Randy Pitchford deleted tweet promoting the Epic Sale after B3 was removed from the Epic Store

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck is even going on anymore?

Why did BL3 pull out?


Probably unhappy with the discounts of the Epic Mega Sale.
A lot of games were temporarily pulled out because of this clusterfuck of a sale.

Can this fuck at least try to go a week without being a huge fucking retard?
Probably because they don't want the game on sale before release? It devalues the game, people will want to buy it for the sale price now, and there'll be people that have will have missed this sale and will wait for a new sale instead of pre-ordering.

But weren't Epic subsidizing all those sales? So essentially they were paying the publishers ten bucks for every purchase customers made?

>millions to build up your store
>ten dollars to tear it all down

>Epic sets up a "LE EPIC MEGA SALE LMAO STEAM BTFO!!!!!!"
>Mark down everything by 10 usd
>marked down preorders as well, depreciating their overall value
>publishers weren't notified properly. Ubi bowed out of the sale quietly, citing some bullshit uplay reason, some games were removed from the store altogether until the sale ends
>VTMB2 was forcibly refunded
>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud
This dumpster fire is just to beautiful


Reminder that Epic is trying so hard to please everybody that now they've just literally pissed fucking everyone off.

Like how do you fuck up this hard?

>Can this fuck at least try to go a week without being a huge fucking retard?

did anyone actually buy it before it vanished from the store? curious if they actually honored the discount (lol) or just cancelled all orders.

you're also forgetting that supergiant changed the base price of hades after the sale went up which is literally illegal


Yup, the developers still got the original amount of money. They just didn't like Epic forcing the game to have a lower sale price. It devalues the game.
This is just Epic being 100% focused on the developers again, without regarding customers or customer reactions.
Well, at least we'll get a constant comedy show then.

Jesus Christ, no wonder Ganen ignores these retards. They can’t even be competent in managing their own chink site outside of monetary bribes.
Gaben literally wins by doing nothing

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That's not the point. Take BL3 for example. That price fell by 10 dollars. Not bad by itself, but this happened to a game that hadnt been released yet. So now when it does release, it wont be on just epic. And everyone in those other stores will wait for a bigger sale to buy it, thus reducing money made by the game sales drastically in the long run. They'll feel the impact of this over a year or two, in exchange for money covering the first six months

ok we spent millions buying exclusivity to all these games...wait why is no one buying them...wait you have 500 hours in fortnite already please play the other please dont open Fortnite again.

If epic is covering the 10 dollar difference then why the fuck do the publishers care?

If people miss out on the sale, they will be less likely to buy the game full price as they now know they can just wait for a good discount. The game was being de-valued long before release.


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Yeah, but it lowers the 'real price' of the game. Like the historical low on isthereanydeal, for example. Just do a voucher system. Reimburse on the total, not on the item.

Read the thread.

Epic basically put everything on their store for sale without checking with the publishers first. Some publishers were not happy with this. It sets a real bad precedent as well for future sales because on steam publishers/developers have full control over how much their games cost and when/if they go on sale.

because why spend $15 dollars on a game you know has already been on sale for $5

Can't wait for PC Gaming Show to be cancelled at E3 because Epic pulls out.

Randy Pitchford, the big bully.

Take an Economics class sometime

Would be hilarious if Epic dies like Origin.

But they still get the same cut as if the game was 15 bucks. This is some quantum kikery going on.

Amazing how a sale can be worst thing a marketplace can make.

Even if they subsidize the sales, sales degrade a game's worth. People are either unwilling to pay full price if a game has been on sale already, or they think the game isn't as good if it goes on sale before or shortly after launch. Its a big sign the publisher isn't confident in the product.

Remember when Fallout 76 came out? Obviously it was a really shit game, but even the defenders turned away from defending it in droves when it went on sale like a week after launch, because then they felt cheated and it made it obvious to everyone that the game was struggling and it wasn't just a bunch of whiners on the internet.

>It's typically best to ease into discounting, and increase the level of discount over time. For example, a title might move from 33% to 50% to 66% to 75% and beyond, over the course of a year or more. Rushing into a 50% or 75% discount weeks after your launch, or releasing with a very high launch discount sends a bad message to customers who bought at full price and undermines the value of your title.
Reminder that fucking steam has a god damn fucking post about this shit to help out developers pricing their game.
Epic literally just got BTFO by steam and that fat fuck Gabe didn't even do anything.

How is this even possible Yea Forums? Someone explain this clown world bullshit.

they're refunding anyone who actually bought

not defending epic, but that happens all the time during steam sales as well

and while it may be illegal, literally nothing is going to happen because no one cares if video game companies break the law

It devalues the game in the long term. You normally only put older games on more significant sales because games do sell overtime and it you put it on discount early on, it devalues the game in the long term and more people wait for a sale.

Kek, Valve not giving a fuck is entertaining as hell.

>get epic money for "exclusivity"
>get better sales cut
>get paid the difference if the game sells less than you expected
>get the same amount of money even if the game is on sale
>still not enough
Fucking publishers, literal bottomless pits for money.

Bugmen business practices.

>they think the game isn't as good if it goes on sale before or shortly after launch.
i dont think this at all. i get steam and uplay games all the time that are discounted before launch because third party sites offer great deals. 10-20% discount on new games is pretty normal these days if you shop around, hell even ubisoft/uplay offers 20% off anything (in europe) in exchange for 100 of their achievement points.

>Rushing into a 50% or 75% discount weeks after your launch, or releasing with a very high launch discount
>These games weren't even fucking released on Epic yet
Fucking lmao.

Except the consumers are now used to paying 10 bucks less. So the next person that buys it is gonna go "why buy it at full price, I'll just wait till it gets knocked down to $5 bucks" meaning their cut is going down.

Name a game that that happened with.

No, it doesn't. Steam doesn't allow it and Steam sales aren't blanket sales across all titles in the store. If a publisher doesn't want to put a title on sale they don't have to. They certainly don't have to remove it from the store entirely to do that either. The sale just isn't applied.

I remember seeing rockstar do it with gta 5 but that's it. Even that was taking the regular version away so you could only buy the card shark version.

Not him but I think it happened with GTA V, or maybe that was some shark card bullshittery, dunno.

>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud

First time i ever bought games from steam this was around 2009 i bought $400 worth and they locked my account for fraud. A stupid fucking Valve pajeet did it, it wasn't automated at all.

Most people don't know about third party sales. Most people buy directly from Steam. Most people don't even know about Ubisoft points or forget to use them, and those points CAN'T be used on newer titles in the US.

>having to pay more because you didn't pre-pre-order the game during it's special sale 1 year before it releases
>pre-ordering something and not knowing if the pre-order will actually go on sale later
>wan't to pre-order a game but can't, because the publisher will only let you once the sale is over again

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This is just Epic finally realizing that "trickle down economics" is a massive meme.

Steam hasn't set the prices or the sale percentages in a long time now, the publisher does.

Nice job on those publisher relationships Epic. You now not only look bad to the consumers but now also the publishers you were trying to cater to.

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Yeah, they changed it so you got more, namely sharkcards. And then you bought it for the same price but with a "discount". That was on the line I'd guess, but not technically the same.

>Raising prices before a sale
I remember paradox doing this once. I also remember them getting shit on by everybody left and right because of it

they still get their full share but now it looks like a "budget" title. it will hurt the brand and lifetime sales of the title.

>get the same amount of money even if the game is on sale
>still not enough
This is a problem though, user. Epic assumed if they threw money around, everything would be fine, but you can't devalue products like that, it affects the reputation of future games you make.


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>realizing anything

Yeah but nothing happened. Everyone went about their business the next day.

Be honest nobody cares if a games price chances. And no legal action will be taken.

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>make product
>a store wants to sell your product exclusively
>you give them the product, they give you the money
>turns out they're selling the product at a loss
>now everyone is expecting you to sell at a loss
it's fucking stupid

>publishers will get more money on Epic
>"publishers will decide which launcher will succeed"
>what do you mean you don't want to discount your unreleased game? n- no- please don't remove your game !! remember you get more money on the Epic store
who the fuck is in charge at Epic?

Yeah it was crusader kings 2 in certain regions. I remeber the huge backlash and they reverted the price. No idea if it was permament or if they did it again later on when no one was paying attention.

Let's be honest. It's because shit like GMG exists.

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So you start paying and sucking off publishers only to talk shit about them later because you are a retard?
You already were hated by the customer, this is just putting a nail on the coffing

Which game? I do not believe this was right before a sale.

It's the Publishers/Devs who set the sale discounts during Steam Sales.
If they don't want to participate on the sale, that's fine and Steam wouldn't remove their game at all from the store.

