That one fucking game from your childhood you can't remember

>that one fucking game from your childhood you can't remember

Explain it , Yea Forums.

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pc or dos pokemon clone with weird background and textures

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I played a game's demo in which you play as a kind of archeologist, it was night and the game had nice effects. It's probably around 20 years old now I guess, it also had a top-down view.

some pc hotwheels game where you could make a track and do stunts or some shit
it was cool as fuck

>like fucking Nintendo 64 or Playstation era
>you were like, a guy walking through hallways in a 3d top view, battling monsters
>very blocky and resident evil like
>you could play as different monsters as well, one being a large blue thing

i have no idea

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A game about a talking red car.

Point and click PC game where you explore some island solving puzzles and shit. Played it in the computer lab at school back in the late 90s.

I played that shit

I swear I fucking dreamed this, but it was a Mario Kart game that you could customize and build your own cars in a minigame like setting.

There were like, turtle shell wheels, spiked ones, etc. and I dont fucking know what it was

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a learning drag racing car game with math

This game where you play as a dog in a platformer and collect cherries. It was on DOS.

>boost tracks n shit
>just lay a fuckton of them in a line
>go off the ramp really fucking far
i was a simple man back then, but now look at me

I can’t remember a damn thing about it other than the young delicious brown girl with white hair, kind of tomboyish I think. Might have been wearing pink or red, and if it wasn’t a spaceship it was definitely a futuristic setting. 3D models but I don’t know what kind of gameplay it had.

it's a gameboy game where you ascend various platforms kind of like Donkey Kong but I swear to god it isn't Donkey Kong.

this one educational doom clone fps where you fight aliens and solve math problems to open doors

Doesnt look like it

Myst or some clone

I wish I could find this game, it came in a CD with like 80 games. I only have few memories of it.

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101 Dalmatinos for PC. You basicaly runned as a dog in 3D and destroyed toys by barking. I don't remember it well besides that

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Mario Party 5 vehicle battle mode?

>young delicious brown girl with white hair

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GBA game that was a 2d fighter with robots and I think you could customize them? Idk all I remember was it was definitely some jap shit and at one point a girl says “Tch” and my 7 year old brain couldn’t comprehend what this meant

No it wasn't Myst. It was maybe some educational thing because they had it at school for some reason.

I had it for the PS1, it was kinda similar to Spyro in which you collected bones, I played the fuck out of the minigolf minigame

Is it a genuine Hotwheels game or just a way to describe it? If it's the later maybe Trackmania Sunrise?


no it was before the year 2000 for sure, couldnt have been trackmania

This game where you are alone on a spaceship and you're a robot or something and your being stalked by something and it beeps as it gets closer. Probably played it sometime between 1995 and 2000. It scared the hell out of me as a kid.

Holy fuck this is it

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Similar to Space Invaders, but with much better graphics and I think I was playing it late 90s-early 2000s on PC.

I am looking for this for about 10 years I will probably never find it.
It was added to some game magazine in my coutry.
2d platformer, something like cave story.
The only characteristic thing that I remember is that on the main menu screen (or intro perhaps?) there was a girl reading the book under a tree on a hill. There was a village in the distance. It was ultra comfy, this image is burned into my head, but I will never ever find this game

It was definately a Gamecube Game, I KNOW that for a fact.

>Played as a girl, kind of Lara Croft-ish
>had an annoying dragon/lizard sidekick or something
>your main health/energy were literally skittles
>that was a literal joke in the game, it was set in a weird medieval setting or something

you know this may or may not be it but either way this game looks pretty dope.

I don't remember the Asgard being this red. Somebody needs to remind Thor about sunscreen.

dreamcast racing game where you got to destroy the CPU cars by ramming in them, and you'd always get a KO if you somehow ran ontop of it

it's reloaded

>5th gen era PC game
>3D game, maybe a platformer
>colorful, simplistic graphics with a cartoony artstyle
>cute playable character, may have been some sort of alien thing like Kirby
>played the demo on a demo disc from a PC magazine
>demo area was just a grassy area with some pleasant ambient music, would remind you of N64 3D platformers
>had a name similar to Earthbound or Homeworld (used to confuse it with these two for years before I played either of those games)
This one haunts me every time this type of thread appears. It's literally the only "lost media" from my childhood I've been unable to find or remember the name of. I know, my details are vague, but that's all I remember.

I’ve been meaning to make more of an effort in finding the source. It wasn’t my system but they had RE4 too

two actually
the first is a horizontal scrolling shmup with a red and white spaceship pre-rendered graphics and a nice guitar track
the other was a top down shooter where you could steal mechs and shit, I remember it being called 'Zulu' but haven't found any game like that. I played a ton of shareware collections as a kid and used to have a dozen or more lost games in my memory, but one by one I found them all, except for these two

Early 2000s rts kinda game where you play as a mafia/criminal

I know that feel.

I played it on Macintosh, I forget the model, mid to late 90s. It was a platformer set in a castle, and all I remember about it is that a hand would come from off-screen to punch you down if you climbed too high. Might have just been a demo now that I think about it.

A top-down shooter where you played as a spaceship. There were 2 factions - blue-white ships and yellow (yellow-black?) ones. You could play as either one and customize your ships with different parts that changed how it looks. The enemy spaceships were randomised from these parts too, I think, since they were very varied. I'm pretty sure NPC ships from your faction would fight alongside you as well. The background during gameplay was just space.
It wouldn't happen to be pic related?

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It was one I played at school in the early 90s, when our even-then-outdated computer lab had amber & green monochrome monitors. Not sure if it was on PC or Apple. It was a dogsled game where I think you were running the Iditarod. Not positive on that part. It was kind of an Oregon trail clone, with first-person stills, instead of the normal side view. I haven't been able to find a ROM or anything, and only once saw a lead on some forum about abandonware, where they were talking about it not existing online. I lost track of that link too.

Darkened Skye

Probably Putt Putt. You can paint him any color

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I think it was an old windows game where you were presented with an array of bricks, and you could click them to change between the colors blue, mahogany, and gray. It was pretty fun to make pixel art in.

One time at a bestbuy about 15??? years ago there was a demo booth for some bug game where you walked around as a ladybug or something and ran around in the grass

I will never know

This would have been mid to late 90's. It was some learning game of some sort, and you were on a spacestation, or in a science lab or something. One of the minigames had a little biome thing where you could control all sorts of environmental factors like the temperature, and the humidity or whatnot.
I'm also remembering a character like freakazoid, or Beakman from beakman's world type character.

Some PSP game, I think it was set in some sort of theater or something and there were these little cute dinosaur things

> She does not use firearms, but can perform magic using Skittles candies, as well as use her staff as a melee weapon, though it also becomes an energy weapon when used in conjunction with the Skittles.
>Skittles have limited, though slowly regenerating, quantities of Mana.
>Available spells depend on the quantity of Skittles Skye collects throughout the game.
>A 300-page script, by lead writer and designer Andy Wolfendon, was written and submitted to Mars, which only asked to change a joke, utterances of "damn" and "remove all the snakes from the game." When Braswell asked for clarification, they said that there could be snake-like creatures, but no actual snakes
What the fuck, licensing deals are so weird.

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I remember playing an educational myst clone made by some German company in the late 90s. It was called Physicus and all the puzzles were based on physics problems.

it was one of those computer games that came in a cereal box. in disc 1, you would be in the main characters house and do shit like cook and garden and shit. There might have been learning involved. I think sometimes some villainous fuck would try and steal your pies you leave on the windowsill or some shit.

