Female character in video games

>female character in video games
>current year
>still uses the unrealistic boob armor

When will we stop this stupid&sexist shit, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's sexy.

We don't

Theres nothing sexist in endorsing female strengths

Also armors keep getting overall more retarted. Can't they hire some style, history and armor experts?

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>When will we stop this stupid&sexist shit, Yea Forums?
Around the same time they stop having men walk around fully muscular wearing nothing much more than a lioncloth I guess.


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>bash a sword into their chest
>their armor fucking collapses into their sternum, basically killing them instantly

Boob armour is dangerous but you’re also not getting back up after being hit by a mace just once.

And no amount of red coloured juice will fix it.

It's called "fantasy" for a reason.

>mfw I'm guaranteed a killing blow if I hit anywhere in the chest because of the retarded concave boob armor

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women wearing armor isnt realistic in the first place

Attached: women are just as strong as men there is nothing unrealistic about women in combat.jpg (3056x3483, 3.27M)

>tfw its true for any armour

Alright Yea Forums pick one:
>boobs armor to hide the fact that the girl is flat
>flat armor to hide the fact that the girl has boobs

"Fantasy" is having Dune's Shield technology revert all combat to knife fighting, because that makes sense.
What doesn't make sense is somehow the laws of physics shifting into making boob armor viable for teen boys to ogle at.

welcome to the new internet reviewer world we live in.

gotta show how unrealistic fantasy is to show how much of an intellectual I am

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Do you have something against teen boys having fun?

>>flat armor to hide the fact that the girl has boobs

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Games with boob armor have many things more unrealistic in them than that.

You focusing on the boob armor means that the issue is with you.

A female Knight/soldier is already fantasy, what's the problem at that point?

I like that design. What can I say more, I just like girls :)

Imagine young paladin that first time dons the armor and is extremely embarrassed that her chest is amplified that way and everyone is watching

>criticizing a shitty trope

Truly the mind of a woman/fag is a labyrinthian thing.

hips > armor

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>deflecting inwards
>fall on your face, break your sternum

Why do you think the trope is shitty? Unrealistic does not make it shitty cause otherwise all video games would be shitty.


>not having a lion's head protecting your shlong
Check out this fucking knightlet.

it's fine if you dont like boob armor
but dont spout bullshit about realism when you want female warriors in your game
boob armor is much more realistic than that

>video game character takes dozens of bullets, bombs, sword blows to the head
>lol just drink a health potion
yeah that's fine
>"boob armour"

>Game full of city-destroying dragons, main characters summoning rains of lightning, and gunshots doing less damage than punches

Name a single video game with realistic armor from top to bottom that also has boobplate, ONE.

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I feel like this whole issues just illustrates how jelous and petty women are. Literally no boy I've ever known or heard of has been "jealous" of He-man and wanted to make him more realistic. Instead, you want to be LIKE him. Stupid cunts should take the same attitude and try to be more LIKE Barbie the same way men want to be more LIKE He-man.

>flat armor to hide the fact that the girl has boobs

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>everything that has boobs is sexist
why do you hate women OP?
have sex


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Someone who watched the Video here. The conclusion is that boob armor is not only perfectly safe, it's also realistic in the context of modern fantasy.

underrated post

Never you faggot

>putting words in my mouth in order to justify your bad argument

god i'm happy it's saturday and I genuinely feel I just have time to look at this and smile

Magic armor is a super common trope.

When you have magic weapons , attack skills , hit points , stamina points and all sorts of other elements that alter the realism of the combat then practicality is a mute point.

>>female character in video games
>>current year
if they bring no sex appeal give a reason why you like the character
you will fail

Armor doesn't work in fantasy, people cut through plate, mail like butter. Plot armor gives more protection than any other type of armor anyway

I wasn't but you clearly can't refute it anyway.

I don't understand why you would be upset about boob plate armour, armour highlighting exaggerated sexual or other physical status was very common and if you're in a fantasy setting where women can be warriors some may want to choose to be able to do something similar

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>Instead, you want to be LIKE him
What? People have always shit on He-Man by calling him gay, if they changed his underwear to rainbow colors, you'd be shitposting on how degenerate he looks.No one wanted to be like He Man.

Just give characters shields, in that case doesn't matter what they're wearing since the shield will provide most of the protection.

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> that carry down fail of a pump on the damage control team for the navy
> 4% of the men still fail it

> even after training

that shit must be the most brutal fucking task in the navy

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oh bohoo someone's attractive
someone bring me a gallon of ice cream while I go cry in the corner

Id rather a dfc anyway

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yeah, he really btfos the argument that boob armor would focus attacks to their sternum and make them impractical

Based Spartans.

>People have always shit on He-Man by calling him gay
You're thinking of that early 80's series. Other depictions like his 90's series and that movie are fucking great.

I never said potions/auto-regen was fine. I think unless the potions are clearly shown to be some bullshit magic alchemy that its applications are fucking stupid.

I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I'll defend its inclusion if the author/developer includes it anyway.

More outrage culture, Your Grace?

>boob armor is attractive
have sex

>he thinks arbalest care about the armor, at all
Imagine being a dumbass american, holy shit.

>complaining about boob armor not being realistic
>woman on the battlefield
a women being on the battlefield is already unrealistic, might as well keep going
>inb4 whataboutism
she’s the exemption not the standard

That makes it even more dangerous for the same reason it's dangerous on characters with boobs. It's because the armor would be pressing up against one specific spot at the center of the sternum, instead of being spread out across the entirety of the chest.


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>Woman fighting men
>realistic in the first place
It's already fantasy land if this is happening so you might as well go all the way and make it look good too.

Female warriors already breaks suspension of disbelief so who gives a shit if the armour doesn't make sense either.

do you have an issue with cosplay sex?

Here, have a good girl

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And her army.

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I can't tell if it's a girl or a boy-band lead singer


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Here's the video of OP's pic

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I remember having a screenshot on me that was an article with excerpts from a woman who served in the military explaining why women in combat teams are a bad idea, but I don't where it is

I've seen videos of late medieval reproduction crossbows being fired almost point blank into a steel chest plate and they either snap or richochet off. Knights were more often than not downed by their horses getting fucked or a lucky hit to a weak point like a joint in the armour.

Just put some extra padding. The room's there.


people who try to argue about death funnels are generally uninformed since it really isn't a thing


Gaston really let himself go after the sex change.

Any armor on the female body is unrealistic. Even modern kevlar fucks with women that only have A cups. They're literally not designed in any capacity for the female body.
You would have to spend years upon years finding even the most basic design that doesn't destroy the female torso, then make that viable armor.

Depends how thick the breast plate is dipshit.

First of all, realism is fucking cancer and second of all

>female knight

the only thing breaking through a chestplate is a warhammer and boobs or not you end up with a hole in your chest if it hits you clean

>males used codpieces to show off their dicks
>women wouldnt use boob plates to show off their boobs
Okay buddy

Boob armor is perfectly acceptable in fantasy and if society had turned out differently where females were the primary warriors in the time when armor was used then boob armor would have actually existed. not in the same obviously fantastical form, but armor was designed to emphasize the ideal form in order to create an image of strength, so it emphasized broad shoulders, large chest, and small waist (yes real plate armor had very tiny waists) so if the female form was the image of strength then yes in fact boob armor would exist, and in the rare situation that men wore it they'd be wearing boob armor and it'd be just as seemingly practical for them to do so as it is for female warriors in fantasy to wear regular male-shaped armor for us today.