>>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud
Lmao before reading this line I thought "fuck can it possibly get any worse?" And Tim fucking delivered. What a dumb cunt holy fuck I really hope epic goes bankrupt and Tim fucking hangs himself while masturbating in the closet. Can't wait for the next fortnite to come out and dry this epic cancer fund already

Randy thinks he’s in charge but daddy 2K said no

>Most people don't know about third party sales.
i find this hard to believe especially when you have sites like itad, cheapshark, entire subreddits, and other popular gaming forums (Yea Forums included) dedicated to highlighting good game deals. it's not some dark secret that you can get cheap games.

>who the fuck is in charge at Epic?
tencent, tim, and the russian guy who runs steamspy

Epic is retarded because they built their whole store philosophy around thinking Trickle Down economics works and that publishers aren't money grubbing penny-pinching greedy fucks.

>pic related is EGS

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A lot of what Epic has been doing feels very much like what happens when people have a sudden windfall, like striking the lottery. They have no idea what to do with all that money they came upon and just start throwing it around in boneheaded ways to act like The Big Boss among their peers.

Holy shit Tim is losing it. Suicide when??
We should really start teasing him on Twitter maybe together we can push him over the edge.

> I was about to sell out to a publisher so I could hire artists and finish my game properly. But I didn't, because I was saved by an Epic exclusivity deal.
Instead of selling out to a publisher, she sold out to Epic (a publisher) ???

>smugly tweet that Epic is having a sale and BL3 has a discount
>papa 2K hears about this and pulls out BL3
>you delete your tweet shamefully

It's time Yea Forums.
Post yfw you're not Randy Pitchford

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Fuck off and stay there.

The average video game consumer is fucking retarded. And you have a huge amount even dumber than that. There are millions of people too dumb to edit a .ini file or something similar.

Randy's wild ride of a life never stops.

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you are fucking retarded
they set the base price higher so they can say the game is on sale despite not being any cheaper
it's a common scam

a lot of people on steam only buy games on sale

All Epic has to do is gradually improve their store and not piss people off outside of exclusive acquisitions. Most mustards rolled over for steam, they'll roll over for Epic too given time if their store is stable

Why do they have to fuck up at every opportunity?

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i mean, i get calling paradox jews greedy, but fucking hell, how do you fuck up so bad? like fucking what, is sweeney legit mentally ill? it's some kind of illness, right?

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It’s not about how much money they make it’s about customer relationships

Be honest you would be mad if
>after preordering a game, a month later the game is discounted but it’s release isn’t for another year
>buy a game at launch, there’s a discount a week/month after Launch

Daily reminder that epic fuck ups is not a "win for steam", it's a win for all stores, the entire industry, devs, gamers, and western economy.

This is not epic vs steam. This is epichina vs the rest of the world.

>10 bucks off
>earning trust

is this fucking nigger for real?

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It wasn't Sweeny but the SteamSpy guy who's the head of the store, but that just makes it more hilarious because he's the agenda perpetuating fuck who's more scummy than Steam.

I'd like to know just how much money have they've put into this dumpster fire so far.

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I don't get it why the hell are devs pulling out I was going to get some games for $10 off. Epic was taking the hit, why are devs so greedy.Feels badman.

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Because luckily for us epic is ran by bugmen and a literal retarded cuck


imagine the bullets he will be sweating when the lawyer army cometh

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You don't have to do much. Just read any reply section of his tweets

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I don't like fat kike gaben, and I even had some hopes on him getting btfo by chinks, but it feels like everything epic does is with intent to make gaben look good.

Why the fuck did epic decide to make a storefront anyway? Tim made more money by milking dumb zoomers than gabe and he then decided to throw tens if not hundreds of millions securing temporary exclusivity deal for a half baked digital store. Why?

people were ready for a new store ages ago when green steam was a dumpster fire. other companies like ea, ubi, and microsoft tried to rise to the challenge but they managed to make a even worse store. here we are again as history repeats itself.

>the SteamSpy guy who's the head of the store
you mean that russian guy that told people to fuck off when they got a game for free on accident? fuck that's even better.

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Can someone explain to me how win the fuck Randy is still in the industry?

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>Meanwhile at Valve

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Paradox is greedy as fuck though

>Valve during all of Epic's fuckups

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Here's what their PR department says.

>Why is Epic Games opening a store?
>As a developer ourselves, we have always wanted a store with fair economics that connects us directly with our players. Thanks to the success of Fortnite, we are now able to share our capabilities with other developers and make that store a reality.

That's because it's a pro Epic Games store, and everybody knows it

The only thing that irks me is Supergiant's new game is on that shitshow.

More like Bitchford

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In the first case you generally get the difference back. In the second yeah I'd be pretty pissed.

The lack of foresight with discounting $60 preorders actually astounding

Given what happened with Bloodlines, it may simply be Epic neglected to properly inform everyone exactly what was happening. So now that they know, they have a few options. They might theoretically be okay with such a sale, but having it sprung on them could rattle businessmen who decide to just not have it on a sales price until they can figure out exactly what they want to do. It's about not being blindsided by a business partner, even if you might have agreed to it anyway. Now they're skittish and want out.

The problem with EGS is that you apparently can't just not have it on sale, so they have to completely stop all selling of the title.

Supergiant turned out to be massive faggots. First by taking the deal then by increasing the price hours after they claimed they wouldn't. And during a sale.

They were one of the early DRM-free push fuckers too, now they're exclusive to one DRM. It's just early access now, but that's another retarded thing for the type of game it is to.

The fact that steam mostly ignored Tim and epic is fucking great. Literally the best response they could have made. Not even acknowledging these bugmen.

at this point, would you rather be Randy or Anthony Burch?

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I haven't liked them since they called themselves "indie" while being fucking published by Warner Brothers. That's not fucking indie.

isn't he the owner of whatever the fuck that company that made borderlands is? can't even be bothered to remember the name

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Putting those psychologists to good use.

explain? So did I get Jew'd for buying the game for 9.99? Was it suppose to be 5.99?

Holy shit the absolute state of EPICshills.

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>and while it may be illegal, literally nothing is going to happen because no one cares if video game companies break the law
This is literally not true. Valve themselves got taken to court in Australia for not following the law and Australia continued to push them even as Valve tried to dig in. Refunds are in place on Steam specifically because it's illegal to not have a refund system in the EU. And to bring it back around, it's apparently impossible for a company to change the base price of their game within thirty days of a sale. Steam simply won't let either the change go through or let the game go on a discount. Because, again, it's illegal.

>We have always wanted a store with fair economics and connect directly with our players
>So what if we're getting third party exclusives steam is evil!
>Nooo, you dont need customer reviews, just trust me, I know what game you should play!
Its like someone filled up a garbage can with weed, cocaine and explosives , then set the whole thing on fire

Borderlands unironically keeps the company running. Also Epic probably paid Randy millions for Borderlands 3 exclusivity.

he's a founder, not sure who owns it. borderlands is a 2k property as far as i know though.

>It devalues the game
lol the gameplay they showed did enough of that to me
garbage waiting segments while you listen to not original voice actor claptrap spout memes for 3 minutes before a shooting segment into another not original claptrap voice actor claptrap fraud tries to be funny for another 5 minutes

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Idk apparently The people at gearbox hates him. Almost everyone that left the company has called Randy an Ass.

>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud
and that is exactly why I would not feel safe giving my credit card to epic games. They really need those gift card things like steam has or something.

Is it better or worse CliffyB got run out of town before him?

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Well idk about your laws but it's illegal here only if the new price isn't any lower than the original nondiscounted price

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>Almost everyone that left the company has called Randy an Ass.
Yeah, a BAD ASS

That's right, commies. Burn yourselves and do this world a favour

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there was no reason to remain in the industry after the embarassment of lawbreakers, literally battleborn 2: we learned nothing edition

Literally no idea what itad or cheapshark are, and not even the majority of reddit (which is already a small section of the gaming population) goes to game deal subreddits.

The math for their sale literally doesn't add up. 12% rate at such a low cost means that they're actively selling at a loss margin to attract potential future customers, which I'm pretty sure is kinda illegal in some EU countries.

Yes, it was 5.99 at first

He also locked off any indepth data on Steamspy behind Patreon after having almost everything be free to view for the first three years. This is also despite the fact Steamspy's accuracy is horribly compromised anyway ever since Steam became GDPR compliant. Literally charging more for less.

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>check comments section at news about Ebin Sale
>people claiming that Ebin is good, it's all devs fault

Truly ebun.

>Jewadox getting fucked
>Ebin losing another game
absolutely beautiful

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>Developers don't like that Epic did this thing that benefits the customer and not themselves or the developers
>This is just Epic being 100% ocused on the developers again, without regarding customers or customer reactions.

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Don't think it is illegal, a lot of sales and deals are at a loss margin to attract customers.
For example every giveaway

there is no one to fire him
he is the CEO

user, they have the double whammy of black market slavery money from China, and Fortnite money. They can literally buy out PC gaming if they wanted but won't because too much backlash would prevent them from making back the money spent.

No but serious question, who in the fuck actually runs EGS?