If you put in disc 2, you could get in the main characters car and drive around his little town and stop at various landmarks like a museum and shit and play various minigames around town. I seriously spent hours with this game as a little babby gamer and I can't for the life of me remember the title.

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Played as the kid with my cousin on his console, dunno which one. You played as a red guy and when he died second player played as the green guy.
It was a platformer I remember underwater and underground levels


Please help

try asking in /vr/

that game was a fucking laugh fest though, and it took itself pretty seriously
thank you for finding this for me lmao Im gonna dive through the Wiki

you climb a snowy mountain to get some prize or some shit by doing various kinds of math questions to outsmart some elves or something. When you get to the top I think you got some kind of prize but you'd get punted back down the mountain and would start over to get another prize.

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Some N64 game (I think). You start in a huge field of bones fighting skellies. I think it might have been a castlevania, but that's just a guess.


total shot in the dark but maybe a bug's life on Mac? I don't think there was a ladybug though

There was a game on the Sega Saturn based around these battle robots that you fought with all Armored Core style across different arenas.

ps1 game where you play as a redhead and kill dinosaurs. i think it was turok evolution but im not sure

Very probably unrelated, but also a game where you played an archaeologist Indiana Jones type character except it was simply third-person and involved lots of puzzles, some of which were rather silly. It had a strong "Around the World in 80 days" theme, and you could explore some fairly open cities including (I think) Cairo. Some puzzles involved pushing crates and correctly reflecting light with mirrors and stuff of that nature. Searching for "Around the World in 80 days" just yields entirely unrelated games, except I'm 50% sure it may have been a semi-official videogame version of it.

some old scary ass pc game
i remember it being dark and macabre but looking back not too scary for an older child, but at the age i was fucking terrifying anyways, All i remember is it being tim burtonesque and take place in a "dream" i think? Also a part where the main character is stuck in a coffin and quickly loses hp and game overs. If anyone knows this game please let me know I didnt make it up.

Some fantasy rts game where you always had 2 maps, one underground and one "normal", connected with tunnels. The underground has special monsters, resources and you could go to different tunnels to go around certain terrain. It's so fucking vivid in my mind but I just can't get details, nor can I find a name, even though I played it with my uncle so fucking much

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I only have that issue with a cartoon.
It's rough when you can't find it regardless of how much you google for it.

>pc, probably made by a guy in his basement, it came on a game magazine disc, circa 2007
>sidescrolling 2D arcade style
>no savefile, after completing a level you get a password to skip to that level
>you control a spaceship and shoot/avoid all the enemies and obstacles
>special enemies drop upgrade tokens, but the only worthwhile upgrades were the shield and the laser beam
>some bosses I remember: giant stone worm, giant alien ship, giant ice *something*

There's one very specific thing I remember : the intro explaining your mission was a bunch of hand drawn images, and on one them your commander has a speech bubble saying
>bla bla bla, yada yada

This sound a lot like medabots?

NES platformer with Pikachu who can fly

An arcade horizontal shmup. I barely remember it but I think the first stage boss was a giant robot.

RTS ish game with wizards and floating Islands. I remember a lot of rain and wind noise

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Dino crisis

Snes game that played like doom but you were a chef with a jetpack and weird weapons

Cash invaders?

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Broken Sword?

Its this isometric jagged alliance/commandos style game. The opening intro is you being a swat sniper and accidentaly blowing off a hostages head. Thats about it

Robo Pit. My friend and I still play this from time to time to this very day.

This one has been fucking my head for years. The first one was this weird 3D driving game that I played, I'm not sure if it was PC, N64, PS2, but it was really weird, it was low poly art and I remember being able to do stunts. I got to drive this simple 4 door car with and just simply jump on this ramp. The physics fun and not realistic. At this point I don't even know if the video game existed or if it was a dream I had as a little kid. It was like I was in the game itself, immersion cranked to the max.

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To add onto it, it was definitely pre-2006. I really hope my game wasn't just a fever dream.

A DOS 3D game where you controlled a purple/blue spider. I think you clicked on the place to go and the spider would go there by itself, but I'm not sure of this detail. The spider made cute sounds and a distressing one when killed. The game itself was dark, or at least the first level or something probably was at night.

Alright so there was this xbox game that I rented sometime in the early 2000s. It was about two animals that were chained together. I think it was about them escaping a big mall or maybe a hotel. There was one big animal that would swing the smaller animal around to attack things. I remember enjoying it, but I’ve never seen it ever since.

>original xbox demo
>turn based
>board is flying in space, has hexagonal tiles, each tile is a terrain type
>two opposing factions have fantasy themed units spread at each end of the map like chess pieces
>you move the units across the tiles until they clash with an enemy unit
>when they clash the game zooms into a battle mode where the player controls the unit like in an action game
I might be wrong on the hexagonal tiles part but the rest is as accurate as I can get. I remember there being an unicorn like unit and the terrains being things like swamps, ice and such. I'm having a hard time finding it because I can't think of key words that aren't too generic

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>side scrolling platformer, pc
You were playing as this battery with legs running and jumping around and stuff. At one point you had to go outside and it was raining. You would take continuous damage under the rain. That's all I remember.

>very old fps, pc
I remember absolutelty nothing about this except there was a point in the game which you would find yourself in a big room with a bunch of life pods on the walls with people inside. Next to this room there was a docking bay with a ship. You would look at the pods and then walk to the ship?

Time is fucking flowing, man. Everything is a blur.
I want to go back.

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Funny thing is I searched for a PS1 demo game I played 15 years ago.
The only thing I remembered was that you played a spider-thingy.

I just found a week ago that it was the Ghost In The Shell PS1 game
Couldn't be happier

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just checking, but you know rts means real time strategy right? So it can't be a turn based game if it's rts.
Some people make that mistake.

That is definitely a possibility, although something still seems off. I feel like maybe the girl had longer hair than that and I remember bright corridors. Still cute regardless.

I remeber there was a whole series of those: Physicus, Chemicus, Historion, and possibly others.

I think it was a flash game where you had to manipulate the environment to create new creatures or plants or something

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There was a game on the Sega Saturn based around these battle robots that you fought with all Armored Core style across different arenas.

>that one flash video you can't remember
One armed girl, guy tagging along, wild west theme?

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Weird as fuck DOS game with Giger like art style I remember it was a platformer and the player character was some kind of mutating robot that could transform into a Johnny kind of robot or an kind of predator humanoid weird as shit, first level was like a swamp

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Somesnowboarding game for the playstation that had a night level or something and I remember continuously falling down.

Yoooo this sounds really familiar. Did one of the factions have a lady with huge tits and armor barely covering the nipples?

Something that had this spinning guy collect fruits and gems. I was very young so the only tell thing I really remember is that there was some Nigger with an ubermencsh that you shot the fruits at. In the end you chased a thick-skulled Nigger to outer space and the controls were bad. It reminds me of Hellsing so would really like to replay it.

Holy shit I just remembered something.
I never played it but I remember a psx game on a magazine or maybe I saw it on my video store whose cover was like a blue cat and a robot monkey. Caught my atention but never saw it again and then forgot about it until now. Pretty sure it's fairly obscure.

The other game I can't remember is this SNES style wrestling game. You were in a ring with you and the other player on opposite sides of the wrestling ring and I remember you could jump off the actual sides. It was kind of like pic related but the game was in red, white, and black.

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>robot monkey
...ape escape?

sega cd (? mightve been saturn ?) game where youre inside a body in a shrunk down spaceship killing a virus off the person. i just remember that when you died they covered up the body all ominous like with haunting music and it was creepy as shit.