That's how it actually works. To say boob armor is sexist or problematic is 100% the opposite, saying it shouldn't exist is actually sexist, because by all reason it 100% could exist. Saying it shouldn't is something muh patriarchy would do.

Literally 100% of the faggots complaining about "realistic" armor in a video game have no argument to stand on by any means. The only times these ever really matter are in realism/period simulators like Mordhau, Chivalry, and other historical games. Within the realm of fantasy, significantly stupider shit exists all across the board, and 99% of armor in those settings wouldn't protect the user from the myriad extremely dangerous shit found therein. The people who cry about boob armor day in and day out would never even begin to address characters wearing 900lb pauldrons or wearing armor plates that look about seven inches thick that have no discernible straps or means of being placed onto the character. They also seem to think that armor built with dozens of giant black spikes and covered in eyes is normal. But GOD HELP YOU if it's boob armor. Anything that is sexual utterly devastates my puritanical sensibilities.

Pic related, totally acceptable by supposed realismfags.

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Isn't the 'battle buddy' thing done with men, too?

Never ever ever gonna pander to sjw mental illness and neither should you. Pander once, or worse, apologize for it, they'll break you and everything you do in a second. Have the integrity to do whatever the fuck you want because offending somebody is not against the law and BOOB ARMOR is not legal ground for sexism in a court of law so go fuck yourself if you even think to report someone thinking you'll make them lose their job. Resist and don't give in to demands from the mentally ill.

t. successful illustrator

I prefer Longsword qt.

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women wear bras and that shit constricts and hurts them
women are just retarded and should embrace being sex objects
most of the attractive ones do this already and seem to be much happier than the ugly ones who complain like OP image

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Please don't use Shadversity to shitpost.

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I've always been fascinated by the shape. I suppose the slanted armor provides a bit thicker protection, but on the other hand it directs blows to the armpits which is not good at all.

This is mitigated when wearing full plate of course, but otherwise I feel you might be better off wearing a flat plate or something rounded differently.

Of course the chance that a blow might hit you in the armpit is better than striking unarmored torso so idk.

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its best to deflect projectiles and potentially get one in that arm than have one punch through a poorly made one

is burger queen a new disney character?

>look at that crease, you can totally cut through that hardened steel there!

Attached: 15th_century_Gothic_breastplate.jpg (811x1191, 404K)

B-b-b- is an unhealthy standard user, we can let our children grow up with models so toxics

This guy is so good, that video about the dual bladed sword got me fucking rock hard, I literally started fapping during it.

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If you wanted realistic armour for women the there wouldn't be any to begin with, dumb cunt

Retards still think that swordplay works like it does in movies, where a glancing slash cuts through plate armor like butter, and a strong enough thrust will somehow penetrate clean through like it's made out of wood.

What’s this from?

Are you retarded? It's not form-fitted, that's the point. What sort of chicken-chested mutants does that retard think were running around back then?

how else would modern faggot medieval trannies get their girl fix on when battling hard on orc dicks?

Ok, you have permission to use bulge armor for males, we are even now.

>he doesn't understand impact absorption
A clean smack to that crease will either lead to heavy bruises or broken ribs because that crease, while not too intruding, is still a crease
However, a giant wedge facing towards your fucking sternum will definitely cause heavy damage and possibly kill you before you hit the ground with a good enough whack

>female character in video games
>she isn't revealing her shoulders, navel and thighs

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holy fuck look at those 30 inch guns

Alright, can I get female characters wearing this?

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>sedentary blobs of virgin lard
>discussing effectiveness of armor shapes from their chairs

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>Implying there'd be a wedge in the plate
>Implying they actually bothered to make boob shaped armor from one piece
>Implying they wouldn't likely just slap 2 rpund bits of armor on an already existing chest plate and call it a day

>bayonetta tier proportions

You be saying?

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I don't think you'll think people with knowledge of metalcraft (or much of anything to be honest) at a gym somehow.

Some /tg/ drawanon.

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Imagine trying to introduce a child's toy in today's market where the main character is dressed as a BDSM closet case.

The only thing getting through plate armor regardless of where you hit it is a fucking pole axe.


>When will we stop this stupid&sexist shit, Yea Forums?
When will you stop trying to tell people how to do fantasy? Fuck off with your authoritarian bullshit

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Well, women in medieval armor are unrealistic to begin with. Even when they had armor made for them they were feminine. Unless they were hiding their identity to prevent from the chance of being captured and raped.

>humanoid lizard wearing armor
i am immersed
>humanoid lizard wearing boob armor
my immersion is broken! this is unrealistic!

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>M-my fantasy needs more medieval armor realism when it comes to women!
So all women at home shitting out babies it is then?

Watch shadversity you clown.

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My dog died 2 days ago. Looked like top left. She was 3 years old.

He is a collosal faggot and should stick to architecture videos, whenever he opens his mouth to talk about anything else its the cringiest shit ever


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He has literal experience with weapons, what the fuck are you talking about?

Fantasy is also having armour be suitable as armour no matter what it looks like. You can't put rules on the fantastic.

This is actual battle armor from medieval times.
It's fucking woven cloth, medieval armor was expensive and impractical, so the idea that women wearing armor should be realistic is fucking retarded because parading around in armor all the fucking time is fucking retarded.

If anything people in armor sat on a horse and watched the average soldier fight the battles somewhere in the back.

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You're a retard and have no experience with historical arms and armor

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Yet I know more than that fat cuck.
Watch his videos.

I did, over 50, you got a point or just here to shitpost?

Sounds like it would fit right in user, gonna steal that idea.

The Medieval era is a long stretch of time dude, by the end of it everyone was wearing full plate or brigandines

Get your head out of your ass.

>Yet I know more than that fat cuck
I don't believe a word from your chubby fingers

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If you want realism go outside. And then kill yourself.

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You realise like half of the super heros we have today are just wearing colored gimp suits, right?

Says the tranny white knighting a E-celeb.

So you're just here to shitpost. Gotcha.

>wearing armor

Attached: armor protect meeeeee.webm (468x346, 1.22M)

His favorite videogame of all time is dragons dogma, that alone makes him based.

>no argument
Concession accepted, go cope somewhere else.

And that's a good thing!

Fuck realism. I don't fantasy for realism. I fantasy for larger than life adventure about bold figures and icons.

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Yeah..its the boob armor thats the unrealistic part...right

Attached: RealisticArmor.png (540x699, 349K)

why are you faggots so easily baited jesus christ if anyone replies to that post I'll lose the tiny bit of faith I had in this board.

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crying about boob armor is the most retarded thing since there's nothing unsafe about it, armors having special designs isn't fantasy only, and most of all there never were any female knights.

literally only whiny feminists cry over boob armor.

Reminder any armor heavier than leather is a display of subpar tactics and speed.

Pic related, nice touch to carry your coffin lid with that useless ''glaive''

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Sensible armor

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I dont care what kind of armor the girls wear, as long as they are cute I am ok with it

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realismfag here, that shit in your picture makes me fucking seethe, too.
Most Japanese fantasy games/animes are guilty of this shit, I can't play them. Oh! Let's run around with my belly uncovered and do spinning attacks all day! It's all garbage, the fastfood-equivalent of fantasy.
I prefer low fantasy. You can have health potions, magic rings, sure. But everyone in the setting ignoring the big, glowing weakspot (no helmet, unprotected belly, ...), just so that the "design looks cool"? Fuck that. At least have an excuse like "My magic circlet has a force field that is as strong as a steel helmet!"

