In retrospect did FF7 really need a full scale remake?

In retrospect did FF7 really need a full scale remake?

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How can future releases be in retrospect?

Do we need any game? No.
But a lot of people want the FFVII remake. I'm one of them. I liked VII a lot. I still like it. I'm glad I'm getting more of it.

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No, FF7's PSN remaster is still great. FF8 should have been the one to get a remake because it's a horrible game, has endless wasted potential & has nothing to lose for getting a remake, since it's not a cash cow that SE will want to milk like FF7

Yes, because SE needs money.

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No. Remakes are shit.

Well it is considered one of the best games of all time.

I wanted a Final Fantasy VII remake.
I didn't want a completely different game with Final Fantasy VII's characters and Final Fantasy VII's story. And though I don't mind it existing, I'm really damn mad that it's advertised as a remake. How can you say you've successfully "remade" a turn-based RPG if you end up with something that is not a turn-based RPG?

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Who is this semen demon?

If it was one of the best then it wouldn’t need a Remake because great games are timeless

Remakes aren't remasters you retard.

Kids and teenagers these days won't play it because of its graphics which is a real shame.

That's the thing, it doesn't NEED one at all. SE just needs money because everything outside XIV is flopping. Even KH3 was received poorly.

That's fair. But I'm glad it doesn't bother me. I don't remember how much fun it was fighting random encounters, I remember liking the characters.
I don't know, I think that's a pretty valid complaint. FFVII made RPGs mainstream in the US. The fact that is was baby's first RPG was pretty important.

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Yeah, remember all the Final Fantasy "remasters" in the GBA? Oh wait, you probably weren't even born by the time those were made. What, this is supposed to be what remasters suddenly are now just because a company told you that it's what it is?

You're a better person than me, user. I think this might be the first time I understand what it is like to genuinely want a game to fail for no other reason than a desire for schadenfreude. Though I suppose in truth I just wish they'd drop the "remake" part, then they could do whatever they wanted to it.

Reimagining might be more accurate.
I hope you can enjoy it at some point.
Hell, maybe the episodes will be like reverse mass effect and they'll get less action and more rpg as they go on.

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>Yeah, remember all the Final Fantasy "remasters" in the GBA?

What do they have to do with anything? They're not modern overhauls.

no, FFVI does


Better story, better characters, it would benefit the most from a remake, idk you tell me, they are just pitching the shill product to the masses

Yaweh forgive me for using the forbidden word, but the game lacks soul. There is an element to the game that was designed around the combat system, changing that so drastically is going to make it a different game with 7's story and characters pasted over top. The overworld map is almost certainly going to be different, as are a number of mechanics that might have tweaked your nostalgia senses when you came across them, little quirks and nuances that simply won't be present with a Crisis Core type battle system.


Original game still exists, autists. No need to get upset. Just fap to the porn, and play the original.

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>What do they have to do with anything? They're not modern overhauls.
Because that's what the definition of a remake was until Square Enix went and slapped "remake" on the title of whatever this new Final Fantasy is supposed to be and now suddenly there is people crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches going "NO NO THIS IS RIGHT THIS IS WHAT REMAKES ALWAYS WERE THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS, WHAT, ARE YOU EXPECTING THE SAME GAME AGAIN, YOU AUTIST?"

And if that's the road we're going, I can't fucking wait until the next time an old franchise gets a "remake" where EA or something goes and turns it into a first person shooter, like they did with Syndicate, and wanted to do with XCOM, and had all of Yea Forums screaming "Nooo, fucking normies can't appreciate older games for what they were!"
Bunch of hypocrites.

Thank you, user. I take it back, I hope it ends up being a good game, even if it means enduring retards thinking there's absolutely nothing wrong with this.

FVII story just fucking sucks, the music is subpar and the only thing that is going on is nostalgia faggint

It was one of the earlier 3D games, so I'd say it qualifies for one. But if it ends up being nothing like the original then it raises the question of why they didn't just developed a new game instead.

Original game clearly has more S O U L

The original game didn't have shit, it's an awful product

Yes, because everything besides the combat is amazing, and the remake will do it justice.

Sounds more like you don't know what a remaster is.

Remakes can be complete overhauls of gameplay. They're re-making the game from the ground up.

But will the remake feature all the adds for My Bloody Valentine and Loveless?

And you don't know what a remake is.

>turd-based autists still seething

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Yea Forums isn't one person you autistic fuck.

It'll be the Crisis Core version since the CC scenario writer is the same for the remake.

Awesome. I'm glad to hear it. Now let's just hope they don't fuck with the story too much. So far the characters designs and atmosphere seem faithful, so I'm optimistic.

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The GBA games were remakes though while still giving the same experience as the original.

You used to call me on the PHS
Late night when you need my limit

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>Because that's what the definition of a remake was

Remake - to make anew or in a different form

That's exactly what's happening here.

So is FF7R. It's just one a much bigger scale.

Yes, but also,

>o·ver·haul: "take apart (a piece of machinery or equipment) in order to examine it and repair it if necessary."

This goes way beyond that, again, look at Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls on the GBA. Those were extensive overhauls, the original games had neither ATB systems nor MP-based casting systems for magic, and it went and added those. But still kept the same overall framework of a party-based, turn-based RPG.
This thing here isn't an overhaul, it's stripping away all the original parts and building something completely different instead, keeping nothing of the original at all.

Off the top of my head, I'm curious about two things. What they'll do about the matter of the overworld, if they'll have it [which I would find surprising] and if not, what they'd substitute it by. And, if they'll be able to have as impressive a sweeping zooming shot of Midgar in the intro as the original did. Sounds silly, but I really hope they don't screw it up.

>Now let's just hope they don't fuck with the story too much.

They're adding compilation shit. Kiss those hopes goodbye.

I've yet to see an actually good example of something like this.

quality game right there

Yes, but you saying that other user couldn't tell the difference between a remaster and a remake implies that him wanting FF7 to get the FF1 treatment meant he wants a remaster.

It isn't even the same genre as the original. Do you really not understand what this dude is saying?

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I don't know about full scale, but technology wise it really deserves one. FF6 was perfect the way it is because it was released late in the life cycle of its platform so it made the best use of that tech that it could. FF7 on the other hand uses extremely simplistic early 3d instead of highly advanced 16-bit raster graphics. Everything you see in FF7 is a heavy compromise due to technology, and some of the gameplay systems are just plain badly implemented. The dynamic battle camera combined with directional selection controls make it hard to select characters on screen. There's no excuse for that. That's just bad game design. Also the navigation controls are directionally context sensitive, which is fundamentally incompatible with a game with pre-rendered backgrounds and arbitrary camera angles. There are several places in FF7 where running into one direction loads up a screen where that direction is the opposite direction and Cloud runs straight back to where he came from a loads the previous area. Rinse and repeat. Tank controls exist for that exact reason but Square had no clue.
The game is technically deficient and gameplay-wise less than perfect. That's why it deserves a remake. Not to the scale of the actual remake but a remake nontheless.

the only people looking forward to this game are zoomers looking for 'gamer cred'

I am just glad there will be a massive influx of FFVII porn once the game release. And I do have a gf, too.

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I hope they keep in Barrett telling you to attack while the boss has its tail up.

fucking this gets reboot but not gex?fuck square and fuck this industry

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>building something completely different instead
Yes, they're remaking it.

>keeping nothing of the original at all
Story, characters, materia.

It's still an RPG sub-genre.

>KH3 was received poorly
explain 5 million sales in the first week then retard. if it was received poorly then no one would’ve bought it. you can just say you didn’t like it and move on

Hate to break it to you but there's an absolute shitton of zoomers who have never played FF7 because of its obsolescence who are all really looking forward to the remake. They grew up playing all these new games with FF7 crossover characters and want to experience the story without getting their eyes stabbed with vertex-colored polygons. I personally know multiple people who have never played FF/ who want to play the remake, so I'm afraid we're in the minority here. We don't really matter. Just like the ways the original FF7 is obsolete don't really matter to me. I can go back to playing it any day, and I recently have. But this new audience they're making the remake for won't.

I didn't say it sold poorly.

>hipsterfags proclaim it didn't need a remake while crying that the remake isn't ATB

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I fail to see how that's relevant. The graphics are pretty, that means they shouldn't be held to any standards at all?