The game was PS1 era, you could play as a female character. It could've been a horror action game and I remember there was an option for "extra blood". This may be me mis-remembering but there might have been red skies in it.

Most likely I guess. The action bit was top down if that's of any help

you were in some kind of mansion and set traps and enslaved people
hot chicks and badass dudes invaded your house
but you fucked them up and ate their souls
it was like a strategy game
but you were satan?

It was a game on the ps1 I think and you control toy soilders, like those green platic ones with the bases.

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I remember a PS1 game where you were some kind of fairy thing raising baby monsters, it was 2D, and I got it out of a bargain bin for around 8 bucks, so it must not have been that good, I couldn't figure out how to do anything and lost interest after like 5 minutes.

It was some sort of fucking rpg flash game with some sort of isometric 3d floating mecha shit? You fought some gears with wings on a scrapyard and had a tutorial in a cave or something, then had an edgy boss with triple claw attack come down and try to fuck shit up? I really dont remember it, think it had a full version?

Possibly alone in the dark: the new nightmare

some robinson crusou point and click?
kings quest vi? vii?

dungeon keeper?

No no, the 'monkey' is actually a gorilla.
Fuck I remember the cover perfectly but I don't know anything else about it. The cat looked like sylvester but blue.

army men, it had a few different releases on ps1/n64/pc

Some racing game on the N64
Dont remember much about it aside from the announcer yelling "ITS DANGEROUS" with a crowd screaming in the background whenever you'd ramp your car off of something

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I literally named my son after a video game character and cant even remember the name of the game. Came out I want to say early to mid 2000s, main characters name was Gideon, was supposed to be a trilogy, ended with a cliff hanger, your character waking up on an ice and snow covered world.

Anyone know what programs and video games those old Elementary school computer had? Those were some weird ass games, I can't even recall them besides being able to look at the time and calendar. However, I do remember Zoombinis. Those educational computer lab games should be a genre of their own.

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It was an Original Xbox game, a high concept fantasy setting with dragons and monsters and shit.

It was essentially a 3D Fighting game like Tekken, but the twist was that it was also a board game. Playable characters were like chess pieces. You played the board game pretty much like any other strategy game, but once one of your pieces encountered an opponents piece, it switched to a 3D Fighting game.

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bash some masked dude's face with a plastic shield
it was an fps on ps2 i think

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fear effect?

PC game where these anthropomorphic rabbits were killing each other. I think (were?)wolves were involved somehow.

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Old flash game where you were a samurai that walked through labyrinth corridors and you had to fight traps, and had secret rooms where you would find a hentai girl in every level

Game starts with a girl and a boy looking away from each other in a character select white void or something
Think it was a JRPG on the Ps1

A room escape game where you're in a hotel room, I think, and the descriptions are all in engrish.


I used to rent it from Blockbuster all the time

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A fucking NES game where this ball would roll around a track but the ST was this creepy music and wailing.

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Some GameBoy game that I remember renting where you would play as an animal and try to knock balls back and forth on a table. Each animal had their own style, like hitting multiple balls at once or a really slow roll.

Armies of Exigo

>Only remember a single detail of the game
>throw it on google + snes
>Literally first fucking result

The worst part of it all is that the cartridge I had was a damn bootleg and it had Samurai Shodown as the cover

There was also Geographicus (which wasn't as good and had weird cartoony characters) and a biology one that I never beat because biology is difficult. I always liked Physicus and Chemicus best.

It's a shmup but you're driving a car, the first boss or so is a helicopter.

Bomberman like clone where you fought big bosses, played it in an arcade a few times

I swear my dad had a Sega Saturn when I was like 3, and one of the first games i played on it was Virtua Fighter, I remember the last stage being a deep-blue, almost aquatic in nature, and I guess the boss was Dural, but idk if Im even remembering it right

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Oh fuck that’s it! Thanks user.

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Fuck I just checked to see what this was and it might be it, this shit has plagued me for more than a decade. It looks just like what I remember.

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Advent Rising

It's one ofnthe highest rating games in newgrounds, sort the adult games by views and you will find it

no, it was a ps1 game
ill find it and let you know...


While not in my childhood(probably, I forgot how long ago it was, feels like at least 10+ years), there's one game that's been bugging me.
All I remember is a magazine advertisement with a 'crude'-style(think mad magazine) gnome/dwarf thing with a rather long stocking cap flipping the bird. There was a standard bomberman-style bomb in the background and a wooden sign somewhere iirc.

If anyone knows, you could close the door on a rather pesky memory.

A bridge with 3 little thought bubbles of a compass a map and something else needed to progress

God bless you user.

OK I literally searched "psx game with robot gorilla and blue cat" and found it.
Turns out it's some weird top down shooter with awful cgi cutscenes

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Also, damn shame the series didnt go on. Fantastic premise.

a choose your own adventure flash that was must more fleshed out, but less well drawn then the one with the chimera.

I think it was possible to fight cool guy.

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>tfw Anons find their games and be happy
I love these threads.

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some really early flash games i played on the preschool computer.

i remember there being some trash/recycling picking up game and some apple/fruit counting game? i played those all the fucking time. i can kinda remember the menus for the website but only a little bit. honestly that shit is probably lost to time considering how old it is and how much kid-centric websites there are now.

Had a cd demo for ps2 when I was like 10, and it was a sort of a hack n slash in a post apocalyptic world, you would slash into monsters with a sword and it had satisfying bloodshed when you killed them.
Can't fucking remember the name

Gotta say that's obscure as fuck

Some kind of pixel mech game on the pc. It was a first person shooter with the bad guys being animal robots. When you killed them you rescued people. You could buy upgrades and weapons. The level select screen was a globe and the first level boss was an orb being protected by rotating panels. Help me find guys.

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Grow CUBE?

nightmare creatures?

kagero: deception 2?

Searching for a flash game
It was a side scroller shooting type of game
You can choose between 2 characters, animal-like: A tall one and a little one (a rabbit and something else? a la "Sam & max")

It was very stylish, "noir" style with a mafia universe

The first 2 bosses were an jeep and an helicopter

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Fuck yeah this game is awesome
go play it

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It was a PS1 game where you're in a space ship and shoot aliens if I remember correctly. You definitely had a gun at least,don't remember if it was a normal one or shot lasers. It scared me shitless when I played it as a kid,and my father watched

>may or may not have been for the snes
>sort of final fantasy style battle system
>rpg, if it's not obvious.
>get my ass fucking creamed by one of the first fights. It may have been the first boss, but I don't remember.
>The map is more of a contra style side scrolling map

Sounds like you two are thinking of the same game

It was a space invader clone called Bugs (may have been spelled Bugz). It was a shareware PC game and this would have been around 1998 - 2003. It's fucking impossible to find, because searching 'pc game bugs' is not helpful.


Hotwheels: Offroad Adventure?

11th hour?

Check here

wild arms 1 2 3 or 4?

I love (you), user. Seriously I do. Your posts make me happy. I just wanted you to know. You make me smile :)

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This is a game I've been wanting a name to;
The game is set in medieval times. The princess has gone missing and the king, a cowardly knight and a mage are going on an adventure looking for her.
The last level is a water level where you drive a boat forwards in a river, dodging shit left and right in the water.
At the end it's revealed that the princess never left the castle and the cowardly knight marries her.
If anyone has any clues as to what this game could be, I'd be forever in your debt.

Approximate date of release?

A game on PC where you start in a city and fight your way out through some monsters? I think there was a werewolf in the sewers? It also had different races, one of them was a halfling with a huge sword and one was a Goblin which used mostly explosives.