Maria the Virgin Witch was a halfway decent example of "believable fantasy".
The witches wear whatever, because they can just magic projectiles away, while the common soldier has to protect himself the best he can.

And don't get me started on 1000-year old lolis running around with scythes, mowing down thousands of soldiers, utter garbage.

>Creature in video game
>Giant lizard with wings and breaths fire
>Current year

Argument about WHAT? You literally made absolutely no point in any of your posts.

Magic isn't realistic. You are ridiculous.

Re-read my posts.

Let's be honest, Kratos is sexualized AND heroically idealized, not to mention there are many variations for every single one of those categories.

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I did, you made no argument or point whatsoever. Sayin "he's wrong" means jackshit. Wrong about what? Why? In which video? You're just shitposting.

>realism in fantasy
news flash
if an important character needs to get shanked, it's going to happen regardless of whether they have armour or not
nobody is going to make an important character with boob armor get killed randomly because the boob armour redirected the blow or some shit

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I'm not arguing for "realism", in the sense of depicting reality, I am arguing for believability/plausibility. This whole argument just stems from the colloquial usage/different definitions of "realistic".

Only true answer.

Confirmed for never having worn armor before, armor doesnt slow you down unless you're a fucking child

>middle right
The fuck is that worm?

Dark souls got it right. The females wear the same armor. Armor isn't supposed to be skin tight so it doesn't make sense for there to be a boob case.

>yet i know more
battlecry of the ignorant

Attached: a cute dogo.webm (480x480, 1.4M)

>getting clad in steel doesn't slow you down

>modern bullet resistant vest is 20kg
>only stops the cuckiest of rounds

jesus fucking christ, is this a bait?

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Whoops! Almost rolled into a shitpost

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why did you start talking about bullets and body armor like it is relevant to a discussion about if breasts in breastplate are detrimental
you fucking goalpost moving faggot

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It slows you down, but not much. It's a decent trade-of for not dying that fast.

You're right. Adding weight to your body actually makes you faster.


Codpiece doesn't change functionality of armor. Meanwhile boob armor actually does.

user a: "armor makes you slower"
user b: "armor doesn't make you slower"
you, to user b: "armor doesn't make you faster, idiot"

That is not what user b said, learn how logic works.

Boob armour is fucking disgusting

Not because of sexism or anything it just looks kind of tacky

most women cant do a single push up and you expect them to move properly while wearing 20kg+ of armor and handling a heavy weapon


Chainmail > Plate

Plate mail is evenly distributed around the body and isn't a hindrance to someone used to wearing it

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because obviously there is more info on the relatively light bullet resistant armor than mediëval armor, shocker, I know. Getting clad in steel is retarded and any weight making you slower is a deadweight. A crossbow bolt is going to AT THE VERY LEAST hurt you in full plate, rendering you immobile. Unarmored you'll die straight away. In both cases you are out of comission. Best is to go for speed and mobility.

If you don't need to be that mobile, like a town guard, sure. However any bandit ambush will end badly for you as you can't pursuit and they can exit whenever they want. If you INSIST on armor get very lightweight intimidation armor (aztec) or intimidation tattoos (Maori). Always fight in rough or very soft terrain if you can help it.

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That's like arguing that the American military must be unable to fight, because a large percentage of Americans is morbidly obese.

you think the bikini is best?

I don't care about realism in armor design, but it looks really ugly and assumes the onlooker is retarded, like you can't figure out the wearer is a chick and/or that you HAVE to be looking at something that makes your dick lift

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Mud, water and higher kinetic impact (the denser you are, the more it hurts…)

I carried 60 Kg of rocks around my pockets (they're pretty, don't Judge) and distributed them too. Sure, I can jump, I can scale 22.5 degree ledges, I can walk through mud... but my knees and gravity disagree with me.

>be richfag who buys plate to show off my battle-penis
>Get wrestled to the ground by 6 peasants and get shank-rushed in my face

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how would that even work? i mean okay if you had particularly big boobs, but wouldn't it just make more sense to have the armour looser to account for the boobs? does it work like an armoured bra you put over the armour?


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>humanoid lizard does a sexy belly dance
immersion restored!

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I love it when zoomers show that they've been living in a bubble and don't know of time before their existence.
NEWSFLASH FUCKFACE! SpaceBattles has been primetime "fantasy is unrealistic" autism since like 08 and has been infamous all over the internet. Even before then, IRC chats used to be full of full-retard tier autism blowouts. And before that, nerd magazines used to be drowning in fan letters that were 1000 words of pure on-the-spectrum vitriol about how Red Sonja should be dead by now and theres no way that a dragon could reasonably breathe fire and yadda yadda yadda.

Every armor has strength and weaknesses in certain scenarios (falling from a bridge into a lake, wearing full plate etc).
In a large field battle, I would still prefer plate armor.

this, intimidation/morale boosting (think officer/general) armor is proven to have an effect though. why do you think bandits/raiders/savages with their warped trash armor come off as so freaky?

if a woman even got that far, they were just squished. women were like a seperate species with no rights so a handmade armor makes no sense.

There is nothing greater than bikini and boob armor. Great and powerful armies have lost by the sheer awesomeness and eternal channeling of divinity harnessed through the embrace of minimalist armor. The less armor you have on, the greater durability and longevity which you possess.

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I don't think you have any idea what you're talkin' about

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>Post Shad image when the guy himself said its okay
I fucking hate Yea Forums 'armor experts'

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In such battle I'd either be a siege engineer or part of a flank team, Guerilla is my style but can you get off by only guerilla battles alone? as often Guerilla is an incursion versus a state, not state on state.

If you fall into shallow-ish water (let's say 5 metres) with full plate, can you detach your arm and leg armor quickly enough and is it enough to wrestle up?

>common footsoldier is decked out in full plate instead of a metal fedora and chestplate at best
This offends me more than tits armor desu

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maybe, depends on the context of the game and how it's designed

If they just make a game where the race takes on the aesthetic of the Picts/Celts there doesn't have to be a fight about this. Just give em tattoos and they can be as skimpy as they want.

t. American that barely can carry his belly

about that guy, are there even 60kg armors? that's as much as a healthy adult woman.

>as often Guerilla is an incursion versus a state, not state on state.
Nigger look up Fabian.

How about mercs? Mercs do what merc want. or the more good-aligned version, ''adventurer'' (read: treasure hunter)

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France and england were pretty well decked out by the end of the 100 years war

top kek

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Keyword OFTEN. You could've just said 'Nam too. The commie state kept employing these methods?

>about that guy, are there even 60kg armors? that's as much as a healthy adult woman.
I forget if it's MUHREENS or Armyfags in general, but they have to lug around roughly 50-60kgs in equipment, their armour makes up about half of that.

No, I'm saying that damaging an enemies logistical capabilities through small scale attacks has always been a thing, and very often.

but mediëval people were less healthy, shorter, and nutritional knowledge isn't what it is now either. How hellish is that to carry, what I asume, your body weight?

I haven't tried it (well, who has, apart from these guys vimeo.com/13634653), but I would strongly guess you can't.
My plate arms for example are 3 straps, plus 3 knots per arm, with the knots being leather strips that are hard to undo, especially since they're under the arm AND they're under the pauldrons.
The legs are knotted to the lendenier, which is beneath my brigandine, equally hard to reach, and it has more straps.

