Jump Force

Can we all agree that this game is fucking too expensive for what it is, but it's also kind fun?

I mean sure the artstyle and animation is fucking questionnable, but I do like what they did with the sound direction. The punches SFX and the screams are worth it, I love the cacophony of this shit

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>new games comes out
>dont even care unless its f2p or world of warcraft
>jump force comes out
>like anime i guess
>will watch a streamer for 10minute play it
then everyone will drop it

Bamco knows they can shovelware any game with Jump in the title because people will buy it regardless of how shit it is or how it plays.
I remember buying that game with Medaka in it and being sorely disappointed that the story mode is the same thing four times and the gameplay was stiff and terrible.

It’s incredibly mediocre and the franchises I like already have better games.

no it fucking sucks and deserves the hate

there are so many competent devs who would take a project like this and make something amazing, and they made a total bomb

It's worse than Jstars.

user this game is received as being fucking terrible, the sfx and animations look flashy and cool I’ll give you that. But everything else is fucking horrible, the gameplay is stale and just downright not fun, even worse than the BNHA or naruto games. The story mode sucks fucking dick and isn’t even worth playing. Don’t even get me started on the characters, I mean most of them just look so fucking terrible. It’s a shame too I was hyped when I heard about this because I’ve wanted a game like this for a while but holy fuck it was so bad I tried to return it that same week but found out I could only trade it in so I literally got like 30 dollars for it and used that to buy DBFZ

It's fun for seeing flashy moves and some cool attacks, but not much else (much like bad shonen series, in a way).

The gameplay feels still and unfinished, and there are barely any series featured that fit the art style they were going for (MHA and YGO probably suffering the worst from it). Not to mention that the "story" is a complete joke. Not to say that the story is the crux of any good fighting game, but it does help, especially in crossover fighters where seeing fun interactions between the characters could be a major selling point.

I dunno man, to me Jump Force gameplay is more enjoyable than this Naruto game that every normies like to dick-ride, so there's that (though the animation and solo-content are better).
But yeah, it's still a battle arena, so it's not saying much at this point I guess

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What do you mean people hate ninja storm as well. But it’s way fucking better than jump force

Played the beta and hated. The hubs were terrible, the graphics dont fit anime characters, the ost was bland as hell, the online was bad, the gameplay felt more limited than a Tenkaichi 3. Later I laughed with the terrible cutscenes. Dont know if the customization is good or not though
I wouldnt play this ever again even if someone gift it me.

To me, Jump Force isn't exactly a bad game. As a game, it's...passable. There's some fun to be had with it, and it's not entirely a broken piece of shit. Rather, the game is just so fucking disappointing from what it could have been. Really, there was potential here. It could have been a good, maybe even great game. By the standpoint of arena fighters, of course. But what they ended up making felt unfinished and barely representative of Shonen Jump's long history.

You know when someone starts their post with "I dunno", they really don't fucking know

I guess it's better than acting like a pretentious know-it-all who doesn't know jack shit?
I swear when I see some answers on the DBZ thread stating that DBZF sucks, I'm very concerned about the nostalgia goggles sometimes

>will watch a streamer for 10minute play it
You need to be at least 18 to post here

>tfw I just want nothing more than to run around as Asta and Yugi and kick some ass
>don't want to pay a shitload of cash for it
>want to pirate but then theres no Online play.
>online play is already dead from what I hear.

Shit just aint fair.

Im just annoyed at the roster choice. They just seemed to forget about a lot of series.
Like... wheres Toriko? WHERES MY MAN BOBOBO?
Just seemed to me that instead of pandering to all of the jump fan they just decided to take the game seriously and also only focus on the popular ips(though what kind of sorcery allowed city hunter to make it in?)

The new movie has something to do with this
But yeah, it's still a mystery, but a welcomed one

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>sub 30fps on Xbox One

Game is shit

such a travesty that THIS is the celebration of jump's 50th year. we should've got jump vs capcom

>Xbox One
I think the problem resides somewhere else, boya

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If im not mistaken, City Hunter made it in mostly because it's the director's favorite.

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>transcends common sense
Not going to lie kaiba looks fun but this game makes me wish for a full 3D yugioh game where where all the monsters are fully modeled.

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