Recommend me a game.
Recommend me a game
post this test first
>look up this winnie the pooh mental illness theory thing
>find a youtube video
>play it
>its starts with the fucking final fantasy victory theme
good thread
what's ADD anyway, I always think it's another form of ADHD but apparently not
> Boomer (ADD)
> Zoomer (ADHD)
what's owl, the psychiatrist who over diagnoses learning disorders for drug company kickbacks?
Looks like ADD is literally just ADHD without the H, you can't focus but you're not hyperactive, at least that what google told me.
Owl is the key to all this
Supreme autism.
Should I be concerned?
hahaha fuck
Play Walking by Kanoguti
They're pretty much been merged. Don't worry about it.
rise up gamers
>phone poster
At least i'm not (very) autistic
This test legit made me sad
Do reccomend me a game based off of this tho im curious
Eat my ass
Seems pretty correct
This can't be right. Schizophrenia and anxiety seem way too high.
Space Station 13.
You first mobileshit.
well fuck
that's basically three disorders with the highest being the most insane
pretty shitty test tbhq famalam smdh
You can't focus and has autism and anxiety, probably a survival sandbox with a bit of horror but i don't play those so i can't recommend a specific one.
When people like this posting? You're probably doing just fine.
get in here rabbitfags
i recommend factorio for us
anyone else superpowers?
...Should I be concerned?
You are not Alexander
>it's just a pathology survey with pictures at the end
God fucking dammit.
can't say i ever considered myself even a bit OCD
one more thing to worry about
Excuse me, it's not just any pictures, it's Pooh pictures.
This is concerning
Based poohbros where you at?
Oh bother!
Could be worse, it shows the test is stupid
Nah, you're fine, you don't have any OCD at all.
Now the question is
Is this legit or is it OCD
True, that image reveals more about him than any test would ever be able to.
What is wrong with you people and what is wrong with this place for attracting all of you together?
Yelled at my mom the other day because she doesn't want me to stay with my blinds always closed but i always think someone is watching me behind those thin curtains, going out is frustating, i always have to correct the way i walk every 20 seconds because i'm too anxious
>tfw at least not autistic
silly old bear
your powers do not work here
>If a good thing comes my way, I don't feel happy about it. I don't feel I deserve to be happy.
I was taking this test for fun and that question came up and described me perfectly, kinda ruined my night cause it hits so close. I've made so many mistakes to myself that I have convinced myself I don't deserve or am not entitled to things that make me happy. Fuck.
I sometime hear bells when I try to fall asleep. I guess that's just the perks of being a gamer
Animal Crossing
>tfw extreme photophobia so there is no more just "going out" or "enjoying the sun"
Despite everything you have, relieve yourself that you are not part of WE BUILD culture
At least I'm not autistic
More than 1 question that I would have changed if it didn't have a "and [insert here]"
You're leveling up.
never seen schizophrenia on one of these tests before
why is mine so high
until the fucking 2016 election (or chanology, or fappening, depending on your view of things) completely flooded this board with a bunch of fucking normalfags, the whole point of Yea Forums was that it was a forum for a bunch of faggot anime lovers to talk about shit
the whole website just started as a place for people banned from somethingawful, for fuck's saje
Well Yea Forums? How'd I do?
>Yea Forums
>in charge of being mentally stable
God damn some of you guys are fucked up. My Rabbit score is a bit high but I guess I can kind of see what it’s saying. Certainly nowhere near actual OCD people though.
What the FUCK did they mean by this? I seriously don't understand.
user you've been compulsively fudging your answers
>he doesn't have frequent night terrors and a mind occupied by ecstasy inducing fanatic thoughts
Back to el r*ddito.
True in that regard. I could never get into autmosia or medbay, or hell, most borderline NPC jobs. I want my adventures and stories to tell.
Based schizo-anons.
>all these autists
what's you're chuu2 power level, demon lord?
At least you're confident in your deranged mentality.
There's never an option to just be normal. "Oh you get sad sometimes, obviously you're depressed."
Nobody's happy. Anyone saying otherwise it's just pretending in the hopes it'll come true. Fuck you.
As for game, I've been playing Bioshock recently, and while it doesn't hold my attention nearly as well as System Shock 1/2 did, the difficulty curve just gives up after an hour and it's worth playing it for that alone.
God please help
Answered honestly and truthfully. Sorry I don’t have powers that others wouldn’t understand unlike you.