The people that could afford such armor were usually fit and well fed enough.

Get bent brainlet

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add panic if underwater. so pretty much you are carrion for the Whirligig beetles?

what for cities though? attrition?

correct, they had the means, but meat was a luxury item by then. wouldn't they overindulge and gorge on that? I'm curious how good nutritional knowledge was by then.

>but mediëval people were less healthy, shorter, and nutritional knowledge isn't what it is now either.
Their diets actually weren't that bad, comparable to a second world nation most of the time.
>How hellish is that to carry, what I asume, your body weight?
They didn't, their equipment was typically far lighter, it was mostly the nobles or richer soldiers that used heavy armour, and even then it was probably lighter than what modern soldiers carry.
Don't you have a cuckshed to be in EUfag?

>what for cities though? attrition?
Look up the lead up to the battle of the golden spurs for an example.

>add panic if underwater. so pretty much you are carrion for the Whirligig beetles?

Basically, yes.

>correct, they had the means, but meat was a luxury item by then. wouldn't they overindulge and gorge on that? I'm curious how good nutritional knowledge was by then.


Except one can achieve a fine balance between heavy armor and being light enough to say, remain mobile, and different situations ask for different levels of armor. History of combat in Europe proves you're full of shit.

>dissing Europe while talking about mediëval armor


Dangerous how? Like dangerous to put in games because faggots think it's harmful to society or dangerous as in you're going to draw blows towards your body and something is going to pierce your armor and kill you? The latter makes sense at least.

>Implying modern Europeans are anything like the medi(((e))val specimens

>It's completely unrealistic to accentuate sexual features through armor

Attached: codpiece.jpg (400x600, 49K)

Not that guy but what if the flood season hit? getting stuck in mud sounds BAD while in armor.

I'd legitimately be happy if my parliament gets nuked, I'd give you that.

>Not that guy but what if the flood season hit? getting stuck in mud sounds BAD while in armor.
Look up Denmark getting JUSTed by Dithmarschen

is that something regular? I saw Germanic armors and they have very pointy visors and not the chad armor.

it doesn't though, because you're still dealing with hardened steel. plus the force of the blow will be reduced greatly by the initial impact, so when it's "funneled" to the sternum it won't have enough force to be a concern

How is boobplate even dangerous? You could reinforce the cleavage with more metal or just put more padding in the sternum. This shit would've fallen out of favor past antiquity anyhow had women been the ones expected to go to war in the first place

Attached: 084.png (600x512, 259K)

>Not that guy but what if the flood season hit?
That's why I mentioned "different situations ask for different levels of armor". Successive victories prove that some protection beats no protection every single time, the question is how much so it doesn't overburden the army.

What part of the armor are you asking about?
The visor is the part of the helmet that you can lower or raise.
A helmet with a pointy visor could be a Houndskull Bascinet.

Or are you talking about the codpiece?

Not entirely true. The problem is that a concave area is a structural weak spot. A large percentage of the protection you get from a breastplate is due to the fact that it is curved in all directions. That's why cheap larp armor can cave in when you hit it, while historical armor doesn't.
If you have a concave spot, this spot will
a) press against your sternum each time you're hit
b) catch bolts, they don't lose THAT much energy if they already hit close to the concave part
c) not be able to transport the impact energy away from the spot it's hit as well as regular armor.

>boob armor isnt realistic

Attached: armor5.jpg (702x973, 197K)

>Japanese people bow to each other
>wear large, hard hat, with sharp edge on the front
>bow before your enemy
>crush his skull

>armor is heavy and cumbersome!

Attached: plate mail mobility.gif (720x404, 3.28M)

Wow he actually put enough points into his strength to wear armor on a dex build

Attached: laugh 2.jpg (1107x1109, 165K)

>bow before your enemy

>Yea Forums again shows how basic and uneducated neets with no stem degree they are, as they don't know about fashion design
Croquis -> nine heads tall figure is the accepted proportions for /fa/ illustration

Why are you using examples of the late 80s,old man


I would actually love to know how the statistic of Yea Forums users looks like, what education etc. A shame you would never get useful data.

Attached: mortal kombat11.jpg (972x710, 108K)

Do you have one with armored girls?

Have sex


Wasn't this armor made as a protection against firearms?

>this is what a bowlet actually believes

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for

their forms really leave something to be desired. they're just kinda whacking the swords together without actually aiming for one another's bodies, and the way they carry their shields, they may as well not even be using them

Attached: think.png (1310x1346, 1.06M)

They cute


Attached: BreastArmor.jpg (680x690, 133K)

because believable is boring retard

Being like He-man involves bulking out and spending copious amounts of time trying to reach a figure you may not be able to.

Being like Barbie involves starving yourself and spending copious amounts of money on makeup and also being white

The more you go to eastern Europe, the more you get this kind of stuff. Like Battle of the Nations aka let's whack each other with metal, fully armored, until someone runs out of stamina or falls over.

If you combine historical realism with action you get this, which I like a lot more: youtube.com/watch?v=Cn36Pb8z3yI

>Post thumbnail pic from youtube video
>repeat bullshit said youtube video disproves.
What did OP mean by this?

No more dangerous than a female in a medieval combat field.


>repeat bullshit said youtube video disproves
Wrong, those hemafags love to sperg about how improved and better fantasy would be if was realistic

How is what I said wrong? That video proves boob armor ISN'T dangerous, and that is what I said. OP repeats the idea it is, despite using the thumbnail from a video that says its not. So how is anything I said wrong?


>tfw there will never be a HD remastered Xena because they shot the episodes with shitty cameras

Being like barbie requires having a semblance of self control in what you eat and light fucking cardio you dyel. Oh and stop eating sugar.

> posting amp links
Dude, never do that.

She is literally a stick figure you dumb broad

>girls rate skyrocket
>80% of suicides are still male

>Knights were more often than not downed by their horses getting fucked
Why would that fuck them up?

>see video
>its blatantly elongated to be over 10 minutes long for the sweet ad revenue
>immediately close it

Horses almost never stay still during it and the force of being knocked off in armor can be devastating in a fight.

Why would violently falling off a horse fuck you up? Especially when you are probably falling down right next to an enemy? Are you retarded?

Pretty sure being in armor makes you more safe against falls than if you weren't wearing it.

Why did you post an image of a video that Disproves your fucking post

Being knocked off a horse its like falling off a rather tall plaform, its worse if it the horse falls on you.

But actually I was just fishing for the "hurr durr knights couldn't get up if they fell"-stupidity, seems you dodged that :^)

Not necessarily. You are still absorbing the weight of your body plus armor striking the ground from several feet up.

There is a reason why blunt weapons were the go to weapon against plate armor. Nothing stops blunt force entirely.

> by their horses getting fucked
And I thought you meant that differently...


Stop looking to fiction to depict realistic standards of combat. A woman isn't gonna be in a suit of armor to begin with.

knights couldn't get up if they fell mostly because the combined weight falling off the horse knocked the wind out of them at best

The average peasant ate a diet that would make a /fit/izen cream themselves user

Not american but that xbow on pic related neither has metal prod nor a reloading mechanism so it cant be an arbalest

Just saying so you dont mix it up

The armor protects from blunt-force as well.

>knights couldn't get up if they fell
>because the combined weight falling off the horse knocked the wind out of them at best
Double false.

I'll believe that when I see it. Show videos.

Girls are retarded and want the bar lowered to their level. Men want to climb up to the bar.