If you set out to remake a chair and you end up with a coffee table as the end result you probably screwed something up in the process, wouldn't you say, user?

It's just the hypocrisy of it that's frustrating. Some retard said something about Yea Forums not being one person, but you just know that some of the people who are completely okay with this would be raising hell if it was an old game that THEY cared about in particular. When it was Syndicate, or XCOM, it was "fuck companies for ruining out things because normies can't get out of their comfort zone", but with this it's "thank you Square Enix for doing the RPG equivalent of a first person shooter reboot"

>If you set out to remake a chair and you end up with a coffee table

That's an awful analogy. It's still a chair. Just a better one. Sorry if it makes you mad. You still have your old chair.

you’re ignoring my point so i’ll make it easy for you
>it was not received poorly
>it was received well
>see metascore for proof
>which is why it sold well
>and is one of squares more successful titles

I don't care because the original still exists.

Meybe it will finally kill the "Cloud is an emo" meme that Advent Childen and Kingdom Hearts created and zoomers will finally see how he is a much better protagonist than Zack.
Also the original game wont go anywhere. You can emulate it on pretty much anything nowdays.

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>Just a better one
Well, yes actually, that does make me mad.

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just stay in

I can't wait to see superiority complex incel Cloud again.

No, Final Fantasy VII is perfect as it is.
It has flaws but so does every other game, what makes it great is how it transcends those flaws though.

No game needs a remake

No older, better game ever stops existing except maybe some multiplayer ones, but that never stops Yea Forums from getting angry as hell when new ones turn out to not live it to it, does it?

All they needed to do was unfuck the character models. That's it, but they wanted to wait for this moment to get maximum money from the remake. Now they can do it on multiple parts for maximum milkage.
However mods exist, so I'm glad to try something different. No point getting upset 20+ years later.

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What retrospect? I've opposed it since 2003. It was clear this was going to happen. The game is great and very playable/replayable to this day.

>SE needs money.
They clearly dont given how much they can spend and delay and delay and delay

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Least you get it. These retards don't know how good FF7 was and Square will fail to replicate the same feel.

I feel the same; I was replaying FF7 recently and the game has aged surprisingly well.

I don't mind them going full retard and adding Gilgamesh, being how Cloud makes the sword from AC. Getting upset over the remake is silly.

cry harder

Exactly. I'm playing it right now, but I'm still excited for the remake. I'm 36, so zoomerfags fuck off.

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i wouldnt even consider it a full scale remake since its episodic.

at this rate, i fucking doubt they are remaking the entire game. its literally just gonna be key parts of the original game and then a bunch of cut scenes to move the story along.
i doubt the game is even going to have a world map. literally just menus like how FFX was.

They could easily fit the full game into 2-3 parts.

Order of severity of changes:

The same game on a different system. May have different button mapping and maybe downgraded textures to fit. Otherwise identical.

Either 1. Only graphical improvement or 2. Graphical improvement and upgrading of the gameplay to a more modern version of its kind.

In both versions extra content, such as post-game dungeons are welcome. Maybe extra, optional quests to flesh out some minor parts/characters.

All of the above, but the genre may change and the story/characters can change rather drastically, but in the big picture similar things will happen, just maybe not for the same reasons or order.

Shit, I meant to write Remake instead of Remaster. Remaster would be strictly the first version of its paragraph.

>unfuck the character models
Your image doesn't do that.

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Now what are the parts of FF7 that are bad that you hope the remake will fix or get rid of?
-Unskippable cutscenes that last over 10 minutes
-pic related enemies that have long animations that don't do anything but waste your time (already fixed due to no ATB)
-Ghost Ship goannai in the last round of the arena
-Freezing time limit in the glacier instead of places to camp to get your body heat back

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do you honestly think square is able to do that?
look how long its taking them to complete just the bombing run opening of the game.

sure you can argue that they are only showing that part because they dont want to spoil the rest of the game. knowing modern square, i highly doubt thats the case.

what everybody wanted was the same FF7 with updated graphics, cut scenes, and a faster battle system like FFX

square enix is too retarded to realize that

Nothing needs a remake. But getting one can be nice, especially since SE can't seem to make a decent Final Fantasy anymore. XII, XIII and XV were all absolute trash. Might as well just keep milking the good ones.

Random encounters
Turn-based or ATB combat

>everyone wanted a shitty graphics mod
No. Fuck off, retard.

What's the alternative for random encounters?

>im a big fan of ff7
>what? no i hate turn based rpgs

zoom zoom

Enemies actually moving around in the world.

>im a big fan of ff7
>i could literally just play it right now except i cant cuz the grafix are "dated" for my underage eyes, i need an official mod to fix that

zoom zoom

The latest trailer featured snippets from way beyond the Bombing Mission.

- Fighting Aps (so after Don Corneo)
- Nibelheim Flashback (Sephiroth in fire, was confirmed not taking place during BM)

It's obvious they are mostly showing the Bombing Mission to avoid spoiling the rest. And no, I don't mean story spoilers, but visuals.

The whole point of a remake is the visuals, it makes sense they want to at least keep a degree of surprise for the later parts.

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Considering the size of some enemies, I doubt this will be the case in the remake.


I'm having a hard time following this convo

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Some zoomer try to show his epic gamer cred for looking forward to a game he's never even played.

Which is pretty much everyone looking forward to FF7R.

yfw you still fapped to that one Tifa POV video

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Sometimes a remake might surpass the original eventhough people think it wasn't needed.

How about we wait and see.

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No fixed camera during exploration
No random encounters
No ATB cancer
No super deformed character models
Better summons
Vincent and Yuffie getting a little more story

Also, I sure fucking hope it treats CC as non-canon and doesn't have Angeal or Genesis references. And of course Zack's death goes back to being completely unglorified where he just gets shot like a dog.

That's impossible, sorry.

I'm looking forward to it. That has less to do with the game and more to do with the world/aesthetic, however.

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>yfw the only worthwhile remake coming out of this whole situation will be a remake of it using the model from the game

Will be glorious

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don't forget the grashtrike

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Why would you look forward to something you already played?


also forgot to mention voice acting

turn based combat is fine. just make it fast and good

mental retardation
they pretend not to care
yet here they are crying all the tears

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No game ever needs a remake really. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

turn-based combat is a waste of this graphic fidelity IMO

not with realistic graphics. should have gone for stylized imo.

>All of the above, but the genre may change and the story/characters can change rather drastically, but in the big picture similar things will happen, just maybe not for the same reasons or order.
re-imaginings can sometimes be essentially completely different games with different stories, with similar story beats and themes though - see Silent Hill: Shattered Memories compared to Silent Hill 1

This,is a pretty great way to put it. Ports are "translation work" from one platform to another, remasters are primarily graphical upgrades, remakes are extensive backend upgrades like rebuilding the game in a new ending with the odd gameplay change or extra content, and Reboots have basically no limitations on what they can be, though they're primarily a term linked to story rather than gameplay. I suppose a re-imagining can be to gameplay what a reboot is to story, it's just that it isn't an established term commonly in use like the others are.

>new ending
New engine. I'm retarded.

if they do put in a secret way to save aeris in this it will be a missed opportunity.

They won't. Aerith's death is central to the game and they know it. Zack and Aerith being dead is what makes them important.

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>Cloud lifting Masamune and throwing Sephiroth over

what a horrible asspull

Sephiroth was so wrapped up in how superior he was as a "cetra" he underestimated his opponent. His pride was his downfall.

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>does it AGAIN

fucking stupid movie

Fuck you, that was awesome and the revelation of that memory is one of the best moments in the game.

Apparently if got retconned somewhere during the compilation of cashgrabs though so good for you.


Good, because its fucking stupid.

Can't wait to see what Tifa will look like. Pretty sure she's gonna be faithfull to the original design, just like the rest of the cast (big breast à la Advent Children, not the animu size of course), but no there's gonna be an internet shitstorm whatever happens.

Angeal and Genesis have nothing to do with the personal story between Cloud and Sephiroth so I doubt they'll try to force that angle. That part of Zack's life didn't even involve Cloud in any amount significant enough for it to impact him. It would just be a bunch of literally whos doing shit that's not relevant to any part of the quest.

It didn't get retconned at all except in that shit anime nobody cared about.