This MEGA Sale was supposed to be their big break. They're putting the Fortnite money to good use by paying publishers to give people good deals. Yet not even half a week into the sale they showed a level of boggling incompetence a billion dollar company shouldn't make when handling their store, they pissed off the major publishers partnered with them except Ubisoft who's just playing them like a fiddle, and still continue to piss off customers.

Like legitimately, literally the only thing Epic has done is show off just how good people actually have it with Steam and that maybe just maybe that 30% cut is actually reasonable.

This is a level of fuck up that I can't handle.
It's almost making me believe that Valve literally sent someone inside Epic to sabotage them.

>which I'm pretty sure is kinda illegal in some EU countries.
Not only is that how every non-nintendo console has ever worked, but its standard practice in grocery stores the world over to have loss leads, which are products sold at a loss to attract customers into your store, where they will buy the rest of their goods for their own convenience.
Hell, look up the -2 pence beans, where a store literally paid people to take their cans of beans in order to beat the competition and get people in the door.

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so he's basically a lying scummy gopnik sack of shit

I meant putting it up for sale and fronting the cost of that sale. But yeah, I guess it's more Epic just not thinking it through at all.

can't believe I live in a timeline where PC fags console war among themselves

>all this because some taiwanese fuck made fun of glorious leader and that overgrown baby couldnt take a hit
China is due for another bloody uprising soon, yes?

Chink boardmembers, this is why there is no japanese games on it when ever other store including humblestore has japanese games.

Its not really a war if one side ignores the other setting itself on fire.

This kinda looks like that time when a dude infiltrated an EVE corp, got promoted and sold all their fucking assets, making the forums light up for 2 weeks.
Or a netflix office drama.

It's so hilarious seeing a man flex his muscles when he has none.

time and sergey (steamspy man) seem to be the only people in charge, or at least the only people who show their face in social media or any online presence to field questions.

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This. That 30% also includes handling all the business matters in a professional way. Starting with not fucking up a sale.

it takes two parties for a war




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>one side is flailing its arms madly, hitting itself in drunk rage
>the other side is just standing there, watching
u wot

>the year is 2024
>epic is on the brink of bankruptcy, fortnite is forgotten
>Tim standing on a roof top, crying
>people below try to convince him not to jump, few telling him to do a backflip
>no news coverage because there are more interesting stories, like the local fire department rescued a kitten from a tree
>Tim takes a red lipstick from his pocket and start smearing his face
>jumps to his death, but the fall didnt kill him instantly
>as he's lying on the ground taking his last breath, he looks at the crowd with tears in his eyes and blood covered face

30% was always reasonable. If you want your game featured on the epic store, you have to opt in to a bigger % taken from your sales. And then it's still competing with other publishers who opted for a larger % taken. Steam promotes based off of user reviews, popularity, and sales. The base 30 applies to everyone and your game's success is based purely on the quality of the game.

They're the public facing guys, but I think it's highly likely that some chinks have a big say as well. It's not just 2 people running this thing, that's impossible.

While that sucks, I'm still fine with it. So the game was $15 at first? So that makes it 60% off give or take compared to the current %50? Sucks that I missed it, but still seems like a fair price.

Calm down son, here's your dose

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>A ten dollar sale is supposed to earn my trust
Man fuck off.
Also this whole sale has been such a clusterfuck, how do you not even inform publishers like Paradox if they were ok with this? Brick and mortar stores, or online retailers like Amazon especially hate the idea of games getting lower than MSRP before they launch when they can't get the same deal themselves.

I wonder if it's like what happens to Kickstarters or Patreons when they get way more money than they expected. You lose all sight of your problems and turn into a retard who thinks you can do anything now because you have fuck off money. 3 years ago, PUBG had barely begun to explode. Fortnite only got super huge over about the last year. In that time, Epic has suddenly started making millions and millions of dollars a day.

So Epic decides "why do we need to be beholden to Steam? Or anyone else, for that matter?" They've tried to sell games before on their launcher, as I recall, too. Shadow Warrior, I think? Meanwhile, the last several years have seen a rise in a disatisfied PR spin of Steam. They don't do enough, they let too many shit games into the store, their forums suck, etc. So either Epic or Galyonkin decided this was a prime time to strike while the iron was hot. While they have hundreds of millions of dollars pouring in a year and while the games media seems quite happy for any excuse to shit on Steam. Happily, what people seem to be complaining about on Steam are things that cost money. Managing hundreds of new pages a month? Don't need to do it, cut a huge staff requirement right there. People bitching about review bombing? Boom, who even needs reviews? 30% cut? That sounds kind of high, since we won't actually be doing anything. Might as well move to Canada you dumb fucks. Just throw a skeleton crew on the job to turn your launcher program into a barebones store and we're in fucking business.

Epic and Galyonkin simply assumed they could throw money at the problems and not actually need to do much to run a fairly small digital storefront. They didn't think anything through because they assumed it wouldn't matter. And to an extent, they were right: almost the entire game's press is only to happy to prop them up for some reason. Probably a combination of not knowing shit about the PC market and the aforementioned trend of shitting on Steam.

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board of directors could fire him

Reminder Epic still doesn't have a shopping cart for god knows how long

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thanks doc

Source on that EVE one? I love EVE drama.

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God I just want this shit to be over.
Fuck Epic for shitting all over this market.
This is the equivalent to Valve setting up a cool D&D session, it starts off fucking trash, then gets better as it goes on, then it invites the stinky linux friend that nobody wants to talk to, then, just when it's starting to look great, Sweeney enters the game and rolls up a CE Rogue who intentionally fucks everything up for everyone then yells at everyone else when he's told that he's a douche.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. You know deep down you got bamboozled lmao

Sirgay is such a faggot.

The sad thing is that there is an 80% chance Jason Schreier or some other journalist WILL blame Drumf for this. Didn't Jason blame Drumf for Bethesda telling him to fuck off when he leaked stolen Bethesda leaks?

You're confusing making a product at a loss to a store operating at a lose to drive out competition. The latter is illegal in at least some European countries as I recall. The difference is in what these different companies do. Sony was the actually original seller of their hardware. Obviously they bought from other factories, but it's Sony that functions as the primary seller of the Playstation as an item. It's perfectly legal to do so, since the competition isn't for selling the same thing but competing products. Big companies loss leading, however, is a monopolistic practice meant to drive out their direct competition since they are already established and thus can survive doing so longer.

It's not illegal universally, but this sort of storefront competition does come underfire.

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I feel like UT was dead from the start when they were basically trying to outsource it to modders

>wanting to save money instead of blowing it on full price video games is an unhealthy habit

yes because Trump's brother is on the board of directors of zenimax


Ok, this is epic.

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>there are people here who don't know what a board of directors is
>there are people here who fall for the "all powerful CEO" meme
>there are people here who fall for the 51% meme
This board is full of kids


Reminder that this is the fabled "steam killer"

What went wrong?

I love so much how they bitch about steam every single fucking day. Literally cant shut up. And yet valve didnt say a word ever. Not even acknowledged that EGS exist. Love it


Fucking hell, did the poor guy even do anything besides be related to Drumf? Imagine being a "journalist" and publicly labeling someone a fascist just because he's related to someone you don't like. We need more accountability for the press and social media.

>Trump hates Chinese business interests greatly
>Relatives working for Zenimax, a company staying on Steam and not using Unreal

I think I found all the connections you need for a proper Kotaku article to be made.

>people over 18 know about corporate structure and multinational business philosophy
i agree fellow person of age, if only so many people under the drinking age were not present with their lack of knowledge regarding the intimate workings of massive conglomerates



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Really what I want to know is why the PR department hasn't taken away his twitter yet.

I didn't think Gearbox had a board of Directors

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that shit happens every 2 months in eve
look it up its funny

>your game's success is based purely on the quality of the game.

Reminds me of that indie dev that got mad that his "art game" went into page 3 or 4 at release day and somehow he blamed Steam for not featuring his "game" and having "too many games" to begin with.

I find it hilarious that the people going on about "workers rights and we need to make amends for slavery" are eager to support China, who treat their workers like slaves and work them to death.

>hold your first massive sale
>customers can't buy more than 5 games

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Will this kill le ebin?

Here's an idea.

Why can't Tim pay Randy to shut the fuck up on twitter? Clearly every time he opens his mouth something fucked happens.

Any good games on sale at GoG/Steam?

Vermintide 2

Epic sure wants to earn your trust by actively pissing on you as a consumer and doing everything in their power to piss everyone off by their sheer amount of malice combined with incompetence.
That's exactly how you earn loyal customers.

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Steam is having a post-apocalyptic and warhammer sale right now. Lots of great games there. I personally recommend Underrail.

Meanwhile GoG recently got this gem.

It happened with EYE during one sale. I remember because I was going to buy it before I saw the price hike.