Gameplay was maybe a bit similar to Enclave or Nightmare Creatures

Anyone know of a PS2 game that played like a Diablo or Gauntlet ripoff? You choose your character and head from a village to the woods and explore dungeons. I think the cover had a woman on it.

Valkyrie Profile?

PS1 demo disc, Tiny RC cars game where you'd drive around a kitchen, in a backyard, and other locations

A game where you run around as a kid/teenager in Japan(?) and there are battles where a mecha you control can shoot a rocket fist.

>racing game with floating pod vehicles
>wireframe green and black graphics, or something similar
>very slow acceleration
>the first race is pretty hard but if you got enough currency you could buy a gun and shoot the guy in front of you
>if you blow them up you win automatically

>original xbox
>turn based
52 games hit that combo.

Some point and click where you had to get into a domed city at the beginning and there was like a house you could go into at the beginning and get a wine bottle and a subway you could go down into.
If you tried to just enter the dome you'd get killed by guards I think.

On GameCube, I should add.

I used to play a game on pc where you were in a tank all the time, every level started with you coming off a trailer or boat or something and the disk for it was orange

Revolt? I don't think that was ps1 though. I do recall a micromachines game existing too.

lol, just looked it up again, seems like it maybe was Enclave 1. The only one I played recently was 2

Was it set in the Toy Story world? I remember a game like that.

Was it this one user? I'm and this is the one for me

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Damn it user, tell me if I got this one right because it literally sounds exactly like what you described.

micro machines?

That might be it but I'm not 100% sure. I'll play it for a bit when I get off work. The graphics look pretty good for what I actually remember. But I also don't remember having a snes, I remember having a ps1. So my mind just might be playing tricks

ps1 cyberpunk isometric top down game think it was about gangs or something i think there were mechs in it too

baldur's gate dark alliance or champions of norrath?

Beneath a Steel Sky?

Might be Gatcha Force

urban chaos

Custom Robo?

pc game,pretty old 2008-ish,at the start of the game you play a shmup and in the first level you play as an space invaderesque level with squids and at the of the stage squid king appears and each level becomes more advanced with new mechanics such as bombs and options, the final boss is a humanoid giant if he is beaten there is a cutscene talking about society and that change is normal

Attached: THAT pc game.png (819x460, 11K)

I wish someone could find what I was looking for

I went over a list of every game on the xbox and found it, wrath unleashed

That's a little bit gay.
But I love you too.

On PC there was a free online-multiplayer game that had the exact gameplay as Max Payne, with bullet-times, shooting and parkour.
Help me Yea Forums. I'd like to know what it name was.

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Circuit Breakers maybe? I have a demo disc with that game.


Gunz the duel?

Tell me who you were, I'll find it within the next hour.

It's okay. I'm bisexual

Nope. I think it didn't even have full voice.

I'm thinkig it's a GameCube game or maybe, maybe an N64 game. It's early 3D. You are piloting a 3rd person mecha. It's kind of open world? I remember the levels being relatively large. Sometimes this girl will talk to you over the com, give you instructions and things like that. I specifically remember a water level, and there were poles jutting out of the ocean, and she told you to land on them like it was some sort of training exercise. As for the game itself, it's really blurry. I'm pretty sure you just went around the map completing objectives and shooting things.

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I still love you

yessss that was it

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The game was a platformer with gameplay similar to earthworm jim. One of the bosses was some bug you had to hit by shooting a flyswatter when he flew in front of it. I think the platform was pc.

I was a fireman....It was in first-person. that´s it. Don´t remember if there was a story or characters. Just me swinging a fireaxe inside a burning building. There were people to rescue, and thats it.

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I don’t think it’s either of these.

Not quite. The game looked like a lower budget version of what you posted (or possibly it’s just older). I don’t remember it having a real plot either.

Might be Nanobreaker.
I literally only know this game cause there is a Yugioh card based on it

Attached: 220px-Nano_Breaker_Coverart.png (220x312, 141K)

>nobody knows across multiple lost game threads across multiple years
one of the monsters in it was called "rainer"
looked like a rain drop or floating fire

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Are you sure it was gamecube?
Cause the description reminded me of RAD for PS2

It was a PS2 game, most likely a demo from those PS2 demo discs.
All I remember is that you played as a boy and you were in the middle of a desert and the only thing that was there was your house. The design of the house looked pretty fantasy-ish.

a game on a demo disc for the PS1. there were other demos on the disc like one for ghost in the shell and treasures of the deep. the game was an FPS that was really fucking dark (literally) so i cant remember much of it. i've never been able to find the name of it.

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>longer hair
Maybe T-elos from Xenosaga?

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I wish i knew. It came pre-installed along with a bunch of other games on our new family computer in the late 90s early 00s.

Some Miniclip game where you could customize a robot/car thing with weapons and stuff and you'd fight other people's bot on a rooftop

Couldn't have been Vectorman, could it?

Ok so, it had a pretty distinct samurai/ninja style. It was on the SNES. I THINK it was a beat-em-up? Help?

I can’t remember

Sadly couldn't find it on the list
it's weird to describe but that's because of how foggy it is to me, I remember the bloodshed to be green or another alieny colour, not something like devil may cry
Although I think the main character had white hair
Checked and that's not it

Cool Boarders?

Second level was a desert level, I think, with a jaguar robot as the boss.

A flash 8bit kind of game. Adult like. I remwmber in the beginning the main character goes out of a bar and gets hit by a car. He gets wings and flys up tow to heaven or some place and proceeds to have his arms tore off by dead fat people while they front and back his ass and mouth like an oreo
Not lying. Also i think a boss was a pair of tits. Side scroller. It fucked me up when i was a kid.

Ha sounds like nier gestalt.

Strider or Ninja Gaiden?

Dinosaur game based on jurassic park 2

Yeah thats it! thnx

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Vectorman 2 did have a swamp level for the first level

Bot Arena 3?

Lifeforce Tenka?

>the game was an FPS that was really fucking dark (literally) so i cant remember much of it.
that doesnt really say much

just watch some youtube video about FPS games on PS1

I'm probably wrong about this because I don't even know the name myself, but was it a dungeon crawler that revolved around you getting material to rebuild a ruined village? Because I remember a PS2 game on a demo disc like that.

Yes Wrath Unleashed that was it! These are the titties I was remembering!

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pc? Genesis? There were a lot of Jurassic Park games. Some were rts

It had dinosaurs and you would shoot them. I remember co-op playing it.

2D run'n'gun game on PC/DOS, futuristic dark alien ambiance, starts in a jungle, your dude might have been some kind of brown furry alien race, you get a flamethrower.

That's what I remember. Kind of a mix of Predator and Blackthorne.

Dark Cloud

I have yet to find this one, no matter how much I search
It's a very old Windows game, played back in my Windows 95, you control a car that looks like the Vultures from Starcraft (pic related)
And it's a deathmatch against other cars
Your main "weapon" is leaving behind a energy trail or something behind your car and whoever touch it takes damage.
You can pick other weapons in the map and use them

Attached: Vulture_SC2_Rend1.jpg (350x229, 12K)

that's it, thanks

Some fantasy rts game where you always had 2 maps, one underground and one "normal", connected with tunnels. The underground has special monsters, resources and you could go to different tunnels to go around certain terrain. It's so fucking vivid in my mind but I just can't get details, nor can I find a name, even though I played it with my uncle so fucking much
Holy shit I think this actually is it



I think ps one it was more action style some levels you were human others you could be Trex or velociraptor pretty dope

Nah, it was on the ps2, and I remember every game I owned on the ps3 and didn't have a xbox 360

Thank you !!