Only time these events were revisited was in Crisis Core and it played out the exact same way.

I wish people in these threads knew at least a bit about the topic being discussed, but hey, that's Yea Forums for you.

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Final Fantasy VII is going to be a massive disappointment no matter what. Remaking a 50 hour PS1 JRPG as a modern AAA Action title is basically a recipe for disaster.

You can already see the warning signs, the game having to be split up into episodes simply to justify the insane development costs. The game is going to end up just like FFXV, an unfocused overproduced mess.

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>does it AGAIN
>fucking stupid movie
I take it that you missed the fact that Cloud performs Omnislash on Sephiroth and he deflects every blow, having experienced it once in the very last "fight" in FF7? Doing it again was the point. Sephiroth still thinks that he's superior when in reality he's just a shade of the original and after lulling him into a false sense of security Cloud btfos him with the improved omnislash.

That was Cloud's most defining moment, you retard.

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Well, that, andCloud never actually saw either of them in Crisis Core anyway - he didn't fight Angeal with Zack, he didn't actually go into the reactor with Zack and Sephiroth to do the repairs, and he was comatose for the entire escape from the Shinra Mansion and Zack's final confrontation with Genesis; their paths never crossed, even in Cloud's flashbacks, so there's no reason why they would get shoehorned into the remake.

>most defining moment is a complete asspull


The shit anime is in canon as an unreliable Turk report of the events, so it's fuck ups become excusable.
Apparently they got so much negative feedback it made them extra careful when they did Crisis Core.

I'm with you. Not worried at all.
Every single one of her depictions since the original game has been faithful, even in low poly.

The people wanting balloon tits are being stupid, it would look silly on a more realistic version of the character. AC was pretty realistic and she was still huge. She can still have decent tits and be faithful to the original design.
All characters shown so far are on point, yet for some reason they would fuck up Tifa ?

This remake might screw up a lot of things, but character design isn't one of them.

At worst we're getting something close to pic related, and I dunno about you but I'm quite fine with it.

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He uses his will to nudge ultra bad guy off a cliff.

no it didn't, but what's there to actually lose?
good or bad, there's always the original ff7.


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I think everyone knows it'll be a mess, but a lot of people simply don't care. Make people wait over a decade for something and they'll throw their money at you no matter what.

i hate discussions about videogames baka

Quite right.
Also proves they CAN do it right. Hopefully they learned their lesson, and looking at the footage we got so far it would seem so.

I don't expect major retcons, at worst they'll add a few details here and there but SE isn't stupid, they know how important that shit is to fans by now and they're aware they can't mess it up.

Don't explain it to underages, user.

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i wish they remade it into a TRPG.

This would make sense if Zack did it.

>That's exactly what's happening here.
Except it isn't. They aren't remaking the game but rather they're rehauling it.

>or in a different form

That's not what an asspull is.

Nope. Just doing a remaster so the character models don't look like fucking shit on the map would have been enough.

It actually never got retconned into a willful jump. Last Order and Before Crisis explicitly weren't canon about it. However the Crisis Core version might be canon now and it's even worse.

with every successive final fantasy game costing twice as much to make but selling half as much, yes

>My opinion is universal truth

Good thing you don't have to buy it and the original game + mods will always be available.

Remakes are the capeshit of video games.

How is the Crisis Core version worse when it's the exact same ?
And don't bring Genesis, he was long out of the picture when the part we're talking about happens.

Once Tifa gets slashed everything plays the exact same.

>if Zack did it.
Right because Luke did it.

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Yeah, and they've failed to do that.

>No, FF7's PSN remaster is still great
It's a shitty copy of the PC version, complete with the music looping issue.

Shut the fuck up, you baby.

>CEO: Okay guys we need money, what do we do?
>A: well sir, we could make some low budget games and experiment with different styles, then double down on what sticks.
>CEO: hmm.. dunno bout that
>B: I think we should downsize our portfolio and bet it all on the FF7 Remake lmao

He asked a question and I answered by offering my opinion on the matter, you autistic fuck. That being said, what's even the fucking point of updating a game if you're changing the fucking game, the fucking story and fucking everything? May as well not be a fucking tool like you are and realize they're only playing with your nostalgia and selling you a completely different fucking game that, going by Squeenix recent track record, will most likely be utter shit.

keep cryin' bitch nigga

Must be nice having a time machine, how's the world in 2020 ?

FF7 Remake is their guaranteed money maker. They've known this for decades.

Well, not EXACTLY the same - in the original, that whole scene plays out when Cloud follows Sephiroth out of the main area and stops him before he can leave the reactor proper, throwing him off of the walkway near the exit; in Crisis Core, Sephiroth instead throws him back into the Jenova chamber, where he falls down and 'dies'. But yeah, the outcome is the same (Cloud gets impaled, lifts Sephiroth using himself as a counterweight, then throws him into a wall where he rebounds and falls into the raw Mako below, where he gets swept off to the Northern Crater).

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lmao fuck off

>what's even the fucking point of updating a game if you're changing the fucking game

"Update / verb [ T ] / uk /ʌpˈdeJt/ us /ʌpˈdeJt/ :
To make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design."

You should choose your words more wisely.

Yeah, I'm the baby because I'm not crying about the truth.
Next you'll be saying episodic releases are a good thing right?

It was before they fucked with their fans for those all of years.

>changing its design
Yeah, not fucking every single thing. As I said, just update the Popeye the Sailorman-like overworld models. That's all they needed to do.

No, Genesis being a reason for Sephiroth's insanity is part of the reactor incident. BC just changed Sephiroth jumping, everything else was the same, and while it stings that Cloud's moment of character defining triumph is trampled upon, it's only a minor thing as an event (as is Last Order Cloud having Mako eyes and being able to talk to a conscious Tifa. They grate on you, but characters are left unchanged.). In addition in CC Zack doesn't get oneshot in four seconds is a huge change. (There's also Sephiroth getting hit in the back and not the front at the last minute, but that's a really minor thing to get angry about.) The dynamics of the entire scene are changed.

>FF7 Remake is their guaranteed money maker.
Nigger, a ''guaranteed money maker'' 10 years in the future is not guaranteed at all. It's been almost 5 years since reveal and all they have to show are trailers for the first part of episodic releases.

No they didn't. Especially one that takes 5-8 years.
I'm adamant that they could have just remade the backgrounds in 4k and made new in-game models. Seriously look at some of the fan made or AI-upscaled backgrounds. Add a hard mode and steelbook bundle with a CE book about Tifa's bra sizes, sell 10 million. End of story.

Unless it isn't. A game that was a very profitable success in 1997 has no guarantee of being a comparable financial return in 2020-something when budgets, development cycles, market expectations and demographics are completely, completely different.

Why is she not saying daijobu?

If you're being picky about such minute details then yea I think you're going to be pissed at whatever they do in the remake.

Personally, I'd be fine with the approach they took in Crisis Core minus Genesis.

Not to mention it has the very real possibility of being absolute garbage like everything else Squeenix has made. KH3 was so lackluster it was outsold by Near a Tomato.

>To make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design."
Which they didn't do. Instead of changing the design of the game to suit modern audiences they threw it away and made an entirely new one.


Because two different lip syncings like all modern FFs.

so fucking what
normies are still "hype"

Design in combat, retard. If you just want a remaster with updated character models, then just mod it.

Do they actually waste money on that?

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Not him but think about it.
FF7 fans have been waiting since that ps3 movie thing for an adequate remake of it and all they've gotten were endless ports.
Then now they get a game that only has a passing resemblance to it and you expect them to be happy with it?

It's also worth noting that no one is hyped for this.

It was just a tease for E3.
They've already said they're not showing anything till after KH3.

Square is not a smart company.

I agree we don't need an English dub, but unfortunately I don't get to make those decisions.
At least I played the undub of CC.

Yes. Are you really surprised? Something about Disney demanding it back in the day,,so since they have the technology, they use it now regularly.

>It's also worth noting that no one is hyped for this

lmao fuck off you delusional retard

They definitely need it.

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>Design in combat
Which is even older than the original ATB system mind you so it's less an update and more regression.

Plenty of old and new fans are hype for it. You only speak for yourself. Yea Forums in general doesn't speak for shit.

Agreed regarding Genesis and I certainly hope it stays away from the remake.

But the rest is just nitpicking.