Funny how valve has to do nothing to win

Pre-release discounts are pretty common guys. I preorder games on Amazon and a lot of the time the price I pay is lower than the launch price, and that 'price guarantee' they have is part of the reason I preorder.

JRPGs only though.

>Earning trust.
>Accounts were literally being lost due to incompetence.

Nope thats it, Epic meming all over the fucking place is over.

Hell, 30% is literally the norm for digital. The alternative is a whopping 50% for physical. Epic's meme 12% isn't even sustainable, they add extra transaction fees and bump up the price in far away countries to make up for it.

It's really not that good.

epic is literally some retard that won the lottery trying to compete with disney

Okay, important question for me - why the fuck nearly all journalists are full Ebin supporters and shits on Valve? Literally they are the only ones happy about EGS and such. With all the bullshit going around.


Pic unrelated.

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You mean supplement their loss with Fortnite money

Different user here, every time I try playing Underrail I get super overwhelmed. Any "straightforward" build for a beginner and character creation tips?

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Based on how poorly the actual running of their store is going, it doesn't seem to be sustainable purely on an operational cost level either.

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Three things.

Epic paid them off
Their shitty dev buddies can't get their art games to sell on Steam
And Valve is now accepting """problematic""" games on Steam

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Gaming "journalists" turning against valve is kind of hilarious in a way. Valve doesn't buy ads on their sites because they don't believe it matters enough to justify the expense. But the gaming bloggers have to cover whatever valve does, essentially for free, because it tends to be big news. The International prize pool braking records again? Better report on that if you want those juicy clicks. TF2 doing anything? You better cover it if you know whats good for you. Valve not censoring anime tiddies? You may not like it, but that's what peak money making looks like. Also report on it and give valve free publicity. But be sure to remember that valve doesn't give a flying fuck about your blog, probably opposing views on whatever bullshit you're trying to push and is nearly unasailable because they have half a dozen world class IPs they can use in case they ever get threathened. Must really hurt their egos that there is a company they can't force to change by using bad press.

That too but they also like charging extra. Metro is $83 Freedom and Liberty dollars where I live, when it was just $60 US on Steam.

Because gaming journalists hate videogames and gamers, so they'll shill whatever the gamers hate.

They got paid. Epic chinks think that throwing money at everything is the solution.

I liked it

doesn't tim know you have to consult with publishers before you sell their games for a discount price? what the hell are they thinking?

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It was literally a store made for Fortnite, after all. They never planned on making it a Steam competitor until much later.

Epic cuts a check to anyone that'll come to them.

So obviously, thatll please pretty much anyone. Thats not a very sustainable model though.

>>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud
is this real?

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Gaben playing 5d underwater spherical chess with.

Specialization is key.

Also skim a few steam guides for the game.

Thanks doc, that was a strong one.

It was mediocre and got boring fast, didn't have neraly the lasting appeal I would have expected.

>why the fuck nearly all journalists are full Ebin supporters and shits on Valve?
Pro-consumer is bad. Politically neutral is bad. Games and gamers are bad. America is bad and China is good.

Maui Mallard is on PC?
Oh shit, later boys I gotta go nostalgia hard.

I don't see the game ever being more than 10$. You're wrong.

Valve isn't woke, can't be forced to become woke because they're too small and valve doesn't buy ads.

Damm those ears are THICC!

Nice, I'll go read up on it then.


Because they hate "Gamers" so they'll always pick the shitter option

See : journalists picking fights with DMC fags over DmC still even after all this time

Remember this: the one entity that hates the average gamer the most is a videogame journalist

Please somebody, buy my games.

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>hold a big sale to draw attention
>don't offer your biggest upcoming title in the sale
>don't allow people to purchase more than 5 games because the sale is hemorrhaging money
Imagine unironically still believing that this is competition and not just a closed-garden platform.

Great to see that Epic thinks so lowly of themselves that they couldn't see anyone ever buying five games at a time from their store

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ummmmmmm sweeties?
steam fucked up harder back then

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so the trade for the 30% cut is a loss in control of pricing, interdasting

They're pro-developer. They really hate that people have to work long hours and shit and get badly paid. So Epic having a better cut is good. Also, Steam's choice to just allow everything was bad because it meant bad games would be allowed.

The fact that they're, as a rule, currently going with making certain countries pay more in transaction fees and don't have a lot of local currencies available, such that third world country Canada being forced buy in USD, shows they're not willing to use their Fortnite money for somethings.

The entire point of a store like this is to be self sustaining. Look at what happened to GoG. They had to stop doing price matching or whatever particular price cut policy it was because the store needed to operate on a profit. Even though they only have to pay shitting Eastern European salaries and have all that Witcher money. Loss leading is only about leading at a loss. Eventually, you have to stop losing money. They're willing to shell out millions of dollars to buy exclusives to try and make people come to their store if they want to buy some big games, but they can't keep doing this forever. If the store itself won't eventually make up for their initial investment and begin bringing in money on its own, you might as well just shut it down. Buy exclusives won't be Epic's policy forever. It's simply a matter of how long the Fortnite money will keep rolling in and how long Epic as a whole is willing to poor that down the drain in the increasingly futile hope that things will level out.

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>does nothing
>EGS still failing

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§ 20 Abs. 3 GWB - loss leaders are illegal in Germany.

That's like 8 years ago, no need to repeat that fucking mistake you dipshits.

>they have half a dozen world class IPs they can use in case they ever get threathened
If they feel like they have to do that then they've already conceded in other areas.

idk which one is more concerning, the fact that publishers are pulling out or the fact that epic doesn't know anything about store management

>b-but Steam 10 years ago
holy shit

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No, you’re just really stupid.

>journalists picking fights with DMC fags over DmC still even after all this time
Oh man, that was a fun time.

"The “gamer” kind is sexist; racist; homophobic; reactionary; unable to spell; almost exclusively male; hasn’t read a book since See Spot Run; probably dramatically under-equipped in the genital department; incapable of basic self-care like hygiene, cooking and housework; and covered in Cheeto dust."
-VG247, DmC: Devil May Cry “fans” are a crying shame

>Politically neutral is bad
It's not as if Epic is making some grand political jestures. The most they've said is "user reviews can be mean, so we won't do them." People of all political philosophies constantly shit on user reviews. Removing them only looks like a politically active move when you firmly believe the bad reviews only come from people with bad politics. The ones you're against.

Just let Epic die already.

>hanging out with Epic Games employees on Discord
Fucking weird bro

Daily reminder that valve and steam faced far larger odds when they first started. They had to fucking convince both gamers and publishers that a digital storefront wasn't a massive meme. I mean it still is a meme but compared to today, even the fucking publishers themselves have digital stores.

holy shit

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>steam is winning....BY DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
you have to try in order to fuck up this badly

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>make the same mistake your competition did almost a decade ago
Imagine being as incompetent as Epic

Which is why you hear Fortnite devs constantly complaining about the long hours they have to work to keep churning content out?

>if we don't piss off the people that give us money they will give us more money
>if we put a little effort into making the people who give us money happy we can make even more money
>also don't shitpost on social media guys
Is this really such a groundbreaking thing? Are valve fucking geniouses for not pissing off their customers? It can't be that hard.

Excuse me but can I have a shopping cart or something like that? I can't hold these games and my wallet at the same time!

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>b-but 10 years a-ago

Valve lets you say nigger and faggot in their games and lets gamers shit talk games, while Ebin does not.

>TFW don't learn from competitor's mistakes.

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Where are the Chink shills? I want to see a bigger shit show on this site.

They made the same mistake as their competitor years ago today, how can they consider that anywhere near a good thing

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Why would EPIC choose to repeat the fuckups instead of learning from them?

Yo can I get a discord invite?

Amazon is taking on the risk of actually buying physical copies though, they usually drop the price on games when pre-orders are lower than they'd like and don't want to be stuck with a huge stock of the games.
For example that Sonic racing game coming out is one of the only games I can see with a pre-order discount at the moment, and I think it's safe to say that thing is going to bomb.
Digital game sites like Green Man Gaming also do pre-order price cuts, but again I believe they have a limited number of keys to sell. There's a big difference between dropping the price on a product you've already "bought" and lowering the price on someone else's game without permission, even if you're absorbing the cost.

This doesn't really makes sense. It's like sports journalist hating sports. Or car reviewer preferring bikes and being anti-car at every point.

Doesn't. Make. Sense.

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Maybe try competing with 2019 steam

This, I was a buttmad shitter that refused to install Steam until 9 years after it first came out. I'd like to see how many years it would take Sweeney to get me to install Epic.

They all bought more than 5 games and got sent to Tiananmen Square

>b-but valve
Is epic taking pr advice from Yea Forums shitposters?

>it wasn't even Sergey who called them greedy, it was a commenter somewhere who Sergey responded to
At least stick to factual counters to EGS, especially when they're so plentiful.

