>get matched up against wifi parasite
>don't want to lose or more specifically let parasite win
>forced to endure 15fps 20-minute match from hell
>lose anyway because of inputs disappearing into the electronic afterlife
Get matched up against wifi parasite
based wifi chad dabbing on ethernet cucks
The fuck does it have to do with fps
>being so assblasted about losing in an online game you don't just disconnect and play against someone else instead of enduring a slideshow like a braindead mongoloid
have fun
So he was better than you.
>Boomer doesnt know how the Internet works
>play multiplayer team game
>one guys says in chat: "Man McDonald's Wifi is so bad"
>we lose because we basically have one less player on our team
Wificucks are the fucking worst.
lmao who even uses ethernet anymore
Any non-retarded PC user
>the virgin wiring vs the chad go anywhere you want
no thanks
Smash Ultimate thread?
Git gud
people with 3 digits IQs
>get matched against a wi-faggot
>forced to endure a 16-bit 24hz mono audio eternal match from hell
>die irl
>stationary sub 10ms ping
>go anywhere you want (100m max distance indoors, +50ms ping when above 10m)
chose one
>using the good ping crutch
>op is talking about smash.
>Smash ties framerate to latency.
braindead zoomers wouldn't understand , go back to twitch and post kappas or some shit
Probably referring to the time dilation/pausing that some games do when opponent is laggy.
If the game is rendering 60 frames a second, but it's the same frame for 2 seconds... I think it works.
that's how I got blacklisted in SFV, have never been able to ever find a match again since.
>you better not leave against lag abusing faglords or you get the ding dong bannu :^)
>the wifi ping faglet is used to the lag and uses that experience and / or characters that thrive in laggy environments to win
>adapt to environment: succeed
>don't adapt: fail
it's just evolution n00b
Ethernet offers a faster, more reliable connection. It is better for any purpose. In a home or office setting you would have to be a moron not to get as much as you can cabled in. Esp the printer and definitely if you want to play online games with minimal lag. Think of the bees and keep electric in wires where it belongs.
When CTR is out I'm going to warp time and space with my ChadFi while you Cablets from 8th place try to throw orbs at me that will never reach me because I exist on a different dimension.
>cover yourself in shit and walk through the city shopping
Nah. I'll be playing RTS in a dimension where your base doesn't even get built cos you issue orders too slow.
>wifi warrior causes shit to hang so hard that the game just freezes for 2 minutes and you disconnect together
>He not used Cable internet
>Ping 1
>Download 4,4mb/1s
>you're not using our product the way we want you to so we're making it useless for you, enjoy faggot
great game
this is a weird way to write units
Will say that my experience with online on PC for most fighting games has been noticeably smoother, likely due to the fact that wired connections are more common.
WiFi 6 coming out
>blaming players and not Nintendo for being too jewish to host dedicated servers
>"my wifi is 5ghz so it cant be that"
>"yeah i use my isps "wifi" so what?"
I don't understand why the switch dock doesn't have a built in RJ45 jack.
>computer is too far away from the router to use ethernet so have to use a wireless card
>20 min match
No, stop being retarded
Fibre to the premises and Cat6 from my router to my PC. Anything less is unacceptabru
just route the ethernet through your house bro
i hope i never match up with retards like you, what a fucking zoomer holy shit
>router and modem sitting less than a foot away from my PC
>I'm retarded for not using the wifi