What games are you personally waiting for to become BC on xbone bros? They work off a rollercoaster schedule now...

What games are you personally waiting for to become BC on xbone bros? They work off a rollercoaster schedule now, having lost all consistency. Do you think your last/last few wanted games will make it?

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SH 2 and 4 from the original Xbox
Burnout 3
and Revenge

The Dead or Alive games would be nice.

SSX Tricky


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Divinity 2 Eco Draconis

Actually kinda mad they still haven't made this one BC.

I got about halfway through this game before my dog knocked over my 360 and scratched the ever living shit out of it.

And I forgot the pic.

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I hope you shoved your fist in his ass

Jet Set Radio Future
Def Jam Fight For NY
Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate
Avatar: the Burning Earth
Prince of Persia Trilogy
Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
Bloodrayne 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Fatal Frame 1-2
GTA Vice City
Jade Empire
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders / Heroes
Kung Fu Chaos
NFS Underground
Oddoworld: Stranger's Wrath
Otogi 1-2
Outrun 2
The Punisher
Stubbs the Zombie
Timesplitters 2
Splinter Cell Trilogy
Ghost Recon 1-2

That was a really shitty game.

This. There was literally no point in putting P4A on BC when P4AU exists.

The Saboteur (pain in the ass get running correctly on PC)
Wolfenstein 2009 (same, had Windows Live)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (only way to play the console-only bonus levels, which were good)
The original Xbox Call of Duty and Medal of Honor games
The Thing

I'm not really looking for any BC games. They made EDF 2025 BC about a month ago and that was fucking awesome. I wish they would get EDF 5 over on the xbone.

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Backwards compatible now

I really fucking want GTA IV, I love GTA IV but no matter what platform you play on it's a bad time. It runs like absolute shit on PS3/360 and the PC version is a janky mess with each patch completely changing the lighting system and them never getting it quite right. If it got the same 4k/flawless performance as some other Xbox/360 games i'd be over the moon.
Skate 1/2
Midnight Club Racing LA
Tenchu Z
Fable 2
Viva Pinata
Forza 4

Playing 4k RDR1, Skate 3, Forza Horizon 1 is so fucking good.

>console fags having to beg for ports of games PC chads can already play and emulate
lmao who's the port beggars now huh

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Don't like how there was nothing this past week, but I'm waiting for
>the rest of the Cabela's
>Bionic Commando
>Kayne and Lynch 1
>Chaotic Shadow Warriors
Do you mean Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise?

>emulators crash 4 time just trying to load
quality over quantity fren

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>>emulators crash 4 time just trying to load

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zamknij siÄ™ kurwa

> What games are you personally waiting for to become BC on xbone bros?
May I ask another question?
Who forced you to sell your 360?

Just play whatever on an xbox 360.

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just a reminder that system link still works and is capable of working across all generations

I have pretty much all I need on Xbone now. I'd like them to BC asura's wrath though

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