No it had a 2D platformer camera

>First person
>Giant ice spiders (area/level was snowy)
>Kicking is a form of attack, even though you have swords/axes/bows
>Looks very 1999/2000
>Pulling bosses into ambushes seemed to be the most effective tactic
>I have nothing else to fucking go on

Help me so that I can stop trying to figure it out, please

nope it was not verctorman, it has a more darker vive like Giger style, I also played it on the shittiest computer you can imagine in black and white.

Holy shit yes, it's that game I remember the sound effects now.

Nope, don't remember headgear like that and I think it was a younger/shorter girl with an outfit closer in its level of skin shown to Black Rose although it might not have been very revealing at all.

this guy may or may not be grating for you, but this hidden gem list helped me find some lost memories.

Overgrowth or its prequel ?

By your description I know rampage edition had playable velociraptor, but no t rex

Playstation 1 arena shooter with item pickups, like quake except everyone was some sort of small futuristic flying spaceship thing.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park for the ps1.

You play as a dog in first person on the PS2

Thanks, was it a guud game? so I know if it's worth to play

No it wasn't a sidescroller or platformer, I remember that much. The first level had you going through a graveyard I think. Or it might of been a spooky temple?

OMG i really need help with this one, please Yea Forums

>played it when I was young, late 90s, early 2ks
>PC platformer (although it may be multiple platforms, no idea)
>2 playable characters, robots
>one robot who is red, slow, massive, the juggernaut type
>the other robot is blue, agile, quick, like a ninja

all i can remember..

ps1 game it was on a demo disc. you play as some kind of humanoid alien in third person and I remember the jump animation looked retarded

It was definitely post 2000's PC shooter about a guy who were transporting some criminal girl in the spaceship and than it crashed on some planet. So protagonist were trying to find out where is the girl and what happened to them.

And I can remember weird level editor. Maybe it was on the unreal engine.

Reverthion? Forsaken?

A bit difficult, but the combat was pretty fun and you could customize your combos iirc. Worth giving it another shot.


Cyber Speed?

Dark messiah of might and magic?

Sounds like Abe's Odyssey

Iron Blood?

Oh thank god. The suspense was killing me.

lost kingdoms?

That follows the vague plot of Unreal Gold, but it's 1999ish

dog's life?

ps1 spaceship combat game and you could dock back to space station between missions and walk around the sectors there with fixed camera kinda like resident evil.

holy shit im in tears thank you user


Adding on, I am pretty sure it was a top down game like LTTP.

Dog's Life?

Forsaken, that must be it, looking at some gameplay now. Thank you! Been thinking about it for years

MSDOS game with some superhero figure,a gray hood, cape and maybe a letter on his chest

Wasn't that a turn based RPG?

it was a JRPG
i remember some characters in a dark street, FF9 style
the street was pitch black but there was some lamp posts

I need help bros, The game was I believe on Sega Saturn, 3d, rpg style, vampire maybe type medievel art style. I remember a dark forest and castle type buildings. Blood comes to mind and maybe wolfs.

Help me please, before I kill myself.


Really old game where you were a little guy in a red hat and you jumped to break bricks, and if you ate mushrooms you got big

I used to watch my big brothers play weird games on their Windows 95 PC... Trying to recall a game where you start on an alien planet, you're underwater and there are huge tentacles trying to pull and drown you.Everything kills you in one hit in that game. Feels and plays a bit like the original Prince of Persia. I also recall playing it on a friend's Sega console when I was very young.

Thanks user, been looking for years but never managed to find it.

Musya? Hagane? Maybe one of the Sengoku games?

Unfortunately, I think it was earlier than DM.


You're welcome.

Sadly, no. It wasn't a racing game on a linear path, it was in a battleground of sort

it's an old flash point and click game where whenever you made a mistake some green menace came closer and closer.

bram stokers dracula on the sega cd?

super mario bros

Alright I've got one but I don't remember much about it.

MMORPG, probably F2P, with a hack'n'slash gameplay and top-down camera, released on PC around 2004-2007. Might had a kind of light weeb artstyle, like I remember playing a ninja class or some shit.

That game looks pretty similar but I’m positive it was GameCube, I never owned a ps2 when I was a kid.

Wild-west setting, i think it was a point and click, not sure about that.
Not sure if it was a lucky luke game. But i remember that at the start of the game there was someone at stuck at a well, and you needed to find someone's name or something like that

Well damn, I found it myself
"Crimson Room"

I hope he come's back it's definitely urban chaos riot response. It was a demo on the bloodmoney disk I think.

It was a arcade cabinet fighter where you can play as bears and dragon monsters.
I think it had mortal kombat type sprites.

something like that
there was also monsters attacking from the darkness
fuck send help

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>wild west point 'n click
Could be one of the Fenimore Filmore games.

I remember watching my uncle play this third person shooter set in Vietnam

No, I think the sprites were a little more detailed.

Slayers Online comes to mind, old and ugly french MMO made in RPGMaker.

That's Out of this World/Another World.

It was a turn-based war game, red vs. blue, took place on a world map. You could do WWI, II, III, or IV. The only thing that changed was what units you had at your disposal. The game used a very simple art style that did not change. Very old. Everything happened on one screen.

Played it a bunch with one of my friends growing up but I've never been able to find it again.

16-bit 2D shooter sidescrolling game where you're in a mech (or you're a robot?) And you're fighting on some space station or something after being launched from a spaceship. Not sure what console it was on but pretty sure it was a PS2 as it was the only console I owned when I was a kid, looked through videos listing all the PS2 games but haven't found it

Killer instincts?

its an rpg where you start as some guy on what i remember being a farm on a floating island. later on you go inside of a stone giant robot and thats all i remember

Probably the game name is Pariah

Shellshock: 'Nam 67, Conflict: Vietnam?

Then how about no respect?

DOS or PC, very old, 3D third person, you were a rover on some planet, might have been an educational game or a demo and not even a full game, can't really remember anything about it, but I'd recognize it if I saw it.

One that I'll never find because it was basically a Lode Runner clone in the early 2000s on school computers. I was hooked on that shit, and it had some distinct graphics and different mechanics from typical Lode Runner games. I don't think you trapped dudes in the floor, but the memory is so hazy after nearly two decades. All the others I've seen have just been "off", and I can never put into words how.

>Xbox original probably not exclusive
>a side ways RTS game, think like plants vs zombies
>instead of pvz, it had elementals, golems, magic, stuff like that
>i think it was in a xbox demo disc
This has been bugging me forever.

That ain't it, it had 3D graphics.

May have been a jurassic park point and click game but the scenes were live action i think i remember exploring a forest and finding a dinosaur egg part and a crashed car part, i played it as a kid so it was a really long time ago maybe around the time the first or second movie released, but it may just of been a dinosaur game so not sure

Nope. Those all look like platformers. It had multiple screens in the same lever. The closest I can really compare it to was like a mix of retro city rampage and Zelda

Thank you so much user! That's it!

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It was a windows game program pack for either Windows 95 or 98. It did not include Ski Free or Chip's Challenge. It had a puzzle game where you played as a ladybug in a small 5x5ish grid of rotating walls that shrunk each time you made a move. (and no not the ladybug arcade game) I think it also came with a first person maze game.

God damnit, you made me think. At this point i actually have to use my brain to remember something

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I have put 27thousand hours into smash melee and I cant remember anymore how the game worked and stuff

It might be a stretch, but Xenogears had a few of these sort of scenes - characters talking in a 'void' with only a small bit of scenery or something like a stagelight.

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I would check this list. Tons of shmups on the Genesis

thanks bruvs

I never even played it before, but the first thing that came to mind was Okage.

