Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....
Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....
>s4l7sh11 fags
any s13l5sh7 CHADS here or is this gonna be a beta thread?
What class will you roll Yea Forums?
>no RP-PvP realms
I... I don't think i'm going home, bros...
Has this been confirmed?
what the fuck
Baby tears the post
I’m torn.
I want nothing to do with asmongold so I feel compelled to stay as far away from him as possible, but I also want to corpse camp him every fucking day thus requiring me to choose his server.
He's said multiple times when classic launches he will be playing PvE or he would never be able to play
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up.
What a cuck
Is this supposed to be funny
I'm gonna hop on Sodapoppins server this is gonna be epic guys!!!
Imagine playing on the same server with such a brilliant community figure
Are five wow classic bait threads with constant shitposting wojak niggers supposed to be funny?
thank god
well that's my classic I suppose, there were no pvp-rp realms at launch, which was what I wanted so I had to pick between rp and pvp, and I picked pvp
zoom zoom buddy
ahh.. reddit... home...
Why are you even salty? He essentially said that since RPers are usually carebear casual soiboys, they don't typically pick PvP realms and this would make the RP-PvP realm dead. BUT if there is an ongoing demand shown, they are open to making an RP-PvP realm, they just assume there is no point to begin with one.
>rolling on a pvp server at launch
you arent gonna do this right?
>ever being a faggot PvE carebear
>being scared of getting ganked or competing for quests
you're doing the lord's work there, user
nice try ud shitter
*dabs and shards away*
imagine playing vanilla for its braindead pve and not for the bigbrain pvp HAHAha what a waste of time
if i wanna pvp ill queue up for a bg not sit in stv for 12 hours
you can't just put reddit in front of everything you don't like
To be fair I watched many streamers and Asmon is probably the least worst of all. He just plays and doesn't seem to give a fuck, also don't pretend to be some Vanilla expert.
It's called ""layering"" now and apparently will only be used up to the first month. Still annoying but nice that it will be permanently disabled after just a couple weeks. Also, if you're just going to try and switch layers to dodge pvp like a faggy carebear, why are you even scared of PvP realms?
woah... rain... home...
>Open TipsOut stream
>wiping in some low level dungeon
>using DPS meter before lvl 60
yeah I just did the same, that was great
What's wrong with dps meter? Not even for dick wagging but for understanding threat at least.
you use a threat meter for threat dumbass
>understanding threat
you blind or something? monster attacking you = threat
You gotta pve for that gear though.
>believeing in blizzard
toppest of kekets
Nigga sharding is because of the Legion(TRADEMARK) tech on servers due to the playerbase dropped harder than than an old guy with osteoporosis. They cut the budget hard so you have this awful servers who create the immersion of that you play with a lot of players, while reality everything is crossrealm, and there is like 10ish people in OG/SW in one actual realm. To top this this technology proven to shit itself when the old one was running fine.
So yeah your sharding will stay until everyone leaves when they realize blizzard fucked their mouth again. Then the "I'm not going to fall for this next time" history repeats itself, dumb fucks fall for blizzard's play again.
>heh if you can't handle the le epic wPvP go PvE casul :^)
Oh yeah about that, enjoy your right click report, I'm sure the bot will definitely look up to the situation at matter and make a good judgement, when you ganked a low level player in redridge and killed quest npcs.
why not both?
>t. retard who pulls aggro and gets kicked from groups
>finally got my key
probably the last 04 babby to actually get it
does 1.12.1 have the honor rank grind still?
>random sperg-out rant
k user
This is not needed at all before 60. You just naturally manage your aggro, and even if you get aggro you won't get killed instantly.
>kicking people for getting threat a split second
ah yes, the zoomer generation
pretty sure I had it since launch with 300+ days played and I still don't have it yet.
Dwarf hunter, can't wait.
>Participants will also need to have an active subscription
No you get kicked for pulling aggro constantly because you don't even know what threat is.
>reddit weather
I think you need a break buddy.
honestly playing the beta with a lvl 30 cap so the entire world is twinked sounds more fun than actual classic with a 60cap.