>Epic decides to compete with Steam sales by hosting their own sale
>But instead of just doing select games approved by publishers, they put a sale price on every fucking game on the store
>Multiple games get pulled from the store due to publishers being against this
>Including BL3, even with Randy shilling the sale
>Due to EGS's horrid programming and setup, it will take weeks to get those games put back up
>And if you buy multiple games during the sale in a row, since you can't buy them all at once due to no cart, your account gets flagged for suspicious activity
You see why Steam has a "monopoly", they are the only fucking launcher with non-retards running it

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"3-4 publishers having concerns is nothing"






"Those who can't do teach, those who can't teach teach gym"
It's kind of like that. Games Journalists are failures who entered into the field with the absolute lowest bar for entry and just post whatever for clicks while complaining about how much they hate games.






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All the gaming journalists are failures in their field. They just do this because no one else would hire them.

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>literally sale-jacking
holy mother of illegality, did they not learn from when Bethesda tried this shit with a fucking santa costume in 76?

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They aren't selling at a loss. They are buying at a loss. Their games are the standard price.

Why is the lesson "Those who don't learn from history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them" so fucking hard to learn for these companies? Jesus christ it's been like a decade and a half with Steam and Epic hasn't learned from ANY of their mistakes and missteps.

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Yes they are.

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I forget the joke that Chris is making here. Please explain it

Epic is mostly run by programmers who know how to make an engine, not run a store
They had been coasting fine for years until Fortnite exploded and they made a shitload of money, then Tim Ratface decided he wanted to be the next Bobby Big Dick in gaming and tried to turn the money into a store, except no one knows how to code a fucking launcher store since it was made to just launch Fortnite
Now after months of retards shilling this "steam killer" we see how badly Epic has handled the situation

They're loss leading, which is illegal in Germany. See

>You don't have to tell me twice, but during the stone age you'd have to tell a caveman twice
Yeah it makes less sense when you try to explain it.

>but Steam's first sale like 10 years ago
Fucking KEK

>on sale like a week after launch, because then they felt cheated
I think you are exaggerating on purpose since #1 FO76 was shit not just cheap and #2 There is evidence of FO76 being given out FOR FREE not $10 off
it remains to be seen how big of an impact the $10 off will have on the perceived value of unreleased games since I can't ever remember something like this happening on such a large scale before

no one gives a fuck though because its more fun to panic and scream tortanic! look at the fuckup of the week its another tortanic!

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>$60 dollar game
>epic gets 12%
>-$10 because of sale
>-$2,8 on each game
And that is ignoring the cheaper games, all the operating expenses and credit card fees.

what a bunch of fucking retards

H-Hey come on guys.
Epic at least gave us UE4.
T-That at least counts for something right?

Pantyhose always makes my dick hard

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>bribe developer for exclusivity
>call them greedy
what did he mean by this

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Call me when they make a new jazz jackrabbit or unreal 3.

No because i'm sick of HIRE THIS MAN

>We're for the devs, guys :)))
>"Hey Sweeney, pull our shit from your dumb sale, we actually want to make money"
>Greedy fucking devs >:(((((

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To be fair they're not wrong when it comes to pdx.

garbage tends to collect and gather

>$10 off will have on the perceived value of unreleased games since I can't ever remember something like this happening on such a large scale before
I get the feeling the pulls are mostly down to Epic not properly informing the publishers/devs how this was going to work and them not being able to take them off sale except by not selling them at all. If Company A hears Company B is selling their game differently than they'd worked out, does Company A go "well just keep doing it for now until we sort this out." No, they say "hold the fuck on, stop doing that and we'll discuss this. Then, maybe, if we're sure this is what we want we'll put it back on that sale."

The biggest debacle here is they can't just stop applying the sales price for whatever reason.

Reap what you sow

Okay Yea Forums you know the best part?

This "mega" sale literally lasts for an entire month.
Not even two days in two big publishers have already pulled their game.
One relatively popular indie dev pulled their game too.
And another indie dev kept flip flopping on the pricing of their game.
All while everybody sees the utter clusterfuck of coding that their store actually is.

Are you all ready for when even Metro Exodus gets pulled out because it's selling like only 7 bucks on some regions?

>mfw I'm not Randy Pitchford
>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch
>mfw I'm not ProJared
>mfw I'm no one and it's better this way

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Paradox bragged about not doing any exclusivity deals for VTMB2 and releasing it on Steam, Epic and GOG simultaneously so maybe they're subconsciously lashing at them for not taking their Fortnite bucks.

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>an online store not having a fucking shopping cart in the year 2019

>an entire month
What? But why? They barely have any fucking games on their store, why make it last for a month?


>there were people on this board defending this platform about a month ago
Where did you all go?

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So they can say their sale lasted longer than steams. And gives tim a whole month to get gabe to notice him.

These people don't think too hard do they?

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>This "mega" sale literally lasts for an entire month.

hol up.
You mean these games, BL3 included, wouldn't be available for purchase. For an entire month. Even if someone doesn't care about the sale and are willing to buy full price- they couldn't and have to wait 1 month.

Fucking KEK. Talk about a deal with the devil.

God i actually hear the jojo music in my head

Let's just say they pulled out of the epic store.

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3-4 out of how many, 10? LMAO

actually super giant changed the price during the sale

>So they can say their sale lasted longer than steams.
Fuck I hate that this is probably the reason.

Am I the only one that really wants to see Epic die just to be able to buy the two games on the store actually worth having?

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this didn't age very well
didn't the sale already end prematurely? as far as i can tell
>bl3, vampire 2, oxygen not free completely pulled out and can't be purchased
>ubisoft games are discounted but hidden, the only way to find them is by googling the game
>almost all prices got jacked up
what a disaster, if you can't manage up to 20-30 i don't even wanna know how things are going to be like in the future

I want EGS to die because I'm actually really curious what happens to the "products" of a "digital" storefront.

Has this ever happened before? What happens to the entire infrastructure set up when it comes to "digital ownership"?

I'm assuming Epic is in talks with the publishers that pulled, especially high profile ones like 2K. Those publishers probably just want to be able to sell their game at the normal price, so I'd think they'd ask Epic to develop some way to sell their game without a discount. I can't see that lasting more than a month.

and what games would those be?

ooo he based

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Iirc its a really weird reference to a tv commercial

>wasn't around when gfwl died


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but bro, steam does nothing to earn that 30%

No, they were trying to please the publishers (while claiming they were aiming to please the developers).
The resulting numbers must have set someone in a panic to try and please the consumers with this sale, which has apparently resulted in pissing off the publishers, the damage control of which in turn has pissed off consumers.
Darkly comedic as it is, it's all very tiresome. Epic had the resources and will to squeeze Valve to do better, but seem to be going about it in all the worst possible ways.

>18 that pulled out 10 years ago
And all of those studios are dead because of EA and Activision most likely.


Epic even managed to turn sales into a controversy.

Yeah, in 2009. Epic Store is like from 1999 in features

Is she dead yet? Should be soon as she is passed the point of no return

They fucked up so bad that they shifted public perception and made people think that Steam might actually be good.

Epic is literally Steam's greatest advertiser right now.
This is how bad it's gotten.

Didn't the games get transferred to Steam? I don't remember, I was a full-time pirate then.

Her organs must have failed by now.

epic doesnt even have 18 devs on their store lmfao in 2k19

Pat is still alive?!

Depends on the publishers but most did like Re5 and SF4.

This isn't true. He is actually having the snack room expanded to include more types of snacks for his employees.

>when your partnered storefront willingly and openly devalues your game without you knowing
How many big name publishers are still willing to work with Epic at this point?

not happening, suicides are generally intelligent people

>fuck up and bungle your store so badly that people unironically love steam now
It's so perfect I could be easily convinced Gaben literally paid them to do all this.

underrated post

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Watch out user, orange/blonde hair hurts Jason Schreier's feelings.

So anybody else scared that all the retards who can't wait for borderlands 3 will change the way things are going? That's probably going to be the deciding factor if egs will live or die.

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I really don't give a shit about this otherwise but wow, way to burn your momentum Epic.
Back to valve domination then, this isn't a small mistake, this shit will cost them dearly.

God fucking damn I remember trying to argue with two epic shills on twitter because of how the lack of shopping cart would lock accounts down and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Man was going around leaving likes on the shill's posts and now this happens. I'm love watching this shit crash and burn

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Borderlands is really the ultimate test on whether or not there's enough good goys in the PC market to make exclusive faggotry a viable tactic so hopefully it flops on PC while still doing well on consoles.

Randy because he at least has decent amount of money (probably) and has SOME respect of his fans. Has Burch even done anything recently?

Borderlands 3 is like the first "Epic Exclusive" that might actually sell, so it really is the deciding factor. Tim Sweeney is lucky that Randy fucking loves communism and the People's Republic of China so he's happy to cooperate.

>borderlands 3 will change the way things are going? That's probably going to be the deciding factor
Stop posting Randy.