That's not even Barbie, it's a cheap copy

Steel can't cut through steel.

>Comments are disabled for this video.
>Like and dislike disabled
Not surprised.

>game has realistic armor
>its boring as fuck because male/females move at a snails pace, have shit vision, limited flexibility in combat, and fucked when they fall over.

I'll take my boob armor, magic positions, and other high fantasy fag. You can keep playing farm sim for "realistic".

Attached: 1557763212957.jpg (750x1000, 338K)

>man choosing how he gets off his horse is the same as being removed from your horse violently

Daily reminder that armors can't stop arrows.

Attached: boob armor.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Rule of cool > practicality

realistically if women wore armor they probably would have it fashioned so that it gave them a prominent bust at the very least

Attached: 1547387101539.jpg (208x241, 14K)

Videos being between 10-15 minutes is a good habit to get into. I click away crib 3-5 minute videos because I know I'm not going to get a lot out of it, and I avoid 20+ minute videos unless they're about a topic I'm very interested in.

She's dressed like a WHOOOOOOOOOOORE

The solution is to vote Trump in 2020 if you want to put Tranny faggots and SJWs in their place. Trump winning in 2020 will deal a massive, irreversible blow to these degenerates, many of whom will proceed to kill themselves.

Get Woke Get Rope

Attached: 1509986498708.jpg (1216x937, 292K)

b-but muh concave

>its boring as fuck because male/females move at a snails pace, have shit vision, limited flexibility in combat, and fucked when they fall over.
Why would that be boring?

meant for

Even better, bind their breasts anyways and have the entire bust portion made of solid metal
Opponent goes for a chest strike thinking it'll cave the girl's chest in but then CLUNK

the first one is also Muh dick. Having sexy female in fantasy is not and never will be sexist

Assuming armor is weak as shit, hitting the codpiece would push the edges of the piece inside, instantly castrating the man inside the armor.
But see, armor isn't weak as shit, and therefore both codpieces and boob armor works.
Note that I'm talking about a codpiece like the one in , not the style that for example boxers use.

>really leave something to be desired
Shut up

game ?

dis nigga fatrolling
someone get this madlad a Havel's ring

Attached: 1553044471558.png (500x522, 252K)

Looks like a modded Skyrim

If we want to talk about realism then consider how women choose how to dress
>love to wear clothes that are flashy and draw attention to her
>they pay vietnamese money to give them long useless fingernails
>perfectly willing to sacrifice practicality and comfort to achieve this
You can bet your ass women would parade around in armor that gave the impression that they had great tits, given the opportunity

Attached: peter_griff.jpg (624x479, 76K)

most likely because some shitters can't deal with people enjoying stuff that they historically couldn't

>he fell for the Trump meme.
Got another one

Attached: bdovalkyriejoustingarmor.jpg (866x1056, 159K)

Lads why did they ruin Siegried so hard

Attached: siegried.jpg (512x512, 60K)

I just realized what's their argument for mages who don't wear any armor? It's a fantasy setting afterall.

He said LIKE, He-Man, not the spitting image of He-Man. His cartoon proportions are an unattainable ideal to get closer to. Handsome, buff, brave. Being more like He-Man could be as simple as improving yourself by some degree. Replace He-Man with any ideal figure and you have the basis of religion. I think the issue is that women simply do not have ideals. They want to be held up against nothing that they can fall short of, so they tear everything around them down, trying to level the playing field to wherever they are.

>current year
>still throwing a hissyfit over "realism" in a medium disegined for escapism.

Women wearing historically accurate armor really turns me on. Not historically accurate, even; just when they wear functional looking kit. Same with the Israeli Jewesses in uniform. I think Mass Effect struck a good balance. In the first game, at least; the armor on the female models was form-fitting and curvy, accentuating their figure while still being full coverage. The men's was the exact same thing so nobody could bitch.

I always assumed it was because magic-users are arrogant and like to dab on people with lightning and shit in their bathrobes.

depends on the setting
>armor makes you too clumsy and slow for the elaborate magic hand movements
>the gods say you cant wear armor
>metal interferes with magic
it's all just bullshit for balance reasons

>its boring as fuck because male/females move at a snails pace, have shit vision, limited flexibility in combat, and fucked when they fall over.

Attached: 1551620301987.jpg (1853x2550, 1010K)

Magic is near impossible to cast in metal armor

Attached: 7b1.png (600x568, 300K)

Attached: kuf.jpg (3000x3000, 2.68M)

>emphasizing the chest in any way is considered bad design on armor
>but abs on armor isn't
It's because abs are typically associated with men isn't it?


I can lift 400lbs without problems. but Powered Armor will give us that. We will see single men being as powerful as entire tank battalions. Technology and transhumanism will elevate us to gods.

What is unrealistic on boob armor?

Attached: 1549793637978.jpg (960x595, 63K)

It's probably because abs are just small ridged bumps whereas boob armour adds giant colossal orbs that would be unfeasible to afford or waste materials on.

>and spending copious amounts of time trying to reach a figure you may not be able to.

At which point you realize its not about having literally the same type of body as someone like He-Man or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but rather that you should strive for self-betterment regardless of what endgoal you set for yourself.

I just don't consider women in combat roles realistic nor should it shown in fantasy either. The same goes for female "badasses" acting like, it looks corny and pathetic.

Not him, but I remember it right, its balancing reasons, or else everyone would like to play mage knight

>wearing armor for any reason besides fashion

Attached: deprived.jpg (450x675, 28K)

Reminder that

>you can swim in plate. Most people in the ancient world were just shitty swimmers
>mail is heavier than plate
>The terms "Chain Mail" and "Plate Mail" are anachronisms. It's just mail or plate.
>full plate existed for the briefest period of history
>Leather was an expensive material typically limited to straps or vambraces. Besides the odd rich man's cuirass there was no such thing as true 'leather armour' besides strips of rawhide
>you can't draw a longsword over your shoulder
>crossbows were the mainstay ranged weapon of medieval continental europe. It's just that due to our collective english heritage we have a pre-disposed bias towards the longbow.
>plate was mostly impervious to projectiles
>shields are made of wood

Attached: Medievil Knight Wallpaper__yvt2.jpg (1024x768, 465K)

Now post the female Dragoon from Tactics Ogre.

>put her hair around her neck

>you can't draw a longsword over your shoulder

What? I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by that.

>all that shit was frail and highly expensive to maintain and a single blow from a hammer was enough to get rid of it

I was trained in blacksmithing for 3 years and 2 additional years in ornamental blacksmithing. I have not the slightest clue how to even construct something like that.

Realism would be women not in armor at all and instead sewing fabric or cooking at home while the men are decked in armor protecting the kingdom.
So either take the titty armor or fuck off.

If by 'get rid of it' you mean puncture it in a small area and pierce the flesh beneath then yeah sure. The armour didn't shatter and disintegrate.

Attached: medieval warhammer.png (850x850, 50K)

I mean getting rid of it, a dinky hole is all that is needed, so might trash it all.

If women in games werent half naked why would anyone care about them, for their lovely personalities?

Realismfags and Graphicsfags need to kill themselves.

Probably because the armour still protects you from all the other shit on the battlefield you ninny.

well video game women can have lovely personalities, unlike real women

Realism is retarded because it's selectively enforced and no one wants to admit to it.

