crappy vector tattoo onto some anime art. What's sad is you don't get the irony.
i didnt read a single word but judging by how many they are im thinking hoes are mad
I want to put a baby in Ashe after marriage while holding hands and being leglocked and kissing and telling her I love her.
Yea Forums has the worst mods of all the boards
Without the sex appeal, OW would now be completely dead.
i wish dva was real so i could give her my money
Would you accept a D.va roleplayer, because I can hook you up with one of those
i have no money its a fantasy of mine
i wish tho
>bringing my wife into this discussion
Your wife looks like she loses all her bending to the masked man
black nigger
lmao the bleached meme is such a pathetic 'rebuttal' to blacked. good god, white people deserve to get bred out of existence.
>n-no! y-you're w-wrong! w-white p-p-power!
lmao im gonna go knock up my white gf and there's nothing you virgins can do about it
that's because my wife's a dumbass
Dva Wears Diapers
someone's mad
I want to cave her nazi skull in
>I'm not white
What are you then? Are you a cuck who likes the idea of D.VA fucking white guys?
We all know nobody actually talks about the game in overwatch threads user. Also why is Mei not thicc?
Gotta continue the white race as well if you want more bleaching.
Nazi girls are based
I love Southern women, beauty marks, and white hair on young women. It's like Blizzard made her for me.
Really hope I'm not the only one who finds this BLEACHED shit as cringe worthy as its BLACKED counterpart.
They're both fucking stupid fetishes to have and "BLEACHED" just feels like a desperate attempt to claim dignity and save face because blacked got so popular ironically.
are you gonna pay child support? because I sure ain't
>Really hope I'm not the only one who finds this BLEACHED shit as cringe worthy as its BLACKED counterpart.
That's a fair opinion to have
>the rest
lmao psychoanalysis is cringe dude
>Not having a full water tribe bush
>Aside from the internet/porn aspect, colonialism was real "bleaching" for hundreds of years before white women even saw black people in their day to day lives 99% of the time, therefore objectively predating any IRL semblance of blacking or the BBC meme
This is like saying "Nu-uh Apple didn't invent iphones!" Well no shit Sherlock. However we can all agree that Apple actualized the multitouch smartphone market to a degree nothing prior to it had.
BBC fetishism/raceplay has been popular since the 60's and 70's when porn started to become a thing. Sure there was also what you would call bleached back then, but one took off while the other is only growing in response to the insecurity that stems from the BBC mindrape that is going on at the moment, hence they are ripping off the style and "innovation" that Blacked and queen of spades has brought.
They're probably fapping
lol whatever makes you feel better champ
I wanna fuck DVa
Except, it’s kinda true with Asian gals.
>this thread
thanks fren
Wuds goin on in dis tread? :--DDD
I want to impregnate her and kiss her tattoos to show her I find absolutely everything about her beautiful.
this blacked vs bleached thing is very tiresome
Stupid as hell, definition of first world problem.
Worse is that the same kind of people came up with both of them, maybe even the same fucking people.
More like Holocausted
wypipo appropriating black culture yet again
It's hotter when it's subtle and not just BLEACHED WHITE COCK ONLY tattoos plastered all over their body and clothes
It's never subtle, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Not even Overwatch porn threads can be saved from this garbage now?