It's called breach of contract with the publishers because you cannot sell licenced products at a discount without permission from the owner.

And for you brainletts:
>TLDR: rip epic store
No one will do business with untrusted resellers

Don't worry.

Once E3 comes all you drones will shake in your boots when they announce Bloodborne for EGS during the PC conference.

When was the last time gaming "journalists" were actually good and didnt make the wrong choice? It's like they try to be cunts on purpose. Also Tencent probably bought them off

>needing to compare yourself to an adversary to feel better
Not gonna make it.

>bad relations with customers
>bad relations with devs
epic has no idea what it takes to run a successful store, all the fortnite money got to their heads.

Entirely depends on the contract.

Would be nice honestly I don't know why you think I somehow would piss myself over that, had to install Origin and other shit for certian games too.

You can already play it on PC via PS Now.

Borderlands 3 will sell ok on PC. Epic will then boast about the global number of Borderland 3's sales and act like the EGS had a major impact in the high number of global sales and will continue do pull this bribing tactic until they either run out of bribe money or until they realize they need to take another approach to the EGS

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>sorry I somehow managed to kill your husband during a routine dental checkup
>but, I mean, doctors killed patients for a lot less like 200 years ago so I guess I'm not that bad #yolo

>don't worry devs, that 88% cut is going to be worth it, trust us.

>No one will do business with untrusted resellers
I dunno, I'm sure Epic will be able to buy more deals with Fortnite money.

Is it removed?

Couldn't find it in the app either.

outer worlds and maybe bl3

how is being able to pirate Bloodborne and play it at 60fps going to worry anybody?

>the "YOU ARE ALL DRONES!!!11" chinkoid is back
Heh, you're kinda late, insect.

They won't, even if every single one who wanted BL3 on the PC bought it from Epic's Store over the period it was up. This isn't console gaming. Casuals really wanting to play BotW need to buy a Switch to do so, and then once they have a Switch they might as well get other games for it since they've already bought this $300 thing. But once you buy a game on Epic's store, or even just get one of their free offerings, you've invested no more into Epic than the game itself. You don't keep people coming to your store with a single game, buying on the store itself has to be attractive. Steam didn't get super fucking big until the Sales started happening and Steam became this whole giant ecosystem of shit beyond just buying a game.

The exclusivity deals Epic is throwing around aren't actually helping this either. The worse thing you could've done was buy Borderland 3 when it was on sale then never buy anything else on their store. Because Epic is making no money on these games that are on sale. Even if they weren't on sale, the ones done by exclusivity deals are already millions of dollars in the red for Epic, it would take numerous full price purchases for Epic to break even on it.

The idea of the exclusives was that it would make people install the client, the vague equivalent of buying a console, then customers would just naturally buy other, non-exclusive games eventually because that's what would actually be profitable for Epic. This basic assumption doesn't really seem to be true, and thus this ridiculous sales debacle Epic is trying to do to further push people to stay with the client while burning more money in the hopes that this time customers will stick around and buy the things that actually make Epic money.

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How does something like this even happen? Like I know it's a lack of communication but how did it come to that point?

Did Epic think that just because they paid boat loads of money to the publishers that they have some sense of faux-ownership for the exclusives on their store now? So as long as it's on their store they have free reign to do whatever they want to it without even contacting the very devs/publishers?

That means nothing when EGS doesn't even have 10 publishers on their store yet.

She hasn't posted in 3 months and the thumbnail with her arms is horrific. She might have died

UT4 literally died for this

I think they just failed to consider the value loss of a game being on sale, I think they covered all their bases by still giving developers the normal price. And that's why they didn't communicate about this, because they thought it wasn't a problem.

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At this point I think it's honestly a foolish company that was on it's way out getting far too much money on their hands. Epic was turning into a bargain bin dev. Paragon flopped and no one cared about the game Fortnite was supposed to be until suddenly it's the biggest cash cow of the decade because of Battle Royale zoomers. Now they're just throwing around money trying to gobble up as much of the market as they can, but they're just too fucking dumb to understand why Valve is so successful.

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the way Epic Store is being handled right now is just begging for a massive investigation into fraud, especially bait-and-switch a la the canvas bag debacle. But i do wish somebody had pinned Rockstar with their jewish trick of removing base game GTAV and replacing it with GTAV + Shark card that makes the whole thing unrefundable, as well as increasing the base price in advance

whatever the fuck happened with R*, it sure was just a sign of this shit to come.

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So where is the Indie Golden Age that the indie devs that shilled for Epic said was coming? So far I've seen like one indie be supported, and it's some shitty online early access game.

>Fortnite was supposed to be until suddenly it's the biggest cash cow of the decade because of Battle Royale zoomers
It's amazing how Fortnite was literally about to die and then PUBG exploded and then Fortnite copied it and took over.

Console war faggotry is so cancerous. It even spreads to pc

Randy continues to exemplify everything wrong about the industry. There's no way that is any better than a person who has ceased to be observably garbage.

As for respect of the fans I doubt that too. On our end of things we fucking hate him. And from the perspective of Borderlands fans they only care about the game; they couldn't give a shit about Randy or even know who Randy is because there's nobody who would care if Randy is a piece of shit who continues to love Borderlands. The only way fans can go about their day loving Borderlands is if they don't care or flagrantly ignore what Randy represents.

That leaves the money. Yeah, the fucker is ludicrously wealthy and even if Gearbox goes to shit he'll still sell it for enough money for generations of his decedents to live more than comfortably.


I hate randy so much holy FUCK

Same way how Gearbox is fucking up so much, the company isn't run by corporate suits but by an assclown that believes everything he does is right and just.
Valve can't be arsed to really moderate their shit but their dealings with other publishers are streamlined and guided by people that know what the fuck they are doing if they know what an video game is or not.

It turns out getting a better split doesn't mean jack shit when literally no one cares about your game and most people actively hate the store it's on. Any of the tiny indie devs that thought they would get a sweet Epic exclusive deal have also now realized no one cares about them and floating in the sea of steam games is where their walking simulator belongs

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Needs steam off in the background playing with VR.

>Rockstar with their jewish trick of removing base game GTAV and replacing it with GTAV + Shark card
Name one (1) jew that you know of that did this trick.

man this E3 is going to be a riot
Sony and EA may be gone but Swiney's damage control live while everyone rips him apart will do

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They have range.
No one ever complained about their 30% because everyone got their worth. Now when someone shows less % everyone is going crazy.


Lack of trained personnel, really. 12% was always a dumb thing, and Epic being unable to stick to their own ridiculous road map for improving the store and now this sale just shows that skilled personnel capable of running a modern store is something you need to spin money on.

This is sort of at the heart of the anti-steam spinning going on in the industry. Most people, including the media and actual devs, have zero clue about how steam actually functions. We had devs bitching about regional pricing. We have idiots writing think pieces constantly about Valve not "doing enough," about how they get 30% of each sale on Steam and yet they just sit there and swim in it. There's a culture of people that just have no idea what running a multi-national digital store front in the modern age that has to cater to laws of multiple different cultures, make contacts with multiple local payment processors, and generally just operate entails. And when you think something doesn't require any real effort, you begin to think you could easily do it just as well.

So people like Galyonkin and Sweeny go "Steam is just doing nothing, and making all this money. We can also just do nothing, and also make all this money." But the simple, inescapable reality is that Valve actually does quite a lot to make Steam work the way it does and rake in all this money. They make multiple blunders along the way, many of which anons will happy shit on in the future when they do it again. And yet at the end of the day Valve is simply more competent at this than any one else has even tried to be, aside from maybe CD Projekt.

And honestly, that's the saddest thing about all this. Over a decade on, and Valve is still one of maybe two companies even trying. Epic could've, but decided not too. All because they underestimated the most basic concerns of running a store.

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But during the stone age...!

E3 is happening soon. Epic is going to be on it most likely showing off their store but the problem is what do they have to show for? A barebones storefront and WWZ that sold only 250k while shit like ROR2 and Mordhau are massive successes on steam? So this ONE MONTH LONG EPIC SUBSIDIZED sale is happening to pad out stats.

Remember. They never actually had any accurate numbers for Metro Exodus. So they quickly shat out this sale to really increase the number of units sold for every game even though their method of doing it is incredibly unsustainable. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that they can brag about it during E3.


It's disgusting. And all this just before the Steam Summer Sale.

He's CEO and Gearbox is privately owned. He cannot be fired - the only way to be rid of him is for gearbox to close or for him to leave voluntarily

So I just realized that this sale ends after E3, and if the games aren't going to be sold until the sale is over, then BL3 can't get any "E3 Trailer"hype sales on PC
They literally had one job and they fucking blew it, 2K must be fucking livid and now the PC version isn't even linked in the purchase section of the BL3 website anymore

I really, really don't see the difference between buying a game then selling it 10$ cheaper, and being an "intermediary" and giving10$ from your own pocket money on a sale.