Was it Hot Wheels Stunt Track? it had that one race track would take you through a whole house or bedroom and there was some part of the track that had a cat or something

'member Tanktics?

PC turn based game vs aliens not xcom , played the demo of it, the demo level was greenish i think. I remember it had 3dfx support so it was around 2000.

Treasure Mathstorm.

A NES game in which you fought weird bosses like a piranha plant and a robot that walked in roof and shot beams. I think you used a whip or hair to hit enemies, it played like those side-scrolling action platformers.

I can really vaguely remember playing a game with my Dad when I was about 5 years old (mid 90s), it was an isometric RPG / adventure.

My Dad always told me the game was really difficult, so I should wait until he was there.

I remember playing it solo once while he was at work, my character complained he was tired all the time and I couldn't work out how to use a bed.

I have no idea what the game was, my Dad could never remember what it was called, and I've looked everywhere to try and work out what it was but nothing jumps out at me from archives / screenshots.

Does anyone remember this? It looked like code monkeys

Little big adventure?


Some mid-90s game where you have to fly some police VTOL in space city. City had a traffic both cars and ships you can blow them up. Also city was surrounded by some kind of wall

Long list of glide games. Might narrow your search slightly.

Not really childhood, but still
>Late 2000s
>2D Sidescrolling MMO like MapleStory or LaTale
>Wasn't Dungeon Fighter Online
>Had a closed beta that I got into, but couldn't play the actual release because it was region-locked
>NPCs were voiced
>Areas I can remember are a forest, a beach and a desert
>Standard RPG classes, rogue, mage, warrior, etc

Wrath Unleashed like these guys were talking about?

o shit ye its that

I should add it had a lot of characters.

dual hearts?



It was on the n64 and was 3d, you played as a soldier and had to stop aliens from abducting people. I recall it being a pretty eerie game with levels being devoid of life if you failed to stop the aliens, time travel may have been a thing and you could drive vehicles.

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Adventure quest?

early windows/dos RPG with simple graphics
I think there was a demo version
First boss was some kind of egg incubator

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which way adventure. The manticore would get you.

Sounds a bit like body harvest?

>isometric puzzle game for kids
>guy in a hazmat suit on an alien jungle planet
>can pick up plants with various uses
>enemies are spiders, giant robots, etc.

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okage shadow king? clocktower 3?

nah i don't remember it having weird looking aliens

sorry that's not it. the game had something to do with artifact hunting.

It was on SEGA. First level you ride a car, second level it's 2D shooter. I think it was about cop.


>early 2000s
>online 1v1 "fighting" game but I don't think you could control your character
>had to buy charcters separately on discs

found it it was Star Ixiom if anyone is interested.

I have two

One was more of an educational game I believe, it took you through some mansion, most of the rooms were purple/orange and you had to do puzzles, I think the place was supposed to be haunted

The other one was a Star Wars game, it had a camera view like an RTS but it was some sort of puzzle game where you made some droid production line, you would build conveyor belt stuff and droids were certain colors or some shit like that

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Nah, it was platformer-esque and not flash based.

Have sex

Something that plays like that, yes
But it's not the one

No definitely not LBA. I remember playing that on my PS1. This was on PC, graphics were more pixelated than that. I think this was a few year prior to LBA.

This was an old point and click adventure game I played at elementary school during the early 90's.

You start off at a carnival and an old man calls out to you leading you to a carnival game. You play his game and when you win you get a choice of one of three dolls as your prize. You transform into the doll and wake up on the shore of an island and you have to solve puzzles for ingredients to concoct to change back into a human and get off the island.

what was the name of this game?

That's it! Thanks man, I would have never guessed that name.

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one of these?

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took me 5 years to remember it

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>The other one was a Star Wars game, it had a camera view like an RTS but it was some sort of puzzle game where you made some droid production line, you would build conveyor belt stuff and droids were certain colors or some shit like that
Star Wars: Pit Droids.

Several different PC games we played in school. One was a math and basic geometry game based in the old west, one was an art program that made a bomb noise when you reset the canvas, and one was a musical note adventure. These were all pre-2004.

The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary

Dunno the first one but I think the second one was Star Wars droidworks.

Robot wars/Robot rage?

>medieval RTS
>probably made in the 90s or early 00s
>had a more dark/horror/gritty tone
>you played as humans in the demo and it was pretty low fantasy at first
>then you started being attacked by minotaurs, skeletons and other monsters
Thats all i can remeber from it

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Nah, he is definitely describing Star Wars: Pit Droids.

>be about 11
>beat The Chaos Engine on SNES
>alone btw, i've seen people on youtube say this is impossible lol?
>anyway ran off because i needed to shit in the toilet near my room
>can hear voice coming from my SNES for the first time
>run out with the turtle head poking out
>this guy is talking

Completely took me by surprise.
If this doesn't get any yous i'll head over to /vr/.

Your welcome user. It's a great game, pity it never got a sequel

Well theres only 33 games under windows+vehicle combat. You can backtrack and change it to windows3x/DOS+vehicle combat if you think it could just be a compatible with 95 game.

Super Nintendo, seemed like a sidescroller starring a blue creature. First level was some sort of haunted mansion or graveyard or something. I have very vague memories of it, I was five or so at the time.

jumpstart 4th grade?

You got it right. AoE is an amazing forgotten game. There are even modern wide screen resolution patches out there. Replayed it last winter.

I have 2

1: Windows 3D, third person game between 1998 and 2001
You have levels where you had to get to some portal (i think or a gate) it's kind of looks like a royal garden kind. There were enemies that were beavers or something like it and you look like a kid with glasses

2: a 2D platform game which I'm sure of played before 2007 (so Win XP and probably between 2003 2006) you were in some tower or building of bricks and needed to get higher, there were enemies and you were a blue winglless and armless dragon that could shoot golden (eggs? i tinhk) in a upwards arc. pic related looks a bit like him.

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Total Annihilation: Kingdoms?

>Star Wars: Pit Droids
There it is, I've played this a ton

Nah, I remember Droidworks, that one was fun as hell

Attached: 6467-9-star-wars-pit-droids.jpg (640x480, 56K)

Some old snowboarding game on the PS2. You could choose from different characters and had a few courses which you navigated down. I just remember one course being a skihill with rails to grind on and some concrete building you could pass through.

Heres one for the real old fags.
Was a 90s Windows/DoS(maybe) game. Theme was mech combat with heavy egyptian like styling to everything. Small levels, would fight vs other bots/mechs.



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there was a game i used to play on the ps2 with my brother. it was a coop top down game where my character was a guy with a tiger head and my brother played as someone with another animal head. it was like a fantasy arpg...NAME PLEASE???

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The Dig?

>dos game
>play as a vampire
>top down isometric
>drain the blood of people tied up to get your health back

Holy shit that's it. Thanks user.

- Arcade game
- Late 80s/early 90s
- Pilot a ship inside a cave like in Lunar Lander (rotate left/right and boost to move around and counter gravity)
- You can land on some surfaces and you can then control the pilot, a little astronaut guy with a jetpack
Please help, it's been haunting me for decades.

Izzy the olympics mascot?

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Blood omen?

Some bargain bin tube shooter that was on PS1 that had pretty groovy techno music in it, can't for the life of me remember what its called.

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Blood Omen

Blood Omen.

A PC game in which you fought different kinds of enemies in third person. After you defeat them you can turn into them, they all had different kinds of abilities/projectiles.

A game that played like a top down metal slug.

i looked it, unfortunately it's not one of these. thanks anons

First person Sega Saturn game that takes place in a mansion. Was going to describe MDK, BlaZeon and Elemental Master but my double digit IQ pulled through for me today.