>being able to talk to a conscious Tifa

I'm pretty sure in the original game he did talk to Tifa, she even said he kept his promise of coming when she'd be in trouble.

>CC Zack doesn't get oneshot in four seconds is a huge change

Yeah, but he was the player character in that game, wouldn't make much of a game if you couldn't at least play a few minutes of that part.

In any case, I see no reason why they would change anything in the remake, as they're aware Genesis was badly received and Zack isn't the player character this time.

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>all the SE apologists ITT

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There is no game that needs a remake. Remakes exist because the industries of video games and cinema have been creatively bankrupt for at least 8 years now.

So ARPG is less suited to modern audiences than turn based ? Got you.

This is misleading. The 33 million was a predicted loss from the cancelled FFXV content. They didnt "lose" that much, they just said that because of the cancelation they wont be able to make 33 mill. They also said they planned to make that money back by this time from KH3 (and they have)

My man.
>mfw all those complaints about the English dub not having the usual VAs

Serves them right for not sticking with the superior JP (and original) dub from the beginning. Maybe they'll learn the lesson this time.

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>It's also worth noting that no one is hyped for this

I get that the series been sorta more and more under the radar since like 9
But you're severely underestimating the amount of impact and popularity that it have
It was literally THE jrpg of the 00s

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>I'm pretty sure in the original game he did talk to Tifa, she even said he kept his promise of coming when she'd be in trouble.
That's the future present Tifa saying that. The text box is translucent to indicate that it's her and not the past Tifa.

>The rest
To me Zack not getting molly-whopped reflects badly on Sephiroth (and Zack), but I will concede that it's primarily the result of the combat becoming like Advent Children and not storytelling itself. (The same reason why the ending army fight is a thing.) The world is no longer grounded, where Sephiroth is a crazy anomaly by SOLDIER First Class standards as well. There's just a big dissonance then, when Cloud defeats him so easily, when he and Zack already fought on several layers of the reactor. To me it's all wrong.

>It was literally THE jrpg of the 00s
Which is precisely why there's no hype. They've fucked with the expectations of casuals and fans alike that wanted to play an updated version of FF7 in the same way fans of ff3 and 4 got the DS versions.

>no one is hyped for this

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All I see is praise for dumping ATB.

Have sex

>all these replies from the shill
Jeez, you hit the nail on the head.


Mate, they love ARPG shit.

And now you have to prove this claim.

ATB is Hiroyuki Ito's greatest invention! Above the Job System!

Literally go watch any reaction video on youtube.

>casuals wanting ATB

lol no

That's just a whole different argument
Saying it have no hype is still delusional, it was easily the best thing out of E3 2015

>no one is hype haha

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I don't think they're going to do anything with the CC characters and subplots. They'll definitely shoehorn in more Zack shit though, probably include a shortened version of his death scene from CC and have more flashbacks and references in general.

So you have no proof.
Most people are just calling Aerith cute or telling people to play the originals instead. The rest are people complaining that it took this long for Square to make the first hour of the game.

If it was a 1:1 remake, it'd be pointless. Remakes oughta be more than facelifts no matter how dramatic the difference is, they should make improvements on the gameplay. The original FF7 improved on previous games with its Materia system. The remake will still have the Materia system, but now there's also an engaging action element to it where you can switch between any three members of your party at any time. I can't wait to see what the battle against Reno's like.

also a LOT of these normie fucks are hype that it plays like FFXV

>all these zoomers undermining the game that literally popularized jrpg in the west
Stop making me feel old you cunts, go back to the e-celeb threads or something

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There's nothing to prove. If you genuinely think the masses want turn-based combat in 2019/2020, then you're mentally retarded.

Those were reactions from the very first trailer before anyone knew it would be an action rpg.

FFXV would benefit from being cut up sadly the DLC was the best part of the game

>That's the future present Tifa saying that. The text box is translucent to indicate that it's her and not the past Tifa.

Ok I'll admit, I knew it was, I just wanted to see how thorough you are. You know your stuff, that's cool.
So I agree, that's one of the fuckups from Last Order. However CC did get this part right (as I recall even being upset Tifa hardly got any lines, and none voiced at all).

>There's just a big dissonance then, when Cloud defeats him so easily, when he and Zack already fought on several layers of the reactor. To me it's all wrong.

I really believe it's because they couldn't have Zack suck ass in his own game, as it would be underwhelming for the player to get one shot in a cutscene. But the army fight was pushing it.

It's going to be interesting to see if they go for original jobber Zack in the Remake or CC hero Zack. But given the fanbase he's gotten since then, I wouldn't put it past them to give him slightly more epic treatment.

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>The rest are people complaining that it took this long for Square to make the first hour of the game.

Literally nobody has said this. We see as far as the sewer, and storage area in Shinra HQ in the latest trailer.

>There's nothing to prove
Then why did you try and make the point that people are hyped if you can't prove it?

So fucking what? Majority of them are KH secondaries who want it to be KH.

You yourself can't prove people aren't hype. You're just making baseless assumptions.

If you think people still aren't hype then you're in severe denial.

>those 40yo boomers losing it

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>You're just making baseless assumptions.
If by baseless you mean using the reactions of the public then sure they're totally baseless.
Everything I said was on the comments for both the state of play trailer and reactions videos for it. No one is hyped or if they are they have a strange way of showing it.

as far as the Nibelheim flashback if you count this

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It didn't NEED a remake but they've teased and talked about it so much that it was going to happen eventually.
It should absolutely NOT be in multiple parts though, Enix are just greedy motherfuckers and I'm waiting for the ULTIMATE COLLECTORS SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION and don't give a fuck what Yea Forums says, if you pay this individually fuck your bitching and whinny ass about the issues that will occur with these games up until they're all finished.
Fuck you FFVIII is objectively great and not everything needs a remake, a PS4 port would be nice.

How can you say >in retrospect when the game isnt even out yet. I would sage this thread but i don't even know how anymore. Jesus christ im tired of this shit.

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>reactions of the public

You aren't the public.

Not that I think the first boss will be difficult or anything, but I imagine it'll be more fun to dodge a laser ripping across the ground than to mash buttons to get through your turn. I mean yeah, turn-based RPGs excel at strategy, but FF7 wasn't that complex, not as much as other games I've seen like Etryian Odyssey. That's a pro that action provides, making even easy battles more engaging because you have to move and stay alert.

>state of play

You're right, here, twitter, YouTube, facebook, everywhere is representative of the public.
And they aren't hyped.

Why remake an RPG into an action game though?

I've seen nothing but positive feedback for the latest trailer. Post screenshots of this backlash you claim happened.

Tifa not knowing Cloud was at the reactor is critical to Sephiroth tricking Cloud into giving him the black materia and convincing him that he's just a clone.

Thanks for linking the videos displaying exactly what I was talking about.

You're full of shit.

because ARPGs are a thing

So are you trying to say that your opinion is indicative of the public opinion now?
Mighty big headed of you.

This is the highest viewed reaction.

Show me the negativity.

fuck off retard

Which are barely rpgs.

That's what you did. Your bait is horrible.

neither are jrpgs

What rock are you living under?

Are you trying to say that people need to be negative about something to not be hyped?
Just look at those comments, they don't care about the game but rather about Max.

>And they aren't hyped

upd8 your b8 m8

No, it was perfect already not THAT perfect as in flawless but the game didnt need a decade long wait for episodic shit with Kingdom hearts/ reused Versus combat on top of possible acknowledgement of shit like Genesis
I honestly wanted a remake of FF8 more so that what the devs wanted it too be could be fully realized considering its scuffed development like Xenogears and many other Square ips at tha time

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He's just shitposting.

You're a idiot. I'm done with you.

>I honestly wanted a remake of FF8 more
Now there's a game that would warrant being made from scratch.

Fucking remake Vagrant Story REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>turn a cartoon game into a live action remake
What did Square mean by this?

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What people seem to forget is that FFVII was piss easy and you barely had to grind just to breeze through story bosses. End game equipment and materia is simply overkill

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Maybe you shouldn't have projected your feelings onto the public if they didn't agree.

>in retrospect
people have been saying a remake would be awful since years before the PS3 tech demo even came out.

I would be content with a remake a la III-IV that we got on the DS. Graphic design and everything.
But I'm ok with this one too, I just know they gonna skip shit like madmen tho.


