Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
sexy chicks
making fun of fags
The game is good
it triggers resetrannies and snoycucks.
Bad writing. Bad character design. Bad voice acting. Flashy braindead "It's just like one of my Japanese animes!" gameplay. Full of scantily clad underage females because pandering to incels is the only way to ever get anyone to buy it.
It was made recently, has white people in it, and the dev hasn't made a public apology for including said white people.
Don’t pretend like Japan has never made a bad game
good gameplay
>reading comprehension
Shouldn't you have written;
>Don't pretend like the west has never made a good game
>Bad character design
It's the best character design in the world. The idea of character design barely even exists in the West.
>Bad voice acting
Japan has an excellent voice acting industry.
>Full of scantily clad underage females because pandering to incels is the only way to ever get anyone to buy it.
This isn't what Japanese character design is actually like, something isn't pandering just because you don't like it, and incels are a leftist meme.
what's it like being 15 years old
Transgender/crossdressing characters are hot/cute and likable, even lovable.
U mad tranny? Hes fucking right and you know it
You understood me anyway. Point still stands Japan has made plenty of shitty games and the West has made plenty of great games
epic for the win my fellow channer
It's shit
it‘s good
This. Seeing Resetfaggots and Snoyniggers have a collective meltdown how Japanese games are made to pander to "female fetishising" males and "male power fantasy" is funny.
Dilate harder 46%er
Horrible UI and inventory management.
join the 40%
sexixt character design
final boss has more than 1 form
Bosses are not QTEs
The game is MADE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO BUY THEM and not twitter and reviewers.
but they‘re cuties
abundant animation priority in gameplay
some form of slashing or clashing sound when selecting options in menus
the names for places and characters are either very strange or incredibly cliche
piano used a lot in soundtrack
GUI visual design is often archaic
3rd person viewpoint
both girls and men are designed to get peoples dicks hard
It doesn't have any social justice on it
He is right you. It seems to trigger you
>horrible UI
>lack of PC support or awful PC port
>worse facial animation than ME:A
>if JRPG, laughably overdesigned characters
>no character sublety
Most Jap games, like most of their movies, TV shows, and animes, have tendency to have their actors overreact and act overemotional about trivial things, and unlike Western media, it's not for comedic purposes. It's strange, because most Japanese people I've met and seen in news programs, have the typical Japanese act far more reserved.
It's like the Americans and Japanese are inclined to write the opposite of what the average person in their country actually act like in real life. American cinema attempts to downplay human reactions to almost dull or stoic levels, for "subtlety", while the Japanese do the complete opposite.
Its worshipped by shitposting weebcucks
Yea Forums likes it.
Yea Forums makes excuses for faggots and worshiping women/mary sues.
Always in the first 3 posts, as it should be.
This one also checks out.
It's voiced by good actors.
The average Japanese person is basically autistic. They have a difficult time interpreting the emotional state of another human being. For that reason Japanese media typically amps everything up to 11 and often just has the character flat out say what their current emotional state is otherwise Jap gamers won't have a clue what the fuck is going on.
It's not that people are making excuses, it's that you are strawmanning them.
>big tit anime girl dresses like a slut
>acts embarrassed, shy and naive
What the fuck is this shit?
>The average Japanese person is basically autistic.
No they aren't.
>They have a difficult time interpreting the emotional state of another human being.
No they don't.
>often just has the character flat out say what their current emotional state is
Big tits aren't an anime thing. Anime characters aren't dressed like sluts.
Press O to cancel, press X to accept
You are confusing Japan with the West.
>is fun
>has complex gameplay
>emphasizes art style over photorealistic graphics
>doesn't have politics
>has attractive female characters
Fanservice up the ass
If I were a game dev I'd think about making the most westernized dudebro pandering shit ever made in all respects, save for the implementation of this. Can't change it in options, either.
01001110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000
the shit games gets a free passes because they have fanservice
>It's like the Americans and Japanese are inclined to write the opposite of what the average person in their country actually act like in real life.
I hate how Hollywood tries to make it seem like the average Americans aren't boisterous, social, or relatively Conservative when it comes to the SA and Free Speech. If anyone took Hollywood films seriously, many would think Americans are private, stoic, introverted progressive intellectuals that cares about meaningless fads like transsexual rights or ethnic oppression. Americans aren't that political, nor are they shy about expressing their opinions.
No, it's all true. It something Japanese publishers have told us many times. They pretty much outright say "Pretend you are creating content for incredibly retarded people that are incapable of interpreting the emotional state of all your characters and their motivations because basically you are."
>>doesn't have politics
sure they dont.
>90% of them have a message about corrupt governments/corporations or religion
>cares about meaningless fads like transsexual rights or ethnic oppression
That's not movies, that's reality.