I'm just saying, if we're going to prefer mega lizard dinosaurs instead of giant squawking chickens, I should have a right to see boob armor for aesthetic pleasure. Fuck all your fantasy auditing under the guise of moral authority or supposed quality control. I just want shit that looks enjoyable and I think entertainment is big enough to accommodate multiple tastes instead of culling out or superseding the "wrong" ones.

barbie is unhealthily thin
he-man is just peak performance

>complaining about boob armor being unrealistic when women in armor is unrealistic in general

>he-man is just juice
Fixed for you.
3% of humanity can get that physique natty.

>A gambeson (cloth armor) could stop arrows and sword hits

>that obvious pratfall

That's ornamental jousting armor. If any Knight brought that into serious combat they'd have their dick sheared off by a mace/hammer hit near instantly

Boob armor on markedly ornamental armor is fine, just keep that shit out of combat

no neck protection

With todays technology we can build medieval armor that is impervious to these weapons

Pretty much this. He-Man sold a lie that bigger muscles = bigger strength.

Also Heracles.

What did he mean by sheared off?

I have that physique and size, does that mean I don't need armor?

>full plate existed for the briefest period of history
Man one would think the fucking things existed for like 500 years

Attached: 1551695313156.png (500x485, 373K)

>He-Man sold a lie that bigger muscles = bigger strength.
how is that a lie
have you seen strongman competitions

No. Flesh doesn't get harder because of muscles.

Toriyama, Siegel and Shuster fed you sweet lies.

based spaghetti knight

There's more than one way to be like someone, and in this Barbie has a clear advantage.
Barbie has had a number of jobs, hobbies, friends, and events that she enjoys.

He-Man is a nigga with a sword who fights evil.
Now you can have a single boiled egg for breakfast, not have a three course meal for dinner, and jog for a couple miles every day and eventually end up physically like Barbie. But to go further is actually more rewarding, adopt a puppy or a kitten, try out horseback riding or camping, strive to be a nurse or doctor a soccer player, a stewardess, or a goddamn astronaut.
I gave my baby sister this same speech back when she was a little chubster at seven, and she was starting to go down this "unrealistic, starve myself" hole.

Attached: 1527531879817.png (351x319, 37K)

Thank you, my thoughts exactly. Nerds ruined nerd fantasies.

look at the sheer size of that lass' pauldrons
absolute unit

>whereas boob armour adds giant colossal orbs that would be unfeasible to afford or waste materials on
Anyone able to afford plate would be rich as fuck, retard

Attached: um sir.jpg (498x600, 70K)

Ivan haven’t you made enough shitposts to earn your borscht for the week

>armor only covers your pussy

Attached: cat-armor-by-jeff-de-boer.jpg (540x434, 38K)

>I just want shit that looks enjoyable and I think entertainment is big enough to accommodate multiple tastes instead of culling out or superseding the "wrong" ones.

This is my issue. There used to be a time where each camp could enjoy their stuff on their own terms, but after a certain point certain people started screeching about "realism" in shit where realism was never meant to be a factor. I don't necessarily mind women in "realistic" armor, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop enjoying bikini armors, nor will I demand every woman be in them. But it seems like the people who don't like revealing outfits REALLY won't shut the fuck up about it or just let shit be. Then they act surprised and indignant when there's pushback against their bitching. Ironically, the most egregious examples that they bitch about tend to be outliers to begin with.

Yeah and strongfat usually comes out on top functionally. Unless you're talking about muscle pageants.

So should big guys wear plate or is custom fitting plate to this size simply too expensive? Should I stick to leather armor?

Have you?
Nobody looks like He-Man there, they're all dudes with tree trunk abdomens and probably a gut on top of that.
Someone who looked like he man would break something at a strongman competition.
He-Man works his upper and lower body, but doesn't do anything that requires his midsection except situps.

you said that big muscles dont equal strength
you never said anything about fat and neither did i

everyone in the strongman competitions has big muscles
because bigger muscles = bigger strenght

if you put your longsword on your back and strap the sheathe, you will not be able to unsheathe over your shoulder because it's a LONG sword

Video games really fuck with your senses when it comes to that.

Attached: DrpfZvfV4AEmpV4.jpg (399x399, 25K)

>Pokémon Sword and Shield in a nutshell

Attached: Jeanne_d'Arc.jpg (770x1062, 1.07M)

>Moving the goalpost this bad


mordred's armor from fate is a good mix of practical and fantasy.

Attached: fate mordred.jpg (736x865, 100K)

you are the one moving the goalpost

Sacred trips of God.
>tfw you will never fight alongside Jeanne removing the eternal Anglo


Attached: 1555945863197.jpg (800x450, 70K)

watch any movie with The Rock
same shit

user, what the guy meant is that you don't have definition like that and have it be functional.
Without fat to support it, you would damage joints trying to use the muscles you have.
Like I said, that shit ain't natty, it's juice.
For example, katanas are shorter than most longswords, and curved, to make them easier to draw from back position on horseback. They are a cavalry weapon, different from the original tachis which were straight, single edged (in most cases) weapons designed to supplement bows and lances.

would smash

>stupid horn things out the back
>that weird as fuck solid metal frame dress thing
Mordred is lucky she's cute.

she would most likely be very disapointed in how france turned out.

Attached: Calisto.jpg (500x402, 52K)

Women in combat isn't realistic.

Women in combat wearing armor is realistic.

These are two separate points that keep getting mixed up. It's like saying flying cars aren't realistic so they wouldn't have seatbelts. It's circular logic.

cool looking > practical
this applies to every single thing in any vidya

Jeanne is for loyally defending and fighting besides, not smashing.

>female armour is pretty much the same as male armour

Attached: Dragoon.jpg (2768x2710, 900K)

>Like I said, that shit ain't natty, it's juice.
and you said
>3% of humanity can get that physique natty.
that's a lot of fucking people
that means we have 100 million guys looking like he-man without using steroids

Be more concerned about how the woman is constructed.

Alright then, let's use some more modern examples that are coincidentally very fucking popular with women.

Attached: 1534513393273.png (1302x800, 1.32M)


Attached: absolutely solid.png (456x810, 327K)

Calisto was always hotter than Xena.

Anyone have any /tg/ infographics that demonstrate the difference between Realistic/Heroically Idealized/Fantasy?

If you’d actually watch that video he points out how tons of men’s armor incorporated very slimming waistlines which would have also caught hits rather than deflecting them. Armor was full of features that favored fashion over survivability.

Women in practical armor that is peeled away to reveal the naughty bits is fetish kino.

Attached: 1557232828226.png (500x500, 226K)

the horns are part of her helmet

Attached: mordred helmet.gif (476x261, 2.54M)

>women in armor
kys retardera

big rock break small rock, dumb berrypicker

That's some Final Fantasy XII Judge looking shit.

No, it means we have 100 million guys who COULD look like he-man if they put in the outrageous amount of work needed to get that physique, and that is maybe 10% of that number.
I'll give you an out. Post a pic of a guy with he-man's physique, then post 2 more different guys with it.
You can't.
That isn't He-man big, user.
That's what most guys could achieve with a regimented workout regime and diet in 2 years time.
And yes, women like it, why wouldn't they?

weren't the more longer japanese blades mainly used on horseback?
like the odachi?

Attached: japanese sword sizes.jpg (2560x1600, 188K)

I mean fit men don't lead to self esteem issues and cries for unattainable beauty standards because men aren't little bitches.

>That's what most guys could achieve with a regimented workout regime and diet in 2 years time.

Most of those actors used steroids.