More like people have been hyping up a remake since years before the PS3 tech demo even came out.

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Final Fantasy games are barely RPGs. Can we stop pretending that menu mashing is gameplay worth keeping? It has nothing to do with turn-based games being old or bad, it's that FF has always been a poor example of a turn-based RPG. Final Fantasy has always been casual trash appealing to the lowest common denominator, has always prioritized visuals, story, music, and basically everything else over gameplay, and has always been met with negativity when daring to do anything even slightly more complicated (e.g. FF12).

FF7 is the most popular because it is the peak of casualization, the purest embodiment of how shitty Final Fantasy as a series truly is. Being upset about the remake being "worse" than the original is just you rationalizing your irrational nostalgia for a game intended for children with no fucking taste. The remake isn't dumbing anything down except you.

I thought turn-based RPGs were more because of system limitations.
Why go for turn-based over ARPG?

>FF7 is the most popular because it was the first one that was released on the PS1 and was hyped to shit unlike the previous games

Final Fantasy hasn't been turn based since the NES.

>I thought turn-based RPGs were more because of system limitations
Nah, that was just a meme spread by sonyfags. Hell action RPGs are just as old, just look at Zelda 2.

Nope, but it could do with a remake more than some other recent games did. Shadow of the Colossus HD was already really solid, and spyro reignited was completely unnecessary. CTR will have online which is nice, but it could've been achieved without a full scale overhaul. At least FF7 had genuine flaws like a poor translation and shitty controls for minigames. I'd have been happy with a touch up of the original, but at least it won't be stepping on the original version's toes and can be seen as a separate product with a different target audience. The original will still exist no matter how bad it turns out to be (just look at crisis core and advent children).

FFX was turn based.

Turn based was because they wanted turn based.

Actually they wanted an ARPG but didn't have the tech or budget for it. Precisely why they're remaking 7 how they wanted it to be now.

Interesting, is that true of other turn based Square games of the era (chrono trigger for example)?

>Actually they wanted an ARPG but didn't have the tech or budget for it.
I doubt that given there are several arpgs and at least one made by square on the ps1 with much lower budgets than 7.

I'm just stating what I read in interviews about 7R.

Must be them trying to revise history then because games like Brave Fencer Musashi and Vagrant Story existed back then.
What interview are you reading anyway?

Early turn based games were just trying to imitate D&D. Final Fantasy never wanted to be turn-based, it was ALWAYS trying to be more "realistic" from the very start, which is why they put your party on the screen instead of doing that first-person view which all prior RPGs had done. The problem was that they couldn't effectively combine real time action with all of the combat options they wanted until the SNES made ATB feasible.

I've made this argument countless times while people were bitching about FFXV, and it's the same thing for FF7R - Final Fantasy has always been going in this direction, this was always going to be its natural conclusion. The problem isn't that FF is an ARPG series now, it's that the action itself is shit.

This, I like FF8 but it easily could use more refining with its combat system and more expanding on certain story elements
I stopped caring about a remake of 7 after the completion and the FF13 Fabula Nova Crystal disaster, the delays etc. I think with 8 they would be less tense since it's not FF7 or Chrono Trigger levels of "if you remake this you better not fuck one aspect of it up" and people who worked on 8 have mentioned trying new stuff if there was ever a remake

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Do people actually think this is going to be released?

>Final Fantasy never wanted to be turn-based
Except for the almost 20 years it was even when it had long since passed the limitation bullshit excuse.

There's going to be a playable demo at E3.

>gets to the goddamn PS2
>game becomes EVEN MORE turn based than ever before

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Nobou said no FF game is complete.

asking the real questions here

The first thing I do in an ATB final fantasy is move the combat to wait and increase battle speed to max. They work best as turn based games, "active" time battles drag out further and feel messy in comparison. FFX is my favourite of their battle systems, although I quite liked world's stacking system too.

I'd appreciate it if someone could Photoshop a pacifier into her mouth. Thank you.

Attached: FF7-remake-Aerith.jpg (400x225, 16K)

>original concept for FF7 was a new York detective story

Sagauchi lost his fucking mind here.


No game ever "needs" a remake. Getting ported to modern systems, especially for games that are very niche only available for old outdated hardware that might not be widely available no more, is a must though. Also a remake is nice as long as it stays in the spirit of the original like REmake 1 largely does. FFVII remake is a bastardization type of remake. It might still be good but it should have still stuck true to the original largely.

>In retrospect did FF7 really need a full scale remake?
Yes. It was already archaic when it first came out. I mean, just compared to other jrpgs from the same year:

Final Fantasy 7, Japan release date 1997
>low-quality midi music
>no voice acting whatsoever, characters don't even grunt when taking damage
>polygonal character models that are primitive and lacking in detail, even by the standards of the time
>invisible random encounters
>environments are static and small 2d backgrounds
>combat uses the same simplistic menu-based systems as previous games in the series

Grandia, Japan release date 1997
>a beautifully rich fully orchestral score
>characters are voiced during combat and key story moments
>detailed and expressive character sprites
>enemies are visible during exploration
>exploration takes place in sprawling 3D environments
>combat too utilizes a 3D battlefield, with an innovative turn-based combat system that takes into account factors like distance, range and timing of your attacks

Attached: 19812821.jpg (600x600, 32K)

>I thought turn-based RPGs were more because of system limitations.
That was never true.

That being said, Final Fantasy games have never really taken advantage of being turn-based, so they might as well go the action route.

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the quote is in FF7 manual

fuck no, they should have remade it in ffx engine or at best to look on par with tales of vesperia or ni no kuni anime style only in grim dark end of the world cyberpunk version.

>so they might as well go the action route.
So they can make even worse games?

I'm sure glad the music composer is the one who decides that a game is complete or not.

FFX had a top tier combat system. I love any game that has a turn order grid that can be influenced with moves and statuses, or by delaying your turn with waiting. Legend of Heroes does a pretty good job with this too.

Uematsu was very involved in the games back then.

What he meant was the fact that so much shit has to be scrapped, especially wtth more modern entries.

Yes because:

SquareEnix literally lost all the assets of the original so it can't be played on modern devices without filtering the hell out of the graphics so they don't look like a pixelated mess.

The stats were poorly programmed

Unlocking limit breaks is unintuitive as fuck.

The translation was made in 2 weeks and it shows, they can't fuck up the plot on the remake when the original was already a mess to anyone that wasn't japanese

The game is filled with strategy guide bait

Old Final fantasy ATB was never a better alternative to 100% turn based as proven by FFX

Items are useless

Some limit breaks are terrible

FF7 was never technically good or has any notable use of its gameplay apart from the materia standing out from the rest, there's no "soul" to be lost in the gameplay. The game taking itself too seriously which wasn't a problem in the original and losing scenes that made the atmosphere not be one note as fuck like in the compilation shit is the only worrying thing

t. ignorant retard

I hope the characters in the remake aren't just blank slates.

I want to see "The Price of Freedom" in HD, not just the cutscenes.

You should play Octopath if you like that then

>Old Final fantasy ATB was never a better alternative to 100% turn based as proven by FFX
ATB was a remarkable thing in it's time, but early FFs used speed stats with no bar, and iirc, FF3-8 had different speeds for different actions.
This is 100% truth, tho.

>FFX had a top tier combat system.

Not really. It's just standard menu-based combat with some turn order manipulation. Nothing special, and the only othe gimmick makes combat even shallower than usual, since it turns battles into Simon Says mini-games (use Wakka to hit the flying enemy. Use Tidus to hit the fast enemy). Since swapping out party member comes at no cost, this is completely mindless.

It doesn't help that you virtually never fight more than 3 enemies at once, meaning battles never get particularly complex or involving.

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It was one of several ideas. The original 7 concept became Chrono Trigger. The one prior to the actual game became Xenogears.

>Sagauchi lost his fucking mind here.
And this one became Parasite Eve.

>SquareEnix literally lost all the assets of the original
That was ff8 you retard.

It's funny how the graphics allowed everyone to see the game so differently. I didn't ever picture FFVII as grimdark. When I think of it I picture the church overgrown with flowers, the varied natural environments you visit, the green light of the lifestream, Cloud overcoming his issues and growing as a person. The game's only really grim in Midgar. There's a constant threat of meteor, and Shinra's fucked up the planet, but it's still not as bad as most of the other final fantasy games.