>Back to el r*ddito.
Your typeset and complete denial makes me inclined to believe that you've come from there.
Sounds nice, makes me wish I could've come here and enjoyed it before all that or at least have a substitute to have nice video game/anime discussion.
T-too strong!
>not having sleep as the best time of your life
>not waking up to have the first breath be your best and widest breath in the day
>not having every other breath after your first feel somehow even empty than the last
>not suddenly tearing up for micro thoughts and memories
Well, I am diagnosed so that makes sense.
Feels fucking bad.
You would want to believe that.
What did i win?
more vodka
That's your a schitzo?
Honestly, the test doesn't do too well on that bit. I'm pretty certain most people get an unease of being watched all the time or seeing things that don't seem right.
this doesn't look good
nothing, eeyore. there is no prize.
>he doesn't have powers that others wouldn't understand
Lol fucking loser.
>I'm pretty certain most people get an unease of being watched all the time or seeing things that don't seem right.
the fuck
I'm sorry to hear that if nothing else. Everyone has issues but the important thing is to not give into them.
Feels good not being a sperg.
how'd I do
also Fallout New Vegas
user I definitely do not have that. Have you tried speaking with a therapist?
Where do you think we are, bro?
>OCD as fuck
>not the biggest sperg of them all
>when you are good at empathizing with others and realize most people around you are complete autists, so you literally DO have a power others around you don't understand
I'm a bit surprised I scored so low at depression and autism. The schizophrenia part is kind of funny.
>I'm pretty certain most people get an unease of being watched all the time or seeing things that don't seem right.
I only ever felt watched walking in the dark as a child and I don't see anything off unless I'm really sleep deprived.
>tfw i see shit moving out of the corners of my eyes but I know it isn't there so it doesn't bother me
One of these days there's really going to be something there.
I actually called out of work today because I've been dealing with alot of anxiety lately and have been too stressed to focus on work, so my answers may have been a slightly more skewed towards that.
Wish me luck when I go talk to my friend next week to clear the air between us.
Most people don't see JFK telling them to kill their kids. But everybody has heard something or seen something they cannot explain.
Go to sleep Puck.
>I got ADD
This is so gay I swear I saw the same questions in another of those "test" a couple of years ago
Oh, I've taken this before. I was surprised I scored pretty well.
Considering how fucked up people with actual anxiety are compared to me, this percentage is surprisingly high.
I don't think it's possible to score total 0
Ding ding ding! You've cracked the code! All this shit's the same.
>tfw got diagnosed at the age of 5 o 6 back in '98/'99
>only other kid I knew with it also struggled with being organized, diligent, attentive, short term memory, listening issues, etc.
>suddenly all these well-to-do independent adults twice my age or my age group have it, too
I don't know if I'm just that fucked personally or if it's that much of a joke disease.
i'm so fucking tired all the time
Looks like you hit 50% if most of your answers land in the middle
The fact that you care enough to try to get a perfect 0 on an internet winnie the pooh personality test confirms that you definitely have some autism or OCD. The result is accurate.
I think everyone has those ''other thoughts'' that you have to snap yourself out of so they don't take over in your head and make you feel stupid.
guess im the average Yea Forums user then
>Anxiety makes me tired
>Sleeping too much makes me anxious
>Makes me feel tired
When will it end?
I guess I am a bit OCD and I do tend to get anxious about things. If things go too well, I end up getting anxious about stuff like what if I get sick or what if I lose this job (with no reason to feel that way.)
You literally have to disagree with every question to reach full 0's on everything.
I'm also and got full 100's by strongly agreeing with everything
Mediocre buddies.
So many of them were just interchangeable or able to be multiple, or would change depending on context.
i've been stuck on this for a few minutes
These tests are always subjective. They're based on your current state which could and will change.
cute dog
Still no friends
Silly old bear.
If the harbinger of spring is the sound of a bat on a ball, then I have become the harbinger of winter. A baron in desolate spite. Your bat will never hit!
25 out of 36
Dude, wtf
I sleep.
Pretty average score I'd say
i think it's interesting how 1 answer changes your percent so dramatically
same here to be honest
I got 25/36 and it said my score is equal or better than 34%. Is that bad?
3 more right answers and you would be in the 64% club like most of us.
I have crippling depression!
hows my powerlevels?
Seems accurate.