I realized I don't want to fight other people or anything, just adventure around with friends and come across random people. Should I stick to a role playing server or what?
i hope there's a download for private server using the new client ffuuck i wanna play so bad.
rolling mage on release but all the other classes are tempting except warrior
>goes to stv as lvl 60 warr
>clicks on recklesness
>lvl 35 backpedaling priest dies
>*clicks battle shout*
a pve server is fine. you can toggle pvp mode on or off at will. RP servers are next level turbo nerds with their own etiquette
No, a tranny would definitely be the dipshit boat anchor who doesn't know how to play and holds everyone back, just like you.
not gonna lie, I was bored of everything else so I resubscribed for a month (since I was already weak and bought BFA at launch just to drop it like a hot rock) to try leveling again
rent free
imagine needing a thread meter for below 60 trash mobs
some people are that retarded
While I'm sure classic will strain private server populations, I also have to imagine having "official blizzard numbers" now will also fuel some new or revised servers.
Any vanilla private servers worth playing on these days? Used to play on feenix
t. healbot
>no beta RP realm
wooooow how am I supposed to test my prose bros
back to retail, tranny
just play pvp, but rp anyway
you dont need an excel sheet to tell you when to tab target and spam sunder on some other enemy.
how did that retarded piece of dogshit Monkeynews get a beta invite
did he really? I thought he was a moba faggot who had never played wow prior to private servers.
t. tranny
so... the same thing as home.
I mean he isn't wrong. People flock to streamers just so they can get their 10 seconds of fame in game. Everyone was getting pissed and Soda about shit himself in rage because he couldn't even quest with all the spergs around him.
If Asmongold can clear DM which is much harder then WC without a single wipe WHILE TANKING, Tips has no fucking excuse. Asmongold is supposed to be the casual shitter.
Soda is a miracle in some way. How can someone be so rich, have fans, be famous, not bad looking and be still a total loser and a cuck? I legit not understand how the fuck can he even exist when luck, opportunities and everything good literally throws itself at you. I'm legit pissed off at how easy this guy's life is but he's too fucking much of a sperg to realize it.
It's a role he plays on stream, he's stupid yes but not retarded. He knows that his audience likes him being that way because they can identify with him.
I believe that he realizes how truly blessed he is in all regards and the guilt probably wears on him and leaves him in a more depressed/apathetic mood.
The dude just has autism, no big deal but that's how I imagine he sees it
>weather is reddit now
oh boy society's decline isnt looking pretty but it sure is funny
So its either "how do you do fellow incels?" or just plain unfiltered 100% concentrated autism.
The only way to be this depressed and a literal human trash is trough roleplay so you'll get people who have shit life to watch your stream. You have to be the apex of autism if you do this unironically. Its like life is the hottest woman possible throwing herself at you but you have denseness equal to a rock, then you whine about problems which don't exist in your life.
Is tailoring really mandatory for a PvE Warlock?
it has 1 BIS chest slot and thats it, and because of that it is "mandatory" until you get it, afterwards you can drop it if you want.
the chest is BoP btw, thats the reason
I got it immediately because I had vanilla CE
Dontworry bro you will fight your own faction plenty for mob tags
OMG I'm so hype to raid with [twitch whore e-celeb tittystreamer]
Let's make her get thunderfury guys!
What is the chest?
What's wrong with charge?
So are you just going to post this in every thread to get some attention discord tranny
>man can’t wait to go back to vanilla back when the game was hard
>it’s so challenging I’m sure all the casuals will quit in a month :^)
>classic consisted of afk spamming 1-2 buttons and you were lucky if dungeon AND raid bosses had more than 1 mechanic
>each expansion that followed classic was much harder
>classic is in no way hard or challenging it’s just a mindless grindfest
Why do people look forward to this shit? Retail is fucking awful but Jesus Christ classic isn’t much better
>all streamers are going to be picking pvp servers
>not picking pve just to avoid them and their followers
Can't wait to share my experience with the "devilsaur mafia" on EU Realm #17 - Layer 3 XD!! Going to be so relatable for everyone.
Its a pre-raid chest.
The tactic with Verdan was to range pull him so your healer can pre-cast a healing touch/wave. Tips just charged in while the healer was at 50% mana and not even paying attention, so Tips got 2-shot because it was impossible to heal him fast enough, but as he died you could see moonfire cast on Verdan so it was a very retarded pull overall. Verdan was the OG retard-stomper patchwerk fight and I can't wait to kill him myself, he makes WC one of my favourite dungeons in Classic
>Raid Frame 6.... Home....
Yeah, I remember him having a deceptively small hitbox so you had to run a lot further than you'd think.
>Have Dec '04 account
>Hoping they'd still send beta invite for such an old legacy account
>Ofc Blizzjews want their $15
First $50 demo now $15 beta they've swindled more than a full price game already before it's even out