>Encouraging dev greed
>Thinks they has any rights to shit on devs for being greedy when they were the ones encouraging this in the first place
Jesus, how hypocritical can Epic be?

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Huh? EA pulling out too? Never watch their shit anyways but that really makes me wonder if the whole thing is falling apart.

EGS doesn't even deserve their 12.

>It's totally fine that we fucked up in an easily avoidable way because our competitor did 10 years ago when digital stores were just gaining traction

OK buddy. Look forward to your GFWL cope posts when this store gets shutdown.

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They're probably just trying to avoid starting another dumpster fire this year

frogposters are based

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The communist government of China.

>EPIC shills getting BTFO'd
When will you faggots learn to stop shilling

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Maybe all these blunders Epic is making will finally make people realize that perhaps that 30% cut really did mean something.

Huh. Who would have guessed trying to do the same thing steam does is actually hard?

>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud
I don't know why but reading that brought me to tears. Does Tim Sweeney have any idea what the fuck he's doing?

I bet they paid for auduence members to fake applause

>Those who bought more than 5 games one at a time(because no shopping cart) had their accounts lock down for fraud
Who codes this store? Buzzfeed writers?

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this was the last place i expected to see SBaHJ good on you sir

>Epic mega sale fails
>meanwhile Green Man Gaming has a pretty decent one

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I don't think they think at all.

That's a guy

To be fair to them I don't think they thought that anyone would actually ever buy five games on their store

Epkek Grift Shack wins AGAINE.
they fucked up bad

We need one of the audience to be brought up on stage.
>sir, why do you like the Epic Store
> i rike epic store because it arrow me to pray boderrands 3

I like GMG a lot when buying games shortly after release because you can usually get like 10-15% off, save a few bucks.

So, are all those devs/publishers pulling out permanently or is that just some timed thing until the MEGASALE shitshow is over?

even better

I'm specifically avoiding preordering Borderlands 3 on the epic store because I'm 99% sure it'll go on steam before release anyway.

Chinks forgot that they cant just make decisions for all the publishers, because we live in a free world and not a robotic bug-lair

What I like the most about this situation, on top of Epic getting super assfucked, is that nobody can blame the customers for this blunder in the slightest.

Almost surely it's just fo rthe sale duration, otherwise they would lose the exclusivity money

GMG used to have pretty great deals, even for new games preorders. But now they kinda go toe to toe with steam sales

Didn't Tim Sweeney pay Randy Randy Bobandy millions of dollars not to release the game on Steam?

Has that Steam library gotten that overhaul beta out yet? It looks kinda neat.

>for the sale duration
Uh buddy. The sale lasts for a month.

2K and Paradox are going to fucking fume if their games are shelved for an entire month especially since this sale ends just as E3 starts. I don't think Epic is even that stupid to leave the biggest publishers partnered with them hanging like that.

Paradox are definitely pulling out permanently, especially after Epic personally insulted them and called them greedy for pulling Bloodlines 2. Chances are, Randy is now also reconsidering his love for Epic as well, considering he removed that blatant shilling post after they removed BL3 from the store during the sale period.

I doubt they'll actually pull the game from Epic completely, there's almost certainly a contract in play regarding the exclusivity.

He's going back to papa Gabe now.

its gonna be release on Steam 100%, just that it's gonna be one year later
just wait 1 (ONE) fucking year, and it'll not be exclusive anymore

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>I don't think Epic is even that stupid to leave the biggest publishers partnered with them hanging like that.

Should we tell him Yea Forums?

No, not yet.

borderlands is only exclusive for 6 (six) months
i guess timlad couldn't afford a whole year of exclusivity

>just wait 1 (ONE) fucking year, and it'll not be exclusive anymore
Not even one year. For how much Randy shit talked Steam the BL3 exclusivity time only lasts for 6 (SIX) months.

This is how much 2K trusts Epic.

I'd just like to point out that you're using as an argument a guide on how to fleece you effectively.

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Supposedly it will be rolled out in summer, so most likely after the sale at least.

>wait a year for it to be released on Steam
>pirate it anyway

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Not even as e3 starts, it ends after all the major announcements and shows, including the PC gaming show they now sponsor. Way worse situation, we're potentially going to see a flood of "Why can't I pre-order BL3????" in a few weeks

Coincidentally, it's been roughly 6 months since Epic Games Store's shit first started getting revealed. It'll be telling what the exclusivity lengths are for the ones they'll be announcing at E3 are.

So what happens when they burn through all of their Fortnite money

the absolute madman

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Oh no
Oh no no
Oh no no no no
Epic is incompetent but not retarded.
That's just fucking storefront suicide if that happens.

>burning through Fortnite money
Sweeney is literally a billionaire. You can't burn through that money just like that

>epic quietly opens storefront in China with no official announcement (they announced a Korean store before this)
>Epic has an absolute clusterfuck of a sale with games being pulled
Imagine actually having this spyware/vaporware installed on your computer.

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No more exclusives

Yeah, because them doubling down on their retardation is surely gonna save them now. If this didn't prove to Sweeney that consumers will decide who wins the war between the storefronts, nothing will.

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they just need to sell their stock in Marvel, since they made 2 billion from avenger ended game

Is this the end for EGS?

Store closes.
Ebin's going bankrupt.
Then their chinese masters will come over to repo organs of Ebin staff just to make some money for all the losses.
The end.

Video games shouldn't be more than 50 dollars anyways.

Sweeney? More like Sneedney.

>in the first case you generally get the difference back
How? You just paid $60 to pre-order something and that price has now been cut by $10. In what bloody possible way can you get that back???

>reminder to not open spoiler posts at 4 am

>Sweeney while being funded by China, Unreal licences and Fortnite: customers are not important for running a store, you do not need customers
I fucking dare Sweeney to run the Epic store without those sources of funding.

I miss battleborn threads

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just about a week ago Yea Forums bashes epic store because it benefits publishers more than "developers" and how publishers are bad evil oppressors and also epic by proxy

and now Yea Forums are defending publishers pulling their shit out of epic store because epic wants to give players some discounts? oh and epic still bad btw ching chong tianamen square

Reminder to keep your doors and windows locked because it's waiting for a chance

>hobby grade competitive esports badass PVP plus epic battleborn heroes
Ah, Randy.

If you're going to fleece people, you might as well do it well.

>and now Yea Forums are defending publishers pulling their shit out of epic store because epic wants to give players some discounts?
user..... do you not know how devaluing products works?

This is even more retarded when you consider Steam was the first ever platform to do it. They were in uncharted waters, EGS meanwhile has seen everthing that's happened in the past and still fucked up.

He can't even run the store right WITH those sources of funding.

>Reminder that Epic is trying so hard to please everybody
Certainly not me.

>noooo don't u dare shitting on epic!
The damage control, oof.

They also need to spend shit tons of money keeping Fortnite going too. Not to mention catering to a good chunk of the industry using their engine they need to keep iterating and doing customer service for. The EGS is not the only thing Epic's got going on and right now it's the only one not making them money. I'm sure Epic isn't breaking the bank, but there's a reason companies with lots of cash aren't just constantly setting it aflame to keep themselves warm. If you're not making any money off of the money you've spent, you might as well spend it elsewhere. Say you had a game called "Unreal Tournament" or whatever, as a hypothetical, and you had another game called "Fortnite." And the second game was making you millions a week, and the first not so much. You might do something like stop all development on it, hell all development on all your games not named "Fortnite" so you can spend more time and money on this "Fortnite" thing that's working out so well. Heck, we have a not hypothetical example in Anthem. Anthem had all this grand plans of actually eventually turning into a full featured game, but once sales and retention numbers came in, they quietly stopped trying. And shifted all their personnel to work on something that might actually be a success.

If the EGS can't pull it's weight once the exclusivity deals start ending, there will be no real incintive for Epic to continue pouring money into it. They'll probably just let it flounder and slowly fade into obscurity.

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Yeah and because Epic fucking up communicating with publishers now nobody can benefit from the sale for those games pulled.

Was that part of your master plan chink shill?

We're not defending publishers. We're glad they're also getting shafted by the entire fiasco.
No sympathy.

i hope so yes

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well, depends on the store for digital. but physical pre orders in general usually dont charge you until it ships so any price difference would be removed before that

This is 4D chess by our misunderstood genius Timmy.
He will proof that his store can be a success without winning BOTH publishers and consumers.

>russian in charge of data mining

Can't make this shit up if I tried.

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>and now Yea Forums are defending publishers
nobody's defending anyone
we're merely laughing at how epic is badly handling this sale and comparing it self to steam sale 12 years ago
but no worries, keep damage controlling and spinning shit to make yourself feel better

But Sneed is based

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didn't they turn from grey market to official seller?

i don't even care about the "value" of a game
but you guys are pretty retarded regarding who wins or loses

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Post his tag or be called fag

so I'm a retard how does marking these games down by$10 devalue it's title?

dont think they were ever grey market

are you sure you are not interpreting it wrong? the way it's worded makes it seem like randy is salty about the whole deal.