Huh. Sounds about right.
Everything is fine.
>tfw only better than 36%
What the fuck no i didnt
This is schizophrenia. Not autism.
Are you paranoid about the test result ?
why is everyone so mentally ill I got 20% for everything
Hello critically depressed friends, how are you
doing today? I want to kill myself, like usual. I like Lord Dominator and her blonde bush though, maybe you will like her too.
This is me.
You're right. That makes the baseline for neither agreeing or disagreeing 50%
What is worrying is not that you believe that you're being watched sometimes but that you're certain everyone believe the same thing you do.
top fucking kek
Am I want to die. I live as a wage slave so everything is fantastic.
Thunder Force 4.
>uploading files from your ip range has been blocked due to abuse
pooh: 97
chris: 60
piglet: 83
tigger: 50
eeyore: 83
roo: 27
rabbit: 20
34/36 but i still feel socially retarded wat do
What do?
I was expecting 100% Autism
>Better than 82% of participants
I may be socially awkward but at least I can tell how everyone else is feeling.
Autists ww@
Faggots (anxiety) btfo.
hi paul
>High anxiety
Killing yourself is a pretty good game.
The ability to have good taste, and to disregard excuses for being a casual pleb, doesn't count?
Because shit taste is a disability, the opposite of a disability is a capability, people don't even understand that shit taste exists (muh personal preference muh subjectivity).
Having a capability that other people would not be able to understand doesn't count?
31/36, Equal or better than 89%.
Guys I'm actually scared right now. I always thought my way of thinking and daydreaming was normal or that I would grow out of it but fuck I'm older now and I feel my mental state has worsened. It's like I'm living to distinctly different lives between reality and my mind and it scares me.
That's not a superpower, that's just a common sense that the consumerism-drunk normalfags don't have. I assume that the test was talking about shit like telepathy.
Common sense IS a power that other people wouldn't be able to understand.
I'm here to tell the promiscuous submissive homosexuals to kill themselves.
As for why the promiscuous submissive homosexuals are here, I do not know.
Shouldn't "Schizophrenia" be "paranoia"?
I don't know how bad this is, but I have a feeling that it is really bad
>low autism and depression
damn, I dont belong on Yea Forums at all
Well, at least you're not so depressed.
How do you do it? What's so great in your life? What went right?
ez pz
So long guys looks like I am a normie
hm it makes a lot of sense now that I always liked Winnie the Pooh because I could always relate to all the characters
>I sometime hear bells when I try to fall asleep
ADD is what ADHD turns into at older ages.
I could relate to all of them except Tigger, and sure enough ADHD came up low on this test for me.
Why are we all so anxious?
ADD means you can't apply yourself properly to one task at a time. ADHD means you're a spaz.
website is FARKed/slashdotted
You're either anxious or retarded and incapable of considering things going wrong.
This is way too real.
Osaka vs. Tomo.
>every kind of test like this tells me I'm autismal
>take an official test to get autismbux
>not autistic enough to qualify
How in the fuck
Video games.
Anxiety grows if you don't take steps to fight it back, much like your resting heartrate.
You don't need very much effort at all, just a little practice each week in NOT worrying, in not feeling anxious. You don't even have to succeed, just pratice feeling a little less anxious than you normally would.
The problem is, a lot of 4channers have absolutely abysmal emotional hygiene, and don't practice having the emotions they want.
Instead, half of Yea Forums will develop a sexual fetish for, and end up masturbating to, the idea of themselves as anxious and weak.
That makes it a lot harder to practice feeling calm.
I'm so fucking socially inept the site won't even fucking load for me.
The idea was recommending a game based on the results but people can do whatever they want so fuck off.
I don't have time to be depressed
Borderline Aspie. You just have to deal the best you can, friend.
Site's overloaded since we zerg rushed it.
How do you practice having the emotions you want?
F i still miss him
>Hurr durr look at me guyze i hav assburgers :DDDD
>H--huh, y-yeah recommend me a vidya
Fuck off.
At least I'm doing better than I thought.
who more evil than me?
I have diagnosed assburgers :^)
>The problem is, a lot of 4channers have absolutely abysmal emotional hygiene, and don't practice having the emotions they want.
This is a male concept that is supposed to be taught by fathers. In the modern era, fathers don't raise their children, or they're taken away from them. So kids grow up with the female concept of emotions in that they just are what they are and you can't control them.
