That would actually be a pretty cool Easter Egg mission desu. Ultimately agent 47 has to win if it's in his Vidya though
without any real motivation, john would get his ass pounded. you're forgetting agent 47 is a literal superhuman
47 wins if he gets the jump on Wick
Otherwise Wick wins
I'd rather like to know who'd get to a target first. In character I say Wick.
47 with prep time, but John Wick wins in a straight up fight
Good thing for 47 is he's never canonically had to have been in a straight up fight
Absolution is canon apparently.
Wick has plot armor too
Death Battle rules prevent prep time
>mission where you can optionally kill a dog
>if you do, wick chases you for the rest of the game
Does anyone call Wick "Baba Yaga" in part 3
I was literally thinking of making this thread ever since I saw the movie last night. Did you read my mind? John Wick is probably the last true classic action film series dedicated to being an action series (along with Mission Impossible )
Also definitely 47. Wick is a master of combat but 47 doesn't engage in combat, he's a master of disguise; he kills his targets before they even know he exists. Wick would be choking on poisoned sushi and 47 would already be half way out of town on a speedboat dressed as a party clown
Death Battle rules prevent prep time or any knowledge of the other combatant unless its canon that they already know each other
Yeah 3-4 times
Who the fuck cares about some made up rules for a made up fight between made up characters. It’s more fun to think of the all available options and scenarios. Besides, lots of characters straight up don’t work without prep time, it’s their whole thing, so if there are such rules we’re stuck with combat specialists only which is boring
That's retarded. 47 wouldn't be thrown into a cage match with someone (except in Absolution). He'd quietly infiltrate and quickly find a disguise before Wick even knows he's there. Chances are Wick and 47 never even see each other
It's simple enough, if the rules are that it's a straight up gunfight, probably John Wick.
If it's assassination, 47.
47 is genetically engineered. His abilities go beyond normal human limits because of this. He'd beat wick
Prep time is an interesting element with this matchup cause Wick has also been shown to be a monster with prep time.
Dude stashes secret weapons everywhere and makes great use of them in both movies. I think if they're both aware of each other and have time to prepare it could go either way.
>he's never canonically had to have been in a straight up fight
The first game ends with an onslaught of his clones armed with SMGs and he mows them down with a minigun.
>autistic rules for shit that doesn't matter say bla bla
Okay then, both 47 and Wick are dropped into a room in front of each other in plain sight of one another and they instantly will have to kill each other. 47's wounds heal 50 times faster than Wick's. Wick just dies of attrition.
That's retarded as fuck. They're assassins. They would be assigned to kill the other and have to find them first
It is retarded. And because of that 47 wins due to his sheer physical advantage. In a non-retarded scenario as you described, it would be Wick defending himself and 47 coming after him, because the way Wick finds his targets is by socializing and interrogation. That won't work against 47 because literally no one knows anything about him. 47 would call Diana, Diana would ask the Board to confirm the hit on Wick with the Continental and the Continental would cooperate.