Only IV and X-2 had differing wait times for different actions as far as I can tell.

I agree that swapping members without penalty sucked. At the bare minimum it should've cost a turn (and put the swapped out character at the very bottom of the turn grid, not just in place of where their next turn would be). Maybe there could've been some ability or passive for equipment that allows faster action after hotswapping which would allow for that playstyle if desired, but it would come at an appropriate cost.

In terms of gameplay the characters were all the same blank slates, and only distinguishable by their limits. Materia is all that mattered.

When I played FFX back then, the only thought I kept having was "Breath of Fire 4 did this better".

Not true. Different characters have different stat scaling.

Most japanese companies didn't saved anything of their own games in the 90s.

No. The original is available on nearly everything and is still fine. Remakes should be given to less known games that could benefit from a modern touchup.

close the thread, mods.

because that matters in FF7

BoF4 was so damn good. More people need to play it. It holds up so well, it could be released today at the same resolution and still look better than most other offerings. Its artstyle was perfect.

>Genesis popping up during the Nibelheim incident
That shit will never not make me mad.

>Not true. Different characters have different stat scaling.
Sure, but that paled in comparison to the effects you got from Materia.

It's hardly inaccurate to say that the Materia system made all the characters interchangeable, because that's pretty much what it did.

Has it been confirmed who's coming back to do dubs?

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Which is a meme perpetuated by retards because a grand total of two companies didn't.

>I didn't ever picture FFVII as grimdark
well except that one of the main character dies, and almost every party member has some fucked up and tragic backstory (burned village, dead parents, dead lover...). tonally sure it's not all grim and dark, there are a lot of parts of the game that are fun and upbeat but there's still this dying planet theme and feeling of inevitable doom no matter what. even going into last battle felt like suicide mission and something you can't win.

>remake a game
>dont remake is 100% faithfully

oh nonononoon lopppppppppppppllllllllllll

It has some areas that are darker to be sure, but yes the style that fits the game generally is a more colorful anime style of the kind you see in the Tales series, or even in Nintendo's rendering of Cloud in Smash Bros.

There's a ton of content from the original that just isn't going to fit in to the look or gameplay of the remake. Not quite live action Sonic the Hedgehog level wrongness, but not too far off.

>It's funny how the graphics allowed everyone to see the game so differently.
I would say that melancholic music adds much more to the experience and feeling of the game, its locations than graphics.

You said all characters were the same blank slates, and that isn't true. You can still make Barret a mage if you want, the game's easy enough, but character variety still exists.

That's true, a lot of shit happens. One of the running themes is that everyone returns to the lifestream, so it's not really the end when you see a character die onscreen (as long as they stop Jenova/meteor). I think that's why so many deaths were sudden and the writers were comfortable with so many. The biggest part of FFVII is the concept of cycles (life/death, as well as coping mechanisms etc) and the consequences of breaking those cycles. You can see it in many different ways with Shinra mining the planet, Cloud overcoming his problems in a healthy way and being stronger for it, the father/son relationship with red xiii and eventually his cubs, it's everywhere.

>well except that one of the main character dies, and almost every party member has some fucked up and tragic backstory
You'd be hard pressed to find an FF after 3 that doesn't have those.

I think he meant in retrospect to Square making the decision to remake FF7.

FFVII was not turn based.

To tie everything in the greater FF series together sure because no one would deny that it's a complete cluster fuck as it is.
Problem is that square don't see that as a problem so they threw out perfectly good gameplay instead.

boo fucking hoo

Yea because Active Time Combat totally isn't turnbased, or w/e they called it.

Do you guys think they'll change the crossdressing scenario where cloud was thrown into a room with 7 dudes who wanted to gangbang him.

Also lets be real don torture dungeon is gonna removed and theres no way they keep cloud sitting in teh bathtub with a guy guy getting all touchy with him right?

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FF7 series even.

It isn't.

>Friendly fire is nonexistent
Meltdown (Merton) hits both sides, as does Cleansing (Purifier).
Which is why nobody ever summons Crusader to begin with.

Is the world really THAT big? Considering the huge maps of modern open world games, shouldn't creating these locations be achievable?

The answer is yes.

Attached: map-default.gif (450x338, 26K)

ATB is literally a turn based system.

You are correct. If you were being sarcastic, you have failed. (It's difficult to tell in text.)
No, it isn't. It is time based. You cannot take turns without the progression of time.

The bathtun scene has only one problem with it and it's that the reward doesn't really make sense. You're there to find bikini briefs, as if Cloud could somehow be able to fool someone checking under his skirt. Only the superficial parts of the disguise ever come into play in the infiltration.

Okay. Do it in the graphics of the remake.
Look how fucking tiny the main map for FFXV was. It literally only had one city that didn't need loading, and that city was tiny as fuck.

It didn’t need it, but it’s fun to have it. People who think that the RE will replace the original are retarded, it’s an adaptation - it’s its own thing and not FF7 itself.

For a more highbrow comparison, compare Nosferatu with the remake - both critically acclaimed for different reasons. Of course comparing ff7 to Herzog is retarded, but my point still stands.

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I'm worried, they havent shown magic nor summons and thats one of the best things about the combat.... What if they are not able to pull it off.

Attached: ohnonono.gif (480x270, 1.33M)

All the Don related stuff will be turned into a generic girl power thing I bet.

We're all worried, friend.

>. It is time based
and the time determines the turns making it turn based you fuckwit.

Why wouldn't they be able to? XV did both.

It’s obviously in the square commands menu. You can see Aerith cast green looking magic in the trailer, in the edge of the screen

why would Japan do that

No way the summons won't be at least re-created, maybe next trailer they will be advertised.

What do you think the word "based" means in "turn based"? Because the time is doing the determining, as you just admitted, it cannot be turn based. There is no basis in the turns, the basis is in time. You literally just described the opposite.
The time determines the turns, making it NOT turn based.

Just showing Tifa’s name in the HUD brought about a ton of new fan art. The hype is still there.

There's 25ish locations on this map. Look at Skyrim or Fallout 4's map.
I'm just saying, all the nay-sayers who are claiming it'll be impossible to recreate this game with modern graphics are wrong.

This. The full magic/summon menu will be under square, and I'm sure you'll be able to also map a few of your most used spells and summons to the quick actions list like in kingdom hearts.

>triumph card

Attached: syff.jpg (1080x804, 156K)

Having it as the original but in realistic graphics + voice acted would increase the age rating of the game

Well ye, classic you're running around on a painted background, now its all 3d models.

Also the worst offender is the amount of different materials being used for every new place.

Its all unique to its own village/city and cant be copy pasted in other parts of the world. Midgar is completelty different from costa del sol, to icicle village to wutai.

Theres a huge heap of assets that has to be created, its why you dont see open world games today be stuck in 1 region that has the same copy pasted trees and houses. Like witcher 3,horizon zero dawn even skyrim.

Its a huge world that needs heaps of assets created, someone did fanart of the entire story and it really shows how unique every place was in the game

>Because the time is doing the determining,
And what exactly do you think it's determining? The fucking turns.
The entire game is designed around the turn based system of ATB.

>Skyrim or Fallout 4
>modern graphics

Attached: 1557416576109.gif (200x293, 1.75M)

Summons are literally a cutscene button, can't fuck that up

>The time determines the turns
Dude, the fact that you even have to mention the game has turns means you're wrong.

*Meant its why you see open world games today be stuck in 1 region that has the same copy pasted trees and houses

the problem is they're hacks. they either make boring shit, or go full retard with something, instead of finding elegant middle grounds. I've never been a huge FF fan, but it's pretty aggravating how they have this amazing setup of pseudo-related original worlds for each numbered franchise. it's like total design freedom that automatically gets carried just by including shit like chocobos or summons... and they just can't deliver something that isn't fundamentally flawed. so much wasted potential as a franchise.

Saying tr*mp is problematic

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You knuckle dragging faggots think the only two states games can be are "real time" and "turn based", huh?
Having turns does not make a game turn based, idiots.
ATB is a time based with turns.

FF7 getting a proper remake with an English translation that isn't held back by the fact it was done in 2 weeks by a guy who had seen basically none of the game will be worth it.