Attached: Mdk1cover.jpg (256x318, 93K)


Its a side-scrolling beat em up in the nes of snes where you pick up boxes with greek alphabet symbols on it for power ups.


I was playing Legacy of Goku 2 when I was like 10 and at the end Piccolo said "You have gotten strong" and I kept reading it as "You have Goten strong" and I couldn't figure out what he was trying to say, Goten wasn't even born yet in that game I don't think. Took me like 10 minutes to realize. But I had been playing for like 11 hours straight so I was probably exhausted.

Its a trash early 00's PC monster truck racing game, and one of the characters is a girl described as lean and mean

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yeah thats the one

Nope, it was in actual 3D not just the wireframe 3D look, kinda had a ominous dark look to it iirc

I may have found it. The character Peppita Rossetti from Star Ocean: Till the End of Time comes as close as I think I can get to my old memories. The setting seems to match even though I don't really know anything about Star Ocean.

Attached: Peppita.png (448x549, 228K)

FUCK ok, this wasn't exactly from my childhood but I guess I was about 14 or 15 or something. Its some jap DS game where you run a store and sell clothes. You get to choose where the clothes go, what clothes your selling, I think you kinda design the clothes too? It had basic cutesy pixel graphics I think, I remember really enjoying it for being such a dumb game

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All that I know is that the computer monitor it was played on was in monochrome.

>Play as a mermaid
>You start on the pier & dive into the water
>Plenty of choral to explore.
>I think the objective was to save your scuba-diver boyfriend, who was trapped underwater behind some sort of instadeath trap.

Well that sucks, I google searched each one of those 33 and it's neither one them
Thanks though

Nah, unfortunately. It had simpler graphics, possibly 8 or 16 bit. I remember some levels had tall red ladders, and some of the enemies might have looked like snakes. It looked older than the school's computers, but maybe it was like SkiFree and came packaged with them. There's just too many damn games that looked or felt like lode runner.

It's more of that one youtube video I can't remember. It was an ecchi AMV with a certain Harder Better Faster Stronger remix that I haven't been able to find anywhere since (the remix, I mean). I know it had a bit from the Karin opening, bit of Inuyasha, and some sprite battle mixed in.

There's so many HBFS remixes nowadays though that I doubt I'll ever really be able to find it.

Style Savvy?
Girl Fashion?
Fashion Designer ?
There was that other game that old-Yea Forums love, but it also forgot the name.

was it The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary?

I'm not complete sure but i think it was the first game. Thank you user!

I remember watching my friend at school play some kind of rpg on the gameboy advance. It was some kind of Pokemon type of game where you collected Japanese yokai-like creatures and I think it had turn based combat.

Could've sworn it was some DOS game. You were a kid that fell asleep in a bed, go to some fairytale land, and for beating the game, your character is awake with a medal around their neck or something. I remember having to go around and talk to people to figure out how to solve puzzles.

Good try user, but its none of those. I feel like it wasn't female-orientated, wasn't exactly focused on the design of the clothes and moreso about running a shop

I think I played that fucking Bratz game though

There's tons I remember from one of those shitty 500-in-1 CDs for PC
The only one I've ever successfully tracked down was some anti-amoking PSA adventure game
There was this bad Pokemon rip-off, this stickman game where you were escaping cross country and had to do a variety of minigames (you could cheat the race by just running over the finish line back and forth). The whistling from All Star was on the studio splash page at the front.
I'm sure there are like 30 different "500-in-1" game CDs but hopefully someone here had the same one.

I don't think so, the game was 'scary' looking, sort of like ghosts and goblins if that makes sense.

No, sorry. It looked more like Nox

protag was a boy. uses a sword. likely blonde with short hair.
i remember you could traverse fields, plains, maybe a jungle i'm not sure.
last section was at this ruins or some shit. demonic shit going on.
your companions were a girl (with an umbrella? i'm not sure) and a monster-dude.
very Western RPG-looking.
for the longest time I thought it was called Arc the Lad but turns out that was a goddamn weeb game.
then i searched for it again and it might be Summoner 1 but I can't tell either.

Sidescroller shooter with dark red color palette and robot enemies, most likely older than 2004.

>very Western RPG-looking.
Sounds like the exact opposite
>turns out that was a goddamn weeb game.
Yeah no shit man

>see this thread
>spend time looking up game I'm trying to remember
>find it
>half the details I "remembered" were completely wrong

good thing I didn't post.

4D Sports Drivng ( also released as: Stunts) had a amazing track editor for the time. Or the prequel(?) Stunt Driver.

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When I moved to Utah for about a year with my cousin he had a sega Genesis with only acouple games, I remember one of them being Echo the Dolphin, but I can't for the life of me remember what the other one was, IIRC
>it was a top down shooter
>there was a time limit
>if the time limit ran out, you would explode, and your body parts would fly towards the tv screen, I vividly remember an eyeball against the screen

king kong, godzilla and other monsters fighting each other in a destructible city

you can pick up the rubble and use it as a weapon even

Evergrace maybe?

One of the Pajama Sam games maybe?

>The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary

thanks a lot, that's it exactly. what a weird game that is.

It's a PS1, I simply can't remember shit.

I need help with 2.
Weird old Japanese game (old jrpg view) where you start as a guy about to get married and suddenly your fiancee disappears and you make a stupid face for like 5 minutes looking for her.
Also a game divided by
>Side scrolled castlevania type
>some kind of simcity where you played as an angel helping people in a town and listening to their prayers

Never mind found it or at least a CD with some of the same games on it
Cosmi 300-in-1

Mixed Up Mother Goose?

first one is probably Phantasy Star 3

I need help anons
my dad and I used to play this game on PS1, this is vague as hell and I refuse to go on leddit to ask them so this is the only chance that someone will find it.
it was a game where it had a UFO, a van and also went into space for a battle. it had some cheesy voice acting as well that interacted with you and gave you tasks or commands. i vividly remember driving a minivan and then a UFO abducted it. My dad played mine kinds of these sci-fi racing/shooter games but we have no fucking idea what is was.

Yup, that's the game.

A futuristic racing game with some sort of floating bikes. There are lava planets and shit, you can play on space. Can't find this shit

There were a few games I played on the Macs at school when I was a kid.

One was a 3d game where you controlled a pterodactyl and you flew around shooting other dinosaurs.

Another one was a 3d platformer where you played as a robot trying to save the world from aliens. The first level was a farm where you had to fight killer vegetables. The second was an alien planet with purple lakes.

Another one was a 2d puzzle game where there was a device dropping down water, and you used special platforms and stuff like that to guide enough water into a capsule to proceed to the next level. I think the first level made you use a bouncy platform that you had to place down and tilt 45 degrees in order to win.

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You play as some fat orange looking dude, collecting emeralds. Walking up ladders and being chased by monsters or ghosts.
I wish I knew.

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Is the second one ActRaiser?


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I think I know what you talk about, it's a Mega Drive or Snes game if I'm not mistaken but I don't remember the name

you think i'm going to fall for this?

I was an old PS1 demo I played, where you play as an Ayy Lmao alien wandering around this map trying to find parts for your ship I think. But if you were out there too long you would die from the atmosphere or something. Anyone else play that?

Fuck yeah it was. Thank you!!

Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse?

Was it motherfucking Fatman Adventures? I loved those games when I was a kid.

Played it on my dad's friends mac or pc laptop when we were like 7 in ~2004.