>shields are made of wood
did anyone ever doubt this?

arnold in his prime probaly comes the closest to he-man level of body

Attached: arnold.jpg (448x614, 76K)

but not from Tetanus, nigger.
kniggers aren't terminators, a deep wound makes a person usually unable to fight

I agree, but Xena would fuck a dude into the dirt and make him breakfast in the morning.
Calisto would probably kill him as soon as she got off, then roll off the corpse and take a nap. I ain't dying for pussy, no matter how good.

So why is Mordred a girl?

Post more art from this dude. I was expecting this thread to be full of it by now instead of this shit.

Link to full pic?
Nothing wrong with that, the Judges were stylish as hell.

That's why you fuck Calisto during the period Xena inhabited her body.

homunculus clone offspring of arturia & morgana (when merlin used his magic to briefly give arturia a dick as a joke)
even though mordred is female, she got raised as a boy and thus hates being called a woman

Attached: mordred vs lancer arturia alter.jpg (1574x800, 497K)

No, user, odachis were used for countering mounted warriors and out-ranging footsoldiers, similar to claymores and zweihanders.
Probably, user, but I won't assume without proof or admission. Stallone, for example, has admitted he juiced, the Rock adamantly denies it.
Maybe I'm naive enough to want to assume honesty from others.

Plate, like any other full body armor required heavy endurance to move around in and was heavily affected by the weather, temperatures, and environment. The image you posted is also horribly inaccurate, aside from not wearing the full suit from undergarment to the plate, that plate mail isn't actually plate mail, it's a costume.

Fuck yo couch, nigga

>6 layered arms
haha, no

Ahnold is a freak that should have had his sperm preserved to spread his genes.

Attached: armor59.png (1074x1920, 385K)

What are these tests? I literally googled "P250 pump, carry down" and the only relevant results were linking this exact document again.

wtf no one would have pink hair back then

like geralt does
or more geralt does itt correctly and moves it so he can unsheath

>it's a costume
A bold statement, user.
Prepared to offer proof that it isn't genuine to historical standard?

Is this an orangutan?

>tfw you will never be her squire
>tfw she will never sit on your face

>back then

Someone doesn't know.

It's a display of not wanting to get fucked by arrows.
Where did you even wear armor at, you crazy fuck?

Attached: jeanne d'arc armor.jpg (600x743, 75K)

Armour protected reasonably well against bolts and arrows. They managed to make bullet proof armour up to the 19th century.

Attached: 1528136866334.jpg (450x600, 72K)

.... I concede to your greater wisdom.
It's also a video game.

Attached: Shota Koutei Kyoudai ni Torawareta Bakunyuu Onna Kishi 2.jpg (2030x3015, 2.45M)

if you compared the rock to his wresteling days, to how he looks now. it's Obvious he's juicing

knights trained while wearing plate armor. so they got used to the weight. knights where not slow moving tanks, they could run in the armor

Attached: machiko noguchi.jpg (189x266, 7K)

Cloudfried is best Siegfried.


Attached: Yotsulook and leave.jpg (261x440, 32K)

Face has some of the worst arms and armour designs in anime history - and this is quite the achievement.

That's no good

Bolts and arrows were better at penetrating for a really long time, mostly due to mass


>shields are made of wood
Generally true but full metal shields did exist, e.g. some bucklers or round-targes. Usually, these were comparatively small shields though. Anything larger was usually made out of wood, otherwise it would be impractically heavy.

Attached: 1535506255185.jpg (1280x853, 184K)

Now read the legal, the armors and weapons are recreations. As in not the real thing.

boob plate is ugly! UGLY!

Attached: 74682417_p0.jpg (2369x4137, 1.78M)

>And yes, women like it, why wouldn't they?

They can like it all they want, but its fucking hypocritical when there's all this bitching about guys enjoying supermodel-tier women or society pushing unrealistic standards or some shit. The women who bitch about unrealistically attractive females in fiction conveniently shut up once they see a buff sweaty shirtless man who soaks their panties.

The one retarded part about boob armour isn’t the impact it funnels to the chest, but the fact that it basically assumes the woman isn’t wearing anything underneath. Due to any protective gear worn under the armour you would bind your boobs and essentially run around with two hollow domes on your chest. Still not impossible due to aesthetics, but monoboob armour would be preferable

Not the guy you're talking to but they literally show you the originals they were based on. Obviously they wouldn't want to damage the originals but the armours you see there are definitely reasonably accurate.

You've already been proven to be wrong. Leave in dignity or garner even more shame.

Light armor is best armor.
Hehe. Get it? "Light" armor?

Attached: 1534439454305.jpg (1431x2023, 284K)

...Except you'd probably get more glancing blows due to larger angles
Boob armour negates your bolts, bitch

Attached: Saxa.jpg (940x627, 328K)

I wonder how well full plate protect against large animal attacks? A bear would probably just smash your shit but imagine a pack of wolves or a cheetah. They can't really get a good swipe or bite out of you.

Attached: armor25.jpg (1200x1400, 196K)

>This princess wears running shoes
Is that the joke?

Early firearms actually used quite heavy projectiles, one should not underestimate their potential at short ranges. The problem was mostly that they would lose energy quickly, as they were not yet using aerodynamic projectiles. When it comes to penetrating armour, I would put my money on an arquebus over a bow or crossbow.

Attached: 1543859144435.png (1713x941, 425K)

Which is understandable, but it should also be noted that they were made using different material and techniques. The metals in particular in recreations tend to be more refined, lighter, and thinner than the originals. For instance the joint rivets on the recreations are cleaner and more mobile than what you'd find on the originals. The sheet steel they use for the plates on the recreations also tend to be significantly thinner and lighter requiring less endurance to move around like displayed in that video.

Proven wrong how, by someone posting the video that straight up says they aren't the real thing? Oh no, my dignity.

A complete suit of plate armour made from well-tempered steel would weigh around 15–25 kg. The wearer remained highly agile and could jump, run and otherwise move freely as the weight of the armour was spread evenly throughout the body.

This guy's armor (without bacinet) weighs 28.18kg

Fucking summerfags

more chest armor = better protection

makes sense to me

>The metals in particular in recreations tend to be more refined, lighter, and thinner than the originals.
It is actually the opposite: a modern made armour is usually made from a piece of sheet metal that is cut out and then hammered into shape. A historical piece of armour would be driven into shape from a bar which means that it will naturally be thicker around the centre and weaken towards the edges. Armourers made use of this to specifically reinforce parts that would be likely hit while introduce thinner parts where only coverage from glancing hits would be needed. A historical armour usually weighs less than a modern reproduction. The joints and rivets would be perfectly functional in a historical armour. You shouldn't underestimate the tools they had at the time. During the late 15th and early 16th century they already had water-powered tools.

>6 layers of padding between you and the tits
>but all the force will be absorbed by your sternum
Negative broseidon.

Boob plate may not be optimal but it looks nice

Attached: auriel.jpg (1200x921, 777K)

This bitching about realistic armors ignores the fact that very few women ever see combat and actively dodge it by getting pregnant whenever a war starts and they're enlisted, not to mention the fact that they literally aren't capable of fighting because they lack sufficient amounts of testosterone which coupled with cortisol makes men fighting machines. Not even going into muscle density, frame, build, speed, reaction time, it goes on and on.