And I mean that with utmost respect to the absolute machine that did the FF7 translation under those conditions, where his worst fuckups were not bringing Sephiroth's character to life properly, and not getting Zack's part in the story quite right.

I want to know how the battle transition works. Does the area adjust slightly once you initiate a fight (think of how the bridge background in the original was really wide once you entered a battle), or are all areas going to be empty grids with enemies patrolling in real time? If so that'll get pretty tedious. The few battle arenas we've seen have been pretty bland.

Versus combat isnt that bad, its basically the GOOD version of 15 combat that was heavily altered for whatever reason

Well they said they wanted a full scale map, not miniatures. With the fidelity they're going for I'd say that's pretty hard.

It's the same garbage.

Absolutely. The remake is already looking infinitely better than the original, very hyped for this.

My bad, but I still stand by what I said. SE is doing this because its their last resort.

No, considering the shit SE came up with in Crisis Core, and those were modern 3D graphics.
SE is full of technically incapable retards posing as directors. They are old developers that couldn't into 3D. As it is customary in Japan, nobody is ever fired, so they promoted those good for nothing developers into direction. But they have no education in storytelling nor in cinema. And their aesthetic sense is questionable.

Attached: flower-gurl.png (153x189, 78K)

>As it is customary in Japan, nobody is ever fired
They just got rid of tabata and baba

How can you look at Versus and then 15 and even think that

Since its nomura, its gonna be like kh3. You'll walk around in the area thats gonna be the combat zone when you initiate the fight, no changes. If anything a invisible wall will be setup like every slashing game and you'll just fight in there. Like you cant skip enemies

Well, you don't actually get any summon materia til you leave midgar so it's not surprising we haven't seen any.

>3D tech

SE are one of the most cutting edge 3D graphics tech companies in the world.

same shit different smell

are they gonna include the scene where cloud is getting cucked?

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Please don't bring XV shitposting into these threads.

the game comes second to them though, that's the point. they use final fantasy to show off new CG tech

You mean the last 20 years of Final Fantasy?

You asked this several times

Thats a good point

learn to read

Yeah I'm glad the character switching is back also

>no hype
Aside from the fact you're wrong, just wait until the next trailer where we get to see Tifa's tifas. Then you'll see hype.

It is second because they just don't have the necessary formation (Nomura I'm looking at you, but all the others are equally incapable)

Nomura's okay, he's just hugely overworked and hasn't been allowed to work on a project he's passionate about in over 10 years. SE throw him on projects and don't tell him until it's already decided. I heard he's already fully booked with projects for the next 10 years, and none of that is anything he has freedom over. He wants to make versus and TWEWY but he's pushed into remakes and final fantasy/kingdom hearts games. His games feel soulless because his heart isn't in it anymore.

Last Order was such trash.

Full remake? No.

Everything apart from the battle system and materia system? Yes.

They are probably rich anyway and the "firing" was somehow arranged.
I'm speaking about the time FF7 was made. They had no experience in 3D, so they hired externals to do the modelling. Art director Naora for instance tried to learn, but he was shit, and finally remained in a direction position.
Kitase is also a hack, he can't into writting.

This is all told in a yt video:

would you play FF made by yoko taro?

>I thought turn-based RPGs were more because of system limitations.
Ys has been realtime combat since 1987 and even had full voice acting by 1989. The only limitations have been on the part of the developer's skills.

so was Dirge of Cerberus

Are we speaking about the dude that thought Shiva would make a good motorbike?

>ATB is a time based with turns.
>with turns
You're not getting this are you. It doesn't matter how they make the turns pass, as long as they exist then its a turn based game.

Never played Drake gard nor ff xiv

>inb4 this is included in the story

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VII_The_Kids_Are_Alright_cover.jpg (284x426, 26K)

Zelda 2 feels less like an ARPG and more like a platformer with a very open map screen.
so was mother 3
If what you're referring to is anything like LiveALive, I'd be pressed to call it less of a TBRPG and more of it's own thing; a weird combo of chess and SNES FF's timer-based-combat.

>well except that one of the main character dies, and almost every party member has some fucked up and tragic backstory (burned village, dead parents, dead lover...)
You mean like a previous game in the series that was even brighter in comparison?

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>Everything apart from the battle system and materia system?
So a full remake.

I mean, you're wrong. There's nothing more to say except that you're wrong. Having turns does not make a game turn based, it just makes it a game with turns. The word "based" in the phrase "turn based" has meaning, and it is meaning that eludes your definition.
In a turn based game, the game proceeds in order of turns. Yet in FFVII, if you do not take your turns, then enemies still get turns. Why? This should not happen in a turn based game, because no turns occurred for them to take turns. Instead, it was because time progressed irrespective of the turns.

It's funny how they ripped of the gunkan building and called it Shinra HQ. This building was near Squaresoft.

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Rather a remake of FF5 and FF6 1st.

I can play that game too bro.

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>Meltdown (Merton) hits both sides, as does Cleansing (Purifier).
Those just target ALL units. The image refers to AoE abilities that have a certain radius and can harm your allies if they are within it. Which is why those games allow you to manually position AoE's, even on the ground, to avoid hitting your own units.

These types of abilities, as well as the concept of friendly fire, are almost non-existent in jrpgs.

Well that is certainly a hideous blight on someone's skyline.

That scene doesn't happen if Tifa is in your party though.


My point is that those elements on their own don't make the game as a whole grimdark, especially when earlier games did it more.

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>Having turns does not make a game turn based
Despite the fact that the gameplay of said game is based around the turns thus making it turn based. It's as simple as that.

That’s a hot white mage

ff7 maybe didn't do it as much as some titles but it did it the best, that's my point.

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>Yet in FFVII, if you do not take your turns, then enemies still get turns
Dude, listen to yourself. You're using turns as proof that there are no turns.

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They're only "turns" because you're calling them that. Characters have a cooldown on all actions based on their speed, once that time is up they can act again. When they use their actions have absolutely no bearing on when the enemy can attack (aside from status effects) so nobody is taking turns. There's no sequence of action in ATB, whoever is faster goes first. If it was your "turn" then the enemy wouldn't be able to attack you over and over again until you died if you remained inactive, because in this case you would both have the same "turn" at the same time, which doesn't work according to what turn based is.

> No new full fedge piston paizuri Tifa hentai made by Studio Seven

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>They're only "turns" because you're calling them that
What exactly do you think a turn is? Even enemies are bound by the same guage that determines yours only they have a much higher speed stat.

By that logic FFXII is turn based too

>The 33 million was a predicted loss from the cancelled FFXV content.

then it's still a $33 million loss that can traced back to XV

>Even enemies are bound by the same guage that determines yours only they have a much higher speed stat.
Yes, and that's the time cooldown. I covered that in my post. Why don't you give us a definition of "turn" considering you're so adamant every game before XI was turn based.

>and that's the time cooldown
A cool down is an entirely different thing to a turn user. Just look at games like Xenoblade for instance.

The Brothers Karamazov is considered the best story ever told and it received numerous adaptations, as I said the FF7 remake is an adaptation not a definitive edition AN ADAPTATION A D A P T A T I O N ADAPTATION

It's not in this case though. In Xenoblade's case individual skills have their own separate cooldowns, in ATB they've got a single cooldown with which to choose a single action. Exactly the same as how Shulk can only use one Monado skill once the gauge fills before having to refill it.

Zoomers won’t play the remake either. The thing isn’t that they are young, the thing is that they are normalfags and they don’t give a shit about JRPG’s either way. Anyone who isn’t lazy and cares about JRPGs would have played it regardless of age (I am not saying anyone who is both has, I am saying that they WOULD and probably would do so in the future if they haven’t already), unless they are a traditional FF purists and hate all the games past 6 or 5 with a possible exception of 9 (there are a lot of guys like that).

It needed a true remaster, Modernize the graphics/audio, add audible dialogue, iron out a few bugs, add a few extra fun bells & whistles, that's it. Not that it matters, they'll release this idol culture rtc garbage and weebs will eat it up anyway like they always do.

Attached: FFVII-2.jpg (1134x1600, 742K)

right, stop that

No they weren't

Who's the guy on the far left? I don't remember seeing him in the game.

why does Vincent get all the cunny


Explain to me how they weren't remakes when everything in the game is brand new.

Do you mean Hojo or the guy with the weird face brace?