Well you're doing a good job already by not posting the fucking link.
>and don't practice having the emotions they want.
Some years ago i started doing whatever i wanted whenever i wanted to, so obviously i stopped worrying about "i should be doing this and that instead" and it helped a lot with my mental health, which was pretty lucky because that was not why i started doing that.
Three ways to do it.
First, figure out what external symptoms the emotion displays, and practice NOT displaying those symptoms.
Second, if there are thoughts in your head that inspire an emotion you want, focus on those thoughts and try to think them more often. If there are thoughts inspiring emotions you don't want, practice ignoring those thoughts.
Third, and what I do, is to consciously release the endorphins associated with the emotions I want, and try to consciously crash the ones associated with the emotions I don't want. But that's a lot easier with anger and happiness than with anxiety.
dark core test, roo
Just Have Them lmao
I really don't know how to explain it. "fake it until you make it" is genuine advice here though. Just act the way you think you should act, were you experiencing emotions normally. Meanwhile, try not to beat yourself up over not experiencing emotions normally.
Keep in mind, this doesn't work for everyone.
Zoomers won't get that reference.
Yep that's me alright.
Well fuck.
Pretty perfect way to put it, user.
I miss when Azumanga was prominent in Yea Forums culture..
>So kids grow up with the female concept of emotions in that they just are what they are and you can't control them.
False there. As recently as the 1970s, women were taught to smile and be happy. The idea of your emotions being out of your control is a very recent one.
but I can't hold down a job for more than a few months because people are weirded out by me, and I can't socialize at all so they get even more weirded out by that. i'm also easily exhausted by anything because just basic human interaction is just tiring as fuck for me
I'm doing the orientation test to spite you.
Also, shut your fucking mouth I'm a Pooh main/Tigger secondary main
>as recently as the 1970s
the 70s were +40 years ago, user
That kind of mentality will lead to you playing on easy and skipping difficult segments because "I don't feel like doing it", and will make you unskilled and lazy.
I get not giving a shit about what other people think, but at least give a shit about what your future self will think when he (she?) looks back on your life and realises he was sabotaged by you being a lazy entitled shit.
I basically guessed that I had some grade of autism. Comforting to know that some children's book characters can tell me.
I'm gonna make it right?
I'm 100% straight. and 3.8% gay
same. I guess finding a man kinda attractive makes someone 4% gay?
Total War Warhammer 2 is what I've been playing lately.
Not me, that's for sure.
it's alright
fellas is it gay to genuinely compliment your bros without ulterior motives
at least you don't have OCD
What game bros
No one can get more sadistic than me that is for sure
I have the same things at lower percentages and I get a lot of fun out of metroivanias.
There are genuine people who think they are special and hold some locked power that they can’t access, which gives them the mentality that they are the chosen one’s destined by god. Usually this thought occurs when a person is by isolated as they think it’s a test by god. I might be wrong on what the question tries to state but it’s the only answer I came up with since I have thoughts like that floating in my head
Seems about right. I try to be a good person, but I am generally self-interested.
>low machiavellianism and self-interest
aka, brainlet
Same user just want SMT I show my results
If i had a life, sure, but i was a neet, so i was already doing nothing but when i started with that mentality i started to be way more productive even if it was with small things like. playing that game i wanted to play, watching that thing i wanted to watch, organizing my things, etc. when before i would waste most of that time thinking about what i had to do instead of actually doing anything.
do fedoratippers count?
>tfw spook free
feels good man
Apparently it means you can't focus on the task at hand but you also don't fly off the handle because of it. Sounds about right for me at least, I tend to be a scatterbrain at work and am constantly forgetting where I leave tools.
Want to show*
I was bottom 40% a few years ago.
Huh. I guess practice DOES work. Wonder which ones I got wrong.
Yeah, they were taught that by their fathers. You fucking retard.
it's called autism
Well the ones that think such fashion yes but the others no and by others I mean m’lady tippers
fuck you, seriously.
do you know the feel like a raindrop just landed on you but there's not a single cloud?
or that you sometimes go "huh?" because you think that your friend said something, but he didn't?
should i be worried?
Oh I see. You were paralysed by indecision.
Well, I'm glad you're improving. But if you try setting goals for yourself, and working towards them, you'll powerlevel your willpower and get really good really fast.
No, those two are normal. Everyone has that.