>Anime characters aren't dressed like sluts.
>Anime characters aren't dressed like sluts.
What? Have you even seen a recent Jrpg? Look at FFXIV, they have ass windows in dresses.
it's good
I'm giving you a pity reply, and only because I'm going to bed.
It isn't true.
Yes, that's what I said.
I have seen JRPGs.
What are you talking about?
Exposition is delivered like a rock with a note attached thrown right between your eyes
It's okay to express your opinion beyond a few words user. We're all anonymous.
% of them have a message about corrupt governments/corporations or religion
Good, people need to be reminded of this all the time.
Be butthurt as much as you want you know he's not wrong.
I'm not expressing opinions.
it's good
The average American wouldn't be able to point out Syria on a goddamn map. They actually don't care about the plight of other racial groups. Look at literally all of the women in the Middle East oppressed by men who dictates if they able to drive, what to wear, or even what locations they are able to go to at any time. Or just Africa in general.
Race is an extremely relevant topic in America.
Its one of the 30 or so series that Japan makes.
They stick their wheelhouse.
FFS virtually every game that comes out of that country is either a part of, or a spinoff of some title 30 years ago that sold well.
The game is good.
The West hasn't made a single good game in 10 years. Indieshit doesn't count.
You're confusing Japan with the Western industry.
the guns got replaced with boobs
Alien Isolation was pretty good.
The art style is esthetically pleasing with little to no focus on making the game realistic.
>Japan has more variety than all of the Western game industry.
You are a retard.
the women characters aren't disgusting tranny freaks or empowered niggress nappy hair hoes
No, you are.
>One country creates more game variety than 10+ countries.
You are the idiot who made a stupidly bold claim my dude.
It's the West that keeps milking franchises and constantly rebooting things.
All the characters are either yelling or mumbling
>a country VS whole western countries : the thread
>and Japan wins again
>Final Fantasy
>Metal Gear
>Fire Emblem
>Dragon Quest
>Souls games
>Armored Core
>Monster Hunter
There I just listed like 200+ games under those keywords.
And the West is still worse.
The stupid way that western soldiers move with jerky, inefficient movement, instead of calm, fluid motion.
>shit UI
>generic fantasy stories with "but he/she/xir was actually a God/Demon/Half-demon/snowflake" as an epic insane twist
>terrible cutscenes
>incredibly butthurt fanbase that shits on everyone who says something remotely bad about a game
>clearly underage sexualised character is brushed off as being a 5000 year old vampire dragon elf with magic powers
>good music
>names that make little sense in English
>edgy for the sake of being edgy
>incorporates dating-sim elements
>cutscenes are basically visual novels
>terrible graphics, or no graphics at all
>made under a budget of $50000 and by 5 people working in a sweatshop
>sells poorly
>each installment is shat out once per year
>generic fantasy stories with "but he/she/xir was actually a God/Demon/Half-demon/snowflake" as an epic insane twist
>clearly underage sexualised character is brushed off as being a 5000 year old vampire dragon elf with magic powers
Underage doesn't mean anything in anime. Sexualized is a meaningless feminist buzzword. The "5000 year old vampire" is a Western meme.
>edgy for the sake of being edgy
>each installment is shat out once per year
You are confusing Japan with the West.
>It can't be helped
kys yourself
Game setting is in Tokyo, but somehow makes little reference to the problems being in Tokyo faces.
Similarly for American games and New York.
I'm just gonna leave this here
Its """"""humor"""""" makes you want a refund
Japan is homogenous. If the US was they would be level or better
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
cringe inducing
cheap and lifeless anime aesthetic
Horrible lip sync and wrong subtitles... Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
Anime isn't either of those.
Because you post meaningless shit like this in threads that do not mention it because you feel as though you need to make statements??? Why are you even here? You're like Brian Griffin, pretentious to the point where you won't admit flaws and so uptight about "winning" a war. What war? For equal rights? Or from what I see more rights? People are people, and if you do wonderful things, good for you, but you're (only you) are the scum of the earth that make everything a competition. Groups are not bad, individuals are bad, but you like to classify people, even though you don't like to be classified, don't you? I hope you rot in hell.
*but you (only you) are*
Sorry, nobody is perfect at typing.
You'll know in a couple years
This fucker gets it.
Great/amazing if it's a horror game
Decent/good if it's a third-person shooter
Trash if it's an RPG
It's funny how well it worked for VTMB to have somewhat exaggerated facial expressions followed by countless games with dull or even close to zero expressiveness in their characters for a decade straight.
Keep telling yourself that weaboo.
I never said or implied anything to suggest that I'm a weeaboo.
Game is relatively short but has multiple endings. The endings don't vary based on your actual behavior but are pre-determined.