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They'll not pull it, but they might just throw it on steam as well and say that Epic didn't deliver on the contract they promised or something.

>thanks for buying a copy for tim

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but are they not always saying a very sizable chunk, if not a majority of a game's sales happen within the first few months?

they had issues in the past but not grey market
now they partner with publishers and you often see their store listed in the main website of certain games

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Probably not, I bet Randy has some utterly bogus projections about how much money lootboxes will earn and demanded Tim pay him half a billion dollars upfront for exclusivity to compensate him for intentionally crippling the potential userbase which directly equates to lost potential for lootbox sales

>Jap game on epic
No way fag

>how does lowering the value lower the value?

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Borderlands doesn't have lootboxes.

Doubtful, seems like a legal can of worms.

It's fucking Randy, every tweet comes off like a self-satisfied mouth-off from a prick who thinks he's in with the teenage cool kids instead of the sad sack he actually is.

Maybe from pricing and discount perspective they looked like a gray market but I considered them totally legit.

oh thought because since a few months they have those trustpilot shit in their website I never noticed.
Nothing to see here then.

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>i don't even care about the "value" of a game
Retard, it's "market value". People can cancel their $40 Vampires the Masquerade pre-order on other platforms or stores and get it for $10 on Epic, the product isn't even out and the market value of the game is $10.

Epic have opened their own legal can of worms with this sale.

yeah and i don't care about that, numbskull

Imagine you plan on selling a game for a year, but for a period of time you sell it for $15. For the rest of the year, will people pay $40 for your game, or just wait for it to go down to $15 again? People no longer see your game as a $40 game.

The only thing that has happened I can see is you're all spreading the fact that epic is having a sale, and as such more people are checking it and buying games.

This does no damage to epic.

So basically, Epic is smarter than you all. Much smarter, because they are using you to market their sale.

>the absolute state of epicucks

so what's gonna happen? will they just kiss and make up or will the whole epic exclusive meme will die now?

well you feel special about it

Take your tainted milk and fuck off, Chang.

Market that sale where most of the desirable games have already been removed from the store and possibly can't be bought for a month? Brilliant.

Well all the games I'd want to buy aren't on there any more, so it's not really much of a success.

Except the games we do want are being pulled because of devalue

>marketing their sale that already ended prematurely
great marketing strategy, kim

The publishers do.

>The only thing that has happened I can see is you're all spreading the fact that epic is having a sale, and as such more people are checking it and buying games.
Based retard.

I wanted to say that Hades was pretty cool but >early access

It's not about defending companies, it's about recognizing there's simply a certain amount of hustle that has to be accepted in our capitalist way of life. As jewery goes, selling a copy of a game for not as little as I would like is at the bottom of the list. Yes, it's better for me if it's cheaper. I won't argue that, in the end, games getting cheaper is ultimately in a customer's best interest. I don't particularly care on a personal level that companies want it to be higher. I'll buy it at what I want to buy it at.

On a rational level, I also understand companies do actually need some amount of profit to actually keep operating. I'm selfish, the business is selfish, we meet somewhere in the middle of our selfishness to our own benefits. They don't need loot box profits and trying to trick you with shitty "Special Edition Content" or DLC policies and so on, though. So I definitely don't agree with that on a rational level. But customers and businesses playing chicken with the price of a sale is the basic foundation of a transaction. We really can't do this thing without. I may not like it if a game I want seems too expensive, but I can't honestly think it's an egregious sin at the end of the day.

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>shitting on Epic means Yea Forums is defending publishers
You can do one without the other, fucko

>not DOTA song


the games aren't even out yet and wont be for more than a month

>games being pulled off the store during a sale
>This does no damage to epic

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Im sure EGS will continue their sale with a fineprint, "10 dollars off on select products." It would be really fucking stupid to stop preorders for an entire month especially with e3 coming up. The publishers would be fuming.

Fucking hell i was legit excited for the pc gaming show this E3 because of all the new Japanese games support but now that epic is running the show, all that hype went out the window.
still gonna see the show to see if Tim will get booed or not.

you didn't understand my post because i meant to reply to this guy

What is a sin is the insidious way businesses will try to convince customers to act against their own best interests. It's one thing to understand a company should be allowed to set a price on their products. It's quite another to defend them morally when it comes to them trying to fuck you over otherwise. Businesses are selfish, and have more direct power than any single consumer. As a whole, consumers are probably more powerful, but like Hopper himself did, the businesses like to find ways to divide on conquer. People will argue against other customers in defense of a company being shady, trying to disguise what you're actually paying or subvert your better judgement and defend it with "well they have to." If they have to do such things to stay affloat, they're better off dead.

And Epic was been a prime example of this. Epic wants you to think you don't need to listen to other user reviews. You don't need to publically discuss a game right where you're encouraged to buy it. You don't need competitors to their stores. You don't need any of the things it would hurt their bottom line to implement. And they want you to argue it to everyone else too. That's the problem. Publishers not wanting their games to accidentally be sold for a few, or not so few, dollars less is fucking chump change compared to what Epic, the games media, and these same publishers really want you to buy into. They want you to not care. They want you to shut up, stop thinking about your own selfish desires it is your god given right as the consumer in a business transaction to care about, and just consume and get excited for next product.

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Still haven't installed the epic store and all this situation tells me I don't have to either.

How so? Is it disliked? Clearly, because while pre-order discounts are a thing epic has been very "lol no sales no nothing" and I guess publishers expected better than their unreleased high profile games getting discounted and are after forcing no sales full price as standard.

Origin never remotely died, it makes millions just with EA games.

I never said I didn't. I'm just saying even with the increase in price It is not that bad a deal considering it was half off and the only game I wanted from the Epic store.

Did EA have some ambitions beyond putting their own games on their shelf? I don't remember, I am kinda done with them either way.

They'll stop once their friend's games start getting denied access to EGS.

Randy is starting to remind me of Cliff.

Wait that actually makes some sense. What's the correlation that those two may have?

They used to, but like pretty much every storefront that's not just a key reseller, they ultimately gave up on that. It's basically just Steam, GoG, and Epic now that act like digital versions of old brick and mortar stores. Everyone else sells the occasional third party game, Darksiders 3 is on Origin and EGS I think, but is mostly in it to be able to sell their own games.

It's interesting to note you can buy more of Epic's own games on Steam than you can on the EGS. Probably on GoG, but I haven't checked.

Reminder the only reason anybody cares about the epic store in the first place is because they keep buying exclusives for it with all their fortnite money
And if their really this stupid then their going to be completely screwed if/when fortnite starts to slow down or decline and fall out of relevance

holy shit

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They're both fuckwits that need to get off Twitter for the sake of their company. Difference is Randy has a competent team that makes games well.

Every single time without fail. They're worse than /lol/ and black dicks on their minds all day.

>Epic fucked up and screwed the devs/publishers
>Epic shills are unironically going WHO CARES, FUCK THE DEVS AND PUBLISHERS
Er...... isn't that the job of Steamchads? Your job is to shill for the publishers.

Both of them rely on one game to run their company, namely Borderlands/ Fortnite.

Thanks, Doc. I've been acting up lately i'll be a good boy now

Don't get me wrong, the publishers are also bad, but the root of the issue both now and before is Epic, not the publishers. Therefore I stand with the publishers' side over Epic in this whole debacle.

inb4 some people manage to crack open into EGS and get info on their credit cards.
Steam had to deal with it, and we'll definitely see it happen with EGS. Their coding is ass, so their security will be jsut as bad.

They both sit on the board to Fig and invested in it. So does Tim Schaffer.

Clearly that business exists to bring the worst faggots in the industry together to take a cut out of all the indie developers who want to raise funds through it. And probably puts them in a prime position to offer their production services for projects that seem super exploitable.

this is some middle-schooler logic

Where does this fucking arrogance come from?

>and as such more people are checking it and buying games
How are people supposed to buy games when the publishers are removing the games from the store?

He's Ukrainian ex-gopnik. Always bitching about how devs are pised and angry at steam because its sales.

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I wouldn't say that Cliff's team was incompetent...

I mean, yeah, Boss Key only made Lawbreakers and Meme-ical Heights but Lawbreakers had polish and was a competent game. It just didn't perform well in the market, whereas the latter was a piss-poor attempt at...god I don't even know..

I do agree though that famous faces of companies like this should stay the hell away from social media if they care about their products. Can you imagine if Bobby Kotec came out and was like "*buuurrrp* man fuck that ugly autistic FAGGOT who runs Microsoft, man! Halo more like GAY-lo! Buy Call of Duty!!"
it would undermine the legitimacy of his brand by ignoring the level of professionalism the business world entails, which is exactly what Sweeney and Pitchford are doing.