My life is a constant source of disappointment.
t. moralfag
Autism should probably be a lot higher but otherwise accurate.
Social Anxiety, Persistent Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Autism (none self diagnosed)
>locked power
The fuck?
I thought it was stuff like "I can pick out the small details in images that other people miss" or other stuff like that, where you can see the problems in things that other people can't even notice after you point it out.
I get that a lot but I'm pretty sure it's always just the edges of my glasses distorting objects in weird ways. Also birds.
who /testmaster/
Wow. The average population seem like absolute edgelords to me.
>I'd be willing to take a punch to the face if it meant someone I dislike got two punches
What kind of people think like this?
You know that armor you gave me to trim? I still have it.
Meet me in Wildy.
>Be on a 18h ferry ride to Rostock
>It's a nice day, decide to chill at the railing
>Brain suddenly goes "Why don't you jump?"
>Never go near the railing again
Same with car doors. I always put down the safety pin thingy (whatever it's called) because i often get the urge to just fling open the door.
>You want to be Tigger but you're just an embarrassing Eeyore/Piglet hybrid
>or that you sometimes go "huh?" because you think that your friend said something, but he didn't?
I know this feel.
Even when no one is around.
Oh hey I didn't know my girlfriend used Yea Forums.
It gets so tiring sometimes.
I mean, it could always be worse, right?
please help me and recommend me a game
whenever i ask friends about those, they look real weird at me and say they never experience that.
yeah that too.
Or just hear someone yelling "user" in the distance. always at the same spot, what the fuck?
this was my true first test
The pain of one punch is nothing compared to the satisfaction of seeing garbage in even more pain
>What kind of people think like this?
That's just your assigned Agent playing pranks. Don't worry about it. Don't think about it. Don't talk about it. Know what's good for you.
how fucked up am i
There is nothing hard about that to understand at all. Pretty sure it's for people who have illusions or thoughts about godhood tier powers.
I'm a completely normal individual
You'd think this makes me sane, but I have some serious dissociative issues, which it seems this test doesn't cover.
>always at the same spot, what the fuck?
Uh oh...
Who /ADD/ here?
>be me
>Get diagnosed with ADHD
>Apparently everyone else is not having a constant internal monologue with themselves 16 hours a day
Actually you are right with what you said but there is the likelihood of people thinking they are have psychic powers or other stuff. I’m not joking when I say this but when I was 6 I thought I was superman and my parents adopted me when I landed in a hospital. Another thought that I usually got especially (not related to powers) to this day was that everyone is against me and that I’m living in a simulation set by others to see me suffer badly in life, basically I was paranoid.
Why did you shop out Roo?
i guess if you get a 0 it doesnt show anything
Your friends are full of shit. However, I've definitely not heard anybody screaming my name out.
Tiger secondary.
Oh. That seems a bit mentally ill then.
I thought the question wasn't about "You are supernaturally good", just "The rest of society is supernaturally shit"
Nah man, nigga got the full 80% on the autism scale.
I might be in full denial but I disagree for the most part.
Damn, user. That's a rough spread. I'd give you a hug if I could.
A bit more than average but not more than you user.
You're a good lad user.
Stirner would be proud.
He doesn't want a hug, he wants a reach-around.
i don't know what to tell you bud i got 0
>spitefulness highest
Woman detected.
>excessively anxious and worried
fucc why is it true
>Your friends are full of shit
they're pretty honest usually, but who knows.
There's that one who has a gigachad mindset and doesn't put up with such shit. He is way too focused and determined to be bothered by anything that isn't important to him.
i can't get into 2d games anymore to be honest, the only metroidvania that ever held my attention was metroid fusion
that shit was kino
vidyas for this feel?
>0/20% for everything except for Rabbit
>I have OCD because I like to plan out my work
This website is retarded.
t. defensive OCD fag
Looks like I'm exceptionally sadistic and spiteful.
I am fine with this.
Are you 17 or something? What the fuck?
I'm not liking that Egoism being that high though. I should try to reduce it.
I'm 33. How about you?
Rate me Yea Forums
you a faggot
Postal 2 is an excellent stress ball, helps a lot
I just want people to like me.
I'm not really surprised, was just curious
This test seems faulty. I have obsessive thoughts and have gone through cbt to manage obsessive actions.
Or is it just a bug?
Also play shadow tactics right now
I like you, user.
Website broke