The macho dudebro is the best character by far, but the Japanese fanbase hated him for not being a submissive twink fuccboi so he's barely acknowledged in all future media.
There's actual females in it and not dudes dressed as women.
Where is this supposed to happen?
Kissinger cared about Syria and unleashed hell upon the Middle East trying his hand at 4D chess to keep the various powers at eachother's throats instead of being able to direct their energy towards something resembling cooperation and modernization (see HyperNormalisation, vimeo.com
Not to say there aren't NGOs and acitivists and people doing good work, but the past 100 years have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt even the most powerful governments are flat-out inable to do anything but fuck things up elsewhere, even with the best of intentions (rare but it did happen) and more often, with less than noble intentions. So when you think of pushing something, be aware it tends to push back, and even knowing that full well won't prepare you for the unintended consequences of your actions. The days of naively starting or joining a fakebook group that topples an oppressive regime or gets a company to stop their operations in boycott of something aren't just over, they never existed in the first place and got people killed and worse.
In my experience, every time there's a strong upbeat loud mouthed idiot, or thug/bancho with a heart of gold
They always get overshadowed by twinks and sexy women, unless they die, then they're the best ever, like Kamina.
Why do you think that a character must be either straight from Predator or a twink? Where are you even seeing these twinks?
Most JRPG protags are pretty twinkish on some level.
You're just in the closet and projecting.
>Japan makes games that have more variety than all of the western developers.
good cover art
It's trash
Yea Forums loves it
have you ever even played ff12? vaan is not the protagonist at all
You're in the closet and projecting and also cherry-picking.
I never said or implied anything to suggest that I'm a weeaboo.
i have. he's useless to the story but still the main character.
In that case I'd be fapping over the buff macho men I keep talking about, not girly twink boys.
hahaah shut the fuck up you worthless idiot
it's pretty prevalent. this could be the roster for Dynasty Warriors.
based and redpilled
>Dumbass Engrish titles thst don't make sense
>turn based combat
>shitty graphics
>awful plot
>same tired animu style and tropes you see all the time
>tons of cringy fanservice to make up for it's other glaring flaws
I guess this mostly applies to a specific type of Japanese game.
Shhhhhh, just cuddle your body pillow waifu and stop crying so loudly weeb.
wasn't even hating on weeb games, i'm a huge weeb myself. visual key just crept into beauty standards a long time ago.
I never said or implied that I have a body pillow. I never said or implied that I'm a weeb. I never said or implied that I'm crying.
You can play as a 12 year old girl
Yeah, yeah.
Tell me, how many times did you jerk of to Asuka today?
Where did I say anything about her?
Bad character animation
Oh come on, don't deny it?
She is best girl right?
Well guess what?
Germans are just MORE autistic Japanese people.
What does Germany have to do with this?
Japanese company logo on the cover
You're just jumping from one random thing to the next because you know you can't back up any of your claims. Pathetic.
terrain with shitty textures
low iq statement
it's awesome
Sexy children.
"Are you going to use... that, Protag?"
Every Jap game I've played eventually says that. It must be some common Japanese phrase that translates to that sentence
>something happens
>a character explains what just happened like I didn't just see it with my own eyes.
attractive female characters
It's good
US has a higher inequality of wealth so we get weighed down by some.... ehem, outliers.
its playable
I'm not even into ching chong cartoons and games but you're a nigger and should kill yourself.
Isn't PS4 the weebstation?
Someone say that it cant be helped
The game fetishizes katanas or a school setting.
I'm sure this is having to do with homeless people or people out in the sticks. One of the guys I worked with on 18 wheelers never went to any school. He was in his mid 40s and couldn't even read.
Based. Nips do still make bad games, but the west hasn't made a good game in a decade.
>main party are all children or teens, 21 being very old and is usualy like a mentor of the group
>elaborate easter eggs that you need a 100 page manual for to unlock
>everyone has autism about sexual relationships, holding hands with a main love interest at the end of the game is considred the pinnacle of the relationship
>backstory makes absolutely 0 sense
>attempts at cuteness with animals or kid characters
>shitty translation
>japan fantasy counterpart
>the west hasn't made a good game in a decade
If only you knew how retarded your post is you wouldn't mkake it.
Have sex
Join Islam
>using onions and cuck as an insult in 2016+3
hello underage
upvoated my fellow redditors
>japanese games don't have politics
confirmed for either being a retard or never actually playing a single japanese game.
Its not politics if i agree with it sir.
you're right, i forgot. it's only politics and pandering if the message is going against my beliefs. in all other cases it's either being based or exercising free speech. how silly of me.
The game is fun.
>the rest
spot on
fb, sp, tp bps
Lots of Pedobait and if you play these games you belong in jail.
If it plays like a shit hybrid of Wizardry and Ultima and it takes place in a highschool or everyone looks retarded.