Holy fuck, I found it. Millennium Racer

Side scrolling space ship bullet hellish game
Had cool levels and enemies were ships and water monsters. It has temporary powerups.
I think it was PS1

I just remembered

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I myself was convinced I'd dreamed it up or some shit, I played the demo on an old shitty eMachines desktop at my grandparents house pretty much before I knew how to read properly. It took an eternity of asking around and digging before I was able to find it, the only things I remembered were the cave level in Avalar and the first monster always being named Maxi.

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holy fuck, thank you!

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some golf game on the micro genius, the only thing i remember is that the main colors of the game were pink and green

It was a stage building thing, like a Rube Goldberg sorta deal with catching monsters. I think. All I remember is that it had a weird theme when you beat a level/stage. PC game from the 90s around about. I think the devs also made a marble game.

It has eluded me for over a decade


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Also some German tile puzzle game with some yellow egg dude as the PC. I think it was a tile puzzle game anyways.

2 games, actually. The first one was a point n click adventure and all I remember was the early 3D graphics and that it was set in a castle or a mansion.

The other one was a fighting game with small robot animals that could transform into big badass robots and one of the stages I think was in a scrapyard.

It was top-down shooter on PS1. I remember first level was brown dark halls where you'd shoot at alien bug like things, You could also pick up bonuses,weapons and turn into mecha things. I remember first level having mecha spider thing you could turn into and it was pretty essential to kill the huge zerg that would rush you,they had spiders as well I think.

I remember it vividly cause I had something like a stroke as a kid when I was playing it

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Nah, though I did love Pajama Sam as a kid.
Holy fuck, that was exactly it. You're amazing, user.

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There was this RTS-like game on the genesis that I had but only played sometimes because it would confuse the fuck out of me. Only recently did I find out the name of the game after trying for what feels like 10+ years to remember it, and its name is powermonger.

Pikmin? Probably not, but is it a similar type of game?

I just remembered one I've been wondering about for a while. PC game about Igor as in Frankenstein, having to go around and collect body parts to make the monster or something like that. 2D sidescrolling platformer with iirc a cartoony artstyle but still kinda spooky.

I'm glad so many people here recognize it, you and that other guy. I didn't want it to be permanently lost to the ages even if it is shit, I worked too hard to be the only one who remembers its existence.

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Nah, it was on PS1 and it was a demo. You played as a proper alien like in OP's picture and you wander about this landscape collecting stuff, I think you could get abilities so you could get around quicker because all the time you were out there you were slowly dying.

Older game probably mega drive, ps1, isometric perspective, pre-rendered 3d or pixel, started out picking from two locations on a map, a park and some sort of bar, you ended up in a shootout with some kind of rabbit/cat humanoids if you went to the bar

I only remember the game being on ps2, in castle,infested with strange monster and you were there to kill them/explore the place
One area was a large library
There was a tavern too where one cutscene played
If there is a way to have a list of ps2 games that i can list for genre i would waste and entire day just to find it
This is probably wrong because i'm probably mixing it with one of my toy but one enemy had a bird head like that egiptian god

Back in like 2004-ish I used to watch my friends brother play an early windows pc game were you played as a stickman, it was like a platforming gravity game where you could switch it to be up or down. The game had a lot of mushrooms too, and electric platform. Then there was like a mario 3 type level hub.

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dont look edu..

No prob lad, I remember it had a bunch of sequels and side games as well.
Does anyone know of what I think was a pc shareware 2d platformer where you played as a wizard in a moonlit forest collecting gems and shit? I played it around early 2000s iirc

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The Secret of Monkey Island?

I remember demo was on a demo disc that also had the final Fantasy 8 cinematic intro and also Alone in the Dark (can't remember which one), if that rings a bell.

Yo-kai Watch?

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I could be wrong, but do you play as like a musician? Or does your character have something to do with a musical instrument?

God I hate chinks

Some educational PC game in the 90's. All I remember is black tophats that you could click on

Silver, perhaps?

Based mentally ill poster

I remember nothing about the MC,just that part of the game for some reason

Attack of the Saucerman?

fuck off plebbitor

Could be Bard's Tale?

really big thanks, been looking for this game since I was like 16. Found drawings of it in the basement which I did from kindergarten lol.

Not it, for all I know the game was cancelled I only played it on this demo disc for PS1 I had, but its a memory that needs closure so I'm trying to find evidence of it.

>Main character was this lemon yellow dog on rollerskates iirc
>Objective of the game was to collect musical notes scattered and hidden around the levels
>Every level initially had no music, but as you collected notes from around the level, the music would slowly come together

That's pretty much my whole recollection of the game. It was very likely a game aimed for very small children, because I remember being like six when I played it.

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Just a guess, Blinky Bill & The Magician

Sounds a lot like Creatures or Creatures 2.
I only played creatures 1 and there was no real pause menu. If you pressed pause the creatures could still wander off and die.


Speedy Eggbert? Although that isn't german, as far as I know.

Mothafuckin zoombinis my dawg


Thank you so much, it was only released in Europe so that makes sense it was a UK demo disc I had around the year 2000.

GBA game where you were like a mech pilot or something. There were random battles with other robots as you moved through the world and you could then use enemy robots after you defeated them. I remember in one part of the game you were stuck in a walled city or something. Some of the most common enemy robots were worm looking things, I think.

Nope,not that
i forgot to add that the game had the camera behind the character shoulder

It was on the dreamcast, I think some kind of RPG, and it starts out in a tower I think? I think I recall the character getting a sword item called a Spade in this starter area, but besides that it's all a blur

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Time Stalkers?

RTS game i played in russian (which i couldnt understand) there were 3 factions and the ultimate monster for one of the factions was something like pic related

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Rise of Legends?

Glad I could help, user. Enjoy the game.

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An arcade game along the same line as Jet Moto with hoverbikes, and a bigass bike rig controller. I remember the maps being mostly brown except one that was covered in snow. I think there was a way to attack other people in the race, and I think it could be linked with another copy of the game to play multiplayer (Although they only had one where I played it). It was the only cool game at the Chuck E Cheese near my house.

Motherfucking communist mario

I just looked at the unit list, unfortunately its not Rise of Legeds, I remember it being purely fantasy (no steampunk stuff or scifi stuff) and that one of the factions had some wolf riders or something
im never gonna find this game am i

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MP 5 was dope

Made a new thread in case people want to continue their search.

PlayStation game?.(saw my brother playing it when I was younger) You're this dude in a suit but you've got crazy action moves. That's pretty much all I remember. The fighting system was just really cool.

Shot in the dark, but could it have been Heroes of Annihilated Empires?

no i dont think it was this one but i appreciate your help

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Do you have some estimate of the timeframe when you played it? Was it pre-2010? Maybe pre-2000?

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i played it in around 2007-2008 iirc but the game may have come out before that

Sounds like just about every JRPG, good luck

I don't think that was it, although that game does look pretty cool.

No, also one my favorite series before it became meh later one, but it was entirely 3D (but none of the 3D-ish BS games) and wasn't strictly a point & click game, although I guess it could be called an adventure game, but more leaning towards action-adventure. Only got about halfway through before dropping it, anyway never mind I'll never find it and it's not important.

It's a game I played in third grade. It had a robot you had to collect these blue orbs and yellow orbs. There was a level where you played walking or skying on water Jesus style. I've been trying to find it.

Age of Mythology?

I forgot to mention this was 2005

some game from 90's that had cars and giant ball, and bikini girls
not sure if its real though, sounds like rocket league

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All I can think of is twisted metal

Long shot, but Psychonauts?

it was not on psx i think, more like amiga or pc

come on anons I wanna know what game caused me to pass the fuck out infront of TV