It's Genesis.

Fairly sure he means the top left guy. Guess he's Genesis?

But you see Hojo next to Nero. I'm talking about the guy above Weiss.

No the guy above Weiss.

All the cunny? The only cunny he chased for went on to bang Hojo instead.

>make turn based rpg
>remake it as a shitty ARPG

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I just want Final Fantasy to play like Final Fantasy.

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THAT'S Genesis? His hair seems longer from Crisis Core. Maybe that's why I didn't recognize him.

I don't think you know what cunny means.

Where have you been the last 20 years?

It means pussy does it not?

>turn based combat is fine
Only if it's grid based tactics. Otherwise it can fuck off.

His first appearance was in DoC.

Also he was sleeping in the Midgar caverns for three years. It's no surprise his hair would get a bit longer..


>for looking forward to a game he's never even played
That's what it means to look forward to something, dumbass. I can look forward to going skydiving despite never having done it before.

What is Yea Forums's opinion on Vincent?

Attached: Vincent-FFVIIArt.png (313x539, 170K)

FFIX came out 19 years ago.

And Vincent never scored right?

He's an ok guy. I hope the remake works on improving his limit breaks. His backstory is pretty meh.

His design would be better without the armored arm and the head-wrappings.

he got cucked by hojo in more ways than one

13 year old me's favorite character

God all this "ff7 fans" are being melodramatic as fuck over nothing

im a ff7 fan, i love the game, i love the sotyr, i love everything about it. But the remake doesnt look bad at all, im not dissapointed, it's not gonna mess with my memories, and im pretty excited about how are they gonna pull it off. Its not gonna destroy the original, the original will always exist, but all you retards can deal with the fact that a remake will be done no matter how much you cry.
Be glad its not an online game, online games change a lot, and no way to play an older version. FF7 original will always be there, so stop being a crybaby over literally nothing.

Personally excited about ff7 remake, cant wait to see more about the combat. Characters look good

Never scored? user, Dirge of Cerebus made it so the events of FF7 all happen because Vincent LOVES being a cuck.

His game was garbage and only served to make him worse.

> the music is subpar
at least make believable baits

Did he fuck Shelke ?

No, a graphical makeover would have been good enough.

There's a reason why the FF fanbase is such cancer. Especially fags who've played the original FF7 and love to pretend it was a masterpiece. I played it back when I was a kid and then played it recently this year and realized that the gameplay is dated as fuck and that the story was a bigger mess than I remembered.

I think these fans need to actually replay FF7 one of these days just so they can see how much it's aged.

I bet he banged Yuffie and Shelke.

You know what's an 'approximation', user?

Said no one ever.

Yes he got that cuunnyyyyyy

>story was a bigger mess
If ff7 did something good was the story, wtf.

Yes and? It proves he didn't score because he's a massive cuck.

Obviously not. He's too busy fapping off to his guilt and regret on not tapping Lucrecia.

Yuffie would probably get turned off by him pretty quickly.

>im a fan of ff7
>what? no i hate turn based rpgs

>(already fixed due to no ATB)
we have atb apparently for commands. Attacks are not affected

Are you implying that any FF games after 9 played like FF?

Fact:Cissenei is going to be in the remake.

How do you want her implemented/her story?

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Are you serious? Is that your nostalgia talking? Because FF7's story is definitely not good. It was a mess. At best it was very mediocre.

grashtrike looks surprsingly huge compared to ooriginal

I'd like to see her get knotted.

could be a boss type

FF7's story is not a mess. FF8's is a mess.

I'm implying no FF games after 9 played "like FF" so expecting that a wooping 20 years later is retarded

Maybe you bump into her in Rocket Town or something? Or maybe she's working over in the Icicle Inn? Idk what she's supposed to do since she's supposed to have left Shinra and the Turks behind or something.

It was ok in my opinion. I don't see the mess there for sure.

Right, I'm saying "never scored" is a huge understatement for how cuck Vincent is.

I was thinking Cloud looked less gross.

Attached: clud.png (1300x676, 860K)

They were both messes. FF8's story was just a bigger mess.

That's because he looks less white.

in general does some mistakes but the way its presented to you its more than enough to make get into the story

7's isn't a mess at all.

Exactly. Vincent seems like that guy who'd book a room next to Hojo and Lucrecia's room so he could hear Hojo smashing Lucrecia in bed while Vincent gets to reflect on how happy Lucrecia is now.

Using her knowledge as a ex-Turk to try to take Shinra down internally.

She has a breakdown when she finds out Arieth dies as she was the last piece of Zack around.

Attached: Cissnei_PFF.png (243x350, 96K)

You realize that "desire" and "expectation" are two completely different things, right?


Replay the game.

Exactly, it's actually quite simple and well structured.

and to complement, even me , a 10 years old kid who didnt speak english, still could understand what was happening, and still got excited on what was gonna happen next

Can you explain how 7's story is a mess? I'm talking about the game itself, no compilation trash.

I could see her being that secret Turk who relays information to Cloud and co. through sources that helps them in their fight against Shinra.

Though I wouldn't be surprised when she's the one who mentions that she's heard rumors about the other SOLDIER besides Sephiroth still being around and she's looking into it.

You might as well not waste time thinking of something impossible

I literally just finished an 80+ hour playthrough yesterday. The game's story is perfectly fine.

I first played it when I was 18 mate. There was nothing messy about it and nothing difficult to follow either. Why don't you start by telling us what was so bad about it?

Only messy thing is the ending.

What's wrong with the ending?

FF7's story is needlessly convoluted. It's great that there's a lot of depth and complexity to the story, but it's also more complicated than it needed to be to tell the same story. On top of a poor translation and an unreliable narrator, it's a mess to keep up with, though I primarily blame the translation.

after the disasters that were xiii, xiv 1.0, and xv, square might as well just remake the old games that were actually good instead of making any more shitty new ones.

That's what she said.

Should i replay ff7 on switch? I havent played in since I played it on psp about 10 years ago. is switch version ok?

Unless you're 10 years old there's no difficulty following the story despite the translation.

FF7's story was simply just ok. It wasn't super amazing like these fags claim but it wasn't really that big a mess as you make it sound. Translation shit didn't help.

But overall, the story was very mediocre. It's only really memorable due to the impact of Aerith's death.

7's story is simple, really. Once you get to the Cloud/Zack twist everything falls in place.

I wanted a remake, but not necessarily a modern FF game with VII’s story and characters which is basically what we’re getting. If they had just given us VII with better graphics and more polished gameplay I would have been fine.

But casuals and normies wouldn’t have wanted that. They like the AAA stuff, and that’s what sells.

This. The story was trying too hard to tell a very good story but it just fell flat on it's face.

Transformer summons were a neat change of pace. Brynhildr was the best one though.

it's a turn-based system with a real-time gimmick.
If a menu pop up for each character's turn, and you select an action to take on that turn, it's a fucking turn-based system.
Yes, there are very few turn-based systems that also include a real-time element, but the Square ATB from the 90s is one.

I get the feeling she's just going to be in just to reference Genesis in some way.

Nobody would give a fuck about this remake if they had kept FF7 the same but with a graphic overhaul.

So yes you're right about that part. They changed the story around and gameplay around as well so they can appeal to newer fans and casuals.

>FF7's story is needlessly convoluted

I played it when I was 13 in 1997, and never found anything convoluted at all. It's complex and has a lot of layers, but not convoluted.

>PSN demo after E3

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>no turn based combat

Attached: 7DkSkNs.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

No it didn't.

the ending wasn't messy

cloud killed the last remnant of sephiroth in his mind

holy couldnt make it on time
lifestream itself comes to help holy
game shows you aeris was behind all the lifestream movement

at the end you dont know if humanity survived, but red 13 apparently did
you hear some kids laughing
did humanity survive?

>game shows you aeris was behind all the lifestream movement

No wonder the linked it to FFX.

what the hell does "time-based" even mean?
The battle system is organized around units taking turns. You might say, it is TURN-BASED. It's like every other turn-based JRPG except that the turn queues are managed in real-time instead of locked into a fixed progression that always waits for a decision.

I really miss the environments of the original. The ones in the remake seem kind of bland in comparison so far.

In turn based games enemies aren't able to hit you while it's your turn.

not the distinguishing feature of the system.