Realism only matters to these cunts when it's about them feeling uncomfortable that virtual characters have bigger breasts than they do, other people's wants and wishes be damned. This is the only time when they call on realism. Once you prod and poke a bit, they will call you misogynistic for even calling into question women's fighting prowess because they're literally brainwashed zealots who believe men and women are mentally and physically identical bar genitalia.

TL;DR Realism for armor good, realism for everything else bad, because muh sexual insecurity.

Attached: unrealistic sexist female character design.webm (720x420, 2.52M)

Did you consider to just google "P250 pump", my pathetic brainlet comrade?

For comparison: this is a jousting armour for the joust of war from the late 15th century. It would be outfitted with a modular target piece and features a spring-loaded mechanism that would launch flowers and coloured parts of wood or metal into the air to indicate a good hit.

Attached: 1532310464560.jpg (1569x2000, 404K)

The bigger debate is who are bigger virgins, people who like boob armour or people who hate it because it's not realistic enough.

Attached: 1539093620364.png (727x783, 1.24M)

>my puritanical sensibilities
Puritans are not the ones complaining, it's the other way around.

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I think user's intention was to show even the "liberally open minded" become puritanical when they want to get rid of something they disapprove of.

>But look at this drawing dude XD

>world with magic
>getting your head cut off isn't fatal because there's no longer any links to reality whatsoever
Magic needs to have internal rules and consistency or it doesn't work, and bear at least some resemblance to reality or there's nothing to connect it to your frame of reference.

or may be idk
completely abandon the retarded idea of females in close range combat?

Literally wearing a coat slows you down and makes you overheat. You actually think wearing a half dozen layers of cloth and metal won't do anything?

I literally posted the device in . It still works.

We get it, you're a woman. You don't understand. Your ignorance isn't an excuse for being wrong.

I've seen guys scale a 6 foot wall wearing a plate carrier and rucksack, and sprint with gpmgs doesn't make that shit not heavy.

I thought similarly but still disagree. Puritanical sensibilities in this context would stem from offense in armor being used solely to delineate the female form. Liberals and "game journalist" complain out of intrinsic jealousy and antagonism; these are the same people that defend slut walks and similar. The issue for them isn't really that boob armor exists, but that (most of the times) boob armor in a game was designed by a man.


Shad is probably the worst youtuber in the HEMA circle. Awful channel.

Fucking die.

>video game
>wants """realism"""
The problem is you, fuck off

im a jewelcrafter and i make miniature armour for figmas , mostly dark souls based , to make stuff like this you have to think segments , or else the articulations will be completely gone

Pretty sure this is only an issue gay people have. Lot of gay people on Yea Forums I guess, since this thread is made daily.

>wants frame of reference in his game
>has personal aesthetic preferences
Can't allow that.

imagine being so gay that you have to jerk it to women's fashion instead of women.

>Can't allow that.
Now you're getting it. Fuck off

>tried doing that cool sword spinning trick
>too autistic to learn it


Okay, here is some indisputable, objective, big brain truth for you: Only a straight white male space could think treating everyone as straight white men by default is being fair.

You only treat them the same as long as they don't break the illusion of straight white maleness. Thus, only straight white men are allowed to be open about who they are.
There are no women on the internet, and no one knows you're a nigger. That assumes a white male default. And don't tell me straight white men are shat on for broadcasting your gender/sex/race/whatever, because mentioning your dick doesn't get the same response as mentioning your vagina, showing a white hand in a picture doesn't get the same response as showing a black hand, talking about tfwngf doesn't get the same response as tfwnbf.

The default is so ingrained that you don't even notice it. You look straight past these obvious markers of identity because they merely confirm the identity you've already implicitly assumed they had.

You can talk about dicks all day long but mention your boobs once and people will be tripping over themselves to say "no girls on the internet, now tits or GTFO" (a phrase that, if you think about it, itself reinforces heteronormative patriarchy).

Attached: 1554154424168.jpg (500x590, 175K)

>has dumb preferences no one cares for
>why aren't my games like this, it's not fair
A boy can dream I guess....
>inb4 "durr a preference is dumb"
Yes, see for details

01/10 bait, no subtle modifications. 1 point for making me say something, but not deserving a (you).

Oh no, I've been down voted.

Attached: 1525775846128s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Its literally not dangerous, its still steel and armor doesn't sit flat against them to begin with. Her boobs aren't actually in there.
They act like cod pieces in male armor that actually existed and accentuated the male form of what they found attractive in men at the time.
When it doesn't impact performance people will add form.
And even when it does like how the big dicks prevented horseback riding.
If a lot of women participated in battles there would have been armor made with boobs.
Hell roman armor had nipples and sixpacks on it.
Its not unrealistic, other than the a lot of women fighting bit, deal with it.

Attached: 298c01f6097eb9be50ec21a7474182a9.jpg (236x354, 15K)

Pff. Armor. Who needs armor when you got Nanomachines?

Attached: Cutting edge technology, Nanomachines, made in the US of A.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

meant for

I know right, look at this shit and totally not historically accurate armor.

Attached: file.png (280x324, 210K)


>It's my first week, why isn't everyone agreeing with my retarded shit
Enjoy 4channel newfag

how is it not like this?

Attached: woman amor.jpg (838x651, 45K)

>Females in armor

boob armor is fine as long as the girl can fill it up.

Attached: 2015-12-19_00012.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

>he says as he's upset not everyone agrees with his shit

Attached: 1538576914890.gif (500x189, 497K)

Funny thing is if we give them women fighting in armor bit, it is realistic for armors to have boobs cause armors had dicks and six packs throughout history.

female boob armor is practical, and if more women were fighting back then, there would be more armor to have breast cups.

Attached: she venom.png (1410x770, 339K)

>I'm upset
Whatever helps you sleep at night newfag

Ooh epic come back. I'll see you at the flag pole

Attached: 1554733307911.jpg (533x800, 86K)

Only a lumberfoot would think and an elf would tank the hits instead of just moving.

>Ooh epic come back
>u mad hahaha oof!
Not too bad yourself there champ. Enjoy your stay newfag, this is your last (you) from me.

>you can swim in plate. Most people in the ancient world were just shitty swimmers
really, that's wild. do you have any proof?

> he disagrees with me
>quick, call him a newfag, that'll prove I've been here longer
Confirmed reddit.

>do you have any proof?
>Weighed down by his armour, he drowned in water that was barely hip-deep.

The answer is yes. Breastplates are curved to distribute force preferably, deflect poorly angled blows, and to contour around the body for comfort.

Boobplates drive blows and force straight towards a focused point over the center of your chest, making rib or sternum breaks far more likely along with providing an edge able to gouge you should it dent inwards, and any woman you ask will confirm putting their tits into a metal tit socket sounds horribly uncomfortable and sweaty.

Frilly dress armour is God's gift to mankind however.

Sockpuppeting is uncouth, very disappointed in you.

Just squeezed the shit out of mums boobs they are extremely dangerous as they smother my face to death lol can't breath hard nipples ahhh hahah moom let me breathe

>conveniently removes the most important part of it
>Frederick was thrown from his horse and the shock of the cold water caused him to have a heart attack. Weighed down by his armour, he drowned in water that was barely hip-deep
i.e. He -might- have survived if not in hip-deep water. The armor is not what killed him, you gargantuan faggot/roastie.

These threads need to stop being made, they are fucking retarded

>polar bear dip made him have heart attack
>thought going to war was a good idea.

When has that ever stopped anyone?

nothing but a cheerleader. didn't fight at all

>can't even stand up in hip-deep water
>but you can swim with it